#if you couldn't tell i work in marketing by all my posts complaining about the social medias i hope this seals the deal
the-physicality · 2 months
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i hope this is as new and wonderful to you as it was to me :)
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neontokyoo · 1 year
HEYYY can I have 33 + 97 with William James Moriarty?? Tysm in advance and keep writing! I really enjoyed ur work!!
Aww, thank you, nonnie! It really makes me happy knowing how many people love my work! I really wasn't expecting all these requests within four days of posting on here. Mostly because I originally just made this blog to improve my writing and keep the creativity flowing, so thank you so much! Just knowing that people absolutely love my posts really makes my day!
Pairing: William James Moriarty x reader
Prompts: 33, 97
Summary: Your husband decides to do something special for your honeymoon
Genre: Fluff, lime(?)
Warning(s): sexual themes, bad language, I'm not very experienced with this, so hopefully it's not as bad as I thought it would be.
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William hurried around the cabin you had rented for your honeymoon, trying to get everything set up for your special surprise. Everything had to be perfect.
The bed was neatly made, with rose-scented candles lit on some of the furniture in the bedroom. Once he was done in there, he made his way to the main room, kitchen, and dining room. After making a beautiful dinner and some tea, he put everything neatly on a silver platter, setting it down on the coffee table in front of the loveseat in the main room.
After making a few finishing touches, he was finally satisfied enough to settle down and read a book while he waited for you to return from the "shopping trip" he sent you on. But he didn't have to wait long. You returned, looking absolutely stunning as always, with an irritated expression on your face.
"Liam, they didn't have what you sent me for—" You began until you saw your husband sitting down on the couch, smiling at you.
"Oh, don't worry about it, darling," he assured you, "I wasn't expecting them to."
"You mean you sent me to the market for absolutely no reason?" You questioned.
"I believe I have," he hummed, closing the book he was reading and getting up to put it back on the shelf.
"Liam, all you've ever done this whole time we've been gone is lie to me and send me on wild goose chases for items that don't exist," You complained.
"It's all for good reasons, I swear," he said, kissing you on the cheek.
You took a second to look around the room, unsure of what to expect. You were almost convinced he had another woman hiding around somewhere, considering how often he's been lying to get you out of the rental. But nothing seemed off except for the romantic setting that wasn't there before you left.
"What have you been planning?" you asked suspiciously.
"Just sit down, and I'll tell you."
You rolled your eyes and sat on the couch, with your husband sitting beside you, and he told you everything that he had been working on in secret over the past few days.
He had been planning the perfect romantic evening for you, and it was finally coming together. Everything from the candles to the dinner, to the loveseat where you were sitting, had all been carefully chosen to make you feel at home, and to let the sparkle of love shine through.
You two have been married for a while now—a little over a week—and William decided that it was time to take everything a step further.
While most of the couples you've met over the years have spent their nights just having sex, your husband wanted to do something extra special. Something that would show you how much he loves you.
"So, are you in?" he asked you.
"Of course, darling," you said, running your hand along his cheek and smiling at him.
He leaned in and gave you a quick kiss on the lips. "Perfect," he whispered, before taking your hand and leading you into the bedroom.
Everything was ready. The candles were lit, dinner was ready, and the loveseat was ready for you two to sit down and enjoy a nice, romantic evening.
As you walked into the bedroom, William had the look of satisfaction on his face. He had done a wonderful job, and he couldn't wait to see the look on your face.
"So, tell me." You said, looking over at him. "Are you going to tell me what this special surprise is?"
He took a deep breath, let it out, and then began. "I've been thinking." He began.
"About what?" you asked.
"Well, darling," he said, running his hand along your arm, "we've been married for a little while now, and I've been thinking that we should take things to the next level."
"Hmm." You hummed. "I'm not quite sure what you mean by that."
"I mean," he began, running his hand along your arm and placing it gently on his leg, "that we should have sex."
"Oh." You took a deep breath, and looked over at the loveseat, contemplating whether or not you wanted to have sex with your husband.
"Is that what you want?" he asked, reading your expression.
You nodded, and he pulled you in for a quick kiss.
"Well then, shall we?" he asked.
You nodded, and he gently set you on top of the bed.
"I really wish you'd told me earlier." You said, as he took off his suit. "I could have prepared."
"Don't worry, darling," he said, running his hands along your hips, "I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I have an answer for everything."
"Is that so?"
"Well, good." You said, taking off your own clothes and climbing back on top of the bed. "Because I've been dying to know what you have in mind."
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groundedintruth · 4 months
What I'd do for one last drive
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The longest hugs my dad and I share are always the ones where one of us has one hand holding onto luggage. The ones that arrived two hours too early and waited at the airport's parking lot just for that moment.
As a child, I couldn't picture my dad without his car. And sitting in the passenger seat, I followed him everywhere. Tagging along for a quick trip to the store I had no business in or a longer drive to the fish market, ready to grab my free juice box from all of his store friends, offering giggles and very few words in return. Sitting in the backseat of the car, too young for the front, I gradually shed my speech impediment, one "ra rajjul" at a time.
My tongue tie didn't stop me from suggesting different destinations. Sometimes we'd take a detour and end up at the arcade or a stationery shop where I'd refuse to leave for hours. And that wasn't the only reason for my dad to go out of his way. He is the most thoughtful person I know. He remembers everything and everyone.
And whether it was climbing a bouncy castle or racing a motor car too big for my size, my dad was always there telling me to get back on no matter how many times I fell.
More than anything, my dad loved to teach, albeit sometimes preferring his way of doing things. And I was always just as stubborn. I never really studied for exams as a child. The real learning happened in conversations with my dad, his endless questions about my day at school guiding me to internalize the entire curriculum through our talks.
My dad loved music. He loved driving to Al Kabli and sometimes silence. And you could never guess what he'd prefer or what was on his mind. When his health was deteriorating, my dad never complained. Instead, he kept asking about our health. As reserved as he is emotional and filled with bursting love.
One of my early childhood memories is running back in excitement and fear as my dad launched a homemade firework. I've picked up his love for adventure, for music and for documentation.
In many ways, I am my father's daughter. We express love in the same way– through thoughtful gestures, penned words, and when words fall short, through music. My dad has scattered pieces of paper and a secret emerald notebook full of things he'd never reveal.
His life was marked by early loss and constant moving. At only six years old, he lost his mother. He spent his childhood between his aunt's house and his dad's, his late teenage years at Wadi Sayyidna, and later left Sudan to pursue dentistry in Yugoslavia (Khartoum universities didn’t offer any dentistry courses back then.)
After returning, he spent some years working in different cities in Sudan. Then in the early 70s, he moved to UAE right when it became a country. And as a proud Sudanese immigrant, he refused to ever become a national of the country he spent half of his life in, a sentiment that I - until recently - struggled to understand.
And so I spent my years between UAE and Sudan, but I don't remember ever visiting with my dad before he eventually retired. In fact, I don't remember my dad ever taking any holidays. Yet again, spending a portion of his life alone.
Years ago, when I learned more about his life and asked "So, you were always living away from family," I didn't realize then that I was becoming like my father – someone who loves food but only enjoys cooking when there are other people to eat.
More than anything, my dad wanted to spend his last years in Sudan and now he is buried in the land he refused and I need a visa to visit his grave. And being away from home, my mind is filled with countless unasked questions, echoing in the silence he left behind.
A few days before he left us, my mum asked why we don't write each other long posts or letters expressing our love. And I agreed that as a family we just don't do public displays, that we like to keep to ourselves, maybe out of fear that it'll leave us if it leaves us.
And I found myself thinking maybe I will when one of us leaves. But the truth is I can't. Just like my dad, I write things out and don't say them. Just like my dad, I am full of emotions that I like to keep to myself.
But something about airports, about leaving and arriving, brings it out anyway.
It doesn't matter where I'm heading; at every airport visit, I rush, ignoring the vibration of my phone, and it's only at the boarding gate that I finally relax, hearing my dad's voice on the other end, telling him I've managed not to miss my flight once again.
For the first time in my life, I'm sitting at the gate quietly, not on the phone, not reading and not listening, just sitting on autopilot and unsure of how I made it here.
So who will edit photos of airplanes with our names and رافقتك السلامة to share in the family group chat? And who will tell the mornings what to bring with each new dawn?
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alexjcrowley · 1 year
So I watched The Virgin Suicides the other day and it was a film that I thought I would have loved but, instead, I found it underwhelming. If you wanna fight me on that, stop reading this post already because it's NOT on The Virgin Suicides, but on another movie completely.
Seen as I thought I would have loved The Virgin Suicides and I didn't, because I am tired ans recovering from a day long hangover I decided to watch a movie I never wanted to watch because I could already tell I was going to hate it: Pacific Rim. Now, other than the obvious reasons of the experiment and also my brain not being able to understand anything deeper than Pacific Rim right now, I have other reasons to watch this movie: Charlie Day, Burn Gorman (am I the only one who watched Forever?) and their ship, which I was aware of even before I was aware of the movie.
I have also a history and not being very on-board with del Toro's works lately, namely Pinocchio's movie (another movie I thought I was gonna love), Crimson Peak (I have a list of complains I have been keeping to myself since 2015) and Cabinet of Curiosites (cool project, execution meh). But, believe it or not, I like usually like del Toro's work. I usually like it a lot. I honestly couldn't believe something that I have always thought as bootleg Evangelion could be directed by him, but hey, life wouldn't be as beautiful as it is without surprises.
So now I am watching Pacific Rim. And to anyone who cares, I am noting down my thoughts as I go.
The initial monologue already makes me laugh, I'm sorry, it feels so...rushed
Cool things exploring the pilot becoming famous stuff and the toys and the marketing of war, quite brilliant tbh
The pilots are already the most annoying things put on this Earth
Was that a Star Wars quote?
"Yeah we're like not smart or strong or talented or anything we just basically hit the genetic jackpot for piloting this stuff" tell me this was intentional satire
It's still so unbelievable to me this is a legit expensive movie with great directing and good actors.
this movie looks like it was 2013.
I feel like this whole merging mind and strong bond themes will be interpret by the fandom as sexual metaphors.
For some reasons to me the whole equipment things look like a Dance Dance Revolution platform but like way more advanced.
"Let's go fishing" this is SO corny my God
The monologues take themselves way too seriously I can't help snothing every time
There's something about the way they're showing us the monster I really like. Just parts of it. Not all together. This way you build tension, this way you make the spectator feel powerless because they still don't know how exactly this monster looks, they are at loss. Very, very nicely done.
Yeah I can't take this seriously I am trying but I just can't. Also I don't give a fuck about the battle. Where's Charlie Day.
Bruh why is Idris Elba there
Oh so. So he's fucking dead. I mean I am still laughing but I am impressed.
Is he going to grunt in pain for long?
What the fuck was that transition.
Cool scene small robot big robot not gonna lie
This whole scene of him panting is cool, but it would have been cooler without the dramatic music trying to make this more "epic".
Nice shots of destroyed city
Now my old anime fan mind made the connection Jeager-AOT, wow, I am tired
All the politicians look like cunts
Was that a drug?
Idris Elba I love you but this whole "we don't need them stuff" I really don't like this, there are few things I hate more than movies trying to make militaries look really cool when they break the rules
Oh so the Trump solution. Really like. Real subtle there. (I KNOW Trump wasn't elected yet in 2013 but you get it. Like even before him wall rethorics to stop "dangers"). Like here it would even be justified to build a wall, why are they making it so- oh wait this is actually just Attack on Titan, isn't it.
Where is Charlie Day.
Cool visuals.
Maybe I have like. Already forgotten who the pilot in TV fucking is.
I don't know why but Charlie Hunmanby way to talk in this movie makes me laugh so much
No yeah so Charlie Hunnam stands up and walks NOT to face Idris Elba? Who wrote this. Who wrote the fake epic moments.
Charlie Hunnam you are a good actor, so what happened to you?
"Where would you rather die?" Who gives a FUCK he is gonna die anyway
This movie cannot make me believe in the reasons of his characters for 10 seconds I swear. I cannot empathise with anyone. Yeah even if Charlie Hunnam's figurative brother died while they were connected.
Who's the sexy lady
Bilingual flex
Charlie Day whatever drugs are you on I'd like to try them
Oh God so like they're married-married
Charlie Day I fucking love you
Also the first thing popping through my mind is that Newt is like the same Newt from Good Omens and this makes no sense whatsoever
So Newt is like Hanji, I think?
Hermann and Newt are my only two braincells
Newt talking about kaijus🤝me taking about cannibalism
I missed Burn Gorman's voice so much
Charlie Hunnam why are you the main character
Feels a lot like Star Wars the Shutterdome
Okay so now here is one of my pet peeves. The clock. This is a super technological military base and you have a vintage clock for...aesthetic? A clock which tells you the most important thing ever aka when the kaijus are going to attack? And it's old timey to make it cute? Shut up.
I thought the huge explanation of the robots would have bored me but actually no.
Of the course they're Siberian so they're blond BUT he has a dark beard???? So he is not naturally blond????? But he is blond like his sisters so did they get matching hair dye just because??????
Thank God Charlie Day and Burn Gorman are back
Hermann has a cane? Super nice detail
Why isn't this movie abito Hermann and Newt
"Politics and poetry, promises, these are lies" he is like the anti Professor Keating
"Numbers are as close as we get to the handwriting of God" HOLD. THE FUCK UP. THIS IS ON OF THE RAWEST LINES I HAVE EVER HEARD. AND IT'S COMING FROM THIS MOVIE??????? DAMN. RESPECT.
"The neural surge would be too much for a human brain" IDRIS ELBA SHUT UP YOU'RE NOT A DOCTOR
"Fortune favors the brave, dude" it is genuinely so nice hearing latin quotes still being used today, especially when they're being translated in other languages and are used "casually". Makes me feel proud of my studies.
The visuals are really cool at times
I love Mori's hair
"You are unpredictable" he is the most basic male protagonist I have ever seen
Sex? Sex tension? Maybe?
The urge to skip every scene that doesn't have Charlie Day or Burn Gorman in it
Bruh do not insult construction workers I will kill you
The most anticlimactic uncharismatic villain I have ever seen. He is evil because he is evil and is mean because we need a bad guy.
Combat scenes I thought were going to bore me but actually not.
Mori kick his ass
I don't understand what they're doing but I am intrigued
I am way more interested in Charlie Hunnam's plot now that Mori is copilot
Wait is she not
Bruh do not come up to her like that I thought you were gonna beat her up
Becket stop being a classic American hero for 1 minute
Newt is literally me.
It was supposed to be an emotional scene with the shoe and all but it's like. They're constantly trying to make scene emotional in this movie. But for me they just can't do it.
I feel like this going inside someone's mind thing should cause way more problems. Like someone can see my whole mind? Bet they're going to find something real fucked up or that angers them a lot so they just stop fighting the Kaiju to beat me up. Feels like that is what would actually happen.
I feel like the way Gorman is running with the cane is not very realistic. Coming from someone with a very weak ankle that had to use crutches a lot, especially recently.
"YOU! SHUT UP! You, keep talking" I feel like it has meme potential
Keep calling him Idris because I don't remember his name in the movie
Guy named Hannibal Chau was really hoping Mad Mikkelsen would have showed up
I really like the kaiju's design
Also I don't understand why she is holding a shoe? Is it broken? It doesn't look broken to me
I actually felt a bit of tension here, with Mako risking to fuck all up
Dearest Newt it would have killed you to bring an umbrella
I thought Kaiju bone powder was cocaine. It's actually Viagra. Alright.
I want Hannibal Chau's shoes. Love the whole outfit, actually. He slays. THE SUNGLASSES.
Hannibal Chau you're everything I wanna be. Also historical character? Damn you're killing it with the Ancient Rome reference, I thought it was after the cannibal.
Why all the military have the most annoying accent accents I have ever heard.
Bruh is Mako is your attack dog now
Like they're probably gonna make them fall in love but I like Raleigh and Mako as besties.
"You just hold back your little girlfriend" see he is the villain because he perpetuates amatonormativity
"One of you birches needs a leash" not gonna lie this line was fire
Raleigh stop with the fucking white knighting, Mako can kick both of your asses on her own, you know she can
No seriously can Mako say or do something and not stay in the back.
The combats scene are very cool in this movie
Idris Elba vome on don't be so harsh on her
I love the kid actor for Malo and honestly I am not so fond of child actors usually. She is good.
The epic moments in this movie try to hard to be epic, also the transitions kinda suck.
Idris Elba in this movie is a such a mood "One, don't you ever touch me again. Two, don't you ever touch me again." me @/anybody
I honestly think I couldn't be able to go through this whole movie if the fake epic moments weren't done by Idris Elba, he is so good he makes decent scenes that I would have found excruciating otherwise. I hope they paid him a lot of money for this role.
Why is Charlie Hunnam acting like shit I HAVE SEEN HIM ACT GOOD. He says every sentence with such gravity you do not distinguish when you are really supposed to take him seriously.
Did Tendo stole 11th Doctor's wardrobe?
I am so bored by the robot scenes I am filling up the hashtags for the post rn
Newt going from "I can't tell you" to "I'm gonna tell you" is peak literally me who cares about Ryan Gosling
Hannibal Chau looks like he came straight out Jujutsu Kaisen
Watching a robot movie not caring about the robots or any characters that are actually in it (the bad guy, the two Siberians, the Chinese triplets) is something. Like yeah go die in a pitch or smth see if I care. Give us nothing or give us everything it's the same to me.
I am really trying not to skip this part
Yeah no the monsters are pretty cool. I hope they win.
I smell something burning in my room it either a heart attack of I don't know. Maybe I should worry.
Fuck I can't understand where the burning smell comes from
Are they done yet with the battle?
No tits missiles????????
Yeah pretty fucking convenient yours's the only analogue
Okay Newt maybe you're drifting idea was kinda dumb if you didn't consider the two way brain
Bruh Hannibal Chau is so cool I want him to teach me how to be cool
Hermann go get your husband
Also this movie is set in 2020, I love old movies setting in the 2020 not having Coronavirus of course so I can legitimately say they canonically explore other timelines.
So not interested in the bad guy and his father
Of course they're Americans so they're trying to shoot guns at a beast that's 10 billions times bigger than them peak USA representation
Okay so obviously they are suddenly good at piloting this shit together because it's a movie and that's what happens in movie and now they need a win to demonstrate Idris Elba they were right
Are they gonna fight monsters for long yet? Are they?
I am thinking of all the damages done to the city and this makes me anxious. Of course like the monsters were going to destroy the city anyway so any collateral damage done by the robots are justified to me but I am so anxious.
Why is Newt the only one not flinching.
Okay but I love the concept of everyone pushing Newr to the Kaijus. Peak human behaviour. Datk just enough.
Did he...lick him? He went to lick Newt like a dog and then went away? What even. Loved it.
I have to see robots fight????? Again???? In my robot fighting movie?????? Despicable and a tragedy.
I need Hermann back, I miss him.
Dumb as fuck that scene with Newton's cradle but I liked it so much.
I would judge their battle dynamics but I don't want to invest so much attention into them
"For my family" corny af
Liked the calm electronic voice while they were falling and it was nearly silent
So very anxious about the city damages
"GUESS WHO'S BACK YOU ONE EYED BITCH" sir how do you feel about marriage? Like I am usually against it, but for you, for you I'd make an exception
I want Idris Elba as my parental figure he gives steadiness
I love the mini kaijus
Becoming a kaiju grrroupie
The pelvic area? Are they in the kaijussy?
BABY!!!!!! COME TO MAMA!!!!!!!!!
Wait is like Newt the father of the baby, though the drift or smth
Hermann good news you two can adopt now
Well Charlie Hunnam you're not entitled to know Idris Elba's medical conditions
Hermann bestie you're craaaaazy
I am Newton Geiszler around my friends Hermann Gottlieb with everyone else (I have the funniest story about messing up a handshake)
They're in lobe your honour
Idris shit man you ain't gonna be alright
Actually I am a bit emotional for this one
Cool speech moment I couldn't care less about
"Today we are cancelling the apocalypse" plot of Good Omens in a nutshell
"You're an egotistical jerk with daddy issues" or, as I like to call it, lazy writing
Am I supposed to care about him now? Too late I guess
So Idris Elba's name is Stacker, got it after more than an hour
Nice scene when the father says "that's my son you got there" though. It felt emotional.
Also like it seems a lot easier to be drift compatible, at the beginning of the movie it felt like a very complicated thing
Convenient toilet
Newton has ripped jeans? He's really 2 cool 4 school
"Move you, fascist" hits different for an Italian in 2023
I actually like this plot with the signature and the barcode for the breach
There are 13 minutes left I am so scared they'll all be about robot fighting I cannot watch them for so long without any interruption
What that sword is made of seriously
The ONLY reason I am still watching is because I hope there's another scene with Newt and Hermann
Okay actually emotional over Idris Elba and Mako
Are they gonna die? No wait guys I do not like you but you can't die
Again, this doesn't feel as epic as it should for me. Rationally I know it is epic but I am not feeling it.
How many minutes left I am getting restless
The fall dialogue was fine. I liked it. "Anyone can fall"
I love the Kaijus design
Wait and it's so powerful that they killed the breach? Entirely? I don't know how I feel about that.
Interstellar reference????
YEAH HE IS ALIVE I don't even care about him anything I am relieved???
So it's done? Breach killed and all that?
Nice seeing the father sad for his son
So they're in love now? I hope not. I liked them as besties
In the end, did I like this movie? No, that's pretty much a no, although I went in expecting to hate it 100%, while actually it was more like 85%. It's not a joke, honestly there were some nice things for me and the fact that I didn't completely hate it took me by surprise and I do consider this a victory. I heard the second one sucks, but since Charlie Day and Burn Gorman are still gonna slay in it, I'll watch it. The experiment could have gone worse, I am proud of myself.
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mmilkbreadd · 3 years
Chapter thirteen: “Owls, Cats and Swans”
Masterpost - Prev - Next
(These links might not work, so I recommend you to enter my profile and look in the pinned post for new updates)
Warning(s): a bit longer than usual.
Despite being a small market, you were able to get all the ingredients for the strawberry cake: eggs, flour, sugar, and, obviously, strawberries. The smell of them was exquisite, and they seemed of good quality too. 
Bokuto was already waiting for you at the entrance, where you had to pay for the products you bought for lunch. Besides the ingredients, you also wanted to buy a common sandwich, just like Koutarou.
“Woah, I didn't know you had a big stomach” Bokuto said looking at everything you were carrying between your hands. “Now I admire you more than ever!”
Shaking your head, you rested your purchases on the table where the cash register was located.
“No, Bokuto-san,” you said, taking your wallet out of the bag that had “Shiratorizawa” written on it. “Ushijima asked me to make a strawberry cake, that's why I brought all these things.”
Bokuto mouthed an “Oh”. Then he took his wallet out of his bag and before you could pay the cashier, he pushed your hand slowly and handed them the money.
You couldn't even complain about his actions, because he was already interrupting before you spoke: 
“No, y/n, I’ll pay... With one condition” the Fukurodani player took the bags with the purchases and pointed to the exit. “I want to try that cake too. Also, you need a kitchen where you can bake it since I doubt that there is a public one in the hotel where you stay. You and your friends can come to my house after the matches are over.”
Friends. What a strange word to refer to the people who were by your side all week. 
Strange, but real.
After exiting the market and accepting Bokuto's invitation (since you hadn't thought about where you would bake until he mentioned it, and also as a form of thanks), both of you headed towards the gym again. But before entering, you decided to sit on a bench at the entrance to have your little lunches. 
While you ate, Bokuto would tell you about his friends and ask questions about your life. There wasn't much to tell him about you, but since he asked very kindly and with a sparkle in his eyes, you tried to answer him as best you could. 
“I never would have guessed that you liked baking,” he said after a few seconds in silence. “I thought you were “volleyball, win, no smiles, angry”.”
You almost spit out all your drink listening to Bokuto trying to imitate your voice. A small laugh left your lips after being able to swallow the liquid that was almost spat out.
Koutarou was really a funny person. Maybe he was a little crazy, but not the bad type. You had heard the rumors that said that Bokuto was “dumb”, but no, you didn't believe that. Rather, you thought he was a genius.
He was clear about things, he knew what was important.
“I think it's time to go back, I have to play in an hour and a half,” you said after looking at the time on your phone. Bokuto looked a little disappointed, but then came back with his energetic expression.
“Oh, what a shame! I was having a good time with you, but you're right” he said getting up from the bench where he was sitting. “I too have a game shortly. Maybe, with a bit of luck, I can see some of yours!”
After entering the gym, you guys parted ways to go with your respective teams waving each other goodbye. When you got to where Emiko was, you noticed that Tendou and Ushijima were there too.
When Satori saw you, he was no longer angry, but now he was hugging you saying “you can never replace me after this hug.” When you were able to get out of his arms, Ushijima and Tsukasa asked how you had been, then you proceeded to explain what Bokuto had offered you: go to his house so you could bake the strawberry cake.
While Emiko jumped with excitement and Wakatoshi just smiled wishing to taste the dessert, Tendou frowned, jealous that you already had a strong relationship with ace Fukurodani's ace the first day you met. Instead, it had taken him ONE WEEK to gain your trust. 
Torture much, right?
Finally, after finishing telling the news to your friends, your coach called you and Emiko to start warming up before the game. You left Ushijima and Tendou and joined your other teammates.
The warm-up lasted about an hour since the match that was taking place on the court where your team was going to play next, had ended earlier than planned. You carried the ball cart to the side of the court where you would start playing. The coach said to practice a bit more, before Rato High School, your rival, arrived.
The referee blew the whistle indicating that the match was about to begin and then both teams positioned themselves on the lines that marked the boundary of the court to salute. Your serve would indicate the beginning of the match. 
Screams coming from the audience behind you caught your attention. At first, you thought they were the usual ones, Wakatoshi and Satori. But after observing who was screaming, you realized that it was Bokuto. He had his arms raised in the air, swinging them back and forth. Beside him were Akaashi (as usual), and a boy with black hair, and combed up, who did not have any team uniform. You thought it was Kuroo Tetsuro from Nekoma, you still weren't sure since he wasn't wearing the red sports team. 
You looked at Bokuto and smiled at him, thanking him for the support.
Seconds before serving, in the silent gym you could hear:
“If I had been the one screaming, I would have been killed. The preferences are noticeable.”
Satori Tendou, he would never change. 
And neither would the team... You had won again. 
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When the four of you arrived at Bokuto's house you couldn't even ring the bell, since the owner had opened the door for you as soon as your feet landed on the entrance. Taking off your shoes before entering, Akaashi explained that Koutarou had been sitting by the window since they returned from the gym, waiting for all of you to arrive. Specifically, waiting for you. 
Kuroo Tetsuro was in the kitchen, which confirmed your theory from earlier: he was watching the game too. Nekoma had lost during the third round against Karasuno, while they had lost today in the semi-finals against Kamomedai High. He also told you that the orange-haired boy (Hinata Shoyo), who had been involved in your downfall the day they arrived in Tokyo, had a fever, which was quite influential in the defeat. 
After yelling at Satori and Koutarou several times not to touch the raw strawberry cake mix, you were able to put it in the oven to finally cook. During the anxious wait, Kuroo and Bokuto were asking about your years playing volleyball, and why now you hang out with these people; being that the year before, you were alone practically all the time. Even though their questions were a bit annoying, you answered all of them as you had earlier at lunch. 
Akaashi and Emiko were talking in the corner as they carefully watched the three of you. Tsukasa, in her mind, was cursing Tetsuro because he was ruining her plans of setting up you and Bokuto, by not leaving you alone. Meanwhile, Tendou and Ushijima sat in front of the oven waiting for the time to take out the cake. 
After a long forty minutes, the dessert was ready. Carefully, you took the cake out of the oven and let it cool on top of the table, despite Wakatoshi's requests, who said that he could handle a bit of heat. Fifteen minutes later, everything was perfect for eating.
The seven tasted a piece of the cake, while you watched the others for a reaction. Suddenly, Bokuto started crying.
“It's the best cake I've ever had!” he said before hugging you. Maybe he liked hugs too much. “Come live with me and make me these desserts every day.”
When he released you, everyone started thanking you and complimenting you on how great it was. Nobody expected you to know how to cook so well, but they didn't know all the years it took you to perfect your recipes. 
Two hours passed and there was no more of the cake. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. Including Tendou, who was the only one who didn't want to come because of his jealousy for Bokuto. But all good things must end. 
“Time to go,” Tsukasa said after finishing helping Akaashi wash the dishes. “We are going to be late if we don't leave now.”
Saying goodbye to everyone, they thanked you again for the delicious food you had prepared, and you thanked Bokuto for letting you cook at his house. No one had been dissatisfied.
Tomorrow would be the semi-finals, and the players from Fukurodani and Shiratorizawa would have various incentives to win and reach the finals.
And Tendou had one more day to accomplish his mission of making you laugh. Difficult but not impossible. 
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A/N: there’s an error on the National Tournament’s Twitter image, Shiratorizawa won 2:0, instead of 2:1. Sorry, it must have slipped!!────────∘°❉°∘────────
Taglist: @nataliahaslosthershit @softesyoongi @allofycurlove @iwaizumi27athletictrainer @quiche-inoya @lukeyaccount @melodiamore @bokutowo @aideen00
(tags in black are not working)
Thanks for the support!
Thanks for reading!! 🥰
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ladyaceofspades · 3 years
The recent drama:
So I dropped one of my good friends. We had dated when I was 18 for a few weeks and I dumped him because he wouldn't get on the phone to talk to me, so I dipped. In the years that followed, he would come back every so often, try to woo me away from Matt, then eventually get angry and leave. He left and came back like 3 times. We've gone through spells where we would be super buddy buddy, or we wouldn't talk for months. He was my game buddy, although he would drive me insane because he would just do every mission and just drag me along for the fun of it.
While I was with Matt, T was very helpful. He would let me vent to him and he would validate my feelings, and when I was happy, he would remind me of all the awful things Matt did so I would stay strong against him. His line was "you're unhappy" and it worked because I was at the time. Even then, though, I knew he had feelings for me and he would tell me how much he loved me. When Matt and I broke up, I got into a relationship with my husband, Benjas, and T got into a relationship with Amber.
T came around again, spouting the same thing. He loves me, will always love me, wants to be with me, but will respect my relationship...even though his fiancé, Amber had started living with him then. Our friendship did the cycle again, until he overstepped on a FB post of mine, and I put him in his place. I blocked him on FB, he confronted me about it, and I told him why it had to happen: that what he said was totally inappropriate, it made Benjas angry and me angry, and his or my family could've seen it and it caused problems for us. T's comeback was "in all the years I've known you, you've never let a man tell you what to do". I did not stand for that and had to explain 3 times why what he said was bad and why it wasn't acceptable. He finally understood and asked that I text every so often so he knows I'm ok.
I didn't text for a few months. Recently, he tried to reach out through text, and email (forgot he had my email so that was a surprise). When that didn't work, he had his friend Gabe message me, and Amber friended me on FB (she had had me blocked on and off for years). By then, I was hella creeped out. Apparently, T had "a bad feeling" that something bad had happened to me and he had a dream something happened to me, and broke down to Amber and told her he missed me so, according to him, she added me out of jealousy and to see what he and I said to each other on FB (we weren't friends on there so she would've see nothing). Anyway, his actions and him getting his people to reach out to me made me rethink some things, and it also made me listen to my intuition harder, which said that he was full of it and lying. I started to wonder if what he was telling me was true, so I chatted with Amber about it and it was like we were getting two different stories. For example, Amber was moving out because she needed assisted living help and T was telling me that if she moved out, they would probably break up (it went from probably to definitely break up) and he would cut the ties completely, whereas Amber was under the impression that T would still be there for her and that they might break up but it was a low chance. Other things like he was blaming my husband for why I wasn't talking to him, and when I told Amber about it, she got angry about it (understandably).
When I talked to him and told him that I can't trust him when my intuition is telling me that he's lying and it's been proven so we should takea break from being friends, he told me that he wouldn't be coming back or be there for me anymore. I said that that was fine, as if the person going back to someone wasn't him coming back to me every time.
Anyway, I creeped his FB page one more time and he posted
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Which essentially is him taking some of the accountability for everything but he's putting a lot of it on me, when I wanted nothing to do with him at all for awhile and I TRIED with the super quick responses or no responses at all. He says he's been used, but he wouldn't respect my marriage even though I told him he needed to and he said he would. I kept saying "I love you like a friend" but he wouldn't listen. How is that my fault? I'm really angry that I'm being blamed for shit I didn't do because he can't face that part of himself.
Not to mention, he has GREATLY overestimated his place in my life (or as my friend Leighann says, his market value). He was needed at some point, but after the FB thing, it became incredibly apparent that he never respected me as a person or as anything else other than a possible future lover, that he put me on a pedestal, and he never considered that I moved on in my emotions. I mean, I got MARRIED to the love of my life and this POS was still trying to chase me, and recently had gone back to telling me how unhappy I was, when I'm not. It was surreal to be told "you're unhappy" multiple times in a short period of time and my brain went "what? No we're not". Whatever mind game he tried to run on me again didn't work this time.
Anyway, here's the shit Amber texted me when I asked her why she friended me again:
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Versus what he texted me about everything:
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So....why the gap in stories? I confronted him about what his friends said to her too, and he complained that you can't control your friends so I couldn't hold that against him. Well, in reality, you set the standard for how your friends act around you, and you set the boundaries about your SO, so his friends shouldn't have been telling her that she looked like me or anything. He also told me not to trust her, but I felt like she didn't have an agenda with me, until the end. Now I find that they're staying together, or else why would he be apologizing to her publicly in multiple posts? Guess she bought his bullshit, and he doesn't want to be alone again. Lol whatever, let them be toxic together. Unfortunately, if he's done this once, he'll do it again (he did with another woman too apparently - an ex of a friend of his, he asked for pics of her and according to him he said "no nudes" but according to Amber, the woman said "no nudes"), so it'll only be a matter of time until he either tries to come after me again, or he finds someone else in his town to go after. I've blocked him on almost everything, blocked her as well, so neither of them can come back in my life. I'm just a little worried about those old nudes of mine he still has...I don't think he'd do anything but I almost told Amber about them so she would get him to delete them. I guess, worst case is I could always sue if he puts them on a p0rn site...
Sorry I needed to get this shit off my chest. I know people's opinions shouldn't matter to me, but they do, especially when I'm being blamed for everything and the person who ACTUALLY set everything in motion is refusing to take responsibility for it.
I'll do a cord cutting spell or a binding or something after we move to the new apartment so they don't come back.
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eversoslinky · 5 years
Why I don't call myself a "spoonie"
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One of the many reasons I don't go on Instagram anymore is not being able to talk about my illnesses freely with like minded people. This is me today, I'm having the worst day ever so frustrated and annoyed with myself and I physically can't move. I have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, (ME) Endometriosis, Adenomysis (Endometriosis of the womb) Fibromyalgia, a hiatus hernia as well as stomach and digestion problems. I won't call my account Chronicallyhannah or EndoHannah or Fibrohannah because it's NOT how I define myself. I'm glad my account is called Eversoslinky because whenever I see that name it puts a big smile on my face. I'm NOT my illnesses, I have alot of problems and health conditions but they aren't who I am. I don't think I can ever look at the words assosatied with my illnesses and feel happy. Yes, I'm ill, I don't work, most of my days are spent in bed. I cry alot cause I feel like a waste of space... I feel like I'm a drain on my family and society and I don't deserve to live. I think I'll never meet a man and be happy cause who would possibly put up with me?
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There's alot of negative culture in what is surposed to be a loving environment for people to talk freely... a weird backwards way people compete with each other for who is the most sick. When I first posted about being ill I had lots of people (mainly other women with endo) wanting to speak with me. I felt my heart and soul had been lifted! Finally! A group of people who I can speak to openly and freely about my health problems. But this all soon turned nasty pretty quickly when I started modelling... People saying I couldn't really be ill cause I pose nude and in lingerie for photos. If I really did have endo, I'd have a bloated stomach and be so self conscious about my body I'd constantly cover myself up. That's not true! If I'm ill, I'm ill. I don't do a shoot but I refuse to let it stop me if I do feel well enough. I have so many bad days when I get a good day I make it count! Bloated belly or no bloated belly! Take me as you find me, but don't you EVER, ever try to tell me what you think a sick person should look like! If you do then you are just as bad as those who say "...But you don't look sick."
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I read a blog someone had written not that long ago on Instagram saying that anyone with depression or anxiety couldn't call themselves a spoonie and they had no right to complain about being ill mentally. It made me rage!!! I think of my health problems as "chicken or egg" they are connected and I almost certainly started to become depressed on the days I got so ill I couldn't walk. Knowing I was due on my period used to send me into an overdrive of anxiety. I remember sitting on the toilets and crying and shaking knowing that I had just come on my period and I had so much work to do. I needed to concentrate and focus yet I had this constant brain fog and feeling I was going to faint.
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I love the spoon theory, I think it describes being chronically sick perfectly and how people like myself struggle to do things everyday that other healthy people might find easy. However, I won't call myself a spoonie cause I get shit for it off the chronic illness community. I feel I constantly have to talk about how sick I am and I have to talk about events like hospital visits instead of talking say for example, a photoshoot I did in the past or going to a really great vintage market. I can't talk about what other interests I have... because I'm too ill to have them. But EVERYONE deserves to have hobbies, interests and things they enjoy doing that have nothing to do with their illnesses. You'd be surprised how many times I've done a really glamourous hair and makeup look and put it on Instagram. I've photographed myself in a portrait style (from the chest up) wearing a sexy lace bra and cute necklace. The person looking at my Instagram can only see the top half of me, the bottom half (from the waist down) I'm in my PJs. (The chances are my stomach was too swollen to wear pants that day!) What I'm trying to say is I did that activity sitting down on my bed with my mirror propped up. It wasn't sky diving or scuba diving or any extreme sport but it made me feel good and it had absolutely nothing to do with me being ill.
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Because of how I look I get alot of crazy sex pests messaging me. Most of them are harmless until I have a day I want to talk about the reality of being ill. Then I get messages like "cheer up, chin up" I understand that some people (mainly older people) might not understand, they think I'm having a bad day or I've got a stomach bug or something... the one that made me cry in frustration was a man who asked me if I was taking my pills for fun.Please don't be this ignorant! Please no! So the above picture is a perfect example of how I feel and what any person who is chronically sick goes through on a daily basis. I'm not an addict! I hate taking pills, I take so many and I've been taking them for years and they themselves have nasty side effects. I definitely don't derive any pleasure from anything I take.
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Last but not least, let me explain to you what you are doing to someone if you think you can decide if they are sick or not? You drive them indoors, inside their home... you make them wish they had minimal interaction with other people. You are closing walls around them and isolating them from the rest of the world! That person you saw who looks perfectly healthy to you pushing their trolley around the supermarket. They don't work. They have a medical condition and very severe depression and anxiety. They have someone who usually does their shopping, who couldn't do it this week. This is one day out of all the other days of the year they got up and went out? Do you begrudge them that one day? Or do they have to stay in their home to fill the stereotype of a sick person? It doesn't matter if you are a sick person or a healthy person you have no right to decide what "sick" looks like. Many times have I had to go to the shops by myself while I've been in pain but that's because I lived alone and had no choice. I won't define myself as being a spoonie (although, I guess choosing between changing my bed and washing my hair is a good example of my daily decision making process.) There are plenty of things I'm very capable of doing and I do them well but they define me no more than my bad days.
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