#i love androgynous swag in characters
mintaikcorpse · 26 days
Analyzing Tumblr sexymen so people don't have to explain their "HEAR ME OUT🙏🙏" characters to their judgmental friends, Rika from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet addition!
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gokugirlweed · 2 years
The more and more comfortable I get with being non-binary, the more and more I just wish I was zoro
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Renfield Anniversary Week, day 4: Favourite Side Character
I love all the DRAAG members equally (lie) but damn. Carol's nonbinary swag got me good
Here's some of my headcanons about them 👹👹👹
Nonbinary, obviously. They use they/she but prefer the former
It takes them a little while to warm up to Renfield after he continually Interrupted them, but without Dracula to worry about they are finally given their chance to talk. Renfield apologises for all the times he stopped her from sharing her problems, and they get along now
Emo/alternative music taste. They love MCR and encourage Renfield to get back Into them after he stopped listening to them In the 2010s. They bond over their shared love for the band
Thinking that they're neurodivergent In some way, but they aren't bothered enough by It to get a diagnosis
Everyone In DRAAG has had their nails painted by Carol at one point or another. Mark Is their most frequent victim of this I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL!!!!
They're either bi or a lesbian. Big woman liker
They steal Bob's old jackets because they like baggy and masculine clothing
For a few years they struggled with their gender Identity, since they wanted to be percieved as genderless but also be able to wear makeup. The support group helped them to realise that they can be androgynous and still wear makeup at the same time
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Transfem weegee with a stache
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okay consider this a part 1 cause i DID have more that got lost : thankfully i was apparently so excited to share this one past-yumehoshi decided to take a screenshot to consider posting a wip dnfkads
anyway i was in a summer mood and wanted to give Luigi a ponytail fndjaskfds I see a lot of people call her "luisa" but I like to think transfem!luigi would keep her name, the nuckname 'lu' is pretty androgynous and theres also "lulu"
gotta love characters like luigi who have literally so much trans swag that they are commonly headcanoned every which way~
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wof-reworked · 5 months
thoughts on the transfem winter hc??
OOOOOH it's never crossed my dash but I'm very intrigued :0
I've written a long post abt a possible transfem Turtle hc (lbr borderline au), so that's somewhat the lens I'm going thru for most of the jade winglet. I'm always hesitant abt trans aus that go against the canon genders of the characters for,,, semi obvious reasons of the implications??? but that hasn't stopped me before and it won't stop me again baybeeee
but Winter tho,,,, idk I think his story has A LOT of like. repression themes and self hate, but unlike Turtle I think you can see how much of it is more directed at like. his failure to be a Proper Icewing and how being a Proper Icewing basically stands in total opposition to his natural identity and beliefs (very much "good dragon born into bad society" kind of angle). I also really like the way Hailstorm and Winter are set up as foils so hrm,,,
I think for me it's 50/50 + has some funky nuances. I def love nonbinary Hailstorm a lot (gender identities informed partially by trauma woooooo !!!!) and I feel like that then gives me a fun leeway into transfem Winter and what about that hc does appeal to me. They have an underrated sibling dynamic tbh especially post-Pyrite bc like. Winter's always been the black sheep of his family next to Hailstorm and Icicle fall apart in their respective ways,,,, there's like a fascinating smugness and bitterness mixed in with like. feeling awful that his siblings are suffering and also guilt for being anything other than upset for them even though like. it's awful but for one precious moment HE isn't the fucked up one. HE'S the one that's going to win the day and prove to his family he isn't totally irredeemable. Their whole family is like so fucked up in such a real way it's actually wild to like pick apart. And then Hailstorm being the one to struggle to integrate back into Icewing society being what helps Winter realize the whole system is rotten and cruel, and how he's able to sort of develop empathy for himself thru the way that he recognizes when Hailstorm is being hurt and how that's not ok even if he can't quite recognize that it's not ok that he's also being hurt.
But like. I also think I like the way that ties into Winter being a boy. I feel like him being a prince specifically is important because it gives him even "less to give" to his family (especially compared to Hailstorm) and then makes his "redemption arc"/character growth even more compelling because he's learning to love himself wholly. I also recognize being transfem ≠ being a transwoman, and I do like the idea of like. bigender Winter tbh. give the boy a little he/she pronouns. as a treat. He's definitely got like some gender swag I'm always a little willing to get into, idk though I think it's not quite for me in how I view him n think about him.
I tend to settle on writing him as like. GNC. I do think by Icewing beauty standards he is a very androgynous/pretty dragon and I think it's funky if that's another thing between him n Hailstorm that's like. unspoken but relevant in how they're treated. He's just like a gay GNC man to me at the end of the day.
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mostfuckableffvillain · 11 months
Round 4 - Eliminations
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A tough day for #girlbosses everywhere as we say goodbye to Kuja, Elidibus, Elena of the Turks, Vayne Carudas Solidor, Yotsuyu goe Brutus, Luzaf, Barbariccia, and Jihl Nabaat! You will all be sorely missed!
Congratulations to Emet-Selch, Sorceress Edea, Kain Highwind, Ysayle Dangoulain, Reno of the Turks, Tseng of the Turks, Aranea Highwind, and Estinien Varlineau! We look forward to seeing you in Round 5!
As always, for reasons why these baddies were nominated, click below!
Kuja: >Just look at his waist. Also his outfit is giving a lot >Have you seen him? Also his reaction to finding out he's about to die >The eyeliner. The hip bones. The poetry. >Long hair, abs, bit fem, and that outfit >Unhinged femboy swag >cunt /pos >Those hips >Just look at him >Dude, just look at that outfit he wears. Just try telling me this evil guy doesn't lay pipe. >Just look at him …….. >just look at him okay. okay? >Not my type but just in case no one else did (14th nomination by this point) >Dem hips, his fashion, love of theatrics, banging theme, feathers >I mean, come on, who doesn't want a sexy androgynous gent with feathery hair in a flowy outfit voiced by Akira Ishida? >he's got the pretty boy slut vibes >i mean. look at him. >listen. look. listen. i know he's store-bought sephiroth in a stripper outfit. but listen. your honor i love him. he's deranged. he's obsessed. he wants to be a megalomaniac, tyranny is his passion. he rides a silver dragon. he is internalized *phobia personified. he's a flawed creation literally narratively and ideologically. his trauma is that he can't experience trauma. he eats souls so he can transform into fake emotions power mode and it turns him bright red. let him live and let me fuck him. >look at him >I mean have you seen him? What doesn't make him fuckable? >Pretty. Vain. Self defeating. All qualities I love in a man.
Elidibus: >Beautiful, complex, self sacrifice, suffering, powerful >Claw gloves, most beautiful man alive behind his mask, luscious white hair, sexy deep voice, immortal wizard, loved the person that the protagonist character is a reincarnation of, likes to play piano, lives on the moon, made me cry, best written villain in this game to be honest, one of his boss fight form is wearing stiletto heels and has four arms. >I mean, come on, who doesn't want a sexy androgynous gent with feathery hair in a flowy outfit voiced by Akira Ishida?
Vayne Solidor: >He's just very pretty >Hot >The face. The hair. He's yucky in the boss battle but MAN he's hot the rest of the game >What DOESNT 😭😭 his Nose, his Voice, his Hair, his callousness, the way he sees everyone as a mean to an end >It's the hair. Not being completely batshit insane kinda helps, but mostly it's the hair.
Yotsuyu goe Brutus: >Well for one she’s evil and hot so write that down but there is literally a point in which she steps on someone???? Like okay girlboss love that for you
Barbariccia: >Basically naked + hair bondage + that bit where the FFXIV version goes all she-hulk and I'm scared and gay
Jihl Nabaat: >Sexy librarian vibes
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c-kiddo · 2 years
You’re very very right about the lack of diversity in character design, esp thinking about it in regards to CR3. Like Laudna is clearly meant to be a lot more willowy and uncanny looking than she’s shown in the character art. & the many many issues w/ Ashton’s design aside [I just,,Don’t like his design much. There was potential buts it’s just. Eh., it’s weak], it makes like zero sense for him to look the way he does being a barbarian!! Not that he has to be huge & all by any means, but he does not read barbarian aside from his big ol hammer :p
(trigger warning for talking about weight and body size/type in regards to character designs. also disclaimer that this is just talking about designs for fun, its /lh and just my musings)
i honestly quite like laudna's design overall, i think its hard to tell though, how thin she is, since she's very covered up. i actually really love her face and how her teeth dont quite fit in her mouth, which is something common with very underweight people, and i like her big dark eyes. ... i find her hard to draw quite right tho. and i think (no offense /g) in the fandom is really where people smooth her out, take away any wrinkle, and just make her kind of pretty and soft... like, no, i want her skin to be translucent. show me the veins in her eyelids!!!!
yea. . ashton's design is rly not my favourite. i redesigned him, which, i no longer rly like that drawing, mostly because of how i drew their hair. recently i've been trying to figure out how to draw the crystals even tho the idea makes my skin crawl a little lol. the main problem i have with their design is the colours - their clothes are similar values, a dark grey and a Bright red, and it just clashes with the purple and specific green of their skin .. in this last drawing of ashton i posted i think it's sorta better while still keeping the same colours, so theres that - also i think darker colours fits his character more, down in the shadowy alleys and bars of jrusar. also yea, not a fan of how totally shredded and sinewy he is, he needs to hydrate lol
my least favourite of the cr3 designs is between them and imogen though..i redesigned imogen recently and that was so much fun. i just think , her canon design doesn't suit her at all.. it's just a bit nothing-y, like a generic tomb-raiding (yikes) video game protagonist. and i think a hat suits her super well, since as well as mind-reading she has migraines and prefers to go unseen, so, she shades herself from the sun and staring with the hat.. also i just covered her up more so she wouldn't get sunburnt kajndks, its all light materials.. im just worried about her skin. also thought something a little more,, idk androgynous (??) practical (??) might be cool. like, she's got her waist-coast and her hat and bandana round her neck.. so turned her from sexy tomb-raider halloween costume to a cowboy, like her backstory is clearly inspired by :-] !! idk thats a ramble, i should catch up on cr3 i love imogen v much she has so much autism swag and she's so cool 2 me
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surveillance-0011 · 1 month
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Human hcs again. Various facets of Giblets (he/any) and Mona (she/he) in some other, kinder life.
Elaboration below the cut vvv cw: mentions of character death + dysphoria though i think both are pretty mild
Giblets: I keep going back n forth on if he's better with shorter or longer hair but I like the whole "tufts of unkempt hair = general silhouette of his canon design's face" deal. Either way I'm sure that by the time he entered the worst of his paranoia he cut it short fearing that it'd get caught on something or a would-be assailant would pull on it to get ahold of him. Some shade of genderfluid or gnc or. Not entirely cis man. More masc-ish out of. Convenience? Being used to it? But he has no issue with more androgynous or outright feminine presentation. Ig it comes with being voiced by Kevin McDonald. Pleakley sauntered so Dr. Giblets could trip and fall and die 💜
The more realistic portrait + the edited version would be him at the start of the game -> when you find him. Whatever sleep he had he'd lost. And I like the idea of that 5 o clock shadow for good measure.
+ lil limited palette thing inspired by image44's "pyromania" good song I love KAFU's voice sm BUT I DIGRESS
Mona: Slightly more fem design for her. I hc that she's bigender but closeted,, In a "Psyche I lived bitch"/revival au she'd finally be swayed to present the way she's wanted to all this time. Turns out nearly being wiped off the census by a teen hitman is great motivation for finally deciding to express yourself! Would be a shame if she were the only one of the three given a second chance... ok nah I don't think I have the heart to do that. Jonathan is not dead he just lent his sister his jacket bc she's cold and having a rough day it's all good... the skrendels get to stay together.
Uh Mona does prefer a more feminine presentation but it all feels new to him. He feels a little out of place since he doesn't know exactly how he wants to look + how to "pass" and what he would even pass for. Still wants to be strong and taken seriously but he doesn't want that to necessarily equal being a man 100% of the time. I feel he'd end up somewhere between girly guy and tomboy-ish depending on the day. I also hope with the hair here you see the vision. somewhere between scene and swag era here. remember that? i miss domo :/
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grizzlyplays · 2 years
Hi! I hope Tumblr is treating you well, I like to think we're a lot more chill here compared to Twitter. Anyways since you're here I'm going to compliment you now: I know a lot of people like to joke around about your characters a lot but I have to say I thoroughly enjoy all of them. Just the fact you're behind acting all of the riptide NPCs is so cool and you're such a fun dm and you're really good at setting up stories and introducing new characters that end up loved. You also deserve a medal for dealing with the riptide Co-captains shenanigans. And your player characters even show off this range you have. I haven't been able to watch most of the campaigns or even oneshots but just from Dakota and Rumi the sheer difference in the two is palpable and is so cool. And I can go on and on about how much I love Dakota Cole cause he's the type of character you'd see at first and go "Oh there's the 2 dimensional black and white thinking hero" but you make him so much more than that. He's got layers and is just so much more complex than that. From the trauma of not being able to save people to idolizing heros and not knowing how to handle if heros weren't all good. It's just so cool and I love Rumi/Elana too in all his androgynous any pronouns swag and the character development and oh man just. Your characters?? Phenomenal. I feel like that just has to be said more
THANKS SO MUCH! I like to think my characters have a slow burn type of story telling. I don't usually wear their flaws on the sleeve. I hope to play a more down to earth character that feels very real for people, and personal for me, sometime in the future.
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nickywhoisi · 1 year
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It's midnight mods are asleep post chefs
That's right, we're veering off course from my usual project again as I have officially gone full batshit and dove head first into the Pizza Tower fandom. No regrets baby. I mean have you seen the shit poppin off over here rn? Buck wild. And all the cool kids make ocs, so
The dude in purple is my oc Adlin Bäkermann, he/him/ they-them sometimes, probably mid 30's, and they run a bakery just down the block from Peppino's pizzeria. It's the best in town because all of it is homemade by him. Peppino gets the pizza dough from Adlin, if he doesn't make it himself. Adlin sometimes comes by for a snack break. Sometimes Peppino comes over for a well-needed coffee break. Local businesses supporting other local businesses <3
Adlin is a very quiet guy. He rarely speaks in more than affirmative sounds or disapproving grunts, but on occasion he will use his words. And he is one cool cucumber, so instead of frantically worrying about what his friend's went through, he will just ask calmly, practically like a therapist, "What happened?" He's an honourable soul and cannot stand seeing injustice. Things like that, and other stressors (like work) can bring up his inner rage meter though, because he is not impervious to anger management issues. And he's German, so he can be scary about it. It really isn't a smart move to piss off a lad who will throw massive gauntlet hands that can crush you like a bug, or make him use his steely eyes to bore into your very being. And, strangely, he can be a tad absent-minded. If he screws up something, you will hear a quiet, ashamed, "...Sorry." There's more times than he'd care to admit that he was kneading dough while fuming, and before they realized it, the work table was fuckin shrapnel. Oops. Lil' bit of a klutz. Better watch those mitts of yours, boy! Ooo hoo hoo hoo
Now with that blurbo finished for my blorbo, I wamna discuss the pic. Specifically, I love how the colouring and effects used turned out. So close to what I was looking for! Huzzah! I'm happy with the mach speed lines and Adlin's beeg bright rocket blasts. I was also on the fence about colouring in Adlin's pants, was thinking of keeping them white, but...actually it was a really good idea. It matches the other guys, and when I designed Adlin, I really wanted to make it a point that he had things that could make him a playable character. Just like one of the cast. His hands fire little dough blasts, but because of the hole of fire he launches them out of...they come out as little cooked brioche buns. Gdsffddsggssgff This is basically a proof of concept for my jump 'n shoot baker boi. I love my child so much. My sweet bebeh. In canon, he's got that androgynous pretty swag, which makes him all the more intimidating to approach. Oh and before I forget...there isn't any shipping. Naughty children ;) I know what you're after you wanna know if my boy smooches the italian like a lot of the other ocs. Nah. These guys are literally only friends, but good friends. Which might not be so obvious with how I introduced them, but that happens in universe too. You'd think there's rivalry going on, and there is occasionaly some weird indescribable tension between them, but nope. I'm just so happy that I drew Adlin just like how I wanted and then suddenly he looks like the metal to Peppi's sonic. It just happened outta nowhere, and that's frankly amazing. Pizza Tower is the gift that keeps on giving and I am alive
And yeah this was my first try at drawing The Noise, can ya tell? He has details that aren't so correct, but I'm kinda diggin the caramel top I put on his hat. To make him look closer to a cream puff. And I wasn't sure how many teeth he was supposed to have. But there ya go I think I still captured his noisy noidy e s s e n c e . AND THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE HIS BUTT NOT A BIG KOO- OKAY JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR THAnks. And the same applies to Brick, I didn't think to study his design and then draw so it was off memory. Still looks super cute though ngl
What are they racing towards? Who's gonna win? Idk I just like the stardust speedway vibes goin on look at these funky little dudes go
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superman--yoosung · 10 months
hi your matchups say they're still open, i hope this it okkk!! i'm 🐇
• i have no preference towards gender but i don't like super masculine characters
• i don't really use pronouns but she/her, ver/vers, it/its are ok. fem presenting but with androgynous swag. beautiful in a girlprince way
• adult character from genshin! only recently turned 18 though haha. no tighnari or childe pls!
• i loove fashion (designing it, studying it, wearing it), idols, rabbits and deer, sewing outfits + plush dolls and creaching around at night. i haate loud, messy people and lots of textures (i'm autistic). i hate the sunlight! terrified of dogs IRL but i'd be a collie or black german shepherd.
• i'm mostly quiet (INTP), i have no control over my tone/filter so i get people saying they thought i hate them/i look angry a lot. air-headed, very low attention-span and "bimbo" tier. clumsy most of time/i dont look at what im doing. i love acting valley girl or like a malnourished bimbo (idk). i'm like a dog with the personality of a cat. beliefs.. don't be a freak idk .. don't kill ppl and i will be judgmental if i don't like your vibes.
• i think i'd have electro vision just because i get it a lot on quizzes. i also connect to it the most aesthetically. id love a sword and id have a vv elegant/pretty fighting style ..
• personal flaw erm there's zero connection between my brain and mouth so i can't really communicate much of my real feelings (esp affection). i also struggle to connect with ppl!! i'm mostly disconnected 90% of the time so it's very hard to truly love (romantically or platonically) someone for me!
• i'm 162cm... vampire to the extreme i'm 100% a vampire if im in genshin.. very strict on skincare and how i look (sensitivity issues). OR half-deer.. or half-rabbit.. My personal aesthetic is ouji/lolita, victorian/gothic themes of Black Butler and The girl from the other side.. Dark fantasy/dark academia.. LOL
i'm TERRIBLE at giving affection and words of affirmation. i love words of affirmation though and i realllly jus want someone equally as love with me/if not more
Hello 🐇, nice to meet you!! Your matchup was challenging because I kept doubting my choices, thinking, "Wouldn't this or that character's design be a texture/sensory nightmare, though??" which is a really silly thing for me to get caught up in, of all the many factors involved. (But in my defense, all the characters have SO MUCH going on in their outfits haha!!)
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Your matchup is.............................
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Meeting under the cloak of darkness once or twice could merely be considered coincidence... By the fifth time, however, Kazuha was certain: it was fate that continued to bring the two of you together.
To those unfamiliar with the elusive duo, a relationship such as yours might seem threadbare - after all, since you only made your appearance when the moon was at its highest, and Kazuha drifted from place to place like a leaf in the wind, it seemed unlikely that you would ever cross paths in important ways. But you both knew differently. Naturally, even the smallest of actions, a singular drop in a pool of water, becomes a ripple whose rings inevitably grow in meaningful ways.
This is how Kazuha views your relationship: subtle, and all the more beautiful for it.
Fun details:
It will not take too many meetings for Kazuha to find you endearing. He's observant, so the nuances of your interactions will linger in his mind long after you've left. He'll enjoy learning about you and your mannerisms! He will always be respectful of your boundaries, too - and with his sharp mind, he can often tell if you're bothered without you having to verbalize it. (He'll ask, anyways, though, just to be sure.)
Kazuha admires your abilities and passion in subjects you enjoy. Many of the evenings you spend beneath the moonlight or on cloudy days are filled with discussions that jump from topic to topic, sharing your interests with one another. Kazuha is an eager listener, so feel free to share your passions to your heart's content! He will remember most every word. But when you're feeling quiet or have nothing to share, he can fill the silence with his charming words - though quiet companionship is also enough, too.
Of course, he knows how clumsy you can be, but as long as he's around, the wind will keep you steady on your feet. If you're comfortable with physical touch, he'll reach out to balance you, or let you hold onto him. If not, he'll do his best to verbally warn you of any uneven terrain or obstacles in your path you haven't noticed.
You two are THE definition of elegance in battle. Kazuha can swirl your electro abilities, making potent reactions. And as sword users, you can both keep your skills sharp by practicing together!
If you ever give Kazuha one of your creations, it will almost instantly become one of his most treasured posessions. He will do his best to keep it safe from harm on his journeys - though the wear and tear clothing might get from constant use is, in a way, a sign of how much he loves it. (Please forgive him if the clothes or plushies do see some light damage, though; the mercenary life is not always kind.)
Once you've become closer, Kazuha will bring you gifts from his travels. They're mostly small things that remind him of you: a carving of a rabbit, some medicine for your most recent clumsy tumble's resulting scratches, a paper umbrella from Liyue to help block out the sun. Whatever he sees that he thinks would interest you or that you might find use for in your day-to-day life, he'll get. If you dislike any of them, he takes no offense to that, either - he'll quietly store the details of what you disliked about it in his mind for reference the next time he gets you something.
You want words of affirmation? Oh, boy, does he provide! It's actually rarer for him to not slip a compliment or reassurance into your conversations. He'll take any chance he can to remind you of how much he treasures your company, and should you decide to pursue a romantic relationship with him, how much he delights in giving you affection (and being the recipient of yours, in whatever ways you deign to give it.)
He will write the most stunning of poems with you in mind, string dozens of haikus together with your name as inspiration. And, in the quiet company of only you and the moon, he'll whisper words of devotion, of loyalty and hope.
Kazuha, if asked to point to the one thing he loves most about you, will laugh at the inquiry, shaking his head. How can one point to a cloud in the sky and call it superior to the others around it? Kazuha thinks all of the things that make you unique are inseparably what he loves you for. To ask him to pick one is to ask the impossible of him. Still, if it was you who pressed him for an answer, he might relent, and tell you this: your very presence, right here beside him under the nighttime tapestry of midnight blue and flickering stars, gives him a sense of belonging, makes him think that - yes - there are things far greater than a life of wandering... and they can all be found within the depths of your eyes.
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~~I feel like many writers default to Albedo when someone mentions difficulty expressing emotions, and while I do love him for you too (for other reasons), I thought Kazuha would be better with words of affirmation and understanding what you may leave unspoken. I almost went with Rosaria or Yelan, also, as you both could be creatures of the night together (lol), but I hope this matchup is satisfactory!
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wow-wlw · 1 year
Had some gender dysphoria for the first time in a while…. I want to look more butch, more androgynous
I still feel Non-binary mostly, but I’m inspired by those memes of characters with t-boy swag
Y’know…… Do I feel like he/they? She/he/they? idk but I keep thinking about the times people have thought I was a boy, and when I was cast as a boy in theatre productions when I was younger
I get those dr. Squatch ads that are like “You’re not a dish- you’re a man!” And I think “Fuck yeah!!”
I still enjoy femininity a lot, but I think I wanna be feminine in a guy way?
Still very bisexual. I still love women very much regardless. Wlw?? 🥺
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tootyfruities · 2 years
Melli pla is a gnc she/they transgirl i dont make the rules
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yanderefantasies · 3 years
(That comfused randomass anon from before replying here cause they actually have no idea how Tumblr works - sorry if there's another way or smth - and have no life)
No, no, it's a good thing (for some who doesn't get tone much, I really do forget not everyone can read mine lol) apart from the menace that is gae kids. Don't adopt teenagers, I'm telling you from rn, this sit ain't worth it. One doesn't understand the concept of a healthy sleeping pattern (or sleeping really) and another sleeps before my grandma (my grandma sleeps at 8-_-); also, I have no idea what the third one is doing, because they're either always active or just dead - oh, and then there's that one American that keeps mentioning American shit to me as if I know what romantic attraction is-!?/j Don't get kids man. Also, your blog is epic and brings diversity to my feed, thank you🙏 *me saying this like I don't consider one mono allocishet friend among 666 gae shits diverse* Conveniently enough, I read about gae shit, mostly because, if I'm too ugly to get a gae ass love story, I'll read about one (preferably one including the Lord of the Underworld and Satan, but anything works lol)
I've gone thru about fifty different topic changes in this one response right? Think I should add more? Eh, one more can't hurt.
Random ass fact that makes no sense whatsoever while making all the sense in the world that you never asked for: I can currently say I'm both gay and a lesbian for certain characters/people! (Oh what a lovely day to be androgyne or whatever the fuck I am rn)
My tiny pea brain did not understand the first half because I don’t know who exactly you’re talking about, but what I have gotten from this is that ur cool, and you seem to tolerate my blog
So thank you
That’s pretty swag
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dandyvespa · 4 years
Hello everyone
Since the Produce series is now in shambles, I still continue to be survival show trash and would like some other mutuals to join my crackhead addiction. If you haven’t heard of Youth with You, it is the Chinese version of Produce that uses similar formatting. The judges of the latest season—which this time has girls competing to form a 9-member girl group—include Ella Chen, Jony J, Cai Xukun, and Lisa of Blackpink. Not only are the mentors astounding, but the participants are incredibly talented starting out that nearly all of them deserve to debut. In fact i would say it rivals with or dare I say is better than the original Produce series. In addition to this the show invites girls of different styles, weights, backgrounds, and androgynous looks making the show a lot more diverse and fleshed out from the typical female idol look. If you guys haven’t started it and are interested in something a bit more fresh to quell the pain of losing the Korean Produce series, I would highly recommend watching it. For those who are all caught up, please let us fangirl together over these competitors. Down below are my current top 9 and brief reasoning for each.
NOTE: It was very hard to pick a top 9 and honestly i would still rearrange this later on because it’s still too early in the game. I have way too many favorites for this season T.T. That being said I have no particular order for these gals.
1. Xiaotang Zhao
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The girl is hilarious so don’t let her resting bitch face fool you. She is so friendly and easygoing and I love her don’t-give-fuck attitude and because of that she’s so real and open to her thoughts regardless of backlash. She’s odd, but there is no doubt that she is talented. She’s been dancing since childhood and her skill shows on stage. Not to mention she is pretty good at rapping.
2. Yan Yu
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Another “cold” looking person. But listen I would risk it all for her. She is beautiful, her body is goals, she is actually a goofabll off stage, is really caring of her teammates, loves her family despite teasing them occasionally, and her vocals are P O W E R F U L. She has the most stunning expressions and the way she stares into your soul when she gets into stage character? *dies* Plus she has proven to adapt to any concept, be it serving that cold girl crush look or a more delicate cute style. I hope people begin to realize that later on in the season.
3. Babymonster An Qi
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This right here. This little pepper? She is fiery. She has incredible dance skills and charisma on stage. She is goofy and loves to eat a lot and nothing warms me more than seeing trainees/idols just eat well disregarding strict diets placed on them. She is also great at getting her teammates to familiarize and better their dance moves and has great leadership quality in that field. She is well prepared and knows what she wants and goes for it, and with that I know she will debut.
4. Frhanm Shangguan
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Ohohoho Frhanm Shangguan is indeed the W H O L E fucking package. Miss most competent girl of Youth with You Season 3. I still watch her audition clip religiously to this day. The girl can not only sing, rap, dance, and possess a stage like no other, but she redefines the idea of how female idols should look. She loves herself, from her weight to her hair to her overall confidence. She screams positivity, acceptance, and big sister energy. She believes all girls can do anything they put their mind too and she is such a hard worker and motivator for all girls in the season. I’m straight up calling it out right now that if she doesn’t get to the final lineup—preferably as the team leader— I’m going to yeet myself out the window. I feel like we’ve only scratched the surface of what this girl is capable of and I cannot wait to see her adapt to whatever is thrown at her.
5. Shaking (Xie Keying)
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Here is one of your rappers y’all. This girl is such a ball of fun energy and charisma. It amazes me she is considered one of the rookie rappers of the season. Her ability to ride the beat and change her vocal tone is great. Plus her expressions on stage are killer. She really shined in the rap group battle and rightfully so. She is so funny and knows how to get along and make other participants laugh. She also has some really good vocal skills and I can’t wait for her to showcase them more. And I also must agree with Cai and Ella. They were right in giving her an A , especially over Lil Jeta 🙄.
6. Xin Liu
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Another girl who redefines how a female idol should look! I love her androgynous look and I think it’s hilarious how vain she is when it comes to makeup. That aside I need to point out how her and others with this similar boyish look had the option of wearing shorts or a skirt and I’m glad she addressed it as it is part of her identity and makes her comfortable. This girl happens to be the theme song stage center and rightfully so! She can sing, rap, and is a killer dancer with popping her main forte. She exudes coolness and I know she will go far with her stage presence and hardworking attitude.
7. Kiki Xu
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Gah what a cutie. Another skilled dancer who definitely proved that when she battled with An and Frhanm in the auditions. I thought it was funny when she struggled with trying to look cool for the dance group battles but then absolutely killed it with this girl crush look that made me think “oh my god STEP ON ME”. Whew but like really she is a great performer, but I really wanna see more of her vocal skills. Good luck to Kiki and I hope she can show more sides of herself through the season!
8. Snow Kong
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See this queen? She is trying to learn to be more confident in herself and has shown how much she really adores the stage through her hardwork and tears. It’s been a while since she performed but she wishes to start new and give it her all. This girl is fun, loving, and has powerful vocals and rap skills. Plus her dancing is amazing. Just everything about her screams well-rounded idol material. She is a lovely visual and also gives me Sakura vibes. And don’t mess with her hair it will attack you the way she whips it like a maniac on stage. I also love her dynamic with others, especially Xiaotang and Esther Yu lol. Here’s hoping she will develop and astound us more through the later episodes.
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Nineone is, to me, a dark horse like Yu Yan. She is a professional rapper so naturally her rap skills are the best this season. She knows how to take charge and level with teammates. She is another type of person who has clear cut goals and gets them done. Funnily enough she also has this childish and shy side to her that may come off uncharactertic to her considering her swag and charisma on stage, but I think it is so real and fresh. The final lineup would need another strong rapper that know what she is doing, and after seeing her audition I think she also has some fantastic vocal skills that I’d love to see branch out later on if possible.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Zoe Wang, Sharon Wang, JU Chen, Yvonne Wang, Yu Zhang, Diamond, Lingzi, Jue Chen, K Lu, Duan Xiaowei, Flora Dai, Meddhi Fu, and omg literally too many all of these girls are too talented it would be easier to narrow it down to people I don’t want/don’t see debuting....
But I won’t pour that hot piping tea out just yet ☕️
If y’all feel the same or just want to talk about the show hit me up because I need more people to rant/freak out with over these queens.
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