#guess the wip asks did nudge me to actually getting this to a publishable state
viperwhispered · 1 month
Too Little
Part three of Jamil (not) dealing with feels here we go. Jamil x reader, Jamil’s pov Previous parts: part one, part two
This was stupid.
Here he was, rolling around in bed, unable to sleep because thoughts of you filled his mind.
It had been futile of Jamil to think that he could simply brush your presence aside, that he could treat you like just another schoolmate and not let you consume his mind. 
Not when every quiet moment had him reach for his phone in hopes of a new message from you.
Not when you kept on finding new ways to make his heart skip a beat every time he saw you.
Not when he missed you more acutely every time you weren’t there.
So, despite his best efforts, his mind treaded those same paths, time and again, occupied by all the parts of you. Your expressions, your mannerisms, your words, every single detail committed to his memory and played over and over.
He suspected that at this point he’d be able to recreate most of your expressions just from memory. Your voice, too, playing so clearly in his mind.
Not to even mention those oh so tantalizing what ifs, supplying him with even sweeter temptations than the confines of reality and memory could provide.
What it would feel like to touch you, to hold you, to kiss you, to-
No. No no no. He would not go there.
Jamil could feel the heat burning in his cheeks and he rolled over, groaning into his pillow.
This was ridiculous. Absolutely preposterous.
Yet, there was no getting out of it.
He wanted you.
He wanted more of you, so much more than what he had.
Because each taste of you left him craving more, each glimpse made him want to uncover everything there was to you.
Even the parts you might consider ugly, as sappy as that was.
What kind of people did you like, anyway?
Charming? Intelligent? Funny?
Rich and influential? 
Did you even like guys? Or relationships in general?
Just the thought - relationship - made Jamil's cheeks burn even brighter, made his legs twitch under the covers.
Yet, somehow, it did not sound so bad.
To have you.
To be yours.
To know and be known.
He huffed and turned over onto his back.
As if his duties left room for something for himself, left enough of him to share with someone like that.
And would you like what you saw in him, anyway?
Yet, his excuses were beginning to sound more and more hollow.
After all, he was nothing if not resourceful, and so far you’d shown no signs of shying away, even as you dug your way deeper.
Jamil stared at the canopy over his bed with unseeing eyes.
He’d have to do something about this.
Because if he didn’t, he might just lose his mind.
But was the alternative any better? Could he even handle it? The full force of you, if - and it was a big if - you were to accept him.
Even now, when you looked at him in that particular way of yours… He never could hold your eyes for long when that happened. The softness and the warmth he saw were far too overwhelming, always forcing him to turn away lest he made a complete fool of himself.
If he were to have that, with the full force of affection intention behind it… How could he even bear it?
Like the other day… You’d found Jamil in the middle of his chores and dragged him away, his to-do list crumbling when you grabbed his hand and led him outside.
He was all too aware of how his protests had been half-hearted at best. How your sudden appearance, your touch had shut down every sensible part of him, leaving him unpleasantly raw.
And by the time he’d gathered himself, nearly convinced himself he had other things he should be doing instead, you were sharing ice creams outside Sam’s, to celebrate the first warm day of the year.
As if it wasn’t warm in Scarabia year round.
As if he hadn’t been too preoccupied by your happiness and enthusiasm to bring himself to heel.
Sometimes, it was all he could do not to be swept away by you, barely keeping his head above the surface.
So, what choice did he have but to act?
You’d made a home in his heart already, whether he asked for it or not.
All he could do was take control of what he could.
Eta: you can find part 4 here and part 5 / the final part here. Oh dear I'm starting to get tempted to write this from the reader's pov as well. Or maybe I'll just have to ramble about the thought process behind this at some point to get that out of my system. I also considered going to a more horny direction with this but decided to go with this kind of yearning in the end. But, if the horny version is of interest for y'all, maybe I can do that as an alternative / supplementary thing to this series, or some sort of a standalone at some point. Hope y'all enjoyed! One or two more parts are still to come. Tag list: @colliope @crystallizsch @diodellet @jamilsimpno69 @jamilvapologist @mazapanmiau @perilous-pasta @twstgo If you'd like to be tagged for any future works, do let me know! Also feel free to specify if you only want tags for particular kinds of works (like sfw/nsfw for example).
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chaos-monkeyy · 3 years
Fic writer tag game! sort of tagged by @frankthesnek 😁
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
190! Climbing a lot faster towards the 200 mark than I did at the 100 mark, thanks to embracing the joy of drabbles, short fics, and deciding sometimes a quick fic without endless editing is in fact plenty good enough 😂
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
673,204 words total including various collaborative or group efforts that I didn't write alone (incidentally, I missed hitting exactly 666,666 recently by TWELVE FUCKING WORDS. Just close enough to make me go nnnnooooo..!! when I noticed... but not quite enough to be worth trying to edit my fics down by 12 words exactly 🙈 (and tbh it wouldn't quite feel the same as posting something actually tailored to hit that mark on purpose in the first place)
3) How many fandoms have your written for and what are they?
Twelve! (essentially, anyway - if you could all of Star Wars as a single large fandom)
Star Wars, Stargate, The Witcher, Midsomer Murders, Assassin's Creed, The Expanse, The Dresden Files, RPF, Stormlight Archive, The Mentalist, Aquaman, and Good Omens.
it's one heckuva skewed distribution though, the vast majority of my fics are SW, followed by stargate, and the rest trail off from there.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All Geraskier Witcher fics, that being the biggest and most current fandom and ship I've ever been actively writing for 😂 - A Tight Fit, Stolen Moments, Undignified, Keep it up, and Intoxicating.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yup, always! Because I love getting them and I also love when I get replies on comments I leave on other writers' fics. And I like connecting with people 😊
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Hands-down it's my "Zombie / what's in your head" MCD thranto fic. I have a small handful of others with ambiguous or bittersweet endings, but that one is the only thing I've ever written that merits the Sad Ending and Hurt No Comfort tags (and oof does it ever merit them)
7) What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
hmmm... most of my fics have a happy ending in the "happy ending" wink-wink nudge-nudge 😉😏 sense at the very least 😂
But I'm probably gonna go with Curious Creatures (thranto filthy fairytale AU) because it really culminates with that "lived happily ever after" vibe. As opposed to the sort of.. "happy in the present and immediate future" happy ending of my typical in-'verse fics.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
Nope, I've thought of a few but never quite gotten around to writing one (maybe someday!). I have some weird fucking AUs that I really like though 😂
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, but somehow very little? i.e. a whole lot less than I would expect to receive given what I write sometimes 😅 Worst hate I've gotten was actually on twitter rather than on AO3, once directed at me for an incest kink fic someone took offense to (it was mostly just funny), and once indirectly in a different fandom (seeing people making fun of a piss kink fic because they took offense to it.. existing in the character tag?).
I've had people be actively rude to or just ignore a co-author on fics I've done with friends more than once though, weirdly enough, which I actually find a lot more anger-inducing than hate directed at me is.
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
....all of the smut 😂 mostly slash, lots of kink, some porn with feelings and some porn with plot and some where the porn IS the plot. And a whole lot of self indulgent PWP 😏
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep I've been really obviously ripped off before and it's a real shitty feeling
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! Just once I think, but it was pretty neat to be asked 😄
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yup! Several times with a few different people, it was a lot of fun.
14) What's your all time favorite ship?
Don't really have one? I ship too many ships across too many fandoms to pick One Favourite For All Time 🙈 Plus, I mean... interests shift and I don't want to wind up making myself feel guilty for that if it does happen to even my favourite ships. I've seen people stubbornly holding onto a ship they don't seem to be all that interested in anymore, just because their whole fandom identity is wrapped up in it. It... really doesn't look like it'd be a fun time 😬
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
There's quite a few, some partially published and some still in my fic writing folders, but I hesitate to actually say "I don't think I'll ever finish This One" because sometimes I do randomly come back to shit out of the blue, or because a re-watch/-play/-read rekindles the interest in it again. Probably not likely in a lot of cases, but... squirrel-brain does what squirrel-brain wants to do 😂
16) What are your writing strengths?
Sex scenes 😎 and short fic of all flavours
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes my overly long sentences are good, but sometimes they do just unnecessarily make the paragraph harder to read. I also have a tendency to stray to far into Over-Description territory of characters' physical states and actions.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It can be effective and immersive, but only if it doesn't leave people confused and having to jump up or down to translation notes at the start or end. My favourite use of other languages in dialogue is to use it only for single words that are evident or explained in context, or for terms of endearment where it's not necessary to know the exact meaning of it (especially when that stuff is part of canon anyway, like the smattering of Italian used in Assassin's Creed, or Radek cursing in Czech)
If it's like full sentences, I just write the line in english in italics, along with something like "X replied in [language]" to signal it's happening.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Midsomer Murders 😊
20) What's your favorite fic you've written?
It changes, really... I guess currently it's probably Inflection Point just cause I'm still really proud of myself for actually doing it 😄
I also feel like I've been tagging people a lot lately, so I'll do like frank did and say Consider yourself tagged if you wish you were ;D
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philologer-mosaic · 4 years
Ooooh, for the ask meme: 1, 30 (if you're okay with it!), and 38 :) hope you're having a great day!
Thank you! You too :)
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
... so my memory is a weirdly spotty thing especially in my childhood and I actually have no idea how old I was when I first discovered fanfiction.net. Going to guess somewhere between 11 and 14. It’s been over a decade, anyway.
And then I went oh wow, the thing I’ve been doing in my head for the past I-don’t-know-how-long has a name and there’s a whole lot of other people doing it too. IDK if stuff that’s just in my head counts as writing fanfiction or if it’s just, like, daydreams that have plot. This question inspired me to go look up my old FFN account, turns out I still remember what it was and I first posted something in 2008. I don’t remember if anything before that made it to a state of written-down-but-not-published. I spent a long time even after that constructing stories I was either never planning to write down or never managed to put into words satisfactorily.
... the first time I ever actually completed a fanfic was brought my friends from Signal a few months ago. And then I jumped straight into a massive great longfic but I do think I can pull off finishing this one.
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
Probably pretty tame. I have to forcibly tame it otherwise nothing will happen outside my own head. I make myself hit a certain word-count every day and I’m only allowed to count writing for a future chapter towards that once a week, otherwise I still have to put in work on the current one.
I do write out of order within the chapter, even within the scene, though, quite a lot. When I know an event or an exchange of dialogue that needs to happen but not how we get there, I’ll write that first and then worry about getting there later. Or quite often I’ll know roughly what character A says but I know exactly what character B says in response to that, so I’ll skip a couple of lines, write B, and go on from there, and fill in what A says afterwards. Sometimes I’ll have several of those gaps going on at once. IDK, how chaotic would you call that?
And sometimes a scene will just pop into my head while I’m half-asleep or out for a walk and I’ll run it through a dozen times getting the perfect wording and then write it down all in one go once I can get to my laptop. The Penny scene did that. So did quite a lot of Signal.
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Hmm. Is “my current WIP” chapter 8 or chapter 9, in this context? I’m not sure. Well, you expressed interest in my OCs and I like this bit for characterisation details, so have some chapter 9.
“Yeah?” said Kelvin abruptly, and put his hand up to his ear. “Uh-huh.” He nudged Aaron with his elbow. “Earpiece, Air.”
Aaron rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion. “Uuugh. You’ve got yours in and I’m always with you – yeah, alright, fine.” He started rummaging around inside his greatcoat. Qrow tracked what he pulled out of his pockets, out of habit: ammo, an uncut burn Dust crystal, a packet of breath mints, the Ace of Hearts…
“Yeah, he says sorry sir, he forgot to put it in,” Kelvin reported to his own earpiece, covering for Aaron with casual ease.
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