#i get they were in hding for a bit
flamingo-writes · 3 years
Mixtape Track 03
Humility by Gorillaz (feat. George Benson)
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Summary: Even though he's a big city boy himself, Josuke Higashikata still agreed to go camping with you and your dad. Learning in the process that camping isn't as easy as you usually make it sound. However, its during the trip that he discovers something. A new set of feelings for you start clouding his mind.
A/N: this was also inspired by the recent camping trip I had with a fre friends a few weeks back.
Warnings: none.
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People were usually surprised by how close Josuke and you were. Considering the both of you were so different. Sure, for two people who basically grew up together, you were very different.
Growing up, you constantly went camping with your father, since he was a botanist. Even though now a days he worked as a teacher in City S's University, he missed his researcher days when he'd go on field trips to research plants. And so, during school breaks, he'd go camping for a few days and take you along into the most recondite places in the middle of nowhere.
While you grew up spending a lot of time in the wild, you grew to be a bit feral and adventurous. Curious of the tiny details nature had to offer, with a lot of knowledge about plants, how to light a fire, how to climb, you were very much like a wild animal yourself. You kept your appereance always simple and practical and despite liking being clean, you didn't really mind if you got dirty.
Josuke on the contrary, was a city boy, despite living in the small town of Morioh. Always looked after his appereance, always clean, always smelling nice. Josuke was a smart kid, no doubt, but when it came to survival skills, he had none, since he usually took many things for granted because he was raised always withing the limits of Morioh.
In the summer before starting highschool, as per usual, your dad planned out a camping trip with a couple of his friends from college. They usually brought their kids along, with whom you got along with, but neither of them lived in Morioh. However, this time, your father told you you could bring a friend with you.
But boy, poor Josuke Higashikata didn't know what he had gotten himself into. He though it was gonna be different, considering how you always spoke so excitedly about your camping trips with your dad.
Its not that he didn't have fun. But it was all too complicated. Sleeping on the floor, not having a mirror and having to style his hair from muscle memory. The cold at night was something he never had lived through, his hands freezing as he tried to eat his very simple dinner, as the small group of people gathered around a small fire.
"So, what's the plan for tomorrow?" You asked your father, sitting next to you as he took a big sip of his beer.
"We're gonna go to Sendai, we want to visit the Tama River, probably take a swim there" Your dad said.
"Oh nice!" Kenta, a boy around your age sighed. "I love the Tama river!"
"Sendai? Oh gee, where are we?" Josuke whispered low enough so only you could listen.
"Not sure. But it doesn't matter. When we go to Sendai, we stay a night in some cabins with hot water and beds"
"Oh thank god. I really need a shower. And a roof above my head" Josuke sighed relieved.
"Youre such a city boy" you giggled as Josuke felt a blush creep on his cheeks.
"Yeah, camping its not my thing. I am having fun though" Josuke admitted.
"Thank you for coming here. And I'm sorry I dragged you out of the city" You muttered back, looking at your friend underneath your lashes.
"Hey, don't apologise. I am having fun. You dont get to see landscapes this beautiful in Morioh. Besides, I get to spend time with you, thats ways fun" Josike added apologetically, windering if you felt offended in some way.
It wasnt all that bad, he thought. The cold weather had him sharing a blanket with you. The two of you snuggled together, sharing a blanket. And for the first time, Josuke noticed a different glow in your face.
"Thank you, Josuke" You spoke after a few seconds of silence, resting your cheek on his shoulder and snuggling closer to him as he swore he felt you shiver and tightening the blanket around your shoulder.
Josuke mirrored your movements, getting closer together so the warmth between your bodies helped you stop shivering.
The way you seemed so comfortable in nature, how you breathed in so deeply l every now and then, and how you were quick to day dream while staring at the landscape. He always thought you were objectively a pretty girl, but seeing you like this, he wondered if you had always being this pretty.
Josuke's favorite part of the camping trip was indeed spending the night at a cabin your dad and his friends rented. The first thing he did was take a hot shower while everyone else gathered around a fire outside the cabin exchanging stories of all natures while a friend of your dad cooked dinner.
However, the hot shower was nowhere near close his new favorite experience of the trip compared to when you swam in the river.
The city boy felt slightly intimidated by the idea of swiming in a river. What if something happened to him? Was it really safe to swim in river? It took a little convincing for Josuke to get in there. But nothing you couldn't do.
"C'mon, you know how to swim!" You cheered.
"Its cold!" Josuke whined as he got a si gle foot inside and thought ofnhow the temperature was going to feel in his whole body.
"I know, but as long as you keep moving, you wont feel cold"  You added.
"Its easy for you to say it, you're already in there"
"Come on! I'll buy you lunch when were back if you get in here and swim towards me!"
Josuke looked at you as you slowly swam on your back towards the centre of the river.
"You're gonna be fine! I promise!"
Josuke took a deep breath before jumping into the river and swiming towards you. The cold water stinging his skin at first. However, he soon felt the warmth of your skin underwater, as his arm brushed yours.
"Hey you made it!" You said wrapping your arms around his bare shoulders covered in goosebumps due to the cold. You hugged his as he kept moving his legs, brishing his knees with yours every now and then
"I cant feel the bottom, how deep is this river?" Josuke asked.
"Dunno. But it doesnt matter. Just keep swimming!" You cheered.
"I'm going to be honest, Im a bit scared right now" Josuke admitted, a blush painting his cheeks lightly.
"Hey, nothing's going to happen to you. Here" you said holding his hand "Some otters hold hands to keep themselves from drifting away, so, as long as we're holding hands, you're gonna be fine" You squeezed his hand softly as he looked at your uands, oretty visible through the crystal clear water.
"Are we otters now?" Josuke asked.
"You're my otter half" You giggled mischievously as Josuke glared at you at your bad joke.
"Wow" Josuke laughed as he noticed he no longer felt cold anymore "that is the cheesiest joke you ever made"
"Okay fine, you can stop holding my hand now" You joked.
"No! Dont let go! I'll behave, I promise!" Your friend whined.
You laughed, Josuke tightening his grip on your warm hand as the both of you were floating without going anywhere.
You swam together as everyone was enjoying themselves as well swiming in the river. A few hours went by before your dad and his other two friends got off the water and started a fire ready to warm up the food before the sunset.
It a few instances, you had held hands with josuke, without much of a thoight. However, this time ot felt a bit different. It felt a bit more intimate. The time you spent in the river, you were hding hands the entire time. Outside the river, you remained with your fingers entwine despite it not being necessary anymore.
Something in your chest felt different than usual. And you thought you were just being silly, suddenly feeling romantic about holdong hands with your best friend.
However, what you didnt know is that Josuke was having the exact same thoughts. And the same fast heartbeat you were having, as neither of you let gonofneach other's hands as you approached the fire upon being called for dinner.
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Dont forget to leave feedback! If you want to be tagged in the future, let me know!
Also, have an actual pic from my camping trip. I did swim in a river and even though the water was very cold, I still had a lot of fun
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minijenn · 7 years
For the angsty art, could you please do 🍄 (Poison) for Dipper?
(So it just dawned upon me that I have never reallywritten anything about Dipper and Ford bonding before, even though that’s like,one of my favorite dynamics in the entire show, so its crazy I’ve never donanything with it before! So I figured what better way to do that than with sadas fuck angst like this. Though quick note before we get started, this one isn’tfinished either. In fact, it kinda ends really abruptly (in that it doesn’tactually really end at all), mostly because I don’t really feel like working onit anymore right now. Still, its an idea I wouldn’t mind coming back to tofinish up someday and hey, I already wrote this much of it so I figured why theheck not post it *shrugs* hope you can still enjoy it for what it is!)
Any time Ford decided to bring him along on his researchoutings, Dipper considered himself to be incredibly lucky. Admittedly, he wasstill rather beside himself over the fact that the previously unknown author ofthe journals was his own uncle, but getting to go on expeditions and assist himin tracking down and documenting the oddities of Gravity Falls was on a wholeother level entirely. Which was why he always eagerly jumped into action at theauthor’s call, and today was no exception. Their trek into the woods had takenthem past several paranormal creatures and spots, all of which Ford already hadnear encyclopedic knowledge of, seeing as how he had written on all of them inhis journals. However, the further they got into the forest, the less familiarthings became, until it became clear that they were exploring previouslyuncharted territory, something that immensely excited both Ford and Dipper asthey thought of all of the potential discoveries to be made.
In fact, Ford happened to make one such discovery not verylong into their exploration, and the moment he saw it, he made sure to pullDipper off the path they were forging before he could even really see it.“Great Uncle Ford, what-” Dipper tried to question the author’smotives for dragging them both into the nearby brush, but he was quickly cutoff.
“Dipper, shh!” Ford tersely quieted him, hisexpression tense as he peaked over the shrubs they were now hding behind.“Look over there—but be very quiet about it! See that odd, pricklycreature scoping out that clearing?”
“Uh… you mean the porcupine?” Dipper ventured,nodding to the animal Ford had pointed to, which was currently meandering nottoo far away from them. Something did seem a bit off about it however, namelythe fact that its needle-like quills were coated with a bright, red,almost-bloodlike liquid.
“Not just any porcupine,” Ford pointed out, stillwhispering. “That’s a Poison-Quilled Porcupine, one of the rarest and mostdeadly woodland creatures on Earth! When I first found out about theirexistence, I personally wanted to call them Poisupines, but it looked far lessimpressive written out than it does spoken aloud. But disappointing namingpractices aside, the incredibly powerful poison from just one of that thing’squills is enough to kill a man in just a few hours.”
“Whoa…” Dipper mused, both amazed and ratheralarmed by this information. “That… sounds kind of intense… Should wereally be researching something so… potentially lethal?”
“Oh, don’t worry, Dipper,” Ford assured with acalm wave of his hand. “I’ve been to dimensions where even the veryatmosphere itself is poisonous, so needless to say I’ve managed to build up afair level of immunity to most toxins. You, on the other hand, have not, whichis why you’ll be staying right here while I go in to get a closer look.”
“A-are you sure?” Dipper asked, quite concerned asFord slowly and quietly rose to stand.
“Yes,” Ford nodded firmly, his tone gravelyserious as he placed a steady hand on his nephew’s shoulder. “I’ll beright back. Just remember what I said and stay put until I get back, no matterwhat happens, alright?”
Dipper nodded tentatively, still quite on edge given theirclose proximity to such an incredibly dangerous creature. Still, thePoison-Quilled Porcupine didn’t seem to notice as Ford stepped out of the brushand into the clearing, slipping journal 2 out of his lab coat as he began toquietly sketch the creature. Regardless, Dipper continued anxiously watchingfrom his hiding spot, trying to keep Ford’s assurance that he would be safe inmind yet having trouble doing so as he took another look at the porcupine’ssupposedly poisonous quills. But for the most part, the author kept a levelhead, staying out of the creature’s detection. That is, until he inadvertentlyhappened to step on a small, discarded branch, the abrupt noise instantlycatching the poisonous porcupine’s attention. The creature simply glanced overits shoulder, letting out a short, feral snarl as its beady eyes found Ford,who knew from experience that it was best to remain perfectly still insituations like these. Dipper, on the other hand, was not as well informed.
“G-Great Uncle Ford!” Dipper exclaimed in aworried whisper, peering over the shrubs just a bit.
“Dipper, I told you,” Ford retorted somewhatsharply, his hands raised in a defensive position as he stood his ground.“Stay put.”
“B-but… but you’re-”
“I’m fine,” Ford said, finally glancingback and failing to notice as the porcupine poised its quills to attack,something that Dipper caught onto immediately. Time seemed to slow to a crawlas he acted without thinking, panic overriding rationality as he fell out ofthe brush, scrambling to his feet as he rushed over to Ford as fast as hecould. The author didn’t even have any time to react as a million things seemedto happen all at once; the porcupine launched its attack, its eventually deadlyspikes darting right at Ford, only for all of them to completely miss as Dipperpushed him out of the way. They both fell together a distance away, seeminglyunscathed, as the creature let out another, petulant growl before saunteringback into the woods sullenly. It took a moment for both Dipper and Ford togather their bearings again after such a rush of adrenaline, but when they did,it was instantly clear that the author was far from pleased.
“Dipper, what in the world were you thinking?!”Ford scolded harshly as he stood and brushed himself off. “I told you tostay behind the bushes!”
“I… I know…” Dipper muttered, flustered as hegripped his arm and looked away. “I’m sorry, I just… y-you were… Thatthing was going to-”
“I’m well aware of what that thing was going todo,” Ford sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration as histone softened a bit. “And like I told you, I would have been perfectlyfine if one of its quills had struck me, which was a fate we were bothspared from, fortunately.”
Dipper said nothing to this as a brief expression of alarmflashed across his features. All the same, he was quick to hide his arm behindhis back a bit, still averting his uncle’s gaze out of both fear and guilt thistime. Of course, it didn’t take Ford very long to pick up on this as heregathered his fallen journal, and while the first inkling of suspicion wasquick to pour into his mind, he staunchly refused to believe it until he knewfor sure. “Dipper, let me see your arm,” he said, his tone incredibly seriousas he held out his arm to his nephew. He didn’t comply, however, as he insteadkept his arm hidden behind his back as he took in a tight, anxious breath, hisexpression awash with growing dread. “Dipper,” Ford tried again, much moreinsistent as his own fear began to rise. “I need to see-”
“Y-you can’t,” Dipper said stiffly, taking a stumbling stepback.
“Why not?” Ford asked, still not relenting, especiallyconsidering just how dire this could be.
“B-because…” Dipper began, his eyes wide and starting tofill up with tears that he desperately tried to suppress. “You’ll get mad…”
Upon hearing this, Ford didn’t waste any more time. Instead,he knelt down, reached out and grabbed Dipper’s arm himself, pulling it forwarddespite his nephew’s distraught protests and allowing him to see exactly whathe had been fearing. One, and only one, of the Poison-Quilled Porcupine’sspikes had managed to, against all odds, strike him squarely in his lower leftarm, its poison-painted tip buried deep and creating a wound that was already bleedingand starting to swell. Ford’s initial reaction to this was one of stunnedsilence, his eyes wide as his grip on Dipper’s wrist tightened just theslightest bit. He was unable to hold back a small, unsteady breath, but the forthe most part he did his best to remain calm, his years of conditioning himselffor dealing with situations like these taking over while at the same timefailing him. After all, he was used to handling going through inevitably deadlycircumstances like this, not having to watch his nephew go through- “A-acure,” the author barely managed to choke out before he could even let hismind finish that thought. He was quick to regain is composure, though he nearlylost it all over again as he finally looked up to meet Dipper’s distraught,absolutely terrified gaze. “We… we’re going to find a cure,” Fordsaid, his tone a bit firmer and more certain as he rose to stand.
“T-there’s a cure?” Dipper asked with newfoundhope as he gripped his injured arm once more.
“I don’t-” Ford abruptly cut himself off, knowingthat he couldn’t very well tell his nephew that he actually had no idea whetheror not the toxin currently infecting him was even treatable at all. In truth,very little research existed on the Poison-Quilled Porcupine or its poison, andwhat little reading the author had done up on it had been years ago. As much ashe was loathed to admit it, he knew almost nothing about what they were upagainst, a lack of knowledge that could end up costing Dipper his life if hedidn’t act quickly. Which was why Ford decided to rely on what he did know asopposed to wasting precious time trying to discover something new, seeing ashow that was the very thing that had gotten them into this mess in the firstplace. “There’s a type of plant, a flower called the sunset orchid, that’sknown for being a powerful anti-toxin. If we were to find one and grind it upinto a medicine that might be enough to neutralize the poison’s effects.”
“Might be?” Dipper frowned worriedly.“W-what if it isn’t enough?”
“It will be enough,” Ford corrected, evenif he wasn’t entirely sure himself. Still, seeing as how Dipper was alreadystarting to panic as it was, the last thing he wanted to do was alarm him evenmore. “We just have to find one first. But… there’s a problem. Thesunset orchid is incredibly rare, to the point of near extinction.However…” The author paused, pulling out one of his journals andflipping through it. “They have been known to grow in this area in thepast…”
“So… d-do you think we’ll be able to find one?”Dipper asked, his grip on his arm tightening as he cringed from the pain thatsuddenly shot through it.
“Y-yes,” Ford nodded, hating that he had to keeplying to his nephew and to himself like this. It was out of necessity though,seeing as how such impossibly optimistic thinking was the only thing keepingboth of them calm at the moment. “But first things’ first. We need to getthat quill out of your arm. As long as it stays in there, is going to keepspreading the poison inside of it throughout your bloodstream, which itprobably already has a good start on…”
“Ok…” Dipper said, tentatively holding his armout as Ford knelt down and took it once again. “Is… is this gonna, youknow, h-hurt?”
“Oh, um…” Ford frowned, quickly pulling a clothout of his pocket and handing it to his nephew as he prepared to remove thequill. “Let’s just say you might want to bite on that while I dothis…”
While he was rather concerned by this, Dipper complied, andfortunately so as Ford succinctly pulled the quill out, which was more thanenough to elicit a loud cry of agony, one that was only muffled by the cloth hehad shoved into his mouth beforehand. As Dipper did his best to cope with thelingering pain, Ford was quick to tear a piece of his lab coat off and create amomentary bandage from it as he wrapped it around the puncture wound to staunchthe blood already pouring from it.
“Um… Great Uncle Ford?” Dipper began waveringly,not looking to his arm as the author patched it up for him. “I… I’m sorryI didn’t listen to you… I should have known better than to just… run outthere like that. I-I guess there’s no better way for me to learn my lesson thanthis, huh?”
He let out a small, almost bitter laugh at this, one thatFord didn’t join in on as his expression as his expression darkened instead. Heknew exactly what Dipper was trying to do: make light of what was, by allaccounts, a horrible situation; after all, he had seen Stan do the same thingcountless times when they were kids over matters much less serious. Honestly,Ford wouldn’t have been that surprised if his nephew had picked up such adepreciating attitude from his brother, and while that was something the authormade a mental note to scold Stan over later, he knew there were much morepressing matters to attend to now.
“There will be plenty of time for apologieslater,” Ford remarked staunchly as he stood, knowing he had more thanenough apologies of his own for his nephew. “For now, we have a flower tofind. How are you feeling?”
“Uh, mostly ok, I guess,” Dipper shrugged. “Imean, I’m not gonna lie, my arm still hurts a ton, and, um… I’m sortof lightheaded, b-but I’m fine! Really, I’m ok, I promise.”
Ford nodded, not entirely convinced but deciding to trusthim for the moment. “Very well, let’s hope it stays like that. To myunderstanding, we only have a few hours before…” He trailed off, takingin a somewhat shaky voice, unable to bear finishing such a grim thought.“L-let’s get going. And let me know the moment you start to feelany different. Understand?”
“Y-yes,” Dipper agreed, knowing that he was in noposition to disagree with the author’s words this time. And so, without anyfurther discussion, the pair set off, their mission weighing heavy on both oftheir minds, as well as what could happen if they weren’t successful. Ford ledthe way, journal 2 in hand as he kept the page on the sunset orchid open, withDipper following a short, somewhat hesitant pace behind him. While the authorwanted to assure his nephew that he would be fine, that they would find theorchid and cure him in record time, but he had never been too keen on suchhopeful sentiments, especially if he had no idea if they were true or not. Soinstead, with neither of them really wanting to discuss their frighteningpredicament, they pressed on in silence, combing through the forest for aboutan hour or so, until Ford happened to hear the footsteps behind him graduallystart to slow before stopping altogether, but before he could even turn around,Dipper spoke up first.
“G-Great Uncle Ford…” he said, his voice so small and raggedthat it was barely even audible. Ford spun around in an instant, his heartsinking as soon as he took in the discouraging sight of his nephew. In a shorthour alone, Dipper’s condition, which had previously been seemingly stable, hadcompletely deteriorated as the poison started to do its work. His skin hadpaled alarmingly, the veins on his arm that the quill had struck showing updark purple as a sign of the poison’s spreading. He had managed to prop himselfup against a tree, leaning against it heavily as he struggled to even keep hishead up, his breathing shallow and rough as he clutched his chest, hisexpression twisted in agony and fear. “I… I-I’m not… I…”
(Aaaaand that’s all I wrote. Yeah sorry again for ending it so abruptly like this, but I got burnt out on it and felt the need to just go ahead and post it anyway so I could finally have all these angst prompts done and over with, so that’s just waht I did. Maybe I’ll come back to this idea again sometime though, we’ll have to wait and see :P )
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