#i hate all reposters that repost without permission/know the artist doesnt want their art reposted yet do it anyway
awoken-artist · 4 years
Tumblr media
Artwork and characters is owned by @awoken-artist Please don't resubmit/repost my works without my permission! thanks!
More of my Mystery Skulls OC Art. With a friend of mines OC [one whos getting squirted by a squirt gun by wendy] and my other Mystery Skulls oc who is my kitsune girl Ayumi [and so far for girl kitsunes they always stay in a human-ish form just to look cute and deceiving, Ayumi just wants to blend in with the ground.] Anywho- Wendy REALLY doesn’t like the sun and for a wendigo...yeah you think?
Wendy can go into beach and enjoy going outside, and shes very used to the deathly cold temps [but i would think one has limits to how cold she can handle] and then theres summer..and she hates the heat where its so hot outside the air is hot to breath in and also just cant deal with the sun shining down and its blazing hot. Wendy easily burns so she always has to sunscreen herself up even though she hates the feel of sunscreen and she brings about 10 umbrellas to make an umbrella fort to block out all the sunlight.
She can swim in water like a normal person, theres a chance the water will turn cold but not freezing cold just- cold. but you only feel it mostly if your in a swimming pool not an ocean and a lake. 
So to talk about my art here of Wendy is Wendy is VERY USED to wear little to nothing due to how she lived and survive in the woods, in basically nothing but her hooded mask she wears. so a Bikini she’ll wear and not give a flip about it but has to be mindful about it when in public. Wendy doesnt go to swim often so even though she’ll wear the swim suit she still wonders why she has to. This also shows she has her deer ears out. she cant get her beanie wet so no beanie. sad.
Then we got her huddled in her umbrella fort and is very grumpy. she was forced to have a break from being in the cabin house for god knows how long and needed a good time to relax. wendy thinks this is just hell waiting to happen as she hates the heat so much. even the sun. so- she stays huddled while keeping the drinks and food cold. she rather do that then leave her fort.
Next we got Wendy getting her revenge when she is given a squirt gun [a powerful one] and takes it out on one of her friends [who is owned by a friend of mine]. it was great. I will make a note wendy can go outside in the sun just she has to wait until the sun isnt directly shining down where there is sunlight but its not ungodly hot from it. so clouds are out and about and the sun is hiding in the mountains a bit but got cloud coverage, and can walk out from her fort as the temp slowly cools down.
last one is...typical wendy. wendy has a horrible habit of- this happening anytime she does swim which she forgets to tighten up her top [if you let her do it on her own this happens] and - it gets undone. Ayumi has to have her get her top and prevents her from getting up or leaving the waters so no one sees her bare chest. even though she doesn’t give no flips who sees but ayumi does. Wendy has MUCH TO LEARN. ;;; wendy please THINK OF THE CHILDREN ;;
also to note wendy is indeed an adult just looks in her early 20s XD even tho her real age is 100+ but for a wendigo living so long yeah shes in adult years in that age era.
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garagesmell · 7 years
So recently ive been receiving some messages from you guys asking if you could repost my art.  I only really post art on my tumblr page so it isnt well spread around.   Now at the beginning of this whole tumble thing, i saw a large majority of people say how they hate it when people repost their art. (Some people dont like it with or without proper credit given. Which i respect their decision.) It is understandable not wanting your art posted on another persons page. And being new to tumlbr i just followed the crowd.
Of course me being new, i had like 1 follower.  But with the way things are now it seems you guys like my art! And honestly ive been thinking about the whole repost thing, and i just dont really mind anymore. My art is on the internet somewhere and is bound to be seen without proper credit given to me eventually.  
So i thought id make a post about reposting my art.  I am 100% Okay with the repost of my art IF you follow my rules that are down below.
(This may be a little long so ill just but a read more for the people who are interested)
If you want to repost, it has to be on a website other than tumble. (some websites i am more comfortable with than others)
Please dont repost a bunch of my art.  I am okay with you reposting a few here and there, but i dont see the point in you just basically transferring all my art to your profile.                                                                                  (If your followers want to see more of my art, they can follow the links provided.)
Leave a link to my tumble, and the original post
Put my tumble user 
Add a message stating that people are not allowed to repsot my art without my pemission. If they want to repost my art they can ask me themselves.
Respect my wishes. If i dont want you to repost that particular post ( or repost my art at all) then please dont argue with me.
It is my art. If i say no, DO NOT argue with me.
I need to stress how important it is to message me about reposting my art.  I want you to message me so i can keep track of who has asked me for permission.  Just because i dont post my art on that platform, doesnt mean that i dont have an account where i go to check and make sure the proper credit is being given.  And this way, if anyone who knows me from tumble sees you posting my art and they come tell me, i know that i gave you the go ahead to post it.  SO in a way it is kinda like a backup for you.  
That being said, If any of my followers see my art being posted somewhere else and you are unsure about anything, DO NOT harass the person posting it.  Just let me know.  It could be that the person just isnt following my instructions to properly credit me, or they just didnt know. (Again, THIS is why i require you to message me before hand about reposting my art)  Just message me at my tumblr about your concerns and i will look further into it.
i draw for mine and your enjoyment.  My art is not meant to hurt people.
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