#iphone insurance current
phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Time for some tracts:
"How do we create jobs?" You raise the minimum wage, because if people don't need to work three jobs to make rent, those other two jobs will mysteriously open up.
"How do we support small businesses?" You raise the minimum wage, staggered to the biggest corporations first.
"How do we reduce homelessness?" You raise the minimum wage.
"How do we make sure raising the minimum wage doesn't negatively impact prices or--?"
Prices are already rising faster than wages are, this is playing catch up.
Put a cap on CEO salaries and bonuses, they can't earn more than 100 times more than their lowest paid workers. Current US ratio is 342, which is insane. (This list is mostly about the US.)
Hit corporations first, give small businesses time to adjust. McDonald's and Walmart can afford to raise wages to $20/hr before anyone else does, they have that income.
Drop the weekly hours required for insurance from thirty to fifteen. This will disincentivize employers having everyone work 29hrs a week, partly because working only 14hrs a week is a great way to have undertrained, underpracticed staff. Full time employment becomes the new rule.
Legalize salary transparency for all positions; NYC's new law is a good start.
Legislation that prevents companies from selling at American prices while paying American wages abroad. Did you know that McDonald's costs as much or more in Serbia, where the minimum wage is about $2/hr? Did you know that a lot of foreign products, like makeup, are a solid 20% more expensive? Did you know that Starbucks prices are equivalent? Did you know that these companies charge American prices while paying their employees local wages? At a more extreme example, luxury goods made in sweatshops are something we all know are a problem, from Apple iPhones to Forever 21 blouses, often involving child labor too. So a requirement to match the cost-to-wage ratio (either drop your prices or raise your wages when producing or selling abroad) would be great.
Not directly a minimum wage thing but still important:
Enact fees and caps on rent and housing. A good plan would probably be to have it in direct ratio to mortgage (or estimated building value, if it's already paid off), property tax, and estimated fees. This isn't going to work everywhere, since housing prices themselves are insanely high, but hey--people will be able to afford those difficult rent costs if they're earning more.
Trustbusting monopolies and megacorps like Amazon, Disney, Walmart, Google, Verizon, etc.
Tax the rich. I know this is incredibly basic but tax the fucking rich, please.
Fund the IRS to full power again. They are a skeleton crew that cannot audit the megarich due to lack of manpower, and that's where most of the taxes are being evaded.
Universal healthcare. This is so basic but oh my god we need universal healthcare. You can still have private practitioners and individual insurance! But a national healthcare system means people aren't going to die for a weird mole.
More government-funded college grants. One of the great issues in the US is the lack of healthcare workers. This has many elements, and while burnout is a big one, the massive financial costs of medical school and training are a major barrier to entry. While there are many industries where this is true, the medical field is one of the most impacted, and one of the most necessary to the success of a society. Lowering those financial barriers can only help the healthcare crisis by providing more medical professionals who are less prone to burnout because they don't need to work as many hours.
And even if those grants aren't total, guess what! That higher minimum wage we were talking about is a great way to ensure students have less debt coming out the other side if they're working their way through college.
Linda P requested something either really interesting or really silly and this is... definitely more of a tract on a topic of interest (the minimum wage and other ways business and government are both being impeded by corporate greed) than on a topic of Silly. Hope it's still good!
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gallawitchxx · 9 months
tag game tuesday 🤘🏼
oh hell yeah, the pals are OUT today! huge thanks to @celestialmickey @creepkinginc @metalheadmickey @energievie @deedala @whatthebodygraspsnot @michellemisfit @harrowhark-a-vagrant @transmickey @heymrspatel @mmmichyyy @suzy-queued & @whatwouldmickeydo for inviting me to play!
you can call me: bee 🐝
pronouns: she/her
sun sign + favorite flower: cancer & big pink lilies! 🦀 🌸
what time did you wake up today? 5:30am.... but ask me about my bedtime 😉
what kind of phone do you have? i think an iphone 12 mini? it's blue! i love it! i just got a new skull pop socket for it! 📱
pick one: beach, mountain, desert, or forest? beach bayybeee 🏖
favorite vegetable: a child would gag around me -- asparagus or brussels! 🌱
last person you talked to on the phone: my health insurance LOL & it was surprisingly helpful! ☎️
last person you texted: leah 🥰
you’re at the smoothie shop, what are you getting? something fruity & sour or something with a creamy almond flavor 🍓🍋
you’re at the zoo, which exhibit are you seeing first? monkeys! 🐒
last movie you saw in theaters: barbie 💄
last movie you watched at home: jumanji 😅
something that sparks joy: my backyard has really been doing it for me lately -- there's so much variety! so many plants & trees! so many bees & other pollinators! plus, at least 3 different types of butterflies, dragonflies, hummingbirds, praying mantises, lizards, crickets... i've spent so many years living in a concrete jungle & to have such diverse flora & fauna right in my yard is such a treat! 🐝🦋🦎☀️🌳
and finally, what’s your current obsession? i'm not obsessed, but the current season of love island usa is packing a serious punch! i don't usually love the hometown series, but i am not mad about it this summer! 💖🌴
i'm going to tag some folks that have been in my notes lately, but who i've never interacted with! wanna be friends? if not, that's cool too! have a lovely day! 🥺 @mybrainismelted @lupeloto @jadepetals @astralwashboard @propan-3-ol @gembu-tortuesouscafeine @carlgallagerswife @gillyp (we are already buds, but including you anyway) & also @just-allovertheplace & @pleaseignoremme (tumblr won't let me tag you but I SEE YOU 👀🖤)
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misspetsyourcats · 1 year
Things men have offered me in exchange for ownership, a nonexhaustive list:
- goats
- heroin
- “as much alcohol as I want”
- “the good weed”
- a farm full of goats
- a house
- a cruise every year
- shoes
- an apartment
- legal guardianship over said man
- more goats
- dabs
- “you’ll feel better trust me”
- enlightenment and the knowledge of gods
- weed and a massage
- $5
- a boat
- canadian citizenship
- the truth behind the CIA
- goats but only 3 this time
- a nice fish
- a truck
- also a truck but it was a toy and he was 6
- 16 alpacas and 2 goats
- plumbing work
- a space on his private bunker homestead
- sex with his wife
- a nice rifle
- the blessings of the old gods on my womb
- the “joys of birthing the next aryan generation”
- an enchanted knife and spoon
- a gold thumb ring with some sort of spirit in it
- not making me pay for condoms
- a whiskey tonic
- carrying my bag
- a tick
- “my heart”
- his virginity
- 150 goats
- tricare
- a house in Canada
- the position of holy whore in his totally-not-cult
- a joint that was 90% sage
- “the privilege of being owned by a true alpha”
- a collection of automatic rifles
- position as head of the harem he did not have
- “it’s a secret drug formula from the russian mafia, just lick the powder off my hand”
- goats AND the pen they live in
- he will make me toast
- airfare to his apartment
- “if you never have to be sober you’ll be happy by my side regardless, just pick your poison”
- free tattoos
- a coffee
- a coffee and a trip to france
- just the trip to france
- a cell phone that he would pay
- a single goat
- pretty rocks
- “I won’t hit you”
- a whole group of goats and a nice dress and wellies to tend the goats
- 40 acres of logging and gravel pits
- his dad’s house
- a few goats and some sheep
- to never give me a traffic ticket
- a nice pocketknife
- his ex’s lingerie
- as much vodka as I want but no jäger
- a four course homecooked meal
- everything in my etsy favorites
- his sister
- his FAVORITE goat
- a beach house
- position as his first wife
- position as his second wife
- a firearm he made in his garage delivered to me every few weeks
- protection from his militia
- the blessings of a god from dungeons and dragons
- to never need to see him again (as long as we had sex)
- only 8 goats (the ninth was his mother’s)
- health insurance
- use of his home gym
- literal godhood, as in he would bestow the power upon me
- meth.
- him stabbing me 37 times (not 81, that was for more important people)
- I could meet his ghost
- he would keep the ghosts away
- psychic powers
- keys to a nissan altima currently located in a ravine 20+ miles offroad
- his plug’s phone number
- cheese
- a pen
- a goat pen *but not the goats in it*
- his dad’s house (don’t worry the dad will die soon)
- an illegally imported russian sniper rifle
- a dog
- flowers once a week forever
- “if you don’t marry me my mom will be sad”
- a horse
- country club membership
- shrooms
- his left kidney
- a few acres of forest and pasturelands
- a new iphone
- good grades in x class
- a baby goat
- a tractor WITH the gas in it
- cocaine
- a free tattoo (but only one)
- a plant (iirc a lily)
- a gangbang every month
- a cashew farm
- a room in his house to be mine forever
- goat cheese
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carmenthabaddie · 4 months
Intentional with my time 💖💖💖
Today I wore a yellow long dress with flowers. I bought it few years ago from Rainbows. I love that store as a plus size woman. It can be hit and miss but you can’t beat affordable prices.
2024 I am being intentional with my time. The truth is time waits for no one. I learned this hard way in my 20s. I wish I knew what I know at 31. But that’s behind me. I must make peace with dropping the ball during my 20s. I had no real feminine hypergamy examples around me.
I actually started my level up glow up femininity hypergamy journey at 25. But was still naïve, immature, and didn’t know what I know. I wasn’t serious at 25 late 20s like I’m serious at 31 early 30s. It’s like I’m playing catch up. But it’s better to play catch up than to never start this level up glow up journey.
I also didn’t have this spiritual ability. I am so thankful I have strong spiritual ability where spirit and beautiful black communicate through me. It’s on my list to get medium reading to see which spirits and black ancestors channel through me. So glad I took out birth control and spiritual ability developed.
It’s my time to shine. My January gym sessions scheduled in my digital planner. And this pre booking beauty appointments. And my grandma is in New York while she is gone my step dad spoils me with takeout and I’m not giving it up. So I will look at restaurants menu and calories and pick in the middle food choices and enjoy my step dad spoiling me at my favorite restaurants and me not pay. Because that’s what men are for. He like my only example of a man financially providing for house and being a leader and provider.
I’m blessed to have him as good example and father figure. And giving me the option to be a stay at home daughter and working being option not requirement and my money being mine and no major bills where I can save money and follow my dreams and have hobbies. I am shopping addict. First step is acknowledging your bad habit and creating a plan and correcting bad habit and replacing it with good habit. And being realistic and not cold turkey. It’s small but I saved $100 on Cashapp savings. And refuse to touch it like I normally do.
Hard pill to swallow I learned bad money habits from my caretaker parent my adopted mom my grandma she goes through money and nothing to show for and pass on to love ones. Thankfully she has life insurance. She been on medicaid , ebt and public housing and have a lack poverty  mindset and it’s all I saw.
So at im acknowledging my bad money management skills habits. Save today and wait for tomorrows pleasure. I felt so good saving $100 and what it can grow. I created a budget in note section of iPhone. And I pay my bills with gratitude 🙏. I’m thankful I have money period and more money is coming. Spirit and black ancestors sending me a financial blessing cause I bless black women in need and I currently don’t have much.
But at end of day you can’t tell me I’m not abundant. I know I’m abundant and I’m a money magnet and money grows on trees for me. I have a good relationship with money now. I can’t wait for my sp David match my importance of financial security for us and our 3 future kids. Pass on good money management with my future 3 kids.
I need spend less on mindlessly spending. And pay my two credit cards off and Affirm bill and student loans. I’m thankful my debt is small than others. Spend less on subscriptions and groceries and makeup and wigs.
I’m use the clothes I have now till I’m doing better financially and same for wigs, shoes, makeup, and skincare. Let step dad help me afford beauty treatments to keep my appearance up.
Yesterday I had like consultation coaching session with Destiny the confident hoe. And told her all my movement and how I’m off social media and intentionally using social media for good, fame and money. I can log out and it not control me. Seeing therapist tomorrow. And law of assumption coach I believe on Sunday. I have invested time and money on my level up and glow up and it’s worth it and making shit manifest faster.
So many making ideas and affirming for money so I can invest in businesses and side hustles and free money. 2024 I’m focused, putting action, faith in myself, spirit and beautiful black ancestors. Step dad treating me to Asian Habachi. Today I posted content and need edit productivity vlog for YouTube. Thank you for those who read and share my blog post. Affirming for hella followers. Until next time be well.
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shamiyax3 · 2 years
Ch 2 Fieldwork Consumerism Culture
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Consumerism is in no doubt a part of everyone's lives, whether it's from spending money on groceries, medication to health insurance. Also, the need to consume for basic needs which includes hygienic and personal essentials. Which means buying products like toothbrushes, toothpaste, face wash, comb and the list goes on. In fact, we consume so much it's a part of our culture to buy until we can't buy any more, then we find other alternatives to continue to consume.  Whether it being legal or illegal this can go from owning multiple credit cards and payment plans to gambling, identity theft, cash app scams and fraud checks. The idea is to continue to consume whether you're capable of affording it or not. Not to mention, the holidays that we celebrate and practice annually that have the idea to consume such as buying gifts for Christmas or Valentine's Day for our loved ones to show our love and appreciation through materialistic items. Within consumerism culture, we may not realize more than half of the things we buy or desire at the time; are actual essentials for use in our day-to-day lifestyle. Purchasing items such as gaming consoles, upgrading to the newest iPhone, the new and improved slim flat screen tv and the list goes on.
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The motive in our society to consume either fills the void of not being an outcast or boosting our ego. Not to mention, to express our creativity like for example purchasing home decor to decorate a small living space. In completing this assignment, It has been brought to my attention the number of items I own, I don't necessarily need. 
My understanding of a want and a need is the idea of wanting something that you lack whether it's an essential to possess or not. A need is something essential to life like water, housing, and food. 
For example, a “want” regarding the items I listed was the expensive jewelry I own and the number of shoes I have. It's not necessary to own jewelry but in my case the ones I have are expensive. The amount of money that they are worth could be used for something that is essential.  The number of shoes I have is more than the average person which is 19 pairs of shoes and I currently own 23. Which means I own more than the average person and it's not necessary to have that many. Another example of a “want” from my list is me owning 10 phone cases. The reason why I have so many is because I like to accessorize the outfits, I wear with small accessories including my phone. 
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 I have also realized within the items I own I have an excessive amount of that same type of item. The number of jeans I own is more than an average person would have, which is 10 pairs and I own more than 4 times that amount. Being realistic, I don't need a variety of different colors of hoodies. Keeping it to 2-3 hoodies would work fine but, in my case, I own 20. Not to mention I have realized that some of the items I own don't need to be a specific name brand. For instance, my winter coat is branded “Northface'' and the price list ranges between $100-$250 dollars depending on the material and colors they have. If I had gotten a winter coat that's not a popular brand, I could be saving more towards that specific need of owning a coat for the winter.
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I also own a lot of hygienic items referring to face wash, perfume, body oils deodorants, toothpaste, and toothbrush. These products allow me to take care of my physical well-being which is essential to my everyday routine.
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shaanf7 · 5 days
Business Deals.
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Stellar Data Recovery for iPhone software to recover lost and deleted iPhone data on Mac. The DIY software recovers lost Contacts, Messages, Camera Roll, Photo Stream, Calendar, Photos, Videos, Call History, Safari bookmarks, and other data from your iPhone and iPad. The iOS recovery tool can retrieve data from iPhone, iPad, iTunes and iCloud backup files.
Image Source : Unsplash
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seoagency495 · 4 months
 "Samsung: A Technological Odyssey of Innovation and Influence"
Samsung is a global conglomerate with a diverse range of business operations, and it has become a household name synonymous with innovation, technology, and consumer electronics. Founded in 1938 by Lee Byung-chul in Daegu, Korea, as a small trading company, Samsung has grown into one of the largest and most influential companies in the world.
One of Samsung's key strengths lies in its ability to adapt and diversify its business portfolio. While it initially started as a trading company dealing in dried-fish, locally-grown groceries, and noodles, Samsung quickly expanded into different sectors. Over the years, it has successfully entered and dominated industries such as construction, insurance, securities, and retail. However, it is the company's foray into electronics that has truly set it apart.
Samsung's journey into the electronics industry began in the late 1960s with the production of black-and-white televisions. The company's commitment to innovation and quality soon propelled it to the forefront of the market. In the 1980s, Samsung entered the semiconductor business, marking the beginning of its involvement in cutting-edge technologies. The company's advancements in memory chips and other semiconductor technologies have played a pivotal role in shaping the global tech landscape.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Samsung became a major player in the mobile phone industry. Its Galaxy series of smartphones, launched in 2010, quickly gained popularity and became one of the leading competitors to Apple's iPhone. The company's commitment to research and development, along with its emphasis on design and user experience, has helped it maintain a strong presence in the fiercely competitive smartphone market.
Samsung's influence is not limited to consumer electronics alone; the company is also a significant player in the home appliance market. Its line of refrigerators, washing machines, and other household devices is known for combining innovative features with sleek design. The company's dedication to creating smart and connected homes has positioned it as a leader in the Internet of Things (IoT) era.
The brand's commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility is another notable aspect of its identity. Samsung has implemented various initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, increase energy efficiency, and promote recycling. In addition, the company has been involved in philanthropic efforts, supporting education, healthcare, and community development projects around the world.
Despite its success, Samsung has faced challenges, including legal disputes, product recalls, and intense competition. However, the company's ability to navigate these challenges and continue evolving is a testament to its resilience and adaptability.
In conclusion, Samsung is a global powerhouse with a rich history, marked by continuous innovation and diversification. From its humble beginnings as a trading company to its current status as a leading force in consumer electronics, Samsung's journey reflects its commitment to excellence and its ability to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. As technology continues to shape our world, Samsung's influence is likely to persist, making it a key player in the ever-evolving landscape of innovation and progress. For more information click. hebc.https://cbait.com.bd/
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kristenbrady · 4 months
Make Over $1000 a Week Working These Grocery Apps
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In times when food delivery can run slow, especially during the summer months, it’s nice to know you can always count on grocery shopping/deliveries to pick up the slack. People gotta always get food and toiletries from the grocery store, right? (As a matter of fact, usually, every summer I experience what’s referred to as a “summer slow down.” But this year, now that most apps have added grocery delivery, I didn’t experience a slow down this year. In fact, I made more money this summer than I normally do in the fall or winter).
These apps discussed below have always gotten me through when things are slow in food delivery. Without further ado, let’s jump right in on how you too, can make over $1000 a week working the following grocery apps:
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At the time of this writing, Uber had acquired Cornershop. Cornershop was an on-demand grocery delivery application online that operated across the United States, Canada, Columbia, Brazil, and Peru. They delivered pharmaceuticals, fresh vegetables, pet supplies, beauty products and home use products from over 3,000 stores, which included supermarkets such as Soriana, Costco, City Market, HEB, and Chedraui. (Currently, Cornershop just merged with Uber and it’s all in the Uber platform now).
At that point, not only were drivers able to do food delivery with Uber Eats, but they could now shop for customers at various grocery stores like Randalls and Costco.
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With Shop & Deliver, patrons may order from retail, convenience, or grocery stores, and have it delivered directly to their doorstep. For Dashers, this means you shop for the patron’s list of items inside the store, pay using your Red Card during checkout, and deliver their order. The orders provide many benefits for Doordash drivers:
Be paid more for orders, as compared with restaurant delivery orders
Make money during off-peak times so you do not need to schedule the day around the dinner or lunch rush
Do not wait for an order when you perform the shopping
Video courtesy: Pedro DoorDash Santiago YouTube Channel
Doordash recently added a new perk that if you complete 13 shopping orders with at least 95 percent fill rate they will allow you to “Dash Anytime.” That means you don’t have to schedule yourself to dash or wait for your zone to turn red… a great incentive!
I Expanded My Gig Work Repertoire with This Catering App
This company claims drivers can earn from $24 — $42 an hour
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If you happen to live in Texas, Favor is a must! This platform is the easiest way to get any store or restaurant in Texas delivered quickly. I use Favor to shop at Walmart and pick up orders curbside from HEB grocery stores. At the time of this writing, drivers weren’t able to know how much the customers were tipping upfront as with other apps, but in my experience, customers on this platform are always very generous. (Currently, they started adding upfront information).
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Recently, Walmart acquired Spark. On the Spark Driver app, it’s possible to deliver or shop for patrons of Walmart and other types of businesses. All that’s needed to get up and running is a smartphone and a car. Basically, when you pick up an order through the Spark app you head to the requested Walmart location, park in the curbside pick up area, pop the trunk, wait for an associate to load your trunk with groceries, and deliver them to the customer. Easy as pie!
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What: Shipt pays shoppers to shop for and then deliver groceries
Expected rate of pay: $7 to $20/delivery
Commissions and fees: N/A
Available: Nationwide
What are their requirements: Shoppers must be 18 and up; have a valid United States driver’s license, car insurance, a reliable car; capability of lifting 40 lbs.; smart phone (Android or iPhone); shopping experience and insulated cooler bags.
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This platform partners with the most sought-after regional and national retailers like ALDI, Albertsons, CVS, Costco, Loblaw, Kroger, Sam’s Club, Publix, Wegmans, Sprouts, etc. Their marketplace offers over 900 trusted local grocers and retailers customers love.
Instacart shoppers can expect to be paid between $5 and $10/ delivery, for an average of $17/hour including tips.
Ready to Start Your Own Grocery Delivery Business? Get Started With Dumpling
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Dumpling helps shoppers launch their own grocery delivery businesses, providing payment processing, marketing, and various support services for a charge.
Expected rate of pay: set by personal shopper
Commissions and fees: $19.99 + 3.9 percent credit card processing charge on every order. (Also, customers pay a 5 percent processing fee)
Available: Nationwide
Shopper requirements: 21 and up
The website works similarly to Instacart in that you’ll receive a credit card to be used to purchase groceries and it’ll help to book clients.
But, where your availability of jobs and pay is up to the website when working for Instacart, with this platform, it is all up to you. With Dumpling, personal shoppers work for themselves. The app is just a tool to purchase to launch and run your own grocery delivery business.
With this platform, you choose how much you want to charge to shop; what grocery stores you are willing to shop at; and when you are available.
Dumpling charges personal shoppers $19.99 to set up their account. For this, you receive business cards, a credit card, business coaching, a listing on their website, and accessibility to the website’s search engine and app to communicate with and book customers.
Also, there are continuing transaction charges of 3.9 percent on every order. If you make grocery shopping a FT job, you might be better off with their “pro” plan that charges a $29 fee per month, yet slashes the transaction charge to 2.7 percent.
They also charge a 5 percent fee to customers to pay for their service.
They also provide business coaching from other successful Dumpling shoppers, who are able to provide advice on methods of marketing your services, pricing your services, and creating a fantastic profile on both Dumpling’s website, as well as your own.
How it works: Once you receive a shopping gig, the platform advances enough funds to purchase groceries to the Dumpling credit card. Once the shop is done, it’ll charge the client’s credit card for the actual amount spent, and the fees. If the client’s card does not have enough funds to pay, you are responsible for reimbursing Dumpling. But that rarely happens, and, thus far, they have reimbursed personal shoppers when it does. But they aren’t contractually obligated to do that. They claim that customer fraud losses are actually the responsibility of the personal shopper.
With that said, you’re building personal relationships with your clients; therefore, fraud losses are rare. One shopper on Dumpling claims that in over 400 transactions, she has only had one in which the client was slow to pay. Eventually, that client did pay, yet she had to ask repeatedly for her to do so. Obviously, she did not take any more orders from the scofflaw customer.
Just remember, it can take quite a while to build up a client base on Dumpling. Therefore, you may want to use the other apps mentioned above until you are able to get your business off the ground.
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Kristen is a contributor on Medium. Sign up here to catch every story when she publishes.
Follow Kristen on Substack: https://substack.com/@kristenb
Note: This story includes affiliate links. I earn income from purchases through this link.
Originally posted on Medium
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rogersip · 6 months
Biggest companies in the world by market cap
Understanding the largest companies by market capitalization provides insight into the global economic landscape and the influence these companies hold within various industries. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world's biggest companies by market cap, exploring their impact, growth, and key factors driving their success. From technology giants to multinational conglomerates, these companies dominate the financial markets and play a pivotal role in shaping our economy.
What is market capitalization?
Market capitalization, often referred to as market cap, is a measurement that represents the total value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares. It's calculated by multiplying the company's current share price by the total number of outstanding shares. Market cap is a key indicator of a company's size, influence, and its relative position within the market.
Factors affecting market cap
Several factors can influence a company's market capitalization, including:
Revenue and Profit: Companies with higher revenues and profits often tend to have larger market caps.
Growth Potential: Perceived potential for growth and innovation can drive investor interest, impacting market cap.
Industry and Sector Performance: Companies in thriving industries or sectors might experience a boost in market cap.
Global Economic Conditions: Market cap can fluctuate due to economic shifts, geopolitical events, or market sentiments.
Biggest companies by market cap
Let's explore some of the largest companies by market cap, known for their significant influence on the global economy:
Apple inc.
Apple Inc. consistently ranks among the largest companies by market cap. Renowned for its innovation in consumer electronics, software, and services, Apple's market cap reflects its brand strength and successful product lineup, including the iPhone, Mac, and various software applications.
Microsoft corporation
Microsoft Corporation is a dominant force in the technology industry. Its market cap reflects its success in software, cloud computing, and enterprise solutions. With products like Windows, Azure, and Office, Microsoft has sustained a massive market cap over the years.
Amazon.com, inc.
Amazon.com, Inc. stands as a major player in e-commerce, cloud computing, and digital streaming. Its relentless expansion into various sectors, including retail, technology, and entertainment, has propelled its market cap, solidifying its place among the largest companies globally.
Alphabet inc. (google)
Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google, boasts a substantial market cap. Google's dominance in online search, digital advertising, and various tech ventures, along with its innovation in services like Android and YouTube, contributes significantly to its market cap.
Meta platforms, inc. (formerly facebook, inc.)
Meta Platforms, previously known as Facebook, is a leader in social media and online networking. Its market cap reflects its strong presence in social networking platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus, as well as its digital advertising revenue.
Tesla, inc.
Tesla, Inc., led by Elon Musk, is a disruptor in the automotive and energy industries. Its market cap growth signifies investor confidence in Tesla's electric vehicles, energy solutions, and advancements in autonomous driving technology.
Berkshire hathaway inc.
Berkshire Hathaway Inc., under the guidance of Warren Buffett, encompasses a diverse range of businesses. The conglomerate's market cap reflects its success in various sectors, including insurance, utilities, and investments in renowned brands.
Alibaba group holding limited
Alibaba Group Holding Limited, a major player in e-commerce, cloud computing, and digital payments, maintains a significant market cap. Its influence extends beyond China, and its success in online retail and technology services contributes to its market cap growth.
Tencent holdings limited
Tencent Holdings Limited, a Chinese multinational conglomerate, is a major force in the technology and entertainment sectors. Its market cap represents its leadership in social media, gaming, and online services.
Johnson & johnson
Johnson & Johnson, a global healthcare company, holds a substantial market cap in the healthcare industry. Its diverse range of consumer health, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices contributes to its market cap stability.
Understanding the largest companies by market cap provides valuable insights into the global economic landscape. These companies, with their significant market caps, play a crucial role in shaping industries, driving innovation, and impacting global financial markets. The factors influencing market cap, coupled with the performance and strategies of these influential companies, provide an interesting perspective on the global economy's dynamics. As these companies continue to evolve, their market caps reflect not only their current standing but also their potential for future growth and influence.
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sellmelaptop · 9 months
Turning Clutter into Cash: How to Sell Your Old Laptop for Cash
In a world where technology advances at an astonishing rate, your once cutting-edge laptop can quickly become outdated. Rather than letting your old laptop gather dust in a corner, why not turn it into cash? Selling your old laptop can not only declutter your space but also put some extra money in your pocket. This article provides you with a step-by-step guide on how to sell your old laptop for cash.
Assess Your Laptop's Condition
Before you start the selling process, take a close look at your old laptop. Assess its overall condition, including any physical wear and tear, performance issues, and functionality. Be honest about its flaws and limitations, as this will help you set a realistic price and manage buyer expectations.
Back Up Your Data
Before parting ways with your old laptop, make sure to back up all your important data. Transfer your files to an external hard drive or cloud storage to ensure that nothing valuable is lost in the process. Once you've backed up everything, perform a factory reset to wipe the laptop clean of your personal information.
Research the Market Value
To determine a fair asking price for your old laptop, research its current market value. Look at similar models being sold on online marketplaces like eBay, Craigslist, and Amazon. Consider factors such as the laptop's brand, model, specifications, age, and condition. Pricing competitively will attract potential buyers and increase your chances of a successful sale.
Choose a Selling Platform
There are various online platforms where you can sell your old laptop for cash. Some popular options include:
Create a Compelling Listing
When creating your listing, make it as detailed and informative as possible. Include:
Clear photos of your laptop from multiple angles.
A comprehensive description of the laptop's specifications, including processor, RAM, storage, and any other relevant features.
An honest assessment of its condition, including any flaws or issues.
Your asking price and preferred method of payment.
Details about shipping or local pickup options.
Communicate Responsively
Once your listing is live, be prepared to respond promptly to inquiries from potential buyers. Answer questions about the laptop's history, performance, and condition. Be transparent about any potential concerns, as this will build trust with potential buyers.
Secure Packaging
If you're selling your laptop online and need to ship it to the buyer, take extra care in packaging. Use proper cushioning materials to protect the laptop from damage during transit. Additionally, consider insuring the package to cover any unforeseen accidents.
Meet Safely for Local Sales
If you're selling through a platform that facilitates local sales, such as Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, prioritize safety when meeting with potential buyers. Choose a public and well-lit location for the exchange, and consider bringing a friend along if you're meeting in person.
Clean Up and Handover
Give your old laptop a final wipe-down to ensure it's clean and presentable. Include any accessories you're selling along with the laptop, such as chargers or additional peripherals. Provide the buyer with a receipt or a written agreement confirming the sale and transfer of ownership.
For More Info:-
Sell My Iphone
Sell Old Laptop for Cash
Get Paid for Old Laptops
Used Laptop Sell Online
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legalupanishad · 10 months
State Consumer Commission: DHL To Pay Compensation For Lost iPhone
This article on 'State Consumer Commission: DHL To Pay Compensation For Lost iPhone' was written by Anukriti Prakash, an intern at Legal Upanishad.
In the current world, courier services have become an essential part of our lives, it helps to deliver valuable items. However, there are several instances when the courier services fail to deliver the items safely, which results in a loss for the customers. One such incident occurred recently when DHL lost a customer's iPhone. The customer filed a complaint with the State Consumer Commission, which found DHL responsible for the lost item. The commission directed DHL to pay compensation to the customer for the loss they incurred. This case shows the importance of courier services taking adequate precautions to ensure the safely deliver of items. It also underlines the importance of customers understanding their rights and taking proper action when those rights are infringed. The case serves as a reminder to all courier services to be more careful and responsible while handling valuable items. With the aid of this case, the article will offer you an improved understanding of consumer rights.
A man bought Rs. 45,000 expensive iPhone and wanted to transfer it to a friend in Seychelles. He reached DHL to get the package delivered and paid Rs. 3,915 in shipping expenses. Despite DHL's guarantee that the package would arrive at its destination within 10 days, it never arrived. The man contacted DHL, who confirmed that the item had been lost in transit and offered $100 in compensation along with the shipping expenses. However, DHL refused to agree with him, leading him to file a consumer complaint with the Additional Mumbai Suburban District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission under Section 17 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. The commission conducted an investigation and determined that DHL was careless in handling the package. The commission determined that DHL had failed to take proper measures to ensure the item's safe delivery. The commission also stated that the customer had paid a substantial price for the courier services and that DHL had a responsibility to ensure the safe delivery of the property.
DHL argued that the phone was only worth Rs. 9,000, while the person who brought it indicated it was worth Rs. 45,000. But he didn't have any evidence to back up his assertion. In fact, when he shipped the phone, he stated its worth to be Rs. 9,000. As a result, the Commission determined that the man could only claim Rs. 9,000. The Commission also stated that even though the man did not have insurance, DHL nonetheless had to reimburse him for the phone's listed price. DHL was at blame for not completing their job properly because the phone was never delivered to its destination.
- Consumer Protection Act, 2019: The Consumer Protection Act is the primary legislation governing consumer rights and protection in India. It provides for the establishment of Consumer Commissions at the national, state, and district levels to adjudicate consumer disputes. Consumers have the right to seek compensation for any deficiency in services, including fraudulent practices by courier companies. - Information Technology Act, 2000: The IT Act deals with electronic commerce and online transactions. It covers issues related to data protection, digital signatures, and electronic records. Consumers are protected from cyber fraud and online scams under this act. - Sale of Goods Act, 1930: This act lays down rules relating to the sale and supply of goods. Consumers have the right to receive goods as described, and they can seek legal remedies if they receive counterfeit products or items not matching the description. - Legal Metrology Act, 2009: The Legal Metrology Act regulates the standards of weights and measures used in trade and commerce. Consumers are protected against unfair trade practices related to measurements and packaging. - Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020: These rules were introduced to regulate e-commerce entities, including courier services that operate in an online marketplace. The rules provide guidelines for transparency, disclosure, and consumer grievance redressal. - Guidelines on E-commerce and Consumer Protection, 2019: Issued by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution, these guidelines aim to protect consumers' interests while dealing with e-commerce platforms and courier services.
The Maharashtra State Consumer Commission, chaired by President Justice S.P. Tavade and Judicial Member A.Z. Khwaja, denied an appeal filed by DHL Express I Pvt. Ltd. (DHL) and found it guilty of deficiency in service. The State Commission confirmed the District Commission's decision and granted the Complainant Rs. 25,000 in compensation for the loss of the iPhone and mental anguish, with an interest rate of 9% per annum, charges of Rs. 8,000 and an extra cost of Rs. 3,000.
- Keep Records: Maintain records of all communications, transactions, and receipts with the courier service, as these may be necessary if a dispute arises. - File a Complaint: Register a complaint with the courier service's customer support and demand a resolution. Document the complaint number and details for future reference. - Approach Consumer Forums: If the courier service does not resolve the issue, the consumer can file a complaint with the appropriate Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission as per their jurisdiction and claim compensation for any losses suffered due to the fraud. - Report to Authorities: Consumers can report fraudulent courier services to relevant authorities, such as the Ministry of Consumer Affairs or state consumer helpline numbers. - Seek Legal Advice: If the fraud causes significant financial harm or the courier service refuses to cooperate, consumers may consider seeking legal advice to explore their options for legal recourse.
DHL was held liable for the service failure since the phone never arrived at its destination. This instance emphasizes the significance of purchasing insurance and correctly disclosing the worth of things while using courier services. It also underlines courier services' responsibilities to guarantee that consignments arrive securely and on time.
-  Sachika Vij, Deficiency Of Service: State Consumer Commission Directs DHL To Pay Compensation For Lost iPhone, LiveLaw, 15 July 2023, available at: https://www.livelaw.in/consumer-cases/deficiency-of-service-state-consumer-commission-directs-dhl-to-pay-compensation-for-lost-iphone-232813 (Last visited: 22 July 2023). - R. Nithya, “Consumer Protection in India: Needs and methods”, Vakil search, 11 March 2023,  Available at: https://vakilsearch.com/blog/consumer-protection-in-india-needs-and-methods/ (Last visited: 22 July 2023). Read the full article
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techfix050 · 10 months
Instead of buying a new iPhone, it is preferable to have your current iPhone repaired by an expert iPhone repair technician. Check with your insurance provider first if you happen to have coverage. Repairing the iPhone charge port is frequently less expensive than covering the insurance deductible. You should search online for a mobile repair firm if you do not have insurance or if your insurance does not cover the damage.
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ghostemanemusicvideos · 10 months
so, i need to get my life together. im drowning really, really bad. deep. im behind as fuck on bills, like 2k maybe bc my car payment is ASS. theyre asking for my insurance card proof and im currently behind on that payment too. my iphone fell in the toilet and broke and my mom just shelled out $200 to get it fixed and my phone bill is behind $350 and probably gonna be shut off service anyway when i get the phone on tmw. i dont have a job currently bc im a piece of shit with high standards such as pls dont schedule me 6 days a week or not tell me my schedule. i have an interview at my dream location (customer service at a well known aquarium) that i need to grab and hold onto. i need to try to drive ubereats to catch up on all this shit between working if i get that job (45 min commute). that interview is thursday. i had a job lined up just in case but my phone broke and i couldnt complete my task as my computer had to be fixed, too, and wasn't yet. the person who hired me isnt responding to my emails now. the only options i have are donating plasma but i owe ppl money bc im a dumbass who cant stop smoking weed and i need gas so that doesnt help much. i need the phone service to uber at all and the insurance to feel comfortable. right now all i can do is clean my house so i at least feel better about that part. it sucks not being able to talk to my bf all day. he works like 11 hrs and im hilariously codependent. god god god
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stockxpo · 1 year
Hot Stocks to Buy for Swing Trading for this week – Expert Stock Picks of the Week by StockXpo
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Hello to all our readers including Traders, Investors, Analysts, and others!!!! 
In the fast-paced world of stock trading, keeping up with the latest trends and movements is essential for investors to make informed decisions. Three important stories that have emerged in the stock market include companies making big moves after hours, the performance of Berkshire Hathaway during market turmoil, and Jim Cramer's analysis on the economy's future. Let's dive deeper into these stories to understand what they mean for investors.
Stocks Making the Biggest Moves After Hours
Several major companies, including Apple, Carvana, and DoorDash, made significant moves after hours on May 12, 2023. Apple's stock rose by 2.5% following the announcement of a new iPhone model, while Carvana's shares fell by 6.2% due to lower-than-expected earnings. DoorDash's stock also declined by 3.7% due to concerns over rising delivery costs.
These moves reflect the market's volatility and the need for investors to stay informed about company news and earnings reports. For swing traders, these fluctuations can provide opportunities for short-term gains. However, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any investment decisions.
Berkshire Hathaway Outperforms During Turmoil
Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate led by legendary investor Warren Buffett, has historically outperformed during market turmoil. Despite the recent market turbulence caused by inflation fears and geopolitical tensions, Berkshire Hathaway's stock has remained stable.
However, Berkshire Hathaway's subsidiary GEICO, the second-largest auto insurer in the US, is facing challenges due to rising costs and increased competition. This development highlights the importance of diversification and careful analysis of individual companies within a larger portfolio.
Jim Cramer's Analysis on the Economy's Future
Jim Cramer, the host of CNBC's “Mad Money," has offered his insights on the economy's future. He believes that the current economic expansion will continue but that it will likely experience a soft landing rather than a crash. Cramer cites factors such as low unemployment rates, increasing consumer confidence, and rising GDP as indicators of economic strength.
For investors, understanding the overall economic climate is crucial for making informed decisions about their portfolios. However, it is important to remember that individual companies' performance can vary significantly from the broader market trends.
In conclusion, the stock market is a complex and ever-changing landscape that requires constant attention and analysis. From monitoring after-hours movements to analyzing economic indicators, investors must stay informed to make the most informed decisions. By carefully considering technical and fundamental factors, swing traders can identify potential opportunities for short-term gains. However, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any investment decisions, as individual companies' performance can vary significantly from broader market trends.
Here we are again with this week’s recommendations. Please note that overall the market was very much on the upside, and whether you are following our recommendations or not, I am sure if you have been trading this week ending today then you must have collected a lot of profits. If not, and you are skeptical about the market, add swing trading to your trading strategy and get started to follow our recommendations. We are going to publish the performance results for the last few months and this year to date, to give you some ideas of how we have been compared against the S&P 500 and other major indexes. 
If you are a regular reader, you may be already aware, that we recommend  ValueGrowth, to fit different trading styles and strategies. You can find more details about these strategies in our FAQ section. This is more of a swing trading, as we keep balancing our portfolio every week, mostly on Friday. If you are new, welcome. Visit our site to get all relevant information about stocks and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get updates on our Swing Trading Stock Picks. We send out our newsletter as soon as we publish our stock picks. We hope that you love our articles and get all the details so keep coming to our site for more information. We have tested out our strategy with more than 20 years of data and it performed well against S&P 500.
Here we are again with this week’s recommendations. Please note that overall the market was very much on the upside, and whether you are following our recommendations or not, I am sure if you have been trading this week ending today then you must have collected a lot of profits. If not, and you are skeptical about the market, add swing trading to your trading strategy and get started to follow our recommendations. We are going to publish the performance results for the last few months and this year to date, to give you some ideas of how we have been compared against the S&P 500 and other major indexes. 
Due to volatile market conditions, the performance of the TechFund strategy has been inconsistent. As a result, we have conducted a thorough analysis and decided to temporarily discontinue this alert. Our team of experienced professionals is actively developing alternative strategies, and we will announce them in the near future.
StockXpo's – ValueGrowth Strategy
As you know, this is more like Buffett's Value Strategy, but our stock-picking criterion is to pick the top 3 out of such value stocks. Moreover, we are more likely to hold them for the short term, not the long term. Our backtesting suggests that weekly balancing gives very good results week over week and year over year, it can grow your portfolio exponentially if you just consistently follow these strategies. So our picks are $WNC, $TGS, and $FOR in this category.
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WNC(Wabash National Corporation): Wabash National Corporation (WNC) is an American diversified industrial manufacturer and supplier of transportation equipment. Its product portfolio includes semi-trailers, truck bodies, and liquid transportation systems, among others. The company operates in the Industrials sector and its stock symbol is WNC. In this article, we will discuss why WNC is technically and fundamentally strong for swing trading in the upcoming days or weeks.
Technical Analysis:
WNC's stock has been performing well in recent months. It has been trading in a bullish trend, consistently making higher highs and higher lows. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is indicating that the stock is not yet overbought, which means that there is still room for the stock to gain more momentum. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) line is also above the signal line, which is another bullish signal for the stock.
Furthermore, the stock is currently trading above its 50-day moving average, indicating that the stock is in an uptrend. The 50-day moving average is acting as a strong support level for the stock, which means that the stock is likely to bounce back if it falls to that level. Additionally, the stock has broken above its 200-day moving average, which is a bullish signal for the stock.
Fundamental Analysis:
WNC's financials are also strong. The company has a Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio of 11.02, which is lower than the industry average of 22.44. This means that the stock is undervalued compared to its peers. The company also has a Price to Sales (P/S) ratio of 0.52, which is lower than the industry average of 1.18, indicating that the stock is undervalued in terms of its sales. Moreover, the company has a healthy debt-to-equity ratio of 0.65, indicating that the company has a good balance between debt and equity.
Furthermore, WNC has a strong dividend history. The company has been paying dividends consistently since 2003 and has increased its dividend payout every year since 2011. The current dividend yield is 1.5%, which is relatively high compared to its peers in the industry.
Wabash National Corporation (WNC) is technically and fundamentally strong for swing trading in the upcoming days or weeks. The stock has been performing well in recent months and is trading in a bullish trend. The company has a healthy financial position, with a low P/E ratio, low P/S ratio, and a healthy debt-to-equity ratio. Furthermore, the company has a strong dividend history, making it an attractive option for investors looking for stable returns. With these strong technical and fundamental indicators, WNC may present an opportunity for swing traders to profit from the bullish trend.
TGS(Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A.): Transportadora de Gas del Sur S.A. (TGS) is an energy company that provides natural gas transportation services in Argentina. With a strong position in the natural gas market, TGS has been experiencing positive trends in both its technical and fundamental aspects, making it a potentially attractive option for swing trading.
From a technical standpoint, TGS has been showing a bullish trend in recent weeks. The stock has been trading above its 50-day and 200-day moving averages, indicating a positive trend in the short and long term. In addition, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) has been consistently above 50, signaling a bullish sentiment among traders.
Furthermore, TGS has been making strong fundamental moves that make it a potentially strong option for swing trading. In 2021, the company announced that it had invested $100 million in a new natural gas processing plant, which is expected to increase its production capacity and improve its bottom line. This investment is part of TGS's overall strategy to expand its operations and increase its presence in the natural gas market.
Another fundamental strength of TGS is its strong financial performance. The company has consistently reported positive earnings, with a net income of $35 million in the first quarter of 2021 alone. This performance is driven by TGS's solid business model, which includes a diverse portfolio of assets and a strong customer base.
In addition, TGS's financial position is stable, with a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.73 and a current ratio of 1.5. This indicates that the company is in a strong financial position and has the ability to weather any potential market downturns.
Overall, TGS is a company with a strong technical and fundamental outlook, making it a potentially attractive option for swing trading. Its bullish trend, strong financial performance, and strategic investments make it a company worth considering for traders looking to capitalize on market opportunities in the energy sector. However, as with any investment, it is important to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any trading decisions.
FOR(Forestar Group Inc.): Forestar Group Inc (NYSE: FOR) is a real estate development and investment company headquartered in Austin, Texas. With a focus on residential and mixed-use communities, Forestar has a diversified portfolio of assets that includes undeveloped land, finished lots, and income-producing properties.
In recent years, Forestar has seen steady growth and profitability, making it an attractive stock for swing traders looking for opportunities in the real estate sector. Here's why Forestar is technically and fundamentally strong for swing trading in the upcoming days or weeks.
Technical Analysis:
From a technical perspective, the stock has been in a steady uptrend since the COVID-19 crash in March 2020. Forestar's stock price has gained more than 200% in the last year, outperforming the S&P 500's returns.
Currently, the stock is trading above its 50-day and 200-day moving averages, indicating a strong bullish trend. The 50-day moving average has recently crossed above the 200-day moving average, forming a golden cross, which is a bullish signal for traders. The stock's Relative Strength Index (RSI) is hovering around 60, suggesting that it is not yet overbought.
Fundamental Analysis:
Forestar Group's financials are strong, making it a compelling investment opportunity for traders. The company has seen consistent revenue growth over the last five years, with a revenue of $364 million in 2020, up from $290 million in 2016. Forestar's net income has also shown steady growth, with a net income of $56 million in 2020, up from $18 million in 2016.
The company's debt-to-equity ratio is 0.79, indicating that it is managing its debt well. Forestar has a current ratio of 2.65, indicating that it has ample liquidity to meet its financial obligations.
Forestar's business model focuses on creating value through the acquisition, entitlement, and development of real estate assets. The company is well-positioned to benefit from the current boom in the US housing market. With the Federal Reserve keeping interest rates low, demand for residential properties is high, and Forestar has an extensive land bank, allowing it to capitalize on this trend.
Forestar Group Inc is a solid real estate company with a proven track record of growth and profitability. The technical analysis suggests that the stock is in a strong uptrend and is currently trading in a bullish zone. The company's fundamentals are sound, with a healthy financial position and a well-defined business model that positions it well to capitalize on the current housing market. For swing traders looking for opportunities in the real estate sector, Forestar is a stock to watch in the upcoming days or weeks.
I hope this information will help you buy good stocks for your swing trading. See you next Friday. Keep coming to our website for stock-related queries and information.
If you haven’t subscribed yet, please subscribe to our newsletter so you can get the updates delivered to your mailbox. Subscribe to our newsletter so you get notified when we publish our future article like this every Friday about Best Stocks to Buy For the Short term for Swing Trading with clear directions on Buy vs Hold vs Sell. We recommend balancing your swing trading StockXpo alert-based portfolio every Friday following our recommendations closely. All you need is half an hour to an hour of your time on Friday depending on how quickly you can execute these trades. Subscriber today, it’s free forever
For more information please visit https://stockxpo.com/hot-stocks-to-buy-for-swing-trading-for-this-week-expert-stock-picks-of-the-week-by-stockxpo-05-05-2023/
Happy Trading!!!!
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
Dharmendra Family - 2 wives, 6 children with 12 grandchildren, part star, part struggling
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Darmendra Family: From the Bollywood Industry to Dharmendra hey It is said that Dharmendra is 88 years old but still active in the film industry. Dharmendra started his career in 1960. Under such circumstances, for nearly 60 years, Dharmendra has dominated the hearts and minds of people through his powerful acting in his industry. As exciting as Dharmendra's film career was, his personal life also made headlines in news reports. In that situation, we will show you the list of Dharmendra's family, including his two wives, six children and all grandchildren, and tell you who is doing what. Prakash Kaur married for the first time at the age of 19. Bollywood's Heeman aka Dharmendra was born on December 8, 1935 in the city of Phagwara, Punjab. Dharmendra has been married twice. He first married Prakash Kaur in 1954. Dharmendra was 19 at the time of his first marriage. Please inform that Dharmendra and Prakash have 4 children named Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol, Vijeta and Ajeta. Dharmendra has a second marriage to the girl of his dreams, Hema. Dharmendra then married Bollywood dream girl Hema Malini on 2nd May 1980. Hema Malini and Dharmendra have two daughters. One is Esha Deol and the other is Ahana Deol. In this context, Dharmendra has a total of 6 children. Prakash Kaur has four children and Hema Malini has two children. What do Dharmendra's children do? Sunny Deol, the eldest of all Dharmendra's children, was born on 19 October 1956 in Ludhiana. Sunny Deol's wife's name is Pooja Deol, and she prefers to stay in the world's limelight. Sunny Deol and Pooja Deol have two sons. Karan and Rajveer. Karan Deol recently debuted in the Bollywood industry. Talking about Dharmendra's daughters, let's say the first wife's two daughters were Ajeta and Vijeta. These two daughters of Dharmendra, like her mother Prakash Kaur, prefer to stay away from the world of Lime Light. The two sisters do not appear in front of cameras at family events. Please tell me that both of Dharmendra's daughters live in California and have settled there with their families. Dharmendra's production house is named after his daughter. Recently, when Dharmendra opened a production house by the name of Vijetha, Dharmendra's little daughter's name hit the headlines. The name of this production house was Vijetha Production Private Limited. There is no information about her winner's marriage, but she, like her older sister, left India for the United States to live with her family. What do the daughters of Dharmendra and Hema Malini do? Talk about Hema Malini and Dharmendra's daughter and then tell them that Hema Malini and Dharmendra's eldest daughter was born on the 2nd of October 1982. Isha made her Bollywood debut with her 2002 film 'Koi Mere Dil Se Poochhe'. However, Isha's Bollywood career has not shown anything special. Isha married Bharat Takhtani, a well-known Mumbai-based businessman, on 29 July 2012. On the other hand, Hema's second daughter was born on July 28, 1985. Ahana was a famous dancer in the industry. Apart from this, she is also an Odisha dancer. Ahana married businessman Vaibhav Kumar in 2014 and currently she is very busy with her family. ALSO READ-Users said Alia was insulting iPhone owners. The famous TV actress who became a bride 10 times is pregnant? See photos of Baby Bump DISCLAIMER We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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seoagency495 · 4 months
 "Samsung: A Technological Odyssey of Innovation and Influence"
Samsung is a global conglomerate with a diverse range of business operations, and it has become a household name synonymous with innovation, technology, and consumer electronics. Founded in 1938 by Lee Byung-chul in Daegu, Korea, as a small trading company, Samsung has grown into one of the largest and most influential companies in the world.
One of Samsung's key strengths lies in its ability to adapt and diversify its business portfolio. While it initially started as a trading company dealing in dried-fish, locally-grown groceries, and noodles, Samsung quickly expanded into different sectors. Over the years, it has successfully entered and dominated industries such as construction, insurance, securities, and retail. However, it is the company's foray into electronics that has truly set it apart.
Samsung's journey into the electronics industry began in the late 1960s with the production of black-and-white televisions. The company's commitment to innovation and quality soon propelled it to the forefront of the market. In the 1980s, Samsung entered the semiconductor business, marking the beginning of its involvement in cutting-edge technologies. The company's advancements in memory chips and other semiconductor technologies have played a pivotal role in shaping the global tech landscape.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Samsung became a major player in the mobile phone industry. Its Galaxy series of smartphones, launched in 2010, quickly gained popularity and became one of the leading competitors to Apple's iPhone. The company's commitment to research and development, along with its emphasis on design and user experience, has helped it maintain a strong presence in the fiercely competitive smartphone market.
Samsung's influence is not limited to consumer electronics alone; the company is also a significant player in the home appliance market. Its line of refrigerators, washing machines, and other household devices is known for combining innovative features with sleek design. The company's dedication to creating smart and connected homes has positioned it as a leader in the Internet of Things (IoT) era.
The brand's commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility is another notable aspect of its identity. Samsung has implemented various initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, increase energy efficiency, and promote recycling. In addition, the company has been involved in philanthropic efforts, supporting education, healthcare, and community development projects around the world.
Despite its success, Samsung has faced challenges, including legal disputes, product recalls, and intense competition. However, the company's ability to navigate these challenges and continue evolving is a testament to its resilience and adaptability.
In conclusion, Samsung is a global powerhouse with a rich history, marked by continuous innovation and diversification. From its humble beginnings as a trading company to its current status as a leading force in consumer electronics, Samsung's journey reflects its commitment to excellence and its ability to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. As technology continues to shape our world, Samsung's influence is likely to persist, making it a key player in the ever-evolving landscape of innovation and progress. For more information click. hebc.https://cbait.com.bd/
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