#i wanna try at home yoga but i haven't been able to motivate myself
queerstudiesnatural · 7 months
i am in such a bad mood everything pisses me off i've been grumbling and groaning and complaining about everything since yesterday, i just want everything to stop, i want to sleep, and i want to feel better
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fenimores-book-nook · 5 months
>> Self care writing ~ Day 6 <<
November 21st, 2023, Tuesday
My Day so far: 6:30 am ~ Wake up, do some yoga, read the latest Heartstopper episode on Webtoon, get dressed for the day. 7:00 am ~ Leave for work, open the shop at 8, make some coffee for myself, shelf books, eat breakfast, do work around the store. 1:00 pm ~ Get off work, head to the library to do some writing. 1:57 pm, Now ~ Do some notebook-journaling and work on day 6 of self care writing. ;)
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I haven't done much today other than work, unreasonably freak out over a Walmart order*, read, and write. :)
*I was trying to order The Hunger Games movies and I accidentally put curbside pickup which I did not want to do. So I was going to pass time at the library but when I arrived here, I got a notification saying that it's available for free shipping, so we're doing that instead. :,) It's kind of funny how antisocial and introverted I can be when I literally work in customer service. But it's fine. I still love my job.
What I have planned for the rest of my day: 2:15ish pm ~ Leave the library, grab some lunch, and head home to relax. At home ~ I want to do some more reading, hopefully get through *at least* two chapters of Iron Flame. I also need to keep reading my book club book since I'm only like one-hundred pages in (or less) and it's next week. But who are we kidding? I will probably end up reading The Baby-Sitters Club. I also would LOVE to finally decorate my room for Christmas but I've been lacking the motivation to do so. But who knows? Maybe I'll have a burst of energy to start it today. 6:00 pm ~ Leave again and head to my friend's house so we can carpool to a play that our high school is putting on. We graduated this year, but we always love showing our support for our friends and I also just love going to productions*. 7:00 pm ~ Watch the play. :)
*I've really realized how much I love going to different kinds of productions after graduating from high school. I've been to a couple of my brother's college concerts and a musical his college put on; and I loved all of them very much. :) Honestly, I think the realization really bloomed after I saw Hamilton in person. Which was AMAZING. I was so happy that I started crying when they started singing the opening song. :,)
So for now, I think I'll do some morning journaling prompts and call a break. :) (technically afternoon prompts but it's fine)
(pinterest, of course)
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I'm grateful for my love for my hometown, it definitely wasn't always this strong, but it got there. For my two-day break from work this week. :) That I really enjoy doing my self care writings. The Hunger Games series, heehee. And for the magic of books that I'm in love with.
I have the intention for today to be a relaxing, yet productive day. I wanna get some things done (like I am right now!) but also be able to just relax too.
I want to be good to myself. Not make myself feel guilty for taking the time to rest, even if it means I don't get something done that I've been meaning to (I have time). For others, I want to be able to be a caring person that they might need. Even if it's in small ways.
I'm doing great right now! There is no need to compare different versions of myself, but what is important is to really see how far I've come and be proud of that. <3
Flash forward quite a bit! 11:48 pm, yep, it's a late night tonight. I came home from the play I mentioned earlier around 11. No, the play didn't go until then, I went with a friend and we ended up meeting another friend and just having our normal shenanigans. :) Which was quite a lot of fun. And the play. THE PLAY. It was just so incredible, I loved it so, so much. It was a reality show but with Greek gods. Pretty fantastic, I know.
Since it is almost tomorrow, I'm gonna jump to some night self care things, from the same one as before. ;)
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I started decorating my room for Christmas!! And I got writing done at the library like I intended on doing.
How much I love the library and how I can spend hours there. <3
A bit about Greek gods. Like how Zeus and Hera were siblings but they were together. Eeshk.
I felt happy and sentimental.
Some lack of motivation and my I-want-to-live-in-a-cottage-in-the-woods-alone-part of me at some moments.
Putting too much trust into things at a certain time. It's okay. It doesn't mean I'm stupid or naive. I just care a lot and that's okay.
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And of course fanart from pinterest of The Owl House, to say goodnight. (cuz they are the cutest & I love them)
Until next time,
Thalia <3
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