#i wonder if i’m right but i have the biggest gut feeling
rosy-crow · 1 month
Yeah, after watching the teaser, I’m really starting to think Square is doing the Arcane thing.
I’ve been talking about it with @altocat for a while now, and I feel like it’s starting to get real. So, this is just gonna be my final theory for the story until proven otherwise.
Spoilers for Arcane: League of Legends, but for anyone that doesn’t know, basically Arcane adapted LOL and developed one of their most iconic villains, Jinx, into a very well-written character with a story that showed you exactly who she was and why she eventually lost her mind. Before this show, she was probably about as developed as Seph was in the OG.
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Even though Jinx is more flamboyant and emotionally chaotic, she and Seph are weirdly similar villains from what I’ve seen. Seph reminds me a LOT of Jinx and vice-versa. I’ve even drawn them together and compared their designs—it’s funny how mad villains in video games tend to have key similar design points, even down to hair-styles and clothing, but I’ll save that for another post lol.
Anyway, from the FS teaser it looks like we have a big climax in that ultimately leads to this scene with Seph and Rosen, who have been set up to be mirrors of each other.
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All I know is that the trailer showed Rosen telling Seph to make a choice about which life he wanted to save (Japanese version made this a bit clearer), and the other lives in danger are Team Glenn. Seph is gonna have to choose between them, and….well, since we know Team Glenn lives….uhh…and also….
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Rosen’s dog is trying to alert the others of something. Seph made a choice or did SOMETHING, and I thiiiink it’s gonna result in Rosen’s death. Whether it was intentional or an accident, we don’t know, but it’s clear this is when sane Seph when was still good and caring, even if a little psychologically stunted and conditioned because of Shinra. He’s been consistently this way throughout the First Soldier and doesn’t change until Nibelheim.
But I get the feeling everything went wrong with Rosen. That’s why Glenn is at odds with Seph years later.
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This is also why we’re getting Arcane vibes. If it’s a misunderstanding or rift caused by Seph’s intentions to save his friends…well, that’s very familiar to this notorious Arcane scene:
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Basically, Jinx…or Powder, as she’s known here, makes a drastic decision to save her friends and sister from genuine danger. However, her own talents are her worst enemy, and she causes twice as much destruction as the enemies her friends were struggling with. Almost everyone ends up dead, except for Powder’s sister. It was a horrific mistake and creates a massive rift between Powder and Vi (that’s the sister).
Vi also cements the idea in Powder’s mind that she’s a “jinx” or a curse of sorts. A complex that Powder had already been struggling with, and one she later embraces as her persona.
Glenn and young Sephiroth have been established to have a bit of a brotherly relationship so far, with Glenn being the down-to-earth and honest older source of influence. There was also the whole arc between these two revolving around Glenn initially calling Sephiroth a “cyborg” as an insult to say the kid was modified and different, not a “normal human.” This lowkey came off like a deliberate reference to Sephiroth’s later meltdown over not being human, yeah?
So you guys see what I mean, the themes here are similar to Arcane and Jinx’s psychology. If Seph makes some fatal mistake or a bad choice to save his team, and they walk in on this? Or get the wrong idea? Yeah, it’s gonna turn what was supposed to be an act of heroism into something much worse. It’s also gonna be the perfect reference to Seph’s later big moment in canon…errr, Nibelheim itself, where he just embraces inhumanity and finally goes berserk against everyone’s expectations, traumatizing the main protagonist and his eventual rival in the process.
Again, the theme of “tragic mistake paralleling or foreshadowing a villain’s first deliberate act of cruelty and evil” would be VERY similar to what happens with Jinx in Arcane.
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I’m not saying SE is doing this on purpose, really, but the shared themes of identity collapse and “monsters you created” between Arcane and FF7’s main “mad villains” are interesting. Their stories obviously will play out differently, but it wouldn’t surprise me if The First Soldier ultimately culminates in a life-altering decision that Sephiroth makes, one that does NOT end well and births that conflict between him and Glenn.
That’s my theory for now. These teasers are convincing me more and more. We’ll see.
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| Shut up for me, love, |
Toji Fushiguro x Wife!Reader
Toji finds out you're pregnant! (with Megumi)
Word Count: 1.5k
CW: SFW, domestic fluff, pregnancy, Toji has a job, slightly suggestive dialogue
A/n: I have an idea for a Part 2 (this was so fun)... also opening to take requests if you have any.
It was like floating on cloud nine, where everything was beautiful and happy. You couldn’t help but curl up into a ball on your bed, digging your fists into the covers while clutching the test. Why? Because it came up with two lines. 
You had always wanted kids, that was something your husband, Toji, knew very well. However, there was still something daunting, that translated into a sinking feeling in your gut. Something that you had wanted for so long, something bigger than yourself, was going to happen, and the two of you would face it together. 
There were so many things to look forward to while pregnant. Wearing cute dresses that emphasized your bump just right, a sign to yourself and the world of your lovely marriage and relationship with your husband. Family photos, pregnancy milestones, and finally, the birth that would happen in a bit under nine months. You were so happy to start your family with Toji, and the little bundle of joy that was growing inside of you.
That feeling of euphoria didn’t leave after laying there for five minutes. In fact, it probably never would. It was another version of the feeling you got when you first met Toji, and the one from when you married him, and you still couldn’t believe that it had happened. But, Toji would be home soon. 
Knowing your husband, still as frustrated with your finances as ever, the one thing you could decide was that balloons and cake would not be appreciated on this occasion. Though he knew of your desires, he never explicitly said he wanted a baby either. That was what scared you the most. 
Toji always humered you, when you visited little clothing boutiques and stores, and something in the maternity section caught your eye. Or, when you couldn’t help but offer to take care of your friend’s baby whenever you got the chance, and had the biggest smile he had ever seen on your face, when you held her. 
What you didn’t see, however, was that while you perused the racks of baby clothing, his eyes drifted over to the green dinosaur onesie, with dark green spikes covering the head and going over the back and the tail. He chuckled under his breath, starting to get ideas himself seeing how invested you were. 
When you mentioned getting pregnant, Toji said he wasn’t opposed, though the look on his face showed more that he was uninterested. While you trusted your husband, he was wonderful to you, that sinking feeling didn’t go away either. Part of the reason you were so enthusiastic, after all, was because you’d be raising your child with Toji, and that idea was the embodiment of perfection in your mind. Without him in all the way, would it really be the same?
Toji wasn’t a big fan of fuss anyway, his proposal and your wedding had been small and pretty simple, and you were fine with that. In all honesty it was nice, to not have to worry about every little thing being perfect anyway. For news like this, thinking about decorations would only be a distraction from figuring out what to say. 
“Toji, honey, I’m pregnant,” you repeated to yourself in the mirror, holding the test to give it to him, trying to present it like a gift of some sort. “I have some news for you, Toji,” another option, “It’s great news, I’m really excited,” you tried to make the perfect smile, to show him just how happy you were. But you just threw yourself back on the bed, covering the flush on your cheeks with your hand. 
Everything sounded fake when you tried it. Knowing Toji, if you said any of those things, he might think there was something wrong instead of the truth. And of course, you couldn’t knock that stupid grin off your face for more than a few seconds, butterflies fluttering around your stomach so much that you had to ground yourself. 
Your face heated up at the mere thought of your husband walking through the door, though he would be tired and bothered as per usual. How would he react? Would he be as happy as you are, or… and the sinking feeling was growing again. You lifted your knees, planting your feet flat on the bed so the hem of your dress laid right above your ankles, as you sat in thought, preparing yourself for the inevitable. 
In a way you had given up, on facing Toji head on. Instead you decided to lie in wait, and figure something out on a whim if it didn’t come to you before he got home. You tucked the test under the blanket next to your legs, trying to relax as best as you could. 
The click of the front door was a familiar sound, something that usually excited you. However on this particular day, it was a little bit too exciting, so much so that you couldn’t urge yourself to get up and move your hands from their comfortable spot covering your face. 
Toji made his way through the kitchen and the living room, missing the usual sound of you, his wife, running around doing whatever it was that you were doing when he came home every day. The occasional joking “Honey, I’m home,” something he had grown to secretly enjoy, couldn’t be said despite his relatively good mood - for his ‘honey’ wasn’t there. 
Heading into your shared bedroom, where he typically pulled off his stuffy work clothes and changed into something more comfortable, was where he found you, curled up and about as out-of-it as ever. 
Toji laid down behind you on the bed, leaning over onto his side to see you. He pulled one of your hands off your face, smirking as you opened your eyes and met his gaze. “Hey, stupid,” he laughed as you pulled your hand back, smacking his away. “Why you coverin’ that pretty face, huh?” he asked, settling down with his hand resting under his neck. “What happened to ‘wife’, or something,” you tried to pout. “I called you pretty,” he reasoned, “and I can see that stupid smile on your face, somethin’ happen to ya?” 
Toji reached his hand over, with more force this time, pulling both your hands off your face. The flushed red of your cheeks and cute little protests made him smile. “You gonna tell me what’s got you so flustered, wife?” he kept your hands lightly pinned beneath his. “Couldn’t help yourself from thinkin’ about me while I was at work… really is stupid to be embarrassed,” you shook your head as best as you could. 
“Toji…” you murmured out, trying not to look him in the eyes. You pulled your right hand away from him, reaching into the covers to where you shoved the test. “I’m just… really happy, okay?” you choked out meekly, biting your lip you threw the test back at him. 
Catching it in his hands, he stared at the two lines. “You don’t say, huh?” he breathed heavily, as you eyed his expression with worry. “I just found out…” you blushed as he looked back at you, listening intently. “And… I know we didn’t talk that much about it,” you whispered, feeling his hand tighten it’s grip around yours. “But I really want to be a mother, Toji,” you sighed, still anticipating his reply. 
“Didn’t realize we weren’t on the same page about that,” he turned away, with a smile on his face. “I don’t want to make you unhappy -” he cut you off with a kiss, leaning down as your heart raced even faster. “How ‘bout you shut up for me, love,” your face contorted into a look of surprise. “Am I that bad of a husband? I thought you knew I was on board,” he chuckled. “But you said you didn’t really care,” you whined, as he moved his hand to hold yours more comfortably. “Yeah, that was my way of sayin’ it,” you rolled your eyes at him. “Besides, who do you think did this to ya, I’m not that much of an idiot,” he held up the test again, the surrealness of it all was sinking in.
“So, do you know the gender yet?” he asked, as you squinted. “Toji, I just found out a few minutes ago,” you replied. “Yeah, but I figured you had some kind of mother’s intuition on that stuff,” he yawned, the tiredness from work starting to hit him. “Well, what do you think?” 
“A girl,” he stated quickly, as you thought about it. “Your final guess?” you asked, to which he agreed. “Well knowing your losing streak, it must be a boy then,” you laughed as he frowned, “I should put that on paper… How’s that for mother’s intuition?” You looked back at Toji, who was fully laid down with his eyes closed. “Pregnant women should get a lot of sleep, I’m just setting an example,” he yawned again, pulling your waist to turn you next to him. You snuggled in closer, the sinking feeling was gone though the butterflies were only getting worse by the minute. “Fine, but only for a little while. I have to make dinner,” Toji hummed in response. “G’night, future mama.”
(Part 2)
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folkloresthings · 10 months
hello hello hello !!! i just want to say i love love LOVE your fics, esp the oscar ones… the one you posted a few hours ago 🥺 my heart 🥺
i saw your post about oscar requests and i thought it’s meant to be because i’ve been listening a lot to taylor these last few days! could i maybe request osc and “all of the girls you loved before”? 🤭 hope you’re having wonderful day sweetheart!! 💓
this song. this man. thank u @httpiastri
ALL OF THE GIRLS YOU LOVED BEFORE. ❨ oscar piastri x reader ❩
despite being young, you weren’t stupid. you knew millions of women would kill to be with your boyfriend. you knew that, before you’d met, he had girls hanging off of his arm every weekend. you knew he’d had girlfriends before, flings and flirtations. but for six whole months, he’d been yours and yours only.
he never spoke about his ex’s, just as you never spoke about yours. you didn’t need to — you were too wrapped up in your love for each other to care about anyone else. that was, of course, until you went home with him.
the australian grand prix meant meeting oscar’s family for the first time. it went perfectly, an absolute dream. his mother adored you, fawning over you every second you stayed in her home. you, too, were her biggest fan. she’d raised the man you loved, bringing him up loyal and kind and everything you had fallen for.
being in his hometown meant bumping into other people from his life, or his past. even the ones you didn’t want to.
“oh, hey! y/n, right?” the bar was loud so you could barely hear the girl over the music. you nodded, smiling, and took a sip of your drink.
“yeah, that’s me! hi!”
the girl smiles back at you, but its one that makes you uneasy. a judging sort of smile, one that takes all over your features. all of a sudden, you hate the dress you chose and the way you’ve done your hair. this girl is stunning, all tanned and beach waves.
“i’m jessica,” she tells you, assured. “i used to go to school with oscar.”
your eyes light up, loving to hear from people who knew oscar long before you did. you look around for your boyfriend, but he’s off somewhere with lando.
“he’s around here somewhere — have you bumped into him yet?” you ask, innocent and sincere.
“no, not yet. i’m dying to see him though.”
you engage in as much painful small talk as you can, your gut twisting uncomfortably as you concur that this girl knows something you don’t. you only relax when you feel a familiar hand on your waist, oscar’s lips pressing in greeting to your head.
“hi, baby,” he murmurs, eyes going a little wide when they find the other girl’s. “jessica?”
“hey, os!” she greets brightly, reaching across to hug him, awkward from where his hand never leaves your waist. “i was just talking to your new little girlfriend here. have you taken her to all of your spots yet?”
your brows furrow towards the girl and she smirks.
“oscar used to take me to all these special places around here when we were going out. i’m sure he’ll show you them, won’t you?”
“oh, you two dated?” you question, glancing between jessica and your boyfriend.
“yeah, for ages.”
the two speak at the same time, jessica’s cheeks going red from oscar’s answer. she was fighting a losing battle, and his grip on you was only getting tighter.
“me and y/n have our own places,” oscar states, gaze cold. “see you, jessica.”
he’s pulling you away from the scowling woman before you know it, out to the empty smoking garden and fresh air. his eyes screw shut, frustration pulling a low groan from him.
“shit, i’m so sorry. we dated for, like, a month when we were sixteen. she cheated a few times and only took interest when i started driving for F1,” he explains, breathless and panicked. “i swear, she means nothing. i can’t believe she tried to talk to you like that.”
“oscar, calm down,” you laugh fondly, taking his soft cheeks in your hands. he returns a pout, eyes all puppy dog like to make you melt. “it’s fine. i’m not bothered about her.”
“you’re not?” oscar sighs, relief shedding from him. “i thought you’d be… i don’t know, annoyed.”
“that you have a few ex—girlfriends?” if you couldn’t already be impossibly in love with him already, he was giving you a million reasons to be. “babe, all of those girls — all of the ones you loved before, they’ve made you the one i’ve fallen for.”
oscar visibly softens, and it fills you with so much emotion that you feel your chest seize. he squeezes at your waist, pulling you into a tooth—rotting kiss. you press against his soft, wine stained lips but he’s smiling too much into it that the kiss is lost in a sea of loving giggles.
“i never loved any girl the way i love you, you know,” oscar whispers, eyes raking over your love stricken face.
“not even your mum?” you smirk, poking his side.
“shut up,” oscar grins, kissing you again. “yeah, but don’t tell her that.”
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your stories with Fem reader are my biggest source of serotonin and self esteem I literally spend hours rereading them 🙏🏽
could you do one with a reader who has tattoos?
the scenario I imagine is reader always wears 100% covered clothes (pants or skirts and tights) none of the boys really care about this because it could be a religious reason or just because reader doesn't like it
but at some point when reader is alone, they decides to take a dip in the school's pool (I don't know if there is one but I remember seeing official bathing suit artwork so it probably is) it turns out that's exactly when the dorms get together for some activity and see reader with bathing suit and all sampling tattoos. it would be even cooler if reader coincidentally had tattoos that represent each dorm or some symbol that represents their favorite villain
could it be with the dorm leaders?
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Tattoos Revealed | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
While I don’t think they have a swimming pool,  I know Kalim can make one! And what better time for them to see your Disney villain tattoos. Granted it’ll be awkward explaining how you know the great seven from your world. When they ask you might omit the detail of how you’re world considers them villains instead making up something arbitrary. But no worries even without a concrete reason they’re wonderfully enjoying the skin your flashing:
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Riddle Rosehearts 
A decorative heart with a familiar crown 
He tilts his head 
After a series of looking back at you with a firestarting blush
He finally gains the guts to look at you
And not the skin you’ve left uncovered
“T-that tattoo…it looks similar to the insignia of the Heartslabyul…could you have perhaps gotten it while you were staying here? I didn’t think you had the funds to pull that off…How’d you pull it off without me seeing?”
You chuckle as you give an excuse
“Well I’ve always loved her finesse especially in the live-action!” 
So you put things you care about…on your body?
Even the hidden parts?
He was never allowed to think positively about tattoos 
let alone possibly getting one
And in that regard it was a symbol of your forbidden allure
He wondered blushing red in the Scarabia sun what it would take to put him on you
“What would it take to put a tattoo of me on you? I mean your tattoos are…nice. Have you thought about adding more?”
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Leona Kingscholar
Spots the familiar outline of Scar with an amused gaze
He doesn’t hesitate to run his fingers on it
Delighting in your embarrassed reaction he’s smirking endlessly
“Awfully presumptuous for an herbivore to just mark herself like this. Almost like you’re asking to be claimed by me right off the bat.”
It doesn’t matter all that much why you have it, he’s just happy you already know who you belong to
Granted he understands the ambiguity of the symbol
But he’s more than happy to make some marks of his own
And if you weren’t so insistent on being his prey he’ll save you the embarrassment of doing it now
“Don’t be such a baby, I’m sure a tooth prick isn’t nearly as painful as getting a tattoo. So buck up.”
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Azul Ashengrotto
He’s in awe of your confidence 
Not only in wearing your bathing suit but flexing the octopus tentacles clutching the shell necklace
“Y-you look dvine great I mean you always do–ugh just I like your tattoo!”
He gets all flustered when your eyes turn to him anyway
He has his suspicions about how you got that or why
And if he’s feeling confident he’ll ask 
Only to recognize your deflection
He rationalizes…that you must be destined for one another
As embarrassing as that is he can’t think of anything else
Other than the horrifying likeness to some other mer-octopus
Embarrassment aside he’s going to be the only one who has a chance with you
“Oh my (Y/n)? Are you implying something about the two of us? If so I’m already on board”
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Kalim Al Asim
The familiar viper has him preening with pride
He already considers you destined for each other
This just confirms it
“(Y/n)! I love your tattoo!”
“Kalim back up your practically on top of her!”
He doesn’t care for space
Specifically your space
So he’ll getclose enough, nose nearly touching to look at it
He thinks the very pores of your skin as the most beautiful 
And even if you didn’t have tattoos he couldn’t be more enamored
“Please let me touch (Y/n) I just want to touch just a little! Please!”
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Idia Shroud
He’s already floored that your in a bathing suit
Its just too much for his virgin-otaku-brain 
How cool! 
You have a blue flame tattoo and he couldn’t be happier that he has that trait
“Whoa (Y/n)! To think the love-interest would have so many layers? I realize there’s more I have to dig up.”
If he doesn’t already know about the intimate image
He feels inadequate…that he didn’t know about sooner
So he might just get one to match yours
That is if he doesn’t have plans to remove it
“Blue flame from my family? Lame! I’ll sooner print my username instead…hehehe that’s a really good idea, me!”
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Malleus Draconia
He has a…mixed reaction
On one hand, I’m sure he’s been informed of different cultures marking their bodies
And that’s probably not what he’s mad about
But he’s livid that its not directly about him
“That’s an interesting marking…who gave it to you?”
Why would he want you sporting a tattoo representative of his grandmother
And while he thinks its great that you idolize her
He doesn’t want you sporting it
So if you wake up with no tattoo at all
Or a tattoo with his name
Or (Y/n) X Malleus
Or Malleus Draconia’s Mate
“Oh its a shame that such a thing has happened. Come, I can imprint something I have from my memory. This is not what was there? I do not recall, this is exactly how I remember it to be.”
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carnivorousyandeere · 7 months
can we maybe get a full fic of Dorian and dominant asmrtist darling who's actually submissive
Dorian + Submissive ASMRtist Darling
( MDNI, No Age in Bio DNI )
CW: not super explicit but still vaguely smutty, recording without Darling’s knowledge, themes of voyeurism
Info: subby gn Darling
Dorian can’t stand it.
You and he both know what you do for a living. He’s your biggest supporter, after all. He thought having that acceptance from him, and financial security, would make you feel more comfortable.
And yet, you seem more nervous than ever in his presence. How is it that he has failed to end up on the domineering receiving end of that fire of yours? That wonderful voice of yours, and the expressions he’s always imagined go with it— everything from an encouraging soft dom smile, to a condescending sneer, to a cold expectant look.
Why is it that he can only catch those expressions through a peephole in the wall as you record? How long will it take for you to crack and take him? Is he not giving you enough money? Is he not performing the role of a needy submissive well enough for you? Is he not your type? Do you hate him?
Dorian’s usually not the boldest, but his patience has its limits. He interrupts one of your recordings, knocking on the door. You don’t answer, perhaps hoping he’ll walk away, but no such luck.
Dorian swings the door open gently. “Knock knock. What are you working on today?”
“Uhhh…” you look like a deer in headlights, eloquence gone and voice small. You turn off your recording. He tamps down his disappointment—part of him was hoping you’d get angry at his intrusion on your work. “Just… you know, an audio… found a new script, and… wanted… to give it a try?”
He can’t deny that your uncertainty is a bit cute. “What kind of script?”
You swallow and look away, embarrassed. “It’s… a little spicy. Um, a… dom speaker getting possessive at a party….”
“Oh?” Dorian steps closer, leaning against your desk and almost bumping into your mic. He notices your eyes widen with panic, fingers stretching out with the need to protect the equipment, but stopping just short of making contact with his arm. He sighs. You wither a little at the sound.
“You know…” he muses, turning to face you more fully, “I am a little surprised. You seem so much different in person than in your recordings… I know you’re an actor, but your performances are just so damn convincing.”
You laugh nervously. “Thank you for saying so… I really try my best. It’s… not always easy to act in a way that doesn’t feel natural.”
“Not natural?” His fingers pause where they’d been running over the smooth surface of your desk. “How so?”
“W-well…” now you’re truly flustered. Excitement wells in Dorian’s gut. It might not be what he expected, but damn if the real you isn’t all the better. He reaches over and cages you in against the desk. You swallow harshly as Dorian reaches up and traces your throat reverently, smoothing his fingers over your voice box and sliding them over to feel your hummingbird pulse. “Tell me. Use that lovely voice of yours.”
You let out a choked noise, clearing your throat and blinking out the foggy look in your eyes. “…I’m… actually… uh, not a… very dominant person…”
Dorian hums thoughtfully. “Why bother with acting the part of a dominant, then? You sound so lovely right now, so flustered and shy…”
You squirm. “I-it’s just what my listeners prefer…”
“Listeners?” Dorian’s eyes darken. They look, for all the world, like roiling storm clouds. A shiver runs down your back, the same shiver you get before rain comes.
“The only listener,” he leans in and nips harshly at your neck just over his hand, “you should be worried about… is me.”
You whimper, trembling in his grasp. Dorian bites you again, harder, just to feel you jerk in his hold and hear that pretty gasp of yours. Maybe it is better that he’ll be the only one to get to hear you like this. The thought of other people listening to you makes his skin crawl. Dorian kisses you, swallowing your sounds down greedily as he touches you through your clothes, and then slides his hand past your underwear.
He’s going to take you apart piece by piece and hear every sound you have to offer, and when you’re all fucked out and stupid in the studio, he’s going to save the recording of your time together on a flash drive and delete it from his computer. Of course you didn’t notice him turn the microphone back on, did you?
He’ll have to add a camera to the room for good measure next time…
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kaleldobrev · 6 months
To the Rescue (3) — Take Me Back Series
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Pairing: Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader
Series Summary: After making a deal to bring you back, Sam doesn't see you until years later when your paths cross during a case
Original Prompt: Requested by anonymous | Hi, I just joined Tumblr and came across your blog, it's wonderful! I'd like to make a request, something between Sam and reader. The reader dies and Sam makes a pact to bring her back, but she comes back without remembering him and the hunting life. He thinks it's best to stay away from her. Years later they meet and she falls in love with him all over again, and when they kiss she regains her memory. Do you like it?
Chapter Word Count: 2.7k
Chapter Warnings: Cursing (8x), Minor Character Death
Authors Note: When I originally wrote this it was 1.2k. With editing it turned into 2.7k | One more part after this folks! Sorry for the cliffhanger in advance | Flashbacks are in italics | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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Pulling up to your house, Sam felt as though his stomach was in knots. It wasn’t like it was the first time he had seen your house, but this time it was different. It wasn’t just a normal driveway he was used to doing to make sure that you were safe every once in a while.
“You okay?” Dean asked, snapping Sam out of his thoughts.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m…I’m fine,” Sam lied.
“Alright,” Dean began, opening up his glove compartment and taking out his gun. “Let’s go boy wonder,” he grinned.
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Walking up to your front door, the biggest sense of dread starting washing over him as he started to think that maybe something was wrong. “You know, I don’t think she’s home. She usually parks her car in the driveway.”
“Maybe she actually parks inside her garage?” Dean suggested.
Sam looked at him, full well knowing that you wouldn’t be able to park inside your garage — it had too much stuff in it to park your car. It was more of a storage unit than anything. “Trust me on this one.”
“Wow, you really do stalk her uh?” Dean grinned.
“Not stalk, just concerned,” Sam corrected.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night,” Dean said, patting his brother on the shoulder. Y/N would help me sleep better at night, Sam thought.
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Taking a small deep breath, Sam knocked on your door, hoping that you somehow broke your pattern of parking in the driveway. It had been a couple of weeks since he’s done a drive by, so maybe you did have enough room in your garage now; but knowing you, you hadn’t cleaned it out.
“She’s not here,” Sam said quickly, and he turned on his heels about to leave your front porch. But Dean stopped him, grabbing onto the back of his jacket to bring him back. “What?”
“You don’t wanna check if she’s inside the house?” Dean asked. “What if she’s —”
“She’s not here Dean. Trust me,” Sam said, his voice a little stern. “The more time we’re here, the less time we actually have to go and find her. Now let’s go and check the shelter. I’ll try and call her on the way there.”
Dean went to open up his mouth to protest, but he knew that his brother was right. “Alright,” he agreed. As much as he wanted to check if you were inside the house, Dean trusted Sam when it came to his gut feeling; especially since this was concerning you.
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You didn’t know how long you’ve been tied to this chair, but it felt like hours at this point. Mel or whatever her name actually was just talking your ear off; and it wasn’t even remotely about the deal, but just random little stories about her time here on Earth. If you weren’t currently tied to a chair, there was a part of you that would have actually found her stories to be quite interesting. “I don’t know, I love being a crossroads demon but at the same time, I feel like I could really bring some value to the team if Crowley trusted me more. What do you think?” Mel asked.
“Honestly, I have no idea,” you admitted. “I mean, I’d love to commend you on your work ethic but uh, I’m a little bitter right now,” you said.
Mel laughed. “Fair enough,” she grinned. “But, if you had to give me like a recommendation, would you say I had a good work ethic? I mean, I was your right hand for almost four years here.”
“Again, don’t really wanna commend you when you currently have me tied to a chair in my own shelter,” you stated, your voice radiating annoyance.
“You know, these past four years have honestly so eye opening,” Mel begin. “I can really see why Sammy wanted to marry you.”
“I’m sorry?” You questioned.
Mel went to open her mouth to answer your question, but there were two doors slamming in the distance. And her smile turned into a slightly mischievous one. “Looks like lover boy and big bro are here to rescue you!” She exclaimed and looked at her watch briefly. “About damn time too. I was starting to get bored.”
Mel got up from her seat, and removed a piece of fabric from her pocket as she walked toward you. “Just gonna place this in your mouth so you can’t warn my favorite boys, okay?” She giggled, before putting the fabric in your mouth, almost gagging you.
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As the pair walked into the gym, it was mostly pitch black except for the small amount of moonlight that was currently streaming in from the windows. "Y/N?" Sam called out.
Muffled screaming could be heard, and that's when they noticed you sitting in the middle of the auditorium tied to a chair and with some kind of gag in your mouth. "Just like old times," Dean said, pulling out his gun.
"Except we're saving her, not the other way around," Sam stated, he too pulling out his gun.
"Whatever," Dean mumbled. "Just get Y/N out of here."
"And where are you going to go?" Sam asked, slightly confused as he raised a brow.
"Gonna go see if I can find that Mel bitch," Dean said, slightly waving his gun and grinning.
"No need to find me! I'm right here boys!" Mel called out, her voice singsong like; the large auditorium lights turning on in a matter of seconds. "And there's really no need to have those silly little guns out, so you might as well put them away," she said, appearing behind you now. "I just wanna talk. You know, have a little catch up. It's been such a long four years, and I've been so interested in what my Winchester boys have been up to. Especially Sammy here."
"Nothing really for us to talk about. Considering you've killed five teenagers for really no good reason," Sam said.
“But it was for a good reason,” Mel stated. Both boys looked at her with a slightly confused expression on both their faces. “I needed a way to get you two here. You wouldn’t have came any other way. Well, that’s not entirely true now is it Sammy?”
Sam looked at you, and he could see your expression changing. You were no longer relatively calm, but more confused than anything else. “Either you tell her or I will,” Mel stated, her voice no longer sing song like. “Tell her what you’ve been up to.”
Sam and Dean exchanged looks, and Sam didn’t want to tell you what Mel was insinuating. “5…4….3….” Mel began counting.
“Alright, alright!” Sam yelled out in frustration. “I’ve been watching her for the past four years to make sure she was okay.” He sighed. “Happy?”
“Now, let’s see what Y/N thinks about that mmm?” Mel asked, her hands on either side of your shoulders. “Wanna talk?” She asked you, and you eyed her. If looks could kill, Mel would have been dead.
“Fuck you,” you said, muffled.
“Oh my!” Mel laughed. “The mouth on her! No wonder you were so heartbroken Sammy,” she winked.
As Mel, Sam and Dean were talking, you were carefully trying to untie yourself from the chair, making sure that none of them had seen you doing it; as you were pretty sure that if Mel had caught you, she had the ability to kill you in an instant. Then again, you weren’t quite sure how strong demons were.
“Now, I’d really like to hear what Y/N think —” before Mel could continue her sentence, you broke free from the rope that she had tied your hands with, and managed to tackle Mel to the ground.
“A little help here would be nice boys!” You yelled out, trying your best to keep Mel to the ground; but her demon strength was starting to show, as she knocked you to the ground.
Before she could do anything to you, Dean had his arms around her, holding her back as Sam held out his hand in order to help you up. “Thanks,” you said, taking his hand — a simple movement, but felt so natural.
Mel bucked her head back, the back of her head hutting Dean in the nose; the movement caused him to let her go and he stumbled back. “Fuck,” Dean said; some blood running down from his nose.
“You little bitch,” Mel said through gritted teeth. She went to lunge at you, but was stopped when Sam had shot her. She laughed. “You know bullets can’t kill me,” she smirked.
“No, but they can distract you,” Dean said from behind her. She turned around, and within an instant, Dean plunged the Demon Knife into her.
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“Are you okay?” Sam asked, the three of you walking out of the shelter.
“Yeah I’m fine just…confused,” you confessed.
“I’m sure. I’m sorry Mel wasn’t who you thought she was,” Sam said.
“That’s not entirely it,” you began, the two men raised a brow. “Mel…Mel said that I knew you guys,” you looked at Sam now. “She said you wanted to marry me.” Sam and Dean exchanged looks, neither one of them really knew what to say
“What else did she tell you?” Sam asked, not denying your claim; as he was in fact planning on asking you to marry him as soon as the three of you had gotten back from the hunt. It was something that he spent months planning.
“She said that you made a deal in order to bring me back to life. And part of that deal was basically having me forget you and hunting,” you said, your voice having no hesitancy to it. “I know how ridiculous it sounds but…I believe her.”
“Dean, can you give us a second?” Sam asked, looking over at his brother. Dean and Sam exchanged looks, and Dean looked at you only briefly before nodding.
“Yeah I’ll uh…I’ll be in Baby,” he said, scratching the back of his head as he started making his way toward his impala.
“Is what she said the truth?” You asked. “And don’t give me a it’s complicated answer. It’s a simple yes or no.” Sam couldn’t help but let out a half chuckle, as this was a like you had said to him far too many times.
“Yes. It’s the truth,” he admitted. “Four years ago, the three of us were on a vampire hunt in Malibu. You and me agreed to go take out the nest because it was only supposed to be three vamps. But…it turned out to be six instead, too many for just the two of us to handle. That’s when you…”
“Died,” you said, finishing his sentence. “How did I…die?”
“One of the vamps…ripped your throat out…” he mumbled, his voice trailing. “It was my fault I…”
“Hey, hey,” you said, taking his hand in yours. “I may not remember, but it wasn’t your fault okay? I may not remember you, but, knowing you literally barely a few hours, I know you aren’t that type of person. You just…I get a good vibe from you.”
“You shouldn’t,” he stated. “I’ve done a lot of…fucked up things. Things that…”
“Whatever fucked up things you’ve done, I’m sure it was for a good reason Sam,” you reassured him. “You aren’t someone that’s just going to get someone killed.”
Sam just looked at your hand in his; enjoying the feeling. It’s been so long since he had held your hand. “After, why didn’t you try and ask me out?” You asked.
Sam chuckled. “Thought you’d be better off without me and plus, kinda thought something like this was going to happen.”
“Ask her out already please! I miss her baking!” The two of you heard Dean call out. You and Sam turned, and saw Dean with the drivers side window rolled down; Zeppelin playing loud enough for him to have probably been able to hear the entirety of the conversation.
Sam and you chuckled a little, and you looked at each other similar to that of two people in love with each other. “You wouldn’t want to go out sometime again would you?” You asked, softly smiling.
“I don’t know I…” Sam wanted to say yes; he wanted you back in his life, wanted so much to be in your life again. But he didn’t want to risk anything bad happening to you again. “I’m sorry.”
Disappointment washed over you as you looked at Sam. You had wanted to be with him, even though you barely knew him. But according to Mel, at some point, he had wanted to marry you. You had hoped that maybe with her gone, then you two could get to know each other again and have a bond like you apparently did years ago. You had felt something for him; some kind of connection, a kind of familiarity, even before you knew who he was. But, you understood where he was coming from. “Can I at least give you a thank you kiss?”
“Yeah,” Sam said, almost afraid to say yes.
Sam leaned down, and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. He stared into your eyes, mentally cursing himself for saying no, but he knew that saying no was for the best. You were safer, and you were free. “I’ll always love you,” he told you. “Even if you don’t remember loving me.”
Your lips and his were centimeters apart now, and you didn’t want this moment to end between the two of you. Because you knew, that the second the kiss was over, you’d probably never see him again.
“Take care of yourself,” you said, before the two of you pressed your lips against each other.
The kiss felt natural, a little needy, but gentle. It wasn’t a kiss you would give to someone you would see again, it was a kiss that you gave someone that you would never see again. It was a goodbye.
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"Sam, I have a bad feeling about this. Maybe we should wait for Dean to come and help us," you said; as the two of you started walking up to an abandoned log cabin in the middle of the woods; something that you didn't even know Malibu had.
"There's only supposed to be three vamps, I think we'll be fine," Sam reassured you. "We've taken out more than three vamps just the two of us before."
"Yeah but...I don't know, it just feels different this time, I can't explain it," you said, your voice hesitant. For some strange reason, you just had a horrible feeling that something bad was going to happen, but you had no proof. It wasn't like you had premonitions.
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"Fuck," you said, a sharp sensation entering your head, as if you just got hit in the head.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Sam asked, concern in his voice.
"Yeah just..." the pain got more intense, and you felt yourself start to lose balance; Sam's hands instantly finding your arms in order to keep you from falling. "My head really fucking hurts," you said, almost strained.
"Let's sit down uh?" Sam suggested, as he started leading you toward the curb in front of the shelter.
"Sammy, she okay?" You heard Dean say, the sound of the impala's door opening and closing. You heard barely hear the sound of his running toward you and Sam, as everything started to sound so muffled due to the intense pain and pounding in your head.
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"You know, I don't know what I'd ever do without you," Sam said, caressing your cheek.
"I'm sure you'd be fine. You did just fine before you met me," you said, gently smiling at him.
"But my life is a lot better with you in it," he admitted.
"So is mine," you confessed.
"I love you," he replied.
"I love you too," you smiled.
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You didn't really know how you had gotten to sitting on the curb but you now where, Sam and Dean on either side of you. The intense pain was starting to subside, and the pounding was starting to cease. You couldn't tell what either man was saying, as they still sounded muffled.
"Y/N?" Sam asked, his hands resting on your shoulders.
You turned to look at him, and all of a sudden you felt the urge to cry. Your hand reached out and touched his cheek. "Sam..." your voice was low, almost inaudible.
"Yeah?" He replied, his voice as low as yours.
"Take me home," you said.
"Sure," he nodded.
"To the Bunker," you clarified.
Sam looked at you; confusion clear across his face. "The Bunker?"
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In the next and final chapter...
He scratched the back of his head before pointing to your side table. “Open up the drawer there,” he said, slight hesitation in his voice. When you didn’t move, he sighed. “Trust me,” he said.
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Right Person, Wrong Time | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by @lovelydivs (sorry it took so long!!)
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: Three times where Tommy and (Y/N) tried to express their feelings for each other only to find out that it was the wrong time, and the one time, the right time, that they did.
Warnings: drinking, smoking, mention of war
Word Count: 3846
A/N: this one was a long time in the making…it’s loosely based off of the song Cleopatra by The Lumineers - I hope you catch the slight references to the song. It’s also the first time I’m writing one of those 3 + 1 typed stories, so hopefully it makes sense. Thanks so much for waiting so paitently. I hope you enjoy! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
"Oh my goodness, (Y/N)! I can't believe you like him!" Ada Shelby squealed as she leaned forward in her seat, the biggest grin spread across her face.
"Aren't you a little young to be gossiping about stuff like this, Ada?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at the younger woman.
"I'm old enough," Ada stood her ground, puffing out her chest as she tilted her chin upwards, "besides...you've not denied it," she pointed out then.
Just as (Y/N) was about to open her mouth, a third voice entered the conversation, "denied what?" Both women looked over to the main door of the home to see Tommy standing by it.
"(Y/N)'s got a crush on Andrew...remember him? From school?" Ada blurted right out, not paying any mind to what the person she was spreading gossip about thought about this 'rumor' being spread.
"Oh," Tommy pursed his lips and nodded, unsure of what else to say about the information he'd just been told.
"And I've been telling her that she needs to go and confess her feelings to him, but she's too chicken to do it," the youngest of the three continued, making (Y/N) look at her with her mouth agape.
"You've not told me to do that, Ada!" she accused the other girl of lying, disbelief present on her features.
"I was about to," Ada stood her ground. "What do you think she should do, Tommy, hmm?" she looked at her brother then. (Y/N) held her breath and fixed her eyes on Tommy as well, her heart rate quickening by the second.
Tommy thought about what his sister had said. He couldn't deny the fact that his heart had dropped at the mention of (Y/N) being interested in someone else. He'd always fancied her, but never had the guts to step up and ask her to be his...he was too worried that she only saw him as a friend, and he didn't want to ruin what existed between them. Now she had her eyes on someone else. So he decided that he would concede to that; as her mind was already made up. "I think that you should go and tell him how you feel," he told her, well aware of the fact that he should be taking his own advice and coming clean to her.
(Y/N) took a few moments before she responded, letting the Shelby siblings' advice sink in. Then she slowly nodded her head. "Ok. If you both think that me telling him how I feel would be a good idea, I will do that," she agreed with them, putting on a smile although her stomach was actually doing flips.
No one else knew that (Y/N) actually had similar feelings for Tommy. She was also afraid to speak on them, not only because of the fact that they were friends, but also because there was talk around Small Heath of Tommy having connections with Greta Jurossi. She felt that it was best for her to keep them closed off, and it seemed like she was doing a pretty good job of that.
"Anything else I'm needed for?" Tommy's question brought (Y/N) back from her thoughts.
"Nope," Ada shook her head, popping the 'p' in the word.
"You've only just arrived," (Y/N) pointed out, wondering where he was going off to.
"I know. It seems as though you ladies are already invested in something that my opinion is not needed in," he answered her, making the older of the two women nod in understanding. "I'll see you around," he said, his statement directed towards (Y/N), who only nodded again before hoping that the slight frown she was wearing changed into a smile. It must have, because Tommy exited the house soon after seeing her nod.
"So Andrew..." Ada started off again, continuing on with their chat like nothing had just happened. Well to her nothing had happened. (Y/N) was still trying to come to terms with the fact that she'd basically just told Tommy that she wasn't interested in him.
Tommy didn't think he'd ever be happy to be back on Watery Lane. But here he was, fresh off of the train from France, wanting nothing more than to walk down the house-lined road to get to the place he called home. The fighting had finally finished, and he, much like many other soldiers who had fought for the majority of the war, was ready to see something familiar again.
He was met with welcoming hugs from Polly, Ada, and Finn just about the second after he walked through his home's front door. As he took in the excited ramblings from his younger siblings, he couldn't help but notice that one person was missing.
"(Y/N) come over at all lately, Pol?" Tommy asked his aunt once the other two had finished what they wanted to share. He could tell instantly that something had changed over the time that he'd been gone just by the shift in his aunt's expression. "Pol?" he asked again after she hadn't said anything.
"She's not been around. There may still be time though," was all she said, her words leaving Tommy more confused now than he was before he asked the question.
"Time? For what?" he asked almost immediately after she'd finished speaking.
"I can't be the one who tells you. Go to her and hear it for yourself," she told him, pressing her lips together in a thin line after she finished speaking. Tommy looked at her for a moment longer before he slowly nodded his head and moved to walk past her towards the door.
It only took him a few minutes before he was standing on the doorstep of (Y/N)'s family's home. He took a moment to compose himself and regain his breathing before he knocked on the door. Thankfully, the very person he was looking for opened the door.
"You're back, Tommy," (Y/N) said with a slight notion of surprise in her voice. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she looked him over. It had been a few months since she'd last seen him, and she almost couldn't believe that he was standing in front of her.
"I am. The war's over," he answered her, taking in her presence as well. It had been some time since he was able to properly see her, but she was still as stunning as the day he left her. "I expected you to be at my house when I came home," he said then, not realizing how pretentious his words may have been until he spoke them. (Y/N) hung her head slightly at the mention of her absence. "Pol told me that I had to come here and hear it from you..." he trailed off, taking a breath as he got ready for the bandaid to be ripped off, "what do I have to hear from you, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) didn't answer right away, and that made Tommy feel like he was going to implode. "I'm leaving Small Heath, Tommy," after what felt like hours, she finally spoke again, "I'm going to London; for schooling. It's what I want to do...what I feel is next for me in my career, but it'll take me away from here for several months," she explained the reason behind her impending departure to him.
Tommy looked away as he digested the news that he was just given. He couldn't ignore the fact that his heart rate had instantly quickened and that he was now getting that itching sensation just underneath the collar of his shirt. His mind was screaming at him; screaming that he should tell her that this wasn't a good move; screaming that he should admit his feelings to her. But yet he just stood and stared at the brick face of her home.
"I'm sure that this wasn't the news that you wanted to receive the same day you returned..." (Y/N) started, sensing his shift, "and I thought that I'd planned it so that we didn't need to come to grips with saying goodbye, but I guess I..."
"You don't need to explain yourself, (Y/N), I understand," he stopped her when he realized that she was beginning to have trouble articulating her thoughts.
"I need to do this, Tommy," she told him, even though in her mind she was screaming at herself for how she was acting.
"I know you do, and I shouldn't be the one to stop you," Tommy responded, somberness now in his voice. Yes, you should be! his mind was screaming at him, but he didn't have the power left in him to fight. He'd been spent; fighting what felt like non stop for these past few years. He didn't expect that the biggest battle of all would occur after he set foot back in Small Heath.
"I'm happy that you understand," (Y/N) said, a sad smile forming on her face. It was hurting her to do this, but she'd already made up her mind. Going to school was a dream of hers, and she didn't want to push it back now that Tommy had returned home. If it was meant to be, it would be, but now wasn't the time.
Upon arriving back in Small Heath, (Y/N) decided that she'd go to the one place she knew would welcome her back. It only took her a few minutes to walk to the Garrison, and what was awaiting her made her eyes widen slightly. Things had certainly changed since she'd been there last.
"Things have changed around here,” (Y/N) voiced her thoughts as she walked through the pub's doors, “have you switched around the business hours too?" she then questioned the only man in the room.
Tommy quickly spun around at the sound of her voice. At first he thought that it was just a figment of his imagination, but lo and behold, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was there, standing several feet away from him. "No," he answered once his initial shock had faded, "they've been switched around for an occasion."
"An occasion?" (Y/N) was intrigued, her eyebrows raised slightly as she moved over to the bar's counter.
"My marriage," he came right out and said it, dropping the news like he was ripping off a bandaid.
(Y/N)'s expression didn't change upon hearing this news. If anything, it got more pronounced. "You're married?" she asked him, her surprise also evident in her tone.
"I am," he kept the response brief, clearing his throat as he focused himself on pouring a glass of, what he hoped still was, her usual. He then set it on the bar, pushing it closer to where she was standing.
"Congratulations," she told him, swallowing her pride as she tried not to make her disappointment obvious, "she's a very lucky woman," she added, a tight-lipped smile on her face.
Instead of furthering that conversation, he started a new one. "You've decided to come back," he stated the obvious.
"I have," now it was her turn to her brief.
"London treated you well?"
"It has," she answered with a nod, watching as he went about lighting a cigarette. She waited until he took the first drag from it to continue, "I was offered a position at the school I went to shortly after I graduated from the program. They wanted me to teach the classes that I'd just finished taking because they said they saw potential in me," she then gave him some insight into her time spent in the big city.
Tommy raised his eyebrows as he nodded along with what she was saying, impressed by what success she'd had in the years since he'd seen her last. "I tried looking for you, you know..." he trailed off then, tapping the excess ash into the tray on the counter then, "I've expanded my business to London, and I thought I might come across you while I was there."
"I spent most of my time at the college," (Y/N) answered him, not ignoring the pang that she felt in her heart upon hearing what he had to share with her.
Tommy took a long drag and exhaled the smoke slowly. "I'm happy you're back, (Y/N)," he told her, his emotions behind the words unclear.
"I'm happy too," she agreed with him even though she couldn't fully get behind that statement.
She didn't know what she was thinking. Tommy wasn't required to save himself for her; especially after she was the one who decided that she was going to move away from the place they both grew up in. But yet she couldn't quell the nagging feeling inside of her. The feeling telling her that she'd messed up and now wouldn't be able to find happiness, because her happiness had already put a ring on another woman's finger.
Tommy didn't know what to do now. After months of spending his days walking on eggshells and always looking over his shoulder, the vendetta he and his family had been locked in was finished. He was back at Arrow House now; alone, save for Charlie. His family had suggested that he take some time off of business. Polly spearheaded the idea, so Tommy really couldn't argue it. He'd been so tightly wound up for these past few months that he didn't know if he had it in him to fight her on it. So now he was sequestered; left to his own intentions. And they weren't good.
After a few weeks of wallowing in self-pity and drinking bottle upon bottle of liquor, he finally sat himself down at his desk with the intention of doing something other than opening the door wider for his demons to enter. But as he sat and looked at the few papers that were scattered about his desk, he found that he didn't have the desire to actually do any of it. The mental capacity just wasn't there. And so he stared. He stared straight ahead at the door of the room for who knows how long. His trance was only broken when his head maid entered the room.
"What is it, Frances?" he asked, finally snapping out of the daze he'd been locked in.
"It's nearing dinner. Should I set a plate out?" she asked him a question of her own.
"Sure," he answered dismissively, hoping that that was all she wanted from him. To his luck, Frances nodded her head and turned to exit the room once she received her answer. That left him alone again, and instead of staring off once more, he decided to busy himself with lighting a cigarette.
As he took the first drag, he let himself sink back into the chair and exhale a long, slow breath. Smoking always seemed to have the power to center and ground him, and he learned rather quickly that he could count on the nicotine to save him when nothing else could. That's why he always had them on him. He closed his eyes as he began to fiddle with the lighter that was still in his hands.
Amidst the silence, one person came to mind: (Y/N). It'd been two years since he'd last saw her but now she was in the forefront of his mind. He took another drag from the cigarette between his fingers before setting it in the ashtray and grabbing the phone from the corner of the desk.
After getting connected to her line with the help of the woman at the exchange, Tommy listened to the dial tone as it rang out. The call picked up after the third, pain-stakingly long ring.
"Hello?" Her voice just about took Tommy's breath away. He opened his mouth and shut it, deciding that what he was originally going to start off with wasn't acceptable. "Hello?" she asked again, wondering if the other side of the line was dead.
"(Y/N)..." he trailed off after saying her name, still unsure of what to say. Why was he even calling her?
"Tommy?" she responded in a similar manner, only her utterance of his name was spoken as a question. "Has something happened?" she asked him, wondering what the reason behind his call was.
"No, nothing's happened," he answered.
"Then why the call?" she outright asked him.
"I...I wanted to see you," he was finally able to find the words, "could you come to Arrow House?"
(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh slightly at his request. "I don't know where that is, Tommy," she told him, her decision on whether to meet him or not left unclear.
"I'll send someone to your home. They'll bring you here," he gave a solution to the roadblock.
There was a pause on the other side of the line, and it made Tommy hold his breath. He was so close, so close to seeing her again. All she had to do was say 'yes'. After what felt like minutes, but in reality was only a few seconds, (Y/N) gave her answer: "when will they pick me up?"
"You'll come?" he asked, his mood now perked up as he sat straight in the chair.
"Yes, I'll come," she answered, her decision more definitive now.
"I'll have someone come to your home for you shortly," he told her, unable to stop the smile from forming on his face. He was just a short time away from finally seeing (Y/N) in person again.
"Ok. I'll see you shortly," there was a smile present in (Y/N)'s voice too, which made Tommy all the more excited to see her.
The call ended there, and it left Tommy with time to prepare for her arrival. He just couldn't believe that he was going to see her again.
(Y/N) marveled at the expansive estate as she rode up its driveway. She never could have imagined Tommy living in such a dwelling, but she was immensely proud of what he'd become. The car stopped at the front doors, and her door was opened before she could even think about reaching for the handle. She then walked up the steps and through the large, wooden door that had been opened by an older woman.
"Mr. Shelby's in the front room," the woman informed (Y/N), who nodded before looking around. A few moments passed before the woman spoke again, "it's that way, ma'am," she pointed out, motioning to the archway on the left wall. (Y/N) nodded again, this time with a grateful smile as she then made her way through the archway into the front room.
It was grand, and she looked around before her eyes fell onto the man who was standing in front of the window with his back facing her. "Tommy," she called out to him, her voice softer than she would have liked.
But it did the job and got him to turn around and look at her, "(Y/N)," he started off, stepping away from the window and closer to her, "it's good to see you again."
"You as well," she said with a small smile, the pace of her heartbeat quickening with each step he took to come closer to her.
Tommy stopped when he was only a couple steps away from her, and he took a moment to admire her before he spoke again, "I didn't think you'd actually come," he admitted, unable to stop the smile from forming on his face.
"No?" (Y/N)'s eyebrows raised in surprise as she heard what he had to say.
"No," he affirmed with a shake of his head, "I thought it'd be too good to be true…you being willing to see me after all of this time."
"I'd always be willing to see you, Tommy," she told him, her words filled with a sincerity that made Tommy's smile widen. "What's got you smiling like this?" she couldn't help but question him on his facial expression. A smile from Tommy Shelby was a rare sight, (Y/N) knew that better than anyone.
"Do you have someone, (Y/N)?" he didn't answer her question, but instead asked one of his own.
She furrowed her eyebrows at the sudden ask, wondering where it came from. "I don't," she answered him, her confusion shining through in her words now, "why do you ask?"
"I wanted to know before I said anything else."
Now (Y/N) was really confused. "What are you getting at here, Tommy?"
"It's always been the wrong time between us to do something like this, but now that this time seems different, I'm not going to wait any longer," he paused for a beat, clearing his throat before he continued, "you've always been the right person for me, (Y/N), ever since we were kids; before the war. You were the person for me, but it was never the time for us...not until now," he ended his admission with a slight nod as he stepped even closer to her. (Y/N) didn't shy away from his proximity, and in fact, the slightest smile formed on her face as she welcomed it. "I was late for those times and late to figure out what was going on; late for the love of my life, but I won't let this be another wrong time between us. I want to be on time now, (Y/N), and I want you to be mine," he spoke from the heart, his eyes not straying from hers.
"Tommy..." (Y/N) started after she'd gathered her thoughts, "Tommy, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for something like this to happen," she admitted as her smile grew wider. "I will be yours," she told him then, watching as all of the tension fled his features at the moment she gave her decision.
Without saying another word, Tommy stepped forward and took her into his arms. (Y/N) responded by setting her hands on his chest, her fingers wrapping around the lapels of his jacket. "Can I kiss you, (Y/N)?" he asked, his lips brushing against hers due to their closeness.
"I thought you'd never ask," she responded with a breathless laugh. She kept her eyes open just long enough to see Tommy crack a grin at her words before he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, hooking her into a passionate kiss.
It instantly felt like she'd been swept away and taken to some unheard of land where she knew everything would be ok. And when Tommy pulled away to rest his forehead against hers, she opened her eyes to see that that 'unheard of land' was actually her real life, and that all she needed to do to go there was to feel Tommy's lips on hers. So she did the only thing she could think of and let him kiss her again.
Tagged: @mgcllovdrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @raincoffeeandfandoms @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @lora21 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety
Listen to the song Cleopatra by The Lumineers…
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neyslover · 2 years
apologies - neymar jr
requested by @nobunagas-chatelaine​ 
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ney and y/n have been friends for so long, since before they could even remember.
their mothers were best friends, so they were naturally attached to the hip since birth.
although he’s only a few weeks older than her, he acts like an older brother.
something he does to hide his feelings for her.
they’ve been through hell and heaven together, they got out of the slumps, and become the one of the biggest stars the world has ever seen.
ney became a football star, and y/n become a famous actress.
they were the power duo.
no couple, or siblings, or friends, could compare.
they’re never seen without the other, they went to premiers, photoshoots, and matches together.
naturally, they moved in together.
y/n goes wherever he goes, unless she has to film, she’ll rent out an apartment,
they both had major crushes on each other, they were just too scared to admit it. 
y/n fell first, but neymar fell harder.
one day, ney came back home from practice really mad.
“hi, princesa.” he greeted, dull and with no kiss like he usually does,
“hi, ney.” y/n smiled softly, not as enthusiastic as she normally does. 
he took off his shoes and dropped his bag on the floor, “wake me up when dinner is ready. had a rough day today.”
“okay.” she mumbled.
she wasn’t used to this harsh behavior coming from him.
he never treated her this way, like she was some robot housewife at his disposal.
she decided to cook his favorite, pasta.
usually, she does the cooking, and he sets the table.
she went upstairs, going to ask him to set the table while she changes her clothes cause she smells like seasoning and cooking.
“ney, wake up.” she shook him lightly, “can you go set the table? i feel disgusting in the clothes i’m in.” 
neymar stood up with a groan, “you just can’t do anything, right? it’s always me that does everything. i told you i had a rough day and you treat me like this? you boss me around while you just sit on your ass all day? fucking useless.” 
she stared at him in shock, she didn’t think he’d ever speak this way to a woman, let alone her. 
“you are cruel, junior. cruel.” she spat, wiping a tear that fell and running out.
she didn’t cry until she entered her car. 
press was always at ney’s house, and she didn’t want to ruin his image, even after what he did.
she had nowhere to go.
she didn’t know who to call.
she eventually remembered that nadine owns an apartment in paris for when she visits.
she quickly called her.
“hello? y/n? is everything okay? it’s like 11pm in paris.”
“yea, yea everything is fine.” she lied, “ney and i got into a little fight, you know how we are, and i just need to not see his face for a bit. i was wondering if i could stay at your apartment? not for long, just a few days.”
“yes, of course you can! stay for as long as you need, i know my son can be a handful sometimes, especially with his anger issues. you have the keys, right?”
“yea, i do. thank you so much, ma.” 
“anytime, meu amor. bye bye, take care.”
“you too.”
her apartment wasn’t that far, but it was a friday night so the street was packed. 
she couldn’t stop crying.
she didn’t realize that the green light turned red because she was too busy wiping her eyes.
last thing she saw was a car speeding in her direction.
                                                 Back to Neymar
after y/n left last night, ney had a lot of time to reflect on what he’s done. 
he didn’t even sleep well that night.
he woke up at around 5am.
he decided to make himself breakfast while watching the news.
it was a very rare occasion for ney to turn on the news but he had a gut feeling to do so.
“breaking news!” the news reporter spoke, “football star neymar jr’s rumored girlfriend, and famous actress, y/n l/n got into a car crash late last night. press just confirmed that it was her that got into the car crash, and she was seen leaving neymar’s house crying.” 
that was enough for neymar, he turned off the news and ran to his car.
he knew which hospital she’d be at, since there’s only one she doesn’t refuse to go to. 
he ran to the reception, asking what room she’s in. 
“206. good luck getting in.” the receptionist said.
he didn’t think about what she said, he just ran to the room.
outside the room, there were two huge bodyguards.
of course.
he tried to go in but they refused.
“neymar jr.”
one of the guards knocked on the door and walked in.
“ma’am, a neymar jr would like to see you, do i let him in?”
hearing her voice made his heart flutter.
he practically ran inside, “meu amor!”
he kissed her hands, “i’m so sorry, i should’ve never spoken to you that way. this is all my fault, please forgive me.”
“ney, amor, i don’t think it’s your fault. if anything, it’s mine. i know you better than to take what you say when your angry to heart.”
“no, amor, i know better than to even think of speaking to you like that.”
“it’s all good, ney.” 
“life is too short to not express my feelings fully. go out on a date with me? once all of this is over.”
“of course i will!” she smiled brightly.
“thank god! you know, i always liked you. even when we were younger.” ney confessed.
“me too!” she stared at him in disbelief.
“what! so this could’ve happened way sooner?”
“i guess.” she shrugged, “and it wouldn’t have needed one of our lives to be at risk.”
“oof.” he winced.
“too soon?” 
“a bit, yea.” he chuckled, “you know when you’re gonna be discharged?”
“soon, i think.” she answered, “i just have a broken wrist and a couple of bruises, nothing serious.”
“god, i’m so sorry, amor.” he kissed her head.
                                            fast forward next day
she was finally free to go.
neymar took her home, where she got ready.
ney told her to wear something casual.
“you pick an outfit out for me!” she gave up.
he picked out sweats and an oversized shirt, to match with him.
we drove to this hill, where a lovely picnic rested on the top.
“i know you love watching the sunset, so i decided to have a picnic while watching the sunset.” he explained, helping her walk up the hill.
“that’s so sweet, ney!” she hugged him once they reached the top.
they watched the sun set as they were eating fruits.
ney insisted he feed her since she had broken her right wrist, her dominant one.
as he was feeding her the last strawberry, he tilted her head so that she looked at him. 
“the sunset is so beautiful today.” she gulped, nervous.
“it always is.” he stared into her eyes lovingly. 
he leant in for a kiss, something she did not expect.
she quickly kissed him back, and they only pulled apart to breathe.
“it may be too soon, but be mine?”
“of course i will! it’s always been you, ney.”
during the drive home, his hand never left her thigh.
once they got home, they decided to watch a movie on the couch.
"i love you, y’know that, right?” ney mumbled, looking into her eyes lovingly.
“i love you so much.” she sighed into his arms.
he pulled her in for a kiss, one that y/n finds herself longing for every second. 
neymar pulls his phone out and snaps a quick photo of them, “i’ll post it when you’re ready to tell everyone.”
                                                      later that week
“i think you should post that photo.” she said.
“you think?”
the second he posted it, his twitter feed and his instagram dms were filled with positive comments. some congratulating them, others wishing them luck and eternal love.
“i’m the luckiest man in the world.” he sighed, engulfing her into a hug.
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jimilter-recs · 2 years
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⇰ hey, everyone! welcome to my quarterly fic recs list, featuring the love of my life, park jimin. 💛
❥ welcome! i’m a week late and the list is really short by my standards. the reason to which might be the fact that most of may and all of june were pretty busy months for me, and i was able to only catch up w fics when i was unwell and bedridden (which happened twice, unfortunately :\).
❥ length: there are the regular three categories based upon lengths: one-shots, series and drabbles; no smaus in this quarter, i'm afraid.
❥ ps! this list contains fics that i have read within these months, not just the fics that were posted during this time!
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❥ legend:
a - angst | f - fluff | s - smut | d - drama | h - humor rating - pg-13 | pg-15 | 18+ tw - trigger warnings - including: mentions of insecurities, mental illness, abuse, infidelity, violence, blood, gore, any death, and more. check fic warnings before you proceed. ❥ - absolute favorites that i’ll remember forever!
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∘ love me better - @taegularities | a, d, s, f | 18+  ❥ i got the chance to beta this mind-blowing fic by ridziette (although my hectic schedule didn’t allow me to complete the task blown away! an honest to god masterpiece of a suspense thriller! doesn’t even feel like a fic most of the time, it’s a whole-ass movie, guys! <3
∘ sexcapade - @hamsterclaw​ | h, f | 18+ so i inhaled most of rei’s masterlist but haven’t yet screamed abt all the fics, i will, asap! but this one - wow! there’s no actual smut in here but the entire story revolves around sex. the banter, jimin’s sexiness, oc being relatable - i love everything abt the fic! <3
∘ let’s get quizzical - @taleasnewastime | a, h, s, d, h | 18+ ❥ one of the most amazing f2l fics i’ve ever read!!! jimin’s cluelessness, oc’s pining, the angst bec oc is a pessimist like me - and oh! their entire bunch of idiots? everything is sO good! i read it back in april and while looking for the link, i read it again yesterday, lmao. <3
∘ nectar - @gimmethatagustd​ | a, s, d, h, f | 18+ | tw this is a vamoire!reader x human!jimin - a rare and intriguing foundation, to begin with. and then you take in their personalities, and this fic becomes a delightful ride! jimin is the cutest bean in the whole world, oc is in her goth era and we also have nikki being the kind of friend i crave to have irl. the friendship and the chemistry between oc and jimin - chef’s kiss! please read this and shower jai w the love they deserve, y’all! <3
∘ limitless - @kimvtae​ | a, d | pg-15 | tw  brutally smashed my heart, but if you know me, you know that i enjoyed every bit of it. (: this one has an open end and man i love the way it is left on an ominous note sO mucH! <3
∘ arte factum - @lolabangtan​ | a, d, s | 18+ | tw  oh god this fic gave me the shivers!!! amazingly woven story, with both the smut and the mystery hitting exactly the right way! absolutely loved everything from start to the end, but especially the end. <3
∘ meet me at the finish line - @parkdatjimin​ | a, d, s, h , f | 18+ | tw   ❥ jimin in this fic??? the biggest sweetheart ever, okay? he’s so caring and kind and just overall wonderful, even when him and oc are supposed to be rivals. :( their rivalry is such a cute journey, tho. loved the way it developed as they aged, and then the way their romance bloomed from it. <3
∘ i still want you - @parkdatjimin​ | a, s, d | 18+ the way this tore my heart apart and then julienned it? oc’s pov was bad enough, but then we had to see things from jimin’s pov too??? why, mindy, whY must you be so amazing at portraying gut-wrenching heartbreak? :( i love this fic so much!
∘ freak in you​ - @pshychives​ | s, f | 18+ okay, so this one is a steamy ride and a half - hot af and so well written! please, the way oc and jimin can’t get enough of each other? made me horny cry so many times, ughhh. absolutely amazing, dear writer, i am biting my knuckles as i write this bec this was too sexy! <3
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∘ a remedy for mondays - @dovechim​ | a, s, h, d | 18+​ this one is such a unique story! a hilarious but also emotional ride all the way through. absolutely loved reading it <3
∘ love again - @taestefully-in-luv​ | a, s, d, h | 18+  ❥ ahhh, one of the most amazing series i’ve followed in a while! dear writer does a brilliant job writing the most perfect humor, heartbreak and smut! aside from the amazing amazing chemistry bw jimin and oc, i love every other element of the fic thoroughly as well - from hobi’s friendship w oc, tae’s obsession w jimin and oc, the whole lucy thing (ew), dae’s entanglement w you-know-who, jeremy and naomi and even joon!!! <333
∘ gemini - @hamsterclaw | a, d, s, h, f | 18+ this whole au has my entire heart, ugh, especially yoongi’s playboy self and the bond he shares w oc​, contrary to it! this fic, godddd, it hurt so bad but healed so good. the second half of this story, please, we love an oc who can build her life the way she wants to! <3
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∘ fwb with jimin - @btssmutgalore​ | s | 18+ dee is a smut connoisseur, her blog’s name says it all, there’s no debate. and this is another masterpiece on her list. the subtle friend’s-sister backstory makes this all the more steamier, and when dom!jimin jumps out? mahhhn, we need some air-conditioning in here! this one is too good! <3
∘ adonis - @xjoonchildx​ | h | pg-16 ana wrote a 3k+ words drabble so she’s my role model now. (: LMAO, this fic is so fkn hilarious, man! i absolutely LOVE mrs. yun - how to be her neighbor, pls??? and as oc asked, who tf is doing recruitment in the city? lolol and the doordash driver giving her a thumbs up at the end? reading this fic felt like i was watching a romcom and i appreciated every second of it! <3
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❥ note: that is all i got for now! a total of 14 fics with 9 one-shots, 3 series and 2 drabbles!
as always, there is a strong chance i might have read something but forgotten to save it, in which case i will include it in the next list when i find it again. i really hope all the readers, out there, make use of this list and give all these fics a try and all these wonderful writers some much deserved love! ❤️
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a match made in heaven.
(for @jimmysdragonsuit13 🩵)
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Y/N. She was gorgeous, even that is an understatement. We’ve known each other for quite some time, but I never had the guts to ask her out. She was at Def Leppard’s first show and we took the time to talk after the show. I remember seeing her in the crowd and then whispering to Joe that I’ve never seen so many pretty girls in one place, but she was the one that was on my mind. She’d come to every show after, it’s making me think that I did something right by talking to her.
She was sweet, she was easy to talk to. Is it too dramatic if I say that I’d trust her with my life? Probably, but that’s the way she makes me feel. It might be because I’ve never met a girl who made me feel this way besides the women in my family. I felt like I could tell her everything. Because she understood exactly how I felt.
“I know I just met you Steve, but I want to help you.”
Eventually, at the fifth show she came to, the boys and I asked her if she wanted to join us on our On Through The Night Tour. She said yes!
I remember the day we embarked on the tour, we were on our way to Manchester because apparently we started there and not Sheffield (This was gonna be the next show after Manchester), anyway, She wore a white and black striped crop top and a pair of blue denim shorts. She was carrying a large light green luggage.
“Do you need help with that?” I asked her.
“No, I’m ok, thank you,” She smiled sweetly, she was struggling a bit, it wasn’t a secret, but she never asked for help. Maybe because she was trying to prove a point that she could get through certain things long. I knew she could, but at the same time she was doing so much for me, I wanted to return the favor.
I started having feelings for her, when I first laid eyes on her, but I guess I never thought much of it until we spent all of our time together during the On Through The Night Tour. We’d talk about anything and everything. She had this laugh and smile that lit up the entire room. When I wasn’t in the happiest mood, her presence made everything better.
“Hey Steve?” She knocked on the door of my hotel room. I got up from the bed and opened the door.
“Y/N! Come in!” I grinned and she walked in doing the same.
“I was wondering, could you teach me how to play guitar?”
“I would love to,” We sat on my bed and I handed her my orange Gibson Les Paul.
“Thanks! I never realized how satisfying it is to watch people play guitar. If it wasn’t for my friend who forced me to come to the Def Leppard show with her, I never would have realized.”
“Watching people play guitar is incredible, I agree, but playing is a lot more fun, love,” I moved so that I was behind her, she positioned herself so she was comfortable to play.
“Where do I start?”
“Do you want to learn a song, or music theory?”
“Uh, maybe a song. Specifically the song ‘Wasted’, maybe.”
“Of course!” I put my hand on the fretboard, “Alright, so first it’s 2 open strings on the low E string.”
“Which one is the low E string?”
“The one closest to you,”
“Oh! Thanks!” She played two open strings.
“Great! Now a 7 on the next string.”
“Here?” She pointed to the 7th fret on the A string.
“Yup,” She played it. It took about half an hour to get the intro to the song up to speed, but she did it and she was good at it. It was then that I realized that I was falling for her.
For years, I did nothing about it, I tried to ignore it. Then during our Pyromania tour, I realized I had to ask her to be my girlfriend. The first thing I did was ask Phil for advice.
“y’realize i’m the last person anyone should ever turn to for advice,” phil chuckled a bit, speaking lowly as he allowed me to enter his flat.
pyromania was set to be our biggest tour yet. as much anxiety as it brought, i knew that it also served as an exciting challenge, especially for us guitar players. and in between rehearsals, we found bits and bobs of time to catch up, tell each other what was on our minds.
but that girl… god. her presence was undeniable. i just couldn’t erase that image of her. not that i had any sort of history with falling for girls too quickly. typically i’d get too drunk to remember.
“so who’s the girl?” phil asked me when we’d both situated ourselves on the couch.
“girl,” i snickered, remembering the band he used to play in. “well… she fancied my guitar.”
“don’t they all,” he rolled his eyes.
“no, but it’s not just that,” i shook my head. “ah, this is gonna sound so cliché but… i’ve started to develop remote feelings for her. i’m just… y’know… nervous… if she’ll feel the same way. you feel me?”
“well, i don’t even bloody know what she looks like. you might as well tell me she was a fuckin’ model and i’d buy it.”
a smile spread through my lips, remembering what she did look like. depicting it in my mind felt like a dream, spurring a whirlwind of butterflies.
“brunette,” i recited from memory. “short-ish. shorter than you.”
“oh, shut it,” phil backhanded me.
“but she… she was into it. she dug the guitar. was into my drift. i wanna… i wanna play a song for her tonight but… but what?”
phil shrugged. “you’re steamin’ clark, you impress the ladies just by bein’ yerself.”
i looked up to the cracks in the ceiling, lost in thought.
phil looked up there too. “you think they’d put us in a better-budgeted place, huh.”
that’s when i got it.
“bringing on the heartbreak. that’s one of my favorites. i’ll play that for her. then i’ll teach it to her afterwards, when we’re back in the flats…” and that’s when i would make my move.
“mate,” phil shook his head and rested a hand on my shoulder, gripping semi-firm to capture my attention, “play something she’ll instantly recognize, y’know, a crowd favorite.”
“but, but ‘heartbreak’ *is* a crowd favorite,” i shot back. “besides, she’s a regular. she’s got our discography committed to memory.”
“verbatim?” phil scoffed, folding his arms.
“for the most part, yeah,” i smiled fondly, as i was indeed impressed.
and she was beginning to pick up her guitar like mad, knew all the licks, knew how to properly bruise up her fingertips while playing. “givin’ me a run for my money, are’ye,” i’d joked to her once.
still, she was comfortable being with me, and i felt the same.
so i figured, tonight, might as well get it over with. now or never.
right before the show started, a few nights later, phil and i got to talking, after i’d pulled him aside. i was still nervous about how everything was slated to go down. i told her to stay up towards the front, that security would keep her comfortable, but in a nice, close proximity view to where i’d be running around like a gazelle on steroids.
that night, we played to a sellout crowd, which was entirely expected. but the whole time, while my hands were fixated on my strings, my eyes were fixated on her. spotlight raining down on her, cascading her body in a flood of brightness.
it was quite a sight. i was so in awe, even breathing out inaudibly, which actually helped my heart rate, in the long run.
i guess there was more than one plus to having her in my corner.
after the show, she came and met me backstage, where is sweaty freaks had towels slung around us, sauntering around the room like we were drunk animals.
she threw her arms around me and kissed my cheek. i guess now was the time to make it official. but what i needed to know was… was she ready?
“you liked our show tonight?” i asked her, and she nodded.
“yes, very! i especially liked heartbreak, how did you know that was my favorite song?”
i chuckled nervously, “i… i didn’t. wanted to shout you out, but coukdnt bring myself to. was too nervous.” suddenly i felt my cheeks turn hot, the dismal lighting not strong enough to mask the red glow suddenly appearing all over my face. “would you… would you like me to show you how to play it? do you mind?”
she put a hand up to her mouth and giggled slightly. “oh, absolutely! you’re the best teacher, after all.”
“then let’s go then.” i put an arm around her and together we walked off to the flat where i was staying.
and it went exactly how i’d shown her how to play countless other riffs. low lighting, gentle atmosphere, away from all the noise… just how i liked it. what only felt right, and fitting, for me to pop the question…
and of course, she instantly said yes, throwing her arms around me in an overly-enthusiastic state. maybe it was leftover from the high of the night. but otherwise, i felt refreshed, knowing just how much this all meant to her. how i meant to her.
after all, it wasn’t that hard to fall in love with a cheeky riff master.
a/n: hey y’all! this is a collab fic i did with the lovely rocksy @littlemissheavenonearth who wrote part one, i wrote part two!
i hope you lovelies enjoy reading it as much as we had fun writing it :))
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idontplaytrack · 13 days
Janis ‘Imi’ike x Cady Heron
Warnings: Regina crushing on Janis, coarse language, angst, fluff, protective Cady, mention of internalised homophobia
In which Cady and Janis have been secretly dating and Regina confesses her feelings for Janis one day. Cady immediately shut her down knowing how Janis has been hurt
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Over the summer of junior year, Cady and Janis have started dating. But something else also happened— Regina had finally come to terms with her own sexuality and decided to make amends with Janis. But it was a task way more complicated than she’d expected it to be. Because coming to terms with her own sexuality also meant acknowledging the feelings she had, no— has, for Janis. It was real punch in the gut for the blonde to witness this: Janis with an arm around Cady’s waist, and Janis pressing a kiss onto her lips. Regina froze like a deer in headlights, feeling her heart just crushed into a million tiny pieces.
Regina didn’t expect it at all, but the truth is, their feelings for each other started right around the time of the spring fling junior year. It didn’t take a long time, but Regina, well? She definitely felt like she lost big time.
She sees Cady leave and head towards her homeroom, Janis was still at her own locker scrolling through her phone. Regina walks up to her. “Hey.”
“What?” Janis asks, not bothered to look up from her phone.
“I wanna apologise.” Regina continues, “What I did was wrong and I shouldn’t have.”
“Which thing exactly?” Janis spat, “The Burn Book? Or the fact that you and the rest of the school called made fun of me for months in middle school?”
“I said sorry.”
“No, actually, you did not.” Janis huffs, shoving her phone into her pocket and looking at the blonde. “Both times, and any other times in between? Not a single apology. You knew it was wrong and yet you still did it. Internalised homophobia or not, that’s still fucked up. It doesn’t give you the free pass to make people’s lives hell.”
Janis turned and left after saying that, though she still saw Regina again in homeroom minutes later.
After homeroom, Janis had French class with Cady and Damian. The minute she walked in, Damian picked up on her tensed body language. And Cady, that look on her face. They could read her like a book. Janis also wore her heart on her sleeve.
“What happened?”
“Regina just tried ‘apologising’ to me and expected me to forgive her.” Janis admits, “Not going to happen.”
“Well, damn. Wouldn’t have expected her to even come up to you.” Damian scoffs.
“She did text me last night.” Cady reveals.
“I’m sorry? She texted you last night?” Janis asked, eyes widened.
“We’ll talk properly about this at lunch.” Cady said, seeing the teacher walk in.
“Cads.” Janis seethed, “What’d she say?”
“I will show you both at lunch.” She sighs, “Alright? Just focus on the lesson right now.”
Janis let up hearing that, Damian however— it was so obvious he was eager to know more. Typical. It’d be funny to see if it weren’t for it being directly about one of themselves.
Over time, Janis got curious. But she knew curiosity killed the cat. “God, finally!” Damian exclaimed, “Cady, get your ass over here now. Spill the tea.”
“I’m just going to let you both read it.” Cady set her phone down in front of the both of them.”
Damian gasps dramatically, “Hi Cady, I was wondering if you could help me ask out Janis?I’ve done a lot of thinking over the summer and I’ve come to realise that what was wrong and I just…can’t stop thinking about it and Janis. I like her.”
“Do you think she’d texted anyone else to help her?” Cady asks.
“Honey. I don’t know but damn.”
Janis had seemingly froze in her seat. “Janis?” Cady says. “Are you okay?”
“Suuuure.” Janis chuckles wryly, “My biggest enemy directly texting my girlfriend to help her ask me out? After she’s already hurt me to the point where my personality changed? Because of her stupid jokes and shit? Oh, I am fine, baby.”
“Fuck this, fuck Regina. She has no right to want to try and claw her way back into my life the way she wants to.” Janis spat harshly. “I hate this fucking game of life that I just can’t seem to win. Every day I have to walk in here and see her smug face, watch her control the school. People respect her, but they fear me without even knowing me. I can ignore her, sure. But no matter what? She’s there like a pesky housefly that wouldn’t leave you alone. In the background, but loud enough for you to hear it just a little— over time, you’re pissed. Then more, and more. And more. She broke my heart and ruined my life before we even became teenagers.”
“I heard what you said at lunch.”
Cady pulls Janis closer to her body, Regina watches that. Then her eyes flicked up and looked between the redhead and the brunette.
“Save it, Regina. Nothing you say will fix or change anything.” Cady spoke up first, “What you did was unforgivable. I’ll never forgive you, let alone Janis. I don’t care why you did what you did— It was a terrible decision that you made, time and time again to continue tormenting the girl who was your best friend. You could easily just left her alone. Ignored her, and slowly drift apart. That isn’t right either but at least she wouldn’t have been hurt by something you knowingly said or did. I’m not perfect, I’ve made mistakes. I’ve made the mistake of trusting you and getting manipulated by you to wrack havoc in the school. You used me because I didn’t know better. But now I do, so you don’t even have to try. It’s not going to work. Out of everybody’s in this school, we’re the few that will never listen to you ever again.”
“Are you so sucked up in your idea that everybody loves you no matter what? I’m not your Mom, Regina. I don’t have to love you.” Janis carried on, “The audacity that you have to just so easily try and talk your way out of this with some half-assed apology for every wrong that you’ve ever done— years and years of mistakes and misery. People called me crazy but worshipped you like a god! You are a bully who has no respect for anyone. So, no I will not go out with you, and I most definitely will not forgive you. Please. Stop trying. Nothing’s going to work.”
Regina was dumbfounded as she should. Janis was fuming, her petite frame trembling as Cady and Damian watched, concerned but ready to lead her away. “Focus on your own life, and stay the fuck out of ours.” Damian pointed at her, “I know you hear me but you better let that register because none of us are saying any of that again.”
Janis had to fight tears for the rest of her school day, only letting go when she was in the privacy of her own room. But Cady was close behind, shutting the door. Damian had dropped them off after school. Janis tossed her backpack into a corner of her room and it lands with a startling thud. She sighs and sat down, head buried in her hands briefly. “I am so— oh my God! I don’t even know what I’m feeling but I want to—” Janis turned around and dove head first into her pillow, then just screamed. Unfazed, Cady sat down by her, a hand on her back, rubbing soothing circles. “You’re okay.”
“No, I’m not.” Janis immediately said back, “I’m not okay. I’m feeling a lot of things but I’m not sure how all of that’s going to come out of me.”
“You’re alright.” Cady repeated, guiding her to sit up and just held her in her arms tightly, “I got you, Janis. Just…let it happen.”
“Ugh.” She groans, “I want to wring that damn neck of hers so bad.”
“Don’t do that- she’s not worth it.”
Janis scoffs, “How dare she do that? Thinking her feelings for me will magically erase her mistakes, and what? Make me fall for her, too? That’s just—”
Janis bursts into tears with that, head buried in Cady chest as she does, a blubbering mess. “You’re okay.” Cady says every now and then, “No one’s going to hurt you again, I promise.”
Janis shook her head, tears easily seeping into Cady’s shirt.
“No one is ever going to hurt you again, as long as I’m alive. We’ve been through the worst of the worst, no one else is going to compare.” Cady sighs softly, rubbing her back then pressing a kiss to her head.
Janis lets out a shaky breath, sniffling as she looked up at Cady while licking her dry lips. Cady looked down, eyes meeting hers, patiently waiting for her to speak if she wanted to. “Thank you.” Janis says quietly.
“I love you.” Cady held her tighter.
“I love you too, Cady.” Janis replies in a small voice.
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
💭A/N: Here’s a little drabble to get out my half-baked idea that’s been on the back burner for ages. :’)
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bringingtherain · 6 months
Hello everybody, I wanted to share a little (modern) Linked Universe AU that have been living rent free in my head for months. It’s based on a reddit story (that I don’t know if it’s true or not, but it still very interesting anyway).  If you have some time, please give it a little read <3
Also, I’m sorry for my English :’)
Legend and Ravio met at college. It was now the end of finals week, so of course they wanted to celebrate. Not only that, Legend was going to – finally-  ask Ravio out. Like, c’mon, he was not a coward, why had he hesitated so much?!
They are walking together on campus, passing by Twilight and Wild who were playing a game, Twilight waved but Legend was way to nervous to notice. Finally, he looks at Ravio and thinks “this is it”. He opens his mouth, feels a sudden intense pain in his head, and falls like a sack of potatoes.
He wakes up maybe 10 seconds later, with Ravio desperately calling his name. To his left, he sees Wild looking worried, and Twilight looking mortified. Before he can even think of saying anything, Twilight starts apologizing profusely. Turns out he and Wild were playing football, and he accidentally hit Legend right in the head with the ball. Legend sits, shakes his head, and comes to the conclusion that besides a strong headache, he is okay, despite Ravio’s protests that he should go to the campus nurse.  
He didn’t asked Ravio out that night. Legend is paranoiac at best, and that ball in the head felt maybe like a –literal- sign from above that confessing to Ravio wasn’t the best idea. Not only that, Hilda, Ravio’s sister, always looked at him like she was silently but strongly judging  if Legend deserved to be so close to her dear brother; and Shadow, Ravio’s best friend, looked like he had already left the judgment phase behind, and the sentence was that he hated Legend guts. Maybe they were right.
So Legend tried to move on. After another year and a half he finally finished college, and in a bout of luck, he won first prize at his favorite music store: a one month vacation to a isolated and beautiful paradisiacal island; Koholint. What better way to celebrate the conclusion of his college life? Ravio accompanied him to the ship, and looked sad to see him go. Legend calmed him, it’s only a month. He will be back soon. Ravio hugged him, and that hug lingered for perhaps more than it should, but no one really wanted to let it go. But then, way too soon for Legend’s tastes, it was time to board the ship. It’s okay, Legend thought.
It’s just a month.  
As he left the ship and looked around, Legend felt like he was walking right into a dream. Koholint island was way too perfect to be true. Even though he wasn’t the biggest fan of summer, the heat in his skin felt gentle, and he felt all the tension leave his shoulders.
And there, he met her. A beautiful singing voice called for him, and he couldn’t stop himself from talking to her.
Marin was beautiful. A long red hair that moved like sea waves around her shoulders, shiny brown eyes and a happy, gentle smile. Her voice was so surreal and sweet that Legend would often think that Marin was actually a mermaid who just got tired of living on the ocean. He called her attention by using his trusted ocarina to play the song she was singing, and she was overjoyed to have his company.
And just like that, one month passed. The ship was there, waiting for him. He didn’t want to go.
So he didn’t.
It didn’t take long for them to start officially dating. Also didn’t take long for Legend to ask for her hand. It was everything so perfect, why would he waste his time?  
As he kissed his now wife on their wedding day, he got himself thinking that if this was a dream then he never wanted to wake up.
Three years later, the world welcomed a little baby boy. His little baby boy. As Legend took his son in his arms for the first time, he asked himself in wonder how could he feel such intense love so quickly. He would die for this boy’s happiness if needed. The touch of Marin’s hand on his brought him back from his dazed state. He looked at her, his eyes full of tears. He never felt so complete in his whole life.
The years passed quickly, but the days extended for what seemed like years. Each precious memory burned forever in his brain. His little boy first steps. Marin’s delicious food after a long day of work. The days spent playing at the beach. The cold nights cuddling by the fireplace. The day his little baby boy –now a 19 year old man- left the island to pursue his college dreams. Every night falling to sleep to her smiling face, and everyday waking up to her gentle voice.
He was walking home, slow but steady. His walking cane on one hand and flowers for his wife on the other. Today was their 50 year anniversary , and his son was going to visit.  As he was walking, a seagull passed dangerously close to him, and he accompanied it with his eyes. When his eyes guided him to the top of Koholint’s tallest mountain, Legend stopped.
And he looked.
There was something wrong. He couldn’t for the life of him tell what, but there was something deeply wrong. He kept looking, hoping that this would somehow make the gears in his brains start to move, but it didn’t. He felt the answer at the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t translate it into words. So he looked.
When he felt a hand on his, he finally moved his eyes from the top of the mountain, and looked at his wife, worry visible in her eyes. She asked him what was wrong. Why was he taking so long to go back home. That’s when Legend discovered that apparently he stayed at the same place, looking at the top of the mountain for hours. 3 hours to be exact. It haven’t felt like more than five minutes to him. It must be his age, he thought after some time, so he went home with his beloved. The mountain stand taller behind him.
That night, after a long celebration and the news that he was going to be a grandad, Legend stayed lying down on his bed, unable to sleep. It was that damned mountain fault. He couldn’t stop thinking about it. Before Legend could notice, he was already up and out of the house. And soon he was at the same place of that afternoon, looking at the top of the mountain.
Time got a little blurry after that. His family came to see him, increasingly more worried about his well being. But he couldn’t leave. He needed to find out what was wrong.
One day, as he felt Marin desperately beg for him to go home, to just look at her, to please, please stop giving it attention, it finally hit him. He couldn’t understand how it took him so long to see something so surreal.
There, at the top of Koholint’s tallest mountain, sit a gigantic egg.
He turn his eyes to Marin, ready to ask if she was seeing the same thing he is. That couldn’t have been there this whole time, right? As he looks in Marin’s direction, he sees nothing.
Marin is gone.
Did she leave? He was sure he had listened to her voice right now, like white noise. He went home. There was no sign of his wife or his son. Worried, he decided to look around.
It wasn’t just his family, he found no one. The island was empty.
That’s when he heard a distant voice. Hope bloomed in his heart that maybe it was Marin, but as soon as he listened close, he realized it wasn’t. However, it was familiar. A voice he thought he had long forgotten.
And he woke up.
He had his head nested between Ravio’s tights, who desperately called his name. To his left, he sees Wild looking worried, and Twilight looking mortified. Panic arises at the sudden sensation of dejavu, but before he can even think of saying anything, Twilight starts apologizing profusely. Turns out he and Wild were playing football, and he accidentally hit Legend right in the head with the ball. No, he thinks. Nonononono. This already happened, this is already long in the past.
Where’s Marin?
He tries to get up, but is hit by a wave of nausea and falls back into Ravio’s arms. Legend looks at him, despair thick in his voice.
“Where’s Marin?”
Ravio looks at him, worried, and asks “Who?”  Ravio then asks Twilight for help getting Legend up. He needs a doctor. It’s possible he have a concussion and might be delirious. Legend tries to stop them, but he is feeling way too sick and way too scared to do much. Twilight is too strong for him to be able to escape, so he just go limp, crying.
“Where’s Marin?” He asks again, but no one answers him.
“Where’s Marin?”
So yeah, Legend suffered a concussion that made he vividly fee like he lived his whole life in a place that doesn’t exist with people that aren’t real. I mean, the idea of living your whole life and then suddenly waking up in the past, in a body way to young for you, feels terrifying. Like, if this happened to you, could you just let it go? Would you be able to have a relationship without thinking that you’re cheating somehow? Are your feelings real if the person you have feelings for isn’t? Idk, I think it’s pretty fucked up. If you have any questions, ask away, because I really don’t know how this would end lol  
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vestaclinicpod · 10 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 13th August ✨
Happy #AudioDramaSunday, lovely people! I’ve listened to so much audio drama this week and my house is so clean as a result 🫧 
🌲@hellofromthehallowoods Starcrossed Gods!! I felt so brave daring to listen to this again. My heart 💔 Marolmar is written so well! Every sentence contains something to flinch at, it makes me sick to hear it all again. I’d also repressed the memory of how gut-wrenching Nikignik’s shouting at the end was, and how much it hurts to hear people trying to sing with a closed up throat. ANYWAY, I��m fine, thank you for asking. I’m not sure if the live show was released early due to logistical reasons, but I am fearful that it’s to provide context for what’s about to happen in the regular episodes (AKA tears and tears and tears for me). 
🦀 What an absolute delight to hear from the @thesiltverses cast again! These season recaps are so funny and it’s so heart warming to hear it when the cast of a show are clearly also its biggest fans. I’m SO excited for S3!!
🦮 @malevolentcast (34) what an episode!! If I recall correctly, this is the first time we’ve had an episode entirely without Arthur & John’s perspective? The Butcher is a worthy character to hold that mantle. Do I feel like I understand him more? No. Did I love being along for the ride? Absolutely. It’s also so weird to hear Arthur talking to John out loud when he thinks no-one can hear. I hope he makes it out in time! 
📻 @monstrousagonies (107) So thrilled to have this show back and I hope Hero is feeling much better! The first letter was so cute!! I’m sure there are lots of us who can relate to choosing love and kindness when we’re used to the opposite! Whichever bridge that little one finds, I’m sure it’ll be the loveliest by far!! 
🌒 @monkeymanproductions gave us the low-down on just how incredibly talented the Moonbase Theta, Out cast are in their Cast Special. Spoiler: Very. It was very wholesome to hear DJ Sylvis hyping everyone up and the episode is full of great AD and other recommendations! 
🎙Welcome to Night Vale is back!! I felt particularly targeted by the ad copy in this episode, but I’m sure that was their intention! This ep’s weather was particularly up my street too! I loved the harmonies! 
🎞 Tiny Terrors OOF hey so I found out what was up with Angela… and I didn’t like it one bit! I also need to know what the hell was happening at the end there. Jess, girl, you’ve got to stop getting yourself in these situations. It’s too much (for me to listen to)! 
🌍 @lastechoespod (8) I can’t believe it’s the last episode! Ishani Kanetkar was wonderful as Trast. I wish we could hear the final decision, but I guess I’ll just have to relisten and try decide for myself . . . 
🧛‍♂️ @re-dracula Uhoh, someone’s arrived in Whitby . . . I love Mina so much and Isabel AdomakohYoung is doing amazing job as her VA. She captures the good-hearted intelligence I love so much about the character!
 💫 Wolf 359 (38-46 + Special!) Oh MAN this podcast has my entire heart. Isn’t Memoria one of the best episodes of anything ever? Oh, Hera, I love you sooo much!!!!! I also loved the Lovelace cliffhanger at the end of 46 and the special was so different but so good! (Although listening to 2 hours of anything is a challenge!! I need a 20-30 min ep or I can’t fit it into my life) 
🎩 @ethicstownpod (7) OH MY GOD. January fans are looking a little bit bloody silly right now! What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On???? Please, if you haven’t yet started listening to this show, now is your time! It’s SO good and has so many twists and turns!! 
🥾@doyoucopypod (5) oh my GOD, imagine how horrifying it would be to be out in the woods to grieve your partner, only to hear their voice in the middle of the night. Nope. Absolutely not. Get out of the dead zone!! Wilson remains the goodest boy, even if his growls give me goosebumps! 
🎧 In this week’s The First Episode Of, W Keith Tims talks to the creator of Untrue Stories! These interviews are always fantastic and this show sounds so interesting for fans of sci-fi!! 
Thanks for reading! I’m so excited for more Regina Prime and to catch up with happenings in the Hallowoods next week! Hope you all have a restful weekend ✨
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 months
I wanna hop on this LOVE TRAIN WOOOOOO!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 🚂 🚂
I wish I could give you the world’s biggest hug rn <333 (okay, okay, imagine that CC scene, right, with Zack hugging Angeal? That’s me to you!). I don’t think I’ve really ever gotten the chance to express how much I love your blog, your writing, your art (beautiful 😭) and your general personality <333 You have a absolute gift for humor, and legit I’ve never once passed a post of yours without breaking into a big, sloppy smile <333 You’ve helped get me through hard days- for real. Even if it’s just the Bois being total and utter morons, binging your headcanons and vlogs and everything in between has made me laugh on days when I couldn’t. There’s just something so infectiously joyous and loving and genuine about all your posts- and I admire it with all my heart <333 You being all the characters to life in such a wonderful, wonderful way- I know it sounds cliche as heck but i don’t know how else to articulate it :,3 They all feel like a family- their bonds feel so real: Seph is so sympathetic, funny, and lovable; you give Gen and Angeal more personality than they ever had in the games- just the most likable bros ever xD <3 Angeal is so dorky and real and Genesis both retains his sharp personality, but also has a kindness and empathy that little to no one truly ever portrays just right. It’s brilliant and perfect <3 Zack is both precious but not an idiot- still strong and independent. And Cloud is just a champ! I just… love it so much, Pumpkin <333 I think your universe is lowkey my favorite interpretation of the Firsts’ dynamic. You have a way of masterfully wielding the most snort-inducing humor, the warmest and coziest fluff, and the most gut-wrenching angst all at once (I mean Caroling at the Gallows….? 😭😭❤️). It’s an unbelievably hard thing to be able to be so well-rounded with genres but you do it effortlessly. It’s amazing. It’s incredible. And so are you <333 For real, so you’re so kind and supportive and appreciative of everyone around you. I’m so, so sorry that life isn’t returning that kindness to you :((( I know it will soon tho ❤️ And we’ll continue to have your back until it does!
You’re an absolute gift to this fandom and this site. Ty for being you, Pumpkin <333 I know I’m not the only one whose life you make actively better around here!
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I think I read this message a total of six times before it actually sunk in, because LOOK WHO'S TALKING. IF IT ISN'T THE VERY SEPH+ZACK WRITER WHO INSPIRED ME TO START POSTING IN THE FIRST PLACE 😤💗💖
I don't even know where to begin with this. Everything you said made my jaw drop and my heart feel warmer than the flames of Nibelheim fanning Cloud's skin as he lay there watching Sephiroth in the distance cookies when you take them out of the oven 🥹🔥
Coming from you this means so so much, and I'm currently smiling so hard my cheeks hurt 😶❤️
You're so incredibly supportive and kind to those around you and I'm so lucky that we ended up in the same fandom 💖🥹
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palpipeen · 2 years
CC-3636 Rebels!Wolffe x Reader: Old Men, Old Habits
You're one of many medics for the Rebellion. Sort of. And a retired commander keeps turning up hurt despite your warnings that you’ll keep him on light duty if this keeps up. You're not sure what makes things worse - that you both hate each other’s guts, or that you kind of want to fuck him. Rating: R (For injuries and language) Warnings: Brief description of injuries (compound fracture, not detailed), illness, mention of blood transfusion, Wolffe being a grumpy old man, sexual tension if you squint, SOME angst bc Wolffe is suffering from injuries/a brief infection, the writer doesn't know medical jargon/procedures so that's a warning in itself too Reader is AFAB But pronouns are not used Word Count: 6829 AN: Welp, it's Wolffe Time Babies. When I haven't been working on OC fic planning and Pretending I Do Not See Part7 and 8 of Caf Delivery Service, I've been working on this. The premise of this is just Reader and Wolffe getting to know each other, and I don't know how many parts there will be. Just that this has been a lot of fun so far, so I hope y'all enjoy it too! Part 1 || Part 2 || Part ????
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Year Ten, Day 182 after joining the Rebellion
Never a dull moment on base. Most days that just means hearing second-hand reports about the latest attempt to open up trade routes, what squadrons are training up a new recruit, and mourning our losses in whatever ways we can. Some days, that means one unfortunate bastard has to deal with another unfortunate bastard on their worst day. Today, I played both parts. Wolffe went and fucked himself up. Again. I’m glad he’s alive - so I can strangle him when he tries to fuck around and find out again.
“This is ridiculous.”
Eyes lifting from your datapad, you meet the glare aimed at you head-on. It seemed like a lifetime ago that you would have been reduced to a flustered, anxious wreck by that look. But now you could look the man behind the glower in the eye. His deep brown and silver eyed gaze boring holes into your head with equal amounts of fury, and barely batted an eye.
“Yes. You’re right - it is.” Tapping your stylus on the edge of your datapad, you stood, turning to the supply drawers and rummaging through them. “Which is why I’m putting you on medical leave, effective immediately.”
“The hells you are!” 
Before he can so much as push off the bed you're on him, your hands closed around his wrists and pinning his hands to the bed where they gripped the edge. You could feel the strength of his hands, under the weathered skin. Part of you wondered if he wasn’t imagining wrapping those hands around your throat.
Part of you thought you wouldn’t mind if he tried, under more favorable circumstances.
Which made you realize, not for the first time, that this was a huge mess of your own making. And you weren’t sure how you were going to fix it. Or if you could fix it. Because catching feelings when you’re taking part in the Rebellion is ill-advised at bet. But your arrogance that your attraction to the former commander of the 104th Battalion of the GAR wouldn’t run unchecked was the biggest mistake of your thirty-some odd years.
Namely because Wolffe is one of the meanest men you’ve ever met in your life, and his favorite pastime is trying to get a rise out of you.
“Didn’t know you even gave a shit.”
“Don’t start,” you sighed, suppressing the urge to duck your head when you felt heat creeping up from your collarbone to your scalp. Pushing away from the bed, you gestured at his leg, turning before he can see the nerves written on your face. “Your fucking leg’s busted, you nearly bled out on the evac back to base, and you might’ve cracked your prosthetic. Little gods Wolffe, what did you think was going to happen?” While you began to rummage through the drawers at last for the flimsi forms, you huffed, “Bacta patches and painkillers aren’t going to fix this overnight.”
“It’s just a sprain. And my eye is fine.”
Pressing the heels of your hands to the sides of your head, you turned so quickly you nearly gave yourself whiplash. Not that it mattered to you at the moment. You glared at Wolffe . It was the first time you’d ever looked at him like that, with quite so much…venom. Fingers shaking with anger that is almost blinding, you reopened the attachment on your datapad you’d been sent earlier that morning.
“Look,” you seethed, “look, Wolffe.” He barely glanced at it before shoving it back towards you. “No,” you insisted, shoving it in his face. “Look. At. The. X-ray.” Dropping it on his lap when he refused to take it, you stomped over to stand at the foot of his bed so you were in his line of sight. Illustrating with your arms the angle his heg had been bent at before triage got it reset. “Legs are not meant to bend like this!”
“So? Put it in a cast and send me on my way.” He turned his head from you, arms folded across his chest. “I can still fight.”
“You lost nearly two gallons of blood, Wolffe.” You moved to the side of the bed he was pointedly looking at to avoid looking at you. “Look,” shoving up the sleeve of your jacket, you pointed at the bacta patch in the crook of your arm, “I gave you some of my blood, just to make sure you’d make it through the fucking night!” Throwing your hands up in exasperation, you began to pace. “Maker’s left nut, if you can’t take your health seriously, I’m going to need to set you up for a psych eval before we even consider discharging you.”
“That your professional opinion, Doc?”
Ouch. That one stung.
When you joined the Rebellion in your youth a decade ago, you were a fresh college dropout with less than a month until you could have graduated. Until you should have graduated. But the Empire had deemed your entire university as a waste of resources and space, so at least you weren’t the only one. Small comfort though it was.
But when you’d finally decided to do something rather than seething in silence at the Empire, you hadn’t expected the Rebellion to give you the position you currently held. Though you weren’t the only one in this boat - apparently the higher-ups thought ‘degree in blank medical field’ meant you could perform basic first aid. This had more to do with a ‘it’s the effort that counts’ mentality, because the higher-ups were nothing if not smart.
No one would have survived in the Rebellion this long were it not for that.
So the whole ‘Doc’ being your base nickname wasn’t your favorite thing to have happened. Worse things could happen, honestly. And they apparently had, and would continue to.
Case in point - Wolffe.
“More like basic observation and common sense.” You shot him a look over your shoulder. “Two things you clearly lack.”
“Pot, meet kettle.”
“What the hells does that - no. No, y’know what?” 
Attaching the forms to a datapad clip, you shoved both into his hands, turned on your heel, and left. Your shift had ended fifteen minutes ago anyway, and you didn’t bother explaining that to your colleague on the way out.
Let Wolffe catch them up to speed. You needed a nap - or a drink. The order didn’t matter, so long as it alleviated the headache that always built when you spent extended periods of time around Wolffe.
You knew from personal experience that neither one usually works.
Year Ten, Day 182 after joining the Rebellion
Has someone been leaking these logs?! I know I’m not the best at encryption and coding, but I know for a fact this datapad never leaves my side. So either someone’s gotten into my shit while I’m asleep, or this whole fucking base is consipring against me. I’ve been assigned Wolffe’s recovery-plan case until further notice. Further notice being when we finally fucking kill each other.
“You expect me to do what now?”
“Look, it’s not the end of the world. I know you two don’t really see eye to eye --” Your supervisor pointedly ignored the snickering from your fellow medics, just long enough to roll her eyes. “But,” her sharp voice silenced the gossipers before they got really started, “you’re the only one Wolffe hasn’t…how do I put this….”
“Made you cry?”
“Treated like shit?”
“Threatened to mutilate?”
“How do all of you know he hasn’t done these things to me?” Silence yet again, punctuated by the occasional quiet, immature laughter. You pinched the bridge of your nose. “I can’t possibly watch him at all hours of the day. I’ll need some help to see other patients--”
“We’ll put someone on night watch, rest assured. But your appointments - barring some sort of emergency - have all been reassigned. And before you refuse -“ your supe held up a finger when you were gearing up to do just that, “- command has said they’ll be glad to send you to Hoth. A new position has opened up—“
“No thanks.” Gritting your teeth, you accepted the data pad handed off to you by her assistant. Staring at the screen but not actually reading it, you sighed, muttering under your breath, “I’ll expect you lot to pitch in for our funeral services.”
“C’mon, Doc.” The colleague you’d handed Wolffe off to that first day gently tapped your arm with the back of their hand. You tried not to rankle as you turned to Limla, who’d been sympathetic to the issue you had with Wolffe from the get-go. “It won’t be bad. You can always decompress in my quarters.” They grinned broadly, all teeth and glittering black eyes, “Gods know I love hearing you rant about the old geezer.”
“Swear,” you groaned, “you lot just live for this shit, don’t you?”
“Signal’s crap on base, so I can’t watch anything good on the HoloNet.”
“Oh, these two are way more interesting than any of your bullshit HoloDramas.”
“Children.” After inputting your signature into the datapad, you stood, bracing yourself for what was going to be a very very long couple of months. “I’m working with a bunch of children.”
Day Three of Wolffe Observation
I’m going to lose my mind. Or maybe I already have. Really I only have to be there - as in physically - for seven hours out of the day, then I can try to pick up rotations from someone else. Scanners and meds will do all the hard work for me. Really I’m just there to make sure Wolffe doesn’t try to jump out of bed. Which he’s already done - multiple times. But every time - every. fucking. time. - Wolffe finds something else to give me shit about. It’s no different than all the other times he’s shown up. But today - oooh, today. Today I nearly reached my breaking point, and I know the bastard could see it. But gods, I would sooner pull a breaching newborn Bantha calf with my bare hands (again) from its screaming Bantha mother before I give Wolffe the satisfaction. I will not be the first one to break.
The day really had started off well.
Sure, you woke up knowing you had to endure Wolffe’s company for another shift. And of course, anyone who knew anything about the dynamic between the two of you gave you shit about it. This seemed to be everyone’s new favorite daily pastime. And really, you didn’t care - maybe they knew about the stupid crush, maybe they didn’t. You were just here to do your job. To help further the effort to take out the Empire.
Too bad Wolffe’s favorite pastime was trying to make your job difficult. You could see it building in his eyes the second you walked in, his gaze focused on your thermos. Folding his arms across his chest, he huffs,
“Where’s my caf?”
“Fine morning to you, too.” You gave him a deadpan stare before you began checking his vitals. “And you’ll get your damn caf when you’re out of that bed.”
“In that case --”
You’d kept yourself close to the bed, close enough that you didn’t even have to look up from your datapad to plant your palm on his chest and hold him there. This was surprisingly difficult, and even with the bloodloss and the fractured leg, you think he could have thrown you like a ragdoll if he really wanted to.
Huh. That’s an interesting mental image.
“Sit,” you gave him a hard shove, “down.” 
Wolffe’s eyes crackled with fury for a few seconds before he pushed back, and you wondered if he was going to start something. It wasn't the first time he’d gotten that fed up with having to follow someone else’s orders. But the fire cooled some, still burning in his mismatched gaze. You felt your pulse skyrocket, and took a step back. Or you tried to.
The moment he felt you try to take your hand off of him, Wolffe’s fingers closed around your wrist, holding you there.
“Poor Doc,” he sneered, nothing but mockery in his tone as his thumb stroked across your pulse. You thought it might have been absent-minded on his part but you couldn’t be sure. It would be just your luck if he was trying to see what unsettles you. “You lose a bet and get stuck watching me another day?”
“No,” you answerdc, twisting your hand away, and Wolffe smirked. Panic flared through you when you heard your own words - you sounded like a petulant teenager, trying to deflect blame or deny...something. Time to do damage control.  “I don’t have any choice in being here today. There are a hundred other things I could be doing, but,” you gestured at him on the bed, “somebody’s sense of self preservation in this room is sorely lacking.” 
He shut down after that, like you were expecting him to, but something seemed different. Or maybe you’re just noticing something for the first time. 
Who knows. Who cares? You certainly don’t. You really don’t, especially not when you saw what you thought might be hurt in his expression before he buried it under a thunderous scowl.
And so it went. Wolffe barely spoke to you through the rest of your shift. That suited you just fine. Except something felt off. You couldn’t shake it. There was something about what you saw - what you think you saw - that made your stomach tie itself in never ending knots the entire time. But you couldn’t bring yourself to analyze it, because this was Wolffe. 
Wolffe, who only cares about his brother, fighting the good fight in this Rebellion, and not at all what the rest of the base thinks about him.
Certainly not about your opinion of him. You’d given up on that pipe dream only a week after he’d been stationed at this base. When he’d made it abundantly clear that you didn’t fit the bill of a medic that should be caring for him. And you were over that - really. It was just the amount of times you’d been assigned to check him over and patch him up that made this crush persist. 
So it could only be that making you worry that you’d struck a nerve. An old wound that refused to heal.
An alarm pinged on your datapad, drawing your attention to it. You frowned as you read and reread the words on the screen in front of you. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Wolffe glance your way, but you didn’t look over. When you finally turned to him, he lay back in the bed, and for a moment you were taken aback by the sight in front of you.
Wolffe is a good-looking man, even in his advanced age. It’s something he carried well, and obviously. Not so much arrogance as it was confidence, awareness that yes, he does know he’s handsome despite what the war and rapid aging had done to his body. You’ve seen it. How could you not? Even when resting it showed, and you --
You took a moment to admire.
It was rare that you got to just look at him like this. Usually you have to do this at a distance, out of fear he’d figure you out somehow. So you drank it all in: the smooth line of his jaw, how proud his profile is, the graying of his dark hair around his temples. The lines on his forehead and under his eyes are pronounced from years of glaring, which is kind of funny to think about. It’s also a little sad. At first you weren’t a fan of the mustache, but it’s grown on you. Your eyes are slowly trailing down his torso, the healthy amount of give you can see on his stomach and chest, when he shifts with an uncomfortable groan.
In an instant, your professional walls were back up, and you were on your feet and at his side in record time.
“What’s wrong?”
“Stop hovering,” he tried to shoo you away, but you immediately spotted the tremor in his hands when he waved one at you. Fisting the thin sheets over him, Wolffe twisted uncomfortably. “Just - dammit, why didn’t you bring me any fucking caf?!” His cybernetic eye was squeezed shut when he glared at you, and you didn’t know how you failed to notice the sweat beading on his skin. “Wouldn’t have this blasted headache if you’d just brought me some.”
“Wolffe,” you said slowly, reaching out to him. You decided he let you place a hand on his forehead - or else the fever you can feel was making him delirious. So that’s what the datapad had picked up. You hadn’t believed it at first - the reading of his temperature was far too low. “What did you do?”
“Wolffe,” you dragged your hand down to the side of his neck, trying to bite back your hiss of alarm. He was burning under your palm. “I need you to tell me what you did. If you’re messing with this equipment, we’ll both be in it deep. It could get other people hurt.”
He growled rough in the back of his throat, “Osik - fine.” Batting your hand away, he gestured at the holoscreen that had been tracking his vitals from day one. You squinted at it, bringing it down on the articulated neck as you tapped at the screen. “I might’ve reprogrammed it a little. Damn thing kept blaring all night - your replacement was too busy flirting with the nurse to do anything about it.” Your hands tightened on the screen as you furiously tapped open the troubleshooter - you were going to have Vrakka’s head for his negligence. “S’fine, Doc, I’ll be --”
“It is not fine,” you snapped, wheeling around to stare him down. “Do you realize what else could have gone wrong? You could have died and we wouldn’t have known what the hell happened --”
“Wouldn’t that be convenient?” Wolffe huffed, not having the strength to raise his voice apparently but the ability to throw another barb at you. “Thought you’d be happier at the prospect.”
For what seems like a lifetime, you just stared at him. Left reeling from the words he’d just flung at you, reeling from the thought that he thought you’d be glad he was dead. It took you until then to realize that’s exactly how you’d been acting. The way you kept trying to rush through getting him fixed up, the clipped words, the reprimands. How you always tried to avoid him outside of the medcenter, and when you did run into him, you always made excuses to get away from him.
Gods, you really shit the bed with this one, huh?
…also why were your eyes burning?
“Mesh’la?” The word didn’t mean anything to you, but it pulled you right back into the moment. Something about the way he said it. You blinked rapidly, refusing to let the tears fall. His eye widened slightly, a moment of clarity as he shuffled in the bed so he was facing you. He can see it. “Are you --”
“Vrakka!” Your shout cracked viciously in the relative quiet of the medcenter, and you stormed out of the room after seeing him try to rush past the doorway. By the time you caught up with him, you were out of breath, and when you grabbed his sleeve you felt him wince. “Vrakka, what the hell were you thinking?!”
“I-I’m sorry Doc, he’s just an asshole and I didn’t --”
“So you abandoned your post to try and get your dick wet?! You left a patient alone in his room long enough to give him the opportunity to hack the vitals tracker?!” Dragging him back into Wolffe’s room, you jabbed a finger at the readout datapad. You hissed between grit teeth, “Fix. This. And make sure no one has the clearances to tamper with it again.” 
Shaking your head while turning your back to the bed (and Wolffe), you rubbed at your eyes with the back of your hand. You could feel Wolffe’s eyes on your back. This was - it was such a goddamn mess. You’d let your feelings get the better of you in regards to him. If you had only been more professional from the get go, if you’d only been nicer to him --
But it’s useless to stay in the past. You knew that.
“I’ll get you on some antibiotics.” You looked at him over your shoulder, trying to keep your expression neutral. “But you have to tell us if something feels even a little bit wrong. I don’t care what you think you know about me, but you are my patient.” Arms folded across your chest when you faced him, you set your chin again, “And nobody is dying on my watch.”
You didn’t let him get another word in before you marched out of the room. Limle would hopefully still be up, and even if they weren’t, they had a bottle of whiskey with your name in it.
Day Twenty of Wolf(fe) Watching
So things are….different. Have been since Wolffe clued me in that he could remotely hack the damn medscanner’s readouts. It’s quieter now, and I don’t know if I love it or hate it. I’m leaning more towards the latter - I think I almost miss squabbling with him. It’s nice not to have the anxiety of wondering when he’s going to say something shitty. …well alright, he still says shitty things, but he’s not going for the jugular anymore. With me at least.
Well. One thing could be said about your shifts watching Wolffe.
It gave you plenty of time to catch up on paperwork. In fact, you were way ahead on your paperwork. To the point that you didn’t have anything to do besides read.
And, on rare occasions, talk with Wolffe. Which was becoming more frequent as you ran out of books to read.
Instead of working a dayshift on that day, you ended up switching with Vrakka’s ‘friend,’ Yol - how Vrakka landed a date with him, you’d never know. He was booksmart where Vrakka was streetsmart. Yol probably got through to Vrakka about his fuck up more than you did, his own sense of responsibility something he couldn’t just ignore at the drop of a hat. Definitely seemed to be a case of opposites attracting. He’d been reluctant to take the shift until you told him it would open up a night off with Vrakka. After blustering his way through a flimsy denial, he’d accepted, before excusing himself to go blush somewhere else.
Cute. It was cute.
What wasn’t cute was hearing raised voices from the end of the hallway on your way to the medcenter. Hastening your step, you rushed to the doors, your jaw nearly unhinging when you took in the scene in front of you.
You’d come to expect anything, honestly. Especially after hearing about the Death Star being blown to pieces. But this was surprising, alarming, concerning. Wolffe was up and out of bed, half leaning and pushing on the edge of it as he tried to get in Yol’s space. This was a far cry from the way he’d looked a few weeks ago, and is an abrupt reminder of why you’ve come to admire him so much. In Wolffe is a wildfire that answers to no one, not even nature itself when there’s nothing left to burn.
And you got to witness the Commander return to his old ways, which will no doubt leave scars in his wake.
“Of all the bullshit you lot have subjected me to, I have never been treated so unprofessionally. D’you treat all of your patients like this?!”
“I-I, no, no I don’t — please sir, you need to calm down -”
“Calm down? You’re gonna tell me to calm down, after nearly dumping me outta bed just to change the bloody sheets?! Now I’m up, against Doc’s orders, and you’re going to tell me to - oh.” Wolffe glanced away from you almost as soon as his gaze flicked over to you leaning against the doorway. “Hey, Doc. Didn’t hear you come in.”
“Yeah, well, I heard you. Whole base did.” You lifted an eyebrow at Yol. “Could changing his sheets not wait until I got here?”
“Supe came by saying the laundry needed to be sent on the hour.”
“Well, it’s thirty minutes til, so - oh. Oh, I see.” Giving Yol a knowing look that makes him squirm, you turned to Wolffe, nodding towards the chairs lining the wall. “Here,” you offered him your shoulders, sliding your arm around his back. Wolffe hesitated for a moment before he leaned into you. You barely managed to suppress a shiver when you felt his fingers digging slightly into the small of your back. It was probably just the easiest place for him to put his hand, you reasoned. As you gently guided him to one of the chairs, you dropped your voice to a conspiratorial whisper, “He’s got a date.”
“So that gives him a free pass to manhandle me?” Wolffe sniffed imperiously, arms folded across his chest once he settled into the chair. You gently lifted his leg to prop it on the hover chair Yol pushed your way, rolling your eyes at the man’s unimpressed glower. “And that’s also why you’re stuck pulling the all-nighter?”
“Yup.” Propping your hip against the wall, you watched Yol while he ripped the fitted sheet off the bed. “To both.”
“You’re a paragon of patient care, Doc.” 
Anyone within earshot can hear the roll of Wolffe’s eyes in his voice, and you couldn’t help yourself. Hiding it behind your hand didn’t do much to muffle your laughter. It was proven to be absolutely pointless when you glanced over to see the glare Wolffe aimed your way.
“Okay, alright uh,” Yol bustled past the two of you to shove the old bedding into the chute in the wall. “Thanks Doc, I’ll see you--”
“Aren’t we forgetting someone?” 
You lifted your eyebrows at Yol when he froze halfway through the door, his eyes frantically searching the room before they landed on Wolffe. There was a moment where he almost seemed like he was going to just leave you to deal with him by yourself. You’re almost certain he’d made his mind up before he rushed past you, hauling Wolffe up and out of the chair.
“You sure drive a hard bargain, Doc,” Yol grumbled unhappily as you took up Wolffe’s other side. The two of you carefully returned the equally unhappy older man into the bed, who huffed and puffed and growled throughout the whole affair. Once he’d settled in, Yol turns to you, hands outspread in supplication, “Now can I go?”
“‘Course,” you chirped, booting up your datapad as you gave him a sidelong glance. “Say hi to Vrakka for me.”
Wolffe only waited until Yol was out of the room before he scoffed, “That irresponsible boy?”
“Eh,” you shrugged, pulling up a chair to stretch your legs out in front of you. “There’s somebody for everybody.”
“Oh, and you’re what, some kind of relationship expert?” Lifting your eyes to him, you blinked in confusion.
“That’s what I went to school for.”
“Oh, I assumed - wait, why do you call me Doc? I thought you were in on the joke?”
“Joke? What joke?” Wolffe glanced around the room in bewilderment. “You work in the medcenter, why would calling you ‘Doc’ be a joke?!”
“It’s because I’m not a medical professional. I’m just - provisional.” You shrugged when the confusion in his expression only increased. “Why do you think it was so easy for them to put me on rotations to keep an eye on you? I’m not exactly experienced in actual medical practice - just basic first-aid.” Sniffing imperiously, you returned your attention to your datapad. “Though with your help, I’m beginning to learn more advanced practices.”
“Glad to be of service,” Wolffe chuckled, and the room went silent for a while as you went through your inbox. It was a useless effort - no one had requested an appointment with you in a week. Suppressing a frustrated sigh, you decided to go through your personal library when Wolffe cleared his throat. “Does it bother you?”
“Hm?” Lifting your eyebrows, you stared at him blankly for a moment. Wolffe gave you an exasperated look after a few beats and you perked up. “Oh. Oh! I mean, a little bit? Not anymore really. Limle is the only person who means it in a ‘term of endearment’ sort of way.”
“So they all just call you that - and they don’t bother asking if that’s what you want?” Wolffe seemed angrier than he was at Yol before, and you tilted your head at him. He huffed, arms crossed over his broad chest, “Just don’t see how anyone could take that kind of treatment lying down.”
“I’m not exactly the kind of person to rock the boat just to save face,” you admitted.
“I noticed.” That was - surprising. It must have shown  in your expression, because Wolffe elaborated, “You said it yourself: you don’t have a choice in being here, even if you can’t stand being around me. Who would put up with that if they weren’t a pushover?”
“Oh, so you’ve got me all figured out, hm?”
“No.” Wolffe studied you closely, and you felt your stomach do a funny little flip. No one had ever looked at you like that. It was something you couldn’t put your finger on, which was exciting and terrifying in its own right. “Not yet, at least.”
“Oh.” You honestly didn’t know what else to say to that, so for the rest of your shift, the two of you sat in almost complete silence.
Day Forty-Six of Wolffe-Sitting
Yol and Vrakka are finally a thing. Openly, at any rate. Which is honestly a huge fucking relief. Watching those two dance around each other (mostly on Yol’s part) was enough to make me age two years every time they tried to deny it all. Wolffe and I made a bet that they would get caught before they were open about it. I lost, and today he finally decided to make me pay up. This man is out to get me, I swear.
“I’m telling you,” you sighed miserably, “you might as well try to reverse gravity with your mind. And last I checked, no one in this room is Force sensitive.”
Wolffe waved you off before he went back to shuffling the deck, “Anyone can learn to play Sabacc, and you lost, fair and square.” He smirked at you - actually smirked, which was a rare sight in itself. It was also distracting. “Better get used to that, mesh’la.”
“What does that mean anyway? ‘Mez-luh.’” You squinted at him when he chuckled at your attempt at pronunciation. “Is it an insult or something?”
“Depends on what you’d find insulting,” he said with a shrug, chuckling at your frustrated expression. He considered you for a moment, eyes narrowed while the cards smacking together became the only sound filling the silence. “If you can beat me five times after I finish teaching you the basics, I might consider telling you.”
“Stubborn old man.”
“Stubborn old man who’s going to wipe the floor with you by the time your shift is up.” The way he grinned at you is infectious. It was also terrifying - all teeth and glowing confidence. “Now pay attention,” he tapped the deck twice with his knuckles, “because I don’t like to repeat myself.”
“Wait,” you looked at him, head tilted to one side, “what do you get if you win?”
“The satisfaction of putting you in your place.” 
…oh. Oh your mind went to some terrible places with that statement. And he did absolutely nothing to clarify, despite your obvious discomfort.
This was going to be a long shift.
* * *
“I’ve changed my mind.”
It took you a while to look up at him. After the last actual game, you sat with your elbows propped on your thighs, fingers rubbing circles in your throbbing temples while you stared at the floor. Just when you thought you understood the rules, Wolffe would you. Easily. When you looked at him, it was to glare at him, the smug smirk that he wasn’t even bothering to hide.
“How so?” you asked, shoving your last hand at him so he could shuffle again. 
For a moment you found yourself lost in watching his hands, the ease with which he went through the motions. It was practiced, automatic - you are enraptured by it. His amused chuckle pulled you out of your stupor.
“You need a little incentive,” he announced, “and I need things to be a little more interesting. Otherwise I’m going to fall asleep by the next hand.”
“Sorry I’m not great at a game I’ve never played until today,” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “And what do you mean by ‘incentive?’ You being able to rub it in my face seems like enough.”
“Apparently not.” He knocked on the deck again - a personal ritual, you mused. “I’ll leave it up to you, since you’re so miserable being forced to play the game. Seems only fair.”
“Why do I get the feeling this is going to be decidedly unfair?”
“Because you’re smarter than you give yourself credit for.” Ah - you had to bite your lip to stop yourself from beaming at his praise. “So, your choice: I can either take your credits, or information.”
Turning your head so you could give him a sidelong squint, you murmured, “What kind of information?”
“Nothing too damning,” Wolffe shrugged, entirely too casual to put any of your immediate concerns at ease. “And if it’s something you’re too uncomfortable to share, I’ll think of something else.”
“So twenty questions, but I have to wait until you beat me at a hand of Sabacc each time? The odds don’t really seem stacked in my favor.”
“Tell you what,” he offered, dealing out the first hand, “if you can beat me, you get to ask a question. Same rule as when we started though: five hands.” He smirked again, and you felt a thrill of excitement and frustration in equal measure. “Maybe you’ll get there - in the next month.”
“Bring it on, old man.”
He beat you in record time for the first question, and you braced yourself. But no amount of mental gymnastics could prepare you for just how ruthless Wolffe can be when he put his mind to it.
“What was the breaking point that made you join the Rebellion?” Wolffe held up a hand the moment you took a breath to give your answer. “And don’t give me the whole ‘it was the right thing to do, I wanted to be a hero’ bullshit.” It was brief, but you saw it: a flash of pain in his expression, older than the Rebellion itself. You recognize you saw it only because he let you. “People aren’t heroes - legends derived from them are.”
“Wow,” you blinked owlishly, “okay. I guess…” Your head dropped with a groan when the answer came to you, because it immediately felt childish and self-centered. “Spite.”
“‘Spite?’” Wolffe sounded about as incredulous as you’d assumed he would. “That is not at all what I was expecting from you.”
“Have you met me?” With a playful scoff, you gave your hand back to him, considering your next words while you watched him shuffle the deck again. “Half my personality is spite, or fueled by it.”
“Alright, point taken.” He rolled his eyes at you, dealing out the next hand in record time. And then beating you in record time. “Why join the Rebellion out of spite?”
“The Empire took something from me that I worked very hard for.” Your eyes drifted down as guilt twisted at your insides. “Something that seems childish looking back on it.”
“What was it?”
“My degree.” He balked at that, his brow furrowing together, and you held up a hand. “Let me explain - I was months away from graduating. It was guaranteed that I would graduate, and then the Empire just decided that the resources and funding for the university were wasted, and reallocated them to fund weapon manufacturing.” Shifting in your seat, you glanced away from him. “Told you it seems childish.”
“You’re right.” His voice is colder than it had been, and that cut you deep. “It is childish.” That twisted the knife, and you let your head fall slightly. Shame filled you, making your eyes burn. If you almost cry in front of Wolffe again, you’d never be able to face him. But then you heard him knock on the deck again, “But you stayed.”
“I did.” You lifted your head, risking a glance in his direction. He watches you closely, carefully - your next words would decide the trajectory of the rest of this strange conversational set up. “Because it was the right thing to do. For me, anyway.”
He beat you again, in silent contemplation this time. Then,
“Right for you how?”
“I joined the Rebellion to get back at the Empire.” You shrugged, “If I could land at least one blow against them, it would all feel worth it. But then - well. I’ve never even held a blaster. Can’t fly. But I knew basic first-aid, and I know how to figure out what makes people tick, so,” you gestured to the room around you, “here I am.”
You lost again.
“Do you regret it? Staying, I mean.”
“No.” The answer came quickly, no knee-jerk compulsion to try to excuse your reasoning or logic. “Not at all. This isn’t anything close to what everyone else has to go through, I know that.” You glanced meaningfully at his leg, and couldn’t help but chuckle when he huffed. “But…it’s where I’m meant to be.” Pushing your hand back towards him, you stared at a nearby wall, your gut still roiling with guilt and nerves. “At least here, I can be a little useful.”
The warmth of his hand covered yours before you can pull away, and your head snapped round to stare at him. You immediately let your eyes fall to focus on his hand, immediately taken aback by the intensity of his stare. But Wolffe had other plans.
Before you could even mourn the loss of his hand on yours, he stretched his arm out and grabbed you by the chin between a forefinger and thumb. Then he tilted your head back up, so you had to look at him head-on. None of the intensity left his gaze as he studied your features, and you watched as it softened around the edges some. His nostrils flared as he let out a long breath, and you swear his thumb twitches like he was about to caress your skin.
But that was just wishful thinking on your part, spurred on by the disappointment you can’t deny when he let his hand fall away.
“Each individual in this counts towards a future that’s made better through our efforts. But without you - “ Wolffe paused for a moment, teeth clicking when he closed his mouth. “Well, without you, I’d probably be dead. Small consolation that is --”
“It’s not small,” you protested quickly. Maybe a little too quickly, if Wolffe lifting an eyebrow at you in question was any indication. “You said it yourself - every individual counts.”
Wolffe groaned, rolling his eyes at you before you were hit with the full force of an actual smile from him, “You remind me of my brother - always throwing my own words back at me when I apparently need it.”
“Rex?” He nodded, and you hummed thoughtfully. “Smart man.”
“Don’t let him catch you saying that,” Wolffe groused, shuffling the deck again. “Especially in this context - I’ll never hear the end of it.”
He dealt another hand out and -
Well…you won.
“Oh?” Both of you stared in silent disbelief at your hand - two sets of five from each stave. As your victory began to sink in you started to laugh, grinning from ear to ear as you watched Wolffe’s expression turn from shock to begrudging acceptance. “Ooh, how the turns have tabled.”
“‘Course you would win with a Squadron,” he grumbled, running both hands down his face. “Alright,” Wolffe groaned behind his palms, “go on.”
“Why did you join?” 
It was the first question that came to mind. There are others you would rather have asked, questions he’d scoff at or tease you about. But that was the one you grabbed hold of first. It felt…important. More so when he slowly lowered his hands, clear suspicion in his gaze and under that, something else. Something that made you question if this would go sour.
“To repay a debt.”
That’s all you got out of him - and you were fine with that.
Taglist: @rain-on-kamino, @deewithani, @seeking-kharis, @lackofhonor, @ttzamara
I know some of you wanted to be just on the Caf Delivery Service tag so if you want me to remove you from this tag, LMK! If you want me to add you to the taglist for this series also lmk in the replies or in a DM!
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reyesstrand · 6 months
hi maddie! wondering if you'd tell me what was your biggest lesson from 2023 is? and what is something you aspire to do in 2024?
ooh, thanks anon!
lesson from 2023: doing what’s best for myself (in real life and in online spaces). sometimes you make choices that’ll stick with you, and though they end up being the right choices…you never truly forget what was. sometimes making these choices lead to negative feelings caused by memories and change, and wondering if you did the right thing, if you were deserving of those feelings, etc etc. i’m finding, though, that by making those choices, they lead to you having the right people in your corner. so i think my ultimate lesson was just trusting my gut and feeling everything i needed to feel and knowing that i can and should look out for myself and the people i care about. making those choices are sometimes hard but the outcome is what’s important and i’m going to carry that with me.
2024 aspirations: i aspire to create more, and try and get out of my perfectionist, overthinking headspace more often. i aspire to get through my physical tbr—i think i read around 20 books this year but i have such an ever-growing stack that i want to favour picking up a book instead of my phone at night. i aspire to be more firm with boundaries. i aspire to deal with some life/family stuff so i’m not working myself into fits of anxiety. i aspire to go to more events on a whim and maybe finally get that tattoo and reach out to people first and continue to be a part of this community here on tumblr <3
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