#i'm tired and still with a horrid cough so i'm allowed to be
nvrcmplt · 1 year
they shouldn't have gotten caught up in this.
atop a boulder sits a large creature- canine in nature, but to the naked eye it surely looked like the monster it currently thought itself to be. tears stream down matted fur. in large paws it cradles the broken, battered, barely breathing frame of some poor soul who had wandered too close. she didn't mean to do it, yet she had still mauled them the second they stepped within smelling distance of her territory for the night.
the beast pushes back hair from their face. she feels the sorrow now, muddled and confusing, but ever present. a part of her wishes to tear them limb from limb truth be told. that dark, monstrous side she often times finds herself disgusted with. loni doesn't wish to harm people, but ah when the wolf calls for blood it's so hard to ignore it.
obviously, tonight was one of those times.
a slave to instinct she was, and now someone had lost their life as a result. she promises them she'll make amends- she'll pay for their kids college, the funeral, home, whatever she needs to. she'll make sure their family or whoever their loved ones are have something good come of their death. she doubts it means much, but she hopes she can make them understand she hadn't meant for this to happen.
when they take their last breath she carefully puts them down on a bed made of leaves and flowers. she put it together while they lie dying in her arms. again it was the least she could do- provide them some beauty in their final moments. for several moments she stares at them. it's sad really. take away the crimson and they would have just appeared to be sleeping.
"I'm... sORrY... yOU deSErvEd... beTtEr... thaN tHIs..."
It hurt, Genpachi wasn't sure what was going on from the moment he stepped from the camping spot for an emergency pee but the moment he finished his work and apologised to the tree roots that turned into his toilet - he was no longer upright. Scattered on the ground, pain blinding his vision and his ears ringing with something fluid like… The smell was choking him, wet dog, iron, earth, urine… It was pretty horrid. A blend he didn't think he'd ever be down to inhaling but here he was…
Calm - strangely enough even though he knew something was completely wrong. Fire in his arms, his legs felt like lead --- and twisted in directions that shouldn't be the way they bend. His lashes fluttered, one eye wetting over from debris inside it making his lid flutter on reflex to rid of it. The stars were pretty cool here though… Strange that it was like this though. He hopes nii-san can see the stars too from his tent. It was pretty cool, vibrant and purpish black over head.
Inhaling felt wet, exhaling felt even worse, but it only registered that his eyes had closed after a while when he felt himself be lifted. Agony shot through his broken limbs. Numbness, through his hips, his head hung back, his arms swayed, his legs deadweight. Oh… Oh, was he dying? Was this what it felt like? Death on his doorstep kind of feeling? Pachi could only take in the dog muzzle above him, shadowed by the moons glow - outlined in nothing but etheral light but it didn't take away the fact that this was a monster.
A crying one.
One that spoke.
It hurt, because, it wasn't what he was wanting in his final moments. Pachi could feel the blackness crawling over his sight, his panicked inhales caused wet coughs and in turn more pain to shot through his shattered skeleton but he couldn't speak. Heaving blood from punctured lungs, ruptured stomach, broken spine and twisted legs… He was in so much pain, but he was being cried over by the monster that caused it.
How cruel.
How fucking cruel.
His brother was out there, waiting for him to come back. To talk more before sleeping under the stars for their small weekend get away…
Instead, instead, Genjiro was going to be finding him gone? Missing? Pachi didn't know but he felt so tired now, hacking air out his mouth, he gritted his teeth and allowed his tears to drip rivers down his temples as he shut down. Turning away from the monster and instead to the stars… Feeling the caress of darkness take him away in silence.
Nii-san... I'm scared.
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The Pharaoh & His Princess
Ten |
A New Baby
"Anippe, just what are you doing?" the man yelled.
"I'm trying to see Uncle Seto and Aunt Kisara's new baby!" the princess replies from above.
"Get down before Mahad sees you!"
Anippe pouts, "Shada, please, can I go in?"
Shada shook his head before extending his arms so Anippe could jump into them.
"Sorry princess, but the rules are clear. You cannot enter Priest Seto's chambers unless his approval or the Pharaoh's."
Anippe crosses her arms as she lets out a scoff.
"Come on now, jump," Shada says.
Anippe just stares at Shada's wide-open arms and prepares to jump from her high position before she hears the chamber doors open.
She rapidly changes her position so she can jump inside the chamber before Shada's strong arms whoop out of nowhere and grab her.
"No! Let me go! Please! I want to see the baby!" Anippe yells as she struggles against Shada's arms.
"Well with all that ruckus you're causing, I don't think I'll let you in."
Anippe stops what she's doing and turns to her Uncle.
"Seto!" she beams.
He just raises an eyebrow at her.
"Can I please please see my new cousin? Please?" Anippe begs.
Seto sighs as he pinches his nose bridge.
"Fine, you can enter. But under one condition."
Anippe glows in happiness as Shada looks at Seto, uncertainty.
"You are on your absolute best behavior. Kisara is still tired from giving birth and your cousin needs to sleep. Meaning you are silent as a cat. Understand?"
"I give you my word as princess of Egypt," Anippe replied dead serious, making both Seto and Shada speechless.
For a moment Seto just looked at her eyes and she looked back at him, firmly.
Seto's face broke into a small smile.
"Very well. Come along now."
Between Shada and Seto, Anippe quietly marched inside the chamber and took notice of Kisara's form. She was silently sitting on the bed holding the new family member in her arms.
Servants and midwives rushed out of the room while others stayed at the end of the room, silently for instructions.
Kisara perks up at Anippe's visit.
"Hello Princess, are you here to meet your new cousin?"
Anippe nodded, "Indeed I am."
Kisara gently turned the baby in her arms so Anippe could see its face. A baby boy was gently sleeping in her arms. His sleeping face, snuggled to her chest. His soft breathing and sudden coos.
"He's your new cousin, Astennu." Anippe heard Seto say.
The crowned princess could only stare at the new baby.
He had soft brown hair, just like Seto. His skin tone was a mix between Kisara's pale skin and Seto's tan skin. But, what color were his eyes?
"I see you beat me in meeting the new family member." her father's booming voice announced.
Entering Seto's chamber with a small smile, Atem nodded at his daughter before settling his attention on Seto.
"I am proud of you both. Now you will know the best gift of the gods, parenthood," he said, strolling over to his daughter's side.
"Hiya Papa," Anippe whispered with a huge smile. Atem looked down at his four-year-old summer princess.
"I thought we were going to come to visit your new cousin together." Atem pouted sarcastically.
Anippe blushed in embarrassment.
"Oops, I forgot."
Both Atem and Seto chuckled before going back to looking at Astennu.
Shada rolls his eyes, knowing Anippe was trying to look innocent. Somehow Anippe noticed Shada's little stunt which made her stick her tongue at him. Shada looked offended.
"Kisara," Anippe began, turning away from the priest so she wouldn't be scowled for her rude behavior.
"Why did you name him Astennu?"
Atem shot Seto a cheeky look whereas Seto sent him a death glare.
Kisara giggled.
"Well princess, contrary to Egypt's traditions and your parent's custom, I didn't name our son. Seto did. He'll answer that for you."
Seto coughed nervously, making Atem and Shada grin at his suffering.
Anippe turned to her uncle, intrigued at his response.
"Well you see, Astennu means god of the moon. Just like your parents named you after goddess Anuket, Astennu is named after Khons."
"Er, well."
Seto sighed before crossing his arms, and rocking them side by side like he was holding a baby.
"When you were an infant, you couldn't stop crying one night and no one was there to attend to you. So I rocked you back to sleep under Khon's gaze."
"What does that have to do with his name?" Anippe pressed but was silenced by her father.
"He's getting there, be patient. Continue."
"Well before I entered your room, I was dead set on not having kids. I lost my mother in a village fire and was abandoned by my father until reuniting with him a couple of years later. I did not have a good childhood. However I met Kisara and just like me, she had a horrible childhood. Yet, she wanted children to give them a life she didn't have. Unlike me, who was traumatized by being a failure of a parent. I was scared and unsure if I could grant Kisra that wish."
Kisara smiled tenderly at Seto.
"But when I held you, Anippe, and rocked you back to sleep, I talked to Khons."
Atem smiled softly.
"Watching you sleeping, how you held onto me, I knew what Khons was trying to tell me. That I had to let go of my fears and embrace my new life. That life with a child wouldn't be so bad."
Seto chuckled, "Here we are now, four summer years later."
Seto stopped rocking his arms and smiled at Anippe.
"That is why he is named Astennu. To honor the god who allowed me to see beyond my fears and flaws. However, I would like to thank you too. For teaching me that I can be a father."
Anippe smiled at Seto's words.
"I'm happy for you."
"So am I," Seto replied with a smile.
Suddenly a horrid sound rang across the room.
Young Astennu was wailing for immediate attention.
Anippe cringed at how his screams pierced through her ears.
Atem coughed before picking up Anippe.
"Well, we've been intruding for a while now. We'll come by again tomorrow. This time together, right Anippe?"
Anippe nodded.
"Goodbye, and thank you!" Kisara managed to say as the midwives tried calming Astennu down.
Before stepping out of the room, Atem leaned over at Shada, and whispered in his ear, "Can you bring the gift I have for them from the room next to my chambers?"
"Yes my Pharaoh!" Shada replied before sprinting out of the room.
As the Pharaoh and Princess walked down the palace's hallways, the little girl couldn't help but hear the rapid whispers of the staff. The excitement in the palace was everywhere. Everyone was thrilled with the arrival of the new baby.
Once Anippe and her father were a good distance away from them, they found Mahad and Isis in one of the spell rooms.
"Ah, I assume you met the new baby," Isis spoke with a gentle smile.
"Yeah! He was so tiny! It was super exciting too!" Anippe exclaimed eagerly.
"Everyone in the palace is excited to meet the new baby." Mahad chuckled.
Turning to her father, Anippe asked, "Was my birth this exciting Papa?"
Both Isis and Mahad became silent, watching how Atem tried keeping his face expressionless.
Anippe felt her father tense.
Isis suddenly scooped her from her father's arms.
Before Isis could begin to walk away, Atem slowly leaned over and kissed his daughter's forehead softly. Refusing to meet her curious eyes, Atem's lips turned to a small melancholy smile.
"The day you were born, is a day Egypt will never forget." is all he managed to whisper to her before Isis began to walk away.
"Come Anippe," is all Isis whispered.
Anippe turned back and frowned at the scene unfolding in the spell room.
Mahad was embracing her father as if he was trying to soothe him.
But why?
It wouldn't be till a few years that Anippe would learn the truth of the day of her birth.
In ancient Egypt, women had the full right to name their children as they carried them. This is why Kisara doesn't answer Anippe's question, as Seto named their child.
This week’s adventure was inspired by one of the artworks done by @siosiri
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CHAPTER 4 - Two birds, no stone
Exsomnis: Wakeful, vigilant
Summary: Fresh Doctor out of residency you didn’t expect Conyers to be this uneventful until everything happened at the same time. From the outset, an odd meeting with what seems like a steadfast Detective but it was only the beginning.
Notes: English is not my native language, I’m trying to get better at it, please be indulgent.
Based on the movie Prisoners by Denis Villeneuve (so I don’t own any of the OG characters) if you haven’t seen it, I recommend you do (maybe before reading) :) The story takes place before and through the event in the movie.
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 Thanksgiving was around the corner, meaning you were short on staff at the hospital leaving you no time to spend at home. Erin and Rachel were at Rach’s parents, they had tried to convince you to come but family dinners were not your thing, even more with a family you practically don’t know.  
2 days before Thanksgiving you crossed paths with Detective Loki. Since last time you didn't really have time to meet, so you took a few minutes around a coffee to catch up. He noted that you were alone on Thanksgiving’s night so managed to invite you for dinner. 
 “Dr Y/L/N, I’m sorry but we need you to stay on shift tonight, we’re shorthanded.” The HR announced as you were taking your break. You cursed under your breath, the HR gave you an apologetic smile. Phone in hand, waiting for Loki to pick-up you hoped he was busy too, it would make it easier.
“Hey,” he answered, you heard rustling papers, he was surely at work, you huffed alleviate.
“Hi, uhm, I’m sorry I won’t be able to make it tonight. Got to stay at the hospital. Understaffed.” You announced at once, ripping off the bandage as fast as possible. He could understand, it’s kind of the same at the station. He inhaled on the other side of the phone.
“Duty is duty, don’t worry.”
“Come out next year, and we'll do it all over again ok?” you heard him chuckle
“Let’s do that but not next year.” He offered hopefull.
“Agreed, see you soon then.” You bid goodbyes wishing each other a happy Thanksgiving.
 Little did you know after your call he asked to stay on shit for the night.
  A few hours later, you were finally free from the Hospital but you frowned as soon as you put a foot outside. By the time you reached your car you were soaked, the heavy rain whipped your windshield, making driving difficult indeed it took you twice the time to head home. It was 2 am on your kitchen clock, you wondered if Loki was still up, you texted him not expecting an immediate answer so went to bed immediately.
You woke up around 9am, dragging your overly tired self to the coffee machine, checking your phone while the hot liquid filled the big cup. Rach and Erin had ranted about how Thanksgiving at Rach’s parents went horribly awkward. Erin had even sent a ‘rescue me’ video from Rach’s parents’ toilet in the group chat, you couldn’t help yourself to smile and blessed yourself for not going.
No answer from Loki, you felt this inescapable pang in your stomach when you find yourself led, in the blink of an eye, to question your own emotional life.
Then your phone buzzed.
“Busy, talk to you soon, sorry. Loki” you stayed silent reading the text multiple times, somehow relieved that he had answered but not quite sure of how to render the text. Trying to find something to say, you finally decided for an “Ok sure.”
You drink your coffee lost in your thoughts, heading to the living room. The news on TV blurting the Thanksgiving usual hazards: Snowy roads; traffic jams; accidents; lost items in turkeys...
“Yesterday in the usually quiet town of Conyers, Thanksgiving turned into a horrid day for two families. Two little girls disappeared in broad daylight. Soon one suspect was in custody, he was apparently driving an RV that was parked in the girls’ neighbourhood early in the day. He tried to run away with his vehicle when found at a gas station parking late last night. The two girls are still missing as we speak.”
“Damn it.” you shook your head sighing, what is wrong with people you thought while listening to the news and at the same time checking your sns.
“Detective Loki from the Conyers Department of Police has been appointed to the case.”
Raising your head from your phone, mouth agape at the TV, you rewind all the pieces of information in your mind. If you had known sooner you would have said something else in the text. Long minutes passed, during which you wondered if you should send him another message. The blinking cursor in the box "new message" seemed to became impatient until the buzz of a call made you jump. 
“Y/N, have you heard about ...!? A honk made you put the phone away from your ears. Only two words “Loki”, “abduction” were audible.
“Hello to you too, yes I’ve just heard, that’s awful!”
“Yeah, hi, definitely not good timing for you though!”
“Erin!” you scolded and heard Rachel do the same. 
“Okay okay, just trying to lighten the mood.” she apologized.
“Where are you by the way?” you turned the TV off.
“Traffic jams.” She sighed, another honk resonated in the phone, you heard Rachel swear at another driver.
“Tell me when you’re home. And ... we should stop the night’s run for now just in case.”
“I wish we had to stop for another reason.”
“Yeah, call me okay.”
“Yeah bye.”
Instead of the usual run, you met with the girls for board games, usually, it involved a bottle of wine and Rachel’s exquisite cuisine. 
“Okay, hear me out” she put her glass on the ground, you rolled your eyes. All night she had asked about Loki.
“What about your needs Y/N? I feel like you're waiting for him to finally give you some time of his, as you're not a priority.”
“I'm not a priority right now Erin.” You sipped on your wine. 
“You know what I mean. I am just afraid that you're making his needs overpass yours without taking care of how you feel in all of that.” Her hands making big gestures, you grabbed them.
“We’re not even a couple or something, calm down! you smiled, I'm not blinded by the guy, I know what I worth, what I deserve. And my needs, for now, are fine thank you.” You stifled a laugh at her frowning face. 
“I shouldn’t have pushed for something to happen between you two.” she said questioning her cupid skills
“Ok, you released her hands and continued, look at me back in Cleveland, the exams took over me, the internship at the hospital was a disaster and how many times did you present me a guy?” 
“Lots of times…” she mumbled
“Yeah, and you want to know why it never worked out?”
“They were assholes.” She grimaced
“Hm mostly yeah, but I wasn't ready to be in a relationship! My mind was elsewhere, I had no time to take care of my physical and mental health as much as I should have. It was a hard time, you witnessed it.”
She nodded admitted it.
“I’m fine now but I can't crash into his life like that and take his focus out of this case especially because I know it won’t work out since he is concentrating on his duty.” 
“I got it okay, but there will always be another case and did he text you or something …”
“I know but I like to think we'll have a moment of respite. And he’s not quite the texter but that’s fine by me, you know I’m not a good morning and good night's texts kind of person.”
She stared at you squinting her eyes, you mimicked her wondering.
“You really want the guy!” she caught you so off guard that you almost spit your wine.
“Miss the point by miles, you cough, but yeah let's say that.” You both cracked into laughter. She was still a bit concerned, but she got around in the end.
40hours after the abduction, no sign of Loki except on the news, thankfully you had lots of work at the hospital so you didn't have time to let your mind wander.
When you heard the indictment of the paedophile priest, you almost threw a tantrum in the break room.
“How the fuck that asshole is still in charge of a church, he is surrounded by children all the fucking day!” you screamed at the tv, scaring the surgeon next to you, some students looked at you from the lunch table. The ringtone coming from your pocket made you walk out and step outside on the emergency staircase allowing you to take some fresh air.
“Hi there..,”
“Hey, I'm sorry I didn't call sooner”
“No no, it's okay I've seen the news. I know you have a lot to do ... and the freaking priest ... I mean why is that guy still out there.”
“I don't know Y/N, I'm not a judge.” He answered with a tight voice.
“Right sorry, I jumped on you, it's just that..it's really upsetting.” you sighed rubbing your eyes.
A 2-seconds silence felt, giving you both opportunity to breathe in and change the subject.
“Are you all right?” You asked
“Tired mostly, he inhaled, I wish .. I could see you without feeling guilty .. but my mind is on the case..” 
“Hey hey, you shushed gently, it's okay, they are the priority here.”
“Why didn't we met at another time.” He said gravely.
“At least we've met, even though you had to be stabbed for it to happen.” He chuckled over the phone. “I have to go back, be careful out there.”
“You got my word.”
He hung up, you took a big breath of fresh air before stepping back in the building, thinking of what he said. What would have happened if you had met at another time?
Erin bumped into you. 
“The community is organizing a vigil in front of the Birch’s house tomorrow night, she handed you a flyer, you’re coming?”
“Yeah, I’ll drop by your place so we can go together.” she nodded and you sighed looking at the face of the two little girls on the handout.
Chapter 5: Respect all, trust few soon
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