#hlvrai ghost hunt au
cupids-cringe · 2 years
hlvrai au where Gordons a ghost hunt streamer and he gets lost in an abandoned lab that he was exploring for a halloween special
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enchantedbun · 1 year
Hlvrai ghost hunters au
Three moments of this au that live in my head rent free
(The hlvrai ghost hunters at a haunted location)
Tommy: are there any ghost here with us
Ghost: *is there with them but is too terrified to say or do anything because of the bigger and stronger spirit in the room* *glances at said spirit*
Benrey: 🙂 *waves*
ghost box: ducking. - bell.
Gordon: what?
(Bubby and coomer on the roof of a haunted hotel watching the sunset)
Bubby: *a ghost* coomer, I have to ask you something.
Coomer: yes bubby?
Bubby: ok, well let's say I'm not. . . . . . Human, would you still want to be close with me?. . . . .
Coomer: . . . *processing* . . . . . .
Coomer: bubby. . . Are you asking me if I would still like you if you were a worm, are you doing this "meme" the kids are doing now like.
Bubby: . . . . . . Yes *screaming inside*
*benrey and bubby alone in basement*
benrey: *in his full demon look and altering reality around some poor ghost*
bubby: *safe inside a salt circle* he don't bite
GHOST: *clearly having there energy consumed by benrey* YES HE DO!!!!!
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soft-spooks · 6 months
who is your fav f/o? i want to give you a doodle!!!!
OHHHH HI HI HELLO. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DRAW ME ANYTHING I PROMISE <3 although i will in fact be using this ask to gush so prepare yourself.
SO. THIS IS KIND OF A LOADED QUESTION FOR ME i have had a less than stellar experience with both fandom and self shipping so im still very very very shy and afraid 2 talk about my f/os too much so please be niceys thank u <3 putting this under a cut just in case it gets really long LMAO
so. i have multiple f/os that i consider my mains, but my longest term one is actually antisepticeye !!!! i cannot help it i was so deep in youtuber fandom in 2016 and my brain latched onto him like a baby duckling and now he lives here forever . however i do not associate myself with that fandom at all anymore so he has basically become like an oc to me LMAO. i had a reallt specific fanon version of him that i used to draw all the time and a backstory that i had basically written out entirely and then when my bad fandom stuff happened i decided "nvm you guys cant have him anymore hes mine now" i have been shipping with him sinceeee i believe late 2016/early 2017 ?? yea!!! hes my fucked up little guy forever i love him so much. hardcore comfort character do not mind the fact that he is covered in blood ans has probably murdered people. hes silly <3 my tag for him on this blog is the knife emoji (🔪) and i dont really have an s/i i just ship him with. Myself.
HOWEVER I AM SELF AWARE and i understand that youtuber characters are on a lot of peoples dnis and theyre not everyone's cup of tea exactly. so i will give you options here :] my OTHER mains are !!!! sun and moon from fnaf (☀️ and 🌙 respectively) who i started shipping with early last year !
AND SPEAKING OF SELF AWARE some of my other beloveds are gordon and benrey from hlvrai (☢️ and 🎮) WHO I HAVE CREATED A SELF INSERT FOR AND THEY ARE ONE OF MY FAVORITE OCS EVER. oh my god. their name is mickey and i have managed to fit them so very seamlessly into hlvrai's story im so proud of how well they fit into canon and ive given them the chef kiss perfect amount of angst and silliness !!! a lot of my lore for them was on my old blog which got deleted in late 2021 and i havent been on a huge hlvrai kick since then so they dont have a whole lot of content on the current iteration of mac softspooks dot com but their tag is "🧟 mickey" i believe. (ill add all the character tags to this ask in case u wanna look at them :])
OH YEAH ALSO. BECAUSE IVE BEEN SHIPPING WITH ANTI FOR SO LONG i have naturally made. so many aus for him. i have like 20 different aus for my ship w him (as i said. basically an oc. mine now) my favorite of which is called hunting haunting which is a buzzfeed unsolved inspired au where we hunt ghosts together but with a dramatic twist ofc because im weak for human/monster love stories. so u will see me talk about hunting haunting a lot here thats what it is hehe
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blogthatcanpost · 4 years
HLVRAI Ghost Hunting AU
The Science Team is a ghost hunting group with the goal of explaining everything with science. The leaders are veteran ghost hunters Coomer and Bubby with Gordon, Tommy, and later Benrey as part of their team. Coomer leads overall operations, Bubby runs base camp on investigations, Tommy is in charge of research and helps with tech, Gordon is in charge of all equipment with Tommy's help, Benrey is Tommy's believer friend who is just given a camera and fucks with Gordon
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cupids-cringe · 1 year
can we hear more about ghost hunter! gordon au? especially all of the characters
A!  OK! WOW ITS BEEN A BIT HASN'T IT-   i posted that in October and then couldn't work much on it as stuff came up and i got interested in other things so i haven't worked on much more than i had when i first drew them 
i'm actually really happy someones asked me about one of my aus!
ok so  i was originally going to do something with this, it was originally going to be a little halloween treat, a blog or fic or something,  but i had some stuff going on and had to stop working on it so most of this is sort of  incomplete but its what i had, 
the story was going to be typical 'ghost hunter goes to a place thats supposedly haunted, gets trapped and finds a bunch of actual ghosts and undead, has to try and escape while uncovering more story and probably saving a couple souls from their damnation' kind of plot,
Black Mesa was a massive underground laboratory that not many knew of as it was hidden deep beneath a lesser known lab as a cover-up with Black Mesa being similar to what it is in canon where its massive and full of huge pits and pools of goop and lasers and spinning blades and massive storage rooms and-  you've all seen what Black Mesa was like. it was that but hidden underground beneath a cover-up, both abandoned around the same time. 
a LOT of deaths happened due to Black Mesas neglect, cutting of corners and just because the facility even while active was not the safest place to navigate (GIANT DROP INTO A DEEP PIT OF RADIOACTIVE GOOP)
Gordon originally went to explore the local laboratory as a Halloween Live Stream Special due to all the ghost stories surrounding it and rumours of how many of their scientists had died in there he thought it would be a great idea for a good scare,
then he ends up falling into the vastly larger hidden facility he didn't know of and has to find his way out, encountering undead both friendly and dangerous. 
Benrey is your typical floating, phasing through walls, haunting poltergeist, he can go through things but also pick stuff up and throw things, hes loud, hes annoying.
Tommy and Sunkists are more like spirits, still a ghost but also acting as more of a guardian and a protector. 
Darnold is a ghost, but doesn't realise it, he can still interact with things and unlike Benrey they can't float or phase through things.
Bubby is also a ghost, i don't know if theres an exact word for a ghost linked to water,, but i guess hes like a minecraft drowned- hes soggy. he can't phase through things but he if you tried to touch him it would be like putting your hand in water,  and he can somewhat float.
Coomer is like a zombie and somewhat of a frankensteins monster but the process of that started even long before he was dead, hes made of both flesh and metal and is really strong and solid.
and Forzen is a zombie
Gordon isn't exactly human either
like how only some had awareness of it being a game, only some of them knew they were dead; Benrey being the most aware of it and having fun with all his tricks of phasing through stuff and haunting the place even before it was fully abandoned.
 Darnold was going to be entirely unaware he was dead, going about his day as usual for years, so focused on his work in the mixology department and often leaving the department to collect leftover samples and ingredients from other departments oblivious to how empty the place is because of his strong fixation on his work-
  while others would be unaware of their passing due to having been in a more dead-like state of slumber only waking up once disturbed by Gordons presence,  Bubby would've been like this, unaware he had been gone as he slept after death until being awoken by Gordon trying to find a lightswitch in the tube room. 
i wanted to have elements or hints of how they died in their designs:
both Darnold & Bubby have stains of what killed them; Darnold having died in a mixology related accident that now stains his clothes and Bubby being covered in and dripping tube goop after he drowned due to the departments negligence.
Benrey was crushed and cut in half, a canon death he does have in the series
and Dr Coomers body eventually failed him after all of the mechanical modification and cloning. 
Forzens was probably the only death not caused by the facility or staff, but by a faulty grenade after he and a few other soldiers went to clear out the labs shortly after it was first abandoned, its unclear to him if all the skin he mended back together was originally his own or of his teammates if they too had gotten caught in the blast.
Tommy i hadn't actually given him any visible indication and that is the point, theres no visible way to tell how they died
and since i stopped working on this in October i never fully fleshed out what everyone's motives would be, so its both funny and sad to see Tommys is just "waiting for his dad to pick him up from work" 
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enchantedbun · 1 year
I just had a HLVRAI au idea
Ghost hunter au, Tommy, Coomer, and Gordon are ghost hunting Tommy and Coomer totally believes in this and Gordon at the start is on the fence of believing in ghost the first place the three visits is a old run down abandoned laboratory (black Mesa)
In black Mesa the find Benrey and bubby (still deciding whether there lost spirits, demons). the three met bubby first and soon they met Benrey as well, Benrey and bubby start messing with the group by making some spooky shit happen while the two pretends like its just the wind and not ghost, this in turns make Gordon believes in ghost fully and understandably scared as all hell.
bubby and Benrey joins the group in there search for ghost and on the way they just scare the other demons ghost in the place there in as well as create unsettling hauntings.
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22ratonthestreet · 4 years
The mission says that saying the ghost's name will anger it. Bubby yells the ghost's name bc he's Bubby. Benrey straight up gets in a fight with the ghost bc it was coming to kill his friends and they didn't even Notice (and the ghost didn't have a passport anyway so, y'know, had to happen, no need to thank Benrey or anything. No big deal. He's just doing his job, nothing more. But now he's covered in ectoplasm and it doesn't even taste good)
the idea that benrey can interact with objects the ghost has, means he can technically also interact with the ghost ... imagine you’re this ancient cursed fucker wandering around an abandoned gummy worm factory with your scythe and your conviction you are completely untouchable...unknowable... invincible... and then this group of the weirdest age range (from 27 to whatever the fuck uuuh benrey is) pulls up in a dad van? and just starts shouting your name. ..and then this little 5′3′’ fuck comes out of the wall and just punches you??? like how are you supposed to process that? ?? or holds your hand . wtf. 
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blogthatcanpost · 4 years
I'm working on my HLVRAI ghost hunting AU. The dynamic is serious ghost hunters and their one gremlin buddy who hangs around
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blogthatcanpost · 4 years
Might do a short BuzzFeed Unsolved like AU for HLVRAI. I can totally picture Gordon as a Ryan type and Benrey as a Shane type
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blogthatcanpost · 4 years
Revamping my Ghost Hunter AU because I have better ideas and my inner ghost girl is yelling to write.
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