#i love the abydonians
justplainmels · 2 years
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1.01 | Children of the Gods
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jadelotusflower · 8 months
Stargate Rewatch: 1x01 Children of the Gods
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After rewatching the original film I'm kicking off with the show's pilot - I actually watched both the original version and the "final cut" because there are aspects I enjoy of both. The final cut removes a few problematic elements and adds in some new material, but also cuts a few lines I really enjoy and the original version is really where my nostalgia lies, so... as always, my feelings, they are mixed.
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Cold open with some redshirts - four men and one woman, sadly representative of the gender ratio the show will have going forward.
The unlucky Smurfette is Sgt Carol Weterings, not that I think she's ever mentioned by name in the episode.
"Probably the only thing it ever did was cost money." Heh.
I will say that Teal'c turning against Apophis at the end of the episode is nicely built - starting here where he examines the gun and identifies it as technology far advanced beyond the humans they’re used to dealing with.
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When your name is above the title, you get introduced with an extreme close up.
The differences between the film and the show don't really bother me - I view the show as taking place in a very similar but alternate universe to the film rather than trying to squeeze them together - so O'Neil becomes O'Neill, Sha'uri becomes Sha're, Tyler becomes Charlie, Abydos is the closest planet to Earth, not the other side of the known universe, etc etc. But I consider the events of the film to be canon to the show universe unless directly contradicted.
But otherwise the pilot tries very hard to stick as close as possible to the film, to the point that Major Samuels states that General Hammond replaced General West.
Hammond says it’s been “over a year” since the events of the film, unclear exactly how much over.
The final cut has a longer version of the dead Jaffa, revealing one of them was a woman, and with all the changes to eliminate plot holes I don't know why Brad Wright put one back in. While we do see Jaffa women in the series, Goa'uld and Jaffa society is depicted as highly patriarchal and female Jaffa soliders are rare - we never see them in Apophis's ranks. It's an odd inclusion.
"What if the aliens get it?" "Well, they could be blowing their noses right now." hee!
"THANKS SEND MORE" Remember when Daniel had allergies? Give it a few episodes and the show sure won’t!
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Amanda Tapping, doing her absolute best with some terrible dialogue. Brad Wright blames the "reproductive organs" speech on Jonathan Glassner, and it is terrible and thankfully removed from the final cut version, along with some other 90's era sexism from the bros. However there is one great moment, where Kawalsky asks "Have you ever pulled out of a simulated bombing run in an F16 at eight plus Gs?" and without missing a beat, Sam deadpans: "Yes." I love Sam.
"I'll give you exactly 24 hours to either return or send a message through - no Kleenex boxes, please." Hee, Hammond isn't quite the cuddly commander we know and love yet, but he has his moments.
It's very cute that Sam has a very similar reaction to the one Daniel had in the film just before going through the gate, although his was based in the wonder of something incredible and unknown, and hers is based in the physical manifestation of knowledge - says a lot about each of them and their similarities yet different perspectives - the marrying of these two points of view is what makes them such a good duo.
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Michael Shanks, doing the James Spader impression that won him the role. He was only 26!
And of course Alexis Cruz, the only holdover from the movie (other than Erick Avari, who won't appear until season 2).
The original team sure did leave a bunch of weapons with the Abydonians, didn't they? I presume they taught them how to fire the guns because there's no way Daniel could/would have. He did however teach them very good English.
"Greetings from Earth, Doctor Jackson" - very cute, it's sad that Ferretti disappears into the ether by season 2.
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Not the face of a woman who is shy, but a woman who knows how to make An Entrance. She even smirks a little as she walks over.
There is however a weird little moment where Sha're is reluctant to shake Jack's hand - maybe she wasn't impressed about his little joke brushing by Daniel? Both of these beats are removed from the final cut version which is probably for the best.
It's criminal Sha're doesn't actually get to speak in this scene, and in fact how few lines she has in the episode altogether.
It's disappointing, because Sha'uri was such an integral part of the film, and yet the show tries to get rid of her as quickly as possible to get Daniel on SG-1 and give him a core drive for the next three seasons. Her abduction is the precipitating event of Daniel's ten-year character arc and defining moment of transition from film!Daniel to show!Daniel, and yet she doesn't get a character arc of her own.
However I do think Shanks and Vaitiare Hirshon sell the relationship in the few scenes they have - they're very physically connected/protective of one another, perhaps concerned that Jack's there to take Daniel back with him (which is in fact the case). And of course Sha're, annoyed at being left behind while Daniel shows the others his discovery, gives him a very proprietary kiss.
I think show!Sha're gets a bad rap, she's spunky and I love her. I just wish there was more of her.
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Sam and Daniel insta-bonding - Daniel making an intuitive leap to solve the puzzle and Sam filling in the gaps with science to make it work, they really are kindred spirits.
The issue with the cartouche though is that the symbols look like hierogyphs, not star constellations/Stargate glyphs.
Back in the pyramid, there's a scene sorely missing here - imagine if rather than ogling Sha're, Ferretti had a conversation with her, giving us more of a chance to know Sha're on her own terms rather than just Daniel's wife and the object of others desire. Especially when Ferretti was on the original mission so knows she's more than a "beautiful woman" - it would also give additional weight to him remembering the gate address where she's taken later on.
Teal'c clocks Skaara's gun as the same tech he saw on Earth in breadcrumb no. 2.
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"Nothing good can ever come through this gate!" "You came through it , Daniel" I mean...I realise there are a lot of problematic white savior-y aspects to the show, but idk, this scene and the Abydonians all petting Daniel to say goodbye gets me. Sean Amsing as Tobay also returns in Full Circle which is a nice callback to this scene.
The final cut removes a reaction shot from Jack which I have mixed feelings about - I get that the focus probably needs to be on Daniel at that moment, but I do think it's important for Jack to appreciate how Daniel really found a home with the Abydonians and was appreciated and loved by them, and it's nicely played by RDA.
LOL, watch out for how many times Jack pats Daniel on the shoulder. Apparently that annoyed Shanks so RDA kept doing it, but it's also a nice little setup of their relationship going forward.
There's a second shoulder pat in the hallway.
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Just two dudes, drinking beer, (not) talking about their feelings.
“She was the complete opposite of everyone else, she practically fell on the floor laughing every time I tried to do some kind of chore they all took for granted.” Underrated line, because it gives important context to Daniel and Sha’re’s relationship, and perhaps more importantly, how Daniel characterises her - she is the one who keeps him grounded, who teases him, there is balance to their relationship. There’s potentially an interesting parallel there to Vala in the later seasons, although it manifests in a very different way.
“I think she forgave me for what happened to our kid, she just couldn’t forget…I’m the opposite, I can never forgive myself, but sometimes I can forget.” This is a great scene.
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The Final Cut removes all the “harem scenes” and while I can see why, we do lose a bit of context to Teal'c's involvement in the process as he is the one who chooses the women from the holding cell to go into the harem, and then from the harem to be presented to Apophis.
There was a missed opportunity to actually see Sha're interact with the other prisoners - she could have had a conversation with Weterings at least, find out she was from Earth, perhaps assure her that the others would be coming to rescue them.
To the surprise of no one I’m sure, this episode does not pass the Bechdel test.
But there is a hint of solidarity among the prisoners - first in the holding cell where the others hold Skaara back, and here in the harem Sha're squeezes the hand of another woman.
Weterings is killed by the hand device which keeps the electrical current aesthetic from the movie the show will later abandon - as Teal'c looks perturbed.
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Daniel back on Earth immediately getting stuck into the coffee even though no one else is drinking, lol.
"Ra played a god, the sun god, he borrowed the religion and culture of the ancient Egyptians he brought through the gate and used it to enslave them." A bit of a change from the movie here, where it was the other way around - slightly less problematic!
Everyone is in dress blues except Kawalsky who is in camo, and Daniel, who is wearing Jack's clothes.
"Colonel I'd like to remind you that rescuing Dr Jackson's wife is a secondary objective." This line was removed in the final cut and I don't know why? It adds to Samuel's bastardry.
Has everyone forgotten about Weterings?
Shoulder pat no. 3!
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In the second harem scene Sha're is now sitting isolated from the other women - did she argue with them? Just trying not to be noticed? What happened offscreen?
Also what's going on in the top left corner - it looks like the healing device! Maybe Sha're did throw down with one of the others and that's why she's on her own. I have to read into things, because the show gives us so very little of Sha're and it's a real shame.
She does get a good moment fighting against the guards though - earlier she was defiant and told them she wasn't afraid of them, here she bites one of them on the arm.
I understand from a narrative perspective why Sha're is the one who gets taken over, but it really is Schrodinger’s fridging - until she’s found Sha’re is both alive and dead for the purpose of the narrative, both Daniel’s primary drive and source of inner conflict.
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Christopher Judge does so much with so little. Master of the cheek twitch!
Oof, the nudity. In isolation from everything else, it doesn’t bother me - it’s intended to be horrifying, not titillating, and is effective in conveying objectification and dehumanisation by the Goa'uld.
However, it was a studio request, Wright/Glassner regretted doing it, it doesn’t fit the tone of the show going forward, but most importantly Hirshon was pressured into the full frontal when she only agreed to topless, and for that alone it should be excised.
The puppet symbiotes are so much more effective than the cgi they use later. I don’t think there’s another scene in the show that really captures the menace of the Goa’uld like this one - the symbiote (who we'll later learn is Amaunet) slithering around on Sha're's body is just so visceral and horrifying. The glowing eyes before implantation is an effective touch.
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Jack sticking Daniel in it with Sam by saying Sha're was a gift could be amusing, except the conversation gets cut off before Daniel can explain. It annoys me, because Daniel not "accepting" Sha're was actually the point? It's kind of important! I assume he does tell Sam the whole story later.
"Unless we want to get ourselves a really bad reputation, I just think we should avoid shooting the first people we meet on a new planet" is a nice follow up to Daniel's sarcastic "well that would have been an excellent reason to shoot everyone" from the film. At this point, Daniel doesn't appear to be carrying a weapon other than a knife. Oh, how that will change!
The Chulak priests speak "a derivation of Arabic" and something else - the Goa'uld language is meant to be similar to Abydonian, which is based on Ancient Egyptian. Of course modern Egyptian is an Arabic dialect that came much later, but perhaps we are to assume Goa'uld - or at least the Chulak vernacular - evolved along similar lines.
Jack unable to shoot Sha're when she stands in front of Apophis is a nice movie callback.
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The final cut has a good extra scene between Sam and Daniel where he is quite delusional thinking Sha're might just be drugged, and Sam tries to talk sense into him. Daniel's blind optimism against Sam's pragmatic realism will be an important aspect of their relationshio going forward.
Shoulder pat no. 4!
Teal'c P.I. sees Skaara talking to Jack and starts putting pieces together - the weapons from the opening scene, the weapons on Abydos + Jack's watch, and Daniel helpfully supplying the Earth glyph.
Alexis Cruz is committed to the film pronunciation of Sha’uri, bless him.
“But you are a great warrior, we defeated Ra together!” Skaara’s faith in Jack is so pure.
Skaara gets a shoulder pat too.
"Another fine day on planet Kawalsky" - This line was removed from the final cut! What a tragedy. I get the sense Brad Wright feels a bit cringe about the campier aspects of the show, but it's part of the charm! To be fair Ferretti was more of the wisecracker in the movie rather than Kawalsky, but I love that show Kawalsky is a little goofy.
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I'm sorry, what is this silver monstrosity? I guess a sliver of credit that after the nudity not going for a sexy alien outfit, but this is a hate crime. I also have a very high tolerance, and even affection for, silly Stargate headgear, but there's camp and then there's ugly.
Peter Williams as Apophis though: 10/01, no notes.
"They're going to choose...who will be the children of the gods." I do love it when they say the title of the thing in the thing.
The subtle moment where Teal'c motions that Jack should kneel is a nice setup - Skaara being very reluctant and angry about kneeling, and being the last to do so, is nice movie continuity. Skaara really gets shortchanged by the show after this episode.
"How much would I remember if you chose me?" I wonder if Daniel ever thinks that maybe him drawing the attention of the Goa'uld contributed to Skaara getting chosen. You know, just to really lay on the angst and guilt.
So the premise is that these Apophis underlings are choosing hosts for their children who are symbiotes ready for implantation, which doesn't really fit with what we learn about Goa'uld queens/reproduction later. We also learn later that Skaara is taken as a host for Apophis's son Klorel which doesn't sqaure with these two choosing him.
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Headcanon time! This is actually Zipacna who we meet later arguing for Klorel at Triad - different actor, of course, but he wears a similarly silly hat. So Amaunet now has access to all of Sha're's memories of Skaara and she and Apophis decide that he will make a good host - maybe she also likes the idea of a family resemblance between herself and Klorel (I think we can assume he is also Amaunet's son?). But Apophis doesn't want anyone to know he's choosing a host for his offspring, so sends Zipacna out to do it for him.
This makes sense of Klorel later claiming that Apophis chose his host, and also gives backstory to Zipacna showing up in Pretense. And in the scene, the Goa'uld make a very quick decision to take Skaara, while the rest get very grossly examined people before choosing.
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Shoulder pat no. 5!
"I have nowhere to go." Teal'c turning on his brother Jaffa to save a roomful of people, not expecting to survive himself, really hits.
"For this, you can stay at my place." hee!
Jack not wanting to hear it when Teal'c tells him Skaara is no longer himself is a turnabout of the earlier scene with Daniel. Not so flip now it's your Emotional Support Abydonian, are you Jack?
Kawalsky getting Goa'ulded doesn't seem to hurt as much as Sha're's - because the symbiote isn't mature, or because Amaunet is particularly sadistic?
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Soon to be SG-1 posing for their album cover.
It was the late 90's when tvs were tiny, so everyone had to stand uncomfortably close.
And we end with shoulder pat no. 6!
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the-bi-space-ace · 9 months
Daniel Jackson & Why Stargate SG-1 is the Best Show in the World
Here we go again. Listen, my obsession with this show knows no bounds and I’m going to simply have to take you through my thoughts on every character. 
Strap in. It gets long.
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Daniel Jackson. Linguist and ancient aliens believer (Daniel. It really is your worst quality. Even worse that YOU WERE RIGHT HOLY MOLY) and he figured out how to dial the Stargate and get it to work. A character known for his intelligence and empathy, his moral compass and being petty as fuck. A man who pushes those around him to be better people, and to think outside of themselves. Also he has allergies which plays into a very cute intro to his character in the show where Jack literally tosses a tissue box into the Stargate to make contact with Jackson. Let’s get into it. 
We open season one with the SGC traveling back to Abydos where they left Daniel Jackson in the og movie after disaster struck (that disaster you may ask??? ….. I have no clue I haven’t watched it yet BUT I DIGRESS). There’s a problem. Aliens came through the Stargate and took one of their own. They need to talk to Daniel, to the Abydonians, and what follows is unfortunate. 
You see, they defeated Ra in the movie, a parasite pretending to be a god, and thought they were done with this villain. Unfortunately they’re facing a new one, same shit different name: Apophis - brother of Ra. And it turns out they aren’t finished with stealing and enslaving people. Now, the genre of villain they’re against is swift, cunning, technologically advanced, and ruthless. The Goa’uld. They attack Abydos and take a young boy named Skaara and Sha’re, Daniel’s wife, captive along with the SG team member. 
Ugh. Sha’re. Daniel is so sweet to her. They’re so clearly in love. Daniel Jackson has my favorite quality in a man which is that one of his primary personality traits is that he loves his wife. Ugh. It kills me that the Goa’uld took her away and he spends the next few years desperately tracking her down. The Goa’uld end up possessing both Sha’re and Skaara and it leads to Daniel Jackson rejoining the SGC and joining Jack O’Neill and Sam in SG-1. 
It’s important to note a few things about Daniel here that inform me about why he is the way that he is. He was orphaned as a child, he lost his wife whom he loved very much, and he is extremely empathetic. He basically imprints on every being he comes across that doesn’t have a family and that kills me. He’s desperate for connection and he tries to understand the motives and meaning behind everything. He cares about people. He cares about culture. He cares about respecting things you don’t understand. 
While we’re on the subject of imprinting, let's talk about Daniel and his friendships. We’ll start with Sam and Daniel. True science besties. I love every interaction between these two. It's like they found their platonic soulmate that they’ve spent their lives looking for. They info dump with each other, bask in each other’s intelligence and value it even when they have zero clue what the other is on about. Their friendship is pure and quick and beautiful and I can’t talk about Daniel without touching on how he quickly latches onto his friends and makes them important and how it makes his life fuller to have them. He does the same with Jack. They clearly care deeply for each other and Daniel finds a safe space in Jack. A space where he can push and be angry and ask questions and share how he feels and never receive rejection from Jack. Yes, they fight and argue and disagree but it is (typically) a safe disagreement where they’ll mend anything they hurt. Then there’s Teal’c. Teal’c, the man who is… kind of responsible for taking Sha’re from him. A man that Daniel wants to hate but can’t. Because Teal’c is a changed man. A man who had little choice. A man who Daniel has come to recognize as a friend and ally. This. This is big for Daniel. 
Imagine. Your wife is taken from you. The man responsible for choosing her to take is now saying he is going to help you defeat your enemies. He lives on earth with you. He is treated as an honorable man and warrior. He is part of your team. Your everyday life. And you forgive him. You forgive because it’s the right thing. You forgive because you know it’s not his fault. You forgive because your heart is big enough to do so. To not assign blame where it’s unfair. That is Daniel Jackson. That is who he is. And fuck do I admire this in him. If it were my partner taken, life stolen from them, parasites taken over their body and using them to harm people. If I had to look at the man who chose her every day I might not be so forgiving. I might not have it in me to see a difference. This quality is something I admire because it is something that would be excruciating for me. 
Speaking of excruciating things: watching Daniel’s face when someone he loves is in danger is like getting stabbed through the heart. One of the moments that sticks out in my mind is when Jack and Teal’c are trapped on a submarine that is being overrun by Replicators. Their only hope at not letting these bastards take over the earth is to blow it up, with both of them on it. Jack tells them to prepare to do it and Daniel is immediately against it. Jack takes his helmet off so he can hold the camera up so Daniel can see his face, can talk directly to him, and tells him to do it. When Daniel, in desperation, pushes again Jack reiterates that he does not want to die by the replicators. He doesn’t want his life to be over that way. Daniel has to let him and Teal’c go. Daniel eventually gives in but he refuses to look away while two of his friends die. (Spoiler alert is that they get saved at the last minute, thank fuck.) 
We watch this despair each and every time one of his loved ones is in danger. We watch his expression, his heartbreak, his feelings of powerlessness. He’s desperately done everything he can to keep them safe. Daniel is not a soldier. He is an academic. He doesn’t have the training that the rest of them do. He hasn’t been taught how to handle battlefields and death and loss like they have. Watching his friends get hurt or die is so devastating for him. They are his family. Losing them is like losing everything he has left, especially since losing Sha’re and leaving everyone on Abydos. His heart holds all of them so dear. 
We know he values his friendships, but what about the times he makes friends with beings from other planets? One of my favorite times is with an Unas who kidnaps him to sacrifice him. Now, Daniel spends a lot of time trying to communicate with this Unas. He shares food with him, talks, they play games. All while he’s being dragged through the wilderness to be slaughtered. He starts to understand the Unas, to learn that he has a connection with this one. Eventually this connection is what saves him in the end. Daniel even goes on a rescue mission to save this Unas when he gets captured in a later season. 
Then we have Reese. Oh, Reese. I liked her. She was an android responsible for creating the Replicators, a dangerous villain in later seasons of SG-1. Daniel spends time bonding with her, learning about her, and figuring out why she made the Replicators. She was lonely. She spent her life being told she was ‘made wrong’ and that she needed to be ‘fixed’. She was sad and emotionally uncontrolled. I’m about to be annoying about this but this is why Daniel bonds so well with her. She was lonely. She wanted friends. She wanted kinship. Daniel so desperately wants these things. He’s so lonely, has been since childhood. He sees himself in her. And when she dies he’s heartbroken. It’s the first time you hear him cuss at Jack, a line that will live in my head forever: You stupid son of a bitch. Now, Jack isn’t stupid. Daniel knows this. Daniel is angry. But Jack was just trying to protect him, doing the thing he does to show his love, and it was rejected. This moment stings. It stings because of the context. It stings because of when it happens. It stings because of what happens only a few episodes later. 
Daniel dies. Daniel dies because of his empathy and action. He dies protecting people. He dies. And it’s heartbreaking. Watching everyone say goodbye to him is one of the most tear-inducing moments so far. (I cried for… a long time.) Teal’c honors him in a way culturally significant to him with tears in his eyes. A man that is usually stoic and a strong silent type letting himself mourn a friend he’s grown to love. Sam cries and reminds him that she loves him and she wishes she could do more for him. He can’t even respond to her at that point but she sits with him and takes in what little time they have left. And Jack, well, he makes a joke. He tries to be serious about it but it’s too uncomfortably close to talking outright about his feelings so he makes some joke about how Daniel has been a pain in his ass for five years and despite all of that he has grown to admire the man that Daniel has become. It’s so painfully Jack O’Neill that it’s charming and gets Daniel to smile. (CAVEAT Daniel is not like… dead dead… I’ve been informed that he returns and my sadness over it is only temporary since the character will be back soon… and yet I still cried for over an hour over him.) 
The worst part is that there is a chance for him to be saved. But he stops them so he can ‘ascend’ and ‘do more’. And how does he stop them? Well, he talks to the one person he knows will respect his decision, the one person he knows will let him go, the one person he knows he can trust to have the responsibility to take care of it. Jack. He tells Jack to let him go, to make them stop, to let Daniel move on. And Jack, despondent and unhappy as he is to do it, does. It is horrible to watch. Daniel standing in front of Jack, crying, telling him he’ll miss everyone while Jack says ‘yeah. Me too.’ and lets Daniel go. Ugh. It kills me. He says at some point during the episode that his life is worth no more than anyone else’s. That he hasn’t done much. He’s not done enough to help. Oh boy. He’s so wrong. He’s so unbelievably wrong it hurts. He’s an idiot. Not enough? Daniel, sweetie, you’ve given your life to this. You’ve saved civilizations, saved earth, saved Skaara, what more do you need to know that you have done miraculous things? His low self esteem hurts me here. He doesn’t believe he’s done good, that he is good. How does a man who has given his life to this cause think so little of himself? Well, I think it stems back to his parents. 
Goodness. I believe his parents loved him more than the moon and all the stars. I believe they raised that boy with attention and affection and love and care and it is a damn shame that they died. It’s a damn shame they died at the same time. It’s bullshit that Daniel watched it. He watched both of his parents die when he was around 10-12 years old. He became an orphan in an instant. He went from two loving parents to the foster system in seconds. Now, he didn’t have to go to the system. He had a grandfather that could have adopted him but the man didn’t. He had a career more important than Daniel. I wouldn’t make the same choice if it were me. Hell, this little baby lost everything in a day and he needed someone. He needed love. He needed a home that was familiar. And instead of taking on the responsibility, instead of working through his anger and helping him cope you left him. My sympathies lie with Daniel here because I love him so deeply so I get angry when I think about little Daniel having a family member that could take him and instead being given up because of… what? A career? Some things are more important. (Sidenote that I am not condemning people for prioritizing themselves instead of having children… I am not ever going to have children and that is completely of my own free will and choice and wants and needs. What I am saying is that Daniel’s grandfather chose to leave him for the sake of himself and I think this rejection is where Daniel’s low self esteem comes from.)
His grandfather’s rejection is the start in a long line of rejections. Rejection from his peers, rejection from superiors, rejection from society. He finally finds somewhere he feels he belongs (Abydos) and that is gone too. In the blink of an eye. He thinks he isn’t good enough. And I think that blows. (Another side note that I think Daniel has at least ADHD if not also Autism and since I have both of those things I get really fiery about Daniel so… I’M BIASED OKAY.) He spends the rest of his life searching for connection, community, love. Hell, he even tries to infodump to Jack in episode one and faces yet another rejection of his skills and interests and I can’t help but feel like that hurts. Now, Jack does this song and dance often throughout the show with Daniel but it starts to feel more like they’re purposefully winding each other up and not like Jack is trying to hurt him. But… a different post for a different day. 
Now, I won’t lie. I am super drawn to characters like this. I had a huge crush on Milo from Atlantis as a kid and Daniel is very very close to that character in a lot of ways. The floppy hair, the glasses, the nerdiness, the excitable way he talks. So… I’m a little biased… but this character… this character rules. He’s sweet and kind and sometimes so petty it makes me laugh. He’s funny and charming and GOSH I JUST LOVE HIM OKAY. HE’S STUPID CUTE IT MAKES ME MAD. But. He has flaws. Flaws that make me like him even more but flaws nonetheless. He can be one track minded. He takes things into his own hands and puts himself in danger and puts his team in uncomfortable positions because of it. He lets his emotions get the better of him. He compartmentalizes by throwing his all into things like working and solving something. He’s a great man. But he’s confused and scared and has such low self-esteem it hurts. 
His flaws are on full display when he puts himself in immediate danger to stop Jack from destroying a ship that is about to wipe out a civilization that they helped get a new home for. Daniel has talked to this person, knows that he can prevent two civilizations from being destroyed, but Jack is focused on helping the one they’ve already connected with. Daniel disobeys Jack’s order. He puts himself in the path of an explosive in order to convince the other person to cease unintentionally destroying the planet in order to find another solution. While Daniel does succeed and it is the right thing he still puts Jack in a situation where he has to choose to sacrifice Daniel if he is to complete their mission and save a whole group of people. It isn’t fair. It hurts Jack, pisses him off, but Daniel isn’t putting that piece of it as his top priority. He’s putting saving two whole civilizations of history, art, and passion as his top priority. He doesn’t think past the consequences of what he’s doing. 
Another case like this is in season one, The Torment of Tantalus, where they find a device that contains information well beyond our wildest dreams. ‘Meaning of life stuff’ as he likes to say. He values this preservation of history and knowledge. Even more than his own life. His one track mindedness here almost gets him killed. Jack begs him to go, tries to force him, but Daniel refuses and again forces Jack to make the choice to leave him behind and get everyone else to safety. Now, Daniel does end up following and getting out of there but it does take him a little bit of time to come to the conclusion that he does have to leave. He can’t just give up his life to stay behind on a planet about to be destroyed by a storm. 
I want to touch on his pettiness for a moment because it is damn entertaining to watch him get… petulant for lack of a better word. I have never seen a man more willing to mouth off to high ranking government officials or question his bosses or down right taunt someone holding him captive. He will say some stupid joke in the driest tone I’ve ever heard and all I’m thinking is: yep this is the day he gets punched in the face. This is it. They’re going to do it. This man does not know when to shut up. My dear, sweet boy sometimes you have to SHUT UP!!! Self preservation, Daniel! Ever heard of it?!?! By far the best part of his pettiness is the looks him and Sam share when someone says something stupid. Some high ranking officer saying something stupid or derogatory? Sam and Daniel are sharing a ‘do you hear this guy?’ look. Someone being a bit too mouthy for their liking? They’re side-eyeing each other. They are true best friends. Having silent conversations with one another while everyone else in the room argues. I love their very first meeting. Sam geeking out over the dialing device while Daniel watches her like ‘who is this and why is she literally the most amazing person I’ve ever met’. Them interacting that whole first episode is just the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. They are best friends, your honor. I cherish them.
Daniel, above all, is the definition of what it means to have a found family. His was taken from him and he spends his life finding a family again. The great thing is that he does find it. He finds it and he holds on so tight. I’m still working through the seasons of Stargate but Daniel is an interesting and beautiful character. He’s traumatized and sad but he’s also wonderfully complex and still learning. 
If you haven’t watched Stargate consider this: the found family trope runs rampant here. There’s plenty of content to watch, plenty of relationships to explore, and plenty of things to be said about this show. Plus, you could write some damn good fic about it if you wanted to :)
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
Actually I have more things to say about “Children of the Gods,” mainly that it laid the groundwork for Teal’c’s turn better than I’d realized.
We see him noticing the non-Goa’uld weapons and technology several times—he registers that the Abydonians have the same unfamiliar weapons as the last place, probably also registers that both places fought back against Apophis, and then when these crazy people show up on Chulak he points to Jack’s watch as more unfamiliar technology. Because of this, we see him piecing together that they have human civilization, learning, and technology, that are free of the Goa’uld and may be advanced enough to threaten them.
We also see his growing horror during the host-taking process, starting small and becoming very prominent by the time Sha’re is taken over. There are a lot of shots of him standing there looking Disturbed (especially by Teal’c standards). And when you add together that it is (I think?) entirely plausible he’s never seen the Goa’uld take hosts before, it makes a lot of sense that this would push him close to snapping.
And then he talks to the team in the dungeon, and A) they are free people. They don’t care about the Goa’uld, except in that they’re really determined to save the humans from them, and B) they say they’re from the First World, which means even more that they could be the people to actually hurt the Goa’uld.
Anyway. I love that insane, overpowering moment of hope that makes Teal’c turn around and defend the humans. I also love him walking through the wreck, afterwards, very clearly knowing he has pulled his own world down around him, with that “I have nowhere to go.” And then him coming through the Gate and handing his weapon to Sam! And Sam accepting it!
Good stuff.
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daughterofluthien · 2 years
Fictober 2022 - Day 1
Prompt #1: “I chose you” Fanfiction - Fandom: Stargate: SG-1 Rating: G Pairing: Daniel Jackson/Sha’re Warnings: none Word Count: 607
English—that was her husband’s word for the Tau’ri language—was entirely different from the type of writing her father taught her in secret when she was a little girl. Where Abydonian was all symbols and concepts, the English glyphs corresponded to sounds that were built into words. Which meant that, in order to translate them, you had to already know what the word sounded like in English.
In Sha’re’s opinion, her people’s solution was much more sensible.
She carefully turned the pages of one of Daniel’s books, pausing at one two-page spread that held a detailed reproduction of one section of the tunnel walls, with a hastily scrawled English translation—one she and her husband had worked on together—on the opposite page. She covered the Abydonian words with her hand, and glared at the English side, sounding out each word aloud.
“Two of the beliefs of our people are lies. One: Ra is a god. Two: we have always been slaves.The truth is: our fathers triumphed over the false god Ra. They drove him away and buried his gate.”
She checked her work against the Abydonian on the first page, and grinned when she found she understood nearly all of it.
“Your own personal Rosetta Stone.” Daniel’s voice startled her, and she looked up to find him staring at him, something wonderfully soft in his eyes. The sort of softness that would cause her cousins and the other boys to mock him mercilessly, but that she entirely adored.
She did not, however, expect him to be so easily distracted from his work. But as long as he did not mind, there was information she could learn, and she never backed down from that sort of opportunity. “What is ‘Rosetta’?
“Right, sorry.” A small smile curled at the corner of his lips, the same way it always did when he was shy or embarrassed. “Rosetta’s a city on my world—not that far from where your ancestors lived, actually. Thousands of years ago, they erected a stone to proclaim the coronation of a new pharoah, and because many different people lived in that city, they wrote the proclamation in three languages. Later, after two of the languages were lost—”
“—you could still translate them, because of the third.”
Daniel nodded, and Sha’re considered this. “Maybe,” she said finally, “after our people learn to write, we can create a stone of our own: the old language, your English, and a third language we will create for ourselves.” She ran her fingers across the page, tracing letters that she first saw etched in the dust by her father. After making her repeat their meaning, he had immediately wiped them away with his hand, warning her never to let the Horus guards see. “I do not want us to forget a second time.”
“An Abydos stone.” He paused a moment, then shook his head, his curled lips shifting to a full smile. “You know you deserve way better than me, right?”
She rolled her eyes. “I chose you, my Daniel, even after I knew you were not a messenger from Ra. You are my husband, and I love you.” Sha’re entwined their fingers together in a gesture that used to be foreign to her.
Daniel leaned forward to kiss her forehead, a gesture she knew used to be foreign to him. “I love you, too, my Sha’re.”
Their lips met after that: a language that, after only a few months of practice, they could both speak fluently, without the need of aid or translation. 
Communication was never easy, but the people of Abydos would learn and they would endure. She would make sure of that.
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the-stray-liger · 1 year
omg i love stargate and tbh im rly excited for u to get into it bc i know like nobody else whos seen it lmao
also tbh my fav thing about the movie is how we dont get translated subtitles for abydonian until daniel learns to speak it i just think its a rly nice touch
anyway i hope u enjoy the series!!! <3
I am having So Much Fun with this movie!! I love a nice nerd linguist meeting a fantasty civilisation in my fiction 💕 hope the series gives me more of this!!
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shauriofabydos · 7 years
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“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.” -- indie & private sha’uri from ‘stargate’ & ‘stargate sg-1′. written by skye
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atlantis-scribe · 2 years
Vala Mal Doran
Laura Cadman
Hawaii Five 0
Steve McGargett
Daniel Williams
Rachel, Danno's ex
I had to hold back for stargate.
omg. sorry babe but I don't think this is the right blog for the H50 ones haha. I'll do all three for Stargate tho! but let's keep them under a cut coz it might get long <3
first impression: "oh wow. she's now ruined the curve for all the other Kull Warriors lol"
impression now: MY DARLING SPACE GRIFTER!! though half the reason she's very near & dear to my heart is pretty much Ms. Claudia Black's undeniable charisma, Vala is the kind of scrappy & witty that later-seasons SG-1 really needed. she's just a delightfully fierce breath of fresh air and I'm still so bummed she never actually had a proper scene with Jack O'Neill
favorite moment: I love her POV flashback from Memento Mori! it's super short but so beautifully shot and very in character and I think it really encapsulates how she sees her new family and new life
idea for a story: always wanted to read something with Vala & Jack fucking shit up when Daniel was Adria's prisoner
unpopular opinion: there are parts about that cursed scene from Unending that I actually like. Daniel was an asshole for it but everything he said was pretty much true to his character. only instead of that conversation being a lead-up to them getting together it should've highlighted why no matter how explosive their chemistry is and how much passion there could be, Vala and Daniel are just not going to work in that kind of relationship
favorite relationship: still Daniel but more QPR and how she brings out something in Daniel no one else does and that I thoroughly enjoy watching
favorite headcanon: she is Sam's Bi Awakening *winkwink
first impression: "BABY BOY BABY!" also I was very fascinated with my father's zippo when I was a kid so I can totally relate hahah
impression now: Skaara will always be tied to my Big Feelings surrounding Abydos and, to an extent, Sha're. ascending everyone was such a cop out and it robbed us of the chance to properly grieve and process all the shit that went down (they tried so hard to save him from Klorel! he's Jack's pseudo-son & Daniel's freakin' brother-in-law! and now he's gone just like that??)
favorite moment: when he showed up on screen again in Children of the Gods and I realized it was the same actor from the movie. made me grin because I loved that kid!!
idea for a story: would love to explore all the things he went through when he was host to Klorel (and something that takes us deeper into Abydonian culture! I love that little desert planet. fuck Anakin give me my classier Tatooine)
unpopular opinion: he's not supposed to be ascended (ALSO who taught him how to make moonshine??! that is a CHILD! DANIEL JACKSON EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!)
favorite relationship: ofc with Dan-yel and Oneer <3
favorite headcanon: he is alive and ushering Abydos into a new, post-Goa'uld world (using all the skills and knowledge he learned from Klorel because that is poetic justice, my friends)
impression now: my feelings about all the choices made in Duet are still Very Complicated and all the cheap shots get more sour every re-watch but I still maintain that while Cadman's area of expertise sounds awesome she should still Tie Her Hair.
favorite moment: "high temperature and energetic materials technology" I don't know about you guys but that sounds hot (geddit??)
idea for a story: a rewrite of Duet that addresses all the issues surrounding agency and body autonomy and comp het and bullying and minding your own damn business and ---
unpopular opinion: zero chemistry with Carson (it was just a result of the poor man humoring a friend that was obviously going through a mental breakdown of some kind)
favorite relationship: Rodney lmao. why are you so obsessed with him Cadman c'mon now share with the class (I know, I know, it was for cheap laughs and the whole Cheerleader Bullies Nerd: Space Edition but seriously. if you wanna flirt with the doc you're supposed to have a crush on there are better ways than going thru his irritable best friend)
favorite headcanon: for some reason I don't think she and Lorne would like each other very much?? (man I really hope all my feelings for Cadman are not out of some lingering internalized misogyny but while she's enjoyable to watch there's just something about her character that rubs me the wrong way if I think about her long enough)
send me a character
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nightskythoughts22 · 4 years
Not What It Looks Like
Based off the prompt from @rauzadian. It was supposed to be more Jack/Sam-y than it came out, please forgive me! Maybe I’ll do a shippier one later in the year. Hope you like it! ---
It was beautiful day and Daniel was damn sure going to enjoy it. SG-1 had a whole week off, essentially ordered off-base by General Hammond to “relax, unwind, and enjoy yourselves”, and Daniel was going to do just that. Maybe he’d go to the park down the street and read. No, he thought, a walk sounds better.
He missed the openness of Abydos, the vastness of the desert with its ever-reaching hills. He missed strolling together with Sha’re, teaching her English and learning about her childhood, her family, her hopes, just her. He could listen to her speak for hours, in English or Abydonian, it didn’t matter. She was so free with herself in every way.
Speaking of free, Daniel thought, pulling himself from his memories. He hated feeling cooped up and he often walked around town for hours, stopping at various parks or benches to people-watch. It wasn’t that same as Abydos but it was fun in its own way. He may love history and cultures of different planets but that didn’t mean he didn’t appreciate the culture and people of today here on earth.
I wonder what Sam’s up to, Daniel thought. He’s walked to her place many times and convinced her to walk with him. She didn’t enjoy longer walks, being much more of the mindset that if you’re going to cover 5 miles in an afternoon that you might as well knock it out with a run. But she humors him when she’s not busy, still liking to get out and enjoy the company and fresh air for a little. Sam often teased him about walking so much on his downtime when that’s what they do for a large percentage of their time working.
But then again, I like doing all aspects of my job, on or off the clock, he thought.
Daniel picked up his cell phone and checked the time, 0930, good, late enough.
He called Sam’s cell and it immediately went to voicemail. He tried her house phone next but that just rang several times and then went to her answering machine.
Deciding he had nothing better to do, he poured his coffee into a travel mug and went to the door to put on shoes and a light-weight jacket. About 30 minutes into his walk he decided he may as well drop by Sam’s and see if she’s home. Maybe she was just running errands, he thought.
About 45 minutes after that decision, he strolled up the path to her door. He noticed her plants on the porch were looking a little worse for wear as he knocked. He went and nudged them forward into the sunlight, out from the shade of the overhang.
Huh, where is she? He knocked again and this time placed his ear up to the door. He could faintly hear some music coming from inside the house.
Well that explains her not answering the phone. Chuckling to himself, he got his keys out and unlocked her door. Walking inside he could more clearly hear Fleetwood Mac coming up from the basement. He shook off his jacket and threw it over the back of her couch and started to take off his shoes.
He knew her place almost as well as his own at this point. The living room was pretty but not really lived in. Her favorite part of the house, and his if he was being honest, was the furnished basement. It had one side with a computer and work area for all her personal projects and a large TV and comfy couch on the other. He has spent many nights on that couch, watching movies, talking, or just sleeping after drinking too much while doing the first two. He wasn’t surprised that she was lost to the world down there.
He walked over to the open basement door and shouted down over the music, “Sam!”
There was a little bit of shuffling and then the music was turned down and a slightly confused “Daniel?” floated back up the stairs at him.
“Yeah it’s me. You need some coffee?”
“Sure. I’ll be right up.” She responded.
With that he moved into the kitchen as he hummed along with the music. Daniel moved confidently around her kitchen, pouring out the remnants of what had to have been Sam’s breakfast coffee brew, and set about making a fresh one.
As Sam’s footsteps on the stairs rang out, Daniel pulled two mugs down from the cabinet over her sink.
“Good morning, Daniel.” Sam said as she walked into the kitchen.
“Hey Sam, coffee’s almost ready.” He replied with a quick glance over his shoulder at her.
“Great. So, what’s up?” Sam asked him. It wasn’t completely unheard of for him to come over but usually he would call first. She wished he would have since her calendar isn’t exactly free this morning.
He turned around and leaned back against the counter as the coffee dripped on behind him.
“Nothing. I was out for a walk and wanted to know if you’d like to join me.”
Sam smiled at him, “I’d loved to but I’m kind of busy this morning.”
He chuckled as he took her in completely. She was wearing lounge pants and a grey t-shirt. Her hair was different, sort of fluffier than usual, probably not doing much more than running her hands through it after showering. He noticed a small grease spot near her temple. He seen it a thousand times, both on world and off, Sam engrossed in her work and absentmindedly pushing her hair away from her face with oiled or greased up hands.
“I can see that.” He replied as he walked up to her and wiped at the smudge with his thumb.
“What?” She questioned, though she didn’t shy away from his touch. The entire team was casual and free with their touches. Teal’c had to qualms about placing his hands on their shoulders to gently nudge them away from their off-world discoveries for the night. The Colonel was quick with a pat on the back or the head, that really should seem condescending but never did.
That went doubly for the experts of the team. They worked so closely together that it was second nature for him to help pull her out from under a machine or for her to push his glasses up after they had slowly slipped down his nose. Not to mention the times spent lounging on her basement couch, watching a movie with her feet in his lap, or his head on hers. They were close by profession but comfortable by choice with each other.
“You have grease on your face. See?” He showed her his thumb and the stain on it.
“Oh jeez. I’m a mess.” She laughed.
His thumb went back to her head as he laughed with her. “It’s alright, we’ll have you back to normal in a second.”
Their conversation and laughter had drowned out the sound of a key turning in the already open lock of her front door. And the footsteps that brought Jack to the doorway to the kitchen.
“Uh, hey guys.”
They jumped and both turned towards the intruder.
“Jack, hey!”
Jack just arched an eyebrow and cocked his head looking them,
It was then that Daniel noticed that in their surprise, his hand had traveled from the side of Sam’s face to her hair. With a sidelong glance at Sam, he slowly brought his arm down to his side. Sam’s eyes widened in realization. They looked at each other and then Jack with smiles emerging on their faces.
With a smirk, Daniel said “This is not what it looks like.”
Sam joined in his laughter as Jack just shook his head at two of the stupidest geniuses he’s ever known.
“Well, it looks like you were almost successful at removing that grease stain from Carter’s head.”
Calmed down but face still glowing in laughter, Daniel said “Ok, it is what it looks like.”
With that, Sam went and grabbed a paper towel, wet it in the sink and started to scrub at the spot on her face.
Daniel walked back over to the coffee pot and once again leaned back against the counter.
“So, what’s brought you over here?”
“Well, Carter-“
Sam interrupted, “The Colonel was bringing me over something that I needed for the project I’m working on.”
Daniel’s eyes immediately went to the grocery store bag in Jack’s left hand. It was twisted as if Jack had been spinning it around, which knowing Jack was probably the case. Daniel could just make out a black box through the plastic.  
“Oh yeah?” he replied.
Jack slowly smoothed the bag and reached into it.
Jack cleared his throat and said, “This is not what it looks like,” as he pulled out a box of Trojan Magnum condoms.
Sam immediately starting rambling about small electronic parts and organization methods. After a few seconds, both men erupted in laughter.
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girlbossk · 4 years
ANYWAYS SKAARA IS ENGAGED and he’s either trying to set up jack and sam or believes they are already dating but either way i love one (1) abydonian boy
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pass-the-bechdel · 6 years
Stargate SG1 season five full review
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How many episodes pass the Bechdel test?
54.54% (twelve of twenty-two).
What is the average percentage per episode of female characters with names and lines?
How many episodes have a cast that is at least 40% female?
One (episode six ‘Rite of Passage’ (44.44%)).
How many episodes have a cast that is less than 20% female?
Six (episode five ‘Red Sky’ (11.11%), episode seven ‘Beast of Burden’ (14.28%), episode ten ‘2001′ (7.69%), episode fourteen ‘48 Hours’ (8.33%), episode eighteen ‘The Warrior’ (10%), and episode twenty ‘The Sentinel’ (16.66%)).
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Nineteen. Five who appear in more than one episode, one who appears in at least half the episodes, and one who appears in every episode.
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Seventy-two. Twenty-one who appear in more than one episode, four who appear in at least half the episodes, and two who appear in every episode.
Positive Content Status:
Not much to speak for; the one high-note episode is followed immediately by a significantly low note, and everything else is maintaining a standard of disinterest (average rating of 3).
General Season Quality:
Mostly solid; some episodes are astonishingly ill-conceived or just plain boring, but for the most part the show is giving evidence of being headed for greater heights than ever before, rather than having passed its peak. 
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) under the cut:
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Wow. Twenty-two percent on the male:female character ratio?!?! They did a better job with that when it was still the nineties! After last season’s review, I predicted being stuck talking about dudes again due to lack of female-related narrative substance, but damn. I did not anticipate the female-related narrative substance being this low. This had better be an awful fluke and not a crappy new trend...
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I mean, I knew there’d be a dearth of content to discuss, I flagged that coming in. It’s not a shock, it’s just disappointing to watch it play out, and when they hit brand-new all-time-lows on their percentages it isn’t exactly heartening. I wrote several paragraphs here, some days ago, talking about actor intentions vs writers intentions and narrative flatness and transparent characterisation, and I’m sure it was at least mildly interesting but as a reflection of season five of Stargate SG1, it just didn’t really fit, and the truth is I was grasping for something to discuss. So; paragraphs deleted. And what to put in its place? I know I threatened to talk dudes, but I have nothing new to say about O’Neill, I still think Teal’c is best discussed with a couple more seasons under our belts (as I pointed out this season, Christopher Judge is about to start trying his hand at writing episodes himself and it is GOOD), and Hammond is a delight but not one who invites a depth of commentary, at least not here and now on this blog. And that leaves...Daniel.
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I’m not sure what to say about Daniel. I loved him when I first watched this show when I was younger, but as I get older and wiser and more discerning I am far less impressed. Within the context of this blog, I guess the most important thing to note about Daniel is his history of condescension toward anyone he perceives as ‘less cultured’ or ‘civilised’; this is not necessarily something that takes on a specifically gendered air with him, but it has nevertheless often played out that way by virtue of the show’s adherence to the ‘and one (1) Hot Young Female Alien’ model of guest-populating episodes (it was also a huge problem with his interactions with his wife - remember her? - and the other Abydonians, whom he lived among for over a year and yet apparently never stopped talking to like they were all five years old). As much as Daniel was supposed to function as the ‘heart’ of the team and the diplomatic force due to his cultural knowledge, his personal connections often came off as perfunctory surface-level interactions hindered by Daniel’s patronising attitude, and he typically seemed a textbook example of a self-important academic more concerned with how a society fit his pre-conceived notions of it’s history than with actually learning of it first-hand. I could no more buy the idea that his relationship with Sha’re was a marriage of equals in Daniel’s own mind than I could believe that his (incorrect) correction of the Kelownans word ‘naquadria’ in his death episode was anything less than condescension as he presumed to ‘share’ knowledge of another culture’s ancient writings TO THE PEOPLE OF THE CULTURE ITSELF. Honestly, I cringe every time I watch that scene. And even if you dismiss that example as just a vehicle for SG1 to learn that naquadah and naquadria are two different things, the fact that the condescension is so seamlessly in-character doesn’t change. And if you want an alternative example, you need look no further than the odious ‘Beast of Burden’ episode earlier this season. Or his interactions with Reese the android, who may have had a child’s mind but it was still much more advanced than the way Daniel approached her. The people in Red Sky also got a bad end of the patronising-Daniel stick, and that’s still just an example from this season. Need we look back further? I think not.
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Anyway...I guess what I’m getting at is, I’m not sorry to lose Daniel, because for a cultural expert and amateur diplomat he was often the most insufferable person for any unfortunate alien to encounter, and the only reason his behaviour didn’t ruffle more feathers was probably because those good ol’ white American boys on the writing staff failed to recognise the condescending bullshit they were themselves perpetuating like a bunch of privileged chumps. Sorry not sorry. I really, really believe that season six is the best season of this show, and I’m not saying it’s because Daniel ascended his ass outta the team, but I’m also...not not saying that. No one needs Captain Condescension around, and he makes for a pretty dodgy ‘heart’ of the team when he’s such a holier-than-thou asshat. You know who is much better at being the heart? Teal’c. MVP. But, that’s a conversation for another time.
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jadelotusflower · 6 months
Stargate rewatch: 1x19 There But For The Grace of God
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One of my favourite episodes titles of the series, also kicking off what is essentially a four episode arc to end season 1 and kick off season 2. 90’s tv was the eternal battle between episodic and arc-based storytelling, and I actually think the show threaded the needle quite well.
I do love an alternative universe episode, back in the beforetimes when a multiverse served a story purpose and not just a fodder for fanservice of the “your favourite character, and they’ve got a new hat!” variety.
The story credit for this episode is David Kemper, an Executive Producer for Farscape, but this is his only Stargate contribution. Robert C Cooper wrote the teleplay, and the episode was directed by David Warry-Smith, his first of 11 for the show.
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Love that they brought back Catherine, Elizabeth Hoffman is great (RIP). Given that Jack is a general in this timeline, perhaps we can assume he kept her on the project as opposed to the main timeline’s General West shutting things down/sidelining her after Abydos?
But Jack still went on the Abydos (suicide) mission so presumably wasn’t a general at that time. I know we have to be la la la don’t think about it with the alternate timelines but I’m so curious how things went down in this universe!
How long did it take them to work out how to use the gate without Daniel’s help? I guess they couldn’t communicate with the Abydonians without Daniel but they still were able to kill Ra - how? If they never went to Chulak what triggered Apophis’s interest in them to mount an attack on Earth? Why is the attack in this universe before the attack in the prime universe when really the events should be delayed in the AU?
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This is a decent wig for Sam. Sadly, the only decent wig she’ll get the entire series.
I also wonder what was the difference in this universe so Sam didn’t join the Airforce.
Daniel guilelessly giving the address for Chulak right after taking about Jack intending to blow up Abydos. He’s so used to his Jack whose come so far since then, never even thinking that alt!Jack may not have, and what they might want the coordinates for.
lol, Daniel walks down the stairs, crosses the room, looks at the map, then puts on his glasses.
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“Every one of those red dots is a destroyed city.” Apophis a fan of the United Celtic Nations it seems.
Daniel finally twigs that he might be in an alternate reality (with Sam defining it for him), but we can’t be too harsh, he canonically has zero pop culture game and this was the 90’s. Even in todays over-saturation of multiverse content Daniel would probably still have no clue.
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They made a decent attempt at Spader!Daniel with this pic!
Daniel and being dead/missing in alternate realities/timelines, name a better duo.
It is interesting that in a lot of the AUs the show explores, Daniel’s lack of involvement in the Stargate program coincides with that universe being doomed.
I forgot that the 38 minute gate window was first established in this episode! That’s a huge piece of lore originating in an alternate universe.
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It wouldn’t be an alternate universe without at least one character with silly hair.
Generally I prefer AUs that explore character rather than ones used to advance plot (or are lazy fanservice looking at you mcu), and while the primary purpose of this episode is to give Daniel forewarning of the Goa’uld attack and the gate address to the source, there is some nice stuff here especially around Jack and Teal’c.
Because at their core alt!Jack and alt!Teal’c are still the same - Teal’c still hates the Goa’uld, Jack is still willing to take big risks on his instincts, and there’s a mirror to Children of the Gods where Jack reaches out to Teal’c, but it’s a dark mirror, and it’s the little differences that matter because Jack isn’t the same person as the one in CotG, who went through the Abydos mission with Daniel and came out a better person, instead he’s the one that sent the bomb that killed Teal’c’s family, and it dooms them both.
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Opening credits shot!
“I also wish to blow us all to hell.” Alt!Sam is a badass. No difference to prime!Sam there.
There’s also an interesting moment between Teal’c and Daniel in the gateroom - Teal’c doesn’t shoot straight away when he could have, so maybe Jack telling him of the alternate universe where Teal’c was fighting the Goa’uld got through. He still fires as Daniel runs for the gate, but only hits him in the shoulder - at such close range Teal’c could probably have made the kill shot. His hesitation saved Daniel’s life, and ultimately the life of his other self.
Because Daniel’s presence in the other reality changes nothing for it - alt Jack, Sam, Teal’c and Catherine all still die, the Stargate is destroyed and that would have happened anyway (with maybe the exception of Jack being able to stall Teal’c to set the self destruct).
But Daniel’s changed - there but for the grace of god (or fate) go our team.
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methodcop · 7 years
Dragon x 2 !
Tag someone who you see as really dedicated to their muse.
@sitched / @celebrityvictim / 89 others – DAMN GIRL. SO MANY MUSES, SO MUCH META. seriously, blythe, I’m in awe of essays on your muses’ backstory and their development. and knowing you like I do ooc, I know how much energy you pour into the characters you love and how much time you spend plotting their stories. basically, you care so much and it shows in everything you do. and ilu.
@algaenotwar / @barmitzvahed / all the others – look. sofia. I have never seen anyone stan as passionately for under-appreciated characters as you do. you go ALL IN and it inspires me. you’ve analyzed every little moment and tick and have thoughtful and extensive headcanons for everything. and I love that we’ve literally had conversations into the wee hours of the morning over the minutiae of the washburnes and the nebari and the abydonians… i love you and appreciate you forever bye
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
Again, watching the abduction on Abydos is just me repeating it’s a sad song (it’s a sad song) it’s a tragedy to myself as Sha’re is taken away
(Although Daniel is not quite Orpheus. I’m sure there’s a more applicable myth about the gods stealing a married woman, though... But also Daniel is thinking Icarus right now if he’s thinking anything)
Oh I have one other observation and it’s that Teal’c is smart and I think recognizes the Abydonians’ guns from the Earth attack. Which is unnerving. No one like an intelligent enemy.
Oof, Daniel’s reactions... Yelling Sha’re’s name, immediately going “We should never have taken the barricade down, this is my fault” (which I think he reasserts in Meridian?? So yeah he’s never letting go of that), laughing wildly when people try to talk to him, calling Jack “Colonel” when Jack says he has to come back with them, on the verge of tears as he says goodbye to the people who adopted him a year ago.
I appreciate that when they come through the Gate, though, it’s him and Sam who are dragging the wounded Feretti through. Daniel’s still helping people.
Side note: General Hammond got the iris set up in, what, the few days maximum between Ra’s first attack and their return from Abydos?? INCREDIBLE.
“General, hi. I'm Daniel Jackson, we've never met, um, I'd like to be on the team that goes after them.” FIRST WORDS out of the Gate.
I love Daniel. King of willful tunnel vision. There are his priorities and then there’s whatever everyone else has going on, that doesn’t matter, he needs you to FOCUS right now because he’s explaining the important stuff.
General Hammond: “??? NO???” *walks away*
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shauriofabydos · 7 years
I know you're sick of me in your in box but every second symbol in the sex/romance headcanons
💦 At what age did my muse lose their virginity?
19. to daniel -- this one’s not so much headcanon as actual canon ;D
😊 Would my muse ever ask someone on a date?
yes, but she would need to feel confident that they are actually interested and might say yes. she comes a heck of a long way in terms of building confidence in herself, but she’s just not the type of person to brazenly hit on a stranger or anything like that.
😉 What are my muse’s fetishes/kinks?
I???? don’t know??? honestly there’s never been one that has jumped out at me like ‘YES’ that’s her. it’s not really a fetish or a kink, but I do think she has a very healthy sexual appetite. especially after she’s started to come into her own and find more confidence in herself as a person and as a woman. that confidence definitely translates into her sexuality, so I imagine her having zero trouble being the more take-charge partner in the bedroom or being the one more likely to initiate sex. again, that’s not exactly answering the question but you feel me.
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
something quiet and lowkey. she’s not really the ostentatious type and would be more likely to find big showy dates embarrassing. dinner and a movie, a museum, a walk in the park or a trip to a bookstore -- that sort of thing is a+
👠 What was my muse’s last serious relationship like?
well, her last serious relationship is her only (canonical) serious relationship lol. and that relationship (aka her marriage to daniel) is pretty damn great.... but not without it’s complications, mostly down to, I think, cultural differences and that sort of thing
🌼 Would my muse prefer a big wedding or a small wedding?
definitely a small wedding. abydonians aren’t big on big wedding ceremonies (clearly) so it’s not something she ever dreamed about or wanted. as mentioned above with the date question, she’s not big on flash. something quiet and tasteful would be much preferred. 
🏩 What was my muse’s first time like?
exciting and terrifying? there were a lot of layers and dynamics at play there. she and daniel had just been through this huge thing together, they were still just getting to know each other, and he’d just decided to stay there with her. that’s a lot of MASSIVE change happening all at once. but they were also young and in love and completely attracted to each other... so my guess is that it was sort of shy and awkward at first, but - much like with their relationship in general - they quickly realized they were in sync with each other and so they relaxed pretty quickly and clearly didn’t look back lol. though she becomes the more take-charge partner with time, at first she’d definitely be relying on him a bit to guide her through it all.
👮 Has my muse ever had sex in public?
well, one could argue given the super close quarters the abydonians live in, it’s not unlikely that neighbors were... aware when she and daniel were so occupied... but otherwise? like in an airplane bathroom or something -- nah. I do have a sense that she could be persuaded into it? but it would depend on where/how many people were around. also it just strikes me as pretty unlikely that daniel could be persuaded into that sort of thing lol (assuming he’s her partner ;D)
👀 Is my muse the type to sleep around?
PFFFT. no. definitely not.
😳 What was my muse’s worst romantic/sexual relationship?
again, technically she’s only been with one person (consensually -- I’m not getting into that trauma here) so she doesn’t have much to compare to ;D
👓 Would my muse ever lie for sex?
oh please. she doesn’t have to lie for sex...
🎥 Who is my muse’s celebrity crush?
james spader. harrison ford, c’mon. I want to imagine daniel showed her indiana jones and instantly regretted it. 
💍 Has my muse ever had a one-night stand?
nope! as I’ve said several times already here, girl has not had a lot of partners!
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
holding hands, light kisses and touches, making someone a cup of tea or cooking them something, knowing when it’s helpful to talk and when it’s better to stay quiet, being there for quiet support when needed
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