#is less of a task than asking for lors lol
suashii · 9 months
three professors have agreed to write me letters of recommendation yayayay !! giving myself a pay on the back bc go me (˵ •̀ ᴗ •́ ˵ )
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noneatnonedotcom · 4 years
impossible boy chapter 3
@weatherman667 this is the last part that my muse gave me, now we play the waiting game lol. this is mainly just to show how strange the culture of the kingdoms is to jaune and how out of his element he is as well as an intro to the more aggressive pyrrha and the more competitive weiss
Pyrrha was by all accounts the perfect knight. She’d worked hard for this reputation, trained till her hands would bleed, given up her own privacy to compete in tournaments. Even become a huntress afterwards all pursuing an ideal.
She didn’t regret it. Not really she liked her life and her friends were nice enough, she just longed for something more than friendship. In truth when she was a little girl she’d become a knight only so she could rescue the charming prince and she could live happily ever after. She’d since outgrown such childish dreams, mostly.
She couldn’t be blamed if somewhere deep down inside she just wanted to find her true love. She could picture him now. Tall, blonde, a regal bearing, she’d like someone lively. And not some little boy with dreams of being hers and nothing else.
That was the main problem, she was the perfect knight and no matter where she went men wanted to be with her. It was disconcerting ,isn't love supposed to be chaste? The stories mentioned that gaining the love of the prince was a challenge for the knight to overcome just the same as the grimm they slew.
Blake and her could at least agree on that, they didn’t want the men who threw themselves at them. For Pyrrah she wanted romance. For Blake, she wanted a challenge. They weren’t truly all that different, save for the fact that she wasn’t after sex. And that she thought men were to be protected not herded like cattle.
Which is why she was so surprised to meet a boy at the headmistress’s office.
He was blonde, he was tall, he was wearing a skirt, no a kilt, he was a highlander. Her own people had stories about them, how their men wore nothing under their kilts and how they’d fight just the same as their women.
There were numerous stories of highlanders being wooed and tamed in minstral. Of them being brought to the light of civilization and how deeply they loved the ones who saved them.
Most of these also went on to talk about how that love translated into the physical acts but Pyrrha had only read a few of those passages, she was a knight after all she couldn’t be thinking about such things. She must be chaste and honorable to match her man.
“Ah Pyrrha, you’re just in time.” said the headmistress “this is lord Arc”
a lord!
“He’ll be staying with us for a while and propriety says that he should have an escort. Since his sisters are all back home i needed a woman of the highest moral fiber to watch him” she smiled “I know it’s a great task but would you accompany the young lor”
“I’LL DO IT!” she shouted cutting her off then cleared her throat “er, I'd be happy too i mean” this was just like in the stories the young prince away from his family and scared, the knight sworn to protect him, they’d get close over time and then
“Weel that's mighty brain new ay ye. Ah thank ye dam nikkos fur yer time” he said bowing low
He was so formal!
And cute!
He was perfect!
“Noo quine schnee was in th' wey o shaw me aroond th' skale, if yoo'd be sae kin' as tae accompany us?”
Oh weiss was here too. Oh well it was well known she wasn’t interested in gentlemen “that sounds grand”
"This is the library," Pyrrha said holding the door open for Jaune to pass through. Jaune's eyes flew open wide as he took in all the books. In fact he was so focused on the sheer number of books that filled in from floor to ceiling a good fifteen feet above, that he didn't notice Phyra letting the door shut on Weiss and the sharp looks exchanged between the two girls.
"Aye. I dinna ken if I eva seen so much knowledge," Jaune said softly as he walked over thick carpet that only served to dampen the sounds that much more. "An I wouldna ken where to even start."
He looked back and both girls jumped away from the other as if they'd been caught with their hands in a cookie jar. He started to frown. He was well used to the aggressive nature of women in general. It looked like the two were about to come to blows, but Phyra shot him a huge beaming smile and crossed to take his arm with her own and pulled him farther into the library.
"Not to worry Jaune. I'll make time to help you catch up," the redhead said smiling over at him.
"Weel," he said reaching up to scratch his head. "That's fine now. Weiss I believe you said you were top of yer class?" He said turning to look back at the girl stalking behind him. "An ye had a good bit of knowledge bout the architecture. I'd be interested in kenning all I could on that."
Weiss's lips twisted up as she shot Pyrrha a smug look. "I'm sure I could clear my schedule to find some time to walk you around Jaune.". Jaune shot her a strained smile when he hear Pyrrha's scoff. Did the lassies not like each other?
Pyrrha quickly shot him another smile. "Come there's a lot more to see? Are you hungry? I could be persuaded to take you for a nibble," she offered a playful light in her green eyes that had a cold sweat breaking out on Jaune's brow. He shot a look back at Weiss but she was looking down at the carpet muttering under her breath. He looked back at Pyrrha. "Aye. A wee bite wouldn't be amiss."
Jaune left Pyrrha pull him along. She blathered about this and that but he only listened with half an ear since he was paying more attention to how narrow the halls were and the zig-zag nature of them. If he wasn't mistaken the whole school was set up with defence in mind.
If anyone would attack the school they'd pay in blood for every inch. He thought about asking Weiss if that was what the architect had originally intended or if it was only the crazy musings of his own inner madman that made this maze make sense, but Pyrrha had already stepped ahead to throw open two large, heavily engraved doors.
Jaune once again felt his eyes grow wide as the dull roar that consisted of hundreds of huntresses all stopping their conversations to stare at him.
"Come along sweetness," Pyrrha cooed.
Jaune and Weiss joined her as she strode between the stacked lunch tables. The moment they passed the whispers started.
"This is the Mess. Everyone comes here to eat," Pyrrha stated grandly. "You'll have to sit next to me of course," she added with a coy look. "As sweet as you are, I can only imagine you'd be eaten alive."
Jaune chuckled as he nodded at the lassies watching him like he was indeed the last sweetmeat on the table. "I didna expect to be quite so popular," he admitted with a smile as he pried one girl's hands off his tartan.
He'd almost swear they were going to lift it. In fact he heard several of the girls asking rather loudly what he had hiding under there.
If they would have asked him directly he could have told them he had more than one knife, his sister had insisted he be armed at all times. He wouldn't forget her lessons anytime soon.
"Yes well. Pyrrha has a knack for drawing attention," Weiss grumbled as she stepped between him and one girl who wasn't taking a hint.
Jaune found himself grinning as she glared frostily down at the girl. "Aye seems like."
Weiss looked over at him her eyes thawing minutely.
"Come along. The line starts over here," Pyrrha said grabbing Jaune's hand and pulling him after her. "I'll introduce you to some of the others that go here. Don't worry Jaune. I'll take good care of you."
Weiss growled at several girls that pushed against her knocking her back. It didn't take long for Phyra and Weiss to both be separated from Jaune by the curious. Jaune slowly gave ground as more and more lassies came forward looking for an introduction.
In fact they had him pinned against another of those heavily gilded walls they seemed to love so much. He'd been less fearful the time his platoon had been ambushed in the wee hours of the morning two days' ride from their nearest settlement. 
Those had been bandits and only wanted his blood. These girls had a similar but completely different light in their eyes.
"Ok ladies," Pyrrha said, voice growing sharper. "Back off. Give him a bit of room to breathe."
Jaune shot her a nervous look that she returned. Weiss on the other hand he noticed had resorted to throwing elbows and wiggling her much smaller frame between women and shoving them back.
Jaune's attention was pulled back to his own dire straits when one girl's fingers yanked his leather throng from his hair letting the golden mass of hair tumble over his shoulders.
"I got his hair tie!"
Jaune cringed. The girls announcement was like a war cry. The harpies descended on him with a vengeance. Jaune did his best to fend them off but it didn't take long for sharp nails to rip into his linen shirt.
Suddenly he fell backwards right into Yang's arms when the wall behind him gave way. She looked down at him in surprise then took in the seething mass of girls descending on them.
"Rubes get him out of here," Yang growled and tossed him back to her sister and leapt into the crowd and promptly started throwing people around.
Jaune brushed some of his hair out of his eyes and into Ruby's glowing silver eyes. "Follow me if you want to live."
Jaune about laughed at her dire tone but that was quickly stifled when she put on a burst of speed and red petals filled his mouth. Together they disappeared down the hall.
so some of you might be wondering why pyrrha is acting the way she is, well she’s copying what she’s seen from other people or heard about. she has no idea how to woo someone and as a result is kinda... bad at it.
at the same time weiss and pyrrha are competing against each other, not necessarily for jaune but just to be able to say that they won. the difference in culture playing a roll here. 
as for the girls in the mess hall, a mob is only as intelligent as its stupidest member once they got going they just kinda stopped thinking. 
glynda will come down on them like a ton of bricks but she’ll also use this as a way to convince sallem to remove jaune from the school. clearly it’s too dangerous for him here 
also you’ll notice jaune trying not to go too into his accent, he still has a little trouble with it but he’s getting better. one day the girls might actually understand what he’s saying lol
as always, let me know what you think
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