rosy-crow · 22 days
Yeah, after watching the teaser, I’m really starting to think Square is doing the Arcane thing.
I’ve been talking about it with @altocat for a while now, and I feel like it’s starting to get real. So, this is just gonna be my final theory for the story until proven otherwise.
Spoilers for Arcane: League of Legends, but for anyone that doesn’t know, basically Arcane adapted LOL and developed one of their most iconic villains, Jinx, into a very well-written character with a story that showed you exactly who she was and why she eventually lost her mind. Before this show, she was probably about as developed as Seph was in the OG.
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Even though Jinx is more flamboyant and emotionally chaotic, she and Seph are weirdly similar villains from what I’ve seen. Seph reminds me a LOT of Jinx and vice-versa. I’ve even drawn them together and compared their designs—it’s funny how mad villains in video games tend to have key similar design points, even down to hair-styles and clothing, but I’ll save that for another post lol.
Anyway, from the FS teaser it looks like we have a big climax in that ultimately leads to this scene with Seph and Rosen, who have been set up to be mirrors of each other.
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All I know is that the trailer showed Rosen telling Seph to make a choice about which life he wanted to save (Japanese version made this a bit clearer), and the other lives in danger are Team Glenn. Seph is gonna have to choose between them, and….well, since we know Team Glenn lives….uhh…and also….
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Rosen’s dog is trying to alert the others of something. Seph made a choice or did SOMETHING, and I thiiiink it’s gonna result in Rosen’s death. Whether it was intentional or an accident, we don’t know, but it’s clear this is when sane Seph when was still good and caring, even if a little psychologically stunted and conditioned because of Shinra. He’s been consistently this way throughout the First Soldier and doesn’t change until Nibelheim.
But I get the feeling everything went wrong with Rosen. That’s why Glenn is at odds with Seph years later.
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This is also why we’re getting Arcane vibes. If it’s a misunderstanding or rift caused by Seph’s intentions to save his friends…well, that’s very familiar to this notorious Arcane scene:
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Basically, Jinx…or Powder, as she’s known here, makes a drastic decision to save her friends and sister from genuine danger. However, her own talents are her worst enemy, and she causes twice as much destruction as the enemies her friends were struggling with. Almost everyone ends up dead, except for Powder’s sister. It was a horrific mistake and creates a massive rift between Powder and Vi (that’s the sister).
Vi also cements the idea in Powder’s mind that she’s a “jinx” or a curse of sorts. A complex that Powder had already been struggling with, and one she later embraces as her persona.
Glenn and young Sephiroth have been established to have a bit of a brotherly relationship so far, with Glenn being the down-to-earth and honest older source of influence. There was also the whole arc between these two revolving around Glenn initially calling Sephiroth a “cyborg” as an insult to say the kid was modified and different, not a “normal human.” This lowkey came off like a deliberate reference to Sephiroth’s later meltdown over not being human, yeah?
So you guys see what I mean, the themes here are similar to Arcane and Jinx’s psychology. If Seph makes some fatal mistake or a bad choice to save his team, and they walk in on this? Or get the wrong idea? Yeah, it’s gonna turn what was supposed to be an act of heroism into something much worse. It’s also gonna be the perfect reference to Seph’s later big moment in canon…errr, Nibelheim itself, where he just embraces inhumanity and finally goes berserk against everyone’s expectations, traumatizing the main protagonist and his eventual rival in the process.
Again, the theme of “tragic mistake paralleling or foreshadowing a villain’s first deliberate act of cruelty and evil” would be VERY similar to what happens with Jinx in Arcane.
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I’m not saying SE is doing this on purpose, really, but the shared themes of identity collapse and “monsters you created” between Arcane and FF7’s main “mad villains” are interesting. Their stories obviously will play out differently, but it wouldn’t surprise me if The First Soldier ultimately culminates in a life-altering decision that Sephiroth makes, one that does NOT end well and births that conflict between him and Glenn.
That’s my theory for now. These teasers are convincing me more and more. We’ll see.
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lone-pylon · 3 years
Not to be emo in the employee bathroom, but the Colorado cutscene when Olivia is panicking about being tracked and Lucas reassures her saying she did a good job anyway and tells her he’s proud of her makes me
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bbeelzemon · 4 years
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also these two are almost the EXACT same colors and are the same flight and are both g1s so they’re canonically brothers now, sorry i dont make the rules
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weytani · 5 years
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When this is done, we’ll leave together.
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menstits · 4 years
i got tagged by @sweetangelskiss heh heh
name: leonardo
nickname: leo (i almost exclusively go by leo. please don’t ever use my full name on here its weird)
zodiac: capricorn sun libra moon libra rising. not that i know what any of that means
height: like 5′6? i’m not sure fjghfh
nationality: italian
favorite season: summer but like only the idealized ghibli adjacent childhood memory of summer i have in my brain
favorite flower: ah this is hard umm i like forget-me-nots and also i’m obsessed with those orchids that look like swaddled babies because they’re so funny
favorite smell: cluster pines! yknow those pine trees that grow near the sea... and also like ocean breeze... and black pepper
fav color: my fav color used to be red but lately i like blue more
fav animal: cat cat cat cat cat cat cat
fav fictional chara: agent washington from red vs blue...............
cats or dogs: cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat
coffee/tea/coco: coco
dream trip: i don’t knoooow
hours of sleep: 7 but like from 2 am to 9 am usually
number of blankets: right now just sheet + duvet
blog established: i changed blogs a couple of times, this one has been around since last summer
followers: 297
random fact: i’ve been ignoring all my uni work for like 3 weeks i will die
tagginggg @ungiven @bleached @ofide @ariesfragments you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to :P
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catnippackets · 5 years
U like she ra? If you do you wanna ramble about it?
I havent even watched the last 2 seasons yet fjghfh and I need to have a very special kind of Like for something to want to ramble about it
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ranchitos · 6 years
hmm i got a somewhat personal anon ask and i don’t mind answering it but if you wanna know come off anon!
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puppypop5 · 5 years
I hate being so shy
I REALLY want to be friends with someone but im too shy to ask fjghfh
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woojin · 6 years
so i was going thru my tag and i realized i sent you that ask about watching rainztv twice bc i'm an idiot fjghfhs 😂 but i missed your first response somehow and i just thought you never got my ask bc tumblr likes to eat them lol yeah ik it doesn't really matter but i wanted to explain 😂 -snowflake anon
afskjfsadl no its okay! i just thought you really got into them kasfja. honestly idk why tumblr is taking my asks away it makes me sad if someone sent a message and thought i never replied :(( i completely understand akjsfd how was your day?
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chocvocado · 8 years
im reading a modern au fic and
“If you eat all of those by yourself I will disown you.” [Hanzo] says.
“Oh man, again?”
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