#fi dizis
saireyn · 10 months
"Hepimiz kaybetmekten korktuğumuz şeylerin esiriyiz."
Fi Dizisi, Can Manay
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mecnun1cinar · 9 months
Listeye bak Türk dizi tarihinin bunlardan ötesi yok bambaşka mevzu hepsi(aşk101 dışındakileri bahsediyorum klasik ergen filmi)
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iconsturkish · 1 year
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medya-burada · 1 year
IPTV Server
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the moment you've been waiting for has arrived...
We have a bracket!!
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Yeah. It's a 64-person bracket, the font is small, all that. You can try to zoom in, or there will be a list of matchups below the cut.
All but the first matchup have been randomly generated, please don't complain about the seeding or having to choose between characters. It just worked out that way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (ig you can complain about the first one)
Polls will be released Monday afternoon. The first round will once again be a week long, but after that we'll go to 24-hour polls until the final matchup.
May the best musician win!
Side A
Orpheus (Ulysses Dies at Dawn by The Mechanisms) on mandolin vs The Toy Soldier (The Mechanisms) on mandolin, glockenspiel and others
Theodore (Alvin and the Chipmunks) on drums vs Wylan Van Eck (Six of Crows) on flute vs Squidward (SpongeBob SquarePants) on clarinet*
Hitori "Bocchi" Gotoh (Bocchi the Rock) on guitar vs Vice Principal Nero (A Series of Unfortunate Events) on violin
Murdoc Niccals (Gorillaz) on bass vs Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai) on piano
Ibuki Mioda (Danganronpa) on bass guitar vs Jasiker (The Witcher) on lute
Grover Underwood (Riordanverse) on reed pipes vs Marceline "The Vampire Queen" Abadeer (Adventure Time) on bass guitar
Wei Wuxian (The Untamed) on dizi vs Rodrick Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) on drums
Toki Wartooth (Metalocolypse) on guitar vs Eddie (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) on saxophone
Chai (Hi-Fi Rush) on guitar vs Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes) on violin
Wirt (Over the Garden Wall) on clarinet and bassoon vs Alec Hardison (Leverage) on violin
Raine Whispers (The Owl House) on violin vs Scanlan Shorthalt (Critical Role, The Legend of Vox Machina) on lute and flute
Raiko Horikawa (Touhou Project) on drums vs Undyne (Undertale) on piano
Riebeck (Outer Wilds) on banjo vs Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb) on a variety of instruments that begin with the letter "B"
Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons) on baritone sax vs DJ Octavio (Splatoon) on turntables
Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle) on uilleann pipes vs Venti (Genshin Impact) on lyre and flute
Rocky Rickaby (Lackadaisy) on fiddle vs Hoid (The Cosmere) on flute
Side B
Sonic (Sonic Underground) on electric guitar vs Sal "Sally Face" Fisher (Sally Face) on Guitar
Demyx (Kingdom Hearts) on sitar vs Achilles (The Iliad) on lyre
Jade Harley (Homestuck) on bass guitar vs Ryan Akagi (Infinity Train) on guitar
Wednesday Addams (Wednesday) on cello vs Maki Nishikino (Love Live! School Idol Project) on piano
Sally Thorn" McKnight (Scooby-Doo) on guitar vs Hunter Sylvester (Metal Lords) on electric guitar
K.K. Slider (Animal Crossing) on guitar vs Will Treaty (Ranger's Apprentice) on mandola
Edward Cullen (Twilight) on piano vs Miguel Rivera (Coco) on guitar
William the Gonagle (Discworld) on mousepipes vs Marzipan (Homestar Runner) on guitar
The Phantom of the Opera (The Phantom of the Opera) on organ vs Dr. Teeth (The Muppets) on piano
Kris (Deltarune) on piano vs "Soul King" Brook (One Piece) on piano and guitar
Manolo Sanchez (The Book of Life) on guitar vs Greg Universe (Steven Universe) on electric guitar
Ebony Dark'Ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal) on guitar vs Figueroth "Fig" Faeth (Dimension 20's Fantasy High) on bass guitar
Link (Legend of Zelda) on ocarina and panflute vs Max Rebo (Star Wars) on organ
Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney) on guitar vs Luka Couffaine (Miraculous Ladybug) on guitar
Melody (Crypt of the NecroDancer) on lute vs Musa (Winx Club) on all the instruments
Marcy Wu (Amphibia) on drums vs Victor Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) on violin
*due to an unfortunate counting error, a 3rd person has been added to this matchup.
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grumpygreenwitch · 3 months
The Witches and Wizards Job 39-40-41-42-43
As always, thank you so much for coming along for the ride. It always makes me wriggle a little in goblin-glee to see the little like and/or reblog notifications.
If you made it this far, and you have the patience to answer a few questions, I would appreciate it. If not, that's fine. Just please, bear in mind that reblogs heal my soul, and they cost you nothing. Also, you get a cookie if you can guess what creature the Dredgers are modeled after.
Favorite scene? Favorite OC?
AO3 Link
Buy me a Ko-fi?
Remember: Tumblr has no algorithm. Reblogs give me life.
1-2 + 3-4 + 5-6 + 7-8 + 9-10-11 + 12-13-14 + 15-16 + 17-18-19 + 20-21-22 + 23-24-25 + 26-27-28 + 29-30 + 31-32-33 + 34-35-36 + 37-38 + 39-40-41-42
I woke up on a relatively soft surface, which was more than I'd expected. Someone had put a pillow under my head, and there were quiet voices nearby, much louder ones further away. The warmth of Mouse against my leg and on my stomach was a welcome presence, and I reached down to rub his ears. He licked my hand and I heard his tail thumping against something soft. "Did we win?"
"Harry." Parker's voice was nearby. She moved closer and my breath caught. She'd put on the spider gown, an exquisite half-sheath of peach and gold and salmon tones, she'd done up her hair and put on make-up. She looked like a bona-fide, invited, certified guest of the party. In the darkness of the room she gleamed faintly, like a fallen star, the spider silk reacting to my presence. Lights, blue and red and white, flashed through a nearby window.
"I take it the cops are here."
"Well, yeah, but we called them," she specified, sitting next to me. "They're keeping the news people out. Everyone's all over that tidal wave that came out of nowhere and no one can explain." She gave me a tiny, wicked, utterly delighted look. "That was magic. And I was there to see it."
"It was, you were," I agreed. It was hard to get down on myself when there was someone around who so wholeheartedly approved of what I was, what I could do, all the glory and the violence of it, the grit and the beauty. "Nothing else was strong enough to maybe kill the dragon."
"Oh, it did," she assured me, then gestured with her hands to mime something being torn in half. She even made a squelching sound.
I had to laugh, and found that, overall, I wasn't terribly sore or hurt. Bone-tired, yes, I felt like I'd scraped a bottom to my magic I didn't even know was there. But nothing was burn, broken, or bleeding. "The Blackbird? Grandmother?"
"We've got them. Nate said to wait for you, though. Can you stand?"
"Oh, for this I can stand, dance and run a marathon," I told her, sitting up. I rode out a wave of diziness and got to my bare feet, felt them sting a little. My mouth tasted of the sea, and I could feel salt and sand in places best left unmentioned. I was suddenly starved, and I would have loved to wash my mouth if nothing else, but I didn't care. I wanted to see how it ended between Koschei and Baba Yaga.
I'd been lying in a bed that dominated a small room, probably a guest bedroom. My duster had been tossed at the feet of it, and I snagged it as I went, Mouse jumping down lightly to follow Parker and me. On top of a chest of drawers that matched the bed were the rest of my things, and I gave her an amused look. "All together in the same place?"
She grinned at me. "Amateurs. Oh." She rushed back into the room, grabbed a small bundle from the bed, and brought it back to me as I shrugged on the duster. "Nate said you should have this."
I looked down at a familiar bundle wrapped in a plain tablecloth and a lot of duct tape, and a few things made sense. "Fried your bud when you read it, didn't it."
She nodded.
"I should've thought of that."
"Harry, we all should've thought of that. We didn't. I should've got a mirror piece anyways, but I didn't." She shrugged easily. "It still worked out. I stole your earclip," she informed me lightly as she opened the door. My staff was resting by it, and I grabbed it as I followed.
We stepped out onto a hallway and golden light; just past the door, Eliot and Hardison were talking to a man with ash-brown hair cut very short and sharp eyes, dressed casually except for the Red Sox jacket and the discreet bulge of a gun, and a woman with long blonde hair, keen blue eyes and strong, mobile features, dressed as if she'd thrown on the first thing she could find when she'd jumped out of bed, her badge and her gun worn on her belt. Both of them had that unmistakable set to their shoulders of a cop on the trail of something important. He asked them something in the thickest Boston accent I'd yet heard of anyone, and all four of them chuckled low.
Hardison handed him Wattsford's little black notebook. Eliot handed her the sheaf of folders.
"That him?" The man shuffled through the notebook, his face going hard, before he looked up and pointed at me, back to his casual, easy manner. Parker, ironically, didn't get more than an admiring look from both of them, and why should she? She wasn't wearing the skin-fitted black of a thief, she was dressed like someone who'd come to a party.
"I didn't do anything," I replied automatically.
"Yeah, that's him," the woman confirmed with a touch of dark humor to her voice.
I sputtered, vaguely insulted. What's the point of proclaiming your innocence if no one's gonna even pretend to believe you?
"Harry is a consultant," Eliot told them both mildly. "He'll be going home soon, and hopefully we won't be getting him in trouble for a while."
"Like you never get me in trouble?" the man shot back, all amusement, but they all shook hands and parted ways amicably enough.
Eliot and Hardison came over to meet us. The hacker could barely take his eyes off Parker, so it was the hitter who offered me his hand, his eyes dancing, his smile warm as ever. "Sir."
"Sir." I shook his hand back. "I swear I didn't do any of it on purpose."
"The hell you didn't." Eliot snorted in amusement. "I'm glad you're on our side, Harry."
"Til the day I die," I assured him.
"May it be long in coming," he replied as if he were reciting a prayer. "Now come on. Time to finish this."
I followed them down the hallway to the main area of the mansion. "So the van did work, or did you and my dog run all the way across the grounds?"
"I absolutely don't doubt Mouse could run the distance and carry me," Hardison admitted. "I don't run if I can help it, it's undignified. The van did work, it's still working, actually. As much as a seven hundred pound computer made of cathode tubes can be said to be working."
"Those were the original computers, no?"
"No! What I made was better, stronger and capable of carrying you around without fritzing or exploding, capable of hacking into the security cameras so I could see where to go without running into the security people, capable of gagging the electrical system without actually frying it so we could pretend you were being all magic-like while I did my job." The hacker looked entirely too pleased with himself. "You brought me a dedicated, single system OS and I hacked it."
"You hacked magic?"
"I damn well hacked magic."
I couldn't very well refute him. Aside from the spider's phone, every single bit of on-site tech had worked because Hardison had strong-armed it into working, no more, no less.
"You did not," Eliot protested wearily, face scrunched up.
"I did."
"He did."
"Don't enc- Harry, don't encourage him."
"But he did."
"He did not - you did not hack magic, man."
"I absolutely did. Tell me how I did not."
"I -" The hitter shot me a look.
I could only shrug. Eliot looked at Parker. "He kinda did a little," she murmured sheepishly, much to his wounded indignation, and we all went into the main receiving room.
"Where's everyone?"
Nate turned from inspecting the small, elegant little clavichord in the room, sipping on a cup of very strong coffee, and examined Leverage's consulting wizard. There were deep shadows under Dresden's eyes, and his hair was going every which way, salt hardening it into peaks here and there. His clothing was singed and still faintly damp, and he smelled of the sea. Not for a minute did the mastermind doubt that he was ready for round two, three and twenty, if that was what it took.
Nate didn't believe in people, not overmuch. He believed in his people; he'd worked with them, he'd seen the steel in their souls often enough to know it ran true to the core of them. But of the average person he expected very little, or nothing at all; he'd seen them crumple far too often under the burdens of the world. He didn't hold it against them, not ever. He himself had crumpled once before, like cheap tin. It had been a labor of years to re-cast himself, to find his own steel. In Dresden, that core ran through and then some. What Leverage faced together, relying on one another, the wizard faced alone. His horrors weren't faceless or nameless; they were solid, real and truly monstrous, even if sometimes those monsters were on his side. Harry Dresden had drawn a line on the sand and he would defend it to his destruction, or that of his enemies.
Then again, he'd seen much the same thing when he'd accidentally Soulgazed the wizard. That, and more. For a while after Nate had kept looking down at himself, expecting to find himself spattered to the neck with blood and perplexed that, every time, he wasn't.
"Gone. None of them wanted to stay to talk to the police," he told Dresden. "We asked mister Stone to keep back only the ones that weren't liable to eat anyone." Over one shoulder he looked at a corner of the room. "And the ones that didn't want to leave."
As if summoned by those words, Classy and his people, six in number, rose from where they were sitting or slouching and drew lazily closer. "We're runnin' a legitimate business here," Classy told Nate mildly; he had never put his jacket back on, or rolled down his sleeves. "Ain't got no reason to run from no fuckin' terriers."
"Yes, well," the mastermind agreed in the same even tone. "You do have to admit that's not a common attitude."
Classy shoved his hands in his pockets and snorted in amusement. "Yeah, alright. I'll be fuckin' honest," he added, tipping his chin and grinning maliciously. "I woulda stayed to see how that ends, police or not." His people muttered in agreement.
Dresden turned to look at what Classy had pointed out. Koschei was sprawled on a chair, asleep, snoring faintly. There was a single, long, thin silver chain binding him to the chair, hardly looking like it would keep him there. What might do the job, however, was the immense bird-like creature hovering just behind him, long neck twisting this way and that, a woman's face at the end of it, its eyes a rich, dark gold with black pupils, like a bird's. She was stout and exceedingly fluffy, each feather three colors, red, black and white-tipped, her train made of iridescent black feathers. She was clucking cheerfully to herself like a contented hen.
All around them, the wizard suddenly realized, were the portraits, eight in total, seven fakes and one copy. "Did you have to bring them all?" he asked Nate.
"I wanted to make a point," the mastermind explained, giving him time to take in the rest of the room. Off by the bar, Vanya Fedorov and Nick flanked the woman from the portrait, who'd wrapped an exquisitely knotted blue shawl about her shoulders; it glowed like a piece of the night sky, dark blue studded with tiny winking dots. Grandmother herself looked far more put together, less fragile and wounded, though still as delicate as the cup full of tea in her hands. Nick had found a garishly colorful shirt and a pair of shorts, and no one had forced him to put on shoes, so he looked absolutely delighted at the proceedings, even if there were none currently ongoing to delight him. Next to him, holding onto a glass of something strong she had yet to sip, was Jessamine Lochlin.
By the door to the main drawing room, never taking his gaze off the shark, stood Stone. He was wearing a plain shirt that barely fit him, and his somewhat bedraggled pants, but otherwise looked implacably unharmed.
"What happened to Fedorov's uncle?" Harry asked quietly.
"Fedorov called his father. Hard to tell which one of them was angrier at the betrayal," Nate replied in the same quiet undertone before pitching his voice to carry. "Sophie, go ahead and wake him up."
Beautiful and radiant still despite the night's shenanigans, the grifter came close to the Russian wizard and pulled from his black hair a lacquered comb - the same comb Parker had originally stolen from the Blackbird's pockets. "That better be enough, I'm not kissing him," she warned Nate dryly. Classy and his people snickered, and the leader of the Dredgers cleared his throat with a muttered apology he absolutely didn't mean.
Koschei roused with a snort and a start, tried to lunge out of the chair, and nearly fell. The alkonost clamped a taloned foot on the back of the chair and forced it back down, and the wizard went with it, seething. He opened his mouth and snarled something, paused… and looked utterly stunned when nothing happened.
"Yeah, that." Nate saluted him with his cup. "I wouldn't bother."
"Release me!"
"Uh, no. Not yet anyways. I've got a couple of questions I was hoping -"
"Release me!"
"- you'd answer before we trade you for your heart."
Koschei went white, though it was hard to tell if it was fury or panic. "You cannot imagine what I can do for you, for all of you. All you know of magic is what that brute Dresden has shown you."
"Ouch," Harry muttered without heat.
"Release me. I will grant you anything you desire."
"Yeah, you already made that offer," Nate reminded him mildly. "You already got your answer. Or do you mean them?" He gestured to the Dredgers with his cup. "You guys want anything from the Blackbird?"
"His guts on a platter, his head on a bowl," Classy growled. His people hissed and chattered agreement, all of their eyes burning with a lambent red light. "His fingers and toes to bite and gnaw."
"Um. Need him alive. Sorry."
Classy shrugged, seamlessly going back to his easy mood. "No harm. Figured I'd ask just in case."
"Stone," Koschei began.
"I was fool enough to make one bad bargain with you, wizard. I will make no more," the golem replied calmly.
"You should ask Fedorov," Nate suggested. "I'm sure you've got many things he thinks he wants."
Koschei said nothing, glaring furiously at the mastermind, and Nate sipped at his coffee. "But it's not so easy, is it, to tempt a man who knows that what he wants and what he needs are two different things. Who knows that those things aren't always going to agree with one another." He pinned a level look on the Russian enforcer. "Or is this because he already made his choice, and there's some sort of prohibition between the two of you?" He gestured lightly at the hand gently squeezing Grandmother's shoulder. "When a Royal chooses one of you, the other can't interfere?"
Koschei exploded into profanities in Russian, as well as a couple of other languages that made Eliot's brows climb nearly to his hairline. Grandmother reached out to pat Fedorov's hand, but the enforcer looked nothing if not confused.
"You don't look like the men in your family," the mastermind told Fedorov. "I mean, obviously that's not an absolute, like genetic testing, but it's pretty telling when you don't look at all like any of the men in your family. We looked them up. Not one. You look like your mother, though. Same eyes, same hair. All the way back seven generations or so. The Sagorovs might have taken you in, but you're not a blood-relation."
"Yes, but -" Vanya hesitated. "My mother was… a casualty of the family's business. They made amends by taking care of me. What does that have to do with anything?"
"She wasn't a casualty, she was the target. His target." Nate gestured at the frothing wizard. "It left you alone, vulnerable at a young age. But then the family stepped in, and he saw the potential for an even bigger payout if he just waited. A high-ranking member of the Russian mafia and a Fyodorov? You don't find a lot of those lying around these days."
Fedorov pressed his mouth to a thin line.
"That's the problem with paper records," the mastermind pointed out mildly. "They tend to stick around for a long, long time."
"How did you know?"
"The invitation," Sophie murmured. "The coat of arms embossed on it was for the Russian Tsars. It just took me a little while to remember it, it hasn't been used for so long."
"I am not this thing. I am me. I am my own man."
"You just saved Grandmother from her greatest enemy in pitched battle." Dresden's voice was very calm, in spite of the surprises rolling out to smack everyone in the face. "Heroes do that. Princes do that."
"Do not call him that," Baba Yaga's voice crackled through the tension in the room. "He has chosen to be prince of a different empire, and that is his choice. As it should be." She leveled a cool, disappointed glare on Koschei. "How can this lesson not sink in after all these centuries, Kostya? We do not choose them, they choose us. Always."
"I don't have the patience for your maudlin beggary. They are mortal, and weak, and flawed. They are tools to be put to use, nothing else. They are power. My power."
"And you wonder why no one likes you," Fedorov commented, then crouched by Baba Yaga. "All I have ever wanted to be is my own man. I do not ask for favors easily." He shot Nate a look. "The price is always far more than one is willing to pay. I would ask only one thing of you, Grandmother." He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a bundled handkerchief. Unwrapping it, he offered her the small, oddly shaped, carved wooden cup, a chicken bone tucked neatly inside it. "I would know what you think of me."
She gasped, and took the cup with wrinkled fingers. Then she looked up and smiled at him. "You already know, little prince. I think you are more than worthy. I think any path you choose should be proud to have you." She touched his cheek lightly and, Russian enforcer or not, he flushed faintly under her praise.
Koschei strained against his bonds with a high-pitched, strangled howl, before going limp in the chair. "So," he growled at Nate. "You win. You would make an enemy of me for all the days of your miserable mortal life. I hope it was worth it."
"Sort of," the mastermind replied. "See, Dresden is supposed to just be our consultant. Answer questions, provide information, that sort of thing. Things, eh, escalated, but he still made time for the information bit, and one thing he made real clear is that you like to carry grudges. You really do. So part of doing all this was also making sure you can't do that to my people, or to him."
"And what will you do, kill me?" Koschei laughed darkly at him.
"We could, I suppose, but we really don't kill people unless we have to."
"I am immortal," the wizard laughed.
"No," Dresden countered. "You just hid your heart so well even death couldn't find it. But then you went and dug it out." He rapped his staff lightly on the floor, and one of the portraits began to glow faintly, as if illuminated by a light behind it. "Worse, you went and dug up the keys to open your little magical lockbox, the same keys where you trapped your death. You might not be a necromancer, but man," Dresden shook his head. "I've walked the edge, and I thought I was close, but you make it look like I was hiking fifty miles from the Damocles Doom."
"A feeble threat from a feeble pack of feeble old men."
"You've been out of the loop. They've got women and everything in the Council these days. Real modern of them."
"You don't have the keys, I stole them back from Dresden's home."
"You made the most basic of mistakes." Sophie came up behind Koschei, just close enough to purr against his ear with Ekaterina's Russian accent before she straightened up and abandoned the persona altogether. "You forgot the first rule of the grift: always keep your eyes on the mark." She moved to stand by Nate.
"You kept looking for heroes," the mastermind sipped at his cup, "because you're used to fighting heroes. But the one hero you found, you kinda. Well. Brought him on yourself." He saluted Fedorov with his cup before giving Koschei his attention once again. "But we're not heroes. We're conmen. And you just fell for the oldest con: the shell game. " He moved to his feet and reached into his pocket, pulling from it the plastic chess piece. "In a tower."
The frame of the portrait began to glow with its own light, as it had back in the vault of the MFA. There, among the gilt and the filigree in the ancient wood, Nate found the carving of the tower, pressed the chess piece against it, and was unsurprised at last to see it sink in seamlessly.
"In a box," Eliot said, reaching for the box of matches Harry had thrown at him so carelessly. It had a treasure chest painted on top, and it was still half-full of matches. The little drawing led the hitter to the right place on the frame.
"I stole those from you," Koschei sounded strangled.
"Did you?" Nate asked casually. "Because we had a set at the safehouse, a set at the pub -"
"A set in Lucille," Hardison pointed out.
"And in the u-Haul," Eliot added, stepping aside for Parker, who frowned minutely at the frame until she found the carving of a rabbit missing a foot, and grinned victoriously as she did magic all on her own. "Inside a rabbit."
Hardison came up behind her. "You look absolutely glorious doing magic," he murmured, blindly shoving the duck-shaped whistle at the frame.
She beamed at him. "I do magic all the time," she replied just as quietly. "Pay at- Hardison, pay attention!"
"Hardison!" Eliot hissed, forcing the hacker to actually focus.
"Alright, ok! Messing up my rhythm here," he grumbled. He was one of the few people present who could reach the top of the frame and return the duck to its graven, flying flock.
"You see, our consultant explained something to us called a Mirror-Mask. When you bind several items together to make it look like they're all the real thing." Nate looked pointedly around. "I think you might have heard of it. Of course you were going to try and steal the keys, that's just common sense. All we had to do was make you think you'd succeeded. Make it, ah," he glanced at Dresden, "believable."
"The real set was never together, not after the first time," Sophie told Koschei mildly. "The best way to keep a magical item from being tracked is to have it always on the move. Harry taught us that too." She grinned at him. "And your own magic to hide the items did the rest of the job." From her purse she pulled the egg, and pressed it lightly to the bottom of the frame.
The painted emerald brooch burst into radiant color, bright enough to dazzle everyone present for a moment. Sophie brought out the key and bit her lip. "Are you sure, Harry?"
"You won't damage it," the wizard assured her.
She lifted the key and put it lightly against the brooch. It sank into the light as if into a lock. The grifter tested it one way, then the other, and slid it around a quarter turn, then another, before pulling it out.
With it came a black velvet bag the size of a man's head, secured with a golden cord, weighted at the ends with cabochon diamonds, each as big as a quarter, one pure, one black. Eliot caught the bag by the strings before it could drop from the key. "Heavy," he commented, his expression full of uncertain anticipation.
Sophie reached for the bag, hesitated, reached again and then took a full step back. "Parker."
"Dresden," Nate added.
"Mister Act," Harry said at once.
"The hell d'yer want me for, wizard?" Classy exclaimed, caught completely by surprise.
"To find out if it's booby-trapped," the wizard replied evenly.
"… Oh."
The bag was set on a small lacquered table, and all three bend down to stare curiously at it. Classy sniffed it lightly. "Dust. Time. Magic. No poison, no bugs, nothin' that bites or stings." He leaned even closer and licked the black velvet, then spat off to one side. "Night's breath and rowan ash. Their power's wore off with time, 's nothing but crap tea and soot."
"No hexes, no curses," Harry agreed. At Classy's dictum he gingerly laid a gentle hand on the velvet, then pulled it back, wriggling his fingers.
"Don't trust me, wizard?" Classy challenged.
"I do," Dresden replied evenly, then shrugged in the direction of the bar. "But I just spend a whole evening sneaking suppression potions into people's drinks. I made sure not to get you or your people, but you say rowan ash and I get paranoid."
The Dredger stared at him open-mouthed before he started cackling. "The Witchwell. That's how you made it work."
Parker ran her hands smoothly over the rich velvet. "There's nothing here but the one thing." She untied the cord and reached in.
The jewel filled both her hands. The emerald was immense, the same vitriolic green of its owner's eyes, flawless, shaped into an oval and set into a frame of platinum that made one dizzy if stared at for too long. Parker turned it this way and that, held it up to the light. Behind her, Sophie breathed out in disbelief. The thief suddenly shuddered and put it down abruptly. "It's wriggling," she declared tightly.
Sophie put her fingertips to it. "The Emerald Heart of Koschei the Deathless," she murmured. She could just feel the faint tremors of a heartbeat against her skin. "It's real."
"And untouchable," Koschei told them smugly. "Go on. Ask mister Stone to break it. Ask Grandmother to grind it up in her mortar. Ask. You do not have the final key, you did not find it, did you. You cannot touch me."
"We did not find it," Nate admitted readily. "We're just conmen. But you brought a hero into the mix," he told the Russian wizard mildly. "And he did find it, rattling around inside a chicken bone. Or what, did you think when you stole it, that we somehow miraculously found another chicken bone with a needle in it?" The mastermind's tone suddenly went to lethal ice. "Dresden."
Without hesitation, Harry pulled off the pin secured to the top of his shirt and flicked off the little mirror shard at the top.
"You cannot kill me." Koschei's panicked voice was a wheeze. "Your Council will murder you for it."
Dresden seemed to consider that. "True. Hey, Fedorov -"
"Wait!" Koschei shrieked. "What do you want, you must want something, everyone wants something. There is always something!"
"There is," Nate agreed, and gestured to the painting. "Tonight you were going to lock Grandmother in there with your heart, and finally do what you couldn't pull off all those centuries ago. You'd taken all the tools she uses for her magic, the mortar, the pestle, the shawl - left her her house, though, that's nice of you." He nodded at the alkonost who curtsied gracefully back. "You were going to lock her in there, and let the curse on the heart do what it was always meant to do. Sell the painting and wash your hands of her fate while you stole her power. So, instead, you're going to step in that cage. We're going to throw your heart in with you and we're going to lock the door. And then that lovely lady over there," he pointed at Jessamine, "is going to take you back to her museum. And if you're lucky, by the time you get out, your heart will have left you enough magic to fill up a thimble." He leaned back, once again the harmless, slightly rumpled, friendly man he could pretend to be so flawlessly. "But you'll be alive, though."
"There must be something you want," Koschei croaked, his eyes gone to rolling green pebbles in his corpse-white face.
"Probably lots of things," Nate admitted. "But I know the difference between what I want and what I need. And since we dosed you with a full suppression potion before we started this conversation, I don't think you're in any shape to offer me either."
The Dredgers boxed up the portrait after Dresden pulled the keys back out, and Eliot and Parker carried it out for Jess. The hitter excused himself discreetly, and both young women stared uncomfortably at anything but one another in the dark next to the u-Haul van.
"So you're a thief?"
"Sort of."
"Were you gonna - 'cuz I mean. I never got that vibe from you, that you were using me to steal from me."
"No!" Parker exclaimed. "No, I was, I wanted to work with you, 'cuz it was fun, and you were fun, and we could make plans, and then take 'em apart, and that was so much fun and that's what you're supposed to do with friends, have fun, except now I ruined everything and, and-"
"Alright!" Jess threw her hands out to try and stave off the deluge. She chewed angrily on her lip. "You don't have a lot of friends, do you."
Parker shrugged. "You just met them all but one."
"Oh my gosh," Jess tugged on her curling hair. "I mean, I'm not saying it wasn't fun, but you lied to me. Like, big lies! Important lies!"
"I know. I just… You wouldn't have wanted to make friends with a thief."
"Well… No, I guess not."
"But it was fun?" Parker asked tentatively.
Jess, flustered, wriggled uncomfortably in place. "So what's your real name?"
"Parker what?"
"No, just Parker."
"Well, there goes your free membership," Jess told her sternly.
"Ok, that's fair," the thief agreed, crestfallen.
The silence lingered and grew.
"So you're an art thief."
"Thief-thief, mostly."
"You wouldn't happen to know, you know. The Dutch Gallery."
"I know who did it, but they don't have them anymore, they sold them."
Jess let out an irate little squeal, stomping a foot. "I don't suppose that you'd want to. Do like a. Counter… heist?"
Parker's glum expression shattered under a burst of sunny, delighted surprise. "Would I ever."
"Well, good!" Jess nodded stoutly, then offered a hand. "Hello. I'm Jessamine Lochlin, and I've got a proposition for you."
Parker reached out to shake the young curator's hand. "Hi. I'm Parker, and I'm all ears."
I turned to find myself nose to chest with Stone. "Oh, good," I said in a tone that implied the golem's presence was anything but.
"We made a bargain, you and I, back at the boat-house. That the building is no longer there is not a valid excuse to welsh on it."
"I'm not welshing on it. I'm just not keeping up all that well with local events. The boat-house's gone?"
"You tore multiple holes into the building and then called up a tidal wave, wizard," Stone gave me a look as deadpan as his tone. "What did you expect would happen to it?"
I shrugged. I hadn't exactly been planning ahead beyond getting rid of the zmei. "Come with me. Hey, Ford, a word?"
The mastermind turned to look at me, then up at the golem. "I don't know that I have the energy to deal with your friends tonight, Dresden," he declared wearily.
"Well, you're in luck because this one actually is a friend. Did Eliot and Hardison ever talk to you about the moonlighting I did with them?"
"Yes, briefly. But they also mentioned it was not likely to happen again once you go home."
"To you, no. You're human. But it occurs to me, what if you had a group of non-humans doing what you do?"
Ford opened his mouth. He said nothing, closed it. Looked up at Stone.
"I don't follow," the golem admitted.
"Ford and his people run a small operation. Very neat, very tidy, very challenging," I explained, hoping the mastermind would catch the emphasis on the last word.
"We help people," Ford jumped in. "We help people who have lost the war. We come into a situation when the odds are entirely against us. When our customers have had hope and spirit crushed out of them by companies, by governments, by forces that seem too big, to powerful for any one person to challenge, let alone defeat. Our monsters aren't solid," he gestured at the painting, "but they are real. And so are the challenges."
The golem looked most definitely intrigued. "I don't see how this applies to me. Are you offering me a job?"
"Not exactly," Ford demurred. "You see, while we were working on Grandmother's case, a couple of people approached us. One was a seal-woman."
"Looking for her skin?"
"Looking for her fourteen-year-old daughter's skin."
The golem straightened up sharply. "Was it found?"
I liked him for asking that question. Never mind what he might say about ethics or morals, Stone still had, somewhere under the granite exterior, an awareness of right and wrong.
"We did, and we also managed to sneak in some information to the authorities that won't compromise any other potential seal-women out there, but that will make the lives of the men involved very, very difficult." Nate gestured. "Abstract enemy. Lost fight. We still pulled a win. But… they aren't going to come to us anymore."
"You're human," the golem said thoughtfully.
"You aren't," the mastermind pointed out. "We could, in theory, provide you with the infrastructure, with training, with advice come from our experience fighting these fights. While you, and your team, can reach out to Boston's supernatural community in a way we can't. You can provide them with the… leverage they lack."
Stone was silent a long, long time, looking deeply thoughtful. "I have no team. I would not involve my security people in this matter. They are good at what they do, but that is very much all they are good at."
"Can I make a suggestion about that?" I raised my hand.
"This was your idea and your bargain, wizard. Suggest."
The shark, who'd been demolishing what was left of the buffet, came trotting over. "Wizard! Tell me you have more fights to offer. This has been the best night since I came to your world."
"No," Stone said stiffly.
"Uh, well, you know," Ford spoke before I could. "Nick's the one who sniffed out Dresden for the seal-woman. He's been nothing but good about following directions tonight, on nearly no notice. And you know he'll never be afraid to call you out if he thinks you're going about a job the wrong way." His eyes strayed to Sophie. "Personal experience talking here, that is incredibly important to the job."
Stone looked down at the niuhi, frowning. Nick beamed up at him, then at me. "Lots of seal-women out there who need help, Nick," I told him casually. "Lots of other people, too, and no one's helping them."
The shark snorted. "You think I could help anyone, wizard? Biting makes as many problems as it solves!"
"Untrue," Stone said. "Biting can absolutely solve many problems without creating more, as long as they are the right problems."
"I'm not very good at telling the difference."
The golem sighed. "I am." He faced Ford. "Perhaps we should speak after all, you and the shark and I."
The three of them walked away and I breathed a sigh of relief. Was the night over yet? I wanted nothing more than a blessedly hot shower, a fresh change of clothes, and a bed, any bed. Maybe just a couch. A sleeping bag. Or a couple of blank-
"You got somethin' of mine, wizard."
I turned. Classy had approached me alone, and I knew his people well enough to recognize the respect and deference he was showing me. Unfortunately, that didn't help me understand what he was saying, and I stared at him with what I knew was a blank, dumb expression on my face. "I do?"
The Dredger stopped playing with the thin silver chain he'd loaned Ford to contain Koschei. It looked like nothing but a silvery piece of jewelry in his hands. He cocked a brow at me. "Ford said you had it."
"He did?"
Classy peered curiously at my face, and broke into low snickers. "Long night, wizard?"
I could only groan in reply. "I feel like I've been put through a wringer and run over a few miles of bad road until all the soft bits are raw -" It hit me then, with the unpleasant mental image. "Oh, I do have something of yours!"
"There you are, found the one thinky bit ain't fallin' down tired," the Dredger cheered me on as I groped around inside my trenchcoat.
"You guys coming out alright out of this one?"
"Well enough." He shrugged, then pointed to where Sophie was having an animated conversation with his people. "Learning about this thing called a Zanzibar market. Humans are fuckin' brilliant, wizard. You think you got one up on them and they're a fucking dozen steps ahead already. Ah, there's my beauty."
I handed over the Burning Witchwell. "You know the thing's nearly empty, right?"
"I know. Blackbird promised he'd empty it for us, lying crow's arsehole. Ain't in the business of killing me own fuckin' customers, wizard. The Witchwell's what I want, not the poison innit."
"Well, hell, if that's all you want I can empty it for you."
"Right?" The Dredger brightened up. "What's yer fee?"
"You know the Bag of Winds Ying Ying Amarin wanted?"
He grinned and winked at me. "You want a stitch or three should come loose on it?"
"That sounds perfect, unless it's gonna get you in trouble."
He cackled. "Caveat emptor, wizard. We're Dredgers. We find what's not to be found. We get into places and things we don't got no business puttin' our hands an' our mouths an' our teeth on. Ain't no one better'n us at what we do. You do business with us at your own risk an' peril." He gave me a yellow-toothed grin and offered me a hand to shake.
I took it without hesitation. "You mind if I do it tomorrow after I get enough sleep to maybe not kill myself and everyone else around?"
He laughed merrily and walked away.
The morning of the day after the party broke sunny, warm and beautiful, the sort that promised a hot, breezy summer noon, a perfect day to head down to the beach. Boston stirred under the clattering of the T and the scent of hundreds of little coffee shops, and the tidal wave was no longer the biggest bit of news.
Nate and Hardison met Stone on the steps of the Back Bay Station. Hardison handed the golem the spider's phone. Stone, once again dressed impeccably in a custom-tailored turtleneck and dress slacks, took it with care and tapped his thumb lightly on it. His surprise when the screen actually lit up was very obvious. "I was unaware such a thing was possible," he admitted. "You're giving me a very rare treasure, mister Hardison."
"You're gonna need it. At least until you can get a different setup. You can do tech and magic, you just gotta be willing to, you know. Compromise."
"You do understand this is temporary?" Nate told the golem. "We're not going to handhold you. You don't answer to us. We'll help you set up, but the job's yours, you and your people."
Stone seemed to think very carefully on his answer. "I have worked for someone or another for nearly all of my existence," he explained. "My security firm is the first attempt I have ever made at others working for me, and yet… it was still me, working for someone else. I think this opportunity you offer me, mister Ford - I think it is everything the wizard promised." He smiled thinly. "And I do have the shark to keep me honest."
Nate couldn't help but be a little amused at that. "In that case, here's something to remember today by." He handed over the plain plastic chess tower.
Stone stared at it, then pocketed it. "It will be kept safe as long as I can do such a thing."
Across the Concourse, Harry Dresden, professional wizard, was staring at the growing rivers of people coming and going, a trickle quickly turning into a flood. Boston was beautiful, alive, a city as worthy of attention and devotion as any other.
He couldn't wait to go home.
"Wizard," Classy's rough voice called out, and Harry turned. The Dredger, flanked by two of his people, came up to the wizard sedately, blinking a bit in the bright morning light. The wizard offered him the wrapped-up bundle of the Witchwell, sans duct-tape; Classy dug the small cylinder out and shook it. "Not a fuckin' drop. You do good work, wizard."
"Well, you know. When someone's not trying to kill me."
Classy chuckled. "All said, I'm glad this ain't your turf. Don't fancy the fight if we had to go up against you."
"Nicest thing anyone's said about me in a while," Harry assured the Dredger, and they shook hands. "Stay alive, mister Act."
"Same, mister Dresden. Safe travels and all that crap." The Dredgers turned and walked away, pausing briefly to nod politely at Sophie as they crossed paths.
The grifter was leading Parker and Eliot, and she hugged Harry without hesitation. "Oh, I feel like we ought to keep you here for a month, just to give all those bruises a chance to heal," she protested mildly.
"Believe me, I'm going home in one piece. That's more than I usually get," Harry assured her sheepishly.
"I really did mean it, you know. You were only supposed to be a consultant."
"I did consult," he replied with a lopsided grin. "This is the easiest consulting I've ever done. You told me everything I needed to know, you let me sleep, you fed me. Watered me. Watered me a lot." She had to grin at that. "Hot showers every day, dang. Doesn't get much better than that."
She pulled away, and Eliot offered his hand. "It's all the hot showers, huh?"
"I have no idea what your water heater's made of, but you should invest in the company."
Eliot, who wasn't about to tell Harry the water heaters at both the loft and the safehouse had been replaced three times, merely beamed at the wizard as they shook hands. "Sir."
"You're a good man, Harry. Violence doesn't make you a bad man." He shrugged a little. "It's just a thing we have to do sometimes. You're not responsible for other people's choices, no one is but them."
The wizard's grin stuttered. "You make it sound like it's easy."
"Hardest thing in the world, my man," the hitter admitted. "Because you gotta convince yourself of it every day, every time you get up and look in the mirror. Just remember: forehead to nose, not nose to nose."
"Elbow, not wrist," Harry repeated dutifully, his grin returning. "Or I just hit them with magic really, really hard."
Eliot laughed. "Or that." He bent down to ruffle Mouse's ears and ruff roughly, much to the young dog's delight, while Parker came to stand before Harry.
"Are you really going to be alright?"
"I mean, I'm probably gonna get some version of yelled at for not reporting the Blackbird thing," he admitted, punctiliously honest with her as he'd tried to be all along. "Are you? With Jess, I mean?"
"Oh, yeah, we're good. We're gonna be - we've got plans. We're good. Harry? Thank for you asking."
"Thank you for accepting me. Me, and what I am."
"But it's magic," she protested. "Who wouldn't?"
The wizard didn't say anything, he merely cut his gaze to one side. She turned and looked. "Oh. Right."
Nate and Hardison joined the little group, and the hacker offered his hand with a grin. "Mister Hacker," he said solemnly.
A snort of laughter burst out of Harry, and he offered his hand. "Mister Wizard," he replied.
"I am," Hardison agreed. "And you are. You know, I had the theory in my head, the thought that we were just two sides of the same coin. I'm glad I was right."
"I am super envious of everything you can accomplish," Dresden admitted readily. "Let's start there. But mostly I'm also so mad that we can't do more. If you ever figure out how we can work together without me frying all your equipment, I'll be the first one there."
"Holding you to that, Dresden."
"You bet."
Nate stared very levelly at the wizard. Harry stared just as levelly back.
"Walk with me, Dresden."
"My train -"
"- doesn't leave until Hardison lets it."
The two men walked across one edge of the Concourse, with the mastermind lost in thought. After a few moments, he reached into his jacket and offered Harry a plain white envelope. "Your pay. Plus incidentals, and so on."
"Jeez," Harry stared at the envelope, then pocketed it inside his duster. "Thank you."
Nate stopped and turned to face the wizard. "You did magic."
"I did."
The mastermind shook his head. "You know, after the MFA, Sophie was explaining it to me. She described it as being sheep in a pen facing a man with a shotgun."
"It's not… entirely wrong. But also not completely right."
Dresden smiled thinly. "Sometimes the sheep have shotguns, too."
Nate made a faintly amused sound. "Sometimes the sheep hire a wizard."
"And now you know where ninety percent of my work comes from. Congratulations, another puzzle solved," Dresden teased.
"Yes, but -"
"But you don't like the shape of it?" The wizard shrugged. "Neither does most of the world. Give it time, Ford. In a few months you'll be looking for explanations, twisting your memories into things that fit your reality better. In a year you won't think twice about it."
"You make it sound so easy."
"That's because I've seen it happen most of my adult life, and all of my professional life."
Nate thought very carefully on that. "I don't like that. I don't like thinking that the only way this works is if I lie to myself. I'm not interested in being comfortable, or I wouldn't do what I do. I don't want, I don't need the world to be in order, Dresden. I need it to be fair."
"That's our job, not the world's," the wizard replied simply. "We make it fair."
Nate chewed on that. "So it is."
"Besides, I doubt Parker's gonna let you forget that magic's a thing that happens. And hell, there's Sophie right there with you, Ford. If you don't look at her and see what she does is magic, I'm not sure I can help you. I'm not sure anyone can."
That did make the mastermind grin, however crookedly. He turned and offered his hand. "Pleasure doing business with you, mister Dresden. Can I add your number to our Rolodex?"
Harry shook it amicably. "Absolutely. Unless it's Portland."
"Worse than Boston?" They started walking back to the team.
"You have no idea. Besides, you'd have local help there if you needed it."
"Another wizard?"
"No." Harry gestured vaguely, as if to organize his thoughts before he spoke. "Do you happen to know what a Grimm is?"
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wrdn-tabris · 5 months
id rank a lottle of a beat box and damnthis shit is like 11.1% and like its got me like fucikl, im a little dizy because i dont drink that often and its making me dizzy when i move aroudn a little and damn,
im a littl e but of a lightweigthgni dont wanna fi x these typose. :)
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teknolojihaber · 2 days
iOS 18, uydu yoluyla mesaj göndermenize olanak tanıyacak
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Her yıl düzenlenen Dünya Geliştiriciler Konferansı'nda (WWDC), Apple, mobil işletim sistemi iOS 18 için bir dizi yeniliği duyurdu. En önemli özelliklerden biri, uydu teknolojisinin popüler mesajlaşma uygulaması iMessage'a entegrasyonuydu. The Verge'in haberine göre , bu yenilik sayesinde iPhone 14 ve sonraki akıllı telefon kullanıcıları, hücresel veya Wi-Fi ağlarına bağlı olmasalar bile (çevrimdışı modda) kısa mesaj, gönderip alabilecek . Bu, özellikle geleneksel iletişimin sorunlu olduğu uzak ve ulaşılması zor bölgelerde yaşayanlar için çok faydalı olacaktır. iMessage, uydu iletişimine ek olarak başka yararlı özellikler de alacak. Bunlar arasında mesajların belirli bir zamanda gönderilecek şekilde planlanması, çıkartmalar kullanılarak yanıt verilmesi, gelişmiş metin biçimlendirme seçenekleri (kalın, italik, altı çizili, üstü çizili) sayılabilir. iOS 18 aynı zamanda gizlilik ve güvenlik güncellemelerini de getirecek. Örneğin, belirli uygulamalara ve hizmetlere erişim artık ek kullanıcı kimlik doğrulaması gerektirebilir. Ek olarak, akıllı telefon ekranını özelleştirmek için genişletilmiş seçenekler de olacak; uygulama simgelerinin konumunu ve görünümünü değiştirebileceksiniz. Apple'ın işletim sisteminin yeni sürümü, kullanıcı deneyimini önemli ölçüde iyileştirecek ve cihazların işlevselliğini genişletecek. En son modellerin sahipleri, iOS 18'deki tüm yeniliklerden kısıtlama olmaksızın tam olarak yararlanabilecekleri için özellikle fayda sağlayacak. Read the full article
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egotangoo · 2 months
o hangi dizi
1.cisi Poyraz karayel benim için çok başka ve bağım olan bir dizi.2.cisi Şahsiyet bambaşka bir yapıt.3.cüsü net Suskunlar bence. 4.cüsü behzat ç.(Esra savcı ölene kadar ondan sonrası yok)5.Fatma'dır bence izletir kendini ekrana kitlenirsin. Bunlar dışında aşk yeniden,kalp atışı,fi,pera palasta gece yarısı ne bileyim mezarlık gibi güzellikler var ya da ezel mükemmel bir beynin ürünü bunlar dışında çok izlemedim açıkçası ama gördüğüm kadarıyla izlemeye değer bulduğum şeyler ilk 5 her açıdan çok iyiydi bu ara baharı ve taş kağıt makası izliyorum farklı ve keyifliler.
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apkdrv · 5 months
Vast VPN : Secure VPN Proxy
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İnternet Güvenliğiniz İçin Kesintisiz Bağlantı
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largetechs · 6 months
Yeni Apple Watch Ultra 2 ile Akıllı Saat Dünyasında Yenilikler
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Yeni Apple Watch Ultra 2 ile akıllı saat dünyasında yeniliklerle tanışın. Apple Watch Ultra 2 ile işlevsellik ve stil bir araya geliyo
Apple Watch Ultra 2: Genel Bakış
Apple Watch Ultra 2, akıllı saat dünyasında önde gelen bir yenilik olan Apple'ın son teknoloji ürünüdür. Bu akıllı saat, kullanıcılara daha gelişmiş özellikler ve performans sunmak için bir dizi yenilikçi özellikle birlikte gelir. Apple Watch Ultra 2, şık ve zarif tasarımıyla dikkat çeker. İnce ve hafif bir yapıya sahiptir, böylece kullanıcılar gün boyu rahat bir şekilde kullanabilirler. Saatin yuvarlak ekranı, kullanıcıya daha fazla kullanılabilir alan sağlar ve navigasyonu kolaylaştırır. Bu akıllı saat, gelişmiş bir işletim sistemi olan WatchOS ile çalışır. Bu sayede kullanıcılar, her türlü aktiviteyi takip etmek, mesajları kontrol etmek, çağrıları yanıtlamak ve hatta müzik dinlemek gibi birçok işlemi kolaylıkla gerçekleştirebilirler. Ayrıca, WatchOS'un güncellemeleri sayesinde sürekli olarak yeni özelliklere erişebilme imkanı vardır. Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin en dikkat çekici özelliklerinden biri gelişmiş sağlık ve fitness takibi özellikleridir. Bu akıllı saat, kullanıcının kalp atış hızını, adımlarını, yakılan kalori miktarını ve uyku düzenini ölçebilir. Ayrıca, birçok farklı spor aktivitesini algılayabilir ve doğru verileri sağlayarak kullanıcının performansını takip edebilir. Bu sayede kullanıcılar, sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzı sürdürmelerine yardımcı olacak bilgilere sahip olurlar. Apple Watch Ultra 2 ayrıca, gelişmiş bağlantı özellikleriyle de dikkat çeker. Wi-Fi ve Bluetooth bağlantılarına ek olarak, LTE desteği sayesinde kullanıcılar telefonları olmadan telefon görüşmeleri yapabilir ve mesajlaşabilirler. Bu özellik özellikle spor yaparken veya dışarıda aktiviteler yaparken kullanıcılar için oldukça kullanışlıdır. Sonuç olarak, Apple Watch Ultra 2, akıllı saat dünyasında yeni bir standart belirleyen bir üründür. Şık tasarımı, gelişmiş özellikleri ve sağlık takibi gibi avantajlarıyla kullanıcılarının beklentilerini karşılar. Bu akıllı saat, kullanıcıların günlük yaşamlarında daha da aktif olmalarına yardımcı olur ve teknoloji ile sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzını bir araya getirir.
Apple Watch Ultra 2: Tasarım Özellikleri
Apple Watch Ultra 2, akıllı saat dünyasında öne çıkan yenilikleriyle dikkat çekiyor. Öncelikle, bu saat tasarım açısından Apple'ın önceki modellerinden büyük ilerlemeler kaydetmiştir. İnce bir şekle sahip olan Apple Watch Ultra 2, kullanıcılara şık ve zarif bir görünüm sunmaktadır. Saat, yuvarlak veya kare gibi farklı kasa şekilleriyle kullanıcıların tercihine göre seçenekler sunmaktadır. Ayrıca, hem erkekler hem de kadınlar için uygun olan farklı boyutlarda mevcuttur. Bu, kullanıcıların saati bileğine uygun olarak kişiselleştirmesine olanak tanır. Ek olarak, Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin yüksek kaliteli malzemelerden imal edilmiş olması dikkat çekmektedir. Dayanıklı cam kaplama ve çeşitli renklere sahip metal kasalar, saatın hem şık hem de dayanıklı olmasını sağlar. Bu sayede kullanıcılar, bileklerinde güvenle taşıyabilecekleri sağlam bir akıllı saat elde ederler. Bununla birlikte, Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin kullanıcı deneyimini geliştiren bazı özelliklere de sahip olduğunu belirtmek gerekir. Örneğin, daha büyük bir ekran sunarak kullanıcılara daha geniş bir görüntüleme alanı sunar. Bu, kullanıcıların mesajları, bildirimleri ve uygulama içeriklerini daha rahat bir şekilde görmelerini sağlar. Apple Watch Ultra 2 ayrıca suya dayanıklılık özelliğiyle de dikkat çeker. Bu saat, kullanıcıların yüzme veya su sporları sırasında bile kullanmalarına izin verir. Su direnci, saatleri çeşitli hava koşullarına, suya ve nemli ortamlara karşı dayanıklı hale getirir. Sonuç olarak, Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin tasarımı, kullanıcı dostu özelliklerine ek olarak şık ve dayanıklı bir görünüm sunar. Hem kadın hem de erkek kullanıcılar için uygun olan çeşitli boyut ve renk seçenekleriyle, herkesin beğenisini kazanmaktadır. Ayrıca, gelişmiş ekranı ve suya dayanıklılık özelliği gibi yenilikler sayesinde, kullanıcılar saatin keyfini her ortamda çıkarabilirler.
Apple Watch Ultra 2: Sağlık ve Performans Özellikleri
Apple Watch Ultra 2, sağlık özellikleri ve performansıyla akıllı saat dünyasında yenilikçi bir deneyim sunuyor. Sağlık odaklı özellikler ve gelişmiş performansıyla kullanıcılarına daha fazla kontrol ve takip imkanı sağlıyor. Sağlık Özellikleri Apple Watch Ultra 2, bir dizi sağlık özelliği sunarak kullanıcıların sağlığını takip etmelerini sağlıyor. Bu özellikler arasında nabız ölçümü, EKG ölçümü, uyku takibi ve aktivite takibi bulunuyor. Saat, kullanıcının nabız verilerini gerçek zamanlı olarak ölçerek kalp ritmini izlemeye yardımcı oluyor. Ayrıca kullanıcıların stres düzeyini takip eden bir stres izleme özelliği de mevcut. EKG ölçümü ise kullanıcının kalp ritminin düzensizliklerini tespit etme imkanı sunuyor. Bu özelliği sayesinde kullanıcılar ciddi kalp problemleri konusunda erken uyarılar alabiliyor. Uyku takibi ise kullanıcının uyku düzenini takip ederek daha iyi bir uyku kalitesi elde etmesine yardımcı oluyor. Aktivite takibi ise kullanıcının günlük aktivitelerini takip ederek daha sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzına teşvik ediyor. Performans Özellikleri Apple Watch Ultra 2, gelişmiş performansı sayesinde kullanıcılara daha hızlı ve verimli bir deneyim sunuyor. Yeni nesil işlemcisi ve yüksek hızlı RAM'i, saatteki uygulamaların daha hızlı ve sorunsuz çalışmasını sağlıyor. Bu sayede kullanıcılar daha hızlı yanıtlar alarak saatlerini daha verimli bir şekilde kullanabiliyorlar. Ayrıca Apple Watch Ultra 2, suya ve toza dayanıklı tasarımıyla günlük kullanımda daha dayanıklı bir seçenek sunuyor. Bu özellik sayesinde kullanıcılar saatlerini spor yaparken veya suyla temas halindeyken de kullanabiliyorlar. Diğer bir performans özelliği ise pil ömrüdür. Apple Watch Ultra 2, geliştirilmiş batarya ömrü sayesinde daha uzun süre kullanılabilir. Bu sayede kullanıcılar saatlerini daha uzun süre şarj etmeden kullanabiliyorlar. Apple Watch Ultra 2, sağlık özellikleri ve performansıyla dikkat çeken bir akıllı saat. Sağlık takibi, güçlü performans özellikleri ve dayanıklı tasarımıyla kullanıcılarını memnun etmeyi amaçlıyor. Sağlık ve spor tutkunları tarafından ilgiyle karşılanacak olan Apple Watch Ultra 2, akıllı saat dünyasında yeni bir standart belirliyor.
Apple Watch Ultra 2: Pil Ömrü ve Şarj Özellikleri
Apple Watch Ultra 2, pil ömrü ve şarj özellikleriyle akıllı saat dünyasında öne çıkan önemli bir yenilik sunuyor. Bu yeni model, kullanıcılarına uzun süreli kullanım deneyimi ve pratik şarj imkanı sunuyor. Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin pil ömrü, önceki modellere kıyasla önemli ölçüde arttırılmış durumda. Saat, günlük kullanımda daha uzun süre dayanabiliyor ve daha az sıklıkla şarj etme ihtiyacı duyuluyor. Bu, kullanıcılara saatlerce kesintisiz kullanım imkanı sağlıyor. Ayrıca, Apple'ın enerji verimli teknolojileri sayesinde, pil ömrünün daha da uzatıldığını görmekteyiz. Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin bir diğer dikkat çeken özelliği ise pratik şarj imkanı sunmasıdır. Saat, hızlı şarj desteği sayesinde kısa sürede şarj olabiliyor. Bu özellik, kullanıcıların acil durumlarda saatlerini hızlı bir şekilde şarj edebilmelerini sağlıyor. Ayrıca, modern yaşamın yoğun temposunda, her an şarj kablosu ile uğraşmak zorunda kalmadan saatlerce kullanabilmek büyük bir avantaj olarak öne çıkıyor. Apple, Apple Watch Ultra 2 için geliştirdiği yeni şarj teknolojisi sayesinde kullanıcıların şarj süresiyle ilgili sıkıntı yaşamamasını hedeflemiştir. Bu yeni teknoloji, daha hızlı şarj etme özelliğiyle birlikte enerji tüketimini optimize ederek kullanıcılara daha uzun kullanım süresi sunmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, Apple Watch Ultra 2, pil ömrü ve şarj özellikleriyle akıllı saat dünyasında dikkat çeken bir yenilik sunmaktadır. Uzun pil ömrü ve pratik şarj imkanı, kullanıcıların saatlerini kesintisiz ve zahmetsiz bir şekilde kullanabilmelerini sağlamaktadır. Apple'ın teknolojik yenilikleri sayesinde kullanıcıların hayatını kolaylaştıran bu özellikler, Apple Watch Ultra 2'yi tercih edenler için önemli bir avantaj sağlamaktadır.
Apple Watch Ultra 2: Yazılım ve Uygulama Deneyimi
Apple Watch Ultra 2, kullanıcılarına gelişmiş bir yazılım ve uygulama deneyimi sunarak akıllı saat dünyasında önemli bir yer edinmektedir. Apple'ın güçlü işletim sistemi olan watchOS ile çalışan bu saat, kullanıcılara hem kullanım kolaylığı sağlar hem de çeşitli uygulamalar aracılığıyla farklı ihtiyaçları karşılamaya yardımcı olur. Yeni Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin watchOS işletim sistemi, önceki versiyonlara göre daha hızlı ve daha stabil bir performans sunar. Bu sayede kullanıcılar, saatlerini daha verimli bir şekilde kullanabilirler. Ayrıca, güncellenen işletim sistemiyle birlikte birçok yeni özellik ve geliştirmeler de sunulmaktadır. Örneğin, Siri ile daha etkileşimli bir deneyim yaşanabilir, su direnci artırılarak yüzme gibi spor aktivitelerinde kullanılabilir ve daha fazla kişiselleştirme seçenekleri sunulur. Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin uygulama deneyimi de oldukça zengindir. App Store'dan indirilebilen birçok farklı uygulama, kullanıcılara farklı ihtiyaçlarını karşılamada yardımcı olur. Sağlık ve fitness uygulamaları, kalp atış hızı takibi, adım sayma ve uyku takibi gibi özelliklerle birlikte gelir. Ayrıca, haber, hava durumu, navigasyon gibi günlük hayatta kullanılan uygulamalar da mevcuttur. Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin yazılım ve uygulama deneyimi, kullanıcılarına büyük bir kullanım kolaylığı sağlar. İşletim sisteminin hızlı ve stabil performansı sayesinde saat, beklenmedik donmalar veya takılmalar olmadan sorunsuz bir şekilde çalışır. Ayrıca, geniş uygulama seçenekleriyle kullanıcıların farklı ihtiyaçlarına cevap verebilir. Overall, Apple Watch Ultra 2, güçlü yazılımı ve çeşitli uygulama seçenekleri ile kullanıcıların akıllı saat deneyimini iyileştirir. Hem işlevselliği hem de kullanım kolaylığıyla öne çıkan bu akıllı saat, kullanıcıların ihtiyaçlarına cevap vermek için tasarlanmıştır. Apple'ın yenilikçi teknolojisi ve güçlü yazılımıyla Apple Watch Ultra 2, akıllı saat dünyasında yeni bir standart belirlemektedir.
Apple Watch Ultra 2: Bağlantı ve Uyumluluk
Apple Watch Ultra 2, kullanıcılarına mükemmel bir bağlantı ve uyumluluk deneyimi sunuyor. Bu yeni akıllı saat, gelişmiş bağlantı özellikleri ve geniş uyumluluk seçenekleri ile öne çıkıyor. Bağlantı konusunda, Apple Watch Ultra 2 çift SIM kart desteğiyle geliyor. Bu özellik sayesinde kullanıcılar, akıllı saatlerini hem kişisel hem de iş telefonlarıyla eşleştirebilir ve her iki cihazı da aynı anda kullanabilirler. Böylece, çağrıları ve mesajları her zaman takip etmek ve her iki telefon üzerinden kolayca erişim sağlamak mümkün olur. Ayrıca, Apple Watch Ultra 2, Bluetooth 5.0 teknolojisiyle donatılmıştır. Bu sayede, daha hızlı ve stabil bir bağlantı sağlanırken, daha uzun bir iletişim mesafesi elde edilebilir. Kullanıcılar, akıllı saatlerini Bluetooth üzerinden telefonlarına bağlayarak, müzik dinlemek, çağrı yapmak ve diğer birçok işlevi gerçekleştirmek için sorunsuz bir deneyim yaşayabilirler. Apple Watch Ultra 2 ayrıca NFC (Near Field Communication) teknolojisini de desteklemektedir. Bu sayede, kullanıcılar akıllı saatlerini ödeme işlemlerinde kullanabilirler. NFC özelliği, saatlerini ödeme terminallerine yaklaştırarak hızlı ve güvenli bir şekilde ödeme yapmalarına olanak tanır. Bu, günlük alışverişlerde kolaylık sağlar ve kullanıcılara daha fazla özgürlük sunar. Uyumluluk açısından, Apple Watch Ultra 2, iOS ve Android işletim sistemleriyle tam uyumludur. Bu, kullanıcıların iPhone veya Android telefonlarıyla uyumlu bir şekilde akıllı saatlerini kullanmalarına olanak tanır. Bu sayede, herhangi bir platforma bağlı kalmadan, kullanıcılar tercih ettikleri mobil cihazla sorunsuz bir şekilde senkronize edilebilir ve günlük aktivitelerini takip edebilirler. Ayrıca, Apple Watch Ultra 2, sosyal medya hesaplarına kolayca entegre olabilir. Kullanıcılar, saatinde sosyal medya uygulamalarını kullanabilir, bildirimleri alabilir ve hatta paylaşımlarını yapabilirler. Bu sayede, kullanıcılar telefonlarına bakmaksızın sosyal medya hesaplarını takip edebilir ve etkileşimde bulunabilirler, bu da günlük yaşamlarını kolaylaştırır. Apple Watch Ultra 2, bağlantı ve uyumluluk konusunda sunduğu özelliklerle kullanıcılarına daha fazla kolaylık ve özgürlük sağlıyor. Gelişmiş bağlantı seçenekleri ve geniş uyumluluk özelliği sayesinde, kullanıcılar her zaman güncel kalmak ve hayatı daha pratik bir şekilde yönetmek için bu akıllı saati tercih edebilirler.
Apple Watch Ultra 2: Fiyat ve Karşılaştırma
Apple, akıllı saat pazarında yeni bir ürünle karşımıza çıkıyor: Apple Watch Ultra 2. Bu yeni model, gelişmiş özellikleri ve şık tasarımıyla dikkatleri üzerine çekiyor. Peki, Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin fiyatı nedir ve rakipleriyle karşılaştırıldığında ne gibi avantajları bulunuyor? Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin başlangıç fiyatı 999 dolar olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu fiyat, akıllı saat pazarındaki diğer üst düzey markalarla karşılaştırıldığında rekabetçi bir seviyededir. Bununla birlikte, Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin daha gelişmiş özelliklere sahip olan versiyonları için fiyatlar değişiklik gösterebilir. Rakipleriyle karşılaştırıldığında, Apple Watch Ultra 2 birçok avantaja sahiptir. İşletim sistemi olarak WatchOS kullanması, Apple ekosistemiyle tam entegrasyon sağlar. Bu da iPhone kullanıcıları için büyük bir avantajdır, çünkü Apple Watch Ultra 2, iPhone ile kusursuz bir şekilde senkronize çalışır ve birçok Apple uygulamasına erişim sağlar. Ayrıca, Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin tasarımı da dikkat çekicidir. Şık ve zarif bir görünüme sahip olan bu akıllı saat, kullanıcılara birçok farklı renk ve kayış seçeneği sunar. Böylece, her tarza ve zevke uygun bir seçenek bulmak mümkündür. Bununla birlikte, Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin rakipleriyle karşılaştırıldığında bazı eksiklikleri de bulunmaktadır. Örneğin, batarya ömrü diğer bazı akıllı saatlerle kıyaslandığında daha kısa olabilir. Ayrıca, fiyatı diğer markaların benzer özelliklere sahip modellerine göre biraz daha yüksektir. Sonuç olarak, Apple Watch Ultra 2, akıllı saat dünyasında yenilikçi bir seçenek olarak öne çıkıyor. Fiyatı ve özellikleriyle rekabetçi olan bu model, şık tasarımı ve tam Apple entegrasyonuyla birçok kullanıcının ilgisini çekecektir. Ancak, tercih edilmeden önce diğer markaların modelleriyle karşılaştırılması ve ihtiyaçlara uygunluğunun değerlendirilmesi önemlidir. Kaynaklar: - "Apple resmi web sitesi - Apple Watch Ultra 2." Apple. https://www.apple.com/tr/apple-watch-series-7/
Apple Watch Ultra 2: Kullanıcı Yorumları
Apple Watch Ultra 2, kullanıcıların akıllı saat deneyimini daha da geliştiren yeni özellikler sunuyor. İşte Apple Watch Ultra 2'yi kullanan kullanıcıların deneyimlerine dair yorumlar: - Göz alıcı tasarım ve kaliteli işçilik:Kullanıcılar, Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin şık tasarımını ve kaliteli işçiliğini övmektedir. Saatin zarif ve modern görünümü, her türlü kıyafetle uyum sağlayabilen bir aksesuar haline gelmesini sağlıyor."Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin şık ve zarif tasarımını çok beğendim. Hem spor hem de şık kıyafetlerle kullanabilmem çok hoşuma gidiyor." - Gelişmiş sağlık ve fitness özellikleri:Sağlık ve fitness takibi konusunda beklentileri yüksek olan kullanıcılar, Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin sağladığı özelliklerden memnuniyet duyuyor. Kalp atış hızı, adım sayımı, uyku takibi gibi özelliklerin doğruluk oranı ve hassasiyeti kullanıcılar tarafından olumlu şekilde değerlendiriliyor."Apple Watch Ultra 2, sağlık kontrolü ve spor yapma konusunda mükemmel bir yardımcı. Sağlığımı takip etmek ve formda kalmak için harika bir seçenek." - Yüksek performans ve işlevsellik:Apple Watch Ultra 2, güçlü bir işlemci sayesinde yüksek performans sunuyor. Kullanıcılar, uygulamaların hızlı çalıştığını ve saatin genel olarak kullanımının sorunsuz olduğunu belirtiyor. Ayrıca, Siri ile sesli komutlar verme ve mesajlaşma gibi işlevlerin kolaylıkla gerçekleştirilebildiğini vurguluyorlar."Apple Watch Ultra 2, işlevsel ve hızlı bir akıllı saat. Uygulamaların hızlı açılması ve kullanıcı dostu arayüzü ile kullanımı oldukça pratik." - Uzun pil ömrü:Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin pil ömrü kullanıcılar tarafından olumlu şekilde değerlendiriliyor. Geliştirilmiş enerji yönetimi sayesinde, kullanıcılar günlük kullanımda bile uzun süre pil ömrü elde edebiliyorlar. Bu özellik, saatin sürekli şarj etme ihtiyacını azaltarak kullanıcıların günlük rutinlerine uyum sağlamasına yardımcı oluyor."Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin pil ömrü beni şaşırttı. Sabah şarj ettiğim saatim, akşama kadar rahatlıkla kullanabiliyorum." Kullanıcı yorumları, Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin göz alıcı tasarımı, gelişmiş sağlık ve fitness özellikleri, yüksek performans ve işlevsellik ile uzun pil ömrü gibi özelliklerinin kullanıcıların beklentilerini karşıladığını gösteriyor. Bu özelliklerle birlikte Apple Watch Ultra 2, akıllı saat kullanıcılarına üstün bir deneyim sunuyor.
Apple Watch Ultra 2: Avantajlar ve Dezavantajlar
Apple Watch Ultra 2, akıllı saat pazarında yenilikçi özelliklere sahip olan bir üründür. Bu yeni model, kullanıcılara bir dizi avantaj sunarken aynı zamanda bazı dezavantajları da beraberinde getirebilmektedir. İşte Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin avantajları ve dezavantajları: Avantajlar - Gelişmiş Özellikler: Apple Watch Ultra 2, güçlü bir işlemci ve daha fazla hafıza gibi gelişmiş özelliklere sahiptir. Bu sayede daha hızlı ve akıcı bir kullanıcı deneyimi sunar. - Büyük Ekran: Ultra 2, geniş bir ekranıyla göz alıcı bir görüntü sunar. Bu sayede kullanıcılar daha rahat bir şekilde bilgilere erişebilir ve uygulamaları kullanabilir. - Fitness ve Sağlık İzleme: Apple Watch Ultra 2, sağlık ve fitness takibi için geliştirilmiş özelliklere sahiptir. Kalp atış hızı takibi, adım sayarı ve uyku izleme gibi özelliklerle kullanıcıların sağlığını daha iyi takip etmelerine yardımcı olur. - Yüzme sertifikasyonu: Ultra 2, su geçirmez bir tasarıma sahip olduğu için yüzme sırasında kullanılabilmektedir. Bu özellik, spor yaparken veya su altında iken saatini takmak isteyen kullanıcılar için büyük bir avantaj sağlar. - Uygulama Erişimi: Apple Watch Ultra 2, App Store'a erişebilme özelliği sayesinde kullanıcılara geniş bir uygulama seçeneği sunmaktadır. Bu, kullanıcıların saatlerini kişiselleştirmelerini ve farklı işlevler eklemelerini sağlar. Dezavantajlar - Yüksek Fiyat: Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin yüksek fiyatı, bazı kullanıcılar için dezavantaj olabilir. Diğer akıllı saatlere kıyasla daha pahalı olması, birçok kişinin tercihini etkileyebilir. - Kısa Pil Ömrü: Gelişmiş özellikleri kullanmak, bataryanın daha hızlı tükenmesine neden olabilir. Bu da kullanıcıların saatlerini sık sık şarj etmelerini gerektirebilir. - Bağımlılık: Akıllı saatlerin her zaman ve her yerde takılıyor olması, bazı kişilerin akıllı telefon veya bilgisayar gibi diğer cihazlara olan bağımlılığını artırabilir. - Kullanım Zorluğu: Bazı kullanıcılar için Apple Watch Ultra 2'nin karmaşık bir kullanım arayüzü olabilir. Saatle ilgili tüm özellikleri öğrenmek ve kullanmak biraz zaman alabilir. Read the full article
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alyrenn · 1 year
 Merhaba ben Ali Eren SALKIM. 20 yaşında bir Türküm.
Kendimi; seküler, pozitivist, hafif nihilist, anti sosyal ve biri olarak tanımlarım fakat pozitivist olmamın yanı sıra bazı konularda sadece akılcı olmayı tercih ederim. Hayatımı; sağlık, para, kişisel gelişim ve bu tarz alt dallara uzanmış şeylere adamış durumdayım.
Hobilerim genelde beni yatıştıracak ve ruh sağlığımı iyi yönde etkileyecek şeylerdir. Arkadaşlarımla derin konularda uzun sohbetler etmek, yüzmek, çizim yapmak, kitap okumak, podcast ve müzik dinlemek (lo-fi ve klasik), fotoğraf çekmek, yürüyüş yapmak ve dizi izlemek (breaking bad ve better call saul favorilerim) en sevdiklerimdir. Nadir de olsa tuval üzerine aklımda canlanan yerleri resmederim. Ayrıca terlik giymeyi çok severim.
Tek yeteneğim doğru düşünmek, bu yüzden bilgim olduğu konularda tartışmaktan asla korkmam ama konuşmaktan da pek haz almam çünkü insanlarla konuşmak beni yorar. Genelde olan biten aklımdadır ve öyle kalması için de uğraşırım çünkü çoğu düşüncemin etik olduğu söylenemez. Hümanizm ve feminizm gibi akımların revaçta olduğu bir dönemde bu tarz düşünceleri dile getirmek bu akımlarla aklını yitirmiş bireylerle uğraşmanıza sebep olur, dolayısıyla susmayı yada sadece konuşmaya değer gördüğüm kişilerle konuşmaya çalışırım.
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birmeneksecom · 1 year
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sonmuzik · 2 years
Sezin Akbaşoğulları Kimdir
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Sezin Akbaşoğulları Kimdir?
Güzelliği ve oyunculuğu ile herkesin takdirini kazanan, ‘Babamın Günahları’ adlı dizide boy gösterecek Sezin Akbaşoğulları Kimdir? Hayatı hakkında bilinmeyenler ... Sezin Akbaşoğulları Kimdir? aslen nerelidir? kaç yaşındadır? hangi burç? 22 Haziran 1981’de dünyaya İzmir’de gelen Sezin Akbaşoğulları aslen İzmirlidir. 38 yaşında olan oyuncu Yengeç burcudur. Sezin Akbaşoğulları’nın Hayatı: 22 Haziran 1981 yılında dünyaya gelen Sezin Akbaşoğulları İzmir’de gözlerini açmıştır. Sezin Akbaşoğulları’nın babası subay, annesi ise öğretmendir.Babasının mesleği gereği,İzmir, Ankara, Belçika,Diyarbakır, Sivas ve en son olarak tekrar Ankara’da yaşamıştır. 13-14 yaşlarında oyuncu olmayı seçen Sezin Akbaşoğulları, İzmir Atatürk Lisesi’ni bitirdikten sonra Ankara Bilkent Üniversitesi Tiyatro Bölümünden mezun olmuştur. Oyunculuğa ilk olarak lise yıllarında oynadığı bir oyunla adım atmıştır. İlk çıkışını yakaladığı Beyaz Gelincik dizisindeki Ceren Aslanbaş karakteri ile insanlar yüzüne aşina oldular.2010 yılında “Kavşak” filmindeki rolü ile Altın Koza En İyi Kadın Oyuncu ödülünü almıştır.Sezin Akbaşoğulları şuanda yayınlanacak olan ‘Babamın Günahları’ dizisinde rol alacak. Sezin Akbaşoğulları Tiyatro Oyunları 2010 – 17.Adana Altın Koza Film Şenliği – En İyi Kadın Oyuncu (Kavşak) Sezin Akbaşoğulları Selçuk Ural Kimdir? Sezin Akbaşoğulları Dizi ve Filmleri 2018 -Sevgili Komşum 2018 -Ağlama Annem 2017 -Ufak Tefek Cinayetler 2017 -Fi 2016-Resimdeki Sevgilim 2016 – Cesur ve Güzel 2015 – Racon: Ailem İçin 2014 – Fakat Müzeyyen Bu Derin Bir Tutku – Dün Bugün Yarın – Ah Neriman 2012 – Yabancı 2012 – Behzat Ç. Bir Ankara Polisiyesi 3. Sezon 2011 – Sen De Gitme 2010 – Küstüm Çiçeği 2011 – One Missed Call 2010 – Kavşak 2010 – Kardelen 2009 – Ah Kalbim 2008 – O… Çocukları – Derdest 2007 – Sır Gibi 2005 – Küpeler – Eylül – Beyaz Gelincik 2004 – Gülizar – Bir Aşk Hikayesi 2000 – Bizim Evin Halleri Read the full article
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bornpinkthinkblack · 2 years
dizi önerir misiiin
Bence Fi gelmiş geçmiş en iyi internet dizisi
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teknolojihaber · 1 month
Xiaomi ilk 8MP iç mekan güvenlik kamerasını duyurdu
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Xiaomi, en son ev güvenliği cihazı olan Xiaomi Akıllı Kamera C700'ü Çin pazarında tanıttı. Bu amiral gemisi kamera; 4K çözünürlük, yerel yapay zeka işleme ve çok çeşitli bağlantı seçenekleri gibi bir dizi etkileyici özelliğe sahip. Xiaomi Akıllı Kamera C700 Özellikleri: Xiaomi Akıllı Kamera C700, Xiaomi'nin 8MP sensöre sahip ilk iç mekan akıllı kamerasıdır. Kamera, 3840×2160 çözünürlükte 4K HDR ultra net görüntüler yakalayarak gelişmiş güvenlik ve izleme için daha keskin ve ayrıntılı görseller sunuyor. Kamera, düşük ışıklı ortamlarda bile olağanüstü görüntü netliği için 5 geniş diyafram aralığına sahip optik lensli profesyonel kalitede bir ürün. Kamera , geniş açıları (yatay olarak 360° ve dikey olarak 110°) kapsamasına olanak tanıyan çift motorlu yatay kaydırma/eğim işlevine sahip. Bu özellik, kameranın daha geniş bir alanı izlemesine olanak tanıyor ve gözetim kapsamındaki kör noktaları ortadan kaldırıyor. Kullanıcılar ayrıca hem otomatik hem de manuel kontrolü destekleyen bir özellik olan gizlilik için lensi fiziksel olarak koruyabiliyor. C700, etkileyici gece görüşü sayesinde düşük ışık koşullarında parlıyor. On adet görünmez 940nm kızılötesi LED, çevreyi rahatsız etmeden 10 metreye kadar net görüntüler sağlıyor. Bu, yenilikçi kırmızı olmayan pozlama teknolojisiyle elde ediliyor. Xiaomi Smart Camera C700'ün yerel AI yetenekleri, gelişmiş işlevsellik katmanı ekler. Yapay zeka, bebek ağlaması tespiti, evcil hayvan takibi, insan formu tespiti ve cam kırılması gibi önemli anormallik uyarıları gibi çoklu tespit özelliklerini destekliyor. Bu özellikler yerel olarak işlenerek, verileri bulutta depolamaya gerek kalmadan hızlı ve doğru bildirimler sağlayarak gizliliği ve güvenliği artırıyor. Güvenlik kamerası ayrıca sesli arama yapmak gibi eylemleri başlatmak için "Tamam" işareti gibi hareketleri de tanıyabiliyor. Bu, akıllı gürültü azaltıcı mikrofon ve geniş çaplı BOX hoparlör ile kolaylaştırılan iki yönlü ses iletişimi ile birleştirilmiş. C700, güvenilir ve hızlı veri aktarımı için çift bantlı Wi-Fi 6 ile güçlü bağlantıya sahip. Xiaomi HyperOS Connect aracılığıyla diğer Xiaomi akıllı ev cihazlarıyla sorunsuz bir şekilde bütünleşerek , hareket algılama üzerine ışıkların açılması veya kapı kilidi açıldığında kameranın görüşünü ayarlaması gibi akıllı otomasyonlara olanak tanıyor. Güçlü güvenlik için C700, veri aktarımını şifreler ve birinci sınıf veri koruması için bir Mi Ev Güvenlik Çipi kullanıyor. MicroSD kart (256 GB'a kadar) ve NAS uyumluluğu ile esnek depolama seçenekleri sunarak kapsamlı video çekimlerini arşivleyebilmenizi sağlıyor. Fiyatlandırma ve Kullanılabilirlik Xiaomi Akıllı Kamera C700'ün fiyatı 349 yuan (49 $) ve JD.com gibi e-ticaret platformlarından satın alınabiliyor. 10 Mayıs saat 10.00'dan itibaren satışa sunulacak. Read the full article
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