#i watched a theory video and had a small breakdown lol
kandayuu · 9 months
thinking about who took the shadow mantle who within castle town knew about it and it's significance who would feel the need to take it and if it's not someone in castle town who in hometown has access to the closet and would take it what does the mantle even look like in the "real" world
was it taken knowing what it was or was it an accident can you even access the closet in the school as a regular closet anymore was it the knight who took it should we assume that the knight knows it's significance what would the knight gain from stopping the fun gang from defeating secret bosses
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For context this is my theory that patient 46 is a staff bot, and I would appreciate if you listened to the tapes first! theory below.
Just as a side note, I believe the reason why an important staff bot character hasn't shown up in game is either because they were planning to but then had to scrap it or its gonna show up in dlc. Not mutually exclusive but you get the jist.
I think we should start where the theory was born. I watch this video and at that moment I didn't know that it was a staff bot, but I was already teetering on the idea it wasn't exactly organic or whatever gregory canonically is.
THEN i watched this video. When it got to map bot, I'm not sure what my exact thought process was so forgive me, but it all suddenly just CLICKED. I watched the first video again and it made SENSE. Now, don't ask me why this bot would need therapy in the first place but I have a feeling that'd be explained later. If I don't mention any other unknowns, just assume its because of that.
The reason the patient might not talk is because they literally can't! The bots have pre-made voice lines, so why waste up storage in the bots for special voices? Its also why the person's name isn't mentioned, a therapist is supposed to treat its patient with respect. I don't think calling the patient something like "Security-bot" would be treating them with respect.
The light-sensitivity thing might be because either its a security bot that works on the night shift, so its supposed to be more keen on tiny details. too many colors might be messing it up, but of course it could also be another bot that happens to really only be in dark places. Plus much of the pizzaplex is darker than the outside, so there's that.
A bot working at the pizza plex may also have more childish humor, hence why time-out is also funny.
Small and I mean SMALL side note: I don't like how this therapist tried to get the patient to speak, no matter who they are.
The flowers could be a red herring, as there are many other reasons why a bot could hate flowers other than smell. It could also be, though very low chance, be information that the bots can smell. Though I don't know why they'd say that.
"You're amazingly alert" is CLEARLY trying to imply that the patient is NOT human. Why would you say that to a human?
Most chairs would NOT fit any sort of staff bots, while animatronics probably could! The animatronics are built like adults, so they WOULD be able to fit in a particularly large chair. But a staff bot would have a harder time. It wouldn't be that the chair is just smaller, I'd assume that the company would want to try to fit the person the best it could. I'm getting side tracked though!
The 'not surprised to see another person instead of the old one' could either be they knew they went missing, or just that they'd assume they'd get fired. Again, that trick the last one tried to pull just irked me. Not particularly staff bot related, just my two cents.
Of course it could also be they dun killed them, or got someone else to. Thats something I should mention too lol
Reasons why a therapist would be surprised at a staff bot being really good with computers:
A. Occam's razor; they just aren't very knowledgeable about how well a bot would know computers
B. Just because a bot is a program when you simplify it enough, doesn't mean they'd necessarily be SMART smart with computers. There's other factors like how many programming languages there are.
Also! a bot wouldn't truly need to know big words like phenom.
Again, the candy is probably a red herring. Personally, something I do frequently when I don't have other things to do is read labeling on an object over and over, maybe until I've memorized it.
Now, for future reference for every other mention of 'family' and 'parents': A bot could very well get attached to other people if its sentient. You don't necessarily need to be a biological being to have family.
Again, a bot would not need to know a word like objective.
Obviously the patient told the story objectively because it wasn't true, but also a bot may not know how to tell a personal story at length normally!
Another side note: I don't think the whole 'talking to ones-self' thing has any importance to the identity of the person necessarily, it feels more like a personality/story(if that's the right word) trait to me.
Maybe a stretch, but say, if I were, lets say an ai, going to a human therapist, being told they worked with all sorts of people would make me feel more comfortable.
How would a staff bot spend time? Seriously, try to figure out how one could. ALSO, how WOULD a staff bot play sports? They aren't exactly as agile, quick, or fun to play with as us humans. There's not much more they could do than just watch. Plus, it would be hard to communicate that you only watch sports if you couldn't say that, or just through general body language [ESPECIALLY if you only have 3 fingers! So some parts of sign language would be hard to do]
Also, if it is a staff bot, the conversation does imply that the bots CAN leave the place [like the one map bot in that van ending]
A bot could be reasonably scared out of their damn mind if told that all their therapists before went missing and one was found DEAD.
And, lets say this bot WAS killing their therapist, what would have access to machinery more than lets say a night guard, or could operate them better than a child? A staff bot.
The way the therapist talks about the patient saying "maybe you should watch your back" also seems to imply the patient was communicating it in a joking tone, so more points to someone with child-like humor. [a child probably wouldn't get how threatening a statement that would be.]
This one implies the patient doesn't work at the pizzaplex directly, but that doesn't destroy this theory because there's still things like "gotta get the parts" or "gotta get the food". Plus, Staff bots may not be Freddy's specific! But its highly implied that at least THIS bot works for Freddy's, otherwise I don't know why the therapist would be able to get logs from the tech people.
This one obviously implies whoever the patient is, they are related to Vanny. Along with the other stuff I did not mention or will not mention because I don't particularly find anything important to the theory.
I personally think the eyes part is a red herring in general. There are many positions any suspect could make without their eyes being visible.
I find that the manipulation line, personally, may not be referring the person being a MANIPULATOR manipulator. This may not make sense, so forgive me, but I think its kind of like... the patient letting someone think they are manipulating them, but in reality the patient is two steps ahead of the person.
This tape also implies that the patient has communicated with either Bonny or Vanny, or is the two. If it is a bot, and I'm correct, it would also imply the bot has an identifying feature only they have.
The patient finding the rabbit ears funny once again implies a sort of childish humor.
Once again, I find a staff bot having an easier time hacking the pizzaplex than anyone else.
Also, the language here. Not "Your device". Nor "Your computer". You.
After "tell me why you lied" and what sounded like "Are you", there is a strange noise. Once again, big 'ol stretch but it does sound a little robotic in nature.
WOOOOO I'm done! If you have any comments, questions, or complaints, please do say so.
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kainetestament · 3 years
Pietro, no Fietro could still possibly be Peter from X-Men Universe… Maybe?
So as revealed in Episode 9 of WandaVision, the identity of Fietro is none other than Ralph Bohner, the husband Agness always mention, and a possible real resident of Westview. WV director Matt Shakman already clarified that the “Bohner” is actually a reference to his 80’s sitcom Growing Pains. But for many fans of Evan Peters, this “Bohner” joke didn’t play well and at the same time, let us breakdown everything that is wrong with this identity of Ralph Bohner and why he’s suspicious despite the claim of WandaVision writers/director that Evan Peters has nothing to do with the mutants or X-Men Universe, after all they always deny everything. They even mentioned that they had no idea that Evan Peters appearance will cause so many theories and everything, which I highly doubt, I mean come on, they made him play QuickSilver in WandaVision when he is QuickSilver himself only of another universe. I don’t dissed ATJ, I love this guy too from his Kickass, Godzilla movie (this is where I first encounter ATJ before his QS role in Avengers), but as a QS, Evan Peters top him, on my opinion at least, he even has his own QS commercials. Also, Evan Peters have more cool QS moments, the Kitchen scene VS the Age of Ultron overall, at least for me, I prefer the kitchen scene and the whiplash part. Anyhow, let us begin:
 Note: I edited this post to make this article more easier to read and added additional info.
1. Speculations roaming around that Ralph Bohner could be an aspiring actor because the picture is actually his headshot (which actually looks like his earlier AHS photos). I’m not going to debunk this possibility, but I do not believe it’s a headshot nor he’s an aspiring actor. Although true enough, the image does looks like of Evan Peters early AHS photos (kind of like Tate Langdon) – which is probably a reference to that, who knows.
2. The pile of papers on the side table. It is questionable why would your papers, a bill (a very old bill even - not folded or inside one of those envelopes) and your photos in plain sight where Monica – an outsider can see it? Almost as if you planned it all along and he wanted Monica to see it.
3. Necromancy vs Crystallum Possession. Necromancy is a dark arts of when the person (the Necromancer) can manipulate the dead body of the person, or summoning their spirit. Crystallum Possession however is also part of the dark arts but this time you are using an object (like crystals, gems, stones etc) that is embodied with the user’s spells to manipulate the wearer.
Agatha had told Wanda that what she does is a crystallum possession since necromancy is a no-no due to his brother’s body is on another continent, and since this Pietro died in 2014, it should now be bones, I think the “full of holes” remark is nothing more than a mocking remark, because if it’s not, then Marvel will probably have their own interpretation of Necromancy and Crystallum Possession, and this could probably go darker. And Ralph is wearing a bead necklace that is embedded with Agatha’s power. But is Agatha really in full control of Ralph? Honestly, I don’t think so. Why? Because in Episode 6, Peter said about Wanda’s costume “Worse than the costume mom made us the year we got typhus”, then she reminisced “that year”, and told him  “That’s not exactly how I remember it.” because in her universe, she isn’t wearing Halloween costume she thinks is worse and she didn’t deny about them getting typhus, so what are the odds of Agatha/Fietro getting that info if he is not Peter? Also, we don’t know how MARVEL will tell the story multiverse/alternate timelines (the Russo Brothers already claimed that they have their own way of telling this story), but if we are looking for a one generic rule, major life events will occur but will be told uniquely as per their universe, on this case Peter and Wanda did had a typhus, but in Peter’s world, his Wanda and him are probably wearing whatever cosplay outfit their mom made and in Wanda and Pietro are just wearing something simple, or it could be that Peter really just have a weird sense of style.
4. The WATER BILL. Now, this is a real bill, it is not part of Wanda’s illusion, this is Ralph’s actual water bill, because Ralph’s house was under Agatha’s spell, which makes it exempted from Wanda’s spell.  Also, if you go frame by frame, you can actually see the word “Water”, “PAST DUE” on the right column part of the bill, before it totally goes out of focus and you can only read the left side part, that also says “YOUR MONTHLY USAGE (1,000 GAL INCREMENTS)”, which further validates it’s a water bill, not a phone bill nor electricity bill as others actually claim. And here is the tricky part, the bill’s date. On the right side under the STATEMENT is the Account Information (using Arial font), it’s a bit hard to make out of it, but it’s actually an old bill. Before it becomes totally blurry, you can read the right part of the bill that says:
ACCOUNT:                      09-3476-12
BILL DATE:                     10/01/2020
DUE DATE:                     10/31/2020
If we go back to Infinity War, it takes place in June 2018. So that means that this Ralph Bohner survived the SNAP, but what could happen to him in year 2019-2020? Who knows, I don’t even know if I should care or not.
If we check on the usage chart – which is “not blurred” (it’s also in increments of 12 – 12/24/36/48/60), and I’ll just speculate on the numbers on the meter chart, so don’t take my word for it. Also, I don’t know what Marvel is planning or hinting by showing this insignificant 2020 bill, which also has confusing usage. (I’ll just use term like pcm – per cubic meter, so that it won’t just be plain numbers beside the month).
January - 6 pcm
February – 18 pcm
March – 6 pcm
April – 6 pcm
June – 6 pcm
July – 9 pcm
August – 13 pcm
September – 22 pcm
October – 34 pcm
(November and December have gray shade - similar to the one in month of Jan-May).
Again, I don’t know what’s the significance of not blurring this part of the bill while the right side column is properly blurred. And the confusing part of this bill, is the bill date is of 10/01/2020 – meaning Ralph had received this bill during the first week of October, but why is there already a usage for the full month of October, when usage should be only show up to the month of September? After the Account Information, there’s the
4             1963 (?)        09/01/20      *- - - -*          *- - - -*
The PREVIOUS actually looks like either 1063 or 1963, and oddly enough the first Avengers Comics was published on September 1, 1963, I don’t know if that’s a reference to that, but from my pov, it shouldn’t be because this series is inspired of House of M and a bit touch of West Coast Avengers, which was already reference by the SUV plate number in Episode 7. The CURRENT and DATE are both unreadable, I can only identify _ _ _ 2 in CURRENT and 0_/_ _/20 for the DATE after.
And let’s also not forget that outside the HEX, it is August 2023 and as per Episode 8, inside the HEX is currently year 2013 as shown in the auditorium behind the lighting after it explained how Wanda created Vision. I don’t know if this is a reference to something from the past MCU projects (X-Men even) or future franchise like Falcon and Winter Soldier, who knows, really. I just find it weird why they didn’t blurry the meter chart while the rest are. But why year 2020? Why isn’t this bill thrown out yet? Didn’t Monica notice that billing date of the bill?
5. The man-cave. The staff really transformed Fietro’s man-cave into very, very Peter-like (if he really is not Peter). I will list thing that are present and similar to what Peter of X-Men Universe room have. I’ll reference * (single asterisk) for Days of Future Past, ** (double asterisk) for Apocalypse, and *** (triple asterisk) for both films.
❀ comfortable couch***
❀ guitar*** 
❀ headphones***
❀ balls*
❀ lots of posters***
❀ bike***
❀ a bar**
❀ shoes on the floor**
❀ different types of drinks (non alcoholic)***
Also, lots of silver/metallic items such as:
❀ silver lamp**
❀ silver TV
❀ silver house ventilation tubes
❀ silver pillowcases (looks gray on other angles)
❀ silver mini fridge
❀ silver microwave oven
❀ silver rack (where TV and speaker stands)    
❀ silver wristwatch*
❀ video games*** (both PS & XBox)
and even something that looks like a stolen goods like the Tiki Bar plaque, Tiger head.
This Fietro is basically just missing the goggles, I did my best to look for it (like on those detective games that instructs you to find this and that *lol*), but there’s really none *laugh*. Also, I just noticed the arrangement of his man-cave – single-seat couch** > small side table with a lamp** > 3-seater couch (the Apocalypse has an L-shape couch though) > a middle coffee table**, this arrangement is similar to Peter’s man-cave in Apocalypse which can be slightly seen when his mom came down saying “Just checking on you” (you can watch it at starting point 1:02:55, at least on my copy), you just need to look for proper timing because a few of those shots are out of focus probably due to her obviously looking somewhere reading her lines that are raised besides the camera, which became even more obvious  when she did a close up shot when she told him “But trust me, this won’t end well. Nothing does with him.” 
Also, in Episode 5, when Peter first made an appearance, the leather jacket he’s wearing is eerily similar to the one he’s wearing in his cameo appearance in Deadpool 2 (we only got the glimpse of the front of the jacket in Deadpool but the front side of his jacket in WandaVision is identical). Though I find it weird too that his hair color switch from silver to light ash blonde.
6. Ralph is the guy under witness protection? I doubt it, although honestly at first I considered maybe he is, but after a few thinking, it doesn’t lead to it, because if he’s in witness protection, and the person who is managing him forgets him because of Wanda, FBI database should still at least have a photo of him to be able to identify him, and Jimmy in episode 7 saw Peter and never commented about him being their missing guy. As we all know, the house is under the name Ralph Bohner, who we can assume survived the SNAP and possibly left that house in September 2020. If he had left the house way back in 2020, why does Agent Woo or FBI rather only checked it now? Also, if Ralph Boner is indeed the guy under witness protection, it is the FBI that pays off their bill, on this case, the Water Bill was past due even if it was an old bill, so I don’t think he is.
7. Does Ralph Boner really exist? This is actually something that I have given some thought. Because if we think of QuickSilver, one of his abilities as per comics is his Quick Intelligence. His mind process a lot of things much faster than an average person. Peter spying on everyone and pretending to be someone else in an unknown world is not surprising, let alone using everything he can take advantage of. It can be that the bill is fake and there is really no Ralph Bohner, or just like what I mentioned in #7, he could’ve possibly left in September 2020 and hasn’t returned yet, and Peter assumes this identity to avoid suspicion.
If we are to assume he really is Peter Maximoff of X-Men Universe (Earth-TRN414) and crossed over to Earth-616, I did consider this could also be the house where he lives as per his universe and just so happens that Ralph Bohner is the current owner of the house in this MCU. Also, Xavier Institute is located in NY and in Days of Future Past, they only drove from NY to his house via rental car, which we can assume that he doesn’t live that far from NY, after all NY and NJ are neighbors.
8. Also this has nothing to do with Ralph/Fietro, but something I noticed, that the outside anomaly or outside of Westview – about the selective amnesia has yet to be answered. It only explained that Wanda is manipulating the people INSIDE, but not the ones outside the HEX. What actually come to mind when I think about it is that it can be a work by a TELEPATH which can be either Charles Xavier or Emma Frost (no Jean Grey? Yes I excluded her). What I am actually thinking is that the person under witness protection is a spy sent by Charles or possibly working with him. He could have implanted false memory to the so called “family and friends”, so when the HEX was established, the strings got cut off hence no one could remember this “missing person” anymore, and Jimmy who has nothing to do with this “missing person” is not affected by the selective amnesia and assumes the responsibility of looking for him. And assuming Charles is the telepath who altered their memories of the people outside of Westview, he probably has done it as a precaution since he couldn’t contact his spy or “missing person” and wouldn’t take the risk of endangering the resident who were happened to be outside the HEX when Wanda establishes it.
These are just some of the things I find that doesn’t make sense with Ralph’s identity. But we’ll just leave it at that. I still really want James McAvoy back as Charles Xavier and Michael Fassbender as Magneto, since both Sir Ian McKKellen and Sir Patrick Stewart did mention they’re done with their role. And I feel that it’s too risky to use them since they are in their 80’s now, I don’t know them personally but it gives me some sorts of paranoia *laughs* thinking they might get injured.
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heyitsneen · 4 years
Buckle in because I have been on a RIDE the last few months so I wanna write it all out how BTS stole my whole soul.
I didn’t want to get into kpop even though i remember casually liking a couple shinee songs way back in like 2008 and coming across some kpop music videos when i lived in vietnam in 2012. all i remembered basically was ‘SHIIIIINNNEEEE’ lmao and remembered thinking it was fun but not really listening to it. I had a weird snobbishness against kpop fandom but secretly always knew from the glimpses of fancams and gifs and music vids i’d casually come across that if i looked into it i’d probably like it. I had no IDEA though how talented most kpop groups are and how much dancing was involved. I confess I had a really american view of pop groups and expected it to be all about looks and really poppy boy-band/girl-band, which I also do like...but didn’t put me in a rush to find out more about kpop. If I had realized how much they dance I know I would have looked more into it years ago because I love and respect dancing. I still knew I had the potential to like it if i ever looked into it, but I thought of it super shallow-ly so I never took the time to learn more. 
I remember years ago when Jin trended as ‘third guy from the left’ and i didn’t really know who he was at the time except that bts was pretty big and my college roommate casually liked them. I read through the comments on twitter at the time and was entertained and a little curious but didn’t look further. I remember seeing a pic as a result of the trend and finding out ppl called him World Wide Handsome and i found that hilarious and awesome and agreed with the assessment, I remember finding them all super handsome, but at this point still had only heard a little bit of Boy with Love.
Much later (years?) an NPR podcast I followed talked about Blackpink doing coachella and I got curious and watched a couple mvs and was really impressed but still casually. I now had a bit of a better respect for it but was still not really into it yet except thinking blackpink had bops and being generally vaguely aware that blackpink and bts were popular (i really didn’t realize how popular and how much music they were selling tbh).
Time passed and I forgot about it until about this april while I was bored in quarantine. I got SUPER into The Untamed and then super into finding out more about Wang Yibo...which lead to watching all of his dance stuff on youtube, which lead to a ton of stuff about Uniq. I was intrigued by kpop now because of learning more about Uniq, yibo, and then produce 101 and woodz but it was still casual.
I especially loved watching the dancing so I started watching dance compilations on youtube of kpop dancing. The whole dance practice thing amazed me and I had so much fun watching dances but wasn’t really getting into who was who yet or the music really. Then Taemin’s Move happened to me and I was HOOKED on that and watched it a ton of times in the next week or so while also watching playlists of generally popular kpop music vids. I started wanting to just see a bit of what was popular and was having a good time but not really hooked yet beyond quarantine boredom and knowing that looking up kpop dance vids was going to become a thing i did on youtube probably from then on.
By coincidence around this time the Daechwita music video came out and had a ton of views so i got curious and was in awe of it when I watched it. I loved the rapping, the hype-ness, the cinematography, the lyrics...everything. I learned then from the comment section that Agust D was actually Suga from BTS which instantly made me want to know way more about bts, but I was still stuck on thinking of them as pop and amazed that suga was such a good rapper. So I wanted to see how other people reacted to him and watched a ton of reaction vids of ppl reacting to Daechwita.
This made me curious about Suga and BTS so I watched DNA and Boy With Love and enjoyed those but they were more what I expected as more poppy songs, so at that point I just enjoyed it casually for the eye and ear candy, but I was amazed that agust d was one of the members in that group and the duality of that had me intrigued (i naively thought agust d/suga’s rapping was completely a separate persona than BTS, before I realized how talented suga, RM, and jhope are within bts too and how many of their songs have a lot of rap as well). So I wanted to learn more about BTS but just watching stuff by myself seemed boring so I binge watched reaction vids of people reacting to bts for the first time and learned way more about them along with youtubers and had a blast. Watching reaction vids at first felt like hanging out with other clueless friends all chatting about this thing new to us, so somehow it made everything feel more accessible to me especially while I missed casually browsing youtube with my friends during quarantine. Mic Drop was the first of their songs to get stuck in my head and had me specifically looking up the MV/listening to it and searching out ppls reactions to Mic Drop. Then I came across reactions to the 2019 mma performance and was blown away and watched a TON of reactions to that but I still didn’t know who anyone was and hadn’t looked into many lyrics but by then i was super impressed by the effort and performance level.
A turning point from casual fun interest to deeper stanning happened though when I watched a reaction vid someone made (unfortunately can’t remember who now) to Spring Day and the explanation of Spring Day. I was AMAZED at the intellectual and careful artistry in that music video and the heart put into it. This for me started to elevate my curiosity about bts specifically over just being curious about kpop in general. I decided to watch a bunch of reactions to ‘who is bts’ type of vids because i wanted to know their names at that point and I was blindsided by how impressed I was with their thought processes (specifically RM and Suga, especially at first), their individual strengths, their personalities in general, their bonds, their work ethic and ambition, and their inspirational story. I decided to watch their music vids on my own in chronological order and realized that there was reoccurring and connected story and symbolism in their music vids stretching for years and was SO HYPE about that and impressed by it (I love analyzing media, I even was briefly a film major so I was GEEKED about the artistry and symbols in their music vids even before I realized the references or how confusing and deep it ran and that made me like them even more). I googled about the storyline looking for theories/explanations and found the webtoon, which just blew my mind that they even had a webtoon! I read it in one night lol, I was in multimedia heaven honestly I have never heard of a music group being so into using so many mediums for entertainment and was definitely feeling so happy to get into it. THE WINGS SHORT FILMS were I think what officially elevated everything for me and made me know I’d always want to keep an eye on what they were putting out there because it was so so cool to me that they’d have this storyline in their music videos and also take the time to make these little artsy short movies I was SO IMPRESSED and blown away.
The real soul steeling happened though when I saw RM’s UN speech and started watching more compilations and reactions showing RM and Suga talking about their thoughts about their success and their music and learning about the relationships and personalities of the members...I quickly grew to appreciate each individual which really surprised me because how can one group be so complete and have 7 individually interesting people in it. I loved too that they all had their own solo stuff and were allowed to each shine in their own ways. It became about more than music for me at some point in there and I know now I’ll probably have warm feelings about them and want to root for them on a deeper level for a long time. Now their music is so enriched for me by all the behind the scenes stuff I’ve seen. I really in earnest then was mainlining all of the stuff I could in a mix of reaction vids to funny compilations to lyric breakdowns to finding an index that lists as much as possible in chronological order that I’m now watching through including their early vlogs and gameshows and it’s just so fascinating to me how much content they have documenting their whole journey and I am having such a fun and moving and inspiring time watching it. It’s really helped me during quarantine especially and now I can really say I am a really big fan of BTS and probably will be for a really long time.
I still sometimes watch other kpop music vids and have now seen all of TXTs stuff, but so far other groups haven’t grabbed my heart in the same way. I know at some point they probably will and I have been really impressed by the talent all throughout kpop in general that i’ve seen. I can usually only be obsessed with one thing at a time though lol, but I look forward to paying more attention in general to kpop from now on!
But there is something really special to me about BTS right now so I’m just letting myself bask in that obsession and it is so great. So many of their lyrics move me, RM and Suga alone are such interesting people that they alone would make me want to keep up with BTS. But then on top of that the rest are so great in their own ways too and Jimin along the way became probably my ‘bias’ though I really do like them all so much in their own ways that choosing one as a fave feels stupid. Then on the shallower note they are also beautiful, so there is that...but that is such a small piece of why I love them now. Kpop combos everything I love about music...the theatrics, the symbolism, the flashiness, the music, the makeup, the glam, the dancing, the fun, the inspiration, the acting, the iconography...and with bts it’s also a group of guys who are so intensely likable and root-able, with a huge amount of content, who reflect a lot on what it means to love yourself and know yourself and who are really open about how much effort goes into their crazy lives...and I am just upset that I didn’t know more about them years ago.
I can also completely see why fans are a bit obsessive and defensive about the genre and about their fave groups now...because the western media still doesn’t really get how impressive this stuff is and how much work goes into it. I mean already groups like one direction and other pop groups had to fight uphill battles for respect b/c for some reason pop music gets such a bad rep. But western media and ppl who never bother to look into kpop look down on it so dismissively as mindless pop or just about looks and are so extra condescending about it like these kpop groups are lucky to come to the US or something. There’s so much reluctance to embrace it even when it’s so popular, that fans have to shove it’s popularity in ppls faces for it to start to be accepted finally, and even now the attitude in media toward it seems pretty dismissive like it’s just temporary or about teenage girls or they focus on the fans and not the music...or they purposefully overly focus on negative or perceived negatives and look for things to discredit their accomplishments. In some ways the popularity BTS has accomplished is even more impressive to me than the beatles comparisons imply, because BTS did it with a language barrier, while dancing, and in the face of the US still being pretty racist against asians. It really is impressive, and even as a new fan I get so frustrated when people try to dismiss it as fad or minimize their successes and the mark on culture and music history that not just kpop but specifically BTS is making with these accolades and firsts.
Way too much western media focus goes to extra shit like: how young they are (they aren’t even really younger than a lot of american performers anyway), dismissing their involvement in the music process (freaking do your research and give credit where credit is due, many idols are more involved in their creative process than american singers anyway and even if they weren’t why are we suddenly caring about that?!), focusing on the rules they are under from companies (accept that it’s a different culture...also, disney anyone?), crediting their collaborators for their success more than them (sia added absolutely nothing to ON for example...and their success is not because of Halsey..and stop f-ing asking who they want to collab with), not giving credit for their dancing and over-focusing on live vocals without crediting them for singing /while/ dancing (that shit’s hard and no one is doing it like kpop, and even if sometimes live vocals get shaky the way people specifically nitpick and harp on that for them is so stupid when plenty of super popular ‘western’ singers also give some shaky live performances or also use a backing track all while dancing a hell of a lot less), criticizing them for makeup (i honestly think this is thinly disguised racism/fetishism at work because plenty of american male artists wear makeup and are not met with the uncomfortable comparisons to dolls and girls and sexualized criticism that american media gives this), dismissing them as just ‘pretty’, judging them for how the trainee system works (which they don’t really have control over, and is pretty hypocritical anyway when you consider how western music contracts and studios work...shadiness is intense in american music industry too), constantly wanting them to put more english into their music (spanish songs are getting radio play (tbh also not enough), and their global success keeping their korean lyrics proves anyway that we should be moving beyond caring so much about language barriers but the radio/media response is just so behind what people are listening to/buying and it’s frustrating how xenophobic it is). 
now that I know more about it, it’s so insulting how condescending some of the interview questions they get and some of the articles about kpop are because they act like kpop is some alien thing that’s lucky to break into the US as if the US is the center of everything and tbh it’s disrespectful and xenophobic and often racist. kpop is a whole package of entertainment and showmanship that honestly is way more work than most of the famous ‘western’ performers bring to their shows and music vids. I am not naive and I do know that language does affect radio play, but it’s not hard to look up lyric translations and music is really transcendent of language imo. It’s not like they need to be playing every new group or even a ton of korean music, I know that american radio is pretty guttless at the prospect of sharing ‘new’ stuff, it’s a lot of the same stuff repeatedly, but at the very least the groups and songs that are organically selling huge numbers and getting hugely popular should get the radio play that reflects some of that popularity. Really entertainers in the US should be trying to learn from the kpop scene and tbh it should be way more respected than the condescending reluctant attitude music media in the US especially has been giving it. I do feel like maybe the attitudes are changing and I hope they are. I really feel like it’s the future of pop and it’s really exciting for me now to finally know more about it and be more aware of it for the future.
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rukakikuchi · 4 years
LOONAverse timeline theory - Breakdown (Part 2)
So, we’ve met Yves and established the start of her rebellion against Eden, so now it’s time to see how her actions begin to influence the other Eden girls and how they connect the past and the present.
Chapter 2 - Eden, together
Yves lives in a boarding school with three other girls in Eden; Chuu, Gowon, and Olivia. Much like the rest of Eden, it’s meant to be an ideal utopia where they are raised to be perfect girls, and their behavior is constantly monitored.
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Yves starts to rebel against Eden and the school because she wants to express who she truly is. And this catches the attention of the one who watches her closer than anyone else.
Chuu, the lover
As I said in the last chapter, Chuu deeply admires Yves, often watching her from afar and copying what she does to be like her. 
While it’s stated her admiration for Yves is more similar to a childish crush, I wouldn’t consider it a stretch to say that Chuu is in love with Yves, as she constantly pines for her attention.
And Yves is *very* aware of the fact that Chuu is in love with her and seeking her attention. Even if she pretends to be oblivious, she just knows that Chuu is watching, because she knows full well she has captured her heart.
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But after her fall from Eden, the only thing on Yves’ mind is how she can get out of Eden. She doesn’t accept Chuu’s offering of the green apple (which is meant to be Chuu’s heart/feelings for Yves), because Chuu hasn’t made the choice to leave Eden.
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On Christmas Eve (*snickers*), Yves sneaks down to Earth again to enjoy Christmas out of Eden.
(Hehe, maybe this is when “The Carol 2.0″ takes place. x3)
Chuu is lonely, and missing Yves.
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So when she finds out about the doorway outside of Eden in the forest, she sneaks out of the boarding school and goes to Earth to find Yves herself.
But because she’s still a resident of Eden and hasn’t eaten the Forbidden Fruit, even when she finds her, she can’t be with her.
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As long as she stays in Eden, she can’t be with Yves. That’s the conclusion Chuu comes to.
So, in an act of desperation, she eats the Forbidden Fruit to grant her wish; for her and Yves to be together.
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(Her green apple that represented her heart turns into the red Forbidden Fruit.)
She passes out, most likely not being used to the cold winter as Eden seems to be in an eternal spring, but is woken up later by Haseul.
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But she doesn’t see Haseul. The only person on her mind is Yves.
She doesn’t immediately realize it, but she was practically reborn upon eating the Forbidden Fruit. She’s now fallen from Eden.
And much to her joy, her wish to be with Yves has been granted.
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Because now, Yves can return Chuu’s affection.
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And look, there’s a duck/baby swan and penguin plushie in the window, side by side! (So cute. uwu)
It’s been pointed out by other LOONA theorists that Chuu’s video shows parallels to the story of the Little Match Girl, whose story ends when she dies after her matches grants her visions of her late grandmother.
While I, too, can see the visions of her and Yves celebrating Christmas together were granted to her by eating the Forbidden Fruit before her “death”/rebirth, I also believe that they actually do happen later since Yves accepts her after rejecting Eden.
So now, Yves and Chuu have fallen from Eden, which leads us to...
Gowon, the butterfly
Now it’s time to turn our focus to our butterfly girl, Gowon.
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Gowon herself is a very reclusive girl. Her heart is usually a locked door, and she only lets in someone she fully trusts. That being said, even though she resides in the boarding school with three other girls, she isn’t really close with them (except for maybe one, but we’ll talk about her later. 😉)
Let’s also note that the chandelier hanging above her head is a recurring motif for her video. It looks almost like a crown.
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We also have these shadow girls, the one in the center being Gowon’s shadow.
Gowon’s shadow appears frequently in her video, alongside the “shadow and light” motif, and is representing Gowon’s true self, a reflection of her heart and who she wants to become. She just doesn’t realize it at the moment.
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A door is opening... Someone is invading Gowon’s heart, but who is it?
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Why none other than our friendly fruit bat, Choerry. Upside-down, no less.
But again, like her appearance in the “Starlight” Cinema Theory clip, something seems different about her.
Here’s what she looks like when you turn this shot right side up and zoom in.
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(This was shown in Daebak Jjang’s breakdown of “One&Only” on Youtube, so sorry this isn’t high quality.)
Fitting for the darker concept in yyxy/Eden, Choerry’s expression and outfit here is a lot different from the more summer-y, cool girl concept we usually see from OEC.
But remember what I said when she appeared in “Starlight” and met Yves?
This isn’t the same Choerry we saw back in the first part of “Love Cherry Motion” with Haseul and Yeojin; it’s a different Choerry.
Who this Choerry is will come into light later. But first...
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She has the Forbidden Fruit.
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The same one she received from Yves.
She’s come to Eden to fulfill her “favor” to Yves, and help her escape Eden.
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And now we begin to see Yves and Chuu’s shadowy figures stalking Gowon. This and Choerry dropping the apple shows that the idea of leaving Eden has been planted in Gowon’s mind. However...
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Gowon is running away from them.
While it may be tempting, the thought of leaving Eden still scares her. She continues to hide in the darkness, secluding her heart and refusing to open up to them.
But while Yves isn’t able to convince Gowon to leave yet, she has planted the seeds for what’s to come next.
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The chandeliers above her head are now lit up, meaning she is now becoming enlightened of her true self. Just like Yves, she’s beginning to think for herself and what she wants.
Deep down, Gowon wants to be loved and love herself, yet she often feels small and insignificant. She wants to be happy and feel accepted by her own self, so that she can be accepted and loved by everyone else.
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Gowon’s shadow, her deepest, truest self reflected in her heart, wants to be adored and loved like a princess.
Gowon wants to be her own beloved princess, and love herself.
And she realizes she doesn’t need to stay in Eden for that to happen.
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I don’t need no garden of Eden
All she needs to do is...
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Accept and embrace every part of herself. Even her shadow.
Thus she begins her metamorphosis.
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And when she emerges from her cocoon, she takes it upon herself, not as a request from anyone else, to make the decision to leave Eden.
And so she eats...
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NOT the Forbidden Fruit, but a pineapple, her representative fruit.
(^Keep that in mind for later.)
Eating the pineapple means she recognizes herself as something precious, like royalty. It’s the final step in her metamorphosis to becoming her truest self.
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Behold, a Gowon reborn as the beautiful butterfly she was always meant to be.
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And Yves immediately takes notice of this. Gowon is a changed girl, who now wishes to leave Eden and love herself more than anyone else.
Thus, Yves welcomes her with open arms, recognizing Gowon for the princess that she is.
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Gowon’s bracelet, and... Kim Lip?
Okay, so remember this clip from Yves’ “new”?
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And how I said that I personally thought this was a penguin plushie, while everyone else said it was an owl?
Well, like many things that came to me as I was further analyzing the lore and discography in LOONA and the LOONAverse, I began to piece together some clues that help me see Kim Lip has a deeper connection to the Eden girls than I originally believed.
Let’s talk about the “SeeSaw” Cinema Theory clip.
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Chuu and Gowon are seen making a bracelet while singing the title song.
What’s significant about the song, other than that it’s a Chuu and Gowon duet (and a good song, much like much of LOONA’s discography. lol)?
Kim Lip has two lines in it. Just two lines.
It’s been a long long day Maybe today’s just a day I’ve had too much coffee
The lines themselves aren’t that significant, but what bugged me was, why is Kim Lip even included as a feature if she only sang two lines?
Well, look what’s going on in the Cinema Theory clip. Chuu and Gowon are making a bracelet.
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And as stated in Chapter 1 of my breakdown, this bracelet was sent to Hyunjin in the Cosmos.
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In fact, Gowon seems to be connected to Hyunjin. There’s even a cat in her solo video.
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And did you notice there were several shots in the first half of “Around You” that looked like they were coming from a cat’s perspective?
Hyunjin even approached a cat outside her house with the letters she wrote on Earth.
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Gowon sent this cat to bring her bracelet to Hyunjin as a message. There’s even a brief moment where we see Gowon through the cat’s perspective, just like in Hyunjin’s video.
But then that leaves one question... Why did Gowon even send that bracelet to Hyunjin?
The answer... is Kim Lip.
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Kim Lip has been searching for Choerry and Jinsoul in the Cosmos, all by herself, without her Odd Eye or super speed.
Then, she finds the doorway in the forest that leads her to Eden. I believe that Kim Lip met Gowon and asked for her help to find her missing friends. She told her about Hyunjin, and Gowon decides to help and try to reach her.
But this is where things get more interesting.
Because Gowon did succeed in reaching Hyunjin. But the bracelet didn’t go to Hyunjin, the normal girl living on Earth with no memory of her former home.
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It went to Hyunjin, the girl who was living in the Cosmos, searching for evidence that there are other worlds outside her home.
In other words, Hyunjin in the past.
Kim Lip’s request to Gowon is what lead Hyunjin to leave the Cosmos. It’s like a time loop.
Then, Kim Lip returns to the Cosmos, to continue her search for Choerry and Jinsoul.
And once again, this chapter will be a two parter, so look forward to Part 2 of Chapter 2!
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Do you prefer hardly toasted at all or burnt toast? Leaning towards burnt but not completely. What time do you have to be out of bed by on a typical day? I have morning classes throughout the week, so for this semester I have to get up byyy 7:30 to take a shower, then I start driving by 8 to get to my 9 AM class. Other sems were kinder and allowed me to sleep in. When was the last time you cleaned your bedroom? Last Tuesday. My dad’s coming home tomorrow so I threw out whatever I didn’t need anymore so he doesn’t get greeted by a messy bedroom. In real life do you laugh like 'haha,' 'hehe' or something else? I don’t take note of my laugh but I’m sure it sounds like a high-pitched haha. Do you know anyone who says things like 'lol' in real life? Yeah much of the crowd here pronounces ‘lol’ the way it’s spelled.
Do you have any unusual skills? I could but I don’t exactly know what counts as unusual lmao. Do you have any bug bites right now? No, I don’t get a lot of those. Is there anything annoying you at the moment? Mmm nope, I think I’m good. Who's your favourite person? My girlfriend.
Are you more of a cat or dog person? DOG. I can’t stand cats. Like I will defend cats and feed them and care for them, but I cannot stand their attitudes. Do you like to look at other peoples' houses? Tbh, yeah. They’re interesting to look at and it’s also a nice source of inspiration for when I’m thinking of how to style my own house in the future. Are there any chores you actually enjoy doing? No, unless I’m in a mental breakdown and want to focus on chores to feel better, in which case I like folding laundry. What's the weirdest compliment you've ever received? I don’t really store compliments in my memory haha so I’m all blanked out. Do you remember all those rhymes like 'i before e except after c?' I know that rule but we were never explicitly taught rhymes about it. When did you last have an 'Oh, I get it now!' moment? Maybe in the last week when I did my readings on WWII and the Cold War? I’m currently taking an international relations class and the readings for it have revealed more things about both of those wars than the total amount of things taught to me for 14 years in my last school. Would you say you're more witty or childish about jokes? I can be both. Do you get on with boys or girls better? Girls. I don’t understand guys; all of the ones I know are rowdy, pushy, and don’t shy around with inappropriate humor and my patience is too short for all three of these things. Do people often confide in you? Do you like it? Pretty often, seeing as people view me as the ‘mom’ in friend groups. I like it; it shows they trust me and that’s really the most rewarding thing. Who is someone you really admire? Probably one of my professors who taught me comm theory for one semester. Do you prefer piano or guitar music? Piano. I hate acoustic songs. Do you like helium balloons? Uhhhh sure? I don’t have much of an opinion on balloons. Have your parents ever suspected something untrue about you? YES and it drives me MAD. There was one time I must’ve stepped on a cigarette butt and it must’ve fallen out from the bottom of my shoe when I got in my car to drive. My dad cleans my car after a few days and lo and behold, he sees the cigarette butt and his mind immediately went to “Robyn smokes.” I got so mad and told him I was willing to let him smell me and my breath and whatever just to prove that I don’t smoke and have no plans to. He still brings it up every now and then and it’s so annoying. Fuck whoever threw that butt on the ground. Do you have any fears that seem weird to others? Watching commercials at night. No one knows about that fear of mine other than Gab precisely because people will find me weird and’ll interrogate me nonstop about it. Have you ever wished you'd been born someplace else? I think about that sometimes. What do you think about videogames? They’re cool, and video game developers deserve tons of respect. Are there any forms of Art you personally find pointless? No, art is a body of work and the moment an artist gives their work meaning, then it’s never pointless. What would you, or do you, study at college? I study journalism, I’m hating every second of it. Are you tired right now? I am, but I have an exam on Friday so I have to study thrice as intense as I already do. Have you ever had, or wanted, a pet ferret? No, I never wanted anything other than a dog. Is there anything you find undeserving of the hype it received? Lots of TV shows and movies. Do you think it's better to label yourself than be labelled? It’s best to not rely on labels. What's something you do a lot? Drive. Are you currently on any other websites? Nope, just on Tumblr. I wanted to take one survey before I start studying. Are you good at using Photoshop? Sisssss I don’t even have it on my laptop. I never want to touch that program.
What were you last embarrassed about? I drove my girlfriend’s sister from school to their house, but her sister never informed us that she was bringing a battalion of friends with her. I have a really small car and they were five in all, and they squished themselves in the back and I felt super bad about it. Are there any clothing items you really want but can't find? I’ve never had that problem before. Have you ever been told you naturally tilt your head a certain way? No, cos I don’t? Or at least I don’t think I do it to a point that it’s noticeable. What does your dream house look like? Square, white, big windows. Do you wear a lot of make-up? I never wear any makeup. When was the last time you laughed at someone? Yesterday, when Kate tried to sing in the car. Do you have any projects on the go right now? Nah, just want to focus on acads for now. What's a habit you find gross? Spitting and smoking. I couldn’t pick; the two are equally low. Would you rather have a Poloroid or a Lomo camera? I don’t mind either. When was the last time you were jealous? Last night. Do you, or did you, really look forward to when you can finally move away? I am looking forward. Are you the one who holds everyone's bags at theme parks while they ride? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the attack on this one. Uhh yes, I get motion sickness and I faint easily, and I quickly learned that rides are not for me so I always hold my friends’ bags. What's the worst tattoo you've ever seen? Faces are particularly bad. I also hate tattoos in cursive. What's your favourite name ever? Olivia has been a winner in the last couple of years, but ‘ever’ is kind of a bold statement which I have no answer to. Are you a hat person? I never wear hats. When was the last time you were totally grossed out? Kate used an eyelash curler in a MOVING vehicle. I can’t stand the idea of using products that require you to go near your eye, so I was squeaming beside her. Have you ever forgotten how to do something simple? It happens to the best of us. Are you ever jealous when you see couples or friends together? No, because I have a girlfriend and I have friends. Has anyone ever approached you in the street and asked to take your picture? No. Have you ever disliked something just because most people liked it? Hahahaha it can happen. That’s what happened to me with Game of Thrones. Does anything hurt on you right now? Not at the moment. What song's stuck in your head? 214 by Rivermaya, then covered by Bamboo, then covered by JM de Guzman hahahaha. Do you ever look at people and think 'Why do they have a kid?’ It’s not so much ‘Why do they have a kid?’ but more of ‘Why are they a parent.’ Did anyone ever tell you that earwigs crawl into your ear while you sleep? I don’t think so.
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