#he always said he didnt do gifts and im like cool anyway heres your christmas gift
obsidian-goblet · 1 year
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A work friend went back home recently, and I teasingly told him to bring me a present - as you do, when people are travelling internationally - and he was firmly like, I will. And like cool, pick me up a keyring from the airport, I fuckin love dumb souvenirs.
The first thing he said when he saw me was he was wondering when he'd get to give me my souvenir and I was like 8D neat im EXCITED anyway how was your TRIP what did you DO how was the FAMILY and--
Today, he left this for me in my car, and then text me to apologize for not wrapping it. Like
???????? Yeah thats really what I was thinking.
Anyway, I love it, it lives on my bedroom shelf with all the other sentimental bullshit that makes me happy. I would have INSTANTLY bought this for myself if I had seen it, it's so GOOD hhhhh
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Ok so I sent my last one in on 12-21 and this one is being sent 12-22(his birthday). I'm not quite sure how much I said before but whatever imma just go for the events of the last couple of days. Not asking advice, just updating since you've been helping me :)
Yesterday, I texted him asking him if he was doing anything for his birthday today because one of our friends was trying to plan something for his birthday and he told me that his mom was probably planning something out, he couldn't do anything today for sure. So I asked him to go to birthday dinner, wherever he wants, and I'll pay and he said that he (a now 20yo man) was being forced to go to a church event to meet people by his mom (which after 5 years knowing them, I'm not actually sure she would do that) but at that point I was like "whatever, kinda sad but its fine". So today I said happy birthday at 8am, he responded with thanks nearly 3 hours later and then didnt say anything until I asked him if he was doing stuff with his family still, which he said yes, and so an hour or two later I texted him telling him I was bringing his christmas/birthday present (a 50$ blanket that I made by hand out of my own sparse funds because I'm in college), showed up, his mom was surprised and said that he walked downstairs with another friend not too long ago (which remember he said he for sure could not have people over today) so I headed downstairs and found him and one of our friends checking out video games and such and when I handed him the present, he just looked at it and went "so it's just a blanket?" To which my snarky, already kinda upset ass replied, "yeah. And I made it." To which he got googly eyed and looked embarrassed for acting like that in front of our friend, who is also recieving a handmade gift and both received handmade gifts in the past numerous times and know that that's my thing. Our friend just kinda looked at him like "uh.. duh its handmade dumbass?? You've known her for 5 years and didn't know it'd be handmade??" And then went back to looking at games. BEFORE THIS LAST PART: this friend that was in the room was not supposed to know that we were dating as to not hurt his feelings/keep another friend who's a little too obsessed with bf from knowing. ANYWAY so he gets up and just kinda gives me this awkward smile and a light hug, like one of your guy best friends in middle school were trying to console you on your first period or something, and then kisses me in front of this friend who isn't supposed to know. So I left, went to a nearby park and cried bc 1. If he wanted to just spend some time with this one friend, he should have and could have just told me and i would've been fine and he knows that bc weve both done it before and been fine. 2. The attitude that came with receiving his present? I mean I get just not using it or donating it once the persons gone but straight up "it's just a blanket?" To my face?? 3. If he told the friend we were dating, I would've liked to had known so I didnt feel wierd recieving a present and not being able to talk to him about it and having to watch what's coming out of my mouth. 4. Why is he seemingly avoiding me???
Now that I'm done with that, with what you said in the last reply about talking to him, I do plan on it. I was going to over dinner, but since it was his birthday it didnt feel right so I'm going to wait a bit. I'm honestly hoping this doesn't go on much longer and it fixes soon bc the last time I was in a situation like this was bc I wasnt giving the guy what he wanted and so he cheated on me, then tried to pin the blame on me and play victim so I would break up with him and it wouldn't be his fault to his parents (I most def made him take responsibility) but I dont want anything like that happening again (though I doubt the cheating part would happen since hes super antisocial)
Thanks for listening folks
Okay so, I talked to him and told him he needed to communicate with me because he said he was having problems and I told him he needed to talk to me about those things and not just ignore me, and he told me yesterday (new years eve) he wanted to talk to me bc I was right, he needed to communicate and we went to a park and he talked for a bit, said he wasnt sure he wanted to finish bc he didnt want me to be mad or shattered or anything, I reassured him and he broke up with me. I took him home, we joked for a min before he got out and he said "see you around" when he got out so we're still cool and friends so I'm pretty happy with the situation all in all. I wanted him to break up with me last night if at all so that I could go into the new year and just let it go since I kinda knew that things would be ending a while ago anyway.
i know this is late im sorry i was working on my mental health yet again 🥺
for the first part, excuse my french but what a dick... i always do homemade gifts so i know how that is, but "just a blanket" that would crush me...i would have been so upset.
for the second part, the ending shattered my heart because it sucks to know the relationship is ending, however im glad it ended on okay terms... i wish you all the luck in the world and if you ever just want someone to talk to im here, ive dropped my @ multiple times including once tonight, if you ever do feel so inclined to message me i would gladly talk to you for a bit!
p.s. happy new year i love you toooo!
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whirlybirdwhat · 4 years
Hello, 'tis me, again, with more rambling Glasses or contact lenses to make eyes of df users less shiny sound legit as an existence, but I think? Most of them would be in world government hands. Similar to sea stone maybe, but potentially less Wano? Though they could be glasses made with sea stone dust or something, that could be interesting. I could also picture Dr Vegapunk inventing them. And while we're a vegapunk, didn't he also make weapons eat fruits? (1/?)
I think Vegapunk did. And remember two of those df weapons: Funkfried, the elephant sword of Spandam, and the bomb barking dog back in Alabasta (Mrs Christmas and Mr 4 I think). Which, technically, wow, cool thing that that works but also,,, how. And then: did they have to 'tame' the animal weapons after their creation? I mean dogs are good boys and elephants are gentle creatures, but still. Also, while I'm not sure how shiny eyes applies to weapon form, shiny elephant eyes are now a thing
Back with shiny eyes, on your right you can see the heavenly demon staying true to his name, because imagine Doflamingo sitting in a dark place, light flashes, eyes do their shiny thing, and he is cackling. That Is Some Supreme Creep. On that note, evenings with the doflamingo fam must have been generally heart attack inducing, too. So many df users. And family photos! I wonder if there are exorcists or something in the blues where df are not as well known as on the grand line. 
Another thing: Doflamjngo makes strong puppet copies of himself. Do they have the shiny eyes too? I mean, asking the law of physics, probably no, but whenever has one piece actually listened to laws of physics. Is he always wearing sunglasses to not always have the shiny eyes? Robin makes copies of herself too, as it's the whole thing of her df. I'd say they have all the shiny eyes. Also! Robin! Eldritch being confirmed, but also, with so many extra limbs and eyes, I could imagine 
- I could imagine that on one island she isn't looked at as potential eldritch horror, but maybe an angel, going with the old biblical angels of Too Many Eyes iirc. Bonus: everyone on Sabaody after 3D2Y must be new to grand line, overworked, or...dumb? bc how can anyone fall for the fake Luffy trap if he doesn't have shiny eyes? I think general marines may be overworked, bc new HQ in NW, more pirates bc of WB last words i guess. Doesnt excuse the pirates tho. Maybe they didnt see his eyes? - Minchen0897
HOLY FUCK IM SCREAMING this is all so good oh my gosh.
Anyway for the lenses - definitely Vega punk made the clear looking ones that alter the light, but I think that normal shades (so Doflamingo’s eyes) would also block it as well... but also Vegapunk becoming interested in the science of Df eaters hmmmmm many thoughts many thoughts many suspicions fgdhjsak
And yeah! DF weapons are the coolest! Theres the gundog and funkfreed, but Rakuyo, one of Whitebeard’s commanders, also has a flail that ate a devil fruit, (though the df isunconfirmed! )Pretty cool and it has like demon eyes, which imagining just this hunk of metal flying at you absolutely terrifying with it’s demon eyes I would cry its so cool. 
If they didn’t have visible eyes though... what if they just freaking glowed. Like working like tapetum lucidem in theory but without the actual science and just shined sense their whole ‘body’ is the eyes??? Idk food for thoughts.
Doflamingo is an awesome case because in canon we haven’t even seen his eyes - so picture this. those who interact with df users know about the shiny eyes - but they haven't seen mingos. They say he’s eaten the string fruit but are we sure? What if he’s lying? what if he’s truly a heavenly demon?  Rumors erupt adding to his fame 10/10 concept. 
His clones would have the shiny eyes if we could see them this is truth I say it now.
Eldritch being Robin going to a new island doing her usual thing expecting to be creeping ppl out but instead she’s revered and offered gifts and thank you and praises for the message she brings, and robins face has never smiled more she prefers this revered angel treatment a lot.
.... in theory though, could robin, if she had like a glowing ball, attach her eyes to it to make her look like one of those flaming hell angels? 
holy shit that would be cool.
AND AS FOR SABAODY! Here’s what im going with! I might have said this before to idk, the tag for all the posts should be devil fruit users have tapetum lucidum I think so maybe check that out. ANYWAY
Here’s the theory - shiny eyes are a rumor, nothing confirmed, one you only know if you have interacted with a df user in the right lighting. Sabaody’s far too bright for shiny eye science, however, most people don’t think its true in the first place -df users on pirate crews are common, but in modern islands? nah. 
God I love this shiny eyes offers much more world building to op im losing my shit I love receiving these
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yllucsanad · 6 years
14 and 15 from the x files asks 😊
14. Favorite episode(s)? Why?
ok you didnt ask for nearly this much but ive always wanted to make this list anyways so here ya go!!
1x01 Pilot: I mean,,,, does this even need an explanation? 
1x03 Squeeze: amazing MOTW, “do you think i’m spooky?”, “it seems you were acting very territorial” “of course i was” this is episode thREE PEOPLE, the gray/green alien conversation lmaoooo
1x24 The Erlenmeyer Flask: rip deep throat, iconic “trust no one”, the alien plot seriously begins the thicken here
2x01 Little Green Men: they have a secret meeting how cute, Mulder recording everything for Scully um hello someone is in love
2x08 One Breath: Mulder TEARING apart the hospital and screaming at people for Scully, coma hand holding and crying in his apartment, the return of her necklace, “mulder? i had the strengths of your beliefs” 
2x13 Irresistible: like obviously donnie pfaster makes me uncomf but the way mulder tips up scully’s chin and makes her look at him and then she breaks down and FINALLY lets mulder see her as something besides hard as a rock
2x17 End Game: Scully taking charge and saving Mulder’s life, Mulder trading “Samantha” for Scully
3x04 Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose: this episode is very funny and i appreciate that in this dark x files universe, QUEEQUEG, “how do i die?” “you don’t”, “autoerotic asphyxiation” 
3x13 Syzygy: “sure fine whatever”, jealous scully, cigarette smoking scully, “shut up mulder”
3x17 Pusher: this ep is simply amazing in every way and we all know it
3x22 Quagmire: mulder hating the dog for no reason, RIP queequeg, the conversation on the rock
4x03 Home: this episode is gory and cool, the conversation on the bench, scully making noises to try to get the sheep to move lmao, mulder playing with the baseball and the tv and being sad that elvis died, and im a sucker for kevlar 
4x13 Never Again: Iconic is all i need to say
4x14 Memento Mori: yeah the cancer arc sucks and all but the msr is soo good in this like i can never get over it, the flowers
4x20 Small Potatoes: a great light hearted episode in which scully and “mulder” almost KISS
4x22 Elegy: this episode makes my list because it is so raw and emotional, because mulder gives scully no personal space ever, the bowling scene. scully’s session with the therapist
5x01/02 Redux & Redux II: “keep going fbi woman”, mulder never ceasing to cry about scully, “one sorry son of a bitch speaking”, all the kisses, the hand holding, mulder coming back “from the dead” because he had to see scully, the smile when he tells skinner her cancer is in remission
5x04 Detour: “kill me now”, the wine and cheese (poor scully she really tried), “i dont wanna wrestle”, “maybe if i rains sleeping bags you’ll get lucky”
5x05 The Post-Modern Prometheus: a happy motw ep is always great, b&w, the humor in this one is just golden, the dancing scene of course
5x10 Chinga: mulder without scully lmaooo, “marry me”, the pencils lmao
5x12 Bad Blood: do i even need to explain my love for this one?
5x19 Folie a Deux: a lot of people dont like this ep for some reason but i do, mulders split lip is Hawt, “one in five billion”, “folie a deux. a madness shared by two”
5x20 The End: fuck diana BUT uh, pic of mulder and scully hanging in the office, gibson impressing the fuck outta everyone, gibson exposing mulder about diana and scully, mulder fuckin up spender, the way scully holds mulder after the office fire
6x03 Triangle: the filming is so beautifully done, i love a good irl AU, the KISS i could write ESSAYS about this kiss, “i love you”
6x06 How the Ghosts Stole Christmas: mulder literally steals scully’s keys so she cant leave, they LITERALLY kill each other and then go exchange gifts after they said they wouldnt get each other anything i mean CMON
6x08 The Rain King: everyone assuming mulder and scully are a couple, “i do not gaze at scully”, scully’s speech to sheils
6x14 Monday: i just really really like this episode for some odd reason i cant put my finger on
6x15 Arcadia: again, another episode that i don’t feel the need to explain why i love it lol
6x18 Milagro: scully being fascinated by this guy, mulder being possessive jealous and worrisome, the hug when scully doesnt die, scully grabbing mulders arm, “in my book I’ve written that agent scully falls in love. but that’s obviously impossible. agent scully is already in love.”
6x19 The Unnatural: the ice cream thing, the ripping of the document, i do enjoy the story, fuckin mulder and his baseball obsession, the Scene (you know the one) hips before hands OO baby
6x21 Field Trip: a very cool episode, mulder telling scully that he ends up being right like 98.9% of the time and shes like o fuck, she thinks mulder is dead :’(, they literally trip together, the hand hold at the end
7x06 The Goldberg Variation: lots of good ol flirting, i enjoy the case, the sink lmaoooo, “i like baseball too”
7x14 Theef: “i’ll always keep you guessing”, mulder saving scully by pulling the pins out of the eyes, 
7x16 Chimera: “do you have a significant other?” “not in the widely understand definition of that term”, “mulder when you find me dead, my desiccated corpse propped up, staring lifelessly through the telescope at drunken frat boys peeing and vomiting in the gutter, just know that my last thoughts were of you, and how i’d like to kill you” “i’m sorry who is this”, and also mulder just being really great at his job seriously turns me on
7x17 all things: must i explain?
7x19 Hollywood A.D.: a Classic, scully showing tea leoni how to run i heels, mulder packs it to the left, skinman, bubble baths, the laughing and the hand holding at the end i am DECEASED
7x21 Je Souhaite: i def like the case in this one, scully’s entrance to the office in the beginning (hmm someones suspiciously happy), scully and her invisible body lol, mulders wish was fantastic, the whole last scene as well as “well i’m fairly happy. that’s something” atths ya know
7x22 Requiem: ok like even though its depressing as fuck in end i love this ep, scully visibly turned on by the fact that mulder assaulted someone, “let’s go waste some money”, “we could start sharing rooms”, mulder holding scully when she faints in the woods, mulder watching scully with the baby, the whole bed scene, the HUG cause mulder couldnt live without her if something happened, PERGNANt
and as far as season 8 goes….. every episode besides the ones with mulder are meh and lets pretend 9 didnt happen except i guess The Truth was good considering the circumstances
and i aint gon get into the revival ho boy
15. Favorite MSR moments?
most of them are listed above but other than those:
in firewalker when mulder holds scully’s face
when scully puts herself in contempt of court for mulder and then the HUG
in die hand when mulder rolls himself over scully when shots are firing
all the comfort and care in end game
they way scully cares for mulder when his father and mother die
haha mulders reaction when scully identifies the plane at the bottom of the water
the lace thing, the china pattern thing
scullys concern for mulder in paper hearts and the hug
mulders memoization of scully’s senior thesis
mulder showing off athletically for scully, scully enjoying it
in pine bluff variant when scully recognizes mulder by his bandaged fingers
in dreamland when scully says she would kiss mulder if he wasnt so ugly and the exchange of the sunflower seeds, also mulder knows her breakfast
jealous scully in alpha
the touchstone conversation
the millennium kiss
everytime mulder calls scully dana (beyond the sea, lazarus, the field where i died, trust no 1)
in tooms the first and only time scully calls mulder fox (i know he doesnt really like it but i still wish they did it again because it carries a big weight)
the decontamination shower
when scully cares for mulder when he is in shock
when scully shoots mulder and tends to his wound later
and we musnt forget fight the future and i want to believe
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teehamster · 3 years
Christmas Funny Pajamas Let'S Get Lit Christmas Funny Raglan Baseball T Shirt
So this is going to be a Christmas Funny Pajamas Let'S Get Lit Christmas Funny Raglan Baseball T Shirt bit long but bear with me I had what I believe to be a pointless and incredibly frustrating experience with the assistant manager jamie at your auburn hills great lakes crossing location today I have been coming here for three years I frequent your orlando san marcos and new jersey locations as well at least once a year when we stop we usually spend 5 to 10 thousand dollars on your products the system is simple I go in park in a corner and bring bins to my corner sort them bag them move them to the front register and repeat today I brought a personal duffel bag as it holds about 8 to 12 of your bags worth of stuff I get told that i’m not allowed to use it because it’s policy not a big deal at all I say okay i’ll do that for the rest rather than rebag all of this i’ll just go up in line and pay for it and it can sit behind the counter seems pretty reasonable to me nope I got obstructed suggested that I might be stealing something and not allowed to pass stating if I don’t want to follow the system I can leave he then takes my entire duffel dumps it onto the floor and then rebags it into victoria secret bags then moves it to the front counter so it can be rang in I thought this was a little odd but hey he was doing all the work rebagging it so whatever i’m like dude i’m going to be spending about 8k today all I want to do is come in spend some money get out without any drama what’s the problem whoevers in charge should be thrilled with a sale like this we’re spending 8k keep in mind that I told him that I would do what he wanted and it wasnt’ a big deal and the response was to the effect of stop being lippy and just listen I told him what do you want from me I just agreed with you and said I would use your bags i’m not being lippy at all I know this because I said okay dude not a problem i’ll use your bags his response was maybe if you get to buy it i’m like what are you suggesting that an 8 000 order is something you guys don’t want he’s like yeah if you buy it i’m like dude we are spending 8k today why would I bag up a bunch of stuff and spend 2 3 hours picking our your fabulous product to not buy it anyway so I had 4 credit cards one card had 2 000 one had 3500 one had 2000 and one had 1000 because I am buying for multiple people I had 4 different cards all in my name I wanted one receipt for each card not a big deal to me right wrong again he cited some policy and said if the order is more than 750 items that they aren’t allowed to ring in under 750 items on any one receipt id like to point out that that amount is higher than your employees said they could take as a cash payment I asked him to please show me that I would understand better if I could just read it he was willing to do so he brought out the policy book and to my surprise what it actually said was words to the afffect of cash payments cannot be split up or over 750 items I forget the second half my immediate reply was so what’s the big deal im using credit not cash he snatched the policy book away from me at that point and said you know what you can just listen to me or I don’t have to let you buy anything it’s up to my discretion I then called your orlando outlet and your new jersey outlet and talked to the store managers and cited your policy I was given I asked them to confirm if that was accurate and both said if it was a policy it was news to them I then asked if they would let me buy my order using 4 cards and 4 receipts the woman at orlando said oh my gosh yes we do that every single day I asked if I went to her store if I would have any trouble with this in the future and was told no then she said you can always come down here if you’re in the area and i’ll be happy to take your order after that phone call I tried again here’s the video of that attempt I said listen I have 4 credit cards your register girl said you told her she can’t ring up an order under 750 items that’s 3500 if it’s 5 items not all of my cards have that much I have done multiple receipts every time I came here heck I can even supply them to show it he tells me that because I am order so many items that I can’t have less tan 750 items per receipt so I point around to everyone else and ask what about everyone else you aren’t forcing them to spend a minimum of 750 items what about the final charge i’ll have 750 items for two tickets but the leftover isn’t going to be 750 items you’re not going to let me buy them he shrugged his shoulders to say no at this point I haven’t yelled ive been a bit snarky and sarcastic because I know he’s just giving me a hard time two people ring in our order almost every time I am up there and we were there 3 times in the last 6 months spent a bunch each time so at 730 8pm or so we are done shopping assuming that two people could ring us up ended up being a fantasy he forced one employee only to ring us up later on he comes up when its now close to 9pm and says hey you mind if we ring you up on both registers I chuckle and say no I don’t but you do you don’t want to be breaking that 750 rule do you he glared at me and then sent the employee away and walked off after blinking a few times I laugh because after telling me over and over he couldn’t do it he just got caught trying to do what should have been done to begin with a short while later after 9 I find out that everyone is standing uip front except for the one girl and another associate because none of the rest of them are allowed to help her ring us up the only two people left in the store with about 700 more items to be rang in if that’s not enough since it was a holidy all of these employees are apparently being paid overtime to stand around and wait at a bit after 10 all but two girls leave and one girl is waiting to count cash while the other girl sits and keeps ringing stuff in we apologize profusely we expected two employees to ring us up like always and timed our visit to be out around 9 if this had happened instead of having one literally stand there and watch her for 1 hour and 47 minutes after close we would have all been out on time and no overtime or extra hours spent so finally at 10 47 pm our orders are done we thank the lovely girl lauren and jasmine who got stuck staying 2 hours past close because a manager made up some random policy and had to double down when I pointed out he really needed to follow that 750 rule when he was going to toss another girl on the register if this is policy fine it doesn’t seem to be no manager at your other outlets knew what he was talking about the orlando one insisted that the only restrictions are on cash payments and verified I was paying cash or credit it’s a pretty humiliating experience to get hassled trying to buy panties and bras by someone who’s on some type of power trip the only thing I said sideways to him was that I flat out didn’t believe his policy and that credit absolutely is not the same as cash I didnt call him any names scream at him or did anything to disrupt the store beyond what you see in the videos if this is not policy i’d like an apology from that manager in person or over the phone admitting he was mistaken I would hope that the next time I go there I am not hassled but if not I guess there’s always orlando or new jersey who seem to be quite friendly I also want to give recognition to jasmine and lauren lauren is the poor soul who got stuck ringing everything in alone because of the manager’s silly rule and not allowing anyone to help because it would be in violation of the 750 item rule jasmine was the cash counter who had to wait until we were out of the store to count cash even more interesting is that I had a former employee with me helping me buy and she said she never heard of this policy either but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t added since she left she was just as confused because the manager spent over 30 minutes trying to explain and defend this when that time certainly would have been more efficiently spent doing productive things instead of hassling someone who literally sits in a corner and speaks to no one while sorting through your products one bin at a time id love a call back about this or to find out what exactly is going on ive never been hassled like this before and it was a little frustrating and very trying to keep my cool joe rossetti alexandria gunn. 8 1 ptr leveling experience reduced fifth azerite armor ring added raid testing. 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