#i just cant find it in me to care much for mafuyu
She's FINE. But I feel like RGG didn't know what to do with her. They originally intended for her and Yagami to be a power couple with all kinds of contacts and shit as a defense laywer/prosecutor dream-team. But then they decided that adding that kind of thing would take away from the thriller aspects of Judgment, so they changed it.
But then they changed it, and Mafuyu mostly just seems... there. I think she's good in terms of showing the player Yagami's change in some aspects; after the whole thing with Emi, he could no longer be a lawyer and wasn't really in a place for romance or even vulnerability. But it's almost like they didn't quite know what to do with Mafuyu in general, so her inclusion just seems thrown around.
They try and include Mafuyu, and her introduction is... okay? Like Kaito comments about her being an old flame, but Mafuyu sputters that they didn't really date. In a flashback, Yagami tells Saori it's not official yet, and Saori CLINGS to the "yet." So they kinda dated but it doesn't seem like it was anything big. Saori seems to take it the most seriously, really.
And despite it being three years later, Mafuyu tells Yagami he straight up doesn't seem to be made for detective status (or something) and should go back to being a lawyer. But what basis does she have for this? I feel like she was introduced more to throw Morita and Izumida onto the scene (in an awkward manner), and less to give out much about her.
She also doesn't do a lot. And by that I mean, she does some stuff, but she never felt central to anything happening (except like once closer to the end). At some point she nearly gets kidnapped, but the whole thing seems stupid because shit is starting to go down with murders, so you'd think Mafuyu would have her guard up in Kamurocho (where bad stuff goes down ANYWAY as it's the entertainment distrcit), but she doesn't because... she's immediately on the phone the second she leaves the Genda law office? And she also doesn't notice several men following her. And now that she's PERSONALLY involved and Yagami saves her, she decides "wow you're so fired up and alive, detective work is definitely for you, Yagami!" And the scene is possibly the most chemistry between Mafuyu and Yagami, but it comes after Mafuyu trying to talk Yagami into a hole he doesn't wanna be in. It also came off as "wow, now that I've been in danger I totally see how this means so much to you," and while I know it wasn't the intention, it's hard to see it another way considering that the last time we saw her, she had nothing good to say about his line of work.
Even later on, Hattori tells you he told the Kyorei group about Mafuyu because they needed to get Yagami's attention but like... how does Hattori know about Mafuyu and their past? He's a reporter, yeah, but how would he even know Yagami and Mafuyu had a thing if it was never official and it even seemed to be a short-lived thing? Again, it seems more like an attempt to tell us Mafuyu is SUPA DUPA important. And granted, it did play into the whole "Yagami would be devastated if one more innocent woman got hurt my his actions," but... I don't know, when you think about it beyond "plot reasons," it comes off as questionable.
Mafuyu later helps Ayabe get info to Yagami because the dude is busy being sniffed out by Kuroiwa. Mafuyu wants to help out now that she knows how dangerous things are. She wears a disguise to L'Amant because she's breaking the law by taking some documents from the prosecutor's office and doesn't want to be recognized... but then gets mad when Yagami doesn't recognize her? Despite wearing a wig and covering her face, plus a complete change in outfit that I'm sure isn't anything Mafuyu would ordinarily wear. "HOW DAR U NOT RECOGNIZE ME!? I'M NOT QUICK AND EASY DESPITE THE AWKWARD WAY I WAS SPEAKING AND HOW IT COMES ACROSS CONSIDERING WHERE WE ARE." It just rubbed me the wrong way and also seemed uncharacteristically aggressive.
Finally, she digs into Morita after we find out Morita is willing to do nothing to stop Shono's schemes (and she is absolutely SHOCKED when Yagami is willing to be arrested so it can bring light to the truth). And THEN she sees men are after her. And it's a big fight sequence where she cheers for the mens and we, the player, SHOULD BE ALL HAPPY BECAUSE WAIFU CLOSEUP AND SPARKLE but... I'm not because the game hasn't done a lot to make me care overall, plus their weird decisions on when Mafuyu notices shit or not is all over the place. Even when she tells an informant "TEEHEEHEE, YAGAMI IS KINDA MY BOYFRIEND" it comes off awkward because everyone is surprised by it, Yagami especially. AND NOTHING COMES FROM IT? Other than "oh yagami, teehee, we should go to the law office because Saori likes seeing us together," and even THAT means nothing because it's all there so we can see that Hoshino and Saori are a thing. Which is another issue with me altogether, but just seems sloppily thrown in there when, ultimately, it does nothing to move the plot along. It also doesn't help that later we find out their relationship has gone nowhere and the game does nothing to explain why (I assume because Hoshino is flat out USELESS), so why bother even adding it in if it does very little for plot or EVEN character development?
RGG really needs to stop forcing romance into their games. Most of the time it's sloppy and unnecessary, and when somehow it DOES work (Hana/Akiyama chemistry), they do something to fuck it up later ANYWAY.
And not to say Mafuyu didn't do anything in the game, but she just seems kinda here or there but not that important to the plot overall in Judgment. She mostly seems like they send her to Genda Law Office because she's besties with Saori and they want dirt, but instead of that she just gives heads up into what the prosecution is gonna do. Which just... doesn't seem professional? She seems like a so-so prosecutor, but Lost Judgment ASSURES US people are big fans of Mafuyu and Saori as COOL WOMAN LAW OFFICIALS. But the thing is, Saori we've seen in court and we can gather how she has a fanbase based on her actions throughout Judgment and Lost Judgment. Mafuyu seems more like they tell us she's a good prosecutor, so she is. But she just doesn't seem all that smart when she IS on scene (she's not dumb, but her constant shock and amazement that Yagami refuses to give up, PLUS the lack of her strong prosecution savvy in any tense courtroom scene just don't sell her, really) and just doesn't seem like a good match for Yagami, or even as a prosecutor, so I have no reason to root for her.
I think another big issue that doesn't help, and that I've mentioned here or there, is that most of the big Mafuyu talks/reveals mostly come from Saori. Yagami jokes about feeling like he's on a date with her, so obviously she needs to bring up Mafuyu and her love for Morita (which I know is relevant later, but... I don't know, the way they chose to bring it up seems very shoehorned). Saori wanted Mafuyu to move on once Morita got married, hence why she gets so caught up on her dating Yagami. Which would be fine if, three years later after so much has happened, Saori still wasn't caught up on it (I know it's because WE, the PLAYER, don't have this information, so it's gonna be awkward). It just seems like she's not thinking that maybe it would be shitty to force it on both Yagami, who isn't quite ready for love and vulnerability, and Mafuyu, who deserves someone who can actually give her the love and attention she wants and needs. She still likes Yagami, FINE, but it's more that Saori and Kaito just constantly feel the need to bring it up. It seems more like a lazy way to poke at the player and go "SEE? THEY THINK IT SHOULD HAPPEN. MAYBE IT WILL ONE DAY" but it's hard to take seriously when even Yagami doesn't quite seem as into it. For me, who doesn't quite care about romance in my games ANYWAY unless I can choose if it happens or not, it just turns me off of it more when other characters are written to bring it up outta nowhere. It seems less natural and organic that way.
And I think Yagami DOES care for Mafuyu in his own way, but not at the same level that Mafuyu does for him. And I really wanted to like Mafuyu because she does seem like she wants to help out, but... a lot of times she doesn't do a lot and her development just seems kinda clunky at best. I wanted more for her.
Hell, in Lost Judgment, she might as well not be there. She's introduced, we get punched in the throat AGAIN to remind us she might still have a thing for Yagami, she explains the prosecution's side, and then we barely see her again except for two whole scenes where she doesn't do much of anything.
I think she could've been thrown into courtroom situations opposite Yagami in the past to give some tension, as Genda does randomly point out that a relationship with the prosecution could be disasterous. I think it would make the awkward dynamics between her and Yagami seem a little more intentional. I don't know, I feel like when they decided to completely overhaul the Yagami/Mafuyu thing, they didn't know what to do with her, so they shoved her in here and there. More times it seems like we're TOLD how good she is as prosecution rather than seeing it, so it just comes off as harder to swallow.
I thought Saori was pretty annoying with the old "MAFUYU" bits coming out of her mouth, especially since as much as she wants to help her bestie out, she needs to let Mafuyu move on in her own time. Rushing her does not seem loving, nor does trying to force feelings out of Yagami by continuing to bring Mafuyu's own feelings up, as if it should happen just because Saori wants it to. But despite it, Saori still shows that she's a decent defense lawyer by her small actions and reactions within the game. And she also seems quite willing to put herself out there for the good of the case. I just wish more had been done for Mafuyu, because I feel like we barely get an idea of her FROM her. It's the old "a good story should show rather than tell" that I want to see, especially in a media like video games where it's more focused on Yagami's point of view; I would've loved to see more of Mafuyu come out. We get a tiny idea of her, but as I said, she just seems kinda there.
I don't know, it's been bobbing around in my head and writing things always helps. So there's my essay on Mafuyu: I'm not sold on her, but felt like more could've been done for her character. Am I sure how? No, but I don't know, maybe because I'm not the target audience and look deeper into character development, but Mafuyu just didn't feel overly developed and it was hard to root for her in any way.
But the target audience would love her as a waifu because she's cute, so therefore... she's perfect as is because they get to SAVE HER FROM THE BIG BAD MENS.
I will say though that in Lost Judgment when Mafuyu comments that Saori seems to enjoy the attention she got from Kaito, Higashi, and Yagami, it was kinda fucked up that Saori tells Mafuyu she should put effort into her appearance if she wants that kind of attention.
I know it was to "joke" back with Mafuyu since Mafuyu seemed like she was just playing around, but it just seemed like it was more of a personal comment rather than playful.
/end rant
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oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
i need to know what would be the saiki k character pjsk players favorite everything from the game would be.. like no true crossover or anything, just tdlosk characters playing the game...
ive talked like a litttle bit about this but not ENOUGH. (plus i cant even find my posts talking about this lol)
1000% without a doubt, kusuos fav group is niigo... he kins literally all four of them but especially kanade and mafuyu (also kinda kins nene and honami but u wouldnt hear that from him) but his FAVORITE character is mizuki.. i cant explain it, im just right.. his whole profile and all that is extremely niigo heavy, but wxs is actually a close second favorite for him lol.. rui reminds him too much of his brother though so he kinda tries to avoid it but. i honestly think he would take comfort in it after a while. in the same way he takes comfort in mafuyus stories because he relates a lot, but it also kinda makes him feel sick. also ive talked abt this on other posts like the smash bros mains post, but in classic average guy fashion, kusuo mostly picks characters that look like him to like, so he just usually picks pink characters.. so along with mostly caring about niigo, he also really likes and always pulls for specifically mizuki, airi, emu, saki, and luka.. lol.. hes also a thumb player but u did NOT hear that from me..
chiyo has her fav groups RANKED and it goes 1) mmj 2) l/n 3) wxs.. vbs and niigo are tied, she doesnt rlly care that much.. she also likes the virtual singers more than any of the others do, and LOVES rin, len, and meiko.. her kins are minori and honami, and her fav characters are airi and emu.. shes also a huge shipper obviously lmfao..
kokomi likes mmj and vbs.. kins saki, toya, shizuku, an, and mafuyu!! (ik thats a lot but just trust me on this) her favs are shizuku and an.. also, similarly to how kusuo feels about mafuyu, kokomi gets kinda physically ill over mafuyu and toyas characters.. she relates a little too hard to the point where she kinda avoids reading the events for a bit, but comes back to it eventually..
shun LOVES vbs and niigo.. kins tsukasa and ena!! he really wants to say he kins akito and shiho but he just wishes he was cool like them, theyre prob his favorites though.. does try to project himself onto mafuyu in his chuuni way but could not for the life of him get into her character.. he does NOT get her at all..
rifuta loves l/n, close second fav is mmj.. kins minori and rin, also kind of an.. her fav characters are saki and kohane because. pigtails. also loves rin and len. loves shizuku because she reminds her of kokomi.
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Gay Sakamakis~
This was requested by @luan-decievor ~ This is basically what I did with the Mukami brothers.
Oh honey, do you really think that Shu didn't have a tiny crush on Edgar?
Maybe they had a bromance
He probably asked his mom if two men could be together romantically and oh the homophobia that came out of sweet Bea's mouth.
After that he tried to find interest in women and kinda succeeded
Women never really satisfied him
He probably bought a few magazines... with shirtless men.
Maybe the good ol TodoDeku and Victuuri doujinshis also and he just said they're for his girlfriend.
He was a cashier at one point so he'd get a discount.
No, he will not come out.
Unfortunately, that Sakamanky bros aren't that accepting as the Mukatsuki brothers.
Couldn't care less what they think tho.
Has a thing for Yuma, c'mon Yuma threw an apple at Shu in the OVA, in ancient Greece if you yeeted an apple at a human you liked, it's confessing your love to them. SOO
The complete... And utter shame... This man feels about it.
Big secret
Tries to seem as straight as possible and hates it.
He is a very prideful man so if his brothers found out, oof he'd never be the same.
Can anyone imagine Reiji with a gay voice?
He dreads it if dear ol daddy Karl Wheezer finds out, his life is over.
He likes diligent and capable men, basically every seme in every yaoi.
Maybe he's a switch?
I've seen dudes who are semes who look like ukes. So who knows what darling Reiji is like.
He'd be embarrassed to hold hands with his boyfriend in public.
Oof maybe he'd like someone like Victor from Yuri on ice or Sebastian from Black Butler
He tries to get over the shame he feels.
I'd say Ayato is more bisexual than gay.
Always checks out guys when they're changing in the lockeroom for basketball.
Sees nothing wrong with being gay, Ayato's confident so that's good.
Doesn't deal with homophobia that well.
He wants an uke... Not like a feminine looking one, like maybe one with a similar body type to himself.
He's a top, I'll say that much.
Seeks out Chichinashi for advice.
"So... If you liked girls what would you do?"
"Ayato are you coming out to me?"
Will most likely come out to Yui or Laito.
Because Yui never seems to judge him no matter what he does and Laito wouldn't care if Ayato liked dick.
I think he'd want someone like Mafuyu from Given, idk.
He slowly develops a gay voice.
He'll be hella gay for Ruki.
н е т
Has a very hard time coming to terms with it.
Who wants a tsundere uke...?
Has no interest in topping another man
Is disgusted with himself.
"Teddy... What do you think i'll do?"
Has no idea what to do.
Does research and learns that it's okay to be gay.
Get chu a proper mans!
Not very open about it but tries to find a boyfriend (Azusa)
Considers Azusa.
Most open about it, completely unashamed.
Has his fair share of... Magazines let's just say.
has a few dildos
He's been with men before trust me.
Hasn't had very good experiences with women so he prefers men.
Comes out to Ayato and maybe Yui.
Doesn't care about homophobia, if he wants dick, he'll have it.
It bothers him a little bit because he thinks it's wrong that who you love depends on what society thinks.
He can fuck all he wants but he can't screw a man? Bad logic.
Not fussy on a partner, anyone will do for Laito as long as they're interesting.
Did I mention he's a switch?
Always ready to console his boyfriend if anything gets to him.
"oh... Im gay"
Yeah, makes no difference to him whether he's into guys or girls because 'its not like anyone will like him'
Has his fair share of yaoi doujinshis and gay porn.
He's always thought that Kou was kinda cute and kinda liked being teased by him.
Gets a crush on him.
Says Yas kween once and that raised many suspicions among his brothers.
No way in hell he's coming out to his broskis
Maybe to Yui because again, she, for some reason, doesn't judge any of them.
Josh Grelle was the voice actor for Yuri Katsuki y'all c'mon! And Armin.
Starts hanging out with the fujoshis and meets Yuma at one of the meetings.
He doesn't trust women, probably why he prefers ochinchin.
Gets insecure about homophobia and it makes him sad.
Kou and Subaru become the schools power couple.
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hahaha, me again with more text posts because I have writers block and lots of feelings as i SLOWLY replay judgment.
BUT. the gives me little reason to cheer for hoshino. like, hes kinda sweet at the beginning, but then he narcs on you to Genda for... no reason? even though he was all like "yagami, i wanna help you on the case" and it never gets explained why he felt the need to talk to genda about it.
kaito outright tells the player later "gee hoshino thinks saori is pretty and never stops going on about" despite us never being shown beforehand that hoshino even feels that way (we get the side-case about Saori's cake, but it just doesn't give the impression Hoshino has feelings). and then he acts OTT when he's going with saori for dress-up later, which i guess is the game trying to make us care. but he acts creepy about her RIGHT TO HER FACE.
then of course, she's all "thanks for the compliment, it felt good" which i suppose is supposed to be for us, the player, to be happy saori noticed hoshino (even though honestly, someone being nice shouldn't really be the reason to date them). which i suppose works for basement dwellers who latch onto "underdog" male characters, but i just cant find it in me to care. it doesnt feel earned.
i dont think its helping that i know how much hoshino devolves later on in lost judgment, but going through a second time when i have more knowledge on the BIGGER stuff and can focus on smaller things, it just irks me. RGG does a great job with certain character development, but it's weird who they decide to fall short on.
In this case, it's hoshino and mafuyu imo. Mafuyu just seems awkwardly thrown into situations for Yagami to save her or for us the player to acknowledge her, but most of the time, it seems like she's just there to remind us they had a thing, and it truly doesn't help that Saori just goes on about her 60% of the time to smash us over the head that she wants yagami and mafuyu to be a thing. they should've put her in more courtroom situations against Yagami to have some tension or something (and no, i don't count the aforementioned side-case. That just kinda seemed put there... because) because otherwise, the buildup seems awkward and shoehorned.
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