#for sometimes valid but mostly inane reasons
asteria-argo · 4 months
my favourite thing about chapter four of To All The Better Places is watching absolutely everyone losing their minds about Teds perspective
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natchitoches · 4 months
China Island
I have tried, this has obviously been in my dreams speaking outloud, but, I have tried, over I don't know how many years, to consolidate Asean to being acceptable to China's future plans. The "independent" islands around China, that may or may not loosely also belong to China based on China's temerarious policy in obviety of super-power like struggles over the Asian trade coastline and former longterm issues by decades reaping themselves to new terrorism all the time: like Macau, Hong Kong, Hainan, Jeju. But, for the same reason of reasonability and being reasonable with unreasonable people, I sometimes also like to seem unreasonable, since, I have no reason to care, as histories are filled by people's accounts also the same in validity.
I have tried to consolidate all of the "Reef area" as I call it, meaning all of the outer islands to China's mainland, in order to consolidate all of southeast Asia to China as a separate sector and also help to ease "local" global tensions with the rest of Western Asia; have tried. I have tried to invite Australia to believe it should feel at home in Southeast Asia and vice versa. (You know, by tourist actions and investments.) I have tried, so many things in the ideology of Asian consolidation with China. I have promoted more than anything else, that China should! really should! politically get involved with Outer Mongolia to claim it and they should push their island relations to move into Siberia and make it more Asian than you know what they are, Siberian, right; and more than anything else, to consolidate a country like Kazakhstan into Western China.
Nothing. If I was a terrorist and my only ally was China. Everyone was very safe.
So obviously I believe that anything in the terms of Asia's continent would be fine in China as it continues to be free of the the RU-Mart's influence and activities and politics and continues to be an independent power and influence like it is.
And besides that, I regularly write the Chinese Parliament to suggest and inquire if it isn't a good ideology that South Korean and Japan both might join the Chinese Parliament as island foreign constituents for Asia. And this idea is seriously discounted as inane. But mostly on historic and religious terms.
I feel sorry for myself for reasons I shall keep to myself for eternity. So really, if the universe turned to anarchy, things would be sadder still because, on a lone island, I would still only have to say that, I believe that what I have in ideology about China and Asia is all that I will ever believe.
That, and Roman Parthia.
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the-raining-witch · 4 years
Witchtok controversies I've seen so far:
Woman claiming to be Medusa and starting essentially a mini cult (ongoing, illegal things have gotten involved at this point)
Woman dying after summing a diety from a closed practice (tried Papa Legba, got Baron Samedi) and people variably mocking her or defending her doing so (she had a husband and daughter, may she rest in peace)
Arguments about every older witch explaining that witchcraft does sometimes have rules you can't break, at least if youre following a certain path, being gatekeepers. Even when that rule is like... "don't invoke a god and attempt to bind and control them because you'll get got, and I promise you won't be commanding Zeus any time soon"
Arguments over whether people claiming to summon or invoke deities to do inane tasks or for no reason at all are genuinely interacting with that god (one video mentioned calling on Hades to color with you? Idk if that was based on something). This involves a few videos of people channeling various deities
Arguments over whether certain people actually interact with the gods they claim to, especially if they're young or don't have similarities with that god's domain
At least one person asking every witch to curse him to prove they aren't actually magic
Huge controversy over whether it is okay to accept gifts from the fae, again mostly became an argument about gatekeeping. This one even bled over into non-witch tiktok
Many, many discussions on how just because youre a witch doesn't mean everything that happens is magic (like people thinking everything they ever find is from the fae, even if they've never worked with the fae)
Tons of accounts claiming that "something bad is coming," my official guess is that was corona
Somg witch, idk who, threatened to curse every witch on the app I think? Either way a bunch of people claimed to be cursed, way more than one person could ever effect in that timeframe
Some Christian kid asking other Christians to "pray against the witches" on Beltane because apparently we pray against them on that day?
People claiming someone doesn't work with a god (Aphrodite specifically) because that person's experience didn't match their own UPG
A women claiming she is the daughter of Poseidon, that all Greek gods are actually powerful aliens (including something about the r*pe of Medusa being because of an alien breeding season?), etc, etc. She later clarified that everything she says is UPG. People were still Big Mad of course
Discussions over if "crystal witch," or "fire witch," and the like are valid paths or just a description of the tool you use
I'm sure there are many more I'm forgetting or didn't see...
I'm not taking sides in any of these arguments (well maybe a few, if anyone asks my opinion) but all I have to say is I've seen WAY more tea over there than here
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everyoneisgay · 7 years
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An Honest Mixtape: It’s Code by Kathy Tu, co-host of WNYC’s Nancy Podcast
Hello! We are starting a new advice series here at Everyone Is Gay called “An Honest Mixtape”! Every month we will feature a new guest writer who will tackle one of your advice questions with words *and* music!
"Hi, I have known I was queer for a while (like... a while. a long while) but haven't actually come out to anyone until a month ago (to my out gay friend at church camp–different story). The problem is, I have no idea how to tell people. Sometimes I feel like yelling "HEY I ACTUALLY ALSO LIKE GIRLS THANKS" when my roommate walks through the door or talks about guys, but there is always the fear I have that I will be treated differently. What should I do?”
Kathy Says:
Hey, friend. First and foremost, I just want to say to you that your feelings are completely valid! I remember when my friends would talk about boys or dates to the school dance or celebrity crushes, and I would feel so left out, because I had absolutely nothing to contribute. Believe you me, had I known I was queer back in school, I would absolutely have wanted to jump in and add who I was crushing on.
Okay, now onto your actual question. You have the urge to come out to the people around you, but you’re afraid that people will treat you differently.
I think that if you have the urge to come out, you should absolutely do so. Listen to your gut on this one -- and it seems like your gut wants to tell people! I think that people tend to emulate the energy that you give out to them, so that’s a good thing to keep in mind when you take the plunge. For example, if you are just bursting to tell your roommate that you’re also into girls, tell them with all the excitement in your body, and more likely than not they will be excited with you! I mean, don’t just shout “HEY I AM A GAY!” at them as they walk through the door, because that might be confusing...
Personally, I like coming out to people in the chillest way possible. When people talk about their partners, I will casually slip in something about a girl I used to date, or a girl I’ve had a crush on, or a girl I think is cute. Sometimes people raise an eyebrow, so I follow up with, “oh yeah, I’m into girls too,” and then I move on. Because I am completely relaxed about it, usually the people I’m talking to are too. I’ve also come out by having “the conversation”: I sat someone down and I said, “hey, here’s a thing I want you to know about me...” and proceeded to talk to them about my sexuality.
Another thing I’ve learned: the people you come out to sometimes need time to process what you’ve just told them, and giving them the space to do that will be helpful. Maybe your roommate will just take things in stride and immediately begin talk to you about your thoughts on Demi Lovato’s girlfriend -- but it is also possible that she will hesitate at first and then find her footing once she has a moment (or a few days) to process.
If the thing you’re most worried about is people treating you differently after you’ve come out to them, well…  the harsh reality is that you have absolutely no control over how other people are going to treat you. Some people are going to be dickheads and make inane comments about lesbians or bisexuality. That’s on them. They need to learn to not do that, or you just don’t need them in your life. Sometimes people are going to ask dumb questions, or make hurtful remarks without thinking twice about it. You may be the first person in their lives to tell them what they’re saying is hurtful. In spite of this, there will also be people who are super supportive of your sexuality. There really is no controlling it.
Since you’ve only told a few people so far, I’d start coming out to the people around you who you trust, and the ones you feel like need to know most–for your own sanity (like your roommate!). I get the feeling that the main reason you want to scream “I AM A GAY!” at your roommate is because you haven’t had the opportunity to talk about your sexuality very often with people. You can start slow and have a few longer conversations with people; don’t feel like you have to cast a wide net when you come out. It’s not a race and it never will be!
Also keep in mind that you can be as out as you want to be. Coming out can mean telling your friends and family about your sexuality. But it can also mean presenting more authentically as yourself (e.g. more androgynous, more feminine, more butch). It can mean writing in your journal about how you’re feeling. It can also mean going to queer-normative spaces like a gay bar, a queer art show, or generally the entire Pacific Northwest (just kidding about the Pacific Northwest... but also maybe not kidding, I hear it’s pretty queer over there).
I’ve got a playlist here of music that my girlfriend help me put together. It’s by mostly queer artists who write about various aspects of queerness and are all out in different degrees. I hope you can take inspiration from them, and feel more agency in your coming out story.
You can be as out as you want to be.
Kathy is the co-host and producer of Nancy, a podcast about the LGBTQ experience today. Prior to Nancy, Kathy worked on The Memory Palace, The Mortified Podcast, Masterpiece Studio, and others. And prior to that she was an EMT and law school grad. It's been a trip. Kathy's on twitter @_ktu.
Cover Art designed by the incredible Isabella Rotman!
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alto-ace · 6 years
The Future and Stuff
So I know I haven’t been on here in a while, so I figure I should tell my 8 followers what’s going on.
WARNING: long post, on mobile so I can’t do a read more. Just scroll to the bottom for a TL;DR
No, I’m not deleting. No I’m not going inactive.
I just...don’t like the concept that provided the foundation for this blog. The whole site-wide (and beyond) faction system created by the ~Ace Discourse~ is too widespread, too palpable for the subject itself.
I think I really, really got a sense for how much it just wasn’t worth it when I got into a muti-user argument in which someone spent over an hour moralizing at me over ace headcanons. Yes, headcanons. Ya know, those individual preferences for how one chooses to envision a fictional character? Yeah, those.
I did eventually cave and withdraw my position because I was somehow convinced that “ace headcanons literally harm gay people” was a valid idea actually worth taking into consideration, but looking back on it now? Yikes.
And like, that debate just epitomizes this entire “discussion.” It’s just a bunch of teenagers yelling at each other over the Internet, looking for something to be morally outraged by so that they can feel like they’re actually helping people and taking part in a form of legitimate social justice when otherwise they’d have a limited capability to make a real impact due to whatever factors are holding them down at the time.
And yeah, I know that there’s a potential for legitimate discussion here and that not all discoursers are as described, but I’m just referring, in general, to the discourse as it exists on this site, from which it originated.
It’s just so pointless, ya know? If an LGBT+ service/groups doesn’t want ace people to take part, they can tell us themselves. Until then a bunch of random people on tumblr don’t have the right to speak for them; and that right there is the only real, relevant talking point this whole thing provides (barring homophobic/transphobic actions, of course, but even then it’s not limited exclusively to the ace community and is unacceptable no matter what sexuality/gender identity of which the offending party identifies). The rest of it is just chatter, really. There’s no reason to have this conversation otherwise, and it doesn’t have an impact on anything in the outside world.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that people can’t have an opinion, and that others can’t agree/disagree. It can absolutely be a preference and civil discussion is more than possible, and this goes for inclusionists and exclusionists alike. But making a whole blog for it, dedicating time you’ll never get back? Harassing people over it? Telling people to DIE over it? Over this?
Honestly, it just doesn’t seem worth it to me.
Thanks for reading this far. You’re probably hoping I’ll finally get to the point by now, lmao. Basically, I’m mostly done with the discourse. If someone’s being a shithead, obvi I’ll say something, but by and large, this blog is gonna be mostly for positivity, lgbt issues, and occasional commentary on whatever subject I think belongs here.
Thanks for being so super cool, y’all, and hopefully, sometime soon, this space’ll be a much less toxic one, and filled with love instead 💜💟🖤
TL;DR: I realized that the discourse is inane and pointless so this blog’s gonna be used for positivity and asexual shitposting from now on. Happy holidays!
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