#i dont think sasha made it to halloween but a guy can dream.....
fiendishartist2 · 6 months
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the archives is full of gay ppl; therefor halloween is celebrated
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timetogoslumming · 7 years
EVERY NUMBER.... with a 7. im merciful
goddammit phi.
7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write?
answered! chris crutcher or stephanie perkins!17: Pirates or ninjas?
pirates27: Am I in a relationship?
no. guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, hit me up37: Favourite TV shows as a child?
rugrats, hey arnold, catdog, arthur, and of course, survivor47: Favourite animal?
orcas! 57: Favourite drink?
nonalcoholic: vanilla coke. alcoholic: rum and coke67: Scared of the dark?
not at all70: Can I sing?
not anymore. i had a case of vocal cord paralysis and my voice never fully recovered.71: Something I wish I could do?
play guitar or skateboard72: If I won the lottery, what would I do?
oh, man. pay off my bills, get a new car, pay off my family’s bills, donate a lot to charity, including a few organizations that really helped me and the girl scouts. and, of course, id go shopping73: Have I ever skipped school?
lol. i had a couple of classes in college that i NEVER went to.74: Favourite place on the planet?
camp75: Where do I want to live?
in a decent house with a yard for my dog and a nice bathtub.76: Do I have any pets?
yes! a dog named ginny “the jet” rodriguez and a cat named cassini77: What is my current desktop picture?
just like. a lake. idk, my computer is always so cluttered that i dont see it.78: Early bird or night owl?
night owl!! i hate mornings79: Sunsets or sunrise?
again. hate mornings. so sunsets.87: Favourite comic book character?
spiderman97: Can I bake?
lol no, im a terrible cook. sometime, ask me about the vodka cupcakes.107: Guilty pleasure?
reality tv!!! (i may or may not be watching toddlers and tiaras rn)117: Am I religious?
not at all127: Am I a bad loser?
i pretend im not, but yeah137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test?
hahahahahahahahahaha yes147: Do I have any piercings?
my ears are pierced. at least, i think theyre still pierced. 157: What makes me nostalgic?
anything camp related, certain scents, stuff like that167: Have I ever been on radio?
i dont think so?170: One of my favourite quotes?
not my circus, not my monkey. idk. im not a big quite fan171: Do I hold grudges?
oh, yes. ohhhhhh yes.172: Do I trust easily?
not particularly.173: Have I learnt from my mistakes?
oh, yes.174: Best gift I’ve ever received?
that’s tough, man. i really dont know. it’d be something sentimental, bc im sappy as fuck175: Do I dream?
yeah? do some people not?176: Have I ever had a night terror?
yeah, i used to have this recurring nightmare that i had pretty regularly. grew out of it, though.177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind?
OKAY. STRAP IN. so, my parents decided to make barack and michelle obama my godparents, right? and my parents died, so i had to go live with the obamas in the white house. and they were super accommodating, and barack said that i could pick whatever bedroom i wanted, so i did, but apparently it was sasha’s room and she and i got in this huge fight.178: An experience that has made me stronger?
my sophomore year of college aka the worst year of my life179: If I were immortal, what would I do?
god, hate everything. but id want to help as many people as i could.187: What is my greatest achievement?
managing to get a full time job, apartment, and dog immediately out of college.197: Something I hated as a child that I like now?
onions207: Worst job I’ve had?
there have been a few. i worked at a movie theater for 27 days once, and that was bad. and i worked at a spirit halloween for a week, and they told me that i was going to have to dress in a costume and stand on the side of the highway holding a sign and i was just like “yeah, fuck that..” and left
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