#i also take atheism as an axiom in this
stop-entropy-lie-down · 2 months
It's interesting that pro-nature types seem to have settled on 'biodiversity' as the measure of Goodness for an ecosystem or an area of land.
I think it's just a placeholder for 'naturalness', because un-humanified ecosystems tend to be very biodiverse (not that we've really seen many, especially since the age of discovery when humans found the last few islands).
Obviously everything is as natural/unnatural as anything else, but if we define natural as [being completely unaffected by and uninvolved with humans], any constant/stagnant state is unnatural for any area of land. A rainforest could desertify and most of the biodiversity disappear, and it would be just as natural. If a supernova boiled the oceans away and killed all life on Earth it would be completely natural - but Chris Packham would still protest it.
In land stewardship discussions I think it's useful to be very clear about what our actual aims are. 'Goodness' only means that it benefits sentient humans (and in my opinion many non-human animals). When we protect a rainforest it is because:
More biodiverse ecosystems tend to absorb more CO2, so climate change will slow down and humans will be happier
Humans tend to like that nature exists, and to look at it and be surrounded by it (including religious and emotional connections)
More biodiverse ecosystems often contain resourcess which are very useful to humans but aren't economically favourable to preserve under capitalism (e.g. forest gardens, huntable animals, undiscovered (or sometimes 'undiscovered') medicines)
I'm sure there are other benefits that I can't think of at the moment, but the point is that if something is 'good' it has to be good for someone.
I'm much less certain in saying that 'natural' areas are better to live in for non-human animals, but they do seem to support more lives. Whether that is Good is an open question.
Concomitantly it is also often Good to destroy part of an ecosystem. Humans need to eat food and subsistence farming sucks - a bit of wheat monoculture is very efficient and makes a lot of people's lives better. I like living in a warm dry house, and those make a lot of people's lives a lot better. etc.
In conclusion: anprims are full of shit.
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sagebodisattva · 5 years
Interconnectivity of Reality and the Mind
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So, the basic building blocks that compose the bedrock of the prison that is constructed around your mind, consist of many many tiny bits of conceptual mass that combine to form dense conceptualizations that become manifest as a belief that the mental state is but a byproduct of physicality. This is a learned belief that is so ingrained into the psyche of consciousness that there isn't even a need to teach this description. It has become the foundation upon which all subsequent inquires and explanations about reality are formulated. And this is exactly why all of these inquires and explanations are going to be false, no matter what the different specifics might be.
Rule of thumb, if you want to ensure that someone will never arrive at the truth, ensure that they begin with a false premise that is accepted without question as a default axiom. Once this is accomplished you can be sure that they will never find the truth, unless they somehow find their way back to questioning the premise, and this can usually be avoided by diversions, distractions and controlling both sides of the arguments that are taking place, of which, BOTH are based on the false postulation.
In other words, just sit back and let them endlessly argue both sides of a faulty pointless argument, and if anyone even shows a hint at questioning the false premise, distract and divert them with fear or excitement of some kind. Always encourage confirmation bias, and don't be the least bit shy about using an overabundance of sophist tactics and red herrings.
And this is exactly what has happened to human beings in this current paradigm. Atheism or theism? It doesn't matter. Physical vs metaphysical? It doesn't matter. The false premise at the root of all these arguments is that reality is an objective medium; that is, existing independently of the mind. And there is no way for you to argue against this, as your mind awareness is the only real sure thing you have that is undeniably self evidently true; that which is experiential, clear, ever-present, and already the case firsthand, before any such idea as a mind independent reality can even be considered... whereas objectivity is a leap of faith; speculative at best, and based on many assumptions that attempt to externalize projections into having some kind of separate existence of their own. This is called delusion; because it doesn't recognize a mirage as a mirage. Delusion is a state of mind that is being fooled; tricked into investment into the trappings of an illusion.
The inner connectivity of reality and the mind has been explored for thousands of years by a select few and has most certainly found to be the case, empirically. Whereas objectivity is merely an intellectual theory based on a false hypothesis. And you will notice, that any argument, any speculation, any assumption, any belief, any opinion, any observation, any measurement, any ideological proposition, all begin with I. They may try to refute the inner connectivity of reality and the mind, but that cannot do so without the context of a mind. So you are gonna hear: "I argue that" or "It is my speculation that" or "I put forth the hypothesis that" or "I believe that" or "it is my opinion that" or "based on observations, it is seen that" or "I have taken a measurement and found that" or "it is my idea that.”
So you see.. They cannot put forth a single argument or theory that isn't rooted first in a subjective context, and yet they want to ultimately infer that the subjective context is somehow a secondary offshoot of some objective framework. I would posit that objectivity is complete and utter fantasy, as neither one of the main commonly known held definitions of it are true. Objective, as in, (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts, is not true, because there is no such thing as a subject that is not influenced by their own innate bias. People just pretend that this is the case to circumvent the cognitive dissonance that arises from being a biased subject put in a position of having to make an unbiased judgement. And then objective, as in, not dependent on the mind for existence; actual. Which is also bullshit.. as was eluded to earlier, and continuing on henceforth. About the only accurate definition of the word objective is: a thing aimed at or sought; a goal. Like, my current objective of deconstructing objectivity.
So this is why until you have flipped the script on the old description of reality, you really don't have anything all that relevant to add to philosophical discourse concerning the nature of existence. If you can't even get the initial foundation of the truth right, nothing you postulate or propose will have any real truth or value. If we have too much of an intense focus on dream narrative, or on how the superficial appearances arrange themselves, it is conducive towards not recognizing the individual as part of the dream. This is how people can direct their awareness past their own awareness and come up with an ass backwards conclusion that their own awareness is a byproduct of what their awareness is aware of, which is so profoundly off course it's perplexingly absurd. Do I need to run through all the possible arguments built on the false premise and deconstruct them all one by one? No, I don't, even though I still may in future videos; because, despite the redundant process of deconstructing one extraneous inventory item after another, there's still always another, right? And it doesn't matter how many times it's gone over, again and again. There's always another superficial appearance. No, it's illusion.
“Yeah, but what about another superficial appearance? And what about another superficial appearance? And what about another superficial appearance?”
Sigh. Look, point blank. The second you point outwards towards projected perceptibles and open your mouth to speak about it with some externalized supposition, you're already wrong, and this is why religion and science get it wrong every time. This is why there are so many holes and missing pieces and information that doesn't add up, or contradictions that seems to defy this or that. They are both starting from a false default assumption about reality, which involve the suggestion that some externally existing agency manifested reality. There is no god out there that magically created a universe, nor was there was a tremendous explosion out there, aka, the big bang, that magically created a universe, as there is no out there. No more out there then images on a film strip having an actual existence out there on a projection screen. It's a completely ridiculous assertion at this point. Not because a meditating Buddhist monk said so, not because quantum mechanics says so, not because a dream spirit representing god came through the window at night and said so, but because I know so, firsthand, through non-being, detached from the illusory ego. And I wouldn't expect anyone else to believe so until their true one self has also come to recognize itself.
“Oh Sage, but that's just a subjective experience.”
No it isn't. But speaking of which: what else are you, may I ask, but a subjective experience? And if you can really answer this question genuinely correct, then you will know the truth about the inner connectivity of reality and the mind; because knowing the truth has nothing to do with anything a dream character can experience. Clarity of awareness can increase, but it has nothing to do with the character. The dream character is part of the dream. In other words, lucidity isn't increased by anything the ego can do. And as I've said to before, besides the fact that "you" are not this ego, and that the ego is part of the dream, the aim of what I am pointing towards isn't about getting rid of the ego or the world. It's about dropping the attachments to ego and the world.
So, you see, there isn't any contradiction nor exceptions. Lucidity reveals that anything the ego references in inventory is wholly illusion, and this outside awareness is facilitated because there's no attachment to illusion formed by a false identification. Whereas, the common man can't accept this, and fights it with every fiber in his being. But, as the old saying goes, the truth can set you free, but most people still reject the truth because they want a sugar coating on it. The truth can set you free? What does that even mean? Just as Pontius Pilate, the noble Roman governor, purportedly asked Jesus Christ, to which Jesus had no answer:
“What is truth?"
So... what is truth? And how can that set you free? The truth isn't anything found out there. You ARE that truth, which is uncovered when we finally sever binding attachments and false identifications with the perceptibles of illusion.
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wankybookquotes · 6 years
OCTET – David Foster Wallace
 And consider the actual sort of question you’ll be bothering her with. ‘Does this work, do you like this,’ etc. Consider what she might think of you for just asking something like this. It might very well make you (i.e. the mise en scene’s fiction writer) come off like the sort of person who not only goes to a party all obsessed about whether he’ll be liked or not but actually goes around at the party and goes up to strangers and asks them whether they like him or not. What they think of him, what effect he’s having on them, whether their view of him coincides at all with the complex throb of his own self-idea, etc. Coming up to innocent human beings who wanted only to come to a party and unwind a little and maybe meet some new people in a totally low-key and unthreatening setting and stepping directly into their visual field and breaking all kinds of basic unspoken rules of party- and first-encounter-between-strangers-etiquette and explicitly interrogating them about the very thing you’re feeling inbent and self-conscious about.16 Take a moment to imagine the faces of the people at a party where you did this. Imagine the faces’ expressions fully, in 3D and vibrant colour, and then imagine the expression directed at you. Because this will be the risk run the honesty-tactic’s possible price – and keep in mind that it may be for nothing: it is not at all clear, if the precedent quartet of little mortise-and-tenon quart d’heures hasn’t succeeded in ‘interrogating’ the reader or transmitting any felt ‘sameness’ or ‘urgency’, that coming out hat in hand near the end and trying to interrogate her directly is going to induce any kind of revelation of urgent sameness that’ll then somehow resonate back through the cycle’s pieces and make her see them in a different light. It may well be that all it’ll do is make you look like a self-consciously inbent schmuck, or like just another manipulative pseudpomo Bullshit Artist who’s trying to salvage a fiasco by dropping back to a metadimension and commenting on the fiasco itself.
  16. (…and of course it’s very probably also the issue they’re feeling self-conscious about – w/r/t themselves and whether other people at the party are liking them – and this is why it’s an unspoken axiom of party-etiquette that you don’t ask this sort of question out-right or act in any way to plunge a party-interaction into this kind of maelstrom of interpersonal anxiety: because once even just one party-conversation reached this kind of urgent unmasked speak-you-innermost-thoughts level it would spread almost metastatically, and pretty soon everybody at the party would be talking about  nothing but their own hopes and fears about what other people at the party were thinking of them, which means that all distinguishing features of different people’s surface personalities would be obliterated, and everybody at the party would emerge as more or less exactly the same, and the party would reach this sort of entropic homeostasis of nakedly self-obsessed sameness, and it’d get incredibly boring*, plus the paradoxical fact that the distinctive colourful surface differences between people upon which other people base their like or dislike of those people would have vanished, and so the question ‘Do you like me’ would cease to admit of any meaningful response, and the whole party could very well undergo some sort of weird logical or metaphysical implosion, and none of the people at the party would ever again be able to function meaningfully in the outside world.
 * (It’s maybe interesting to note that this corresponds closely to most atheist’s idea of Heaven, which in turn helps explain the relative popularity of atheism.**)
**(I’d probably leave all this implicit, though, if I were you.)
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nicemango-feed · 7 years
Professor Jordan Peterson: Charlatan Conservative Christian Perpetually Paranoid about Pronouns & Postmodernism
Trigger Warning: If you don't like feminists or leftists, avert your eyes. This could be upsetting.
I ran a little contest for the title on Twitter, while there were so many great suggestions
Well, an anagram of Jordan B Peterson is desert banjo porn
— Martin (@NataliasDad) July 28, 2017
Kermit the Monologue
— Liam van der Spek (@SpekOfTheDevil) July 28, 2017
Misunderstanding Bill C-16 for $55,000 a month
— JD-800 (@thejd800) July 28, 2017
"Old Man Yells at Cloud: the Jordan Peterson Story"
— brane bzkl (@Buzzkill_AOC) July 28, 2017
I went for the wayyy too long alliteration angle, since I felt it captured the essence of his nonsense best.. 
He's so verbose I can't narrow down 11 paragraphs about NESTING into a title
— Paul City (@RealPaulCity) July 28, 2017
Shout out to @somestingray for inspiring that! 
professor peterson’s postmodern paranoia
— Ray (@SomeStingray) July 28, 2017
Pic From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awot-d8U9Cc
Ah...Jordan B. Peterson - I remember a time when I had no idea who that was, and my life was better for it.
Who is this guy? Well...For those unfamiliar he is a ‘controversial’ conservative university professor, in my own progressive city *sigh*....at University of Toronto.
He's your average conservative Christian, with an added dose of hardcore gobbledygook with the audacity to criticize postmodernists for the same. Step aside Deepak Chopra! There's a new snake oil salesman in town. And this time he's smuggling in extreme conservatism AND atheists love him. Apparently one of the *most requested* guests of all time on Sam Harris' podcast!
Why is 2017 like this. Nothing makes sense anymore. 
jordan b peterson: a looney twist on the old school Christian conservative
— peppermint (@strengthgentle) July 28, 2017
Gosh, remember when the atheist scene used to ridicule charlatans like Deepak instead of embrace them as some of our favourite intellectuals simply because they ‘trigger’ libtards, and dump on trans ppl, ‘the left’ and feminism - all the favourite bogeymen of the internet atheist movement! ...resulting in this strange alliance with a man who literally brought himself to tears while reading his own essay which mentioned ‘a loss of faith’. 
Goddammit, make atheism great again. 
It really amazes me that he criticizes flowery 'postmodernist' language for much of the same type of nonsense that comes out of his own mouth. He rose to fame last year when he had an unbelievable temper tantrum about Ontario’s bill c-16 somehow taking away his freedoms by protecting trans people from discrimination. He’s been shown  to be misrepresenting the law, but his popularity only grows in this climate where facts hold little value, and anything of substance is dubbed 'fake news'.
Peterson has no qualms associating with people on the far far right...he even appeared on a nazi's podcast. A woman who has literally advocated violence against people of colour refusing to leave the hypothetical ethnostate. 
Host of that show is another extreme race & IQ obsessive wanting to deport non-whites. http://pic.twitter.com/QF00K9Tr3d
— Nikolashvili (@ViniKako) March 12, 2017
He may very well not be aware of all her views, but googling someone or looking at their social media is the least you can do before appearing on their show and lending them your legitimacy as a professor. If you are this blinded by your hatred of the left that you're going on Nazi shows to talk about 'Western Civilization'...you probably should not be teaching kids. 
As a critic of leftist mumbo-jumbo, its funny he describes the average university class as a postmodern neo-marxist indoctrination cult (h/t @somestingray). He wants to start his own online university scarily enough...He plans to 'cut off the supply to people running the indoctrination cults', i.e., universities. And don't you worry... he's working on a way to differentiate between 'post modern course content' and 'classical course content'.
In a time where mainstream media institutions are being discredited by right wing nutjobs, so too are educational institutions. Now, hold on to your kekistani undies, i’m not saying there aren’t ever crazy instances on campus, I’m not saying never criticize universities or The Left. There’s plenty to criticize... but there’s no proportionality….this response, as in...idolizing Jordan Peterson the guy who’s somehow repackaged old school conservatism as something new and hip…as an antidote to 'the left gone wild, drunk on the power of premarital sex, immorality, independent career women and loss of faith'…I mean come on...I've heard this shit before...
I grew up in Saudi Arabia. 
Just check this rulebook for men he wrote a few yrs ago. (h/t @21logician) 
It’s full on insanity.
And spare me the obvious - 'these are metaphors'… yes I know he’s not calling for literal child sacrifice. 
Still crazy. 
Build the crystal palace. O-kay then. 
Look I consulted with my ancestral spirits…and they warned me not to watch Jordan Peterson content…but silly lady-brain of mine.. didn’t listen. So here we are. 
Now I’m trying to compile as much of JBP’s bs into one blogpost as I can tolerate sifting through in one sitting. For someone sooooo upset about his free speech allegedly being taken away over bill c-16, he certainly doesn’t extend that courtesy to other groups. 
Here he is in 2011 discussing how atheists aren’t an oppressed or excluded group in the west, perhaps even dominant, and how he’s not a fan of atheist advertising. An Ad on a bus pissed him off ffs, meanwhile calling people what they want to be called is a violation of his rights.  Full video of his ad chat here 
Jordan Peterson on pro-atheism billboards. This would be a good topic for discussion @SamHarrisOrg http://pic.twitter.com/JQdhfvgyo8
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) December 28, 2016
Why maybe Dawkins *should* be oppressed he said. Jeez Jordan, why so angry?
maybe @RichardDawkins should be oppressed @jordanbpeterson http://pic.twitter.com/MiaGNIosA3
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) December 28, 2016
"If you don’t have any faith in an ultimate authority that says life is sacred, what’s to stop you from mobilizing everything you can to kill as many people as you can…."  That's real original Jordan. 
Jordan Peterson talking about Stalin's lack of religion. This is as feisty as Canadian TV gets I think http://pic.twitter.com/gzzpDcfXVj
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) December 27, 2016
Here’s some more laughable god stuff:
Proof itself, of any sort, is impossible, without an axiom (as Godel proved). Thus faith in God is a prerequisite for all proof.
— Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) November 26, 2013
To think of how popular he is among atheists cracks me up (and makes me sad). This anti-left stuff in the era of the rise of the right...sure makes for some strange bedfellows. 
In his two hour conversation with Sam Harris he couldn’t really define 'truth'. He is basically the religious conservative version of what he criticizes re:postmodernism. Dislikes the pronoun Xir because apparently thats just leftist nonsense….but can’t decide on what truth means. 
Just a quick glance at his Twitter timeline will show that he posts bs memes of his own gibberish quotes..and people love it! 
I honestly can’t understand…has the human population become this dumbed down? Is this reflective of a failure of our education systems?…that people hear a string of multi-syllabic words and are immediately wowed/lulled into some sort of illusion that they are smarter than they thought? His fans also have a habit of saying “but you haven’t heard ALL his lectures… if you had, what he was saying would make sense” - come on. Surely something of his has to be able to stand on it’s own. 
I mean what the fuck does this mean?
one last meme before bed http://pic.twitter.com/KQQkPTRYAq
— Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) July 25, 2017
To be fair though, somehow I guess it's possible you've stuck to his .. I dunno..mythology, psychology lectures which are supposed to be better....but still, how are you unaware of his crazy side? The side that's made him rich and famous? 
Peterson is a top earner on Patreon making over 55K *a month* (remember this number) last time I checked…which he’s planning to use to launch an online university, to influence more young minds into his way of thinking. 
I just googled him right now and came across a reddit thread asking whether he was a prophet, because he’s turning Western Civilization back to Christianity….FFS.. this guy’s following is legitimately creepy. 
This is the person who thinks college SJWs are bad, but is upset that Disney’s Frozen is *propaganda*… 
Why...you ask? 
Because it showed that two female characters did not need a man to be successful. (h/t @21logician) 
Heaven forbid we indoctrinate our kids into evil-leftist-feminist-cultural-marxist-postmodernism. 
Shameful Disney…don’t you know that all female characters should need a MAN….that’s how God intended it after all. 
No wonder he’s spooked by the Trans Agenda of jailing him for mistakenly saying the wrong pronoun some day. Poor guy. 
This man is in charge of teaching young minds. And with his own online postmodernism-proof university he will be more influential than before, 'radicalizing' more people. Alarming. 
He also has some very disturbing ideas about sex. In his mind the left encourages ‘sexual predation’ by saying that sex is for pleasure and you can have it when you want…we should allow any form of sexual expression and not discriminate against any of them. But at the SAME TIME they want to jail men who make unwanted sexual advances. 
Yes Peterson, its called consent. We can have free sexual expression and consent simultaneously .. this isn’t hard. 
how the hell can you have free sexual expression and also not rape people http://pic.twitter.com/AWM0gu7rHR
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) February 13, 2017
And who's he discussing this with? None other than Stefan Molyneux - known extreme misogynist who blames women for all evil in the world, crazy conspiracist and racist. 
This isn’t the first time i’ve heard Peterson rail against casual sex. If I close my eyes, It’s almost like I’m back in Saudi Arabia. 
everything is so fucking melodramatic with this dude. if you don't do sex and procreation his way you're getting ENSLAVED @jordanbpeterson http://pic.twitter.com/lawOmTOxlm
— Tom Bloke (@21logician) December 18, 2016
Which brings me to the JBP lecture clip I watched, that all this build up is for:
What. The. Fuck. Did I just see/hear, and what decade am I in… one can forget they exist in 2017 and not 1950 while listening to Peterson. The fact he’s giving lectures like this to young people and they aren’t laughing him out of the room, means that there are some real regressive people out there who want to take us back in time, and hey guess what.. these ones aren’t on the left. 
It's horrifying how popular he is. 
So the video is posted, not by him but some other YT user (called biased asshole lol) and titled “Peterson on Western Women”. 
I’m already gritting my teeth, I hit play… despite the warning from my ancestral spirits, and my crystal palace is crumbling before me, letting the howling winds in. I offer myself to god as a sacrifice...but alas, it's too late. 
At the start of his talk, there’s the obligatory mention of declining birthrates of course, civilization is failing because women are working more procreating less. This is the stuff that endears him to the #TradLife Alt Right nutters. 
This is the woman from his Western Civilization podcast appearance.
(screenshot via @vinikako)
(screenshot via @vinikako)
This young mom is the face of Mormonism's Hateful Alt Right. Full article here
Next in the lecture, Peterson questions why women would want positions of power at all. I’m paraphrasing here, 
‘ladies... trust me you don’t want these powerful positions, men are crazy to have ‘em in the first place… but you know how men are lulz….crazy hardworking and competitive. You also don’t want powerful positions because extra money doesn’t help, and billion dollar corporations are reaaaally complicated to run ok? There are lawsuits, and you have to travel a lot. & shit Just…trust me ladies u don’t wanna get involved in this mess.”
7:29 (now this is an actual quote I’m no longer paraphrasing) he continues on to deter women from wanting positions of power 
“If you’re half crazy and you have a lot of money, you’re going to be crazy a lot faster I can tell you, because it frees you from all sorts of constraints”
[some weak excuse abt how lottery winners are unhappy and if u are prone to a drug problem, then the money will just speed it up]
THIS IS ONE OF PATREON’S TOP EARNERS FFS. What business does he have telling women that money is no good and will just make you crazy. He makes 55K a fucking month. 
This shit continues:
7:46 “being broke stops you from dying if you’re a cocaine addict” ok JBP ..lol...you’re realllllly trying hard to stop women from having careers here. 
7:56 “If somebody dumped an infinite amount of money on you what makes you think you wouldn’t unravel completely?”  - is he describing himself? 
(Click to enlarge)
9:30 “The older I get the more I understand marriage and family are of primary importance” - yeah ok.. I think we get it. #TradLife
9:32 - "The more I see women in particular, they hit 35-40 …and they’re not married…and they don’t have kids…and they are not happy. Cuz what the hell are you gonna do from the time you’re 40 till the time you’re 80?! You got no family… you got no relationships? What are you gonna do?! Go run your company?!!! Yeah well… if you’re 1 in a 1000 that will satisfy you.”
LMAO Peterson, you nutjob. If someone just says this shit in Urdu or Arabic, it will be no different than the mullahs who are afraid of women being empowered and independent. More polished sure, but he is a professor at one of Toronto’s best universities after all. This is an embarrassment. I mean, he should be far off from Mullah-rhetoric, not spouting essentially polished versions of the anti-woman turds that come out of their mouths. Having babies isn’t the only thing that gives women meaning, purpose or happiness in their lives, you absolute dinosaur. And there are other forms of relationships out there. My dad is way more progressive than you, and I’m certain he’s a lot older..heck so is my granddad. 
The idea that running a company would be satisfying to a woman...as opposed to raising children is simply unfathomable to him, no wonder he spends his time freaking out about this (and pronouns) in 2017 because he’s unable to adjust to modernity. I got news, there are other things women do aside from having kids. They are complete human beings even without kids….imagine that! 
I mean this is some serious insecurity around women succeeding. And lets not forget his bullet points for men:
11:22 - Then we get into the “yeah women have it rough but you do live 8 years longer, so thats not trivial…TESTOSTERONE IS KILLING MEN.” (emphasis mine)
“Men do almost all the dangerous jobs and outside work. There’s lots of reasons that men get paid more than women that have *nothing to do with prejudice*” - ok by this point in the video I’m laugh-crying. This is so ridiculous….
“each sex has it’s own unfairness to deal with, but to think of that as a consequence of the social structure….come on really?!"
*lolz guys…there’s plenty of injustice to go around, men do all the hard work around here, why do you whiny women think its some sort of systemic thing, sexism is a leftist cultural marxist myth* 
The video ends on note of JBP saying there’s no gratitude for how far we’ve come because we aren’t outside all day lifting rocks and shit. I kid you not. 
Sexism isn’t real because bad things happen to everyone, and we are no longer lifting rocks. So quit yer whining cultural marxist feminists….do what you were actually put here to do and fulfill your life’s role, make some babies…otherwise what are you even doing with your life. Money sucks (for you), positions of power are way too hard (for you ladies). K thanks bye. Donate to my patreon. 
Lecture summed up right there. (Ok he didn't actually plug his patreon there)
According to his logic he should be grateful about how privileged he is to earn so much and be a professor and quit *his* whining about cultural marxism and postmodernist SJWs...because you know, he's not out there lifting rocks and shit. 
*The Truth* about Jordan Peterson is...he's full of shit and he's dangerously bridging the gap between the far right and the mainstream...and young people are falling for it. 
Thank you to my Patrons who make this work possible. Truly, truly appreciated. 
If you'd like to support my work you can do so here via Patreon  
It's no Peterson level gold plated patreon, but if you want to counter people like that, do consider supporting content creators who push back against this stuff, there aren't many and they need your support. Say what you will about right wingers, but they definitely $upport their people in combatting the evil leftist agenda. 
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