#hunter voice thats uh...specific...are you good
aladork · 1 year
hunter: so how did you learn to not be so antsy and stop striving for impossible expectations
alador: I'm not--
alador: ..well, hm.
alador, trying to be a good role model: first....someone has to tell you that you are doing that?
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Welcome, Father...
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"Tell us, demon scum." The male agent grabbed the light from the female agent, shoving it in his face, "Who do you work for? Satan?"
"How did you get to our world from the afterlife?"
"Why are youse killing humans?"
"When did you show up here?"
The damned agents finally stoped passing the lights about, giving him a moment to adjust to the situation.
"Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there, bitch." He snapped at the humans, "First of all, we just woke up from a very nasty shock and I'm still feeling fuckin' woozy, so I'm gonna request you fetch us some coffee before we get into this. I mean, everyone gets coffees in shitty movies with scenes like this, am I right? I want something iced, bitch." Looking over his shoulder, he asked his employee, "Mox?"
Raising his nose, Moxxie began, "I'll have a Neopolitan cappuccino, more cappu than cino, make sure it's got no more than four ounces of milk, the beans won't have the right texture otherwise, and make sure they spell my name correctly on the cup they always put "Foxy" or "Roxy", I hate that."
"If you can't handle that, I'll have a Venti traditional Misto. Please use soy milk with two blond shots Affogato and Ristretto. I'd also love three vanilla pumps at the very bottom. Then, add the coffee after, then-"
"Enough!" The male agent snapped, "We aren't getting youse coffee!"
"Wow, I was getting massive douche chills just there, Mox." He told him proudly, "Congrats!"
"If we have to, we are willing to resort to torture methods to get answers out of you nasty hell beasts!" The female agent failed to sound threatening.
"When you say "tortured", do you mean physical or psychological?" Moxxie asked in his typical know-it-all tone, "Physical seems counterproductive; we would likely tell you anything if it meant an end to the pain, and you have no way of knowing what was true." He spouted at the humans.
"Or we might like it too much." He but in, "And then you got a whole new thing to deal with."
The male agent leaned down, raising a bore "What do you mean by that?"
"Oh, you're stupid, huh? I can work with stupid. Daddy Likey Dummy!" Blitzø taunted the agent.
"Good one sir, Daddy likey-" Moxxie sputtered, squirming in his chair.
"You better stop laughin' at us." The female agent threatened.
"Yeah! You're the ones at our mercy!" The male agent yelled at him, grabbing his collar
"It's hard to resist, I'm really sorry. I mean, considering your approach thus far, you've had us tied up here for what, hours?" Mox cut in, "And you haven’t even had us confirm what exactly we are!" Moxxie mocked the agents like the nerd he was.
"What are you?" The female agent asked, a curious tone coming to the females voice.
"I'm a Virgo." Moxxie told her, smugness dripping from his voice.
Both Imps burst into laughter, the agents only getting more frustrated.
Just as the male agent was gonna snap at them, the door to the room suddenly swung open.
An unnatural amount 9f light poured into the room, blinding them all for a brief moment. Once there eyes adjust, they found a silhouette standing in the doorway.
They were dressed in black, looking up a distinct shine came from his eyes, the figure wearing glasses.
Walking into the room, the figure spoke, "The question isn't what they are? The question is why there here?" He spoke cryptically.
Stepping closer the male agent came to meet the stranger halfway, "Who da Hell ah' you and how'd you get in here?" The male agent demanded.
Raising his gaze the stranger wore a smile.
The agent noticeably reacted. Stumbling back "F-f-f-father Cain... W-what are you's doin here?" He sputtered.
This 'father' just smile at him, "My associates informed me you acquired two new specimens." He looked at him, "I've come to process them." He spoke menacingly.
Father cain looked over the agents shoulder, gazing at him and Moxxie. "Excellent job My child. I always knew my faith was well placed." The father told the agent, patting his shoulder.
The agent seemed taken aback, "Th-thank you Sir." He spoke, a lone tear sliding down his cheek.
"Father Cain?" The female agent asked, walking up to 'father' Cain. "Last I heard you were down at some beach on Spring break."
Smiling at the pair, father cain raised a finger, "Ive no time for such hedonistic pleasures. Not while the Lords work is to be done" He said happily.
"Now" He began cheerfully "I need a table if I am to do my work." He spoke firmly, raising a medium sized doctors bag, that seemed to appear from nowhere.
The male agent snapped to attention, quickly running about before rushing into the back room.
Walking forwards, Father Cain removed his glasses, staring down at him. "My, my, my, they certainly did a good job. Quite a pair of specimens you have here." He spoke to himself.
Raising a brow, Blitzø wore a little grin. "Oh yeah? You should see my junk, now thats a specimen." He spoke in his usual cocky tone.
'Father' Cain just smiled, slowly walking around to Moxxie inspecting him as well. "And unharmed, very impressive." The 'Father' told the female agent.
A moment later, the male agent returned, awkwardly dragging in a large wooden table. Dropping it down, he gave a few deep puffs, "There ya go 'Fatha', will this do?"
'Father' Cain smiled told him, gratefully telling him "That will do perfectly, thank you my child."
Walking over, the 'Father' placed his bag down before opening it and pulling out a myriad of odd and strange objects.
There was a series of shiny items and tools. Although a small wooden case caught his attention, the Imp couldn't help but think it didn't belong.
"Hey, uh, you guys seem pretty chummy and we'd hate to be a third wheel, so we'd be happy to leave you to it." He cut in smugly, hoping to get a rise from one of them.
And that he did, the male agent trying to snap at him, only to be tempered by this 'Father' Cain
Calming down, the male agent asked, "What did you mean, when you came in Sit. That it's not "What they are, it's why there here?'"
Smiling, Father Cain patted his shoulder, "I'm glad you caught that, I always knew you were sharp."
He smoke warmly, "I said that because, simply put. I know what they are. They are Imps." He said it simply.
That actually surprised him, even Moxxie reacted, releasing the slightest gasp.
Looking over the father just had a eerie smile, clearly happy with there reaction.
Both agents looked confused, "Imps?" They asked each other.
The father released a deep sigh, "Yes, Imps. Imps are the very lowest of the low in hell, as well as the lowest of the Hellbornes, or Hellspawn, I can never seem to remember which is the proper term."
Walking over, Father Cain placed a finger under his chin, raising his head to meet his gaze. "Your responsible for the death of a two hundred and sixty three humans." He told him coldly.
"Yeah, but I wanna know is why?" The female agent asked, "If they were just killing humans for shits and giggles, why not just kill wherever and whenever?" She asked.
Nodding his head, "Because..." Father Cain stood up, "They do serve a higher demon, but not Satan."
Standing up, the 'Father' walked to his bag, pulling a yellow folder out. "They've killed hundreds, and the only thing that connects them...? Death."
There was another pause, before he spoke again, "But not there deaths. Each person they've killed has had someone directly related to there lives die in the past decade."
Walking over to the Imps, the 'Father' showed them a series of pictures. Blitzø recognised them... they were targets they'd killed.
"There not killing them for a demon lord, there killing them for other human souls. I imagine with a the ability to travel to the human world, you've turned revenge into a buisness." He said simply, tossing the pictures to the side.
Crouching down, the 'Father' stared at him coldly before asking "Who's book did you use to get here, Demon?"
Blitzø stared back at him, the Imp doing his best to keep calm. But he could tell this human was clearly more dangerous than the other two idiot 'demon hunters'.
Standing up, 'Father' Cain told the other agents coldly, "Leave us. Remove any cameras. I dont want any sort of witness."
"What?" The female agent asked aghast, "We caught these 'Imps' there our score and we'll be interrogating them." She snapped at the 'Father', only for the the father to calmly stare at her.
Before he could speak, the male agent grabbed her by the wrist, dragging her out of the room he spoke hastily "P-please forgive her, Sir. She doesn't fully understand the importance of your work."
The female agent put a fight, but was quickly pulled out of the room, slamming it behind him.
Now with just the three of them, 'Father' Cain removed his glasses before placing them on the table.
Stretching his neck, he removed the white collar piece at the front of his shirt, placing it in his coat pocket.
"Now" he began coldly "shall we begin the fun?"
Turning around, Blitzø decided now was a good time to speak up. "Fun, aye? What kinda fun we talkin. Shots, blow, maybe a good old fashioned threesome?" He asked, hoping to get under this 'Father' Cain's skin.
He was surprised, however, when the 'Father' just laughed, glancing over his shoulder at him.
"Your tricks won't work on me demon. I'm used to your tricks by now." He spoke happily, grabbing a small gun like object. Placing that down, he inspected a series of bottles.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Blitzø spoke up. "You clearly know more us then those dumbass agent dickwads did, so... what's your game?" He asked, trying to be serious.
The human stopped for a moment, looking over his shoulder, he spoke up, "I know much about you. For instance, your the other Imps boss, hence he calls you Sir." He spoke coyly, still inspecting the myriad of items he'd brought.
"I also know you've killed people on three different continants, although I wonder how many you came up to kill specifically and how many were collateral." He spoke again.
Turning around he held a small bottle, walking forwards he leaned over Blitzø "I also know you can only get to the living world if your a succubus, a demon lord, or... you have a Grimoire."
Blitzø chuckled, "What is that some kinda fish?" He asked, trying to play dumb.
The 'Father' chuckled, shaking his head, "Besides how do you know I'm not a succubus, I can hold my own in the sack." He spoke smugly.
The 'Father' stared at him, an eerie smile crossing his lips.
"You want to know how i know what you are?" He asked coldly, cold eyes sending a shiver down his spine and not in the good way.
Before he could ask what I was, the father reach forwards, ripping a hole in his pants leg. "What the fuck?!" He yelled at him, "These are my good pants!"
Not minding him, the 'Father' removed a second bottle. "This" He showed him a small blue bottle, "Is poisen to Succubus." He said simply, opening the bottle and revealing an eye dropper, dropping two little droplets on his leg.
Nothing happened, the cool liquid sliding down and observing into his pant leg. Putting the bottle away He showed the original brown bottle, "This... is for Imps." He said simply.
Opening the bottle, it revealed another eye drop, holding it over his thigh, he dropped a single drop on his leg.
This time his whole body reacted, he pulled against his bindings as he released a blood curdling screech.
It felt like someone was jamming a molten hot poker into his thigh. It went on for minutes, the Imp whining in pain. "What the fuck do you want you sick fuck?!" Blitzø yelled at him.
A small smile crossed the 'Father's' lips before he stood up and told him "I want to show you something."
Walking over to the table, he grabbed that wooden case before bringing it over to the Imps.
Crouching down besides the both of them, he told the both of them "These are my most prized possessions." He spoke warmly, running his hand across the wooden case.
"What'cha got there? Ya dildo collection?" He tried to sound smug, though the Imp was still writhing in pain.
He heard moxxie tried to laugh, but it died in his throat, the smaller Imp still terrified by his boss's earlier reaction.
Opening the case, he revealed several colourful arrow heads, each one varying in size, shape and colour.
It took a long time, the imp looking over the arrow heads before he realised, 'Those aren't arrow heads... there demon tails.'
"Fuck..." Blitzø gasped, he heard Moxxie sputter out a similar cuss, just as scared behind him.
The 'Father' on the other hand, seemed quite proud, gently trailing his fingers across the tail heads.
"These are my life's work" He spoke calmly, "I've dedicated my life to hunting demons like you." He trailed his fingers across the tails, "Most of these are from Succubus. They can come and go from my world to yours the easiest, so most of the demons we find are Succubus."
He pointed to two crimson tail tips, "But these two... these two are special."
Leaning in, he spoke gently "These two... are from Imps." The revelation seemed to bring bile into the back of Blitzøs throat.
"Jesus..." moxxie said shakily, turning his head and throwing up.
Blitzø took a deep breath, doing his best not to throw up. Looking back at the human he found him holding up a tail head.
"This one" he told him, twirling it between his fingers, "I got at a little beach city. The city getting my attention after a giant demonic fish had popped up. Sound familiar." He asked with a smirk.
"Unfortunately most of them had used there demonic charm to escaped the police before I arrived... key word being, 'most'." He told him, turning his attention back on the tail head.
"I got this one from a succubus. She hid herself as a chubby little black woman. She played dumb, just like you, and much like you she was cocky and ignorant." Placing the tail tip into the container, he said coldly, "But now..."
He left the question open, clearly trying get in there heads. The problem being... it was working.
Standing up the human didn't speak for several long moments, before he placed the case on Blitzøs lap, gently telling him "Hold this"
Blitzø's whole body froze up, a deep sickness growing in his stomach as he felt the cool wooden case on his lap.
The human walked over to the mirror Blitzø only just noticed. The human stared at it for a long moment, the silence in the room becoming palpable.
Until the silence was dashed when the 'Father' smashed his arm through the mirror, before throwing his body back smashing the male agent through the mirror and slamming him into the wall.
Looking at his slumped form, 'Father Cain turned back to the now broken mirror, finding the terrified female agent standing there.
Releasing a deep sigh, the 'father' began climbing in through the now broken double sided mirror.
"It was your doing, wasn't it?" He asked, "I said I needed no witnesses, but you always did hold him back. What a waste of potential." The 'Father' told her, before grabbing her and dragging her through the window.
Bringing her to her knees, he grasped the sides of her head.
The woman desperately clawing at his arms. The female agent releasing a desperate cry for mercy as he began crushing her head.
Blood began trailing from her eyes and nose, crying out until her head splattered between his hands, sending a splatter of bone and brain matter across his face.
Dropping her now destroyed head, he realised it, the now sludge like head hit the ground with a wet splat.
Before the 'Father' flicked his hands, looked back at the Imps, "What the fuck are you?!" Blitzø yelled at him.
The human only smiled, walking over, he gently grabbed the wooden case before walking back over and placing it on the table.
Walking over to the now collapsed male agent, he placed his foot on the side of his head. "I... am alpha and Omega." He said coldly, staring him right in the eyes before crushing the other agents head beneath his foot.
Walking back to the table, he grabbed a red cloth, wiping his face before placing on his glasses he turned to the two Imps.
"Oh Satan... Oh, Satan please, please help me" Moxxie begged, clearly losing his shit. "Please just let me see Millie one last time, I don't want to die."
Before Blitzø could snap at his limp dick employee for showing weakness, the roof began to rumble, bit suddenly gave way, Millie falling through carrying a battle axe.
"MILLIE!!!" Moxxie practically cried, tears of joy beading in his eyes.
"MOX!" Millie cried back, rushing over and getting them out of ther bindings.
Just after that Loona broke through the door, Blitzø taking a moment to tell her how proud he was to see her in the field.
Now all free and together they turned to the 'Father', finding him still very much cool and collected, the sight sending a bone chilling shiver down his spine.
"Just in time" The human spoke, seemingly happy at the outcome "Its so good to see a family reunited."
"Now I imagine one of you have my Grimoire?" He asked inspecting his fingers. "Give it to me and I'll let you leave."
Now it was Blitzøs turn to chuckle, "Nah, I don't think so." He spoke cockily, reaching into his emergency pack for a gun.
The 'Father' just chuckled again, standing up straight he snapped his finger. And like it were choreographed, dozens of suit wearing humans burst into the room.
"Gentlemen!" He addressed them "These demonic scum have killed your commanders. And they shall do it again and again and again, until you send them back to hell." He told them, stepping into the back room.
The fight after that was one of the best Blitzø had ever had, although it would have been even better if he didn't have this injured leg.
Regardless, the whole thing was so bad ass and everyone was working together so well. He even got to see his Loony kick some ass.
Firing a missle, from his over sized launcher, he cleared what was left of the agents.
He'd though that was it, there weren't anybody left to stop them.
He was wrong.
The lights to switch to red, an alarm start blaring through the facility.
They all made for the door, only for a series of doors to slam in there face, locking them in the room.
His Loony tried desperately to read the book, but couldn't see anything in the crimson light that filled the room
It was then he heard a slow clapping, all of them turning to find the 'Father' giving them a condescending clap.
"Well done, Hellspawn, Well done. You've killed all the witnesses, depleted your ammunition and now I know you can't read the Grimoire in crimson light. Well done."
Standing before them, even outnumbered and unharmed, the 'Father' seemed to hold total control of the situation.
Before he could think of something any, all the air seemed to such out of the room, demonic whispers filling the room like shadows.
"You dare threaten my Impish little plaything~" the whispers spoke.
He knew this voice, but like his friends and family, he chose not to speak, too caught up in the moment.
Screens flew off the wall, avian footprints trailed across the floor. The bodies of the dead agents rose to there feet, eyes black as they began the intricate process of drawing some demonic symbol from there own blood.
Stepping back the 'Fther' looked about, before smiling, "Finally" He whispered, pulling out a flask and began chugging it.
Shadows seemed to slither like a million black snakes crawled across the floor, disappearing at the 'Fathers' feet.
There was a long pause before the human bent over and violently projectile vomited, throwing up what seemed like gallons of black liquid from his mouth.
The vomiting stopped, the human standing back up.
The back liquid slowly pulled itself to gathering, slowly morphing into a figure.
The black tar slowly formed into feathers, limbs and fingers, a set of crimson eyes appearing in the black goo.
The figure appeared to be Stolas. But this was not the elegant demon lord of hell.
This being was a wretched, wounded animal, covered in filth.
The 'Father' just wiped his mouth, that cold gaze returning to his eyes. Stepping forwards he grabbed Stolas by the filthy collar, staring him down.
The owl demon was a sputtering mess, coughing up black liquids as he tried to breathproperly.
The owl looked up at him.
And for the very first time in wjat was likely a millennia of existence, Stolas looked Terrified.
Not scared.
Grabbing at the arms of the human, the Prince of Hell sputtered out, "W-what are you?"
The human stopped, looking down at the owl, leaning down and whispered, "I am the beginning... and i am the end..."
The owl just stared up at him in horror, the humans hand coming to wrap around his throat, the demon feebly attempting to break free from his grasp.
There was a long moment where the only sound in the room was the prince's pitiful wheezing, frail little cries coming from the owl as the life was squeezed out of him.
The sounds were seemingly corked by a wet smack ringing out.
Blitzø had taken one of the agents weapons, a large knife and had impaled the 'Human' through the lower stomach.
There was a long moment of silence, before the 'human' slowly turned to look at him with that same cold gaze.
Without releasing Stolas, he pulled his arm back and smacked Blitzø, sending him sliding back to his friends.
Reaching down, he grabbed the knife, yanking it out of his back without hesitation.
Nothing came from his wound, and when pulling the knife out, no blood stained it's blade.
With knife in hand, he released the owl, letting his pathetic form hit the ground, the owl desperately gasping for breath.
Leaning down, you grasped Stolas' wrist, the owl releasing a pathetic little gasp of pain, followed by a frail little whimper as the 'Human' slid the blade across his wrist.
But what came next left them all shocked.
Bringing his wrist to his mouth, he pressed his mouth down before greedily suckling the foul blood straight from his veins.
He drank down the demons fowl blood, not making a sound cept the muscles of his throat contracting to push the fowl liquid down his throat.
The demons black blood flowed down his throat. Every demon in the room just watched, to shocked to think and to fearful to do anything as you had your way with the Prince.
After a few minutes of the 'Father' drinking the demons blood, he finally released the demons wrist. The owl quickly clutching his wrist to his chest as he desperately clawing to get away from the 'human'.
The 'Father' stood there, panting as a demons black blood stained his lips.
When he finally opened his eyes, they held a Unholy glint to them.
Wiping his lips he walked forwards, calmly packing what few items had survived the fighting into his bag before Putting on his glasses and placing the small white band into his shirt collar.
Walking past the now cowering demon Prince, he leaned over and pressed one of the buttons on the dashboard, instantly the lights returned to normal.
Stepping before the group they awaited some sort of attack, or threat, what they got instead was a single phrase "Excuse me."
He said it so simply, each hellborne took a moment to make sure they'd heard correctly.
Each of them just stared for a moment before Millie spoke up, "What?"
The human raised a brow, lowering his glasses he asked again, this time his voice cold, threateningly cold, "Excuse me."
The demons awkwardly stepped to the side, giving him a clear path to walk.
Walking past them he gave them a slight nod, "Thank you."
The demons were all in shock, silently watching the 'human' walk away from them.
"That's it?" Blitzø asked before he could stop himself, quickly slamming his hands to his mouth.
The 'Father' stopped in his tracks, looking over his shoulder, he smiled, "Kill you later." He told them playfully, lowering his glasses and giving them a wink.
He walked away, the eerie sound of his shoes on cold tile floors permanently burned into there memory.
Hey Hey, I hope you enjoyed. I really wanted to try something a bit different. I had the idea for this in my head since episode 6 came out and I just really like the idea of an unknown entity showing up with either motive or intentions clear to anyone.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, I really wanna start writing more of my own original ideas, so expect more content in the future. Bye Bye.
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moonflower-31 · 4 years
Journey To A Dream - Sabriel Rapunzel AU
Part 6 
Part 5 
Part 4 
Part 3 
Part 2 
Part 1  
Sam immediately let out a laugh as he started running around in the grass, launching old fallen leaves into the air and splashing water from a nearby pond.
"Does grass always smell this good?!" He exclaimed, bringing a bunch of pulled blades from the ground to his nose before moving onto something else. "Water is way more cold than I thought it would be!" He exclaimed, chucklimg to himself as he dug his fingers into the dirt and sighed happily at how it felt.
Gabriel watched this turn of events with a confused expression and a raised eyebrow.  This guy really had never left that tower for 21 years. All of his life. That was something that Gabriel could barely fathom.
Gabriel couldn't even be in Heaven nowadays for that long without pulling his feathers from his wings out.
Gabriel shook his head and just watched Sam freak out. It was quite entertaining, if he were to say so himself.
Sam continues to freak out for five minutes, just being happy to be out of that freaking tower. After a few moments he finally runs back to Gabriel, laughing happily to himself.
"Thank you!! I cannot believe I'm doing this!" He grinned, pushing his dark brown strand behind his ear as he turns to leave the clearing.
Gabriel again raises an eyebrow at the strand, but shrugs it off, walking after him. Immediately, ideas began to run through his head though. This guy hasn't seen the real world, right? So Gabriel could technically scare him, right?
Sam almost danced away from the tower, running through trees and just enjoying the spring wind on his face. Sure, he knew that he would have to go back, but he was going to enjoy it while he could. Azazel obviously wasn't going to let him. And besides, what was so wrong with the world that Azazel wouldn't let him go out?
Gabriel walked behind Sam slowly, his hands in his pockets as Crowley hung onto Sam's shoulder.
"So... you live in that towet alone?" Gabriel asks, running a hand through his golden brown hair.
Sam finally stops running and shook his head, humming a tune under his breath as he walked ahead of Gabriel.
Gabriel raised another curious eyebrow. "So, who else lives with you?" He asks, lowering his head as Crowley gave Gabriel a glare.
Sam turned his head and frowned. "U-uh... my father. He's away right now. Actually thats the only reason I've been able to even get out of the tower in the first place." He says, smacking Crowley a bit for being rude.
Gabriel smirked a bit. "So, you still live with your father? Aren't you afraid he might... I dunno... come home early and find you gone? Wouldn't he search the ends of the earth for you?" He asks, plucking a flower from the ground, sniffing it innocently as Sam stopped in realization.
Sam furrowed his eyebrows, and began to worry. "He... he would, wouldn't he..." he mumbles, beginning to fret.
Gabriel fought back the urge to smile more. "And wouldn't you crush his heart, knowing you left after he asked you specifically not to?" He asks, still walking forwards, but not very fast.
Sam widens his eyes even more, beginning to pant. "Y-yeah... yeah he would..." he syas nervously, shuffling his feet.
Gabriel shrugged. "Well, if you want my opinion, I think we should just cut you out of this deal. Take you and your rat home, I get my satchel, and then you and your father will have a great relationship untainted by betrayal-" he starts, turning around to see a miffed Sam who stomped over to him.
"No! I am seeing those lanterns!" He insists, brandishing the pan in his hand. "You will take me to see those lanterns conscious or not." He threatens, moving the pan threateningly close.
Gabriel finally stops walking, and pushed Sam's pan away as he starts to try and talk himself out of the deal when the bushes begin to rustle, and a far off sound of voices make Sam jump and hide behind Gabriel.
"Is is Angels? Hunters? Have they finally tracked my hair down?!" He squeaked, making Gabriel give him a dumbfounded look.
Then, out of the bushes outsteps a moose. Gabriel snickers. "Look, its just another version of you, Samsquatch. Don't worry, it can't smell fear." He teased. Sam huffed and smacked Gabriel's shoulder.
"Shut up! Hunters and angels have wanted my hair for as long as I can remember." He says, pushing his hair back as he begins walking.
"What makes you say that? Why would, hypothetically, an angel want your hair?" He asks Sam, confused and laughing at Sam's excuse for being scared.
Sam huffed again. "My father told me-" he starts before he reevaluates his decision. "You know what? No. Its none of your buisness." He says in a scowl before he stomps forward, making Gabriel roll his eyes.
Gabriel wanted to say that it was his buisness, but that would reveal more than he wanted to. Then an idea hit him.
Gabriel quickly caught up with Sam. "You know what? I'm hungry. Are you? Cause I know a great place for lunch." He insists, smiling.
Sam raised an eyebrow, softening his face. "Really? What's it called?" He asks.
Gabriel chuckled. "Its a surprise, come on. Let's go." He says before he grabs Sam's hand and leads him down the hill towards the place he had in mind.
Sam kept looking around as Gabriel led him through the forest. He was still in awe of the world and wondering still how his father saw the world as so cruel.
Eventually, after a short while Gabriel led Sam to a building lit up in a sign that said 'Harvelle's Roadhouse'.
Sam smiled at the place. "Its nice..." He says, smiling as he admired the building.
Gabriel forced a smile onto his face. "Right? Come on, lets go in and eat." He says, grabbing Sam's wrist and dragging him up to the door and bursting the door open. "Ellen! Your best table, please." He says in a fake accent, which Sam follows up with a gasp.
Sam's eyes wander the restaurant, seeing hunters everywhere. A few at the bar, a few playing darts, some looking through lore books, before they all looked up at Sam and Gabriel.
Gabriel forced Sam through, almost dragging him through the crowd of literally blood covered hunters. "Joe, nice to see you, Ah, Polly, nice to see you got that stab wound fixed up." He says, making up names for each of the hunters as they walked. "See, these giys are nice. But if they unsettle you that much, why don't we just ride on back to your little tower-" he starts before he bumps into a larger hunter, one who looked like a real drunkard.
Sam gulped as he looked into the hunter's blue eyes, backing away from the man. Then, another hunter, one who had her name etched onto her cap 'Jo' picked up Gabriel by the collar. She pulled out a wanted paper and showed it to him.
"This you?" She asks, smirking at him.
Gabriel looked at Jo for a moment and shook his head. "No. Trust me you definitely have the wrong guy-" he starts. Then, another female hunter comes up, gripping a fistful of Sam's hair.
"Really? Why would someone come in here, looking exactly like the fugitive Loki, with a sissy of a partner with this much fucking hair?" The blonde hunter hissed, glaring at Gabriel with her own blue eyes.
Sam yelps and pulls his hair out of the hunter's grip and accidentally bumped into the other hunter again. The hunter grumbled and looked at him again.
"Would you stop that? Can't any of you idjits leave me alone?" He grunts. Sam sighed and muttered a 'Sorry' before he sunk away.
Gabriel raised his hands and almost admitted defeat. "N-no, look, that isn't me. See? The faces don't match! Especially the nose!" He insists, trying to be put down.
Then, finally, another hunter grabs the wanted poster and chews out the nose portion. "Now does it look like you?" The hunter asks, murder in his eyes.
Gabriel gulps somewhat and the hunter smirks. "Ooh I'm gonna love sending you off to get your head cut off like the vamps that I kill." He smirked, hoisting Gabriel up by his collar and hanging him on the wall as all of the hunters in the room began to discuss what they were going to do with the prize money.
The hunter Sam had accidentally bumped into multiple times sent a hunter by the name of 'Garth' out the door to go get 'Dean'. Sam could only guess that 'Dean' was the guards.
"Go on, ya idjit! Go send for Dean! You know how much he wants this mother's head." The hunter huffs before he goes to try and break up the fighting. But Sam beat him to it.
Sam stood up on top of a table and launched his hair, pulling back one of the loose rafters before calling out. "Hey!" And letting go, hitting the dark skinned hunter who had put Gabriel up on the hook on the head.
Immediately everyone's attention turned to Sam, and they started to move towards him.
Sam then began to panic. "L-look, I get it. You all probably aren't able to afford much. And him falling into your laps is probably a godsend. But please, he's my only ticket to see the lanterns the kingdom is sending off tomorrow before I have to go back home. It's been my dream forever. Please, find it in yourselves to let him go. Haven't any of you had a dream once in your lives?" He asks in a huff and with limited air.
The gruff hunter that Sam accidentally kept bothering got extremely close and took a long swig of his beer before he tossed it into the garbage, where it promptly shattered.
"What's your name kid?" He asks in a rough voice.
Sam gulps before he answered. "Sam, my name is Sam." He answered.
Gabriel face palmed against the door, knowing that was a stupid mistake with hunters.
Bobby ponders this a second before he extends his hand. "The name's Bobby Singer. You a hunter?" He asks. "You don't look like one. All that hair would get you killed." He says.
Sam chuckled nervously. "N-no, no I'm not...B-bobby." He says.
Bobby nods before he starts speaking again. "Well Sam, yeah, I did have a dream. A long time ago. My dream was to marry the girl of my dreams. Keep up my ranch of horses. But that all caved in on me when a demon possessed my wife and I had to kill her." He answered, opening a new beer.
Sam raised his eyebrows, frowning at Bobby's story. "I... I'm so sorry." He says, suddenly feeling bad for the hunter.
One of the female hunters stepped up. "Me? My dad was possessed by an angel. The angel got him killed. My mom died cause of one too. Don't let them fool you. They aren't cherubs." The blonde hunter hissed. "You know what my dream was? To have my family back." She says.
Sam sighed, grippimg his hair. Then, another hunter stood up, this was the darker skinned one. "My dream? To avenge my sister. She was turned into a vampire amd I had to kill her. But revenge never satisfies anything." He says, sharpening his knife against the table.
Sam looked around, seeing multiple hunters step up and tell their stories and their crushed dreams. It made Sam's heart ache. He flashed his puppy dog eyes at everyone, feeling terrible.
The very last moment, one of the other hunters took hold of Gabriel's collar and put him down. "What about you, Trickster? Ever had a dream?" The hunter asked.
Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Sorry guys but uh, I don't share well with others." He says, before a few hunters took out their knives and Gabriel rolled his eyes again.
"Fine. My dream, was to get away from my family. Start a new life full of sex, riches and lots and lots of sugar!" Gabriel started out meaningful, like he was going to actually take it serious, before he finishes, giving a seductive pose that no one was fazed by.
Bobby scoffed. "That's a terrible dream." He says. Gabriel shrugged.
"You asked." He says, trying to walk away triumphantly. The other hunters lifted him up again, aiming their blades near his body. He looked almost unfazed, but he had to keep up the facade. So he made a look of terror and gulped.
Bobby turned back to Sam. "Now you, Sam. Tell us your dream." He says, sitting back and sipping his beer.
Sam smiled and stood up a bit taller. "Well... mine isn't as precious as yours. But, for me? Every year on May second, I open my window from my tower and I see almost a thousand lanterns launched into the sky. I always wondered what they looked like in person. My father never let me out of the tower." He says, leaning towards Bobby for a second. Bobby gives him a skeptical look, before continuing to listen.
"So, since Loki has been to the kingdom I'm asking him to take me to see them. The agreement was that he'd take me and then take me home but... if I'm honest? The more and more time I spend outside of my tower? The more I want to stay out." He admits, smiling to himself.
Bobby smiled and opened his mouth to speak as Garth charged into the bar again, fixing his hat.
"I found him! And the guards!" He exclaims. Bobby widened his eyes and grabbed Sam's wrist, pulling Gabriel along with him. He pulled them behind the bar, and pulled a lever, showing that there was a tunnel let out under the floorboard.
Bobby sighed, and smiled at Sam. "Go on, live your dream. Find peace or whatever." He says.
Gabriel stares into the dark cavern and smirked. "Oh I will, don't worry..." he says in a whisper. A loud thud is heard above the bar as the horse from earlier stamped his hooves against the bar counter.
Sam covers his mouth so his yelp isn't heard. Bobby rolls his eyes and smacks Gabriel in the back of the head.
"Your dream, stinks. I was talking to him." He says in a scowl. Sam smiled nervously and hugged Bobby for a moment.
"Thank you," he whispers before he escapes into the tunnel behind Gabriel. Bobby then closes the hatch, hoping to give them some time.
As Bobby stands back up, Dean walks over and greets him in a hug.
"Bobby, long time no see, huh?" He asks. Bobby nods, smiling a bit as he hugs back.
"Well if you weren't so busy all the time," he starts in a huff. Dean chuckled.
"Bobby, we've talked about this. You know why I search so much. I need to find him. I promised him I'd protect him the day he was born. I failed him on that. So now I gotta find him. Bring him home." Dean says, looking over at the horse.
The horse tries to mess with the floorboards where Sam and Gabriel had been able to escape through.
Dean raised an eyebrow. "Cas? You find something?" Dean asks, walking over. He sees the boards are unusually cut, and starts to inspect it a bit.
Castiel rolled his eyes and pressed his hoove against a hidden lever, opening the tunnel.
Dean smiled victoriously. "Great job Cas. Now, lets get this filthy Trickster." He grins before one by one the guards start to pile into the tunnel, making Bobby sigh and hope for the best for Sam and unfortunately, for Gabriel.
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clown-bait · 6 years
Monster Christmas PT2 (Monster Roommate AU)
Ice skating Penny! I’ve been so excited to post this guys you have no idea. He’s basically Bambi during that winter scene but a giant killer monster trying to hunt. Its so pure. Also two monsters having a bloodly snow ball fight and making horrible macabre jokes like two giant NERDS. I love them they’re OTP. 
Monster Christmas Part 2 
Pennywise the Figure Skating Clown
“Oh there you two are I was about to come look for you but I got caught up having a lovely conversation with your Uncle Bob! He's going to show me around town tomorrow so you two can go to work!” Leech’s mom smiled happily at them. She really was the cutest mom.
“Yeah we ran into him on the way back from our um… smoke break…” Leech pulled at the bottom of her dress.
“Ugh Lucy darling you know I detest that habit of yours.”
“Its a hard habit to quit.” Robert gave her a wicked grin and she elbowed him hard.
“‘I’m calling a cab. Well drop you off at the hotel mom we’re uh we’re going to…”
“Grab a drink?”
“Oh look at you two! Finishing each others sentences! So adorable!”
The two monsters both blushed. “Mom! D-dont”
“Well you have to come up to my room I brought my home made lemon cookies the ones you loved when you were a kid!”
Leech whined realizing she cant indulge in her favorite treat. “We’ll take them to go.” Gray smiled
“Wull eh offishully loff your mofer” Robert popped the last of an entire box of cookies into his mouth.
“You're just saying that because she fed you”
“You never feed me!”
“I bring you snacks all the time”
“Yeah as bribes!! And then its “Penny don't eat Randy he tips well. Pen will you help me make food I can’t even eat for some dumb holiday that worships a bird. Oh Penny never mind eat Randy for me he's tipping Sandy more. You were perfectly capable of eating Randy yourself you know!”
“The “Randy incident” does not need to be brought back up” she growled shuffling her feet in the snow.
“Do you know what he was afraid of?!”
“Are we really doing this?”
“VAMPIRES LEECH! I literally just turned into you!”
She paused and turned to him.
“Wait why me specifically?”
“I don’t know….. maybe I like the way you look when you get, as you say, hangry”
“Aww really?!” her face lit up like a christmas tree.
“Yeah yeah enjoy the compliment……lazy bloodsucker…”
“Awwww Penny” she stopped and hugged him tight. Robert rolled his eyes and pulled her into him.
“Don’t let it go to your head.” he smiled into her wig
He brought her to the town square and paused to look at the giant tree in the center. They saw other couples drifting around the ice rink together, blissfully unaware of the monsters watching them.
“You know, I bet you'd be killer at ice skating.” Leech gave him a sly grin
“Why’s that?”
“Its like dancing but on blades.”
“Go on…”
“Not the kind you're thinking of….. but I suppose you could kill someone with them if you got creative…”
“Hmmm… we should try it.”
“Ice skating or murder with ice skates?”
“Yeah because that would go over so well.”
“Fine! We’ll just do the boring part” he grabbed her hand and rushed to get in line.
“Ok so I haven't actually done this in years. Last time I did was with Adam and I nearly broke my leg…”
Robert growled at the mention of her ex. Leech gave his arm a shove “Oh stop you got to rip him apart be happy. If it makes you feel any better I'm already having a way… better.. time….” they both paused to watch a beautiful young girl drift by with hunger.
“Dibs! I call dibs!” she elbowed him.
“You already ate tonight!” he hissed “You know I’ll just take it from you anyway.”
“That’s not how dibs works”
“As if I care. Alright lets make it a game then, who ever lures her first wins.”
“You are so on.” the nosferatu licked her lips and grinned.
“Um sir I don’t think we carry your size skate…” the attendant pointed at the disguised clowns massive feet. Leech snorted and Robert gave her a shove.
“Its ok I brought my own” he smiled
“Hey! Hey Rob! Robert! Brobert!” she elbowed him over and over till he turned to look at her.
“You wanna know why people are terrified of clowns?”
“I’m going to regret this aren't I?” he sighed “Fine, why?”
“The bigger the feet, the bigger the dick!” she snorted again and banged on the railing.
“Did you- did you just compliment my dick size?” his face became slightly pink
Leech wheezed at her own terrible dick joke. “Hey, I aint wrong big boy!” she gave him a flirty wink Robert turned bright red in embarrassment. “I cant take you anywhere.” he grumbled.
They sat down and Gray materialized skates onto his feet. Leech snickered as she laced hers up.
“What?” he glared.
“You're so going to fall on your ass.”
“Am not!”
“Have you ever skated before?”
“How hard can it be” she saw him put weight on the blades under his feet and watched as his knee wiggled off balance.
“I'm going to totally win”
Robert stood up attempting to intimidate her only to wobble and catch himself on a ledge. Leech snorted with laughter.
“D-dont laugh at me!”
“Oh my god you're like a baby deer trying to stand!”
“S-stop I am the alpha predator! AAHH” he fell to the side and opened his legs wide to stabilize himself.
“This is golden and we’re not even on the ice yet!”
She left him to go skate around on her own. He sneered and giggled when Leech wobbled a bit as well but as soon as she got the hang of it she was gliding around with ease. “You coming Bambi?”
“Why are you calling me that? Don't call me that.”
“Because I know you’re going to spend half the time trying to stand the fuck back up.”
He growled and attempted to enter the ice rink watching the girl they were both competing to lure. He instantly slid sideways and latched onto the wall in embarrassment hearing an all too familiar cackle from behind him. “How are you so good at standing on ice! Tell me!” he snarled
“Good? me? Pleeeaase they always picked me last for hockey when I was a kid.” she frowned at the memory and sighed. “Come here ruffles I’ll help you.” The vampire drifted over to the wall and hoisted him to his feet. “Hang on to the ledge for a bit and watch my feet.” she showed him the way to push forward and he watched her movements. “Go slow. I know how you like to rush things” Robert nodded and copied her with eyes trained on those pretty little legs. She turned around so she was skating backwards and started showing off “Not too bad! Still awkward as hell though!” Leech teased, suddenly she fell back when she hit the wall and Gray unable to stop crashed on top of her. They both looked at the compromising position they were in and Leech let a slight blush creep onto her face before they both burst out laughing. “Oh god we’re terrible at this!” she wheezed “I bet that chick is laughing her ass off at us” Gray’s laughter died down and he lovingly placed his hand on her rib cage. The young vampire’s lips parted and her breathing deepened. Everything around them seemed to just melt away.
“It seems like I'm ill equipped to hunt in winter.” he chuckled. “I’ll need to practice”
“You accidentally caught me though, that good enough?” she gripped his coat and pulled him closer.
“Mmm I’d say its better” his eyes changed color as he leaned into her, his cold hand cupping her cheek. Leech closed her eyes and craned her neck to meet him their lips inches away from one another until they were interrupted by an angry female voice. “Hey Romeo and Juliet! Get up or get a room I'm working on my routine here” they both turned to find the girl they were trying to hunt standing over them with her hands on her hips. Robert gave Leech a sly grin. “Time for you to lose little hunter!” he hissed “How rude of us to get in your way miss! My apologies!” he turned and attempted to hoist himself up the girls eyes grew wide when she saw the handsome man before her leaning on the wall for support. “Say I'm quite bad at this and you seem to have great skill care to help?” his eyes flashed hungry yellow. “Wh-what about your girlfriend?”
“What girlfriend?” he grinned making the memory of Leech and him disappear from the girls mind. His victim smiled and beckoned him to follow her.
“Oh you dick!” Leech growled “PLAY FAIR ASSHOLE”
“Like you were ever going to play fair in the first place darling.” he smirked awkwardly pushing himself along the wall away with her target.
“Ok you may have a point…but still!” she snarled and stood up fine if he wanted to play dirty she’d be more than happy to get dirty. Leech buttoned her coat up tighter and scraped the ice with the blade of her skates making a pile of white powder. She grinned and looked over at Robert who was leading the girl to an exit his eyes glowing bright like candles. The vampire stood up and skated over to him as fast as she could manage she skidded her skates so a spray of powder hit him on the back. She heard the disguised clown snarl and turn, thats when Leech nailed him with a ball of ice on the side of the head. “YOU LITTLE BRAT!” he roared and the vampire howled with laughter. Robert scooped up some of the ice shavings around him and lobbed a giant ice ball at Leech’s face. He grinned triumphantly while the vampire shook the ice out of her wig.
“Um hello?” the girl asked as the two disguised monsters glared at each other.
“Not now Ashley” Gray snarled preparing to wipe the sly smirk off his lovers face.
“H-how did you know my name?”
He paused and looked over to his victim. “You must of mentioned it on the way over here or something.”
Robert turned back to Leech but she was gone, vanished into the other skaters.
He grumbled something to himself and pushed his victim away from the crowd “Hey careful! I’m a finalist in the skating competition!”
“You think I care?” Robert arched his brow and pulled her behind a store where he backed her into a corner.
“Oh mister you’re too rough~”
“You have no idea” his eyes began to shine.
“I bet you like it rough too.” the girl grabbed at his belt buckle. Robert raised his brow unamused. He was about to mock her when he heard a familiar hissing from above him, his golden eyes trailed up long black gnarled claws till they locked onto two terrifying orbs of moonlight. They watched each other with intensity as the girl fumbled with his belt. He knew she was getting jealous and seeing his vampire get so worked up made his eyes shine even more. Robert gave Leech a victory smirk and a white gloved hand grabbed the girl by the throat. He began to squeeze the life out of the poor girl while practically eye fucking the vampire watching from above. Ashley screamed and his other hand covered her mouth. “That wont do you any good little miss Muffet. No one can hear you right now” his disguise melted away into the clown she screamed again “That was your favorite rhyme when you were little wasn't it? Little miss Muffet sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and way! hahahahaha!” he sang in a demented voice as horrible black claws creeped down the side of the building and a low churr filled the air. The clown removed his gloved hand from her mouth Ashley was hyperventilating now and tears streamed down her face. A new sickening voice whispered in her ear dripping with venom “then along came a spider who sat down beside her” The poor girl turned and was met with the face of skeletal bat like creature. The beast opened her fang filed mouth to let a long raspberry colored tongue drag along the girls face. Pennywise purred with delight. “And frightened miss Muffet away.” He sang his is mouth opened up and thousands of black spiders poured out of it onto his victims face and chest. The girl let out a primal screech of sheer terror.
The spiders on her vanished into shadowy smoke. Pennywise charged forward and ripped at the girls body creating a hole so big it nearly tore her in half. Leech sat on her wall and watched the life fade from her eyes as blood fell turning the white snow beneath them red.
“Sometimes I forget how dangerous you can be” she mused while she observed him rip the body into pieces tossing some in a pile to save for later. Penny looked up from his meal and grunted in approval. The vampire crawled off the wall and sneered at the corpse.
“You got jealous didn't you” the clown grinned face covered in gore.
“Shut up you won the game don't rub it in.”
“Aww my little hunter is a sore loser!”
“I just didn't like the way she touched you” Leech grumbled.
Pennywise chuckled a bit digging in the torso of his victim till he found what he was looking for. “I got something that will make you feel better!”
He held out the humans heart in one large gloved hand dramatically dropping on one knee mocking a human proposal “Take my heart love!” he let out a burst of laughter at his macabre joke. Leech snorted and put her hands on her knees gasping for air while the two of them had a giggle fit over the warm mangled corpse. “You fucking nerd” she scooped up some blood stained snow and threw it at him. It hit Penny in the chest and the clown growled. “Oh naughty naughty little hunter! Now you've really done it!” he grabbed a much bigger snow ball and lobbed it at her laughing when the force of it nearly knocked her down. The vampire hissed and threw one of her own hitting the clown between the eyes. He shook the snow off his face while his ruffles jingled like sleigh bells in the night.
Leech walked over to him and picked up a strip of meat from the carcass. “May I?”
“Hmm you may. You might be earning it in a bit though.” Pennywise grinned wickedly.
“Thats a win-win for me.” the vampire rolled out her tongue and sucked the flesh, making sure the clown could see. he huffed “Dirty little thing, trying to tease Ol’ Pennywise”
“You already teased me plenty in that other alleyway.” she said mouth full of meat.
“I never planned on stopping.” he grumbled, turning to the corpse
She finished her last bite and silently stalked over to him her footsteps light and soundless like an owl’s wings. She tried to creep behind him but the clowns eyes were already shining gold in the night. When her arms snaked around his torso he switched their locations suddenly they were in the sewer and Leech had fallen off of him with a thud the corpse from their dessert landing next to her.
“Ow hey Pen!”
“Look who's falling on their ass now!” he laughed at her. “Shoulda known better than to sneak up on the likes of me little hunter.”
“There a reason you brought me here? Or are we just going to chit chat all night”
“So eager I love it!” he chuckled reaching out and pulling her into him. “don't worry little one you'll get me soon, I want to have some more fun first.” Leech smirked at him and snaked her hand up his chest.
“Such as?”
“How about a little role play hmm?” he leaned down to meet her gaze and smell her arousal.
“Oh you kinky bastard~” Leech snickered as he nipped the top side of her face.
“You be the fox little hunter and I’ll be the hound.” he chuckled darkly “If I catch you I get to tear you apart”
“And if I get away?” she nipped at his nose
“You’re not going to love” he growled. “I always catch my prey.”
Leech kissed him with a snarl “Come and get me then.” she whispered against his lips.
LOOK AT THESE TWO CUTE ASS DORKS! They're having such a good time being fluffy af and dismembering people! Also people tend to forget that Pennywise tore Betty Ripsom in half, he didnt just bite her once he probably ripped her apart while she was still alive man. The clown is fucking brutal. I want to explore that a bit more since Leech is a lot more like a paper shredder that will strike up a casual convo while torturing you (she’ll be breaking an arm and go “Oh hey thats a cool shirt what size are you? I think I’m going to keep that when I’m done!”) while Penny’s more like a grizzly bear wood chipper that will dismember you alive while giggling to himself. They both get off on it though, its their shared hobby. 
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