#her mom's necklace is a constant source of pain
thehunterstars · 2 years
can u tell me five random facts about renata?
hi keke, how u doing bb !! (。◕‿◕。) renata esposito is tony stark's cousin, niece of maria by her half-brother donato (also oc oop). nathy exists in the child of infinity series along with a few other ocs. she's my youngest oc, possibly the angstiest and the shortest lived. i think. kajdkdkd.
— has an old necklace that was her mother's, it was found by her dad after her mother left them. she hates the thing but can't bring herself to throw it out
— loves to go swimming, it brings her a sense of peace
— she can play piano since she was little, was actually taught by maria whenever she visited
— never broke or sprained anything in her life *sudden suspense music* until that faithful night ! dun dun dun where she got into a car accident with her father and ended up acquiring some scars and lost her hearing on one side
— loves taking pictures and filming, if she can get her hands in a video camera she will record whatever. herself, her surroundings, whoever she's with, anything. this plays as something of a cameo later on during iron man when tony finds the box full of howard's shit, somehow wibbly-wobbly-wavy-timey-wimey there's some of renata's old reels
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fakeikemen · 4 years
Katara's Grief
(This is my first attempt at a meta post and I know that this has probably been already done but I just needed to get it off my chest and go on a little rant and it kinda got long so bear with me.)
A lot of the hate on Katara stems from the fact that she keeps on mentioning her mother's death at every chance she gets and invalidates other people's pain to assert that her suffering is the worst of the lot.
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And even though everybody is entitled to their own opinions, I'm gonna point out why I think the aforesaid claims are not exactly correct.
First we'll take a look at; Katara's Backstory:
We know that Kya is killed in a fire nation raid and that Katara had been the last person to see her alive before she leaves the tent on her mother's insistence. Only to come back a few moments later and find her dead body. This, in itself is a traumatising event.
So yes, her mother died. Other people in the story go through far worse. You're not wrong when you say that.
But what is more important in Katara's story is the aftermath of her mother's death.
As Sokka says while talking to Toph in "The Runaway" in B3 Ep7:
Sokka: When our mom died, that was the hardest time in my life. Our family was a mess, but Katara? She had so much strength. She stepped up and took on so much responsibility. She helped fill the void that was left by our mom.
As an eight year old, she had to force herself to grow up to step into her mother's shoes and raise herself and her elder brother and simultaneously look after the entire village after her father left to fight in the war. She had to do all of it by herself.
In face of all her responsibilities, she never really had the chance to simply be a grieving child lamenting the loss of her mother. She habituated herself to caring more about others than herself (We see this trait in the entire series as she acts as the stand-in mom friend for the entire Gaang with an exception of Suki and Zuko). She ended up bottling her feelings of grief, resentment, guilt and rage deep within herself.
She had to give up an extensive part of her childhood where most children focus on figuring themselves out, to become a mature and responsible person who was working as the immovable pillar holding up the family and even the whole village not much later.
She put up a strong front to help others and pretended to be fine even though she was hurting inside the whole time.
She could never find any closure from the situation. She never got over it.
Moving on to the criticisms:
1. Katara keeps on mentioning her mother like a broken record:
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Here are the number of times Katara mentions her mother's death (not sure if that's all of it, lmk if there are any others):
1. In her first scene with Sokka
Katara: Ever since mom died, I've been doing all the work around camp while you've been off playing soldier!
2. A short while after she meets Aang
Katara: Well, I just want you to be prepared for what you might see. The Fire Nation is ruthless. They killed my mother, and they could have done the same to your people.
3. A short while after she meets Haru
Katara: I lost my mother in a Fire Nation raid. This necklace is all I have left of her.
4. A short while after she meets Jet
Katara: Sokka and I lost our mother to the Fire Nation.
5. In the swamp after she sees a vision of her mother
Katara: I thought I saw Mom.
6. In the Crystal Catacombs with Zuko
Katara: I don't? How dare you! You have no idea what this war has put me through! Me personally! The Fire Nation took my mother away from me.
7. A short while after she meets Hama
Katara: We completely understand. We lost our mother in a raid.
8. Repeated mentions in The Southern Raiders episode
(Most of the episode basically)
The first mention with Sokka is in the middle of a siblings' spat where she tells off Sokka for trying to act as if he were superior when it was obvious that in the face of the gaping hole that was left by Kya's sudden death, Katara had shouldered much more responsibility.
When she tells it to Aang, she uses it as a proof that the Fire Nation is capable of immense cruelty and destruction.
The Gaang travel all around the world and meet different people affected by the war in different ways. So when Haru, Jet and Hama narrate their own stories, Katara sympathises with them and talks about Kya's death in lieu of "I understand, the Fire Nation hurt me too."
After they got separated, Aang, Sokka and Katara each had their visions and after they get back together, they all mention their visions and so does Katara.
When left alone in catacombs with Zuko, whom she considered as the face of the Fire Nation— the same Fire Nation that had her mother killed and forced her father to leave to fight in the war, she has a meltdown where she rightfully accuses him of all the bad things he's done and then breaks down while talking about how the war has cost her i.e., by causing her mother's death.
The Southern Raiders is the episode where Katara hunts down the man responsible for her mother's death. If you think mentioning Kya repeatedly in this episode is uncalled for, then I don't know what to tell you.
In all the incidents mentioned above, Katara mentioning her mother's death is a very natural occurrence is the respective conversations. She mostly talks about Kya's death to either extend her sympathy or to use it as an example of the ruthlessness of the Fire Nation.
Another fact to be noted is that 70% of the Gaang's storyline is followed via Katara from a narrative point of view. Plus, being the mom-friend, she acts as the spokesperson. Considering that Kya's death is a major event that played a huge role in shaping Katara's life and is also the source of her severe, unresolved trauma, which acts as the driving force of her story, it is only natural that she brings up this topic whenever she is engaging in a deeper conversation.
It is us as the viewers who have seen her from the start and already know about her mother's death and we see her talking to multiple people about it. Which is why it might come across as repetitive to some people.
While, Kya's death is not necessary information that everyone needs to know, Katara talking about it never comes across as a forced or unnatural.
2. Katara invalidates others' pain because she thinks she has suffered the most:
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First of all, if anything, Katara is the most empathetic person of them all. As the mom-friend of the group, not only is she their constant moral support, she also helps them untangle and sort out their own feelings. She is also able to tap into issues that aren't said out loud.
Instances of Katara helping and supporting Aang, emotionally are uncountable.
She is the first one to notice Sokka's sour mood in B3 Ep4 "Sokka's Master". And even though his insecurities seem baseless, she validates him (by saying "I'm sorry you're feeling so down" instead of something like "That's a dumb thing to say") and knows exactly what to do to cheer him up.
In B3 Ep7 "The Runaway" she has the insight to understand that Toph's unruly behaviour is caused by the mixed feelings she has about her parents even though Toph's herself never talked about it.
She even reaches out to Zuko in B2 Ep19 "Crossroads of Destiny" even though she used to think of him as the face of the enemy.
But then there's The Southern Raiders.
Ah yes, that episode where Katara is extremely OOC and a total b*tch.
Agreed that she said some things that she definitely shouldn't have said. But like, she's just 14?? And has been hurting on the inside since she was 8?? And pretended to be fine just for the sake of other people?? Like, there's a limit to how much she can have her shit under control?? And she did a real good job of Sokka's upbringing and taking care of the village and taking care of Gaang on her own?? Some people out there are really willing to forget everything she has ever done just because she was mean for 5 minutes?? A traumatised 14 yo shouldn't be villianised and called toxic because she got mad and lashed out at people that one time??
But here's my take on the scene anyway:
When Aang gets to know that she's going to go face her mother's killer:
Aang: Um ... and what exactly do you think this will accomplish?
Katara: I knew you wouldn't understand. 
Aang is a non-confrontational person who prefers running away from difficult situations as opposed to Katara who firmly stands her ground and is never afraid of confrontations. Katara had approached Aang only hoping that he would understand. But going by his dismissal, he obviously doesn't understand the burning need that she has to confront the man who had single-handedly destroyed her childhood. (Most people infer that what Katara means is that she thinks that Aang doesn't understand the pain of losing people. And so does Aang, I guess)
But things start getting even more tricky when:
Aang: Katara, you sound like Jet.
In all honesty, this is probably the most insensitive thing that she could've heard from anyone right then, let alone one of her closest friends. Hearing herself being compared to a homicidal maniac just because she wants to avenge her mother's killer. (No, I'm not justifying murder but there's a clear difference between homicide and avenging someone's death. And Aang may not be my favourite character but I do love him but this wasn't really a good thing to say either. And he wasn't even mentally distressed in the very least to be completely lacking tact or a filter.)
And then the situation escalates:
Sokka: Katara, she was my mother, too, but I think Aang might be right.
Katara: Then you didn't love her the way I did!
After 6 long years of Katara bottling in her dark feelings and letting them fester inside herself, she is finally letting them out and the first things she faces in a span of few minutes are outright rejection, invalidation of her feelings, comparison to a homicidal maniac and nothing akin to the unconditional support that she has provided to everybody. Her own brother tells her that he is siding with the boy who just compared her to a homicidal maniac.
Yes, accusing your own brother of not loving your mother enough is a very cruel thing to do. But both Sokka and Katara know that she doesn't entirely mean it.
But also, there is one very important factor in here:
In B3 Ep7 "The Runaway", Sokka says to Toph:
Sokka: I'm gonna tell you something crazy. I never told anyone this before, but honestly? I'm not sure I can remember what my mother looked like. It really seems like my whole life, Katara's been the one looking out for me. She's always been the one that's there. And now, when I try to remember my mom, Katara's is the only face I can picture. 
Katara overhears this conversation just as Sokka had meant her to.
This dialogue lets us know that Sokka's coping mechanism has made him suppress all memories of Kya and replace them with memories of Katara in order to attain a semblance of normalcy.
Both Katara and Sokka had very different ways of coping with Kya's death. Katara pressed down her feelings and tried her best to pretend to ignore them while Sokka partially succeeded in forgetting her.
When Katara first hears these words she is shown to be crying. But if she were to remember these very words while she was justifying herself infront of her own brother and a close friend for wanting to avenge her mother, it would've had a negative impact on her.
In her rage, she would've thought: "Of course he doesn't want to avenge mom. Because he doesn't think it's worth it and that's because he doesn't even remember enough of her to be mad about her death."
And for someone who has spent each day of the last 6 years trying to fill in the shoes of her mother and experiencing her absence everyday, the idea of forgetting her mother is a ridiculous concept to her.
Her thoughts would have quickly derailed to: "He didn't love her enough to remember her."
In light of these thoughts, saying "Then you didn't love her the way I did" doesn't feel out of the blue.
No, I am definitely not justifying what she said, I'm just laying out a possible explanation to why she said what she said.
Yes, she should've apologized to Sokka for this and I think that they definitely should've had a long conversation about their mother's death and how it affected them. Between Katara supressing her feelings and Sokka supressing his memories, i don't think they ever had this conversation.
But sadly we are given neither of these scenes.
Tl;dr: Everytime Katara mentions her mother, it's with good reason and I don't think it's fair to call a character toxic when they lack a mind to mouth filter for 5 minutes and say some mean things. And considering all that Katara has done for everybody, it isn't fair at all.
Peace out!
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agentwallflower · 4 years
Supernova, Chapter 1
Hey, here we are again!
I have a headache and I got rejected from UFO, so... good thing I had a backlog because I had zero energy to write this week! Yay! Remember to stay inside, folks! Essential workers like me don’t wanna see you.
Next chapter goes up May 2nd. I’m gonna go work on my nano now and continue to drown my sorrows in coke zero.
Also if you enjoyed the chapter and want to contribute to my coke zero addiction, my Ko-Fi is here!  Thanks, and I’ll see you guys in two weeks. 
Nothing like waking up face first on the ground to make you appreciate not having your face shoved into the ground.
“Andy, you better be out of bed!”
Technically, Andromeda Noble was... half? Out of bed. It was hard to figure out fractions when her face was down and her ass was in the air like that. It took her a few moments to have enough consciousness to right herself, but once she did, half was a pretty decent estimate of how she had come to that morning.
What the hell she had been doing to wind up that way, however, was beyond her.
“I'm up, Mom!” Her deep voice boomed through the floor as she stood and glanced around the room she called her own. It had at one point been attic storage for her family. In some cases, it still was – only the thing it happened to be storing was her and what her mother considered a more than healthy dose of teenage angst. The joke was on her, of course – she was 20. No more teens years left there.
Her mother's annoyed tone also carried through the wood like tar bubbling through the cracks. “Less attitude, more getting dressed! If you make your sister late-”
Andy tuned the rest out in favor of scrounging around her bedroom floor for mostly clean clothes. Sure, she heard the increasingly annoyed comments coming from the floor below, but they were meaningless sounds to her. It was a talent she had honed over the years: the sacred art of in one ear and out the other when it came to the woman.
While sun streamed through the attic window, she held up a pair of suspicious jeans and gave them the once over. Neither of her sisters would have been OK with it, but they weren't the ones wearing them. Soon she was, and after finding a shirt to match it was a matter of grabbing her bag to head down the stairs.
“Hope you're doing alright today, old man.” She patted a bear on her desk as she reached for a necklace hanging from its outstretched palm. In places, it was tattered, and its soft fur was more than a little threadbare at this point where someone had torn it and made a clumsy repair. It still held its plush shield just fine, which was good enough for her. With that little ritual, down the stairs she went with heavy footsteps.
The bathroom mirror showed a blank expression and eyes that tried to stare straight through the glass. The few people Andy interacted with sometimes called her gaze intimidating. Of course, that was when they were being nice. Mostly, it was creepy. Of course, that was her face so there wasn't much she could do about it.
“Well, here goes.” Andy threw the necklace over her head and settled it into place. After a quick check of her teeth, everything looked to be as it should. “Alright. Looks like I'm good to go then.”
With that, she swung the door open and exited the bathroom. As she did, she caught faint, subtle strains of conversation coming down from the living room. From the sounds of things, her mother and older sister were having a conversation.
That hadn't taken long.
“I already told you, I have something to do! You take her!”
“We've been over this, I'm already late to work!”
Ah, the usual debate. Andy leaned on the handrail as she leaned over to listen. From where she was standing, she could see the rest of her family arguing at the front door over who got custody of her for the day. From the sound of things, her mother was winning.
Her mother always did – she could scream louder.
She could practically picture her sister rolling her eyes as she grabbed for her keys. “Whatever, next time you take her.”
“Watch the attitude, I let you live here for free.” Andy had to duck behind the wall as her mother turned on her heel. “Andy, you better be down in two minutes or else! Don't make me come up there!”
And do what, try to drag her down the stairs? Now that would be a sight to see. However, Andy wasn't in the mood to make her mother angrier than she was. After all, their youngest sister had the right to a decent day. So she started down the stairs after a delay. It was easier to act.
“I'm ready, Mom.”
“Next time get up when I call you.” Amanda Nobel, mother, lawyer, and major source of stress, was already out the door. “Sara, we'll talk about this when I get home tonight.”
The door slammed shut behind her, leaving the siblings alone. The room's temperature dropped five degrees as her older sister rounded on her. At least some of her annoyance was gone. Their mother leaving helped with that.
That probably wasn't a good sign, but what did she know?
“Took you long enough.” Sara was a med student, and kind of a pain in her nonexistent ass, but that was what family did. “Shouldn't it take you like two seconds to get ready?”
Andy rolled her eyes as she walked past her sister. “Wanted to look nice for you and the eggheads at the lab I guess. You don't have your study group today anyway.”
Her sister was soon on her heels, and Andy could almost feel the heat  radiating off her face as they headed towards the way out. “I have... something to do today.”
Judging from that tone of voice, that something was more of a someone. Well, she wasn't about to spill those beans, not to her mother. Still, it was good dirt that she was more than happy to save away for the moment. Later, she would share it with their youngest sibling. After all, both of them deserved to benefit  from the juicy details.
Sara stopped to grab her lunch and toss Andy hers with a practiced throw. “A thank you would be nice, you know..I don't have to take you to the lab every day. ”
Her younger sibling shrugged her shoulders – or at least tried to as she tucked her lunch in her bag. “You kind of do if mom can't take me. Not like I'm allowed to leave the house without someone watching me.”
It wasn't like she particularly liked being under constant watch, but it was just part of her life. Over the years, she had hoped for it to lessen, but it had only gotten worse the older she got. Now it was just an unpleasant reality she dealt with by employing a healthy dose of sarcasm whenever someone asked her about it.
Of course, since she really only talked to scientists and her family on the regular, most of them were immune to it by now. Oh well, the new techs were always fun to sass when they were getting their lab legs. It was her one pleasure in life.
“Ugh, whatever.” A clear sign she had won that one. “Come on, we need to leave so we can beat the traffic to the lab. Try not to put a dent in the roof of the car this time, will you?”
“I make no promises.”
Andy was soon out the door, into a bright day with clear blue skies and a warm breeze that blew as she walked. Her flight of freedom was just a short walk to her sister's car – before she knew it, she was sliding in. At least she hadn't dented the hood this time.
In her defense... she put it back the last time just fine?
Sara slid into the driver's seat in order to get things going. Both of them caught sight of their mother's car as she disappeared down the road, going slightly above the speed limit. If that wasn't a sign she was going to be a real delight when she got home that night, Andy didn't know what would be. Maybe she should stay up in the attic when she got home...
Andy shot her sister a look. ”She seems cheerful this morning.”
The ghost of a smile flitted across Sara's lips as she started the car. “'I'll tell you when I can't see her anymore, you know she can hear a mouse fart.”
Andy's body shook as they pulled away from the curb and started down the road that would take them to the city. If she had been anyone else, that would have been an all out doubled over laughing fit. However, she couldn't, so it wasn't. The shaking was good enough for her anyway.
Her sister cast a glance at her when they stopped at a red light a few minutes down the road. “You know Jen's recital is coming up, right?”
“Shit, really?” Andy glanced out the window, at the cars around them. Better than to see the frustration in her sister's eyes. “Are you going to be able to make it?”
Sara sighed and shook her head in response. “I don't think so, I have work and I can't get anyone to cover my shift.”
Andy's shoulders drooped as she leaned back in the seat. “And I'm not allowed to go out without someone keeping an eye on me. If Mom can't go, and Aunt Miri has temple...”
A cold sensation dropped to the pit of her stomach. Their youngest sister, the one she was probably the most fond of honestly, was one of the best dancers she had ever seen. Of course, she was probably the only dancer she had ever seen through a shaky phone screen, but that didn't matter. Jen was good, and she deserved to have someone there to watch her.
Damn it all... she wanted to go.
“Welcome to what  what me and mom had an argument over last night if you didn't hear us through the floor.” Sara adjusted the mirror as traffic picked up. There were more cars now as they were drawing closer to the exit for the city. “I mean, you're 20. You should be able to go places on your own.”
Her older sister was starting to pick at a wound that never got the chance to scab over at that point. Andy could hear their mother's arguments ringing through her head as she leaned her head against the glass. Something about the vibrations from the car helped settle the cold feeling, but it never really left her. By now she figured it was her version of being depressed.
“I know.”
This was probably where she would have sighed, but... it was complicated. Instead, she shrugged her shoulders once more. “But we all had the damn rules drilled into our heads about what I can and can't do.”
She could recite them by heart – no going out unless it was with someone on a very small approved list. No internet use unless it was monitored. And most of all, don't do anything stupid. That last one was a bit vague, but it was the one her mother harped on the most for some reason.
Like she even had the chance to be stupid...
“Hey, you OK? Feels like it dropped five degrees in here.”
Andy picked up her head to see Sara was looking over at her. Normally that would have been dangerous, but the car was stopped in the midst of a lovely traffic jam. Now while she didn't have her license – another point on the cannot do list – she was pretty sure that was safe.
Mostly. It was hard to tell some times with how her mother drove. The woman had never seen a speed limit she didn't break.
“Huh?” She shrugged. “I mean... not really. It's kind of annoying being taken everywhere like I'm 5. I know you guys hate doing it, and it's not like I enjoy having to stay home while kids half my age can go outside and do shit.”
Sara frowned at her reaction. “I don't mi-”
Andy's shoulders shook with her version of a bitter laugh. “Yes you do, everyone does. I'm not dumb like Mom thinks I am.”
Her older sister flinched, but she didn't pull away. “I mean...  well yeah, it's kind of weird you can't go out and all.”
Weird was putting it mildly.
At least Sara had the good grace to keep her eyes on the road ahead of them at that point. Andy was glad for that as she rested her head back against the glass. Traffic was going even slower now – close to a complete stop. On such a busy road it wasn't unusual, but something about it felt... off.
Maybe that was why the med student fished her phone out of her pocket and handed it over to Andy. “I'm watching what you do. Can you  check to see if there's an alert?”
Andy's fingers were a blur as she unlocked the phone.. Almost immediately, a warning sound echoed from the phone's speakers. Text flickered across the screen, scrolling in red and white. Until she turned the device upside-down, it meant nothing to her. Once it was properly aligned...
“Ah, shit.”
Sara winced as she placed a hand over her forehead. “Don't tell me...”
“Downtown's all tied up because Cryojolt turned the roads into a skating rink. Citizens are advised to stay in their houses and not cause trouble.” Andy held up the phone to where a live news broadcast was starting to play.
Some brave cameraman had gotten close enough to the action to show their loyal viewers that half the shopping district was covered in a thick layer of ice that wasn't even close to melting despite the heat. A few cars were frozen feet in the air, as if blown up by water that quickly turned to ice. It looked beautiful, but in reality it was a nightmare for everyone involved.
“Great.” Sara groaned and laid her head on the steering wheel. “We're going to be stuck here forever.”
Andy handed her phone back without prompting. “At least now you can tell me about that guy you're hiding from Mom.”
After all, they were about to be stuck in a car with each other for quite a long time. Might as well make things interesting.
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soflsms · 5 years
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   ( sorry  I'm  late  to  the  party  im  in  pst  so  i  was  at  work  til  now  sdkfjl )  ANYWHO  hi  pals  what  the  h*ck  is  up  !!  im  chloe  ,  im  21  ,  i  use  she / her  pronouns  &  im  a  broke  a$$  geography  major  !!   i  am  SO  excited  to  be  her  &  get  to  rp  with  all  y’all  bc  judging  by  your  apps  skdflj  i  fuck  with  u  all  .  anywho  ill  stop  my  rambling  ,  below  the  readmore  is  stuff  about  sofie  &  some  wcs !!  
trigger  warning  !!  sex  work  ,  deportation  ,  neglect  ,  bad  writing  ,  alcoholism  &  substance  abuse
welcome to los angeles , sofie almeda ! the glitterati has been watching you . rumour has it you made your first mark in the industry two years ago & that your net worth currently stands at  8m . it seems as though you’re enjoying being a  singer since relocating from  harlem , new york city . some might say you’d be a good fit for the glitterati due to your hollywood ranking being a solid  #3, & it helps that fans speak so highly of your  individualistic & assiduous ways . unfortunately , our sources cite that those closest to you aren’t particularly impressed with your  self-destructive & choleric tendencies .
name  :   sofie sydney almeda
nicknames  :   sof
age  :  twenty - two  .
birthday  :  december  eleventh  .
zodiac  :  sagittarius  .
gender  :  cisfemale  (  though  doesn’t  vibe  with  the  idea  of  being  STRICTLY  a  WoMaN  ,  she  finds  labels  restrictive  )  .
pronouns  :  she    &    her  .
height  :  5 ′ 6 ″  .
hometown  :    recife  ,  brazil  &  harlem  ,  new  york  city  .
nationality  :  american  ,  brazilian  .
ethnicity  :  english  ,  portuguese   .
label(s)  :  the  venereal  ,  the  bellwether  ,  the  opulent  ,   the  anaxiphile   .
occupation  :  singer  (  vc  billie  eilish  )  .  
quirks  :  fidgeting  ,  allergic  to  shellfish  ,  walks  quickly  ,  cracks  knuckles  ,  always  wears  her  lucky  ‘  st  christopher  ’  necklace  from  her  grandmother  ,  has  a  weird  ability  to  talk  herself  out  of  trouble  ,  can  tie  a  cherry  stem  in  her  mouth  ,  messy  emotionally  but  on - point  physically  ,  vvv  bad  driver  ,  loves  a  good  theme  party  ,  can’t  get  through  the  day  without  multiple  cups  of  coffee  ,  refuses  to  wear  glasses  in  public  even  though  she’s  quite  far - sighted  ,  always  carries  hand  sanitizer ,  prefers  rain  over  sunshine  .
         her  mother  ,  marcia  almeda  ,  was  a  recent  graduate  from  secondary  school  who  packed  a  backpack  and  went  traveling !! before  long  tho  she  ended  up  knocked  up  by  another  backpacker  ,  this  one  american  ,  while  they  were  having  a  fling  in  sydney  (  hence  sofie’s  middle  name  lmao  @  her  mom’s  humor  )  .  she  flew  back  home  when  she  found  out  &  never  told  sofie’s  father  oops !! so  marcia  had  sofie  at  home  in  recife  just  before  her  nineteenth  birthday  ,  and  marcia  was  enthralled  w  little  sofie  .  ofc  she  inherited  her  mother’s  beauty  (  i  hc  marcia  looks  like  alessandra  ambrosio  bc  hello !  )  &  little  sofie  lived  a  happy  early  childhood  life  in  her  grandparents’  home  in  recife.
         brazil  isn’t  the  safest  of  countries  &  marcia  didn’t  want  the  same  dangers  she  experienced  growing  up  for  her  young  daughter  ,  so  around  sofie’s  eighth  birthday  ,  her  &  her  mother  packed  up  and  went  on  a  ‘ trip  ’  to  new  york  city  .  joke’s  on  sofie  ,  though  -  it  wasn’t  actually  a  trip  ,  but  rly  they  were  trying  to  move  there  to  find  sofie’s  father  to  confirm  his  paternity  and  get  sofie  american  citizenship  .  it  was  proving  more  difficult  than  she  thought  ,  &  marcia  was  quickly  running  out  of  money  .  with  a  face  like  hers  ,  though  ,  making  money  wasn’t  too  difficult  ,  but  it  was  time  consuming  .  marcia  found  herself  escorting  older  men  in  order  to  pay  the  bills  ,  all  the  while  leaving  little  sofie  to  fend  for  herself  .  some  of  her  earliest  memories  are  of  strange  men  in ��their  tiny  apartment  &  sofie  trying  to  block  out  their  conversations  with  her  lil  cassette  player  hiding  in  the  corner  of  her  room  .  eventually  ,  marcia  was  able  to  contact  the  father  &  they  set  up  a  meeting  .  sofie  had  gotten  her  hopes  up  that  she  would  finally  have  a  dad  (  she  got  dressed  up  in  her  sunday  best  &  everything  bc  reuniting  her  dad  was  a  BIG  deal  ) ,  but  the  meeting  ended  up  being  a  quick  exchange  of  words  ,  a  mouth  swab  and  a  couple  signatures  .  sofie  never  even  learned  his  name  ,  & this  queued  up  a  lifetime  of  daddy  issues  &  distrust  of  men  !!
        while  marcia  was  able  to  stay  in  america  much  longer  than  she  was  legally  supposed  to  ,  eventually  she  was  facing  deportation  ,  which  meant  lil  sofie  ,  with  her  citizenship  finally  confirmed  ,  was  put  into  the  hands  of  her  father  who  sent  off  to  an  american  boarding  school  in  new  york  without  even  contacting  her  .  she  would  spend  the  summers  in  brazil  with  her  mother  or  ,  as  she  got  older  ,  couch - surfing  with  different  friends  throughout  the  months  .  she  started  growing  apart  from  her  mother  as  she  aged  since  she  wasn’t  going  home  every  summer  since  she  didn’t  rly  feel  any  connection  to  brazil  .  her  grandfather  had  passed  away  &  she  only  has  faint  memories  grandmother  ,  plus  the  city  wasn’t  at  all  familiar  to  her  &  she  wasn’t  practicing  her  portuguese  after  her  mother  returned  to  brazil  .
         through  it  all  ,  music  was  proving  to  be  the  one  constant  in  her  life  she  could  use  to  escape  from  reality  .  she  had  never  done  any  training  or  classes  ,  but  she  just  liked  singing  along  to  whatever  was  on  the  radio  & practicing  on  her  own  .  she  also  found  a  passion  for  writing  poetry  which  she  later  would  realize  was  compatible  with  music  .  she  would  spend  HOURS  in  the  school  library  working  on  garage  band  lmfao  bc  she  couldn’t  afford  her  own  laptop  to  produce  music  &  her  dad  sent  just  enough  money  as  he  was  legally  supposed  to  .  but  she  worked  her  lil  tushy  off  &  applied  to  a  music  academy  in  nyc  &  was  rejected  the  first  year  (  DEVASTATING  when  mixed  with  her  impostor  syndrome  &  daddy  issues ) but  she  practiced  more  &  more  &  edned  up  getting  accepted  the  next  year  .  here  ,  she  worked  on  her  vocal  skills  &  music  production  ,  &  started  accumulating  her  own  music  &  selling  songs  to  music  producers  on  the  side  for  some  ca$h  money  .  
          by  the  time  she  was  16  the  state  decided  she  was  old  /  mature  enough  to  live  on  her  own  so  she  got  a  TINY  lil  studio  apartment  in  harlem  where  she’d  grown  up  with  her  mum  &  she  had  friends  who  she’d  grown  up  with  .  while  it  wasn’t  the  safest  neighbourhood  statistically  sofie  felt  safe  &  just  like  one  of  the  neighbourhood  kids  .  it  was  the  first  time  she  genuinely  felt  like  she  belonged .
        she  was  accepted  on  full  scholarship  to  nyu  & majored  in  music  composition  &  vocal  performance  where  she  started  finally  feeling  secure  in  herself  &  released  her  own  music  on  soundcloud  ,  quickly  amassing  a  following  &  becoming  an  ‘ up  &  coming ‘  artist  !!  she  was  contacted  by  a  scooter  braun  type  guy  who  was  interested  in  taking  her  on  under  his  management  so  she  dropped  out  of  uni  in  her  2nd  year  (  bc  tbh  her  grades  in  anything  other  than  her  music  classes  were  v  subpar  )  .  soon  enough  producers  wanted  to  work  with  her  &  she  was  making  enough  that  she  didn’t  have  to  sell  her  songs  which  she  hated  doing  but  had  to  pay  the  bills  u  know  .  oh  &  her  vc  is  billie  eilish  bc  ofc  shes  my  queen  go  stream  when  we  all  fall  asleep  where  do  we  go  on  spotify  u  won’t  be  disappointed  
        she  also  started  getting  into  the  partying  scene  here  yikes  !! it  was  a  method  for  her  to  numb  all  her  pain  from  her  past  &  impostor  syndrome  &  drown  all  that  out  in  pills  or  tequila  .  it  rly  wasn’t  healthy  bc  of  how  she  would  binge  for  a  weekend  then  try  to  stay  sober  throughout  the  week  but  failing  by  about  wednesday when  she  started  to  feel  hollow  .  she  wasn’t  gonna  be  a  one  hit  wonder  &  her  mom  sure   as  hell  didn’t  go  through  all  that  trouble  just  for  sofie  to  be  a  nobody  addict  !! so  she  kept  it  together  enough  to  start  making big  bucks  & well  …….  here  she  is  :~)
        sofie  blames  it  on  her  brazilian  heritage  but  this  bitch  loves  a  party  !!  like  shes  the  one  who  gets  happy drunk  at  the  pre  then  is  the  first  on  the  dance  floor  then  later  falls  out  of  the  club  &  into  some  rando’s  bed !!  in  the  back  of  her  mind  she  knows  her  drug  &  alcohol  use  is  self - destructive  but  she  figures  shes  allowed  to  let  loose  sometimes (  even  if  that  ends  up  being  most  nights  )  ;  rly  she’s  just  in  denial  bc  she  doesn’t  want  to  change  her  ways  &  lose  her  identity  !!
        doesn’t  put  labels  on  her  gender  identity  or  sexual orientation  .  she  finds  them  restrictive  &  useless  for  herself  ,  labels  would  only  be  to  satisfy  others  .  she  doesn’t  see  herself  as  110%  female  either  like  she’s  all about  gender  being  a  social  construct  /  a  spectrum  ;  some  days  she’ll  get  dolled  up  &  wear  heavy  makeup  &  six  inch  heels  ,  some  days  she’ll  walk  around  in  a  bun  &  tracksuit  &  trainers  .  anyone  who  asks  abt  it  will  swiftly  get  2  middle  fingers  in  their  face  !! shes  uncontrollable  i  swear
         puts  up  a  tough  bad - ass  front  like  billie  does aksjdh  like  nah  nothing  can  hurt  me  im  bulletproof  !!  but  is  rly  just  kinda  broken  underneath  .  she  doesn’t  even  let  her  closest  friends  know  how  hurting  she  is  bc  she  doesn’t  wanna  burden  them  .  she  rly  uses  mmusic  as  an  outlet  tho  so  she’ll  act  totally  tough  then   go  to  the  studio  &  record  all  about  her  heartache  .  will  NEVER  let  someone  see  her  cry  no  matter  how  close  she  is  with  them  .  she  rly  sees  it  as  a  sign  of  weakness  &  shes  in  a  much  better  place  than  she  was  5  years  ago  so  she  figures  she’s  not  ALLOWED  to  feel  anything  but  grateful  .  
         this  bitch  overthinks  everything  !! half  the  time  she  isn’t  rly  listenning  to  whoever  bc  she’s  thinking  about  what  they  just  said  &  if  they’re  mad  with  her  .  she’s  that  friend  who  will  ask  u  to  come  over  to  formulate  the  perfect  text  response  &   fuss  over  it  for  hours  .  that  being  said  ,  if  someone  talks  shit  abt  anyone  shes  tight  with  ,  they’re  gonna  get  it  the  next  time   she  sees  them  .  she  isn’t  about  violence  &  would  never  get  into  a  physical  fight  ,  but  she’d  work  behind  the  scenes  to  ruin  their  life  .  but  then  she  pretends  like  she  rly  doesn’t  care  though  its  obvious  to  those  close  to  her  that  she  cares  way  too  much
has  a  very  hard  time  expressing  love  bc  she  didn’t  have  much  practice  w  it  growing  up  .  she  was  on  her  own  most  of  her  young  life  so  even  if  her  mom  would  tell  her   te  amo  she  would  be  like  uh  huh  gtg  bye !!  
tldr ;  poor  bitch  w  abandonment  issues  who  was  able  to  get  out  of  it  by  channeling  her  energy  into  music  &  numbing  the  stress  with  pills  or  alcohol  which  she  def  still overuses  but  she  doesn’t  think its  a  problem  !! yikeroony  !!  loves  partying  & having  a  good  time  ,  puts  up  a  tough  front  but  is  rly  soft  underneath  .
wanted (* = mw)
friends  from  high  school  !! -  people  sof  stayed  with  in  the  summer  bc  she  wasn’t  going  home  to  brazil  .  
friends ��from  music  school  !!  -  she  def  felt  like  an  outsider  among  the  music  prodigies  at  this  school  ,  &  maybe  this  person  was  one  of  the  ppl  she  actually  connected  with  . 
come  out  &  play  !!  this  person  acts  as  a  good  influence  to  sofie  .  they’re  level - headed  &  very  grounding  ,  &  sofie  doesn’t  let  it  show  but  they’re  really  important  to  her  .  this  is  the  Softest  billie  song  (  prob  bc  it  was  for  an  ad skdj )  &  they  inspired  it  bc  it’s  how  she  feels  when  shes with  them  .  they  encourage  her  to  be  all  that  she  can  be  &  they  believe  in  her  ,  &  they’re  prob  the  one  person  sofie  trusts  the  most  which  is  SAYING  something  !!
*exes  on  bad  terms  !!  -   ok  this  would  basically  be  based  on  all  the  songs  billie  has  about  a  failed  relationship  /  heartbreak  !! shes  got  a  bunch  .  im  thnking  maybe  she  was  actually  rly  into  them  but  had  a  hard  time  expressing  it  bc  she’s never  been  good  with  emotional  expression  ,  &  it  led  to  the  relationship  feeling ?? unfaithful  /  disconnected  ??  idk  but  she  rly  loved  them  &  is  still  nursing  that  heartbreak  .  (  x  ,  x  ,  x  )
the  paris  to  her  nicole  !!  -  ok  i  f*cking  hate  that  i  said  this  but  she’s  nicole  richie  its  true  !! she  needs  a  messy  gal  pal  exactly  like  how  paris  &  nicole  are  i  stan  them  (  x  ,  x  ,  x  )
roommate  !!  -  bc  of  her  abandonment  issues  she  rly  doesn’t  like  living  alone  so  prob  is  the  roomie  who  will  sleep  in  their  bed  from  time  to  time  bc  she  doesn’t  like  being  totally  alone  .  
*when  the  party’s  over  !!  - these  two have  been  hooking  up  for  a  while  no  strings  attached  but  recently  feelings  have  been  caught  !! &  now  they  still  hook  up  quite  often  but  sofie’s  kinda  harboring  feelings &  pretending  all  is  well  but  she  rly  hopes  they’ll  just  stay  the  night  from  time  to  time  ,  &  gets  secretly  heartbroken  when  she  sees  them  flirting  or  leaving  with  someone  else  . they  can  also  have  feelings  if  u  want  that  angst :~)
fwb  !!  -  sofie  is  pretty  transparent  when  it  comes  to  what  she  wants  &  she’s  got  a  bad  habit  of  replacing  dealing  with  problems  with  getting  laid  !! like  u  know  in  movies  when  the  man  opens  his  wallet  and  a  row  of  like  20  pictures  of  different  women  fall  out  ??  that’s  sof’s  aesthetic  .  she’s  got  a  bunch  of  fwb  of  all  genders  so  bring  me  some  pls
***mutual  dislike  /  copycat  !!  self - explanatory  ,  sofie  thinks  this  person  is  copying  her  in  everything  she  does  &  thinks  its  annoying  af  so  she  wrote  a  song  abt  it  &  hopes  they  indirectly  get  the  message  even  if  she  drops  not  so  subtle  hints  .  skfldjh  itd  be  messy  pls !!
party  buddies  !!  -  someone  who  encourages  sofies  wild  ways  .  when  the  two  get  together  its  usually  to  get  drunk  or  high  &  thats  the  way  they  like  it  .  sofie  doesn’t  feel  judged  by  them  as  she  does  by  others  who  don’t  get  obliterated  at  every  social  event  (  what  an  idea  !!  )  so  she  rly  values  them  ,  even  if  she  doesn’t  express  it
 ** 8 !! - someone  who  kinda  reluctantly  got  into  a  relationship  with  sofie  out  of  maybe  a  desire  to  save  her  from  herself  ??  like  u  know  that  good  girl  bad  boy  trope  where  the  girl  tries  to  save  the  boy  from  whatever  he’s  struggling  with  ?  that’s  them  but  the  roles  are  just  reversed  -  good  guy  ,  bad  girl  .  it  was  kinda  just  filled  w  her  being  self - destructive  &  confiding  in  him  but  not  rly  reciprocating  the  care  so  he  became  kinda  distant  bc  of  it  .  tbh  she  prob  knew  he  was  too  good  for  her  but  had  a sliver  of  hope  he  wouldn’t  leave  her  even  tho  eventually  she  became  too  much  for  him  .  (  lyrics : you said, "don't treat me badly", but you said it so sadly, so I did the best I could, not thinkin' you would have left me gladly. i know you're not sorry, why should you be? 'cause who am I to be in love, when your love never is for me?” )
good influence  !! this  person  can  tell  that  her  beahvior  is  unhealthy  &  are  trying  to  gently  nudge  her  abt  it  .  she  can  tell  what  they’re  doing  but  her  addict  brain  is  telling  her  its  invasive  &  threatening  so  shes  not  the  fondest  of  this  person  ,  but  deep  down  she  really  appreciates  them
music buddies !! these  two  are  both  in  the  music  industry  &  rather  than  it  being  competitive  ,  they’ve  developed  a  friendship  from  it  & enjoy  working  together  .  
* someone  sofie  ghostwrites  for  !! for  whatever  reason  ,  this  muse  doesn’t  write  their  own  songs  & instead  pays  sofie  to  write  them  for  them  .  she  doesn’t  love  it  but  its  a  way  to  make  money  &  give  away  songs  she  doesn’t  feel  attached  to  but  are  worth  something  .  maybe  its  tense  bc  they  claim  the  songs  as  their  own  &  sofie  doesn’t  like  it  ,  this  could  be  ~escandolo~  later  !!
*** my boy ( high school bf ) !! - ok  tea  this  song  is  the  one  that  broke  her  into  the  industry  .  she  produced  it  all  herself  &  just  relased  it  to  her  soundcloud  thinking  it  wouldn’t  rly  go  anyway  but  !!  joke’s  on  yung sofie  .  essentially  he  thought  the  relationship  was  going  well  ,  she’d  met  his  family  &  they  rly  liked  her  but  !! sof  was  feeling  kinda  smothered  &  told  herself  he  was  lying &  cheating  on  her  n  shit  so  she  wrote  a  song  about  it  !! &  once  it  was  starting  to  get  attention  he  was  like  ….. uhhh  what  the  fuck  & she  was  like  haha  sorry  !! so  they  broke  up  &  ever  since  its  been  animosity ,  but  she  realizes  she  fucked  up  but  it  launched  her  career  so  she  doesn’t  know  whether  to  keep  up  the  idgaf  i  hurt  you  or  apologize  .  
* ex - friends  !!  ok  pls  i  have  this  hc  where  sofie  got  way  too  high  one  night  &  slept  with  this  person’s  dad  or  sibling  or  smth !!  u  know  that  line  in  ‘ bad guy ’  where  she  goes  ‘ might  seduce  your  dad  type  ? ’  ya  that’s  got  sofie  written  ALL  over  it  !!   &  now  they’re  not  friends  bc  sofie  can’t  keep  it  in  her  pants  but  both  sides  kinda  misses  the  other  but  are  too  stubborn  to  say  anything  :~(
exes from college / high school  !!  - ok honestly i just love all the exes plots . gimme someone who like maybe they were hooking up & decided to give it a shot dating & it worked for a while but ultimately fell apart bc of sof’s inability to open up. maybe theres still tension or maybe theyre friends now !!
* lovely  !!  -  i  need  a  male  voice  for  khalid’s  part  in  lovely  bc  i  need  this  song  in  my  life  bc  its  a  whole  ass   sofie  mood  ok  .  
i’ve  also  got  a  wanted  connections  tag  linked  HERE  dksfj there's  not  much  in  it  yet  but  feel  free  to  check  it  out  .  ok  i  love  y'all  
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hotshirtstoreonline · 3 years
Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently T-shirt
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Consider one of the most instantly Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently T-shirt . Recognizable clips, from 2006’s Girls Cot. Alicia, played by actress Rita Dominic, walks to a trio of popular girls—think: The Plastics in Mean Girls—asking them if she can join them in attending a party. The obvious head of the trio, Benita Nzeribe’s Juliet cackles and says, “My friend, will you get out of this place? You stink with poverty!” Juliet has on two chunky bracelets, a pair of sunglasses that appear to be too big for her face, a very long necklace, and a shirt that might be a short dress worn with a pair of jeans. The acting is comical, the fashion is iconic, and the clip, thanks to Nolly.Babes, who first posted it to TikTok, is now viral. There are now thousands of TikTok videos recreating that scene, lip-syncing to the words and recreating the outfits.Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently Classic Women's
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Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently Long Sleeved
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Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently Unisex Sweatshirt
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Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's  I always say that were designed to be worn for five minutes and then have someone take them off you Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently T-shirt . And you know, there’s a time and a space for that a hundred percent. But then there are also the products that you want to wear for 15 hours and be comfortable in to live your life. wear all these different hats, and I think the category hasn’t always acknowledged that,” says Griffiths. As two women who wear many different hats themselves — Graham has her own podcast, models and is raising her son Isaac with another baby on the way; Griffiths is a CEO and mom of three — they agree there is power in comfort. Yes, comfort within the clothes you wear but by extension, comfort in being true to yourself. What’s most important is that everybody needs to be their most authentic self. This brand is exactly that — an authentic collection of who we are, and hopefully, that’s exactly how you will feel ,” says Graham. “You don’t have to be an athlete to wear this activewear line. You don’t have to be a mother. You don’t even have to like moving. It’s really, truly made for everybody and every type of person at any stage of your life.” While authenticity and empowerment are easy to preach, activewear brands often have trouble putting those sentiments into action. With a complicated history of toxic weight loss, dieting practices, and fat-shaming, the male gaze has plagued this category for years, as both the media and brands perpetrated the myth that women’s bodies weren’t their own but something to be commented on. A topic that Griffiths could discuss endlessly, the phrase “Because you’re not doing it for anyone but yourself” was a constant source of inspiration for the new launch. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently T-shirt
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Consider one of the most instantly Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently T-shirt . Recognizable clips, from 2006’s Girls Cot. Alicia, played by actress Rita Dominic, walks to a trio of popular girls—think: The Plastics in Mean Girls—asking them if she can join them in attending a party. The obvious head of the trio, Benita Nzeribe’s Juliet cackles and says, “My friend, will you get out of this place? You stink with poverty!” Juliet has on two chunky bracelets, a pair of sunglasses that appear to be too big for her face, a very long necklace, and a shirt that might be a short dress worn with a pair of jeans. The acting is comical, the fashion is iconic, and the clip, thanks to Nolly.Babes, who first posted it to TikTok, is now viral. There are now thousands of TikTok videos recreating that scene, lip-syncing to the words and recreating the outfits.Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently Classic Women's
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Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently Long Sleeved
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Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently Unisex Sweatshirt
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Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's  I always say that were designed to be worn for five minutes and then have someone take them off you Fibromyalgia Awareness If Only Pain Was A Visible Thing I Can Promise You You Would Treat Me Differently T-shirt . And you know, there’s a time and a space for that a hundred percent. But then there are also the products that you want to wear for 15 hours and be comfortable in to live your life. wear all these different hats, and I think the category hasn’t always acknowledged that,” says Griffiths. As two women who wear many different hats themselves — Graham has her own podcast, models and is raising her son Isaac with another baby on the way; Griffiths is a CEO and mom of three — they agree there is power in comfort. Yes, comfort within the clothes you wear but by extension, comfort in being true to yourself. What’s most important is that everybody needs to be their most authentic self. This brand is exactly that — an authentic collection of who we are, and hopefully, that’s exactly how you will feel ,” says Graham. “You don’t have to be an athlete to wear this activewear line. You don’t have to be a mother. You don’t even have to like moving. It’s really, truly made for everybody and every type of person at any stage of your life.” While authenticity and empowerment are easy to preach, activewear brands often have trouble putting those sentiments into action. With a complicated history of toxic weight loss, dieting practices, and fat-shaming, the male gaze has plagued this category for years, as both the media and brands perpetrated the myth that women’s bodies weren’t their own but something to be commented on. A topic that Griffiths could discuss endlessly, the phrase “Because you’re not doing it for anyone but yourself” was a constant source of inspiration for the new launch. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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