#i'm taking a nap after i finish posting this bc i am So Tired
practically-an-x-man · 5 months
what does a typical day for Jasper and Kyle look like? :)
Oooh thank you!! So there's kinda three stages to this, based on where they are in their lives, so I'm going to answer this in three parts
(under the cut cause it got a little longer than expected)
College Era: Jasper's up at seven, either off to classes or racking up their nursing service hours. Kyle wakes up a little later, since he didn't schedule any 8 AM classes, and goes off to his own classes for the day. If Jasper's busy with nursing, he'll usually swing by to bring them a quick lunch, since they don't always get a break to grab their own. After classes, they'll usually meet up and study together in one of their dorm rooms (even if they're working on completely different subjects and are listening to music, it's nice to have that parallel play). On Tuesday nights, Jasper has their roller derby bouts, and Kyle is almost always there to cheer them on. On other nights they'll grab dinner (either together, or with their respective friend groups) and hang out in the evenings for a little while. Sometimes they're too busy to spend a lot of time together, but they try to meet up most days if they can (even if it's just meeting up for a meal or playing Minecraft together for an hour)
With the Witches: Much simpler. Jasper is now focused on finishing up their nursing degree and getting the rest of that clinic experience, and Kyle's main focus is on recovery (died and came back, it's a process). His days are mainly spent relearning speech and coordination, plus other tasks, until Jasper gets back. They're usually both tired by that point, and most days will lay down together for a nap once Jasper gets home. Jasper sometimes goes out with their friends in the evenings, but mostly spends time at the coven house since Kyle isn't comfortable leaving yet and they don't want him to feel alone. Jasper still has bouts on Tuesdays, though it takes Kyle a while to get confident enough to go attend them again.
Post-Witches: Jasper and Kyle have their own place, and Jasper has finished their degree. They're up early to head to the clinic, though Kyle gets in the habit of setting an earlier alarm so they have a few minutes to cuddle before Jasper has to leave. Kyle works from home (first finishing his civil engineering degree online and then doing remote engineering work) and takes care of their pets. When Jasper gets home, they hop in the shower and get comfy. The two of them cook dinner together (or occasionally go out, though money's a little tight), then either watch some TV or keep working on their Minecraft world. It's definitely the most settled, comfortable stage of their life. Jasper has since joined a different derby league since they're no longer in college, but they're still active in roller derby. Kyle's bounced around with hobbies, trying to get himself comfortable with leaving the house and finding a friend group again, and eventually finds a strength training group and a DnD campaign to participate in.
(The Minecraft thing started off of a silly prompt a friend gave me, but honestly I can really see them having a longtime survival world together that's just all tricked-out with elaborate builds bc of how long they've at it.)
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kinetic-socks · 2 months
Long post expressing my frustration with my procrastination
wake up in the morning like yeah lets get this essay done today
have meal
go to class
ok essay time.
find myself crocheting instead. hey brain, what?
brain: we have time, we'll get it done later dw
well. crocheting isn't as fun now but ok, what can ya do.
ok, we don't want to crochet anymore. essay now?
brain: no let's walk around and listen to music. exercise is good and will help us later.
me: again, it would be nice to be getting work done but alright.
me: hey, I still wanna get that essay done. can we go home and do that?
brain: no. exercise good. shut up.
me: i guess this is what we're doing.
brain: ok we got a cut on our arm while running let's go home and treat that.
me: yeah sounds great. in perfect agreement with you there.
brain: ok, cut is treated. let's nap now *reads comics instead and does more crochet like simultaneously*
me: what is happening
brain: ok NOW let's nap (it is 10:30 pm)
me: is this wise? It's late at night and we haven't done any work, and what if we accidentally sleep too long?
brain: alarm will handle it (it did) and we need sleep or we won't be able to think
me: you make sense but I don't feel great about this
I get back up at like. mignight and am like ok. essay Now.
brain: we're hungry again, eat first. and use the bathroom and change your bandaid it's coming off.
me: eating and using the bathroom and changing the bandaid all sound fine. these are reasonable things for a person to do.
It becomes 4am. Don't ask me how.
me: pleasee. essay now, we wanted to finish it before tomorrow
brain: well, it's either essay or go to bed for the night, which means it's the latest we can start and have it be today, so alright! you can now make yourself take out a pencil and write a bit. but also let's write a tumblr post about this phenomenon to ask the internet if you're just an undisciplined bitch for procrastinating or if i'm the bastard. also good luck making yourself follow any tips they give on making yourself get started because you can't make me do shit. it would be funny to watch you try honestly bc it didn't even work last semester when you got so frustrated with me that you'd start hitting yourself. so I really cannot think of a single way you could ever subjugate me and I will only make you miserable if you try. I will also make you miserable by doing this even if you don't try. This is who we are and you're simply not good enough
me: ok, when I post the post can we do the essay then?
brain: yeah probably. it's almost the end of today so I'll let you get started on it. You wanted it to be today and I understand that. You're right that we don't have a lot of time left.
me: it's not really today anymore but you're right that it still feels like it. thank god for the small mercy that is you letting me do it at all. We've been thinking about it for awhile anyway, maybe we'll enjoy this. Oh and you'd probably fight me like this tomorrow if I did it then, right? We'd turn it in at 7 am instead of midnight?
brain: I might enjoy it but you'll still have to fight me the whole way. and oh yeah for sure I would give you hell tomorrow. I wouldn't let you start it till late at night. that's what we did last time!
me: okay. at least we'll be able to edit it tomorrow after we write tonight. Plus we'll hopefully be tired tomorrow and not the next day when we have more important classes.
brain: should we finish writing tonight it's very unlikely I'll want to edit it tomorrow and you're likely to be satisfied enough that we have anything that you won't call me on it at all. We're probably not sleeping tonight so I'm going to give you a headache tomorrow to compel you to sleep after class and then probably all day and you rarely fight naps because our sleep schedule is so bad you figure we need it. plus yknow it makes sense to sleep after an all nighter.
me: ok but we'll write the essay?? when this post is done??
brain: yeah alright put in a readmore and hit post now.
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goldenscript · 6 years
ah u and i both are putting off english hw. i have a rough draft due monday and whole lotta other shit for the class but here i am. doing none :-) GIRL I CAN WRITE A WHOLE DAMN ESSAY ON OIKAWA AND WHY HE DESERVED MORE. god i love that man sm he’s fighting for my ass and soul with kook. I cant remember the last time i DIDNT spoil myself with a movie tbh.. And UGH im just curious as to how everyone’s gonna work together since the avengers are kind of in a sticky sit atm with the members and (1/?)
everything BUT THE WORLD AINT READY FOR WAKANDA DUDE. ngl t’challa didn’t have a strong intro for me during civil war, i remember being like ‘ok u got claws whats good’ but now it’s like OK KITTY SHOW EM WHATS UP!! what story app was it bc it sounds interesting! it’s good that you’re challenging yourself, it’s so important for artists and authors to venture out of their safe zones (something that i know i struggle with a lot still)!! tbh with u i never got into twilight, i watched the movie (2/             
and i was like ok wats the hype dude. but then again ive always been a huge critic when it comes to real life supernatural teen romance stuff but when it’s an anime/fics im like >:O GASP WHAT’S NEXT >:O LMAO. for me ideas come and go and i do my best to thread them together but a lot of times im like.. wtf this doesnt make any sense *SCRAPS*. ok ur pretty spot on with that, jin would most DEF be the cafeteria lady that everyone ogles over despite the nasty ass goop he plops down on their (3/?             
plate, but i mean his smile is what makes everything worth it right?? he would def work at the same school with yoongi to which everyone thinks is unfair esp kook but hey boy shut your roach ass up. then there’s tae and jimin who somehow landed the delivery boy jobs together. it would be more crack+slice of life tbh haha. (4??/) -sjsu     
girl i hella put off my english draft due today too jdshfjsfh luckily my teacher doesn’t grade drafts for content and more or less for completion. since this paper is like 1500-1800 words he was like “it’s ok if you only have a few paragraphs” done so bless that ‘cuz i got my points for it. AND OMG GIRL. I FEEL THAT THO. LIKE I FEEL SO STRONGLY FOR THE CHARACTERS AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. i want them all to succeed gdi. & mood, i love kook with my whole heart n soul 2.
honestly i always spoil myself with movies but i told myself not to do it for black panther and that’s probably it ahahahah. but yooooooo, i haven’t seen civil war yet LOL. i haven’t even seen winter soldier so i was like “Well i obvi can’t watch civil war then” jkdsfhs soon tho. just so i can keep up with the storyline. & ok i had to search and redownload it but it’s called heroes rise! it’s like a trilogy app bundle and you gotta pay for it (sorry boo but it’s so fun and i rec it!!!!!!!)
it’s something i just gotta do, man. i wanna try diff genres to find my niche so if it’s hard then that just means i gotta work to get it together. ^_^ and i read the book and i was having a huge moment for vampires and werewolves, that’s the only real reason why i liked twilight so much LOL. i can’t write vampires for shit tho ‘cuz i feel like that’s one genre i can’t really…. satisfy myself with? l.j. smith (author of vampire diaries and night world) made such a profound impression on me with that genre so i can’t hold a candle to her kjsdfhksjfh but i think it just makes more sense to like it as an anime since they’re technically animated and usually the plots are a lot better, more cohesive than most real-life depictions.
ahahahahaha, yes thank u! they’d have pockets of issues like sometimes wishing they had powers again. probably namjoon messing around in the library trying to read up on godly stuff, maybe trying to find a loophole on their sentence. or something pops up like “alright bitches,,,,,,,,,,,,,,” and their past starts coming back to haunt them LOL.
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herotome · 3 years
Devlog #49
Hi-ho, Wudge here. Scattershot bullet point devlog for this week because I am very tired 🙏
converted parts of Mia's intro scene into a 5-page script format.
finished sketching out Dart's helmet; torn between two designs.
Did a lotta fashion research, worked a bit on a future villain's design (pink and black!)
Worked on the eleven variations of Warden following-up on the MC's reason for being cardless why the heck have I done this
(I'm working on this bc several people who filled out my post-demo survey mentioned looking forward to it being mentioned again and they were very nice about it)
Btw yes I did go back and review the feedback form, 7 months after the demo's release! It's still a very useful refresher of yall's headspace while playing that section of the game, thank you thank you deeply and truly to everyone who took the time to fill it out.
Started working on a template for the first authenticity reader feedback form.
Reached out... to... so many people..... waiting on replies/updates that will probably hit me all at once.......... and I've had 4 meetings last week and 2 more scheduled for this week. I'm gonna find a cave and pass out for a year--
Reworked the intro to the intro of Jade's scene, much smoother transition/more engaging this way but still workshopping it.
Working with my editor on Griffin's scene, which to my horror is growing in monstrosity and miiiight start rivalling Mia's scene... not in code complexity, but in sheer size after accounting for all the variations.
Worked more on a promo image for Halloweeeeeen.
I'm a little overwhelmed, but I'm restless too. This is my least favorite mind state. If y'all wanna send me anything to take my mind off project running for a hot minute, I'd hugely appreciate it. <3
Maybe I should take the rest of the day off, take a nap.
I hope you’re all staying safe and keeping warm.
Much love,
Oh, right. While working on sprite expressions, it became very easy to make something cursed. Click on the "read more" to instantly doom your descendants.
Tumblr media
Ahhh!!! The growing code monstrosity has become an apparition before me. The horror.
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