#howard DEFINETELY knew
pinupbuck · 2 years
i have something to say
howard stark recognizing who bucky was during bucky’s mission says a lot of things, but let me name two of them that bother me the most
1. he recognized bucky even though the last time he saw him was decades ago
2. he wasn’t shocked to see him. at all.
now add on the fact that peggy and howard, both working with shield, willingly hired a n@zi who continued to build hydra inside of shield
so in conclusion i would just like to state that i personally think that peggy and howard most definitely knew about the winter soldier program and most definitely knew about bucky and did nothing about it
i also have the headcanon that after bucky was recognized by howard, it fucked with his brain when he went back to give a mission report. he asked who sergeant barnes was and that must’ve alerted hydra, and he was wiped over and over again until his screams and pleas stopped.. but that’s for a different time
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dailystarknews · 4 years
Day 7 to 9 : Sunday 22th of March to Tuesday 24th of March.
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OMG Guys! I’m so sorry I didn’t post since four days! I spendt such a good week-end with my family that I forgot to tell you, I’m sorry. Everybody is fine don’t worry. SO, so much thing happened! Where should I start?!
Let’s start by the beginning, should we? 
DAY 7: Sunday 22th of March.
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Alright, what happened on Sunday? First it's Bucky who photograffed me on the picture below! (it's a cool picture don't be jealous 😂😉)
My father Howard told Steve about Afghanistan and Steve get so emotionnal. He was really sticky all day long and hug me and told me how much he loved me and was proud of me. (I can’t deny it, it was good to have so much attention and love from my dad.)
Anyway, in a more funny mood. Bucky killed me from too much laughing. Here’s what happened:
Do you all remember that I told Bucky about the fake pregnancy of Howard? Alright, so get ready because you’re probably going to stop breathing after that. I’ve seen Bucky looking at Howard weirdly all day long, and of course I knew why. I was just hoping he would not ask Howard about his pregnancy, because, my dad would probably tell him the Truth and the joke would be over you know? 
But, it happened. During dinner, Bucky was staring at Howard until he couldn’t help but ask: “So, how was it?” 
It was dessert time, Howard was all confused about this unprecised question and he just frowned his eyebrows in confusion. That’s when Steve decided to go take a shower. 
“You know? Bucky said. When you were pregnant of Tony?” 
Howard was even more confused. He looked at me with interrogation in his eyes and I just smirked before I looked at my coffee. That’s when Bucky decided to say:
“Oh my God ! I’m sorry! Tony told me it was a secret! Maybe I should not know.... But...” And he explained everything that I told him with a lot of details. 
Howard exploded in laughter. I never thought I would see him laughing so much about it. But he did. He was laughing so much that he cried a bit. Bucky was so embarrassed because he didn’t get what was that much funny about it, you know? And you know what Howard said?
“Sorry, I’m laughing so much because I just remembered all the times that I woke up Steve to go buy me pickles, you know?”
I laughed a lot too, and we were actually pretty much all laughing about it. I was so happy that my dad entered my game and didn’t say nothing to Bucky. So, I thanked him after. And it became weird... 
“Why do you thank me? I mean... I didn’t knew that Steve told you the truth about your birth. I’m so happy that you know it now. We were waiting for you to be old enough not to tell everybody. Your father and I couldn’t be more happy that it worked.”
Me: “Haha, you’re joking right?”
Him: “Of course not. I even have a picture somewhere. I will find it. My baby...”
He laughed a bit and go to his lab. Like, What the fuck?
It’s a joke, right? I mean, guys can’t be pregnant... I’m sure he’s messing with me. 
Oh! And Bucky came back to sleep with me! ❤😍
DAY 8: Monday 23th of March.
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This day 8 was super weird. Starting by the fact that I didn’t slept that well. Even if Bucky was with me. But maybe he’s one of the reason. Actually, during the night between Sunday and Monday I did an awful nightmare where someone was running after me. I mean, I was running and the person was just walking and was trying to catch me. And I just had this weird feeling that he will you know? Like, when you know that the person will find you wherever you are. It was definetely like that. So in the dream I decided to hide in a closet in Howard’s lab and... The guy find me. He opened the door super quickly and he pull me violently out of the closet. I looked at him and he had a metal arm and was wearing a dark mask. It was so weird because I had the feeling that it was Bucky but not really him, you know? I heard a voice who said “Winter” and the guy in front of me just started screaming painfully. 
That’s when I woke up. I was in my bedroom, awake and I was still hearing the scream because it was actually the real Bucky (the one who was sleeping with me) who was screaming in his sleep. I tried to wake him up by calling him and I finally shook him to be sure he will get out of his nightmare. He catched both of my hands and push me against the matress by waking up. And fuck! It hurt. Bucky is really super strong. He scared me for few minutes. When he realised it was me, he let me go and stood up quickly next to the bed.
“Tony, I’m so sorry.” He said. 
My fathers get in the room suddenly and Steve was wearing the shield and Howard had a gun. Like they thought we were attacked maybe. That was so stressfull suddenly. I got a panic attack. Howard came next to me and Steve get out with Bucky. I think the nightmare that I had plus the defense of Bucky turned my brain crazy and made me feel in danger. Howard succeed to calm me down after 20 minutes of crying, panicking and hardly breathing. He lay down against me and hug me all night long. He sang me to sleep. 
When I woke up, it was 10 a.m. and Howard was gone. I got up and I decided to investigate on my nightmare. The “Winter” word was echoing in my mind. I knew it, somewhere. But how? 
The day was weird after that because Bucky kept asking me if I was fine. (Yeah, don’t worry, I’m not a fragile piece of sugar. But the fact that you’re worried is adorable.) 
Anyway, we tried to play games together and it was kind of great, more peaceful than the night before. 
At the end of the day, we get to sleep. And Bucky didn’t came this time. I hesitate to go see him. Just to check if he was ok. But I fall asleep really quickly. 
DAY9:Tuesday 24th of March.
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I had an awful night I have to say. I mean, I probably get used to have a big muscled fluffy pillow next to me, now. So, sleeping without him was not that great. But, it helped me focusing on my investigation and I just had a Flashback in the morning. 
Ok, you remember that the Winter name was echoing somewhere in my brain just like I knew it from really far away. Ok, wait for it. 
When I was younger like 12 or something, few months before Steve disappeared in the ocean and get frozen for 3 years, he was talking to Howard about a mission that he got. And you know, everytime Steve was talking about his missions, I was fucking curious about it! I mean, how would you react at my place? My dad is a fucking hero, of course I was a fanboy. SOOOOOO ! One day, when they were not at home, because they were gone shopping, I get to the lab of Howard. (He doesn’t know it but I know his password since I’m 8 and I can enter his lab and his computer.) I took his computer and tried to search in his data for something called “Winter Soldier” because that’s what I heard Steve said about his mission you know? 
A lot of files appeared and ... I’m so not sure of me, but I think it was talking about Hydra. The Nazi Organization that Steve fought before. When I tried to openone of the file, Howard entered the room and I had to quit everything.
So, I’m just super confused about this memory now. Am I right? Is it a real memory or am I just trying to explain my nightmare by something crazy? I needeed to find a way to check out if the Winter Soldier was real. 
I tried to enter the lab of Howard all day long but everybody was just keeping me busy. Anyway, I’m not going to complain because we had an awesome day together. We played Pictionnary and after that, Bucky and I spend pretty much all the afternoon drawing. When the night finally came, I asked him to sleep with me. He told me that he didn’t wanted to bother me. I insisted a bit more:
“I don’t sleep that much fine alone anymore...” I said. 
He bit his lips and smiled sheepishly. 
“Alright then, I just want to be sure that I will not hurt you accidentally, you know?”
Why would he hurts me? This is crazy right? God, there is so much dark points in this story... I mean, even if there is a link between Bucky and this supposed Winter Soldier mission what is it? Was he a victim of a mad nazi group?
What the fuck am I thinking about?😂🤣 Alright guys, I think it’s too late and my brain is just doing crazy theories ! 
See you later, guys! 
Love you all ! Be safe ! 
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dailystarknews · 4 years
Day 10: Wednesday 25th of March.
Hello guys, what's up? I bet you really wanna know if I finally had my answers about the Winter Soldier's research. Alright so before you get too much excited about it. No. Nothing. Niet. Nada. The big giant black hole of emptyness. (Am I getting a little bit overdramatic? Maybe a bit. But you know what we say "We all need a drama queen" 😉 ) What can I say about today? I drew a lot. I don't know why since few days I can't stop. I get really inspired, maybe it's because I see Steve drawing a lot too. After that, I started to play a bit of my guitar, 
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Bucky was with me and I swear he was so focused on the instrument. "You wanna try?" I asked him. He told me no, that he didn't wanted to break the ropes then he show me his metal arm. I never thougt about that but it must be really complicated to live with that sometimes. (Even if it's so fucking beautiful and stylish) So I asked him if it was hurting. His answer was: "Not really but it's a bit heavy you know." I just nodded and kept playing for him because he was enjoying it so much. I started to play "The Sound of silence" from Simon & Garfunkel and guess what? He sang while I was playing. It was really touching. Bucky got a deep voice, really beautiful and he definetely knows how to sing. I enjoyed this peacefull moment with him until the craziest thing happened. When we get to lunch, I finally faced Howard and told him: "Dad, seriously, can you tell Bucky that I was joking about your pregnancy, it's getting embarassing." Bucky looked at me with wild eyes like "WTF??????" And I just  laughed a bit. "Sorry it was all a joke it was just so funny to make you believe such a crazy story." I said. Bucky turned red, I mean crimson red you know? From embarassment. Howard just frowned his eyebrow and told me "What do you mean a joke? I'm pretty much sure that the Caeserean section that I get was not that much funny, you know? " So I was like: "Dad, come on. Enough jokes. It can't be possible. I know that mom is my mom. And Steve can't make you pregnant. Right, Steve?" And that's when my whole world have been turned upside down! My Dad Steve looked at me with confusion and frowned. " I don't get it. He said. Tony, I think you old enough to hear the truth now. Howard and I have maybe get a bit too far against the nature on this one but we made you with all our love and we couldn't be more happy about it." I froze. Everybody here knows Steve Rogers, right? There is something that my father Steve is really bad at and this thing is LYING. My dad never knew how to lie or maybe I'm mistaken because this story is clearly crazy, right? I finished my lunch with no other words and I just had a second of interrogation when I've seen Bucky had a little smirk. My fathers are definetely trying to make me believe they made me together. But it can't be true right? Fuck, another obscur story that I need to clarify!
In the Afternoon I decided to make a gift to Bucky so I asked my dad if I had the permission to go in his lab. (It's still better when he gives me the permission, otherwise when he catches me he can forbid me to enter for weeks. 😑 ) He said no at the beginning because he was sure that I was about to do crazy things just like what I did when I get back of Afghanistan. Then I told him my project so he said yes! I was so fucking happy to go there again. In case you didn't get it, my father's lab is a real Aladdin's cave for me, you know? Why? 
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Because there is so much technology, so much tools and so much inspiration to create the greatest objects that I just feel really at my place there. Plus, robots and tools are not that much talkative an can't be oppressive for an introvert like me. You didn't knew that I was an introvert, right? The Truth is I am. When I was a kid I used too play alone almost all the time. I didn't really like the company of kids of my age. And Howard decided that I needeed some training you know? If you're an introvert in our business, you get eaten by all the sharks. So I became the perfect fake extrovert... That's why sometimes I really need to be isolated from the group you know? Shit! I get too far on my explanation! Let's take back what I was saying, should we? Alright... So! I decided to build an arm for Bucky. (While he was discovering the Sims on Steve's computer and building an amazing house.) I thought that titanium and gold could be great and a bit lighter than his actual arm. After that I thought about something, he probably miss the sensations. So I get a crazy idea of latex and silicone to do a fake skin on his arm. I could put sensors in it and relied it to his nerves, like that he could actually feel things. Have sensations back. When I finally get this idea, I started to be a bit tired. Howard was with me all moment long and he told me that I should go to sleep. I stay a bit longer and after an hour our two, he insisted for me to get out of the lab and that I could keep going tomorrow. So, I decided that he was probably right, and actually I was too excited about the idea of coming back tomorrow, so I get out and go to my room to sleep a bit. It was 1 a.m. at this moment and when I entered my bedroom, Bucky was there half-asleep. He flinched in surprise when I turned on the light and so do I because I didn't have seen him. "I'm sorry, I wanted to show you the house that I made. So I wait for you and I think I fell asleep a bit." It makes sense, right? Even if he didn't had the computer anymore, that he was in pajamas and that he had Bobby (the Teddy Bear) with him. GOD! He wanted to sleep with me but he was too embarassed to admit it!!! I can't breathe anymore! This is too cute!!! So I asked him really calmly and casualy. "You wanna stay?" He nodded. HE. NODDED. SO YES! HE STAYED!!! OMG Am I going to sleep every night of my life with Bucky? Because this is the best thing ever! The guy is handsome, confortable, soft, and he smells fucking good! What more can I need, right? Good Night everybody ! Hope you have the best blankie with you. Mine's name Bucky and he's the best on all Earth. 
Love on you, your family and your friends. And don't forget to stay home! P.S.: No, really, Bucky is smelling fucking good, is that normal? Damn! (his body is fucking warm too, you know?😍)
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