#i sat down to work on a different wip and promptly abandoned it for this
mintjeru · 2 years
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will you grant my wish?
an (over)dramatization of my rolls for xiao constellations drawn as a thank you and goodbye to his rerun banner
open for better quality || no reposts || image desc under the cut || ko-fi
[Image description: A three page comic about wishing for Xiao.
The first page depicts Wangshu Inn with the mountains, moon, and clouds in the background. There is a panel of a chibi Aether standing on the balcony of the inn as he looks wistfully at the scenery. The text at the bottom of the page reads, “Please.”
At the top of the second page, there is a panel with the Primordial Jade Winged Spear and the Staff of Homa. The text states, “I don’t have the best weapons for you.” The next panel contains an Intertwined Fate. The text in this panel says, “and I don’t have enough wishes to guarantee you’ll show up for me.” Below this panel is a shooting star and a chibi Aether, eyes closed, head turned down, and hands in a prayer position. The text is broken up into parts as you move downwards, and it reads, “But even so, can I see you again... Xiao?”
The third page begins with a panel of Aether with his eyes opened in surprise. The text states, “Silly mortal. I told you already, did I not?” Below this is the text, “All you have to do is speak my name.” The bottom of the page shows a backlit Xiao with a small smile on his face as he lands on the balcony railing. He is gazing down at Aether, who has a surprised expression.]
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