#i still keep up with some things and i am /veryyy/ looking forward to the dreamies comeback
mrkis · 2 months
You're not active anymore☹️☹️☹️ Are you not into kpop or writing anymore?
i am just mentally unwell
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Clear Waters (Fili x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2069
A/N ok so I do not like this one as much and also it is veryyy long for me so that's also why. For this one, it is kind of open-ended and I still have not decided who it's for lol, It could be Thorin, Fili, Kili, or Bilbo. Who knows, even Dwalin or bombur. I lovvve being indecisive. so have a surprise and let me know if you have any requests. Enjoy xx
The water swept over me, my muscles taut with strain, but I felt freer than ever. The water was icy, but it soothed me. Muscle memory taught me to savor the moment from when I jumped in the water to when I clambered back on the boat. A few stray waves hit me, rolling me over a bit. I let them roll me, facing upwards towards the sky. I sighed. Bard would be back soon, and he would want me to help him with whatever he had today. Of course, I was more than willing to help. After all, he is the one that brings me out in these waters and lets me have time to myself. I began to swim to our meeting place, one that we both had memorized. I let my body relax, the tendrils of kelp trying to keep me from going back. I willed myself forward, but to what? More scoffing at my ideas, more remarking on how I am not married yet. But I had to.
The waves began to swell, and I smiled. Bard was here to pick me up. Of course, he did the old trick of pretending to almost run me over. I laughed at his antics, he rarely was ever humorous anymore. I hoisted myself up the side of the boat, sopping wet when I realized that he had company. I looked at Bard, who shrugged.
"Lass, you could have drowned! What are ye doing?" A crowd of what looked like 14 dwarves stood before me. They were all staring incredulously, obviously, they did not expect someone to be swimming in these waters.
"I'm just going for my daily swim of course. Did you actually think Bard was going to hit me? You have so little faith in your ferry it seems." I  wrung out my hair over the side of the boat. My explanation did not seem to suit them, but they dropped the subject fairly quickly.
"Now might I ask, who are you?" a voice said quietly. I looked up and faced a dwarf, no, a hobbit who looked very out of place.
"I am y/n, from Laketown. And who are you? It looks like you are a halfling unless my eyes deceive me," I responded.
He fidgeted a bit. He was obviously very uncomfortable. "Yes yes, that's me. Bilbo Baggins." He scooted back to the other side of the boat. An odd character he seems, out of place. Why was he here? I turned back around, tired from all the swimming. I met the eyes of some of the other dwarves. Two of them had a very mischievous look in them. Some were more somber. But one of them caught my eyes. He looked like he was the leader of all of them, even if he did not say anything. He had that air of authority to his figure. I caught his eye, trying to figure out what these dwarves were doing here, but his face did not give anything I way. I leaned my head back against the boat. Breath in, breath out. Slowly my eyes closed, letting slumber take over my willing body.
--------time change hehe--------
Bard shook me awake, motioning to the barrels that were now filled with fish. How long was I asleep for? I shook the last tendrils of sleep off me, and clumsily grabbed one of the barrels. I poured it onto the deck where Bard was pouring one, and a redheaded dwarf rolled out unceremoniously. I gave Bard a questioning look, but he motioned to stay quiet. Well, a time for everything I suppose.
Once we had poured out all the fish, dwarves included, I was free to go. But, after all, I am a nosy person, so I decided to go with Bard. For some reason we had to sneak the dwarves into his house, were they fugitives of some sort? Well, no matter who they were, they were picky, with everything. The weapons Bard offered were "not good enough". Everything seemed to pass by in a blurry haze. Clearly, I needed more sleep. I noticed one of the dwarves seemed to be in pain, clearly trying to hide it. I ventured a bit closer, but Bard called for me to help him with something.
The night approached quickly, and these dwarves were very somber. I walked up to one of them, the oldest one. "Might I ask what is going on here? Everything that I have ever heard about dwarves is that they are jovial, and I have rarely ever seen anyone this quiet," I spoke quietly, not wanting to draw attention to my confusion.
"Well lass, we are not here to stay, and we are a bit behind schedule. Everyone is just a bit tense, as this is very important for everyone," the dwarf said vaguely. "You're y/n aren't ye."
"Yes, that's me. And who are you?"
"Balin son of Fundin. It is a pleasure to meet you. Now I see you are a bit fiercer than the rest and I would like to know if there is an armory here where we can get weapons from. If you do not wish to help, that is fine. However, I can tell you want adventure. Make up your mind soon." He walked away to get some food, leaving me with my mouth wide open. How could he know? How does he know that I hate this place, that I want to leave on journeys? I would drill him about that later, but for now, I must help them.
I murmured some of the plans to Bilbo, who told Balin. Everyone else came to know, and the minute Bard would leave we would be off. Bard would not be happy with me, but I don't care. It's about high time I had something to do other than sitting around or swimming. I needed an escape. As we were all eating, talking amongst ourselves, I noticed Bard hurriedly whisper something to his son and slip out the door, unnoticed by everyone.
I yawned, "Well I think I will be heading off to bed. It was lovely meeting you all." I met all of their eyes, lingering on some for longer. I still noticed the younger dwarf hiding his pain, but I could do nothing at the moment. I left the house and down the stairs, waiting. After about five minutes I heard grumbling from the rest of the dwarves. I motioned for them to stay quiet and quickly led the way. I showed them the window that they could enter once we reached the armory.
"This is the only way in without alerting guards. Be quiet. If anyone of you makes a noise, it is over. I will leave once you get in unless there is anything else I can help you with," I said hopefully. I still wished to leave this dreadful town.
Thorin, the dwarf in charge, muttered some orders to the rest of them and then turned wearily back to me. "We are in your debt. Thank you for helping us," he said grudgingly, in a deep gravelly voice.
I nodded my head and left them, turning around a corner. I stopped though, for I heard them saying something.
"She would have been of use to us. Clearly, she knows a way out of here and we don't." I heard one of the dwarves arguing. I could not tell which one.
"No, she would only hinder us. She is soft, she has never left this village, she would only be a burden." I heard Thorin say gruffly. He wasn't necessarily wrong, but they underestimated me. I could handle a sword, and I would not hesitate in killing orcs. But if I showed myself, they would all not trust me. So I stayed hidden.
"Uncle you don't know that. Besides, think of what use a human might be. They perceive things in different ways sometimes. There's something about her. She would help us, I know she would." The other dwarf spoke.
Hmmm, which ones were his nephews. I thought the injured one was his only relative, but clearly, I was wrong. The injured one's voice was not as resonant as the one that was speaking. I accidentally shuffled a bit, and their voices grew quieter. I could no longer hear them, but it was nice to know that someone wanted me there. All of a sudden there was a huge crashing of metal and a couple of thumps. I fled the scene, knowing that I could not get caught with them. Everyone already was wary of me, I would hate to make things worse for myself.
I heard the shouting of guards as I ran, far enough away that I knew I wouldn't be caught. The town center, that was where they would be brought. I took some shortcuts, so hopefully, I could see them alright. Everything passed by in my anxiety-induced haze. If they mentioned me at all, I was well, screwed. I vaguely heard Thorin shout something, and everyone cheering, but I was mostly looking at the dwarves' faces and made sure they were alright.
Balin looked a bit concerned, and the youngest one was still trying to hide his pain, but everyone else looked joyous. I smiled looking at them. It was the first time I had seen them in a good mood. One of them looked right at me, he was blonde, and he looked younger. I think he might have been the one talking about me. I waved and he dipped his head in acknowledgment.
Everyone was busy celebrating that they were going to the lonely mountain, but I mostly wanted to check on the hurt dwarf. Kili I think his name is. But before I could reach them, the crowd pressed in. Drinks were brought out and I could barely move without bumping into someone. It got harder to breathe. I began taking quicker breathes, trying to push my way out of the pandemonium. My ears were ringing because it was so loud. Finally, I managed to get out, and I sat against one of the stalls, leaning my head back against it. Footsteps approached me, slowly, and I turned my head.
"They are going to bring doom to us all," Bard said hoarsely. "But all anyone wants is gold. Greedy things we are. It makes me almost sick to watch this. Do you want me to walk you back to your house or are you fine on your own?"
"I think I'll be alright for tonight Bard, thank you though. Goodnight." I replied back.
I closed my eyes for a second, listening to the laughter, beer slopping down the sides of mugs, something I have not heard in a long time. It is odd to miss things like this, especially when you don't realize you miss them. Some more footsteps approached me, but quicker, with a skip to them.
"My Lady," the dwarf said, bowing his head.
I smiled in return. "I am certainly no lady. And remind me, which one are you?"
"Ah, but you look like a lady to me. I am Fili, nephew of Thorin. Why are you sitting down when there are festivities to be had?"
"A gentleman does not ask a lady such questions." I retorted.
He gave a sly chuckle, "I thought you aren't a lady."
I laughed, not expecting this from him. But it was funny nonetheless. "Well, you have me there. Now tell me everything about this quest. I am keen to be on one myself and I would love to hear it all."
So Fili told me everything. Where he was born, why he wanted to go, everything. Obviously, some of the ale he drank was at work, seeming to make him more flamboyant than he usually might be. But it was amusing and laughter ensued.
When the music died down and people began to head home, Fili wrapped up his exaggerated tale.
"It was lovely to meet you Fili. I wish you the best of luck on your quest." I said softly. "Please try not to wake the dragon."
He chucked. "It was lovely to meet you as well y/n."
I waved him farewell and walked back to my house. It was always good to meet new people, especially these dwarves. They seemed like they could be so happy if they tried. Well, it is time to settle in for the night.
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kinrazhopestudios · 5 years
3 Things That Might Make You Give Up On Your Dreams - And Why They Shouldn't!
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By Asyikin.
Are you struggling in trying to stay on track towards your dreams? I'll be sharing 3 reasons on why you shouldn't give up on your dreams k.
I hope it will bring some light to you inshaAllah 💜
You know when we begin to do something new, like a new venture or something that is outside of your comfort zone, it is very exciting and also very scary, right?
At the beginning, you will feel very inspired, but, when the planning stage turns into the execution stage, somehow you will find yourself wondering.... if you should have started at all in the first place.
Sounds familiar?
Ok in this post, I'm going to share 3 things that might make you give up on your dreams - and why they shouldn't!
💜1. It’s too hard!!!!
When we start ANYTHING new, yes, it is going to be tough. But that means you’re learning lots of lessons. Maybe you are not achieving your goals yet, but, you are experiencing personal growth! And that is super amazing ok.
When it comes to things like building a business, mastering a sport... You will have to go through a learning curve first!
When I first entered entrepreneurship, did I find it hard? Of cos I find it hard! I'd be lying if I say it's so easy to do business. And yes, I learnt a whole lot of personal growth. I can say that I am a different Syikin now, compared to Syikin 5 years ago. I'm a different, better version of myself now, Alhamdulillah!
So yes, it takes time, patience, perseverance, to keep moving forward even when it is hard.
You know, the thing that stands between most people and success is quitting.
So, Believe that it WILL get easier, inshaAllah.
It does gets easier! But only when you make the choice to keep moving forward no matter what.
💜2. It’s just not working. You put in effort but you feel that it's just not working!
This just makes you feel disappointed and discouraged. So from your discouraged point of view, it MAY look like it's not working out for you. Your sales may be down, your bank account may be in the negative, and it seems like everything around you is falling apart.
But what’s going on behind the scenes?
You know we as humans right... we can only see and process a very small amount of information at a time.
The majority of things that is happening in the world are things you cannot see.
TRUST that there is more going ON, than what you see. This is where the faith comes in. Everything can change in a matter of seconds! Insha Allah...
💜3. Others don’t believe in you or don't believe in your dreams
If this is the case, it’s not time to give up ok... It’s time to find a new circle of people you should be hanging out more often with.
You deserve to be surrounded by people who believe in you, people who encourage you, and people who inspire you, to do the things you have always dreamed of doing. Other people's beliefs should NOT affect your beliefs.
For me, when I first started entrepreneurship, many people around me are not supportive cos I am doing something that is out of the norm, instead of getting a high monthly salary.
That's when I learn to surround myself with like-minded people more often. And, Alhamdulillah, it has been 5 years now, and I am still on my way towards my dreams, inshaAllah.
Ok, so go find a new circle of people that are more positive, more supportive, cos having people to support you when things get tough, is veryyy helpful!
Ok so there you go...3 things that might make you give up on your dreams - and why they shouldn't!
I hope this sharing has been useful for you.
Do like and share this post so others can benefit from it too, inshaAllah.
If you are into personal growth, and you're on your way towards your dreams, do reach out to me, cos I would love to hear from you!
Ok, remember, life challenges are inevitable in life - you will face many obstacles during your journey towards your dreams, but no matter what happens, always keep moving forward and stay hopeful always!!
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