Three’s Company, Two’s…What?!
Title is literally my thoughts while I was reading the news of the Bobby situation. WTH is FSG doing?!
Tags: @millythegoat, @alissonbecksfan234, @moomin279, @rubybecker-rb2
“That’s impossible.” Fabinho stared at the man in front of him as if he was in shock. “You can’t be leaving, you just can’t!”
“What—I mean, where did you get this from?” Firmino inspected Fabinho’s Kindle reader with a thoughtful frown. “This is just reports, it isn’t official Fabi. I wouldn’t leave without telling you two.”
“Well, wherever this report came from,” Fabinho made a sweeping gesture through the air with his long arms, “it’s going to spread like wildfire. Don’t you check your own news to shut down any rumors?! Meu Deus, what’s everybody going to say? What’s Ali going to say? You can’t just leave like this!”
While Fabinho ranted about the whole mess of a situation, Firmino read more of the article on Fabinho’s Kindle. He shook his head at the news going crazy over one Sky Sports reporter opening his mouth.
Bookmarking the page just in case, he then navigated to the club’s official site to see if the manager had said anything about it in his press conference. There was nothing at all pertaining to a possible departure for him.
“These are all lies.” Firmino would’ve tossed the Kindle out the window if it wasn’t Fabinho’s. Instead, he set the reading device on the beanbag and went on. “I don’t want to leave, I said so myself. The boss wants me here, Ali wants me here, you want me here…they’re all a bunch of liars, caramba!”
“It’ll spread like wildfire, I know. But as long as you want to stay, you’re staying.” Fabinho gazed at Firmino intently. “Do you want to stay? You don’t have to say yes.”
“There are so many young strikers here, and I barely get playing time. But for our teammates and the boss? Heck yeah I’m staying.” Firmino took Fabinho’s hand in his and guided the younger man toward the door. “Let’s find Ali.”
It didn’t take Fabinho and Firmino to find Alisson. That probably had to do something with the fact that Alisson hadn’t found out the rumors yet. When Fabinho and Firmino told him, though, his face blanched to a ghastly shade of off white.
“It’s not true, is it?” he near-whispered. He slumped against the wall, as if the news had made his legs too weak to stand. “Please, say it isn’t so.”
“If I was leaving, I would’ve told you before I let the press say anything,” said Firmino. “I won’t just disappear on you like that.”
Alisson hugged an oversized, fluffy, white chibi-kitten shaped plushie to his chest, peeking over the top. It had been a present from Minamino, and Alisson had just unearthed it from his large pile of hammock pillows. “I don’t think I could live without you.”
“You did,” Firmino gently reminded him, stroking the fur of the plushie. “In Brazil, remember?”
Alisson held the plushie even tighter, as if doing so would keep Firmino there. “You know it’s not the same anymore. I didn’t know you then, now I do. It’s different.”
Meanwhile, Fabinho watched the two, a determined look on his face. “Well, there’s only one thing to do.”
Alisson set the plushie onto a nearby chair, giving it another pat on the head. “What’s to do? We can’t erase the news.”
“We can’t. But we can persuade the club to tie Bobby down here.” Fabinho whipped out a calculator from nowhere and punched in some numbers. “If Bobby scores one goal per game, he can score 15 goals before the end of this season for us alone. That’s impressive. And if you score even half that number…”
Firmino stared at Fabinho’s calculations, wide eyed. “Then I get to live with you guys?”
“No, you’ll go to Everton and get pummeled by Pickford. Of course you stay with us baixinho! Now how about a hug?” Alisson lunged towards Firmino before he could say anything, wrapping his arms around him. “Group hug!”
Fabinho tossed the calculator aside and joined in. For once he was grateful for his physique as he squeezed into a tight spot between Alisson and Firmino.
“We’re not letting you go without a fight,” he promised. It could end up as a losing battle—but for now Fabinho focused on shielding his two honorary older brothers from the outside world.
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bobbyfirminosworld · 1 year
Dear John Henry,
I'm really not arsed about investors. What I'm arsed about is you fucking off!!!
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thegeezenation · 1 year
Are you FSG IN or FSG OUT?
Are you FSG in or out? Check out my videos arguing each side and let me know what you think :)
Luis Sanchez
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learnmunnabd · 1 year
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dewabetnesia · 1 year
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pinkbrandt · 1 year
I think #FSGOUT that's what I think
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charlespecco · 1 year
Can this performance prompt us to make a move in the transfer window PLEASE x
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daniel-munthe-agger · 2 years
so what's going on at liverpool now?
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uptheredslfc · 2 years
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immortaltale · 10 months
john w henry saw fsgout trending yesterday and finally opened his wallet 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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We agree with @mumbaipolice #CoronaOut #GlazersOut #FSGOut #KroenkeOut @manchesterunited @aniket.gue @rrkrishnan29 @shubham_maloo (at Mumbai Police HQ) https://www.instagram.com/p/COcYAZIJLTt/?igshid=ivhw3fkljfvu
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dodgerandevans · 3 years
what is this bullshit about FSG not giving Hendo what he wants for a new contract and the possibility of leaving 🙄
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bobbyfirminosworld · 1 year
Dear lfc
I feel like I'm dying with a sinus infection and a perforated eardrum. You loosing isn't helping me feel better!
You know what else isn't making me feel better?? Fsg!! You have two options, with open the fucking purse and buy some new players and actually INVEST or simply FUCK OFF out of the club
Thank you
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thegeezenation · 1 year
For anyone who wants FSG to piss off
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learnmunnabd · 1 year
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sunnytkm23 · 3 years
- Doubled the ticket price in 2016 and had to go back. - Hurt hundreds of local traders. - Fired the team staff in the middle of a pandemic. - It went against everything that the club means creating the European Super League.
There is no repair. It's time to say enough 
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