#found at cosmic arts ✌️
fuchinobe · 2 years
(1993, Victor, VIJL-18101)
Remix by Blaze
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askdrdavidbanner · 4 months
How did you get involved with the hulk tv series?
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Hello, my anonymous friend. Thank you for your ask. It would seem that your question is more oriented towards my mun, so with that in mind, I will redirect you towards them.
…Hi! How’s it hanging? Someone’s asking little, ol’ me about my 70s Hulk awakening, hmm? I’ll sum it up as best as I can as it’s kind of a long story. I’ll leave a TLDR at the end.
I was 14, going on 15, and since I had no life, another long story, I was randomly searching the TV guide that day. Looking for something interesting to watch in the early afternoon, I happen to come across “Incredible Hulk” on the SciFi Channel. It caught my attention because at first I thought it was a cartoon until I noted the channel and the one hour time slot per episode. That’s when I realized this was a live action deities series that I had never even heard about until then. I remembered watching some of 2003 Hulk on tv once while I was in a hotel and so I thought, well, not doing anything better and turned in.
I came in on the tail end part of The First part one and then all of part two. I tell you, when I saw David’s eyes go white for the very first time, it was cosmic. It. I came out of that hour and five minutes a changed person. I caught the bug and wanted more. I was pleased to find there was another marathon in later time and was determined to watch then.
Then the next day, something else happened. I was perusing the guide again and noted TV Land having a special on called The 100 Greatest TV Quotes and Catchphrases and was like, “Oh I love that kinda stuff!” and tuned in. It was a commercial break but that soon ended and the program began again. Do you know what the first quote was that they continued the countdown on?
“Don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”
I immediately thew the remote across the bed, lifted my head to the heavens and shouted, “What are you trying to tell me!?” I knew then and there this television show was meant to be in my life. I didn’t know why, but I had this nagging feeling that I was supposed to find this show and I was supposed to hold onto it.
I became a super fan overnight. I found every image I could of the series, read all the Wikipedia articles about the show and actors, read every fanfiction, purchased all the DVD box sets with my poor money, I was even a prominent member of an old, popular Incredible Hulk discussion board back when those were still a thing.
Little did I know how much this show would truly mean to me at the time. Thanks to this show, I was able to get through some of the hardest years of my life. It built a solid foundation into me of how to be and how to treat people and it continues to mold my character to this day.
I have made many pieces of art inspired by it, I have met Lou Ferrigno himself (he is so tall), and I have an autograph from the show’s creator and producer, Kenneth Johnson, which I hold very dear. I have even indoctrinated some of my friends into the Cult of Banner and have connections with fans from all over the world.
I owe more to this show than I could possibly ever give. It continues to be a prime source of strength for me and I will continue to hold it until the end of my days. I have lots of plans surrounding this show, like a cosplay shoot as Dr David Banner (with the white eyes), acquiring a 70s Hulk inspired statue, and obtaining an autograph from Lou Ferrigno. One day, I hope to be a part of a70 Incredible Hulk homage of some kind. I’ll act, I’ll sing, I’ll lend my extensive knowledge, i’ll do what I must do to ensure this fantastic show remains known for years to come.
TLDR: Saw the show on SciFi and it made its home in my heart. 💚
Peace! ✌️
And there you have it. Thank you for your ask, Anonymous. You be good to yourself. Be safe.
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