#i cannot fucking believe the amount of exposition dumping. did a 10 year old write this
tricoufamily · 2 months
no ok we finished episode 2 what they have done to katara is unforgivable. they have completed zapped every ounce of her personality away. why. why. look how they massacred my girl
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theskyexists · 4 years
The Timeless Children
I hated everything about this.
1. The companions had nothing to do with the Doctor the whole episode and contributed literally nothing to her story - they didn't even SAVE HER BECAUSE SHE SAVED HERSELF. They somehow find her in the centre of the ruins after they have a ‘touching’ moment about willing to risk their lives to save her - but they come into the room JUST after it’s become completely irrelevant - it was like a fucking PARODY.  They never even learned what the fuck was up with her. Yaz gets nothing in return for her classic faith in the Doctor - this is worse than fucking Martha. And still no hugs - loveless. COMPLETELY LOVELESS.
2. There was zero suspense. Zero. Who CARES about the mystery of the Timeless Child and their society if the Time Lords are fucking dead. Who CARES about the companions being in danger when they’re in a completely separate plot - like - COMPLETELY. I thought the Doctor trying to bargain her life for theirs was a juicy line - too bad it meant NOTHING - had NO impact whatsoever. Half of this episode was pure exposition dump?
3. Why was this the Master show? - he just talked for 30 minutes (I think it might genuinely have been 30 ACTUAL minutes) while the Doctor said NOTHING - even Sasha Dhawan can’t carry that off???? I can’t believe that Chibs had me get bored of Sasha’s performance???? HOW. It was so repetitive - truth truth truth. I’m so weepy - I’m so mad - I’m so clever. Oh I’ve broken you - yep I’ve broken you. Why is there even the fuckin assumption?? I could not parse why this would be SO devastating to anyone that Chibs would hang the whole plot and emotional arc on this. Literally immobilising the Doctor and making her mute K.O.’d their INCREDIBLE chemistry. JEzus Christ.
4. This episode went: weapons are good though. Use bombs and guns!
5. ‘You can’t pretend to be cybermen for ANY amount of time’ - yet somehow they manage to masquerade as cybermen to such an extent that they can join a platoon, teleport down, shoot at people, and kill the cybermen remaining. Well why didn’t anyone else think of this???
6. Reduced cybermen down to - armour that you can fuckin PUT ON?????
7. NO attempt at body horror was made even when there was the opportunity. Human remains? we see nothing of the Cybermen’s previous humanity and their nature as victims. No threat of conversion for any of the companions. This was possibly the least scary chib episode yet and that says something.
8. If Ryan had lobbed a bomb at Yaz and Graham they would have been DEAD.
9. Why kill that girl when she should know that Cybermen don’t even falter at gunfire so how can she provide ‘cover’ lol
10. Needless explanation and repetition resulting in ZERO suspense.  The Master explaining that he sent the Doctor those visions - useless minutiae. The Doctor retreading everything the Master has just told the audience - making her seem dumb and making me FEEL like he thinks I’m fuckin dumb.
11. Completely anticlimactic end for the Lone Cyberman.
12. The Doctor did not start out a rebel - did not start out looking at the stars going: ah....I want to go there. They interfered because they had been primed for it by years of working for the ‘Division’ - they weren’t a rebel who wanted to see more and then realised they could actually do good - in defiance of the conservative society they were part of. No. They’d been the Doctor even before Ian called One that. Well that cool and wonderful theory of being Named and taught by humans can go out the window.
13. First, the particle would destroy all life in the universe. Then - suddenly - as though they rewrote the script while they were filming - it would only destroy all life on the planet. Right.
14. Why even MENTION that nobody can enter the TARDIS in this very series if you end it on the fucking JUDOON!!!! JUDOON!!!! teleporting in.
15. It was repeatedly said that the Cybermen can ‘read’ human lifesigns but not uhhhhhh when it’s inconvenient I guess.
16. Is Tec-Teun Rassilon? Because I didn’t get the sense that the Time Lords’ rise to power on the back of their seemingly harmless genetic splicing was presented as a bad thing per se. So what the fuck is the issue. The Master was just mad that the Doctor was essential to the creation of his being. Ok. I guess there was no moral argument behind it or anything. They didn’t deserve to get wiped out - it really was just a lunatic who somehow gained the power to destroy one of the greatest civilisations ever (which is certainly also never explained).
17. Still no idea where Missy and her character development fits in this. Apparently this Gallifrey destruction wasn’t because of anything clever like that the Master learned from the Doctor and obliterated the Time Lords for being quite particularly evil by their new rules - no he just...... killed them because his ego got hurt? right.
18. Somehow not a single cyberman notices them disassembling 5 cybermen making a lots of noise - not even the fucking CYBERIUM - the hub of all strategic fuckin cyberknowledge or whatever - apparently they haven’t thought of sensors and AI interfaces being able to use them when plugged into a damn ship yet in the far future. Nobody notices them boarding, planting bombs, running away. None of the Cybermen can shoot straight. What a fuckin threat.
19. The Doctor really just needed a goddamn peptalk from her way more Doctor-ish past self to blow the Matrix out? That sequence was pretty fucking shit-looking. And then the emotional resolution is that she’s totally ok with being more than she remembers? Oh ok. ‘You’re afraid - not me!’ OK?? Why? Why? Would the Master have expected the Doctor to respond like it’s some awful truth. Ok the founders lied bc the Time Kid got out of control but then they lost track of them again? I mean yikes they suck. Isn’t the goddamn emotional punch really that their people are dead - again?? Dead??? forever??? what about its children??? what about the horror and the guilt and - does none of that matter any more? Guess we have another Dimension to travel to to see where the Doctor actually came from. Old conflictual but significant relationship with ‘home’ ended- mysterious dimension is the Doctor’s home now.
20. The end implies that the Doctor wasn’t hesitating to kill the Master, the last remains of the Time Lords and every single living thing on her home planet - she was just hesitating to kill herself. I said Chibnall had no moral intelligence but - he truly does not understand the Doctor in any way!? I cannot express how much I despise this. This was worse than mediocre it was fucking CRIMINAL. And it wasn’t even a triumph - it wasn’t even a defeat of the fuckin Master either (and who even CARES about Ko Sharmus????).
I lied I liked four things:
1. Graham and Yaz having their heart to heart.
2. Ginger-haired Brandon being the Doctor. That was a great visual parallel.
3. The overall backstory to the start of the Time Lords was like - fine. I prefer mythological backstories to be nebulous. But alright. Put the focus on the ability to regenerate instead of time travelling - ok, that makes sense - sure - whatever. All the diversity was pretty beautiful too.
4. At least the Master got choked this time (jfc chibnall - can you write NO other shorthand for the willingness to use deadly force???)
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helihi · 5 years
The Good, the Bad and the Dirty: RWBY Vol 6 Ch 4
#SaveEmerald2kGayTeen #HazelDadOfTheYear
This episode might contain one of my favorite scenes of the season.
This episode is also 4 scenes.
Overall rating on the episode: 4/10.
I share my thoughts and opinions after the cut:
The Good:
Branwens are going to be the death of Ozpin. The sheer amount of anger in Qrow and Yang accounts for everyone else in the world and I’m totally here for it.
Clrealy our beloved drunkle Qrow steals the show in the first scene of the episode and confirms what many believed in the last two episodes: he blindly followed Ozpin and believed in his ideal without knowing everything behind the man. It was heartbreaking to watch him in such a vulnerable state, but Vic, you nailed that scene.
If his Semblance wasn’t angsty enough, you have his self hatred amplified after realizing he had been following a man that had lied to him for years, and if you, like me, believe that Summer died because of Ozpin, he saw his team being torn by the influence of this man.
Guess no one can shit on Raven from not following an aimless man anymore.
Good job, Grandma Katara, someone had to take the reins of the group before everyone got mauled by Grimm. Qrow and Yang’s negativity alone is enough to bring a horde their way, but don’t forget Oscar’s desperation because boi, it’s the FNDM’s second favorite boy in pain (the first one is Ren).
I had stopped being interested in Oscar since volume 4 because his character development seemed to be stuck. Finally, it looks like Miles and Kerry bring his struggle to the front: he has a parasite inside his head whose will will eventually take over.
“Don’t like to him, we’re better than that.”
I feel really sorry for Oscar, but hopefully the fact that Ozpin shut himself down will help him regain his independence and to start thinking and action on his own volition.
Emerald, my girl, my baby, my lost ray of sunshine who should have abandoned the bad guys the moment she met Salem. It seems that the second and third scene established her as the audience surrogate in Salem’s place.
I cannot explain how much I don’t care about Tyrian. What I thought was weird is how he can state the obvious “Cinder’s not here to protect you” and laugh about how Hazel’s team is gonna get thrashed, and immediately look scared in the next scene.
Hazel is now Emerald’s legal guardian, and once again he becomes my favorite out of team WTCH (I don’t consider Em and Merc part of the official team).
So, Salem reveals to everyone that Cinder is alive, but that she cannot return until she has redeemed herself. This may set up:
Cinder killing Raven.
Cinder one of Ruby’s eyes.
Cinder getting one of the relics.
If you have any other suggestions of what it may foreshadow, please do share your thoughts.
Her statement and Emeralds overall reaction to her freakout hopefully sets up something I’ve been waiting for years:
Emerald will run away from team Witch, hopefully in a desperate attempt find Cinder.
The last scene was there to set up the next episode, unless we switch to tea JN_R. I miss those kids, but the whole abandoned place to think over what he just saw screams tea and I want it.
give me the angst.
The Bad:
This episode was 4 scenes.
It proves, once again that the only way to enjoy RWBY is by binge watching it, which SHOULDN’T BE A THING SINCE THIS SERIES GETS RELEASED WEEKLY.
Listen for a second: if Netflix releases 1 whole season on 1 go it’s because it acknowledges that the way the shows are written is for it to be bing weatched. Think The Haunting of Hill House as an example. You can, as I did, watch an episode a day, but the way the show is structured with the cliffhangers makes you want to immediately watch the next.
Now think of a show like AtlA. This show aired weekly, and though it was so good you wanted to watch all the episodes in a row. You can watch 1 and be satisfied to wait long enough to watch the next one. RWBY doesn’t have that.
This episode felt like an unfinished product. Like the CRWBY writes and animates everything and chops everything together afterwards. Though the run time of 13 minutes should already be concerning, it’s the content of the episode which make it feel disgruntled and poorly jumbled together.
You can have an 11 minute episode and have the narrative be tied together and well thought out (watch adventure time for that).
Last week’s episode told a whole story, the episode had a sense of completion, of unit. This one didn’t, there’s a poor theme: Ozpin is lost, Salem is pissed. This transition episode was a fart, if it wasn't for the first scene of the episode.
I’d rather have waited 2 weeks and get this episode with next week’s.
The Dirty:
Exposition genie is gone and I’m pissed that Jinn’s character has been relegated to that. The freaking relics are alive and the character the CRWBY was so “proud” to create served as an exposition dump character.
Which proves again my point of last week’s review: SHOW DON’T FUCKING TELL. You didn’t really need Jinn’s narration except for the start. The writers are using basic and bad tools to say something very simply, and it’s kind of frustrating.
Grandma Katara, are u going to tell the other’s who u are or are u literally just an old lady who stumbled with the plot?
Overall rating on the episode: 4/10.
A.N.: Needs more meat.
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