#is buck wheat good for daily diet
rangpurcity · 9 months
Not only in fasting, eat buckwheat flour daily, diabetes will be controlled, health will get 5 amazing benefits
Not only in fasting, eat buckwheat flour daily, diabetes will be controlled, health will get 5 amazing benefits 02 Nutrients of Buckwheat: Buckwheat is rich in many nutrients. It contains nutrients like phosphorus, calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, copper and magnesium. Because of which there are many health benefits of including buckwheat in the diet through flour or whole seeds.…
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thecoroutfitters · 6 years
Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.
Editors Note: Another article from R. Ann Parris to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share then enter into the Prepper Writing Contest with a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards with the top prize being a$300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies!
Drink mixes can check a lot boxes for us in both prepper pantries and bug-out/evac situations. Electrolyte drinks, vitamin and protein boosters, and meal replacement mixes would get top billing as a prepper supply, but instant mixes span far and wide. We have nearly endless options when it comes to stocking drink mixes, right on local supermarket shelves.
*I expect some “bah” with any article, especially the must-have’s and “frilly” subjects. If we go “bah” at every other concept in this article, please read and consider the sections on fiber and supportive care.
Related to fiber, remember: Caffeine isn’t just a night-watch or feel-good luxury. If we’re accustomed to caffeine and suddenly limit or eliminate it, our guts are likely to stop up.
Many Americans are already lacking fiber in their diets. Eating heavily off gardens and buckets of beans will alleviate it, but if we’re heavily stocked in MREs and just-add-water camping meals – especially for bug-out bags – fiber is a huge issue.
Some tubs and packets of a high-fiber drink mix (NOT a “cleanse) can alleviate those problems, regularly with added benefits.
Gut-health drinks like Culturelle and others can also be a gentle way to ease stomachs during major changes in diet. They can be especially helpful for kids, seniors, and people who already have food sensitivities.
Condensed Calories
Almost all of the examples have a big benefit for preppers, whether we’re working out of pantries or a bag: They boost calories.
Whether we’ve invested in pre-packaged just-add-water food systems or slowly stacking up beans, rice, and wheat, food storage is regularly deficient in calories (and fats).
We have to have energy to get things done.
While many of us have some weight we could lose now, should we ever find ourselves doing more by hand, we’re going to shed some pounds. The gardens many plan to start and the wilds many plan to forage through, short-term on a bug-out or for weeks/months on end, tend to provide mostly lean diet foods. Very few preppers are growing calorie or fat staples.
When you see “diet” and “light” options and weight-loss drinks here, for the most part, they’re being presented as an add-on to our planned food storage meals, and a way to boost BOB supplies and caches without too much space and weight.
Some of the sugar-free and “light” options won’t boost them much, but most boost at least a little.
Feel Goods
Feel-good food supplies aren’t just about feeling “good”. It’s also about health. Personal reactions differ, but sudden changes create stress. Whether we recognize or acknowledge it, that stress affects our bodies and brains.
Pick-me-ups – both on a schedule we and ours can be looking forward to and periodic pop-up surprises – can ease transitions with goodies that would normally be “treats” and by maintaining some normal for households accustomed to a daily non-water drink.
K-Cups have taken over the supermarket aisles where powdered cappuccino types used to live, but those tins and small packets are still out there. Hot cocoa mixes are still prevalent, as are the mostly-just-flavor types that range from things like Nesquik to powdered “iced” tea and lemonade (well … sorta-lemonade and tea).
There’s a reason the Gators developed their wonder blend. We have to have certain types of salts to function. Labor and heat require replacing those salts more frequently.
Most of us will find ourselves drinking more water and fewer soft drinks if we ever have to rely on our food storage. Even if we’re already mostly drinking water, the foods we’ll have access to will usually shift. That will change the minerals available to our bodies.
If we’re laboring, we’ll push water even more heavily, but “push water” can be a double-edged sword.
When we “dropped” Marines in support fields on exercises and forewarned marches, it wasn’t always from dehydration. Regularly, it was actually that they’d push water, push it enough with little balance, that they flushed the required electrolytes from their systems.
It doesn’t have to be a pricey brand and there are plenty of at-home mixes with ingredients that can be stored for people whose bodies are pure temples. This one is too important to ignore, along with…
Bedside Bottles
In many disasters, supportive care is all we’re going to be able to offer. It’s already sometimes all hospitals can offer, here and now. Sports drinks and alternatives like Pedialyte – or any reasonably balanced drink – can play a major role in that care. We already apply it combating and recovering from illnesses in everyday life with short-term stomach and head flues for both children and adults (and pets).
If for no other reason, snag some tubs of semi-decent drink mixes to stash with the medical supplies.
As with calories, a lot of food storage is seriously low in protein. Like whey as a protein source, there’s a lot of back and forth on just how much protein we need. Do some balanced research, but if you’re snagging some drink mixes, consider including the higher-protein version or a protein alternative, especially if the price difference isn’t significant.
Many protein shakes are pretty high cal. That adds to their value for sickbed support, jaw injuries, and injuries that prevent us from our usual hunting, livestock and garden and crop care, fishing, or even “just” cooking.
They can also help keep somebody drifting from food fatigue or depression “fed” enough to get them over their slumps and prevent the energy-loss that leads to a spiralling cycle (don’t eat, less energy, less activity, decreased appetite, less energy yet, further decreased activity and appetite, downward and downward).
When comparing options, hit the senior-citizen and diabetic sections of food supplements as well as muscle-building, athletic, and fad-diet aisles. It varies label-by-label, but general meal-replacement, weight-loss, and snack shakes can also regularly be good ways to boost protein, as well as calories and daily-need vitamins.
The calorie and protein energy provided makes those shakes and drink mixes something to also seriously think about for evac kits and bug-out bags, replacing or augmenting things like MREs, camping food, and ration bars that are common go-to’s.
Vitamin Deficiency
Further poking at common food storage, both MRE-type and just-add-water-kit preppers and the beans-and-rice preppers are skirting some vitamin deficiencies. A daily multivitamin can allay many of the factors and stores compactly, but if we can kill two birds with one stone…
Our changing society means there’s a whole wide world of drink supplements. We can go as crazy as we like with green and red juicing alternatives, happy-fad grains, coconut water, and super-foods.
Or, we can scale back and check out some of the old standby’s with a new eye. Many of those quickie drinks, from Hi-C to Hawaiian Punch, Wyler’s at the green-sign dollar stores to Crystal Light, have some valuable vitamins and minerals in them. Options like Slimfast, Boost, and Carnation also tend to check the box for vitamins.
Vitamin C is a big general health boost all on its own and especially in winter and spring, if we face lowered sanitation, and cold and flu seasons. Research where the term “Limeys” came from if you want an idea of just how important Vitamin C is when you’re on a repetitive diet low in fresh foods.
B-Vitamins also have widespread effects. Vitamin D, especially, is one to check for as it affects absorption of calcium and greatly influences brain health.
Buying Considerations
Some drink mixes are only available in single-serve packets. They’re convenient, but there’s a trash/waste aspect. There’s also space efficiency loss with many of the boxed packets. We can absolutely bust them out of boxes to repack more densely, but doing so decreases our ability to donate them later if they’re not something we’ll be rotating through in daily life.
Big-tub sizes tend to be friendlier on the wallet. Depending on family/group size, they can be very reasonable to consume once opened, and we can always repackage in bottle-sized portions for travel bags, and mix single-serve bottles (or jars) to help with portion control when we’re leaning on food storage in a permanent-home setting.
Food storage companies haven’t ignored the expanding interests in drink mixes. Pretty much all labels sell flavored milk substitutes, and most sell some version of a Tang or Kool-Aid level orange drink and apple drink. Some offer expanded options that vary in sugar content and actual vitamins.
When pricing those, make sure to weigh how “worth it” they are and our priorities.
The difference of storage in a steel can or Mylar bag really isn’t all that different from what we’ll get with plastic tubs and packets. #10 and #2.5 cans are a little more moisture and pest resistant, but those aspects are pretty easily mitigated by storing them in Rubbermaid totes or repacking in canning jars.
Supermarket options allow us to sample a smaller size for less outlay, even if the price per serving is much higher. That’s not just about “taste” and personal preferences. Some anti-caking components and certain types of sweeteners, especially, can lead to dry mouth, stomach upset, shaky hands, and headaches for some of us.
We also want to get the most bang for our buck.
Check mixes – especially for shakes – to see what the nutritional content is on its own. Many call for milk. Using water, milk substitutes, and non-fat whey milk can affect what we’re actually consuming.
On the dairy front, also compare apples to apples the common milk and milk-substitute options. Each has pro-con’s we’ll have to weigh, especially when it comes to calories, shelf life, number of same-sized servings per dollar and by can, and ease in mixing.
Protein-supplemented drink mixes and instant juices with actual vitamins tend to be more expensive, but have a great deal to offer. Even the inexpensive options we can snag incrementally from a green-sign dollar stare can make a big difference in health and mentality, though. Instant broth and creamed soups are a whole realm all their own, with their own range of benefits for preppers.
Drink Mixes
Priorities will always differ, as will our individual capabilities. That applies to stocking drink mixes, but they’re worth some consideration. Some rate a place in our pantries just to help maintain norms or transition to a new normal. Some fall into general nutrition and diet. Some offer the ability to soothe a really bad day. Some really shine in a bug-out or high-labor situations. Others have actual medical applications.
Drink mixes might not be an obvious must-have, but they’re too inexpensive, compact, and accessible to ignore.
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The post Prepper Must-Haves: Drink Mixes appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
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digo146 · 4 years
SECRET Dietary Treatment Revealed for Candida
Adhering to a well defined candida diet is the first move for dealing with yeast infections. Recent research indicates that the right diet plan may be highly effective in preventing certain health problems and chronic diseases, including Candida infections. Before discussing the connection between candida diet and its impact on yeast infection, we’ll take a quick look at what candida infection is and discuss the specific conditions that bring it on.
Candida is the scientific name for single cell microbes to be found in small amounts in the most areas of the human body: the intestines, the genitals, the mouth etc. Although in the body that is healthy these microbes are kept in check by beneficial bacteria and an operational immune system, a combination of certain conditions can wreck this healthy balance. Candida can grow out of control and take on a root-like structure to damage the mucous membranes of the gut, invading the bloodstream and causing the well known symptoms related to yeast infection. As these microbes are mobile and can reach different parts of the body, systemic as well as local yeast infection can occur.
There are many factors that bring on yeast infection. Some of these factors are related closely to food. Observing diet plans that can prevent yeast infection from spreading is the first and one of the basic moves in and make to holistic Candida therapy. Adhering to the following diet rules, in combination with other nutrition and lifestyle principles, can bring positive results to your general health and particularly to your yeast infection problem:
1. Stop eating a refined sugar and carbohydrates. Refined sugar (which includes simple carbohydrates such as molasses and honey) and other refined carbohydrates (such as white flour, white rice, any type of cereals etc.) are all food for candida. Consuming such foods can make candida breed. To prevent candida overgrowth, use Stevia instead of sugar and use whole grain non-gluten products (such as brown rice, buck wheat bread) to replace refined carbohydrates.
2. Foods that contain yeast or mold (like white vinegar, mushrooms, calm, dried fruits, canned vegetables and some condiments) can also encourage Candida and should not be eaten.
3. To fight Candida your immune system needs to be strong. Using antibiotics can debilitate your immune system and kill off friendly bacteria. Therefore, many nutritionists recommend that their patients stop using antibiotics and reduce intake of dairy products that may also contain antibiotics. Since strengthening the immune system is an integral part of preventing yeast infections, daily consumption of garlic can lessen the likelihood of recurrent yeast infections.
4. Dairy products and cow’s milk products in particular, should be avoided to because they can lead to allergic reactions create excessive mucus and take longer to digest. Some of the main yeast infection factors can include allergies and digestive problems. Better alternatives to dairy products of Cow’s milk are organic goat and sheep’s milk products.
5. To stop Candida overgrowth, it is important to maintain the right acid-alkaline balance. That means the right "PH" level in your blood. PH is measured on a scale that goes from zero to fourteen where fourteen is the most alkaline, seven is neutral and zero is the most acid. Your body functions best in the range of PH 7.35 and 7.45 for acidity in the blood. Any extra acidity makes for a context where candida multiplies. An alkaline food plan, which is based on consumption of alkaline forming foods (foods with calcium, cesium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, almonds, green juices, and most fresh vegetables etc.) with moderate consumption of foods that form acids (most meats, fish, dairy and grain products) can help you regain your alkaline quotient to better control candida growth.
6. A study by Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in New York revealed that eating foods rich in betacarotene (a natural substance that's converted into vitamin A in the body) could offer some protection against yeast infections.
Remember that Candida diets can be very good for halting all kinds of yeast infections, but that they are only the first part of a full holistic therapy.
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This article is based on the book, "Yeast Infection No More" by Linda Allen. Linda is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate holistic yeast infection solution guaranteed to permanently cure the root of candida and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, naturally, without the use prescription medication and without any side effects. Learn more by visiting http://yeastinfectionzero.com/
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The Simple Detox 'Cheat Sheet': How To Easily and Properly Cleanse, Nourish, and Rid Your Body of Dangerous Toxins (and Build a Lean Well-Oiled "Machine" in the Process)
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Zero boxed and processed foods
4 servings of veggies a day (3 one-cup servings + a can of V8 juice is OK, though notnecessarily preferred)
3 pieces of fruit a day
5 oz. of Plain Greek Yogurt daily (2% or Full-Fat Version)
My favorite breakfast body-cleansing is Fage brand Total Greek Yogurt (their full-fat version), 1 banana, and a Biotrust protein shake
8 oz. (1 cup) of Lifeway Whole Kefir (Lifeway brand uses grass-fed cows)
Kefir is a form of cultured dairy, meaning the lactose sugars from the milk are predigested.
1 serving of pasture-raised and/or organic meat per day
Wild-caught fish is good to have 1-2x per week also.
No gluten, wheat, soy, nuts, or dairy (besides plain kefir and plain greek yogurt)
Besides fruit, have a cup of root vegetables such as sweet potatoes, yams, or beets, or a cup of rice for carbs.
3 organic eggs (with yolk)
Eggs are great sources of an essential nutrient called choline, which is vital for healthy liver function
Only 10% of Americans meet their daily choline requirements
Research shows that every form of diet-induced fatty liver disease can be attributed to choline deficiency
Besides eggs, you can get your daily choline requirements from beef liver or chicken liver
My 2nd favorite breakfast is 3 hardboiled eggs with some hot sauce, some sauteed spinach, and a banana on the side.
1 serving (2 capsules) of InvigorateNOW with a meal; 2 servings (with 2 meals) for faster results.
This is jam-packed with liver-cleansing herbs and various anti-inflammatory herbs, including Milk Thistle, Curcumin/Turmeric, N-Acetyl Cysteine and a full Vitamin B complex.
5000-10000 IU of Vitamin D3, 300 mg of Potassium, and 400 mg of Magnesium, not just for liver health but for full body/mind health!
Eat this way for 2 weeks straight. Your body will finally work just as it was intended to and, trust me, you'll feel like a million bucks. 
It's simple! Just not easy. The good thing is, this becomes much easier with a detox template (like the one above!) So start today. 
Pick up the "supplies" you need at the grocery store and get detox-ing! And while you're at it...don't ever buy a $35, 3-day juice cleanse ever again. *I'd like to see these juice companies explain where their "detox juice" and choline (the real liver-disease-preventer) match up.  
Interested in losing weight? Then click below to see the exact steps I took to lose weight and keep it off for good... 
Read the previous article about "How To Clean Up Your Liver and Vital Organs"
Read the next article about "How To Deal With the "Stress Hormone" Before It Deals With You" 
Moving forward, there are several other articles/topics I'll share so you can lose weight even faster, and feel great doing it. 
Below is a list of these topics and you can use this Table of Contents to jump to the part that interests you the most.
Topic 1: How I Lost 30 Pounds In 90 Days - And How You Can Too
Topic 2: How I Lost Weight By Not Following The Mainstream Media And Health Guru's Advice - Why The Health Industry Is Broken And How We Can Fix It
Topic 3: The #1 Ridiculous Diet Myth Pushed By 95% Of Doctors And "experts" That Is Keeping You From The Body Of Your Dreams
Topic 4: The Dangers of Low-Carb and Other "No Calorie Counting" Diets
Topic 5: Why Red Meat May Be Good For You And Eggs Won't Kill You
Topic 6: Two Critical Hormones That Are Quietly Making Americans Sicker and Heavier Than Ever Before
Topic 7: Everything Popular Is Wrong: The Real Key To Long-Term Weight Loss
Topic 8: Why That New Miracle Diet Isn't So Much of a Miracle After All (And Why You're Guaranteed To Hate Yourself On It Sooner or Later)
Topic 9: A Nutrition Crash Course To Build A Healthy Body and Happy Mind
Topic 10: How Much You Really Need To Eat For Steady Fat Loss (The Truth About Calories and Macronutrients)
Topic 11: The Easy Way To Determining Your Calorie Intake
Topic 12: Calculating A Weight Loss Deficit
Topic 13: How To Determine Your Optimal "Macros" (And How The Skinny On The 3-Phase Extreme Fat Loss Formula)
Topic 14: Two Dangerous "Invisible Thorn" Foods Masquerading as "Heart Healthy Super Nutrients"
Topic 15: The Truth About Whole Grains And Beans: What Traditional Cultures Know About These So-called "Healthy Foods" That Most Americans Don't
Topic 16: The Inflammation-Reducing, Immune-Fortifying Secret of All Long-Living Cultures (This 3-Step Process Can Reduce Chronic Pain and Heal Your Gut in Less Than 24 Hours)
Topic 17: The Foolproof Immune-enhancing Plan That Cleanses And Purifies Your Body, While "patching Up" Holes, Gaps, And Inefficiencies In Your Digestive System (And How To Do It Without Wasting $10+ Per "meal" On Ridiculous Juice Cleanses)
Topic 18: The Great Soy Myth (and The Truth About Soy in Eastern Asia)
Topic 19: How Chemicals In Food Make Us Fat (Plus 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply)
Topic 20: 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply
Topic 21: How To Protect Yourself Against Chronic Inflammation (What Time Magazine Calls A "Secret Killer")
Topic 22: The Truth About Buying Organic: Secrets The Health Food Industry Doesn't Want You To Know
Topic 23: Choosing High Quality Foods
Topic 24: A Recipe For Rapid Aging: The "Hidden" Compounds Stealing Your Youth, Minute by Minute
Topic 25: 7 Steps To Reduce AGEs and Slow Aging
Topic 26: The 10-second Trick That Can Slash Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Mortality By 37% (Most Traditional Cultures Have Done This For Centuries, But The Pharmaceutical Industry Would Be Up In Arms If More Modern-day Americans Knew About It)
Topic 27: How To Clean Up Your Liver and Vital Organs
Topic 28: The Simple Detox 'Cheat Sheet': How To Easily and Properly Cleanse, Nourish, and Rid Your Body of Dangerous Toxins (and Build a Lean Well-Oiled "Machine" in the Process)
Topic 29: How To Deal With the "Stress Hormone" Before It Deals With You
Topic 30: 7 Common Sense Ways to Have Uncommon Peace of Mind (or How To Stop Your "Stress Hormone" In Its Tracks)
Topic 31: How To Sleep Like A Baby (And Wake Up Feeling Like A Boss)
Topic 32: The 8-step Formula That Finally "fixes" Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested (If You Ever Find Yourself Hitting The Snooze Every Morning Or Dozing Off At Work, These Steps Will Change Your Life Forever)
Topic 33: For Even Better Leg Up And/or See Faster Results In Fixing Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested, Do The Following:
Topic 34: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 35: Part 1 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 36: Part 2 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 37: Part 3 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 38: Part 4 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 39: How To Beat Your Mental Roadblocks And Why It Can Be The Difference Between A Happy, Satisfying Life And A Sad, Fearful Existence (These Strategies Will Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity And Show You How To Fulfill All Your Dreams)
Topic 40: Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: The Body Type Solution To Quick, Lasting Results
Topic 41: If You Want Maximum Results In Minimum Time You're Going To Have To Work Out (And Workout Hard, At That)
Topic 42: Food Planning For Maximum Fat Loss In Minimum Time
Topic 43: How To Lose Weight Fast If You're in Chronic Pain
Topic 44: Nutrition Basics for Fast Pain Relief (and Weight Loss)
Topic 45: How To Track Results (And Not Fall Into the Trap That Ruins 95% of Well-Thought Out Diets)
Topic 46: Advanced Fat Loss - Calorie Cycling, Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting
Topic 47: Advanced Fat Loss - Part I: Calorie Cycling
Topic 48: Advanced Fat Loss - Part II: Carb Cycling
Topic 49: Advanced Fat Loss - Part III: Intermittent Fasting
Topic 50: Putting It All Together
Learn more by visiting our website here:
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anamorales · 6 years
Tips for better sleep
This post is sponsored by Nature’s Way.
Instead of focusing on perfection on the food and fitness front – I don’t think it exists and wouldn’t make life very fun – I do aim to be consistent wherever I can. I eat a pretty clean diet (with room for the fun stuff in there, too), exercise almost daily, drink a lot of water, and focus on ways to manage stress. No matter how consistent I am with the other aspects of the fitness puzzle, one portion is always hit or miss: sleep.
Sleep is when our body rebuilds and restores itself. I can have a huge impact on hunger and appetite – when we’re tired, we crave sugary sweets and carbs for an energy boost – on mood, and on stress levels. When you’re not sleeping enough, it can also encourage your body to hold onto fat. There are so many reasons to get in a full night of sleep, and sleep is one of my favorite things in the whole world. It’s a big reason why I wish I could get more!
My sleep issues are not really in my control. The girls wake me up pretty much every night – I thought it wouldn’t last forever but Liv will be 7 this year, so there ya go – and I’m still working on ways to get back to sleep once I’m up. Instead of focusing on the things I can’t control in regards to sleep, I try to think of about ways to cultivate a positive sleep environment and maximize the sleep time I have.
Here are some of my tips to get a good nights’ sleep:
– Exercise. Exercise increases our body temperature, which can lead to feelings of sleepiness hours later. It can also reduce anxiety and depressive symptoms, which may make it easier to relax and fall asleep. The days that I take off from the gym, I have a much harder time going to bed early. I don’t feel tired at night and have to force myself to head up to bed. In this study, researchers found that exercise may help those who suffer from insomnia. 
– Even better: get outside. Time outside in the sunlight affects our circadian rhythm and can help our bodies to recognize that when the sun is up, we’re up, and when it’s down, we should be crashed. It’s helpful to open the blinds or curtains as soon as you’re awake to let natural sunlight in, and start to turn down lights and stimuli as it gets later. 
– Turn off electronics before bed and try to keep them away from your bedroom. Electronics and any screens can negatively impact melatonin levels, making it more difficult to get to sleep and stay asleep. 
– Have a bedtime routine. This is the same with kiddos: if you follow the same steps each night, your body will recognize that it’s time for sleep. I love having a short meditation session before bed and drinking something hot, like tea or almond milk hot cacao. Another one of my faves is a gratitude mantra: instead of counting sheep, take a big inhale, and on each exhale, think of something or someone you’re thankful for.
– Go to bed earlier! This can be one of the trickiest ones for me. I enjoy the solitude and quiet at night and instead of being an early bird to crush work stuff, I’m a night owl. Even though I use this time to work and enjoy a little relaxation, I still set my alarm to remind myself when it’s time to go to sleep.
– Possibly try a supplement if it works for you (and if you get your doctor’s ok, of course). I’ve been taking Valerian on and off for about 9 years. I’ve taken it in liquid form before, but prefer the Nature’s Way capsule since you can’t taste it. The Nature’s Way brand is free of artificial colors, ingredients, corn, gluten, soy, sugar, wheat, and yeast. 
The nights I’m having trouble unwinding or feel like I won’t be able to sleep, I’m able to take a Valerian and get in a restful night. I also fall asleep much faster after the girls come into my room. I love Valerian because it’s entirely natural and if you don’t take it, you have zero withdrawal effects. 
So, tell me friends: what are some of the things you do to get a full night’s sleep?
Photography by Jacquelynn Buck
The post Tips for better sleep appeared first on The Fitnessista.
Tips for better sleep published first on https://immigrationways.tumblr.com/
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paleorecipecookbook · 7 years
The Ultimate Guide to Paleo Drinks
A question people often ask when they’re first starting a Paleo diet is what can they drink? Paleo drinks aren’t just limited to water, and in fact, can be just as exciting as beverages that aren’t good for you.
What Drinks Are Paleo?
Obviously, water is Paleo.
First and foremost, I recommend drinking pure, filtered water to maintain hydration on the Paleo diet. A general rule of thumb for how much water to drink each day is to drink half of your body’s weight (in pounds) in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, then you would shoot for drinking 100 ounces of water per day.
Another method to gauge hydration is to look at your urine. It should be clear or very faintly yellow, and you should be peeing around five times a day. Of course, different people will need more or less water depending on their metabolism, activity level, where they live, and other factors.
Listen to your body, but be aware that by the time you start to feel thirsty, you may already be dehydrated! Another thing to keep in mind is that thirst is often disguised as hunger, so be sure you’re drinking enough water each day and not mistaking thirst for hunger. Drinking water between meals may help to curb cravings, however, drinking liquids during mealtimes can dilute digestive juices and impair digestion.
You can get a filtration system in your home, buy spring water in glass containers, or get three or five gallon reusable BPA-free containers that you can fill at many grocery stores will filtered water.
What If I Don’t Like Plain Water?
There’s all sorts of different variations of water available these days, and my favorite is sparkling water. Many forms of carbonated water are allowed on the Paleo diet such as:
Sparkling water
Sparkling mineral water
Club soda
Soda water
Any type of plain carbonated water
Be sure to read the ingredients to ensure there’s no added sugar or other non-Paleo ingredients. Tonic water tends to be loaded with sugar, so steer clear of that. Choose brands of sparkling water that contain only one or two ingredients: carbonated water and “natural flavor.” LaCroix is my favorite brand of sparkling water—I love the pamplemousse (grapefruit)! Try adding a twist of lime, lemon, or orange to your carbonated and plain water for added flavor. Bubbly water can be really helpful for folks who are trying to stop drinking soda, too.
So, contrary to popular belief, water is not the only Paleo beverage! In fact, there are several Paleo-friendly drink options available.
Drinks That Are Definitely Paleo
Filtered or spring water
Kombucha and other fermented, non-dairy drinks
Sparkling water with or without natural flavors
Club soda, soda water, seltzer, or any type of plain carbonated water
Mineral waters
Herbal, caffeine-free teas
Paleo Drinks to Enjoy in Moderation
Coffee and other caffeinated drinks
Coconut water (the carbs can add up quickly!)
Freshly-juiced fruits and vegetables when consumed with their pulp
Drinks containing natural sweeteners such as raw honey, stevia, coconut sap, etc.
Drinks sweetened with stevia or sugar alcohols (erythritol, xylitol, etc.)
Drinks That Are Not Paleo
Milk, kefir from dairy and other dairy-based drinks
Beer and other gluten-containing drinks
Fruit juice
Sodas, colas, sweet teas, diet drinks, and other sweetened drinks
Energy drinks
Sports drinks and electrolyte beverages
Any drinks containing artificial colorings, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives
How to Make Your Alcohol Paleo
People are often shocked to discover that alcohol is allowed on the Paleo diet. Alcohol has some reported benefits, such as lowering the risk of getting heart disease, aiding in relaxation, and reducing our risk for ulcers.
Of course, if you drink too much alcohol, it might give you an ulcer anyway. In any case, we should all try to consume alcohol in moderation (no more than one to three drinks per day). Having said all that, let’s chat about the best booze to choose!
Alcoholic beverages can be divided into 3 categories: beers, wines, and spirits. The first two are by-products of the fermentation of starch and sugar found in fruits and plants. For example, grapes, coconuts, and rice are fermented to make wines. Wheat, barley, and other grains are fermented into beers.
Spirits are also the result of fermentation from grains, but undergo an additional process called distillation which significantly increases the alcohol content. The distillation process supposedly removes any gluten and other residual proteins brought about by fermentation. However, gluten can be added back into the alcohol after the distillation process in the form of colorings and even other alcohols!
I won’t ever recommend that anyone drink regular beer, since it’s full of gluten, which is health-destructive even for people who don’t have allergies. And I hate to disappoint, but even gluten-free beers are still made with grains which can trigger leaky gut, inflammation, weight gain, and autoimmunity.
Spirits, which can include vodka, tequila, whiskey, rum, and the like, are generally fine, as long as they are pure and come free of grain residue and sugar. Due to their significantly higher alcohol content, however, be sure to exercise restraint.
The best hard liquors are distilled from non-grain sources, or at least certified gluten-free. Choose lighter-colored (clear) spirits over darker spirits (which contain more sugar). Some of my favorites are potato vodka and 100% silver agave tequila. Tito’s brand vodka is certified gluten free and a lover amongst Paleo partiers. And speaking of tequila—you should check out our Paleo margarita recipe!
Where people usually get into trouble is with the mixers in cocktails, which are almost always loaded with significant amounts of sugar. Opt for sparkling water, club soda, soda water, seltzer, or any type of plain carbonated water instead. Add a twist of lemon or lime, and you’re good to go!
One of my favorite drinks is a vodka soda with a twist of lime, or just a straight-up martini. You can also ask the bartender to leave the simple syrup and other sweeteners out of your cocktails. The bonus of avoiding sugary mixers (besides the obvious), is that you have way less of a hangover the next day!
Wines might be the best option for individuals on the Paleo diet. Not only do wines have a lower alcohol content, but they’re also rich in antioxidants such as resveratrol. This is due to the fact that wines are essentially fermented fruits. Try to choose a wine that is sulfite-free and organic. Mead is a type of wine made by fermenting honey, and is also allowed on the Paleo diet. Hard apple cider and port wine are also Paleo-friendly options.
In general, when drinking Paleo, just pay attention to how your body reacts to various alcohols, and drink accordingly.
How to Make Your Coffee Paleo
Coffee has some reported health benefits like improving mood, memory, and alertness. It also may help to increase fat burning, improve athletic performance, and reduce the risk for dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and some forms of cancer!
However, these benefits only come when we drink coffee in moderate amounts, somewhere in the ballpark of two cups per day or less, in the earlier part of the day. A lot of people use caffeine as a crutch to get through the day, and if they didn’t have it, they’d be passing out at their desks. Chronic coffee consumption can also be a sign of unstable blood sugar levels or adrenal fatigue.
It’s a good idea to clear your body of all caffeine every once in awhile, to make sure you haven’t become dependent on it. You may want to limit your intake of coffee (or avoid it altogether) if you:
Are a slow metabolizer
Are pregnant
Have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease
Have uncontrolled hypertension
Are type 2 diabetic
Are under significant stress
Exhibit symptoms of adrenal fatigue
Having said all that, let’s talk about how to make your coffee Paleo!
Coffee Creamer
First off, if you’re someone who uses creamer in your coffee, you’ll want to be sure that you’re using a Paleo-friendly creamer since half-and-half and other dairy creamers are not Paleo.
Use coconut milk, almond milk, or make your own half-and-half blend from both. Try making or buying other types of nut and seed milks too: hemp milk, cashew milk, hazelnut milk, etc. Be sure to read the labels on any store-bought products, as many nut and seed milks contain non-Paleo ingredients.
Coffee Sweetener
Just like creamer can be a source of non-Paleo ingredients, so can coffee sweeteners. Even if they’re Paleo, dumping a bunch of honey or other Paleo-friendly sweeteners into your coffee isn’t going to do your blood glucose levels any favors, and can contribute substantially to your sugar intake.
The good news is that you can work on replacing the dairy and sweeteners in your coffee with healthier alternatives. Coffee can be an awesome opportunity to get some extra fats and nutrients in your diet, and below are some ideas for how to go about doing that!
Add Fat to Your Coffee
Adding fat to your coffee is a great way to increase the amount of healthy fats in your diet. Fat also stabilizes caffeine molecules to give you more bang for your buck. Fat sources work best in coffee when they are blended, or at least, stirred in very well.Try blending in:
Coconut oil
MCT oil
Melted ghee or grass-fed butter
Bulletproof Coffee
You’ve probably heard of Bulletproof Coffee, which is a term coined by Dave Asprey who sells ingredients and kits to make all sorts of variations of Bulletproof (BP) Coffee. It’s basically a blend of coffee and fat.
The original Bulletproof Coffee recipe blends together coffee, grass-fed butter, and MCT oil. Adding MCT Oil to your coffee can be a good way to boost your daily fat intake. MCTs, which stands for medium chain triglycerides, are rapidly absorbed through the intestines compared to most of the other fats we eat. Because MCTs are such a quick form of energy, they can be rapidly absorbed and turned into ketones. People following a ketogenic diet or who are otherwise looking to increase their body’s natural production of ketones love this stuff.
How to Make Your Own Bulletproof Coffee
You can make your own version of Bulletproof Coffee at home using just 3 ingredients:
Grass-fed Butter
Now, technically Bulletproof coffee isn’t Paleo, because of the grass-fed butter. Many Paleo folks do just fine eating grass-fed butter, but if you’re totally dairy intolerant, worry not—you can still have your BP coffee.
It’s just as easy to make a Paleo version of Bulletproof Coffee by replacing the butter in the recipe above with coconut oil, lard, tallow, or ghee.
Blend together the following ingredients for about 30 seconds, until foamy head appears:
1-2 cups hot brewed coffee
1-2 Tbsp MCT oil
1-2 Tbsp unsalted grass-fed butter, melted
If it’s your first time making Bulletproof Coffee, you may want to start with smaller amounts of fats and work your way up to more.
For more information about Bulletproof Coffee and whether or not you should use it in your Paleo diet, check out this blog post.
Add Collagen to Your Coffee
Coffee is also a great way to get in your collagen for the day. Dissolved collagen powder adds a nice thickness to your coffee without adding any taste.
Add Cream to Your Coffee
I love making up a batch of coconut whipped cream and adding vanilla extract (without alcohol) and just a drop of maple syrup. It’s a great way to take your coffee to the next level in a healthier way than you’ll find at coffee shops.
Add Protein to Your Coffee
While collagen does contain some protein, you can also try blending in eggs or egg yolks for protein and micronutrients.
Add Spices to Your Coffee
Trying adding flavors and spices such as vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cacao powder to your cup of joe. These heighten the flavor and aroma of your coffee.
Why Sweet Drinks Aren’t Paleo
Here’s a frightening statistic from Harvard University: people who regularly drink sugary drinks (like soda or sweet tea) are 26% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to those who rarely have such drinks. But soda and sweetened tea aren’t the only dangerously sweet drinks to look out for. You’ll also want to beware of fruit juice, sports drinks, and dessert drinks, like milkshakes and frappuccinos.
Soda, of course, is the biggest culprit. There are a lot of problems with soda and it can be really tough to give it up when it’s part of your regular routine.
Here’s why: carbohydrates break down into glucose (sugar), but when those carbs come in the form of liquid, they hit your bloodstream quickly and the pancreas can’t secrete insulin fast enough to clear the blood of all that sugar. If you drink a lot of sweetened drinks, you likely have too much glucose hanging out in your blood on a daily basis, which is not a good thing.
In the development of type 2 diabetes, chronically elevated blood sugar eventually causes the cells of the body to become insulin resistant, which results in even more sugar lingering in the bloodstream as it’s unable to enter the body’s cells. High blood sugar levels damage blood vessels and cause glycation and oxidative damage to cells throughout the body, which can result in long-term damage.
Diet soda isn’t any better that real sugar either. Despite being marketed as sugar-free, the artificial sweeteners contained in diet soda may be even more unhealthy than regular sugar. Some studies suggest that diet soda alters our gut microbiome, triggering metabolic derangement and a predisposition for developing diabetes. So the moral of the story is this: quit all soda and sugary drinks for the sake of your health.
  Why Isn’t Fruit Juice Paleo?
People love fruit juice and it’s no wonder—it’s basically pure sugar! Fruit juice has been touted as “healthy” for years, but the reality is that juice is sugar. Not only that, fruit juice often has extra sugars added in on top of the sugars that already naturally occur in fruit.
Even if it doesn’t have extra sugar added in, juice still lacks the fibers necessary to slow down the delivery of sugar to your blood, making it a high glycemic food. I’ve gotta say, it breaks my heart to watch parents pour fruit juices down their kids throats, knowing the long-term effects of overloading the bloodstream with glucose.
Instead of drinking juice, make a smoothie using the whole vegetables or fruits, which contain fiber to help slow the delivery of glucose to your bloodstream. Keep in mind, however, that you really shouldn’t take down more than the equivalent of one piece of fruit at any one sitting. So if you’re juicing a banana, an apple, some carrots, and a bunch of berries together, sorry, that’s really not much better than drinking fruit juice! If you insist on keeping juice in your life, I recommend diluting it one part juice to four parts water.
Sports Drinks Aren’t Paleo
Most sport drinks and electrolyte drinks aren’t Paleo thanks to the fact that they’re highly processed and excessively sugary. These drinks also contain artificial colorings, preservatives, and other nasty ingredients. Adding insult to injury, drinking all of that sugar before, during, or after your workout can negate all those calories you just worked so hard to burn off! But don’t sweat it, Paleo athletes: you can make your own Paleo sports recovery drink.
Paleo Drinks Bottom Line
Determining what you can drink on a Paleo diet is pretty basic when you break it down. Avoid sugar and artificial ingredients, and don’t overdo it with stimulants like caffeine and alcohol.
P.S. Feeling confused about what to eat on a Paleo diet? We’ve got you covered with our dietitian-created weekly Paleo meal plan.
The post The Ultimate Guide to Paleo Drinks appeared first on Paleo Plan.
Source: http://ift.tt/10qRbxJ
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newstfionline · 7 years
10 Simple Investments You Can Make in Yourself for a Huge Return
The Simple Dollar, 28 Feb 2017
So often, we think of investments as being purely about dollars in and dollars out. If you put $10,000 into an investment with an average return of 7% a year, how much do you make after 10 years? Is it better to pay taxes on that money now, when you put it in, or when you start withdrawing later?
That’s great, of course, but I like to think of investment in broader terms. For me, an investment is when you spend some resource--money, time, energy, goods, personal capital, etc.--and receive something in return for that resource--money, time, energy, goods, personal capital, etc. In other words, almost everything we do in our daily lives can be perceived as an investment of some kind.
I tend to view a good life as being one that’s full of good investments. If you use your resources (money, time, energy, etc.) in a smart way, they’re going to give far more value back to you in return.
This post actually started as a conversation with my children, where I was explaining to them how some of the things you do in life have at least some value that comes back to you later on, and that the best things in life tend to happen when you’re reaping the rewards of having done a lot of those things.
I want to share a list with you of my 10 favorite “investments” that I feel give me the best return on what I invest in them in my life. All of these involve spending some resource that I have, but the benefit I get out of spending that resource is far greater than the cost.
Investment #1: Getting a good night’s sleep, one where you’re not awakened by an alarm clock.
The best night of sleep that you can get is one where you fall into bed and sleep until your body decides it’s recharged and wakes you up naturally. That’s in almost direct opposition to the sleeping pattern of a busy person, which usually involves inadequate sleep and being awakened by an alarm clock that disrupts normal sleep patterns.
The cost: The cost of doing this is losing out on the last hour or two of your day. That’s generally time when you’re pretty tired anyway and aren’t doing anything particularly productive. You might miss out on a window of time to watch a television show or something, but it’s time where many people doze off on the couch or march through some household tasks at a really low rate of productivity.
The benefit: After a day or two of adjustment, you feel substantially better in terms of energy level, awareness, and clarity of thought. The way I describe it is that I swapped 18 waking hours in a day for 16 hours with almost double the energy and much clearer thinking. You also lose that miserable feeling of hearing an alarm go off when you’re really not ready to wake up yet, which means that days start off a little better.
Investment #2: Spending some time outside doing something where you move around
What I often do is go on a walk with my earbuds in my ear, listening to a podcast or an audiobook. I go outside, let a bit of sunshine hit my cheeks and hands and arms, and simply move around. I’ll just walk around the block at a steady pace, admire the environment, and then wind up back home half an hour or an hour later, usually having absorbed some of that podcast or audiobook, and feeling a whole lot better. If I can afford it, I’ll go to a park instead and go on a short hike in the woods--it takes more time but it pays even higher dividends.
Why? There are a number of factors. A small amount of sun exposure each day is very healthy as it promotes natural vitamin D production and good serotonin balance in your body. Mild exercise is also incredibly good for you. You can spend that time learning and keeping your mind active, too.
If you actually have an outdoor task to take on, even better! Get to it! Mow the yard. Rake the leaves. Clean out the gutters. Trim the hedges. Plant something. Detail your car. Anything that gets you outside and moving a little bit each day is a good thing.
Investment #3: Eating simple but varied meals that are mostly fruits and vegetables
There are tons and tons of studies and theories out there on this topic, but there are a few essentials that they all agree on: eat a variety of foods, make the majority of them fruits and vegetables, and try to eat mostly unprocessed stuff. The arguments about whether to avoid wheat and about carb levels and so on are infinite and change all the time, but those core rules seem to stay pretty much the same. So stick to them.
It’s not real hard. Just eat something different at every meal. Switch it up a lot. Try new stuff sometimes to make your palate even bigger. Make sure you’re eating plenty of vegetables and fruits. You don’t have to eat stuff you hate, either. Try to avoid overly prepared or processed stuff, like fast foods or premade freezer meals, but you don’t have to go to absurd lengths to do it.
Consumer Reports sums up the benefits really well: lower blood lipid levels and higher levels of short-chain fatty acids in the gut, which results in lower risk of heart disease, inflammatory diseases, and type 2 diabetes. There’s strong evidence of better brain health in a varied diet that includes fish, too. You’ll feel better and think better in the short term, in other words, and it’ll significantly improve your long term health outcomes.
Investment #4: Apologizing when you mess up rather than passing blame
Think about the last time you heard a blatant excuse from someone who had made a mistake and didn’t want to accept any blame or consequence for it. Did it make you think more highly of that person? What about the last time someone genuinely apologized for a mistake and put it squarely on their shoulders? How did that make you feel about that person?
Now, transition those feelings and imagine you’re the person who made that mistake. Your decision about whether to apologize for your mistake or not is going to decide how exactly they feel about you. Are they going to feel like you do when you witness someone blatantly passing the buck? Or are they going to feel the surprise and respect that you do when someone genuinely apologizes for their misstep and looks to make amends?
The cost: It’s hard to do it. It is really hard to confess that we’ve made mistakes to others. It feels far easier to just pass the blame or kick the can down the road. Apologizing for a mistake you made requires swallowing a lot of pride and it may mean some consequences for the error you made, though the penalty is usually substantially reduced when you make an honest apology.
The benefit: Respect. A lot of it. Almost everyone tends to gain respect for someone who admits a personal error or failing and asks what they can do to fix the problem, especially when they do it sincerely and directly without even a hint of passing the buck. Virtually every relationship in your life moves in a better direction if you apologize for a mistake rather than passing it on, even if you don’t see it on the surface. That type of respect is the foundation of strong relationships. People who respect you will help you in subtle and not-so-subtle ways, and you earn that respect through simple actions of strong character like apologizing for your errors.
Investment #5: Genuinely listening to people and responding to them
People like to be listened to. People like to be valued. People like to be remembered. People like to feel important. When you can do that for people, they like you. Period.
It’s not even hard to do. All you have to do is listen to someone when that person is talking. Don’t stand there thinking about what you want to say next. Just listen. Focus on what they’re saying, try to understand it to the best of your ability, and ask follow-up questions to get them to expand on anything that’s unclear.
When you do that, the person you’re listening to and talking to will naturally like you. They’ll value your presence. They’ll usually start asking for your thoughts on things. They’ll respect you a little and will become predisposed to respect you more.
The cost: It takes some time to just listen to someone. It also means you don’t get to contribute as many of your own thoughts to a conversation as you might otherwise, though when you do contribute, that contribution has more value.
The benefit: It strengthens virtually every personal relationship you have. Listening is like magic for building the strength of relationships. It helps your reputation, as well. Furthermore, you often learn quite a lot about things when you’re listening rather than talking because people give out a lot of useful info when talking.
Investment #6: Living in a place with easy access to work and food and social connection
If you live close to your workplace, you can walk or ride a bike to work, which in itself fulfills the second investment above. It’s also far, far cheaper than owning and driving a car. You can even potentially divest yourself of a car. If you live close to a good discount grocer and, even better, to your social connections, those same features repeat themselves. You invest less time and less money going to the places you need to and want to go. That’s a huge thing.
The cost: You might have to give up some other elements of what would make an ideal place for you to live. It might mean a smaller living space or an area that isn’t your perfect ideal. You might have somewhat higher housing costs, too, depending on where your workplace actually is.
The benefit: You slash your commuting costs. You slash the time devoted to tasks like commuting and getting food. You slash your time devoted to meeting up with friends. You slash your social costs because it becomes much easier to just hang out at each other’s houses or apartments. Simply put, this choice saves a lot of money and a lot of time.
Investment #7: Writing in a journal about what’s troubling you in life
Whatever aspect of your life that you happen to be struggling with, time spent seriously evaluating that problem, figuring out what the true source of that problem is, and then developing a plan to fix the source of the problem is incredibly valuable time spent. It costs you virtually nothing other than a bit of paper and ink and it can help you to resolve or eliminate all of the largest stressors in your life.
The benefit: Your stress is lowered. Almost every major problem in your life is reduced, either in a reduction of the size of the problem or in a reduction of its impact on your life. You feel far more in control of things and feel far more ready to handle things that might come at you.
Investment #8: Building a relationship with a mentor
A mentor is simply a person who serves as an example on how to live and can help guide you along the path of your life. A mentor might be a professional mentor, helping you guide your career or business, or that mentor might be a personal mentor, helping you navigate your personal life or spiritual life. Having a strong relationship with a mentor is incredibly useful, as it becomes someone that can help you steer your ship through rough waters and can point you in the right direction at life’s crossroads.
The cost: It takes time and effort and sometimes some money to build a good relationship with a mentor.
The benefit: You have unparalleled personal guidance through almost every challenge that life deals you, from career crossroads to personal challenges, from figuring out your destination to figuring out how to dig yourself out of a mess.
Investment #9: Building a skill that you don’t have but that you desire
No one in the world has the full set of skills that they need to handle all of the challenges that life throws at them. I’m absolutely awful at starting conversations with people I don’t know, for example. There are some professional skills that I definitely wish that I had, such as faster editing skills. I can name a dozen skills I wish that I had, but that I simply do not have.
The cost: It takes time and effort to master a skill, and it sometimes also takes money when you need to hire a teacher.
The benefit: You add a new skill to your repertoire. That skill, if well chosen, will frequently serve you in your personal and professional life, enabling you to take further career steps, build better relationships, complete a wider variety of tasks, and so on. The benefits very much depend on the skill learned, of course. Also, the process of learning a skill improves your aptitude for self-learning, making it easier to continue to add skills.
Investment #10: Taking a day off but using it meaningfully
Time off almost always reaps benefits. It allows you to relax and unburden yourself from a seemingly endless string of responsibilities, at least for a while. However, it’s very tempting to just waste that day off in idleness. There’s nothing wrong with leisure or hobby time, but that’s when you’re actively choosing to do something meaningful to you. Idleness is time spent doing nothing meaningful to you at all. Choose meaningful things, whether it’s personal tasks, hobby time, genuine leisure, or something else--whatever brings the most overall joy from the day.
The cost: You lose a day that you could have devoted to other tasks.
The benefit: It kills stress and worry like nothing else. It can still be quite productive, depending on what you choose. It can absolutely destroy the temptation to buy things, because the desire to buy often springs out of an unrequited desire to actually do something.
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michellelewis7162 · 4 years
Knowing The Best Supplements For Body Building
Knowing The Best Supplements For Body Building
 Property muscle mass is not an effortless task. Regardless of having the most ideal of instruction devices and also the best possible instructors under the sun, people locate it complicated to gain weight and possess solid muscular tissues. Best Supplement Steroids For weight loss
 There are 3 main points regarding developing muscle mass to look at as well as these are stimuli, rest and energy. When reviewed to the initial 2, the last one is actually complicated. Attaining uniformity as well as sufficient rest are simple. The majority of people neglect to inject the best fuel that is actually important for large muscle mass as a result of various other concerns like university, work etc
 . Even though one works doggedly as well as sleep like a log, one will definitely certainly not have the capacity to construct those large muscles without the support of body property supplements. Supplements and body building go hand-in-glove. One requires to obtain a clear picture about the top supplements accessible available. In addition to the accessibility factor, there requires to be a clear tip of the costs that you may pay for to choose all of them up London.
 Undoubtedly, proteins are the first as well as most important bodybuilding supplements to become taken into consideration. As a basic guideline of the thumb, one needs to have to receive 1.5 grams of healthy protein for every extra pound of body weight. Due to the fact that it is not possible to take such massive doses of protein, it ends up being quite vital to go in for healthy protein supplements for body building, in the form of powders, pubs, trembles as well as soups.
 Many healthy proteins may supply around 40 grams of protein per serving. There are a lot of kinds of healthy protein grains. Select the one that soaks up little by little. It is actually a prudent decision to take the slow-moving one prior to attacking the bedroom, because it is going to supply the physical body for a lot of hrs while one sleeps. The body system gains muscular tissue while resting, so it is essential not to disregard this.
 One additionally needs vitamins. Keep in mind certainly not to agree to a typical medicine retail store wide array. If one wants to develop, one needs to have to work out and also press more difficult. One demand greater than the recommended everyday allocation. A multi vitamin is actually a really vital bodybuilding supplement and also is actually merely next to proteins. The greatest vitamin wheat bran is actually animal Pak London.
 Nitric oxide is the next significant product to possess after proteins and vitamins. Although it is actually already on call in the body system, it is completely risk-free to take more. The muscular tissues are going to pump up to unthinkable sizes and will definitely have extra electricity.
 One requires to always remember that there is a product gotten in touch with creatine. The impact of creatine on muscular tissues is exceptional, for it improves performance. Moreover, the effects are actually verified as well.
 The Very Best Supplement For Bodybuilders
 There isn't any much better supplement for weight lifters than water. It is the regular partner for each and every as well as every body builder. When they are actually prepping for competitions, this is actually especially. Weight lifters know this as a simple fact and also have been utilizing it as a resource for complete success. Taking concerning 8 glasses of water is actually for any sort of one as well as except exceptional body builders. The honest truth is that bodybuilders must drink about 1-3 3 quarts of water every single time they are diet programs for a major competition. There are a number of causes for this though London.
 Water has been at the center of neutralizing the gastrointestinal chemicals and also accelerating the passage of food items coming from the physical body. While organizing personal workouts, it is sensible not to be a foe of water. This is actually the technique to walk up the step ladder of physical fitness. If you had not in the beginning been actually made use of to consuming large amounts, consuming very much water may be a trouble to you. In this particular scenario attempt and take the volumes that you fit. You ought to bear in mind that this is actually just however a beginning point and for that reason ought to certainly not be a significant package. Another trait, consuming alcohol a lot of water implies you are mosting likely to pee far more often. This must certainly not be considered a complication is it is the first indicator that the too much body fat is certainly being eliminated of your valuable body.
 Our physical bodies are a lot based on water a great deal that every activity in our bodies occurs in the presence of water. Water is critical for cleaning the physical body and clearing it of dangerous poisonous substances. When one is weight loss, water executes pair of roles. It gives e sensation of nourishment after a difficult exercise. It additionally drives excess fats from the body system down the road. A mug of water after a dish provides a gratifying emotion that leaves one clean and sensation eased. Water, as an universal synthetic cleaning agent is necessary for aiding in the food digestion and consumption of our daily consumption of food items components. When preparing for competitions, water is actually the one thing that you can simply miss at our very own pious risk London.
 This is a defeatist mindset and also must be rinsed of our thoughts along with a bunch of water. The harsh truth is that their genes neglect this. What is actually doing not have is actually willpower as well as incentive. No genetic problem can easily lead you to eat thoughtlessly and without inquiring the questions that matter every now and then. When speaking about cutting on the diet plan, this should be performed in a manner that does not leave you practically crying out suffering due to appetite. The food rations should be slowly decreased up until the aim at is actually connected with.
 If utilized all together with the various other routines of a normal weight lifter, this typically occurring supplement is actually of worth and also may carry out marvels to your physical body. To begin with a closer evaluation of our everyday diet regimen is actually really essential. A lot of us who are willing to take bodybuilding very seriously ought to understand which food items s are actually excellent and which ones are actually unhealthful. Our experts have a tendency of criticizing it on the genetic makeups London.
 Ideal Supplements For Bodybuilding - Perform Your Homework
 Thus you have possibly made an effort or even appeared for the finest supplements for body building, if you have been lifting for any kind of duration of time. , if you look on the web there are actually 1000s of products that state to be the best on the market.. The problem is actually that many of the products contain lies or even empty promises.
 When looking for the best supplements for bodybuilding there are actually a handful of traits that you need to understand. First understand that the item throughout will certainly not place muscles on you away from nowhere. It performs certainly not matter just how big of a dosage you take, they are not the only point needed to have for muscular tissue increase. Merely through taking the item you will definitely certainly not look like a men's fitness design or even one of the substantial bodybuilders. The supplements will definitely likewise not change a healthy diet regimen. You still need to eat your healthy proteins, complicated carbs, as well as the best body fats to create muscle as well as stay well-balanced. Supplements are exactly what they are actually called; a supplement to your diet EC1V 2NX.
 You should bear in mind that the supplement sector is actually billions of bucks a year. This sort of money brings in all type of liars as well as schemers attempting to take your tough earned money. Make certain that while you are actually hunting for the greatest supplements for muscle building that you definitely do your research. , if you know other prosperous weight lifters you must inquire all of them what they utilize.. Also by carrying out an extensive search of the internet you may perhaps discover the reality concerning particular supplements. Every single product possesses good and also poor customer reviews so you can consume each edges just before you make a decision. Supplements are important for your muscle building excellence just as lengthy as you acquire the correct one EC1V 2NX.
 3 of the very best Supplements For Bodybuilding to Gain Muscle Fast
 Like to know how you can develop powerful muscles while exercising on a regular basis? Possess you tried various type of body weight hauling systems without luck? If so, you may like to know a little much more about the very best supplements for bodybuilding to ensure you may discover the appropriate formula for your type of body as well as increase muscle quickly. You can easily additionally find low-cost supplements in a lot of retail stores in your place, if you know where to appear and also what to search for.
 If you are an athlete and also are actually learning between times, you might desire to look at body building supplements that are actually a little 'stronger' in nature, to ensure you will definitely see outcomes at an extra steady pace if your physical body is actually currently utilized to exercising greatly. Supplements coming from firms like BSN, use supplements that are higher in creatine, a well-liked component for physical body building supplements. Creatine triggers the growth of your muscular tissues and assists you to 'bulk' up when coupled with weight lifting. BSN provides this formula, called CellMass, in a lot of flavors, featuring Berry Blast, thus you can combine it along with water or even your favorite extract. Muscle Milk coming from CytoSport is likewise among the excellent body weight hauling supplements to attempt. The formula helps you to melt body fat while you are weight training, and also helps your muscles and also joints to recuperate a lot faster coming from physical exercise EC1V 2NX.
 You can attempt Nitrix from BSN if you will somewhat take your body building supplements as a supplement or even pill. Birth control pill is effortless to swallow, and dissolves in your tummy without any pain. Ensure to consume alcohol great deals of water when taking the supplements having said that, to continue clearing away toxins from the physical body. Nutrex additionally supplies body structure supplements in pills, and is actually ephedra cost-free.
 You may regularly check your local grocery store for an amount of label varieties if you wish to discover low-cost supplements. Additional convenience store are actually beginning to hold health food elements as well as progressed vitamin products, therefore you may desire to inquire your area pharmacist if body system building supplements are offered. You may additionally discover inexpensive supplements at your regional natural food shop, particularly if there is actually a purchase going on. Or even, you can go shopping online at establishments like Nature's Way or The Vitamin Shoppe for weight hauling and also muscular tissue formulations that are successful and risk-free for your physical body United Kingdom.
 Best Supplements For Weight Loss
 Learn the reality concerning diet plan tablets, weight management, as well as supplements for weight loss. It is going to conserve you amount of money as well as aid you with secure effective weight loss Houston.
 The shocking truth concerning the most ideal supplements for weight loss is, "they do not actually work". I'm certainly not convinced any supplement speeds fat loss or even improvements your metabolism, or typically magically brings about much more fat burning.
 I have certainly not been excited by supplement study or through talking with people that have actually utilized supplements. Supplements are typically meaningless for obtaining muscle mass and dropping body system fatty tissue United Kingdom.
 I highly believe all fat burning tablets are actually useless, unless you need to have some coffee to remain awake. Why is it that I've never ever met a person who has had results with a fat loss pill? Everybody I've ever before talked with has yet to see results from these alleged "fat deposits heating elements".
 No matter if it consists of Green Tea (just recently presented to become useless for weight management), CLA (packed with clashing analysis about its own performance), or even any other pietistic high levels of caffeine tablet, your diet pill is actually possibly certainly not assisting you along with weight management.
 What about detoxification supplements?
 Likewise, not mosting likely to cause lasting weight-loss. You require a simple 5-step health and nutrition program, like my 5 straightforward guidelines for fat loss, and a prompt weight loss exercise course you can do in the comfort of your personal home United Kingdom.
 But what about the usually recommended supplements, like protein, creatine, as well as post-workout shakes?
 They aren't all they are mentioned to become either ...
 Personally, I don't anticipate to possess an additional healthy protein cocktail or even protein club ever before again. Like lots of people, I can simply consume all the healthy protein I require from entire, healthy foods.
 Having said that, if you locate it difficult to receive all your day-to-day protein intake from chicken, beans, and also almonds, you might gain from a protein shake when trying to slim down and also get rid of body fat. A healthy protein particle is actually an extra supplement USA.
 However, I locate post-workout cocktails coming from supplement establishments to be a refuse of loan. After all, these cocktails are actually just healthy protein as well as carb, which you may receive from real food Houston.
 Creatine can easily assist a muscle-gaining workout session strategy. However you only require the plain creatine particle - none of these new lavish creatines (that are unverified!).
 While I'm against supplements for fat loss, supplements can be of true worth for health purposes.
 I make use of a fish oil supplement, a Greens Plus product, and a multi-.
vitamin/mineral. And the final 2 are most likely redundant provided my diet regimen, since I can make a strong claim for "very most broccoli eaten by an individual being on a daily manner".
 The bottom line: Most bodybuilding, detoxing supplements, diet supplements, and also fat loss supplements are not worth the money. Actual meals is the key to obtaining the body system, and wellness, you want. Having said that, if you possess a tough time eating a selection of fish or receiving all your vegetables and fruits, you might profit from wellness supplements USA.
 Rather, save your amount of money and also know how to consume for weight loss using entire healthy foods, integrated with a simple, residence health and fitness workout sessions for weight loss.
 Finest Supplements For Muscle Building.
 Property muscle, major muscle is actually hard work and also merely eating straight, working doggedly and being actually dedicated isn't regularly enough. In some cases a bodybuilder needs some support and they get that coming from the understanding the most ideal supplements for muscle building. There is actually no person, all-powerful supplement as well as it takes utilizing a few to get the correct mix for each individual. Recognizing what supplements are vital to a body builder can fall under one of the following fundamental classifications:.
 - Muscle Building.
- Energy Production.
- Muscle Recovery.
 Let's malfunction what the greatest muscle building supplements reside in each of these groups.
It's obvious that, if you wish to build muscular tissue, you need to have to get an excellent quantity of healthy protein into your unit on a quite normal manner. Protein is among, otherwise the premier supplement for developing muscular tissue. When this is paired along with creatine, the outcomes may be massive as creatine is primarily located in the emaciated muscle mass unit. These two supplements function together like no others. Protein and creatine could be obtained with fish, hen and reddish porks in addition to supplement supplement, dish and also powder replacements. The combo of these two are a potent combination for weight lifters USA.
 Energy Production.
We are actually taking around carbohydrates when it's time to speak regarding energy and creating certain a weight lifter has enough to conduct at their ideal. Carbohydrates help to give power and strength during the course of an exercise. Complex carbs are actually additionally known to aid in quickly deteriorating the chemical process. Carbohydrates could be obtained with numerous foods and also a powder supplement added to a fluid Houston.
 Muscular tissue Recovery.
The way a muscle develops in dimension is actually throughout the healing stage. As the muscle recoups coming from a workout, the method the body system defends and also repair services the muscular tissue is actually through making even more of it. As time takes place, the restoring method constructs the muscle up more and more until you possess bulging biceps and tore lower legs. Important to this process are a couple of different supplements as well as of these is actually glucosamine Texas.
 Glucosamine assistances significantly in the healing of damaged tissues, such as muscular tissues, coming from rigorous exercises. Something to keep in mind about this certain supplement is that bodybuilders with fish and shellfish kind allergy symptoms ought to avoid from glucosamine as it might trigger the food allergy symptom. These are actually a few of the best muscle building supplements any kind of body builder can easily use to boost their efficiency and develop terrific looking muscles.
 Bodybuilding Supplements - Which Are the very best Supplements for Muscle Growth?
 Use anabolic steroids and banned drugs through professional athletes has actually tainted the world of sporting activities and also physical fitness extremely throughout the years. There are actually bodybuilding supplements that are actually totally secure, favorable as well as reliable also to different bodily functions aside coming from muscle-building, body fat reduction, as well as different similar fitness roles. To understand which will be actually the ideal supplement for you, right here are actually some of the many things you must look at the tag of the item you're thinking about taking in or even buying Texas.
 Healthy protein is stated to be the base of muscle-building. So you need to certainly view this in the supplement that you're organizing to take. Protein fixings muscle mass, assists you bounce back quick coming from your workout, and keeps the muscular tissue mass that you've already received. Healthy protein is actually encouraged to become taken at a max of 2 grams for every extra pound of physical body weight daily. Very most common form of healthy protein supplement for body builders is shakes. Those who are into major fitness systems eat a dosage of whey protein shake after their physical exercise routine as well as other types of healthy protein shakes that are actually slower to digest just before going to sleep.
 An amino acid that is actually crucial in muscle-building is actually creatine. It is actually naturally made by your physical body and can be discovered in a range of meat products like pork, meat, and chick. But the amount that you need to have for bodybuilding is actually so much greater than what you may receive naturally. This is actually why you need to include more creatine through supplements. It aids you last much longer sessions of lifting weights and also other hard routines. It additionally markets fuller muscular tissues Texas.
 You likewise need multivitamin pills to assist enhance your invulnerable system when you're educating in the direction of developing muscles. A regular strenuous workout session can easily leave you exhausted as well as may lead you to contaminations including the common cold. Taking multivitamin pills will definitely offer you that defense against these undesirable components as well as keep your energy up Houston.
 Glutamine is actually an additional formula that enhances the resistance of your physical body against contaminations and sickness. Particularly, it solely rejuvenates the glycogen storage that you require in your physical body, while staying away from excessive or excess carbs. Those that had actually like to possess the very best supplements for muscle mass growth mix glutamine along with healthy protein trembles to aid them even further in recovering from a tough workout session along with maintain their presently slim muscle mass.
 Supplements are exactly what they are contacted; a supplement to your diet regimen EC1V 2NX.
 Supplements from business like BSN, provide supplements that are actually higher in creatine, a well-liked active ingredient for body system structure supplements. The lower product line: Most muscle mass structure, cleansing supplements, diet plan pills, and fatty tissue burning supplements are not worth the money. These are actually some of the finest muscle mass structure supplements any sort of body builder may use to raise their functionality and construct excellent looking muscles.
 Those who 'd like to possess the greatest supplements for muscular tissue growth mix glutamine along with protein trembles to assist all of them even more in recouping from a difficult exercise as properly as maintain their currently healthy muscle mass.
0 notes
thecoroutfitters · 5 years
Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.
Sprouts can be a great solution for preppers at all levels, as well as our animals. They can be had and done in a million and one ways, eliminate some of the climate issues we face in both hot and cold environments, require little space and little time, and are packed with nutrients. They also have some nice morale benefits, providing fresh green foods and sometimes even a crunch during times not much else will grow.
Wide Variety
If you don’t like sprouts, give them a second try. Just trying one or a few and giving up on them is missing out.
Personally, I’m not big on alfalfa or the “moo mixes”. They taste like grass to me, and I don’t dig the texture.
Flip around to radish. I love it, but it’s typically some hot and spicy stuff. If you packed a sandwich or wrap with radish, a lot of people would be unhappy, but it’s great for finger-picking snacks playing cards and flavoring anything from sandwiches and salads to soups and stir fry.
There’s a whole world to choose from, with a huge range of textures and flavors, from amaranth, brassicas and popcorn to pea shoots and sunflower.
Psst…Buy regular ol’ garden seed as often as possible – it’s the same stuff and will cost a lot less, especially while we’re in the sampling phase.
Once we’ve got them growing, we can use them in everything we would a lettuce or fresh vegetable – soups, stir fry, salads, sandwiches, stackers, omelets, and wraps.
Health Concerns
It’s never a good idea to eat one thing to excess, which is where a lot of problems come in with sprouts (and wild edibles). There are sprouts that pregnant women shouldn’t eat. Likewise, there are a few that will interact with preexisting medical conditions or herbal treatments. It’s not common or huge, but do a little research.
Types & Terms
As sprouts gain in popularity, culinary and botanical definitions are shifting, and it can be painful to keep track of the stage being discussed.
Most people neither need to know nor care if there should be a scientifically or government determined dividing line between the plant category and what we call it when we’re eating its leaves. Given what consensus conventions have repeatedly done to Pluto, I’d rather we all just live in peace with our immature edible greenery.
It’s not worth getting wrapped around the axle over. Many people and most specialists have foibles. I have my own knee-jerk at bullet-ammo and clip-mag mix-ups, and seeing an OP or heirloom seller proudly declare “Non-GMO!” like its particular OP or heirloom is special in that way, so I try to remember that some people care deeply about precise terms.
I’m using “sprouts” as an umbrella for the whole shebang anyway, cotyledons through baby leaves. Don’t be put out over it.
    Seed Sucks
A major consideration for preppers, is that sprouts and microgreens are an absolute seed suck. We’re going to eat them long before they have a chance to make more seed for collection.
There’s a really incredible ratio between many sprouting seeds and their green yields, with anywhere from a teaspoon to a tablespoon capable of filling a jar or 8×8” to 12×12” square, but it’s something to be aware of.
That seed use is one of the reasons we – as preppers especially – want to get the most bang for the buck out of our sprouts.
Growing Methods
When we grow wheat for a couple of days and then cook it as soon as it has “tails” from the roots, that’s sprouted grain (which hugely increases feed value for us, birds, and small ruminants, and can be cooked as-is for cereals, soups and “rice” side dishes, or ground for flour).
When we do sprouts in jars, that’s about the furthest stage we want to take them to. Leaves will start getting damaged (which leads to rot), and they’ll have more drainage problems if we let them go much longer.
Working in stackable trays we can grow a greater density for longer, due to the airflow.
Some types will grow to full-on baby leaves using just water and sunlight. Some may require a substrate of some kind to get there – paper towel, cloth towel, small pea gravel or aquarium stone that we keep lightly damp for them. Others will happily send roots through a mesh or grate into a drip-catch pan for the support and greater absorption they need.
Those can be a big boost for anyone with limited resources, whether it’s income or space now, or a prepper making the most out of their seed stash. It lets us get a lot more yield per seed and without added nutrients.
For others, we do need nutrients, and in some cases a soil or soil-substitute substrate. Sometimes, though, those nutrients can be as simple as sticking a used teabag or cheesecloth holding used coffee grounds in a gallon jug and using that for root-zone watering.
For the larger microgreens that need a little more help yet, I personally like good ol’ dirt, anywhere from a half-inch to an inch deep.
I’m not big into “needy” things, so I don’t always do sprouts the way others recommend.
I rinse jars 1-2x a day and angle them to drain. I sometimes use a gentle spray from a can or hose for bulk microgreens and sprouts, but for small amounts and delicate green sprouts at the cotyledon-leaf stage, I routinely just mist, and I routinely only water leafy sprouts once a day.
I also keep a damp cloth over my tray-grown sprouts if they’re in the house or arid conditions, with the lids over those, or I use clear “greenhouse” lids to help hold moisture.
In really humid conditions, I go with only the draped cloth so excess moisture can evaporate at will.
Play with it.
Especially small-scale, it’s a little like finding a sweet spot for sourdough starter. Where they are exactly on a counter changes their airflow and temperature. How densely we plant and how big we want our sprouts and microgreens will also affect how much attention they need and which methods work best.
We don’t need specialty jars or lids. We can poke tons of holes in a peanut butter tub or cover any ol’ jar with a sock, torn shirt, or garden mesh.
I do still use my original Sproutmaster trays at home. I gave up on the divider early on and went to a paper towel liner, but they’re way sturdier than I expected when I first unwrapped mine and they’re handy enough, stack well enough with thin dish towels between the tray and lids.
(DO NOT believe that the mini’s —or the jar versions – will work for packing. It requires rubber bands, bungees, and it either ends up not draining or you end with drips.)
When I expanded, I didn’t buy more. It’s too easy to wrap a dish towel or storm mesh around a baker’s drying rack if I want improved drainage and airflow, or line anything from a lasagna pan to a 1020 tray with the same, a paper towel, or soil, or just arrange a tilted bracer and put in drainage holes above seed height on one end.
It works, whether giving them gentle sprays or mists, dunking the whole tray real quick, or approximating a flood-drain hydroponics or aquaponics system where we pour on one side and let it trickle across and drain.
Sprouted Fodder
Just like sprouts offer us condensed nutrients and nice, fresh, and even crunchy foods to augment our diets, sprouted fodder has a ton of benefits for livestock – https://www.motherearthnews.com/homesteading-and-livestock/sprouted-fodder.
Basically, it’s growing seed grains (and rarely beans) to the stage right before they develop true leaves, usually 7-9-12 days. It needs nothing more than water and some light in the last 3-5 days, and typically boosts proteins, minerals, and vitamins by 2-4 times as well as increasing the digestibility of the seed. Even non-grazing game birds like ducks can be fed sprouted fodder.
It, too, is a seed suck – but it has the same seed-to-mass conversion as human sprouts, too, 4-8 x the mass. And, remember, that mass is pound-for-pound 2-4x “better” in the common focus areas in livestock feed, as well as being more filling and covering more of the daily fiber/dry matter needs
The way some people grow, it’s also water needy. That can be reduced by reusing water from sprouted fodder in gardens, for larger livestock, and through the fodder system again after some base physical filtration (due to residues, it’s still going to need replacement after a few passes).
I have the best luck going with thin layers, not the “less than a half-inch thick” that others are able to make work. I tend to aim for 3-4 layers of seed in depth.
I also sprout more than barley, wheat and oats in my mats, everything from native pasture grasses and common hay seed mixes to millet, pigeon and partridge peas, vetch, and cow beans. As with fresh feeds, the latter get fed in much lower density due to richness, but I find it to be a nice boost.
I’ll also do mats of stockpiled bulk seed like forage turnips and beets when germination on those start to get lower than I prefer.
For some additional sprouted fodder information and setup ideas, check out:
I wouldn’t try to grow enough to truly feed livestock, especially large livestock, but even small amounts can see big boosts in production and health. (So can 2-4 day sprouting grains and beans, instead of feeding that grain dry or just-soaked.)
Sprouts for Preppers
Sprouts can check a lot of boxes for us and our livestock. We have to plan for the high seed use and additional drain on water supply, but it gives us an option for fresh foods and healthier foods even in very small spaces and commonly even without light.
Even if we’ve had some bad sprout experiences before, it’s worth giving them another go, from sprouted grains to microgreens and fodder mats.
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marthaalayne3 · 5 years
What a 1200 Calorie a Day Plant Based Diet Looks Like
When you think of diet the first words that most likely come to mind are restriction, calorie counting, and bland foods.
This can most likely be attributed to the fact that one of the most popular approaches to weight loss is caloric restriction often taking the form of What a 1200 Calorie a Day Plant Based Diet Looks Like
This diet plan has become somewhat infamous within the weight loss community and for a good reason.
Although calorie restriction has been shown to be an effective approach to weight loss, it’s extremely important to always focus on the quality of the food over quantity and never consume any less than 1200 calories per day for safety and health reasons.
Still committed to attempting a 1200 calorie per day diet but hesitant about the restrictive nature of this sort of meal plan?  What if I told you that your new diet plan doesn’t have to be boring and restrictive to be effective?
One of the major criticisms of 1200 calorie diet plans is that when you significantly decrease your intake of calories, you risk decreasing essential nutrients.
This is a fair criticism as the less food you are able to consume the less opportunity you will have to meet your daily nutrient requirements.
For this reason, it is important to use your daily allowance of calories wisely and choose highly nutritious foods to fill up your daily meal plans.
This is where the vegan aspect comes into play. The vegan diet consists of plant-based products that often offer a much higher nutrient to calorie ratio making it an ideal candidate for those looking to limit their calories in order to lose weight.
While there are many delicious plant-based alternatives to traditional animal products, such as vegan mac n cheese, vegan sausage, vegan chicken nuggets, you name it, these products are often highly processed and contain higher calorie counts than plant-based whole foods.
It is often best to shy away from vegan junk food as it doesn’t contain as many nutrients and will rack up your calorie count very quickly.
By simply switching out heavily processed vegan alternatives for plant-based whole food alternatives, you’ll see not only that your intake of major nutrients will increase, but your portion sizes will increase as well.
Now enough with the small talk, let’s get to the meat and potatoes, or in this case, the fruits and veggies.
Here is an example of what a day in the life of a vegan, 1200 calorie based, diet looks like.
What a 1200 Calorie a Day Plant Based Diet Looks Like In Breakfast
Smoothie bowls provide a great alternative to traditional cereal meals because they can pack in a ton of micronutrients into a quick meal to get your day started off right.
Let’s start off by highlighting the nutritional benefits that are contained in this first meal.
The strawberries will provide you with a ton of vitamin C as well as fiber. In addition to making your smoothie bowl extra creamy and delicious, the banana will also contribute to your daily needs of fiber and potassium.
Blending the spirulina powder into this concoction is an easy way to contribute to your daily iron requirements as well.
Vitamin B12 is a major concern that I hear time and time again when the topic of vegan diets come up in conversation. Luckily, adding unsweetened coconut milk that is fortified with vitamin B12 is enough to cover your daily requirements of B12.  
When you top off this breakfast bowl off with chia seeds, you are reaping the benefits of vitamin K as well as your omega-3s! Don’t care for the consistency of chia seeds? Try flax seeds instead. The possibilities are endless!
There is plenty of room for creativity in the preparation of your own smoothie bowls so don’t feel obligated to stick to the fruits that are listed below. This is an extremely flexible recipe, and any sort of combination of fruit will be delicious!
To prepare this simple smoothie bowl just blend one frozen banana, one frozen cup of strawberries, and one teaspoon of spirulina powder, with one cup of unsweetened fortified coconut milk.
Pour into a bowl and add half a cup of fresh blueberries or raspberries, and a dash of unsweetened coconut flakes. Top  it off with a spoon full of chia seeds and enjoy the most important meal of the day!
What a 1200 Calorie a Day Plant Based Diet Looks Like At Lunch
When your midday lunch break finally comes around, you’ll be glad that you packed a meal that is not only low calorie but delicious and filling as well!
Open-faced sandwiches are a great way to enjoy the satisfaction of a yummy sandwich.
A simple calorie hack is to skip the second piece of bread and eat the sandwich open faced. Skipping the second piece of bread allows for extra calories where it counts. Um did someone say avocado?
Coat 2 teaspoons of hummus on to each of the two toasted (if preferred) pieces of Dave’s Killer whole grains bread.
I prefer Dave’s Bread because it contains almost half of your daily requirement of fiber which makes you feel full and satisfied.  Any whole wheat bread of your choosing will suffice, however.
Thinly slice ¼ of an avocado and spread evenly between the two slices of bread. Add three slices of tomato to each piece of toast.
Top it off with a little salt, pepper, and even a little hot sauce if you’re feeling extra spicy!
If the sounds of these tasty sandwiches haven’t got you sold yet, a breakdown of the nutrients included in this meal should assure you that you are getting the most bang out of your caloric buck.
The two slices of bread as noted before will provide you with a substantial portion of your daily fiber needs, but will also provide you with iron, manganese, and vitamin B1.
The hummus will provide you with some protein, fiber and iron, which will help you feel full without weighing you down. No one likes having to push through that tired, heavy feeling for the rest of the workday.
The avocado contains a variety of B vitamins, as well as folate and the tomato slices contain vitamins A and C. With all these nutrients, who could resist a guilt-free sandwich like this?
Dinner: Spinach Quinoa Salad
Arguably, the best way to sum up your day is to reward yourself with a big beautiful salad. This meal is light yet filling and is a perfect way to prepare your body for an overnight fast while you sleep.
This is a super easy spinach toss salad that will be a simple meal to throw together after a long day at work. Don’t care for some of the veggies in this salad? Let your creativity take charge and add your favorites!
Just simply throw 4 cups of raw spinach into a bowl, add half a cup of cooked quinoa, five slices of cucumber, ¼ of a cup of cooked edamame beans, ¼ of a cup of black beans, ¼ of a cup of chopped broccoli, and three teaspoons of chopped walnuts.
Mix it all up in a bowl sprinkle with lemon juice and balsamic vinaigrette to taste, and you’ve got dinner!
I’ll sum up this final meal by highlighting the nutritional benefits of this tasty salad. For starters, your body will thank you for the generous amount of vitamin A, folate, and vitamin C from the spinach.
The protein and folate in the edamame beans are an added bonus. The levels of vitamin C and vitamin A in the broccoli are great, and it adds a nice texture to the salad.
Meanwhile, the walnuts add not only a little crunch to the salad but also that pesky omega-3s which can be tricky at times to squeeze into the typical American diet.
All in all, this salad is a great way to end the night on good terms, with a full belly and a healthy body.
With such a huge variety of food, you wouldn’t think that this meal plan consists of only around 1200 calories at first glance.
With just a little bit of effort, creativity, and adjustment, you can succeed in your diet and achieve your weight goals. This can be done without sacrificing the necessary nutrients that your body needs.
You don’t need to deprive yourself of exciting and delicious food in order to reach your weight goals.
While 1200 calories per day tend to be the buzz number in the weight loss community, it is important to keep in mind that prioritizing whole foods is much more important than any number.
Food should be something that you enjoy. Always listen to your body and do what feels right.
source https://biogreen.life/what-a-1200-calorie-a-day-plant-based-diet-looks-like/ from BioGreen Life https://biogreenlife1.blogspot.com/2019/01/what-1200-calorie-day-plant-based-diet.html
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rethagpierce88 · 5 years
What a 1200 Calorie a Day Plant Based Diet Looks Like
When you think of diet the first words that most likely come to mind are restriction, calorie counting, and bland foods.
This can most likely be attributed to the fact that one of the most popular approaches to weight loss is caloric restriction often taking the form of What a 1200 Calorie a Day Plant Based Diet Looks Like
This diet plan has become somewhat infamous within the weight loss community and for a good reason.
Although calorie restriction has been shown to be an effective approach to weight loss, it’s extremely important to always focus on the quality of the food over quantity and never consume any less than 1200 calories per day for safety and health reasons.
Still committed to attempting a 1200 calorie per day diet but hesitant about the restrictive nature of this sort of meal plan?  What if I told you that your new diet plan doesn’t have to be boring and restrictive to be effective?
One of the major criticisms of 1200 calorie diet plans is that when you significantly decrease your intake of calories, you risk decreasing essential nutrients.
This is a fair criticism as the less food you are able to consume the less opportunity you will have to meet your daily nutrient requirements.
For this reason, it is important to use your daily allowance of calories wisely and choose highly nutritious foods to fill up your daily meal plans.
This is where the vegan aspect comes into play. The vegan diet consists of plant-based products that often offer a much higher nutrient to calorie ratio making it an ideal candidate for those looking to limit their calories in order to lose weight.
While there are many delicious plant-based alternatives to traditional animal products, such as vegan mac n cheese, vegan sausage, vegan chicken nuggets, you name it, these products are often highly processed and contain higher calorie counts than plant-based whole foods.
It is often best to shy away from vegan junk food as it doesn’t contain as many nutrients and will rack up your calorie count very quickly.
By simply switching out heavily processed vegan alternatives for plant-based whole food alternatives, you’ll see not only that your intake of major nutrients will increase, but your portion sizes will increase as well.
Now enough with the small talk, let’s get to the meat and potatoes, or in this case, the fruits and veggies.
Here is an example of what a day in the life of a vegan, 1200 calorie based, diet looks like.
What a 1200 Calorie a Day Plant Based Diet Looks Like In Breakfast
Smoothie bowls provide a great alternative to traditional cereal meals because they can pack in a ton of micronutrients into a quick meal to get your day started off right.
Let’s start off by highlighting the nutritional benefits that are contained in this first meal.
The strawberries will provide you with a ton of vitamin C as well as fiber. In addition to making your smoothie bowl extra creamy and delicious, the banana will also contribute to your daily needs of fiber and potassium.
Blending the spirulina powder into this concoction is an easy way to contribute to your daily iron requirements as well.
Vitamin B12 is a major concern that I hear time and time again when the topic of vegan diets come up in conversation. Luckily, adding unsweetened coconut milk that is fortified with vitamin B12 is enough to cover your daily requirements of B12.  
When you top off this breakfast bowl off with chia seeds, you are reaping the benefits of vitamin K as well as your omega-3s! Don’t care for the consistency of chia seeds? Try flax seeds instead. The possibilities are endless!
There is plenty of room for creativity in the preparation of your own smoothie bowls so don’t feel obligated to stick to the fruits that are listed below. This is an extremely flexible recipe, and any sort of combination of fruit will be delicious!
To prepare this simple smoothie bowl just blend one frozen banana, one frozen cup of strawberries, and one teaspoon of spirulina powder, with one cup of unsweetened fortified coconut milk.
Pour into a bowl and add half a cup of fresh blueberries or raspberries, and a dash of unsweetened coconut flakes. Top  it off with a spoon full of chia seeds and enjoy the most important meal of the day!
What a 1200 Calorie a Day Plant Based Diet Looks Like At Lunch
When your midday lunch break finally comes around, you’ll be glad that you packed a meal that is not only low calorie but delicious and filling as well!
Open-faced sandwiches are a great way to enjoy the satisfaction of a yummy sandwich.
A simple calorie hack is to skip the second piece of bread and eat the sandwich open faced. Skipping the second piece of bread allows for extra calories where it counts. Um did someone say avocado?
Coat 2 teaspoons of hummus on to each of the two toasted (if preferred) pieces of Dave’s Killer whole grains bread.
I prefer Dave’s Bread because it contains almost half of your daily requirement of fiber which makes you feel full and satisfied.  Any whole wheat bread of your choosing will suffice, however.
Thinly slice ¼ of an avocado and spread evenly between the two slices of bread. Add three slices of tomato to each piece of toast.
Top it off with a little salt, pepper, and even a little hot sauce if you’re feeling extra spicy!
If the sounds of these tasty sandwiches haven’t got you sold yet, a breakdown of the nutrients included in this meal should assure you that you are getting the most bang out of your caloric buck.
The two slices of bread as noted before will provide you with a substantial portion of your daily fiber needs, but will also provide you with iron, manganese, and vitamin B1.
The hummus will provide you with some protein, fiber and iron, which will help you feel full without weighing you down. No one likes having to push through that tired, heavy feeling for the rest of the workday.
The avocado contains a variety of B vitamins, as well as folate and the tomato slices contain vitamins A and C. With all these nutrients, who could resist a guilt-free sandwich like this?
Dinner: Spinach Quinoa Salad
Arguably, the best way to sum up your day is to reward yourself with a big beautiful salad. This meal is light yet filling and is a perfect way to prepare your body for an overnight fast while you sleep.
This is a super easy spinach toss salad that will be a simple meal to throw together after a long day at work. Don’t care for some of the veggies in this salad? Let your creativity take charge and add your favorites!
Just simply throw 4 cups of raw spinach into a bowl, add half a cup of cooked quinoa, five slices of cucumber, ¼ of a cup of cooked edamame beans, ¼ of a cup of black beans, ¼ of a cup of chopped broccoli, and three teaspoons of chopped walnuts.
Mix it all up in a bowl sprinkle with lemon juice and balsamic vinaigrette to taste, and you’ve got dinner!
I’ll sum up this final meal by highlighting the nutritional benefits of this tasty salad. For starters, your body will thank you for the generous amount of vitamin A, folate, and vitamin C from the spinach.
The protein and folate in the edamame beans are an added bonus. The levels of vitamin C and vitamin A in the broccoli are great, and it adds a nice texture to the salad.
Meanwhile, the walnuts add not only a little crunch to the salad but also that pesky omega-3s which can be tricky at times to squeeze into the typical American diet.
All in all, this salad is a great way to end the night on good terms, with a full belly and a healthy body.
With such a huge variety of food, you wouldn’t think that this meal plan consists of only around 1200 calories at first glance.
With just a little bit of effort, creativity, and adjustment, you can succeed in your diet and achieve your weight goals. This can be done without sacrificing the necessary nutrients that your body needs.
You don’t need to deprive yourself of exciting and delicious food in order to reach your weight goals.
While 1200 calories per day tend to be the buzz number in the weight loss community, it is important to keep in mind that prioritizing whole foods is much more important than any number.
Food should be something that you enjoy. Always listen to your body and do what feels right.
from https://biogreen.life/what-a-1200-calorie-a-day-plant-based-diet-looks-like/
from BioGreen Life - Blog http://biogreenlife1.weebly.com/blog/what-a-1200-calorie-a-day-plant-based-diet-looks-like
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biogreenlife · 5 years
What a 1200 Calorie a Day Plant Based Diet Looks Like
When you think of diet the first words that most likely come to mind are restriction, calorie counting, and bland foods.
This can most likely be attributed to the fact that one of the most popular approaches to weight loss is caloric restriction often taking the form of What a 1200 Calorie a Day Plant Based Diet Looks Like
This diet plan has become somewhat infamous within the weight loss community and for a good reason.
Although calorie restriction has been shown to be an effective approach to weight loss, it’s extremely important to always focus on the quality of the food over quantity and never consume any less than 1200 calories per day for safety and health reasons.
Still committed to attempting a 1200 calorie per day diet but hesitant about the restrictive nature of this sort of meal plan?  What if I told you that your new diet plan doesn’t have to be boring and restrictive to be effective?
One of the major criticisms of 1200 calorie diet plans is that when you significantly decrease your intake of calories, you risk decreasing essential nutrients.
This is a fair criticism as the less food you are able to consume the less opportunity you will have to meet your daily nutrient requirements.
For this reason, it is important to use your daily allowance of calories wisely and choose highly nutritious foods to fill up your daily meal plans.
This is where the vegan aspect comes into play. The vegan diet consists of plant-based products that often offer a much higher nutrient to calorie ratio making it an ideal candidate for those looking to limit their calories in order to lose weight.
While there are many delicious plant-based alternatives to traditional animal products, such as vegan mac n cheese, vegan sausage, vegan chicken nuggets, you name it, these products are often highly processed and contain higher calorie counts than plant-based whole foods.
It is often best to shy away from vegan junk food as it doesn’t contain as many nutrients and will rack up your calorie count very quickly.
By simply switching out heavily processed vegan alternatives for plant-based whole food alternatives, you’ll see not only that your intake of major nutrients will increase, but your portion sizes will increase as well.
Now enough with the small talk, let’s get to the meat and potatoes, or in this case, the fruits and veggies.
Here is an example of what a day in the life of a vegan, 1200 calorie based, diet looks like.
What a 1200 Calorie a Day Plant Based Diet Looks Like In Breakfast
Smoothie bowls provide a great alternative to traditional cereal meals because they can pack in a ton of micronutrients into a quick meal to get your day started off right.
Let’s start off by highlighting the nutritional benefits that are contained in this first meal.
The strawberries will provide you with a ton of vitamin C as well as fiber. In addition to making your smoothie bowl extra creamy and delicious, the banana will also contribute to your daily needs of fiber and potassium.
Blending the spirulina powder into this concoction is an easy way to contribute to your daily iron requirements as well.
Vitamin B12 is a major concern that I hear time and time again when the topic of vegan diets come up in conversation. Luckily, adding unsweetened coconut milk that is fortified with vitamin B12 is enough to cover your daily requirements of B12.  
When you top off this breakfast bowl off with chia seeds, you are reaping the benefits of vitamin K as well as your omega-3s! Don’t care for the consistency of chia seeds? Try flax seeds instead. The possibilities are endless!
There is plenty of room for creativity in the preparation of your own smoothie bowls so don’t feel obligated to stick to the fruits that are listed below. This is an extremely flexible recipe, and any sort of combination of fruit will be delicious!
To prepare this simple smoothie bowl just blend one frozen banana, one frozen cup of strawberries, and one teaspoon of spirulina powder, with one cup of unsweetened fortified coconut milk.
Pour into a bowl and add half a cup of fresh blueberries or raspberries, and a dash of unsweetened coconut flakes. Top  it off with a spoon full of chia seeds and enjoy the most important meal of the day!
What a 1200 Calorie a Day Plant Based Diet Looks Like At Lunch
When your midday lunch break finally comes around, you’ll be glad that you packed a meal that is not only low calorie but delicious and filling as well!
Open-faced sandwiches are a great way to enjoy the satisfaction of a yummy sandwich.
A simple calorie hack is to skip the second piece of bread and eat the sandwich open faced. Skipping the second piece of bread allows for extra calories where it counts. Um did someone say avocado?
Coat 2 teaspoons of hummus on to each of the two toasted (if preferred) pieces of Dave’s Killer whole grains bread.
I prefer Dave’s Bread because it contains almost half of your daily requirement of fiber which makes you feel full and satisfied.  Any whole wheat bread of your choosing will suffice, however.
Thinly slice ¼ of an avocado and spread evenly between the two slices of bread. Add three slices of tomato to each piece of toast.
Top it off with a little salt, pepper, and even a little hot sauce if you’re feeling extra spicy!
If the sounds of these tasty sandwiches haven’t got you sold yet, a breakdown of the nutrients included in this meal should assure you that you are getting the most bang out of your caloric buck.
The two slices of bread as noted before will provide you with a substantial portion of your daily fiber needs, but will also provide you with iron, manganese, and vitamin B1.
The hummus will provide you with some protein, fiber and iron, which will help you feel full without weighing you down. No one likes having to push through that tired, heavy feeling for the rest of the workday.
The avocado contains a variety of B vitamins, as well as folate and the tomato slices contain vitamins A and C. With all these nutrients, who could resist a guilt-free sandwich like this?
Dinner: Spinach Quinoa Salad
Arguably, the best way to sum up your day is to reward yourself with a big beautiful salad. This meal is light yet filling and is a perfect way to prepare your body for an overnight fast while you sleep.
This is a super easy spinach toss salad that will be a simple meal to throw together after a long day at work. Don’t care for some of the veggies in this salad? Let your creativity take charge and add your favorites!
Just simply throw 4 cups of raw spinach into a bowl, add half a cup of cooked quinoa, five slices of cucumber, ¼ of a cup of cooked edamame beans, ¼ of a cup of black beans, ¼ of a cup of chopped broccoli, and three teaspoons of chopped walnuts.
Mix it all up in a bowl sprinkle with lemon juice and balsamic vinaigrette to taste, and you’ve got dinner!
I’ll sum up this final meal by highlighting the nutritional benefits of this tasty salad. For starters, your body will thank you for the generous amount of vitamin A, folate, and vitamin C from the spinach.
The protein and folate in the edamame beans are an added bonus. The levels of vitamin C and vitamin A in the broccoli are great, and it adds a nice texture to the salad.
Meanwhile, the walnuts add not only a little crunch to the salad but also that pesky omega-3s which can be tricky at times to squeeze into the typical American diet.
All in all, this salad is a great way to end the night on good terms, with a full belly and a healthy body.
With such a huge variety of food, you wouldn’t think that this meal plan consists of only around 1200 calories at first glance.
With just a little bit of effort, creativity, and adjustment, you can succeed in your diet and achieve your weight goals. This can be done without sacrificing the necessary nutrients that your body needs.
You don’t need to deprive yourself of exciting and delicious food in order to reach your weight goals.
While 1200 calories per day tend to be the buzz number in the weight loss community, it is important to keep in mind that prioritizing whole foods is much more important than any number.
Food should be something that you enjoy. Always listen to your body and do what feels right.
from BioGreen Life https://biogreen.life/what-a-1200-calorie-a-day-plant-based-diet-looks-like/
0 notes
anamorales · 6 years
Tips for better sleep
This post is sponsored by Nature’s Way.
Instead of focusing on perfection on the food and fitness front – I don’t think it exists and wouldn’t make life very fun – I do aim to be consistent wherever I can. I eat a pretty clean diet (with room for the fun stuff in there, too), exercise almost daily, drink a lot of water, and focus on ways to manage stress. No matter how consistent I am with the other aspects of the fitness puzzle, one portion is always hit or miss: sleep.
Sleep is when our body rebuilds and restores itself. I can have a huge impact on hunger and appetite – when we’re tired, we crave sugary sweets and carbs for an energy boost – on mood, and on stress levels. When you’re not sleeping enough, it can also encourage your body to hold onto fat. There are so many reasons to get in a full night of sleep, and sleep is one of my favorite things in the whole world. It’s a big reason why I wish I could get more!
My sleep issues are not really in my control. The girls wake me up pretty much every night – I thought it wouldn’t last forever but Liv will be 7 this year, so there ya go – and I’m still working on ways to get back to sleep once I’m up. Instead of focusing on the things I can’t control in regards to sleep, I try to think of about ways to cultivate a positive sleep environment and maximize the sleep time I have.
Here are some of my tips to get a good nights’ sleep:
– Exercise. Exercise increases our body temperature, which can lead to feelings of sleepiness hours later. It can also reduce anxiety and depressive symptoms, which may make it easier to relax and fall asleep. The days that I take off from the gym, I have a much harder time going to bed early. I don’t feel tired at night and have to force myself to head up to bed. In this study, researchers found that exercise may help those who suffer from insomnia. 
– Even better: get outside. Time outside in the sunlight affects our circadian rhythm and can help our bodies to recognize that when the sun is up, we’re up, and when it’s down, we should be crashed. It’s helpful to open the blinds or curtains as soon as you’re awake to let natural sunlight in, and start to turn down lights and stimuli as it gets later. 
– Turn off electronics before bed and try to keep them away from your bedroom. Electronics and any screens can negatively impact melatonin levels, making it more difficult to get to sleep and stay asleep. 
– Have a bedtime routine. This is the same with kiddos: if you follow the same steps each night, your body will recognize that it’s time for sleep. I love having a short meditation session before bed and drinking something hot, like tea or almond milk hot cacao. Another one of my faves is a gratitude mantra: instead of counting sheep, take a big inhale, and on each exhale, think of something or someone you’re thankful for.
– Go to bed earlier! This can be one of the trickiest ones for me. I enjoy the solitude and quiet at night and instead of being an early bird to crush work stuff, I’m a night owl. Even though I use this time to work and enjoy a little relaxation, I still set my alarm to remind myself when it’s time to go to sleep.
– Possibly try a supplement if it works for you (and if you get your doctor’s ok, of course). I’ve been taking Valerian on and off for about 9 years. I’ve taken it in liquid form before, but prefer the Nature’s Way capsule since you can’t taste it. The Nature’s Way brand is free of artificial colors, ingredients, corn, gluten, soy, sugar, wheat, and yeast. 
The nights I’m having trouble unwinding or feel like I won’t be able to sleep, I’m able to take a Valerian and get in a restful night. I also fall asleep much faster after the girls come into my room. I love Valerian because it’s entirely natural and if you don’t take it, you have zero withdrawal effects. 
So, tell me friends: what are some of the things you do to get a full night’s sleep?
Photography by Jacquelynn Buck
The post Tips for better sleep appeared first on The Fitnessista.
Tips for better sleep published first on https://immigrationways.tumblr.com/
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marketerarena-blog · 6 years
Tips for better sleep
This post is sponsored by Nature’s Way.
Instead of focusing on perfection on the food and fitness front – I don’t think it exists and wouldn’t make life very fun – I do aim to be consistent wherever I can. I eat a pretty clean diet (with room for the fun stuff in there, too), exercise almost daily, drink a lot of water, and focus on ways to manage stress. No matter how consistent I am with the other aspects of the fitness puzzle, one portion is always hit or miss: sleep.
Sleep is when our body rebuilds and restores itself. I can have a huge impact on hunger and appetite – when we’re tired, we crave sugary sweets and carbs for an energy boost – on mood, and on stress levels. When you’re not sleeping enough, it can also encourage your body to hold onto fat. There are so many reasons to get in a full night of sleep, and sleep is one of my favorite things in the whole world. It’s a big reason why I wish I could get more!
My sleep issues are not really in my control. The girls wake me up pretty much every night – I thought it wouldn’t last forever but Liv will be 7 this year, so there ya go – and I’m still working on ways to get back to sleep once I’m up. Instead of focusing on the things I can’t control in regards to sleep, I try to think of about ways to cultivate a positive sleep environment and maximize the sleep time I have.
Here are some of my tips to get a good nights’ sleep:
– Exercise. Exercise increases our body temperature, which can lead to feelings of sleepiness hours later. It can also reduce anxiety and depressive symptoms, which may make it easier to relax and fall asleep. The days that I take off from the gym, I have a much harder time going to bed early. I don’t feel tired at night and have to force myself to head up to bed. In this study, researchers found that exercise may help those who suffer from insomnia. 
– Even better: get outside. Time outside in the sunlight affects our circadian rhythm and can help our bodies to recognize that when the sun is up, we’re up, and when it’s down, we should be crashed. It’s helpful to open the blinds or curtains as soon as you’re awake to let natural sunlight in, and start to turn down lights and stimuli as it gets later. 
– Turn off electronics before bed and try to keep them away from your bedroom. Electronics and any screens can negatively impact melatonin levels, making it more difficult to get to sleep and stay asleep. 
– Have a bedtime routine. This is the same with kiddos: if you follow the same steps each night, your body will recognize that it’s time for sleep. I love having a short meditation session before bed and drinking something hot, like tea or almond milk hot cacao. Another one of my faves is a gratitude mantra: instead of counting sheep, take a big inhale, and on each exhale, think of something or someone you’re thankful for.
– Go to bed earlier! This can be one of the trickiest ones for me. I enjoy the solitude and quiet at night and instead of being an early bird to crush work stuff, I’m a night owl. Even though I use this time to work and enjoy a little relaxation, I still set my alarm to remind myself when it’s time to go to sleep.
– Possibly try a supplement if it works for you (and if you get your doctor’s ok, of course). I’ve been taking Valerian on and off for about 9 years. I’ve taken it in liquid form before, but prefer the Nature’s Way capsule since you can’t taste it. The Nature’s Way brand is free of artificial colors, ingredients, corn, gluten, soy, sugar, wheat, and yeast. 
The nights I’m having trouble unwinding or feel like I won’t be able to sleep, I’m able to take a Valerian and get in a restful night. I also fall asleep much faster after the girls come into my room. I love Valerian because it’s entirely natural and if you don’t take it, you have zero withdrawal effects. 
So, tell me friends: what are some of the things you do to get a full night’s sleep?
Photography by Jacquelynn Buck
The post Tips for better sleep appeared first on The Fitnessista.
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lowcarbnutrients · 6 years
I Fed My Family on a Budget and it SUCKED
We're just at the end of week one, and also it's been a little a rough week for us, in all sincerity. Spirits was a bit low throughout the week as we tried to make do with things that weren't our common fare and also the pain that included the abrupt adjustment to our diet regimen, and it was compounded by the truth that my child appears to have actually simply started stockpiling for a growth spurt.
Before we started, I prepped for this difficulty by learning more about the costs of a lot of points I never ever paid also close focus to. I made a checklist of a whole lot of the things that we preferred to buy, and afterwards discovered an average cost for them to ensure that I would have some suggestion of concerning what price was great as well as reasonable without having to spend a hr calculating rates in the supermarket every journey. I likewise understood I was unlikely to be able to maintain to budget plan today, given that my kitchen would certainly be entirely empty besides salt as well as pepper. And also I didn't. I was over by almost $40, restocking the fundamentals like oil, margarine, seasonings, flour, sugar, and vinegar.
I got actually fortunate, just days before the project kicked off, excellent sales began to start. Prices on fresh vegetables and fruits, which had me seriously fretted at the beginning, started to decrease. That provided me a great deal of wiggle space that I could not have had if I had begun this in April, in April, I would certainly have been stuck to mostly tinned and also frozen fruits and vegetables.
Here's the breakdown of the grocery expense:
The Grocery Bill (Week 1)
Pantry Items ($58.62)
Flour (2.5kg) - $5.69 White Sugar (5lbs) - $1.67 Brown Sugar (2kg) - $2.59 Olive Oil (1L) - $3.88 Cocoa Powder (2 cups) - $2.56 Baking Soft drink (1 little box) -$ 0.50 Baking Powder (approx. 4 tbsp) - $.50 Vegan Margarine - $2.47 Cinnamon (1/4 cup) - $0.30 Other Bulk Seasonings in little quantity - $1.00 Oats (2kg) - $3.20 Barley (900g) - $1.29 Rice (1kg) - $2.22 Cheerios (525g) - $3.97 Mayo (890ml) - $1.99 Mustard - $0.88 Apple Cider Vinegar - $1.69 Vanilla Extract - $4.99 Lentils (900ml) - $1.79 Soy Sauce - $1.99 Wowbutter - $5.99 Pasta Whole Wheat (4 boxes) - $4.97 Raisins - $2.49
Grocery Things ($ 96.01)
Bread (3 loaves) - $5.99 1 Lemon - $0.60 Strawberries (2lbs) - $3.89 Spinach (1lb) - $2.99 Eggs (30) - $5.99 Mixed Fruit Applesauce (36) - $8.99 Brick Cheddar (heritage) (800g) - $6.44 Pork Loin (3.34 pounds) - $21.03 Carrots (5lbs) - $3.47 Bananas (9) - $1.68 Celery (2 hearts) - $2.88 Peas (500g) - $2.49 Apples (8lbs/32) - $2.88 Zucchini (2) - $0.77 Garlic (1) - $0.84 Green Onions (bunch) - $0.69 Red Onion - $1 Pears (3; legacy) - $1.65 Potatoes (2.5 pounds, heritage) - $0.74 Soy Milk (12x980ml) - $14.98 Strained Tomatoes (2x28oz) - $2.50 Motts Mixed Drink (4x945ml) - $3.52
Total: $154.63 (over by $39.13)
Where I bought
Mostly, I patronized Costco and Food Fundamentals. I likewise 'acquired' a few of my continuing to be perishables (as well as things I currently had in extreme amount, like olive oil) from prior to the challenge began at going rates so they wouldn't be wasted.
What I made
I butchered the pork loin I purchased Thursday evening, after the buying trip (as well as you could read about how to do it on FoodRetro) so I can make the slow-cooker pork stew the following day. It's a little bit messy, however very easy and also not that time consuming.
I spent a couple hrs on the weekend and also prepped ahead in the cupboard for the month by making a solitary container of Strawberry Jam (dish coming) ($ 1.51) as well as concerning 12-14 half-cup servings of instantaneous oatmeal ($ 2.37) for my hubby, on Saturday. On Sunday, as I made lunch, I likewise made a dozen delicious chocolate zucchini muffins ($ 2.02/ doz.) as well as a dozen unleavened 10' flour tortillas ($ 1.94/ doz). I must note I might have made the tortillas for about fifty percent that if I had spent an added couple bucks for the 10kg sack of flour (something I remorse).
Breakfasts were fairly basic: typically salute with or without Wowbutter for me, oatmeal for my spouse, as well as grain for my child. On Sunday, to abide by custom, I worked up a double-batch of 1/4 cup-size pancakes (regarding 11 1/4 mug batter pancakes from square one for $1.67), offered with margarine and also jam, and he ate them with the week as well.
Lunch alternatives were poor this week, including mostly leftovers, egg salad sandwiches ($ 0.69/ ea), Wowbutter as well as strawberry jam sandwiches ($ 0.65/ ea), smoked cheese ($ 0.35/ ea), plus fruits and also veggies such as we had them. There was also a vegan lentil as well as barley stew (dish NOT coming) which was neither great nor actual satisfying.
For dinner, we had slow-cooker pork as well as lentil stew (dish coming) ($ 3.68/ 6 portions) which was excellent, broiled pork chops served with rice, spinach as well as strawberries, fried rice with eggs as well as pork ($ 2.37/ 6 servings), and also a slow-cooked pork roast on top of potatoes and a spinach salad (concerning $7 for the roast, however there was lots of leftovers). Tonight, after hitting the food store, kidlet had actually clambered eggs and spinach, I spruced up a variation of pastas and olive oil with some frozen peas and also a newly-bought cubed, pan-roasted tomato.
We're fed up with pork. Sick of it. I can't even.
What's gone and where we stand
As I compose this at end of day, Thursday, I have about a third a loaf of bread left out of three. The spinach is gone. So are the potatoes, strawberries, and pears. I used up almost all my cinnamon making the oatmeal. The bananas were gone by Tuesday, and there's only 6 eggs excluded of thirty. I've consumed a quarter of my oil, among my 2 zucchini, concerning a third of my Wowbutter, one of my Motts Cocktails, fifty percent of my carrots, and also concerning fifty percent of my rice. While numerous points are out as well as running reduced, I've still got some food to see us via the next week, which is great, due to the fact that I'm short $39.13 for next week. I have actually barely made use of a few of the items, like the barley and also pasta.
When I try to approximate where we represent household spending plan on a daily basis, we're mainly running between $8 and $9.75. While this appears like we're doing incredibly well, I have to keep in mind the fact that it took us essentially the whole week of consuming in this price array making up for the deficit spending I produced. But given that I still have many things left over and most pantry goods, I'm meticulously optimistic that we'll have the ability to introduce some of things my family members misses out on most. I intend to bake insane cake for my son this weekend, if absolutely nothing else. Even with the more costly flour, I can produce a lots cupcakes for $1.41, or about $.12 each.
Morale and other things
Aside from being ill to death of pork, as I stated previously, spirits has actually been sort of reduced. I've been attempting to not obsessively compute whatever till I have a better suggestion of just how much we consume and how cheaply we can do it. Spouse and I are dealing with our choices, also if they are unexciting as well as the variety is inadequate. My kid, nevertheless, is not dealing also with the changes. For the first 3 days, he was singing as well as dissatisfied about the lack of specific items in our diet that we were prevented from acquiring as a result of rate, like Oreos, his common lunchmeat, as well as maple syrup for his pancakes. Every meal for 3 days, he was dissatisfied about something that he couldn't have that he was used to consuming, we battled a whole lot, and also this brought a whole lot of stress to hubs as well as I.
I'm not proud regarding this, however on Sunday, after even more than two complete days of problems and also attitude from my boy about his dish options, I cried. We described that there was just 'say goodbye to loan now' to him. Unsurprisingly, he didn't obtain it, 6 year-olds are not popular for having an excellent economic acumen at the best of times. As I'm sure I'm not the first mom that has actually been placed in between this rock and also hard location, I really feel for the parents that have needed to clarify the realities of low-budget living to their child.
We've been adhering relatively well to the Canada Food Overview (with the exemption of dairy, which occasionally we neglect because milk is not a component of our regular diet plan). We need to ready concerning sticking, though, since with the minimums I noted in the rules, often I'm still hardly skating by with around 1200 calories (by the estimate of Myfitnesspal). Fruits and veggies are not super-high, calorically, and also I think this is the catch that a lot of low-income individuals fall under: healthy and balanced, or plenty?
Kidlet is fine, hubs says he's fine, but I find I'm a little starving some days, and I need to graze a lot more frequently. We still have freedom in the daily spending plan - although kidlet is eating like an equine - so I don't really feel guilty about having another item of toast or an extra item of fruit. Still, understanding that we're minimal is enough to maintain me conscious of making it via the month.
It's oppressive, bothering with food at all times, as well as I've lost a pound.
I regret my decision to buy an entire pork loin without having somebody to split the expense as well as butchering of it. It was an excellent rate, yet it implied that our only protein alternatives for the week were lentils, Wowbutter, eggs and pork, and we are all sick to fatality of pork as well as lentils now. The excellent (and poor) information is that I still have quite a little bit of pork to spread out for the remainder of the month.
Other deep thoughts
There were a great deal of individuals that commented how very easy this difficulty would be simply by bulk buying. Bulk-buying is a double-edged sword. I actually found that in most cases, Costco was actually much more pricey than the grocery store, even prior to items went on sale. There are still a few truly good purchases to be made there regularly, particularly my son's soy milk, bread, and also eggs. The other issue with buying something wholesale is, even if it's a great price, it takes a big piece out of the budget plan, which can interfere with one's capability to obtain range. I normally most likely to Costco with a friend, and also we often divided bundles. I would certainly suggest that any person on a restricted budget plan split mass products with an additional buyer, at the very least while aiming to build up a kitchen, unless the products are a fairly valued staple like eggs or bread.
As far as other bulk alternatives go, while this is absolutely viable for lots of, we were restricted greatly due to my son's allergies (he's adverse dairy products, nuts, and also peanuts). The majority of things wholesale bins have some danger of cross-contamination with several of these items.
So, cheers! We've survived week one. I'm hoping this week was the hardest component, as well as it gets easier from below.
Read about Anne's Hunger Games Adventure initially.
Follow Anne's Spending Plan Eating Difficulty from the beginning:
Could You Feed Your Family for $5.50 each Person Per Day?
I Fed My Family Members On a Budget Plan and also It Drew
The Emotional Price of Budget Eating
Budget Groceries: Ways To Prevent Scurvy and also Mutiny
Budget Eating: You Won't Starve, But You'll Be Exhausted
0 notes
newssplashy · 6 years
Girl Smarts: 6 keto rules to follow even if you're not actually keto
If you're up for the challenge, kudos to you; but many people just can't stick to a keto diet because it's so restrictive-and those restrictions have some downsides.
The TL;DR of the the ketogenic diet: You slash carbs, eat tons of (healthy) fat, and maybe feel miserable for a week or two before dropping a few pounds.
Basically, it's really, really hard.
If you're up for the challenge, kudos to you; but many people just can't stick to a keto diet because it's so restrictive-and those restrictions have some downsides.
“It’s difficult to the get many nutrients your body needs, particularly fiber and potassium, on the keto diet," says Karen Ansel, R.D., author of Healing Superfoods for Anti-Aging: Stay Younger, Live Longer. "At the same time, it’s loaded with saturated fat, which is unhealthy for your heart, and it deprives you of the carbohydrates your body craves for energy,” she adds.
Still, there are portions of the keto diet that can help you hit your weight-loss goals. Here's what you can steal from the keto diet-even if you're not sold on that high-fat lifestyle.
1. Pay closer attention to carbs.
Keto is all about limiting your carb intake-and most of us eat way too many carb-rich processed foods anyway. “A diet like this encourages you to cut out certain foods that will help lower your overall weight and improve your health,” says Marisa Moore, R.D., a nutritionist in Atlanta, Georgia.
While keto cuts out most major sources of carbs, Ansel and Moore say you should cut out processed carbs (think: crackers and cookies) while still enjoying healthy whole grains like brown rice and oats.
Just be sure to pay attention to portion sizes: The USDA recommends five to six one-ounce servings of whole grains per day (one serving is one slice of whole-wheat bread, for example). Get more bang for your carb buck by adding veggies like spaghetti squash and zucchini to pasta and rice dishes.
2. Eat more of the right kinds of fats.
Fat doesn't deserve its bad rap-it can actually make you feel full faster (and longer), since it takes longer to digest than other nutrients, says Kristen Mancinelli, R.D.
But not all fats are unquestionably great for you. While saturated fats found in meats and dairy aren’t the villains they were once thought to be, most health organizations, including the American Heart Association, recommend keeping your intake to just 13 grams of saturated fat a day.
Most nutritionists, however, do agree you should focus on eating more monounsaturated fats, found in plant-based foods like avocados and olive oil, since they’re thought to be partly responsible for the heart-healthy effects of the Mediterranean diet, says Mancinelli.
Moore recommends swapping snacks like chips for a handful of nuts once a day, using avocados to make creamy desserts and sauces, and using olive oil liberally to sauté veggies and make salad dressings.
3. Pile on the non-starchy veggies.
“Most adults don’t get enough [veggies],” says Moore, so nutritionists love that keto gets people eating more non-starchy ones, like broccoli, asparagus, and spinach.
These veggies help supply the fiber your digestive system craves, says Ansel. And because most vegetables fill you up on fewer calories, people who regularly eat veggies often have lower BMIs, says Moore.
Basically, as far as nutritionists are concerned, you can’t really overdo it on the greens, so try to have at least one cup with every meal.
4. Test-drive intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is all the rage in some keto circles. It may sound extreme, but the most popular methods usually allow you to eat food for eight hours during the day (think: from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) to achieve a 16-hour fasted state.
During fasting periods, your body eventually burns through all of your carb stores (i.e., glucose and glycogen) and starts burning body fat for energy, says Mancinelli. (That's the magic people are talking about when they refer to ketosis-and yes, you can get there without drastically cutting carbs, Mancinelli says.)
But, on the most basic level, “intermittent fasting forces you to think about what you’re eating and why,” says Moore. Like: Do you really need a daily snack at 3 p.m., or are you just doing it because it's routine?
5. Start cooking at home more often.
Because so many foods are off-limits, keto forces you to eat at home way more often. That's a good thing, because you don't really know how much oil or sugar restaurants are using, note Mancinelli and Moore. (Hint: It’s usually more than you need to make your food actually taste good.)
When you eat at home, however, you have way more control over what’s going into your meals. “You can play up the veggies and add extra spices instead of oils to boost the flavor,” says Moore.
6. Fill up on fermented foods.
Cutting out important sources of fiber, like whole grains and fruits, can make you feel pretty backed up, so it's no surprise constipation is a common keto complaint.
That's where fermented veggies come in: They act as a probiotic to support healthy bacteria in your gut and keep things healthy and moving along, says Moore, making them a popular keto-friendly choice.
Try adding more to your diet through kimchi, sauerkraut, or pickles. Thought they're not necessarily fermented, kefir and yogurt are great probiotic options too.
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/06/girl-smarts-6-keto-rules-to-follow-even.html
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