#igor kot
black-lilith98 · 10 months
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dance-world · 4 months
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Artem Gerasimov, Alexey Kots, & Igor Sharoyko by Alex Yocu
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mariacallous · 1 year
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree changing the composition of Russia’s Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights. The document was published on Russia’s Internet portal for legal information.
The decree excludes 10 people from the Council, among them Crew Against Torture founder Igor Kalyapin; executive secretary of the St. Petersburg Human Rights Council Natalia Evdokimova; director of the Sova Center for Information and Analysis Alexander Verkhovsky; and journalists Nikolay Svanidze, Ivan Zasursky, and Ekaterina Vinokurova.
Those who have joined the Council on Human Rights in their place include head of the executive committee of the All-Russia People’s Front Yuliya Belekhova; a deputy from the self-proclaimed DNR, Elena Shishkina; and war correspondent for the tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda, Alexander Kots.
Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov commented on the change in the Council’s membership, saying, “In new circumstances, different people become public opinion leaders, and in new circumstances, different people can better represent civil society. They are the most correct reflection of civil society.”
On her exclusion from the Council, Natalia Evdokimova reported that the shuffle was a “relief” for her. “The current Council has no need for people who fight for something. They want people who support the authorities’ structures. Before, each of us was a creator and had our own voice. Now, everything comes from the presidential administration and the chairman of the Council, Mr. Fadeev. He passes his opinion off as ours,” she explained.
Putin and the Council on Human Rights hold a yearly meeting in December. According to newspaper Kommersant, in 2022 most presentations will concern the war in Ukraine. In particular, says Kommersant, Nikolay Svanidze, recently removed from the Council, wanted to “raise the question of what amounts to a ban on anti-war speech, and the illegal discrediting of opponents of the war.”
In March, 2022, 13 members of the Council called on Russian authorities to halt combat immediately. The president’s November 17 order expelled most of them from the Council.
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argumate · 2 years
White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan reported on July 11 that Iran will provide Russia with “up to several hundred UAVs” on an expedited timeline. Sullivan did not specify the kinds of drones Iran will be supplying. AEI’s Critical Threats Project has provided a quick summary of the basic kinds and capabilities of Iranian drones. Sullivan noted that Iran will also provide weapons-capable UAVs and train Russian forces to use Iranian drones as early as July. Russian milbloggers and war correspondents have long criticized the Kremlin for ineffective aerial reconnaissance and artillery fire correction measures due to the lack of UAVs. Former Russian military commander and milblogger Igor Girkin stated that Ukrainian forces have successfully defended the Donetsk Oblast frontline due to the advantage of Ukrainian UAV capabilities in the area. Russian milblogger Andrey Morozov (also known as Boytsevoi Kot Murz) blamed Russian state media for grossly misrepresenting the availability of Russian UAVs and their ability to support accurate artillery fire. Russian frontline correspondent Alexander Sladkov also complained that Russian forces can build more drones but have not done so.
the virgin Russia propped up by the chad Iran
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peterjancic · 1 year
Vodja pro-ruskih separatistov Girkin: Ruska vojska ni sposobna premagati ukrajinske
Redko lahko vidimo analize iz ruske strani, ki vsebujejo hudo razočaranje, ker se je vojna v Ukrajini za Rusijo razpletla povsem drugače kot so pričakovali in v kateri (nekdanji) ruski obveščevalec in vojaški veteran oceni, da ruska vojska ni sposobna premagati ukrajinske. Nekdanji vodja pro-ruskih separatistov in upokojeni polkovnik ruske obveščevalne službe Igor Girkin, znan tudi kot Igor…
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filtrmag · 3 years
Freestyle del mladinskega svetovnega prvenstva v snowboardingu je zaključen, najboljša slovenska uvrstitev je dvanajsto mesto
Na mladinskem svetovnem prvenstvu v snowboardingu, ki se v ruskem Krasnoyarsku odvija med 18. in 27. marcem, smo že dobili mladinske svetovne prvake v vseh treh freestyle disciplinah. Svetovna prvaka v slopestylu sta postala Belgijka Evy Poppe in Japonec Rikuto Watanabe, v halfpipu sta kraljevala Japonca Manon Kaji in Kaishu Nakagawa, v big airu pa sta bila prav tako najboljša Japonca in sicer Yura Murase in Taiga Hasegawa. Najboljši slovenski predstavnik letošnjega mladinskega svetovnega prvenstva je z 12. mestom v kategoriji big air postal Ožbe Kuhar.
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Novi mladinski prvaki v freestyle disciplinah z izjemo Belgijke prihajajo iz Japonske. Ta država prednjači tudi med dobitniki odličji na tekmovanju, a je druščina vseh nosilcev medalj le nekoliko bolj pisana. Vsekakor pa lahko z gotovostjo trdimo, da Japonska postaja prevladujoča sila freestyle snowboardinga.
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Na tekmovanju v slopestylu so si med dekleti odličja razdelila edina "ne japonska" mladinska svetovna prvakinja 17-letna Evy Poppe iz Belgije, ki je z oceno 88.75 točk premagala drugo uvrščeno japonsko tekmovalko Yuro Murase. Na tretje mesto se je z oceno 85.00 točk uvrstila Finka Telma Sarkipaju. Belgijka Poppova je sicer aktualna olimpijska svetovna prvakinja v slopestylu, na mladinskem svetovnem prvenstvu pred dvema letoma pa je v tej disciplini končala na nehvaležnem četrtem mestu.
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Med fanti je zmago z oceno 92.75 točk suvereno osvojil Japonec Rikuto Watanabe. Na odru za zmagovalce se mu je pridružil rojak Aoto Kawakami, ki je prejel oceno 89.00 točk, tretje mesto pa je z oceno 86.50 točk osvojil Nizozemec Sam Vermaat. S tem je za 0.25 točke prehitel Shuzabura Otsuba in tako preprečil popolno japonsko prevlado.
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Najboljši slovenski predstavnik je bil Valuk Markelj, ki je osvojil 25. mesto. Anej Herženjak je zasedel 29. mesto, Ožbe Kuhar pa je bil 34..
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V big airu je z ocenama 169.75 točk zmago slavila Japonka Yura Murase, na tem prvenstvu že svetovna mladinska podprvakinja v big airu. Na drugo mesto se je uvrstila njena rojakinja Chihira Edamatsu, ki je zbrala 162.00 točk. Svoje drugo odličje iz mladinskega prvenstva in tretje na sploh pa je osvojila novopečena mladinska svetovna prvakinja v big airu Belgijka Evy Poppe, ki je zbrala 158.00 točk in s tem ponovila uspeh iz mladinskega svetovnega prvenstva v švedskem Klaeppenu, kjer je bila v tej disciplini leta 2019 prav tako tretja.
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Med fanti je zmago slavil Taiga Hasegawa, ki je s skupno oceno 173.25 točk suvereno premagal drugo uvrščenega Nemca Moritza Breua (167.25 točk). Tretje mesto je osvojil Rus Igor Tarakanov, ki je prejel oceno 155.00 točk.
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Najboljši slovenski predstavnik je bil 16-letni Vrhničan Ožbe Kuhar, ki je v finalu zasedel 12. mesto. Na svojem drugem mladinskem svetovnem prvenstvu je to zanj prva uvrstitev v finale in s tem najboljši rezultat.
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Ožbe Kuhar je z uspešno izvedenim skokom switch frontside 1260 najprej dosegel šesti rezultat druge kvalifikacijske skupine (skupno deveti kvalifikacijski rezultat) in se uvrstil v finale, kjer je osvojil dvanajsto mesto.
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»Po odličnem sobotnem kvalifikacijskem nastopu, Ožbe v nedeljskem finalu oziroma že pred njim ni imel sreče. Na zadnjem skoku za trening je namreč nesrečno padel, kar ga je vrglo iz ritma. Zbranost je popustila, prva dva finalna skoka se mu tako nista izšla po načrtih. Pri enem se je tudi rahlo poškodoval, v tretje zato ni nastopil. Z uvrstitvijo v Big Air finale smo  zadovoljni, za kaj več pa je zmanjkalo tudi nekaj sreče,« je po tekmi povedal trener Domen Bizjak, pritrdil pa mu je tudi Kuhar, sicer član slovenske B reprezentance.
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Poleg Kuharja sta na big air tekmi v Krasnoyarsku nastopila še dva slovenska predstavnika. Valuk Markelj je osvojil 26., Anej Herženjak pa 30. mesto.
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V halfpipu je mladinska svetovna prvakinja postala Japonka Manon Kaji, ki je z nastopom ocenjenim z 96.25 točkami suvereno premagal drugo in tretjo uvrščeni Švicarki Isabelle Loetscher (83.25 točk) in Eleno Schuetz (79.75 točk).
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Pri fantih je zmago osvojil Japonec Kaishu Nakagawa, ki je z oceno 94.50 točk za manj kot točko premagal Švicarja Jonasa Haslerja (93.75 točk). Na tretje mesto se je uvrstil Korejec Chaeun Lee, ki je zbral 86.75 točk.
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djohnhopper · 3 years
Listen: https://band.link/CEAHC
СЕАНС — найінтимніший трек в дискографії ONUKA за всі шість років існування гурту. На зміну соціальним меседжам (альбоми VIDLIK і MOZAЇKA) прийшла відверта розмова про особисте. СЕАНС — це історія про боротьбу з упередженнями та стереотипами; про шлях до перемоги над своїми страхами. Він був написаний у період, коли Ната готувалась стати мамою. Так, цей трек присвячений синові Нати та Жені та був написаний з думками про нього.
CEAHC is the most intimate track of ONUKA’s in six years. Social messages (which are abundantly present on albums such as VIDLIK and MOZAЇKA) made room for a more intimate and personal conversation. CEAHC tells a story about fighting biases and stereotypes; about moving towards something bigger and conquering fears. It was written while Nata was pregnant and expecting to greet a baby boy. That’s why the track is devoted to Nata’s and Eugene’s son and was written with him in mind.
Director — Eugene Filatov. Style+Art — Lesya Patoka. Producer — Lera Levitskaya.
Production TVC. Producer — Igor Nesterenko. Line Producer — Serhii Mirankov. DOP — Olga Oborina. 1AD — Eugene Shklyarevich. Gaffer — Andrii Barsukov. Focus Puller / 1AC — Taras Khryshcheniuk. 2AC — Kiril Poddybniy. Steadicam – Max Salo. Make — Sveta Rymakova. Hair — Oksana Kot. Drone — Dmitry Denisov, Dmitry Franchuk — ZODIACfilm. Equip — ZODIACfilm. Special transportation – Danapris Cinema Rental. Pyro — Medved Rodgar. Edit — Maryna Maykovska. Color — Andrew Shtern. Post/VFX — RomaFX. Actors — Demchenko Sergii, Olha Shein, Kulishov Ilya. Photo MakingOF — Yuriy Gryaznov. BIG THANKS — PROFI and Alex Zhyzhchenko.
Follow: https://www.facebook.com/onuka.official https://www.instagram.com/onukaofficial https://vimeo.com/onukaofficial https://www.youtube.com/user/onukaoff... https://soundcloud.com/onukaofficial http://onuka.ua
©2020 Vidlik Records. https://vidlik.com
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misterzombi · 4 years
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48ème jour de notre #1j2sparjour de #confinement avec #KingOfNewYork chez @iello_fr. C'est un jeu de baston de Richard Garfield, illustré par Igor Polouchine, Régis Torres, Arnaud Launay, Mathieu Rebuffat, Charlotte Bey, Alexey Yakovlev et Sébastien Lamirand, pour 2 à 6 joueurs, à partir de 10 ans et des parties qui durent en moyenne 40 minutes. Dans ce jeu on incarne des monstres géants bien décidés à prouver leur supériorité sur les autres et à prendre le contrôle de la ville de New York. Pour y parvenir on va se déplacer dans les différents quartiers de la ville, détruire des bâtiments et/ou des unités de l'armée qui s'y trouvent, attaquer nos adversaires et augmenter notre notoriété. On peut remporter la partie de deux manières différentes soit en étant le dernier monstre en vie ou alors en étant le plus célèbre (obtenir 20 points de renommée symbolisés par des étoiles). J'avais opté pour Captain Fish (et ses délicieux bâtonnets de colin) face au Shériff dinosaure de @luna.rela. Comme elle a été la première à jouer, elle s'est rendue dans Manhattan et n'en a pas bougé de la partie. J'ai failli réussir à la battre mais ses nanobots lui ont permis de survivre. Elle a réussi à s'imposer en devenant la plus célèbre avec 22 points au final. Je suis très fan de la saga des King Of. La version New York est un peu plus technique que celle de Tokyo mais elle offre des options en plus pour parvenir à ses fins, avec la présence des bâtiments/unités. KOT et KONY ce sont des supers jeu de baston, bien chaotiques, avec des magnifiques monstres géants et un univers très coloré et attachant, en bref j'adore et je ne dis jamais non à une partie. Vive les coups de pattounes dans la couenne et le staïle monstrueux ! #j2s #jeu #boardgames #gamer #boardgamers #tabletopgame #instagame #instaboardgame #boardgamephotography #brettspiel #boardgamegeek #juegodemesa #gamenight #bgg #bggcommunity #dailygamechallenge #boardgamefamily #boardgamelovers #dicegames https://www.instagram.com/p/CAYhQwchm2z/?igshid=oocok1ig363t
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yaroslavbugaev · 5 years
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For  L'Officiel Ukraine style Liza G model Mary Lu ART Julia Gordienko MUA Hair  Yevgeniya Kozlova Photography assistant  Igor Kot
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black-lilith98 · 3 years
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dance-world · 4 months
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Artem Gerasimov, Alexey Kots, & Igor Sharoyko by Alex Yocu
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mariacallous · 2 years
Russian propagandists: Warlord Girkin sent to front lines in Ukraine. Russian warlord Igor Girkin, also known as Strelkov, was sent to the front lines as a deputy battalion commander or the chief of staff of a unit, Russian propagandist and war journalist Maksim Fomin and other propagandists reported. Girkin, who is usually active on social media daily, has been silent since Oct. 10. Girkin’s wife Miroslava Reginskaya posted a photo of him in a military uniform on Oct. 15 and added that he was alright and would soon be in touch again. Girkin effectively launched the war in the Donbas by seizing Sloviansk in April 2014. Since then, he has become critical of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, lashing out at him for mishandling the war effort. Girkin reportedly tried to go to the front in Ukraine in August 2022 but was blocked by the Russian authorities.
Additional Russian forces arrive in Belarus. The Belarusian Defense Ministry on Oct. 15 announced the arrival of the first group of Russian servicemen after the country announced the creation of a joint regional military command. Belarusian authorities say the arriving Russian troops are to be part of the new military structure.
Ukrenergo: Russian missile strike hit energy infrastructure in Kyiv Oblast. State-owned grid operator Ukrenergo reported on Oct. 15 that the morning missile strike on the outskirts of Kyiv had caused “heavy destruction” on the energy infrastructure.
Occupation government: Ukrainian troops launch offensive in Kherson Oblast. Kirill Stremousov, a deputy head of the Russian illegal occupation government in Kherson Oblast, said that the Ukrainian military is trying to launch an offensive near the village of Dudchany. The offensive was also reported by several pro-Kremlin war journalists, including Yevgeny Poddubny and Alexander Kots. Ukraine has not yet confirmed the reports. The Ukrainian military reported on Oct. 12 that it had destroyed an ammunition depot near Dudchany, as well as a control post and a communication hub in Kherson Oblast's Sukhanovo district.
Governor: Fire breaks out at oil depot due to shelling in Belgorod, Russia. Vyacheslav Gladkov, governor of Russia's Belgorod Oblast, said that emergency workers had extinguished the fire. On Oct. 13, Gladkov said an ammunition warehouse was blown up in Belgorod, blaming Ukraine’s Armed Forces for the explosion.
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dadlezal · 7 years
The cameraman shows Maciej Kot and Andreas Kofler in the lift. J: The Polish-Austrian friendship goes on. I: Friendship? J: You know, one Austrian is our coach. I: Yeah... And king Jan III Sobieski took over Vienna.
Jakub Pieczatowski&Igor Błachut during the qualification in Bischofshofen, 2017
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peterjancic · 6 years
Zakaj je Kadunc pri Rebernikovi čakal cel mesec?
Zakaj je Kadunc pri Rebernikovi čakal cel mesec?
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Da bi jo rad predčasno odstavil, je odgovorno urednico informativnega programa televizije Slovenija Jadranko Rebernik včeraj obvestil generalni direktor Igor Kadunc.
Predlog direktorice televizije Ljerke Bizilj, ki je nujen, da bi lahko odstavil Rebernikovo, je Kadunc dobil že pred več kot mesecem. Zakaj je doslej čakal, ni povsem jasno. Neuradno je slišati, da nima ravno trdnega primera, če se…
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prasmingasfilmas · 4 years
ЛСП.Ирония судьбы или Tragic City. from doroga on Vimeo.
"LSP. Irony of Fate or Tragic City"
20-минутный фильм по мотивам альбомов группы ЛСП «Magic City» и «Tragic Сity». 20-minute film based on the albums of the LSP group "Magic City" and "Tragic City".
В Tragic City дела идут своим чередом. Мальчишка Гарик настолько же ненавидит это место, насколько любит свою сестру, тонущую в порочном водовороте его зловонных трущоб. Герой жаждет возмездия и ради этого готов прибегнуть к любым, даже самым жестоким мерам...
Things in Tragic City are going their own way. A sucker named Garik hates this place just as much as he loves his sister, who is drowning in a vicious vortex of its stinky slums. The hero seeks revenge and is ready to take any step, even the most violent one…
Doroga production
Idea/Script - Petia Dainovski,Alexandra Onegina,Evgeny Alehin Director - Petia Dainovski DOP - Nikolay Laydra Producers - Oleg Savchenko,Sergey Yakubovski Executive producer - Antanas Kleinas 1AD - Mikitka Kosto Production Designer - Roma Svechnikov Costume Design - Emma-Maria Chernih Make Up Artist - Oksana Kukartseva Sound - Zhenia Shaniuk Sound design - Igor Kot Color grading - Alexei Zhukov Gaffer - Pavel Gilev CG - VAL Studio VFX Supervisor - Alexei Dubko Casting - Why Not Found Agency - Vasilisa Ptichkina Storyboard - Kira Yerohin Special chelovek - Nastia Bratislavskaya Music - Roman Anglichanin Sasheko
Minsk City 2018
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webdevq-com · 5 years
Правки и доработки по сайту на Shopify • Фриланс-проект ≡ Заказчик Игорь Кот
New Post has been published on https://ru.webdevq.com/project/pravki-i-dorabotki-po-saity-na-shopify-frilans-proekt-zakazchik-igor-kot/
Правки и доработки по сайту на Shopify • Фриланс-проект ≡ Заказчик Игорь Кот
Поправить ошибки после натяжки верстки, настроить нормальную работу Shopify магазина                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
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