#i'll delete this eventually its just. the way they are so intentional. it is always that deep w them
miamierre · 6 months
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triedpklove · 1 year
Screenshots of the boy? I'd love to see how bad CF screwed the pooch.
So one of the main things in regards to how Roy has been written since day 1 is how he has always valued his work over himself and others -- ESPECIALLY its impact on the world. This has been fact since Calamity Trigger as shown in his side story, The Diary:
"Why do they not understand, why doesn't [Kokonoe, who is referred to as 'that woman' throughout] understand? As I've already said, this is a discovery that was lurking in the blind spot of our research. When it's the genius talking, and because a lot was said that today I feel it deeply. I definitely feel it. Firstly, only taking a light glance at it, then rejecting it as if some kind of dirt had touched it. Have you seriously stopped to think about it? It's possible. So why deny that possibility exists? If you have an answer within you then prove it to me. Something has to be done about that strange person. I've always felt that that woman is a strange one. Even if due to the deparment's spike in ability she may be a genius but that is different. In spite of being called a god that woman is useless. That woman is useless."
"Today I composed my thoughts once more. Today I had a little doubt about the design of the patterns so I omitted several vital parts in the previous entries. Right now humanity is flowing like blood, I'll explain now. It's become like this. Firstly about anti-seithr, it's the same phenomenon as the phenomenon of the Ars Magus phenomenon. To compensate for this ___ definitely the dangerous Azure which no one has noticed I'd do it once, eventually I want to skillfully, skillfully, do it. I'll have to discreetly do _______ thing ____ and that ______ was unexpected. Different from Ars Magus. Different from those Library vermin's Ars Magus. The huge Azure and azure's ______ bursts open, and the relief that forms quickly grows big, definitely rarely big so you cannot not notice it. Drawing near is dangerous, so first I have to extract that from the rear. It's directly close to the spine.If I rush there I'll die, that's for certain. After I extract the Azure ______ I'd really like to do that. I'll certainly have finally reached. I explained it with all my heart and soul, but no one is listening? to me it seems. So then I should just gently delete everyone. Gentlygentlygently_______"
Day 35 and 51 respectively.
The fact that he's so desperate to prove himself to others, ESPECIALLY KOKONOE, is the whole reason he injected himself with seithr in the first place. He wanted to prove to Kokonoe his work was worth something, even if that meant causing harm in the process.
As much as I dislike what Collisions did to Roy's backstory (as I find the idea of him being physically infected by seithr and melting into Arakune rather than him just simply. falling into the boundary and becoming Arakune more compelling and more terrifying) it did give us more insight on his character and his intentions past the little we knew from his diary and the occasional flashback we see as we play through Litchi's POV as well as her POV in Borderline and Kokonoe's POVs in That Which is Inherited.
Continued under the cut so my mega autism doesn't clog up people's dashes.
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(lol, foreshadowing)
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(All screenshots above are from Collisions.)
...I think that's more than enough to prove Roy's true mission and what he envisioned his work to become. And with both ways he was written, he both becomes victim to his own hubris -- whether it be him injecting himself with seithr or infusing himself with seithr via smelting. He has thrown all ethics out the window for his own research and has ruined relationships as he did so. (Although his relationship with Litchi is better detailed in Borderline.)
And then we get to Centralfiction.
Before you read this, you may think to yourself, "Oh, CF is simply a different scenario brought about by the Embryo! It makes sense that the writing would be different!" And yeah, you may be write, but in no way does it excuse it from ruining the character arcs we just saw build up throughout the past 3 games. It's pure salt in the wound and considering Centralfiction is the most fresh in a lot of BB story fans' minds it's frustrating to see a character/characters who have already been mistreated by interesting writing choices have their entire arcs ruined by some stupid AU plotline.
Honestly, I could go on forever about my opinion on this scene in it's entirety (and I have, here are some fun links) but all I really have to send is this picture:
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For good measure, let's read that bottom line again:
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Does that not... entirely go against literally everything I have just established previously? In this context, he's essentially telling Litchi to kill Arakune as he's okay with staying in the Boundary because the self satisfaction of studying the Boundary from the inside is more important to him than others seeing the fruits of his labor. Which entirely goes against his entire character that he has built up from Calamity Trigger until now. If you would like to watch the full scene, here is a link.
Roy is a very well written character, especially when in conjunction to Arakune, Litchi, and Kokonoe/Tager. I could very much go on more about how Centralfiction and it's decisions also destroyed the dynamic/friendship between Kokonoe but that would be another mile long post. So, I will instead share these two win quotes from Kokonoe -- one from Chronophantasma, and one from Centralfiction respectively:
"You've been infused with an Artificial Causality Weapon? Roy…"
"Kokonoe here. I've captured Lotte Carmine. Get him to my lab. Stat."
She doesn't even call him Roy.
Maybe I'll do another post detailing his relationship with Kokonoe but for now I have Japanese homework due in 30 minutes I need to get done. Hopefully this is a sufficient explanation on my opinions regarding Roy's writing in Centralfiction and how they dropped the ball on it horribly.
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cerealjam · 3 years
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Sapphire: Hey Lucifer what's the best thing ever
Lucifer: sexy robots?
Sapphire: sexy robots, and none can get more beautiful than mettaton the human eradication robot and entertainer
Lucifer: and hatsune miku the famous teenage vocaloid star
Sapphire: it's are job to analysis there weapons armor and skill to find out who would win a fiction beatdown
Lucifer: mettaton wasn't always a human eradication robot his orginal intention was to be an entertainment robot for the underground
Sapphire: and even then he wasn't originally that either he started off as nspstablooks cousin
Lucifer: they wanted to become corporeal meaning a ghost possesses something to get a body but was worried they'll never find the right one
Sapphire: until dr.alphys designed ther perfect body for them thus becoming the star mettaton
Lucifer: mettaton has three different robotic forms his first one his pretty basic but still has combat abilities in it
Sapphire: in his box fkrm mettaton fires unavoidable electric beams that seem to lock to the player and he can summon mini mettatins to attack the player along with moving boxes and even bombs
Lucifer: mettaton is also completely indestructible while in his box fkrm he can also fly by retracting his wheel and using the booster inside him and has a chainsaw like all robots should
Sapphire: box mettaton has a weakness the switch on his back if you can trick mettaton into turing around he'll turn into a stronger (but more vulnerable) version of himself mettaton EX
Lucifer: in this form mettaton takes on a more humanoid appearance he can now attack using his legs he can also expose his SOUL and attack by firing electric bolts from it
Sapphire: he also attacks using a disco ball using white orange and blue lasers each have different ways of avoiding them except the white ones they do damage either way
Lucifer: is true form mettaton NEO is-
Sapphire: completely useless and will not be used during this fight with miku
Lucifer: has powerful as mettaton is he's still a star and acts like so he likes drama action romance and cares deeply about his fans and ratings he also likes talking about himself and gets easily distracted at the mention of mirror claiming he needs to look his best
Sapphire: but his fans and ratings is also what makes him fight harder for more entertainment more ratings more anything he's a deadly robot now matter how good he looks
Mettaton: drama romance bloodshed!
Sapphire: from one sexy robot to the next hatsune miku is a popular vocaloid from Japan so popular that real fans go to her concerts to see her perform
Lucifer: spanning from vocaloid music videos and games miku as shown to have impressive feats in these videos like the ability to fly and has a pickaxe she used one time
Sapphire: and her voice is powerful enough to be heard throughout the galaxy and it even has dime magic to it to once restoring an intire planet back to normal
Lucifer: miku is also able to grow in size to face off agents godzilla sized monsters and even entire planet's
Sapphire: shes survived being erased and traveled from Pluto to earth in mere seconds this robot as crazy amounts of speed and durability
Lucifer: being a robot you'd think water would hurt her but your wring its been shown she can survive underwater for long periods of time this robot has no weakness
Lucifer: the closest thing she has to one is being spoiled and pampered due to how popular she is
Sapphire: alright the combatants are set it's time for a fiction beatdown!
Alphys: **playing a vocaloid game on her computer and accidentally spills her drink on it glitching the computer** oh no no no
**the computer glitch makes the computer explode bringing miku to life**
Mettaton: **rolls in** alphys are you alright I heard **sees miku** are you trying to replace me with a younger more beautiful robot
Alphys: n-no mettaton it's not-
Mettaton: the perfect idea for a show set all cameras in the underground toilet me and this new robot will fight for victory!
Miku: **looks at mettaton puzzling then getting zapped by mettaton becoming angry** ngg! Fine I'll fight you!
Miku: **charges at mettaton and starts patheticly punching and kicking him**
Mettaton: oh darling you can't hurt me when I'm like this and even if you could those pathetic hits wouldn't do much anyway! **grabs a hold of miku and flys her straight through the labs walls into the hot lands dragging her through the ground then flys her over lava**
Miku: **grunting in pain hitting mettaton but it's having no effect still the she does a loud high note**
Mettaton: **covers where his ears might be** GAH! but nice cords the darling but you sealed your own
Miku: **stops herself and flys up towards mettaton smirking**
Mettaton: oh my your just fall of surprises aren't you well so am I
**a bunch of smaller mettatons grab miku**
Mettaton: now to end this! **fires an electric blast**
Miku: **shouting in pain as the mini mettatons also explode around her** grrrr! **pulls out her pickaxe and starts hacking away at mettaton**
Mettaton: **laughs standing there taking it** oh you'll never learn **pulls out his chain saw and slices straight into her shoulder**
Miku: **wines and headbuts mettaton so hard it turns him around exposing his switch and she flips**
Mettaton: did you just.... **falls from the sky and crashes hard on the ground**
Miku: **stands over him and just kicks his motion less body**
mettaton: im not knocked out yet!!! **a light shoots from the ground mettaton doing the most glamorous of poses transformed into mettaton EX** now your death will be beautiful
Miku: **gets annoyed by this and rushes in for a attack**
Mettaton: **dodges and strikes a pose** no touchy~ **starts beating down miku with a flurry of kicks and poses** is that it who knew you couldn't fight
Miku: **getting pissed off she grows in size slightly bigger than mettaton** ENOUGH!! **punches mettaton so hard part of his face breaks apar surprised he's vulnerable now**
Mettaton: I have a heart you know do you! **brings his soul out and starts shooting out electric bolts from all directions**
Miku: **skilfully dodges all of them then grabs his soul**
Mettaton: w-wait what are you doing don't-!
Miku: **crushes the soul causing Mettaton to instantly shut down then miku clenches her fist and smashes his body to pieces** whew!..... **miku does a cute pose to the camera** I win!!!
Sapphire: i I have no words how did she that's impossible!
Lucifer: actually it's very possible miku may have little compat experience but she still has solor system level feats
Sapphire: **sigh** I guess that's true but couldn't mettaton just stay in his box fkrm and slowly take out miku
Lucifer: yes and no yes he could eventually take her but no with her crazy regenerate even surviving being deleted after what ever happened to hatsune miku she just tributes over him in many ways
Sapphire: thinking of it theres no instance in this match up to where mettaton comes out on top I mean the guy can lose to a kid
Lucifer: the winner is hatsune miku
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