#isla lyall
autisticarachnid · 8 months
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my much beloved oc, isla lyall, in her wedding dress <33
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wrcl · 4 months
Los gatos domésticos han extinguido más animales que ningún otro depredador
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Sergey Zaykov/Shutterstock
Manuel Peinado Lorca, Universidad de Alcalá
Algunas especies exóticas como el cangrejo americano, el lucio, los sapos de caña, las ranas toro o los mapaches suelen copar las estadísticas y los informes sobre la implicación de los animales invasores en la extinción de especies. Sin embargo, pocos de ellos han causado estragos en la biodiversidad equiparables a los de una de las mascotas domésticas más encantadoras: los gatos.
Tan solo en los hogares españoles existen unos cuatro millones de gatos, 120 000 de los cuales acaban abandonados en las calles cada año.
Depredador, solitario y cazador implacable. Ágil, rápido, voraz y de fuerte instinto territorial. El gato es un cruel carnívoro, un animal a la vez cautivador e indómito que constituye una muestra de la perfección evolutiva. Estas características hacen de él una especie extremadamente reacia a la domesticación y propensa a la desobediente libertad.
Han extinguido a más vertebrados que ningún otro depredador
Los gatos han extinguido a más vertebrados que ningún otro depredador debido a su cosmopolitismo, a su eficacia como carnívoros, a una enorme capacidad de adaptación que les ha permitido colonizar desde las islas subantárticas a las muy áridas y cálidas cercanas a los trópicos. Pero también a una gran fecundidad que los convierte en una bomba demográfica muy difícil de parar.
La extinción más rápida de una especie la provocó un gato. Se llamaba Tibbles y era la mascota del farero de la isla Stephens, un pequeño saliente rocoso entre las dos islas principales de Nueva Zelanda. Allí vivía un extraño pájaro nocturno no volador parecido a un chochín que fue descrito en 1895 como Xenicus lyalli por el ornitólogo Lionel Walter Rothschild, un millonario que, después de comprar todos los ejemplares disecados, dedicó el nombre a D. Lyall, el farero.
Se conocen en total trece especímenes, los mismos que Tibbles puso en los pies de su amo. Aficionado a la ornitología, el farero los disecó antes de enviárselos a Rothschild. Desde entonces no se encontraron más ejemplares, por lo que este pájaro, en cuya caza se especializó Tibbles –que los descubrió y él solito los exterminó en el crudo invierno de 1895–, comparte con el dodo Raphus cucullatus el terrible honor de ser una especie extinta antes de ser descrita por la ciencia.
Devoran más de un millón de aves por año
Basándose en cálculos muy conservadores, algunos autores han estimado que los gatos consumen más de un millón de aves por año en islas como las Kerguelen, y se sabe que en sólo 75 años han hecho desaparecer varias especies de reptiles en islas pequeñas como Santa Luzía (Cabo Verde).
Sin irnos tan lejos, tenemos el caso de Canarias: la llegada del gato al archipiélago hace 2 000 años se considera una de las causas de la desaparición de algunas aves, de dos roedores gigantes y del lagarto gigante de La Palma.
A pesar de su pequeña estatura y de los encantadores memes de gatitos que llenan las redes sociales, los gatos domésticos (Felis catus) son máquinas de matar armadas con garras retráctiles, colmillos afilados y visión nocturna. Y estos potentes depredadores son todo menos melindrosos: siempre están al acecho de presas para cazar o de carroña para hurgar, porque comen todo lo que hay disponible.
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British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Gracias a que los humanos han extendido los gatos por todo el mundo durante los últimos miles de años, estos feroces felinos, probablemente domesticados hace 10 000 años en el Cercano Oriente, viven hoy en todos los continentes excepto en la Antártida, y han sido introducidos en cientos de islas, lo que los convierte en una de las especies de distribución más extensa.
Una especie invasora problemática con una dieta muy variada
Debido a su cosmopolitismo, los gatos han alterado muchos de los ecosistemas en los que han sido introducidos. Transmiten nuevas enfermedades a muchas especies, incluida la humana, sus impactos ecológicos superan a los causados por felinos nativos y otros mesodepredadores, amenazan la integridad genética de los félidos silvestres, se alimentan de fauna autóctona, y han llevado a muchas especies a la extinción. En conclusión, los gatos criados en libertad (es decir, gatos domésticos o no con acceso al entorno exterior) se encuentran entre las especies invasoras más problemáticas del mundo.
Un metaanálisis –basado en 530 artículos, libros e informes científicos que abarcan más de un siglo– ha servido para publicar el primer registro completo de los animales que devoran los gatos domésticos. La lista es larga: 2 084 especies diferentes han sido sus víctimas.
La mayoría corresponden a aves (981 especies), seguidas por reptiles (463), mamíferos (431), insectos (119), anfibios (57) y otros grupos taxonómicos (33). Aunque las presas más comunes son ratones, ratas, gorriones y conejos, también hay registros de gatos cazando presas más sorprendentes, como las tortugas marinas verdes de Galápagos, emúes e incluso ganado doméstico. Algunas de las criaturas que figuran en la lista, incluidos los humanos, son demasiado grandes para que los gatos las cacen, pero reflejan sus tendencias carroñeras.
Casi 350 de estas especies figuran en diferentes listas rojas de especies en peligro de extinción y varias ya están extintas. Muchas son pequeñas aves, mamíferos y reptiles endémicos de islas que carecen de depredadores naturales parecidos a los felinos, lo que significa que las incautas presas carecen de respuestas defensivas. Once especies registradas, entre las que se cuentan el cuervo hawaiano, la codorniz de Nueva Zelanda y la rata conejo australiana de patas blancas están clasificadas como extintas.
Comen más insectos de lo que imaginamos
Los datos del artículo son conservadores, porque los registros son una representación de lo que comen los gatos, que comen mucho más de lo que se puede identificar. Por ejemplo, aunque los insectos representan tan sólo algo menos del 6 % de las especies devoradas por gatos, la cifra probablemente esté subestimada debido a la dificultad de identificar restos de insectos en el estómago y los excrementos gatunos en comparación con los restos de plumas o de huesos de vertebrados.
Además de que el número de presas se incrementa proporcionalmente al de publicaciones, es probable también que, debido a que la mayoría de las fuentes utilizadas en el metaanálisis proceden de Australia y Norteamérica, el sesgo geográfico oculte la totalidad de las especies consumidas, porque los animales nativos de esos continentes dominaron el conjunto de datos. Con toda seguridad, investigaciones futuras ayudarán a comprender el impacto en las regiones extraordinariamente biodiversas de Suramérica, Asia y África, que descubrirán una multitud de criaturas en riesgo de extinción que terminan en el arenero de los gatos.
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En todo caso, centrarse en los gatos es una especie de chivo expiatorio de un problema mucho mayor sobre nuestro compromiso ecológico. Si los humanos no cambiamos nuestro propio comportamiento para proteger la biodiversidad, ¿por qué deberíamos esperar que los gatos cambien el suyo?
Manuel Peinado Lorca, Catedrático emérito. Director del Real Jardín Botánico de la Universidad de Alcalá, Universidad de Alcalá
Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en The Conversation. Lea el original.
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puppyboygender · 2 years
Hiii<3 I was wondering if you could do a name's list for me? I'd like any names relating to puppies or the color pink or anything soft. Thank you!<3
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hope-and-roll · 9 months
Saoirse Hollister
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“Friend of everyone is friend of none.”
― Miit Anmol
“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.”
― Jane Austen
- Saoirse [seer-sha] Avalya Hollister
- Née le 22 avril 2033
- Next-Gen 
- Anglo-irlandaise 
- Sang-Pur 
- Poudlard, Poufsouffle
- Bisexuelle 
- Faith Collins. 
~ Fille d'Andrew et Maureen Hollister, née O'Sullivan 
~ Nièce de Connor O'Sullivan
~ Cousine de Jaya Asthar 
~ Filleule de Tyson Aspid 
~ Petite-fille d'Aaron et Avalya Hollister, née Flowell, Allistair O'Sullivan et Eileen Laegaire 
~ Petite-nièce d'Ashlyn et Doran Hollister 
~ Petite-cousine de Jack, Livy et Lyall Woodley, Helios Flowell, Heloise, Percy et Edwin Hollister 
* Amie de Maisie et Isla Parrish (les filles de la sœur adoptive de son père), admire beaucoup Maisie
Trivia : 
- souffre de dyspraxie, un trouble neurocognitif qui l'empêche de correctement coordonner ses gestes, écrire, jeter des sorts...  
Playlist : 
Saoirse : 
Jealousy jealousy - Olivia Rodrigo 
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emiliodown · 1 year
Lay Me by the Shore from David Findlay on Vimeo.
Introducing a young cast of first time actors, ‘Lay Me by the Shore’ follows a week in the life of Noah, a high school senior in his final days of school as he comes to terms with his best friend’s passing.
Berlinale, 2022 TIFF, 2022
"Lay Me by the Shore" is this week's Staff Pick Premiere. Our new interactive player enables viewers to watch the film, play with Director's Commentary, and read a Q&A with director David Findlay. To return to the main menu, click "Menu" in the upper left hand corner of the screen at any time.
lay me by the shore Starring Isla Pouliot & Kai Smith Written & Directed by David Findlay Inspired by the Music of The White Birch (Ola Fløttum) Produced by Joaquin Cardoner
Cinematographer Evan Prosofsky Editor Alexander Farah Production Designer Kathleen Cooper Sound Designer Mitchell Allen
Executive Producers Sultan Al Saud, Evan Landry Co-Producers Nicolas Tiry, Aline Meyerhoffer, Neel Gupta Associate Producers Philippe Widmer, Max De Pfyffer, Michael Kuna
With Brennan Smart, Aslan Campbell, Tait Jordan, Mary Alef, Jacob Milton, Quinn Bovell, Elyse Farmer, Dylan Macauley, Luca Jacoe, Amadou Bella Diallo, Julian Pineda, Caleb Richmond, Paul Snider, Vivi Harder, Demelza Randall, Ian Kim, Austin de St Croix, Sylvain Rousseau, Brittany Charlston, Gwenna Cooper, Kalayna Kozak, Sam deBock, Nicky Lee Evans, Christopher Evans, Vincent Delorme, Halia Hirniak, Ethan Chao, Sam Gilling, Asaad Al Arid, Charles Booth, Krystal Issa, Lyall Woznesensky, Debbie Woznesensky, Scott Girling, Maria Lefebvre, Aggie Cheung, Jodie Bartman, Anthony Curtis, Nicholas Chase, Mathew King
Casting by Kris Woznesensky & Kara Eide Casting Associate James Kirk
Production Manager Angelica Stirpe 1st AD (mvp) Nano Clow 2nd AD Dide Su Bilgin
Colourist Sam Gilling 1st AC Jared Boyce 2nd AC Chris Merrell Loader Angelo Daniele Steadicam Operator Peter Park 2nd unit DP Jeremy Cox 2nd unit 1st AC Cody Preston
Gaffer Greg Goudreau add'l Gaffers Torbin Doege & Adrianna Hankins Genny Op Ben Graham Key Grip Andriy Lyskov Grips Benedict Dawson, Jan Schädle Ubeda, Greg Sisson, Rob Hastings
Art Director/Man of the Year Jordan Macken Art Department Justin Macken, Sebastian Cerani, Chino Cando, Myra Gimenes Stylist Nina Maidment Style Assists Jordan Campbell, Nina Cheb-Terrab, Samantha Green
Music Supervisor Dondrea Erauw VFX Evan Graves & David McDonald Stunt Coordinator Owen Walstrom Stunt Driver Brennan Walstrom Kayak Instructor Kiah Schaepe
Sound Mix Harry Knazan - OSO Sound Recordist Jjuan Marcos Percy Production Coordinator Sydney Robertson Key Production Assistant Grayson Lang Production Assistants
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cursedfriends-au · 3 years
New Icon
we finally have a new icon here at cursed friends au ! enjoy :)
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danceworshipper · 3 years
Oliver Adams - HPHM Profile [redone]
(information is as of sixth year - shared universe with @ask-hphm-crew)
Name: Oliver Tyler Adams
Gender: Male (cis)
Age: 16
Birthday: May 28th, 1973 (gemini)
Species: Human/wizard
Blood Status: Halfblood
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Residence: The family farm in the Irish countryside. It's huge, a bit outdated decoration-wise, and homey. His room is on the third floor, looking out over the field and he can see the sunrise if he wakes up early enough. The farm is so old and imbued with magic that Oliver can use underage magic without the Ministry finding out
Personality Type: ESFJ-A (the consul)
Wand: 13 3/4 inches of pliant pine wood encasing a phoenix feather core. The wand is thick and heavy, light in color, and with no defining marks other than Oliver's name carved into it with a knife. Doing this did not damage the wand in any way, but when Ollivander saw it he nearly had a heart attack.
Animagus: A mixed breed cat, Siamese/Ragdoll, similar to the stray cats that lounge around the farm
Misc. Magical Abilities: Legilimency and Occlumency, though he doesn't practice them often
Boggart Form: In earlier years, it was a werewolf, since one could be heard howling somewhere near the farm during full moons. As he got older and met actual werewolves like Chiara, Oliver lost his fear of them and his boggart changed to a mortally wounded vision of himself, having failed to save anyone from the vaults and meeting his own painful end
Riddikulus Form: The vision of himself is instead only afflicted with a concussion, with his Quidditch team mothering him as he insists he's fine
Amortentia (what do they smell like?): Oliver would smell like roast chicken, fresh tomatoes, and bright sunshine
Amortentia (what do they smell?): At the current point, Oliver smells the ocean, cat fur, and wood polish. As he has no strong romantic interest (though that may change very soon) the smells just make him happy and aren't related to any specific person
Patronus: Dolphin
Patronus Memory: His first time seeing the ocean. Nothing went wrong that day, and he got to see dolphins for the first time too. He and his family all had a great time together.
Mirror of Erised: His mother and grandparents standing proudly behind him. It's his graduation day, not an injury to him. Everything turned out okay
Specialized/Favorite Spells:
- Reficere Aspectu - temporarily repairs his vision. The spell he uses for Quidditch matches.
- Lumos, Aguamenti, Wingardium Leviosa - extremely useful spells for around the farm
- Arania Exumi - spider repellent is always useful
- Orchideous - he conjures flowers for his mother and grandmother all the time
- Reparo - the first Transfiguration spell he got on the first try
[concept image made using the zepeto app]
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Height: 6'3
Weight: 191 lbs
Physique: Skinny with noticeable muscles from all the Quidditch and farming
Eye Color: Light, slightly greyish blue
Hair Color: Dirty blonde, usually kept in a bowl cut that his mother gives him. Oliver knows it's not fashionable (Andre is constantly nagging him to change it) but he doesn't really care enough to learn hair charms
Skin Tone: Light, no freckles. He burns easily so when he comes back at the start of every year he's a bit pink
Body Modifications: His eyesight is atrocious. He wears round glasses most of the time and uses a temporary vision charm for Quidditch
Scarring: Oliver has a nasty scar on his back from being kicked by a cow as a kid, and some scratches on his arms and legs from the various animals and work around the farm
Fashion: This kid has no fashion. Andre is in hell. Oliver wears shorts whenever he can and t-shirts. If it's cold he'll add a flannel. Around sixth year he starts updating his wardrobe a bit, but keeps his usual clothing for around the farm. No point having decent clothing get all dirty and ripped up
House: Gryffindor
Class Grades:
- Astronomy: E
- Care of Magical Creatures: E
- Charms: A
- Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
- Divination: E
- Flying: O
- Herbology: O
- History of Magic: A
- Potions: A
- Transfiguration: A
Quidditch: Keeper since year 3
Extracurriculars: Dragon Club, Gobstones Club
Favorite Professor: Professor McGonagall. She's his head of house, and she reminds Oliver a bit of his grandmother with her stern but kind nature. She encourages his love of Transfiguration, even if he isn't the best at it, and she's a huge Quidditch fan
Least Favorite Professor: Professor Dumbledore. Oliver is an easygoing, agreeable guy most of the time. He respects his elders as his grandparents taught him, but only when they deserve it. Dumbledore most certainly does not
Mother: Katie Adams
- Katie is a shy, quiet woman. She was homeschooled for most of her life, receiving at-home tutoring in her later years as her mother Gertrude was unable to properly teach her what she needed to know, and she's only seen the inside of Hogwarts twice: when she sat in for her O.W.L.s and her N.E.W.T.s.
- As a mother, Katie made sure to raise Oliver to be kind and always drink his Respect Women Juice. She had him take on some of the farm duties at a young age to help teach him responsibility
- Oliver got kicked by a cow when she turned her back on him for no more than ten seconds. Katie's boggart is what would have happened had Oliver been standing slightly closer - he would have been paralyzed, as the kick would have hit his neck
Father: Kyle Donovan
- Oliver never knew him. He was a muggle who left Katie shortly after she became pregnant
- He was a decent guy in general, but the idea of being a father at the age of 24 scared him and he ran like a coward. He never knew about the Wizarding world, and even if he wanted to return to try and make amends he'll never be able to find the family farm ever again, thanks to Marvin
Grandfather: Marvin Adams
- Marvin is a cranky, slightly old fashioned kind of guy. He cares a lot about tradition and keeps telling Oliver that one day the farm will be his, and then his kids', and then their kids'. Oliver doesn't have the strength to tell him he's not sure he wants kids at all
- Marvin loves his wife. There were many times in their relationship where it looked like the marriage was about to fall apart, but they were somehow always able to get through them - mostly by him apologizing to Gertrude
- Oliver is able to hold his own in a duel thanks to Marvin. Despite being an old crud, he's got a lot of fight in him
Grandmother: Gertrude Adams
- Gertrude was horrified that Oliver was going to grow up without a male influence, which is why Katie never moved off the family farm with him. The old woman made Oliver learn to cook and sew so that he wouldn't be a useless husband in the future
- She's the type of person who'll say that she still dreams of marrying her teenage sweetheart and moving to an island with him, but she doesn't mean it. She loves her family and her life, but she does one day want to retire on an island
- After Oliver graduates Hogwarts and takes over the farm, Gertrude will finally be able to convince Marvin that they can retire without worrying over the farm, and they'll move to a lovely beach house. Her last ten years will be spent in her own little paradise
Love Interest: Isla Lyall @sapphicsaffir
- Isla is the twin sister of Vera, one of Oliver's closest friends in Gryffindor. Isla is in Ravenclaw, so originally they didn't spend much time together. However, Oliver always found Isla cuter than Vera
- People who didn't know them well thought Oliver and Vera liked each other, but anyone who did know them knew Vera would rather die, and that Oliver preferred the red haired twin over the blonde one
- Vera is the one who keeps pushing to get them together. She told Oliver that she knows Isla likes him, but he refused to believe it. Still, she kept trying, saying that if anyone had to be her brother-in-law she'd rather it be him
- In fourth year, Ravenclaw lost a crucial match and it took them out if running for the House Cup. Isla, a chaser, was disappointed, but went to the final match to support her sister and her crush
- Gryffindor won, and in the excitement, Isla ran up to Oliver and yanked him down so she could kiss him. Oliver understandably short-circuited, while Vera yelled "Finally!"
Best Friend: Andre Egwu
- When Oliver first met Andre, they didn't like each other at all. They were on opposing Quidditch teams, after all. But their mutual friends forced them to spend more time together, and now the two are practically inseparable. It makes little sense to most people.
- They're the kind of best friends who insult the living daylights out of each other to show their love
- They went as friends to the Celestial Ball. A few people got the wrong impression, but they've never considered dating each other. They feel more like brothers than anything else
Rival: Anyone on an opposing Quidditch team. Even if the rivalry doesn't affect them off the pitch, Oliver's instinctive reaction when he sees his opponents is one of distaste (ironic since both his best friend and his girlfriend are his rivals)
Enemy: Every last member of R
- Charlie Weasley
- Ben Copper
- Jae Kim
Pets: a barn owl named Priscilla, and a sheepdog who stays at the farm named Sparky
Closest Canon Friends:
- Charlie Weasley
- Nymphadora Tonks
- Diego Caplan
Closest Noncanon Friends:
- Vera Lyall @sapphicsaffir
- The gang from @ask-hphm-crew
- Unnamed members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team
- Oliver was raised a happy, carefree little boy. His incident with the cow never deterred him from helping his mum and grandparents around the farm, and he even gave the cow an "I'm sorry I provoked you" treat as soon as he could. He didn't ask about his father until he was ten, and Gertrude sat him down and told him what happened. Oliver resents the man that fled his mother. Gertrude knew he'd be angry and didn't tell him his father's name
- During his first couple years at Hogwarts, Oliver made friends and charmed his way into most of the professors' good graces. In year three Oliver joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and after his first match against Ravenclaw, he and Andre started butting heads until their other friends forced them to hang out more
- Oliver gets involved with the Cursed Vaults almost by accident. He has no cursed brother like the game says, but he does have a desire to help people, so when he hears of a group of students trying to save the school from certain doom, he gets involved right away
- His discovered Legilimency throws him for a loop, as no one in his family has that power. He rarely ever uses his mind reading without permission, but when it becomes necessary he's usually able to do it without the target finding out
- After Hogwarts, Oliver will take ownership of the family farm for a few years, but it's not his passion and he hates the idea of being stuck there for the rest of his life. At age twenty two he sells the farm to one of the farmhands with three young kids and uses the money to buy a bakery with an apartment above it. He grows some of his own ingredients and buys the rest at discount from the old farm, and also runs guitar lessons out of his apartment. His grandparents are a little disappointed, but they understand, and his mother reveals that she had a secret boyfriend who she moves in with and later marries. He's a nice man with a kid a little older than Oliver
- Oliver and Isla have a small wedding a little before the Battle of Hogwarts. A few years later, Isla gives birth to twin girls Kenzie and Kleio. Five years after that, their son Caspian is born
Extra Info
- Oliver is a family man through and through. If he had to, he would have stayed on the farm forever to support his family. When he has his own family, he's an extremely devoted father even though he was never sure he wanted children when he was younger
- Despite not moving on to play Quidditch professionally, Oliver does join a recreational team after he sells the farm, as does Andre, who starts up his own fashion line
- Oliver is a total house husband. Isla is a cursebreaker, and Oliver brags about her to whoever will listen. She often comes home to a fresh cooked meal/baked goods
- Oliver's a cat person. He adopts two stray kittens when he moves to the bakery and loves them with all his heart
- He can't be alone for more than a few days or he'll go crazy. He loves spending time with his friends or even meeting new people
- He starts playing the guitar at the age of seven. Marvin is the one to teach him. Later on he learns about the muggle electric guitar and buys one as soon as he can figure out how to get electricity into his apartment
- Oliver visits his grandparents at their beach house at least five times a year. He can't get enough of the ocean, even when it's too cold to go swimming (and he'll usually do it anyway)
- He's the tallest one in his immediate family. Oliver assumes he got his height from his father, but he actually got the height from Gertrude's side of the family
- Oliver will always prefer to cook himself than to go to a restaurant
- He's a fairly good dueler, but Diego could always kick his ass
- Oliver will try to arrange a big meetup with all of his friends at least once a year. Not everyone can make it every time, but he refuses to let their friendships fade into the past
- He loses the bowl cut in year seven, when Andre convinces Tonks and Diego to hold him down so Andre can fix his hair. Oliver ends up liking it and keeps it that way for years to come
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stringandstone · 7 years
Isla and Lyall: Portals
So we realise portal travel is not available for most of our readers out there. But it is a pivotal mode of transportation for all manner of magical folk.
This is true. Persia used to grumble to me about how she wishes they were more widespread — she hates planes.
Lyall and I decided we should tell you all how portals work, what they feel like, how they’re made — general stuff, really.
To start off: portals appear differently according to the creator. Mine look like a swirling mass of champagne.
Mine are a wall of greyish-blue ocean waves. It really doesn’t depend on who you are. The magic just happens. You create a portal with very little difficulty, honestly. Just focus on the destination and how many people you transport.
The number of people is crucial. If you’re a party of five and you only account for four, someone will be stranded.
On the bright side this helps with security.
Portal travel is the safest way to travel. It feels like nodding off to sleep for 0.25 seconds.
Slightly alarming, but safe (Eddie doesn’t believe me — he feels out of control in a portal — but it really is completely secure). And to create them, of course, you must have magic.
Otherwise Persia would never ride on a plane again.
No. 36~No. 1~No. 37
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autisticarachnid · 9 months
Introduction to me and my MCs
Hello there ! I decided it was about time to have a proper introductory post to my blog. My name’s Salem or Spider- feel free to call me either. I’m an autistic 21 year old from Florida, USA and I use they/them pronouns. Here on my blog you’ll find a lot of things; I’m mainly into Hogwarts Mystery and Taleblr, but you can also find posts about The Owl House, Puss In Boots: The Last Wish, Chucky, The Batman, ATLA/TLOK and horror movies. I draw a lot, so feel free to use the #my-art tag to explore that ! I also post a lot about my non-HPHM OCs, most of whom either fall into my Missing Children 2nd gen AU, or my California Rhode story. 
I like HPHM, Taleblr, TOH, horror movies, reptiles, rock/metal/goth/punk music and drawing. Some of my favorite movies are The Spiderverse films, The Batman, Venom, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, Kong: Skull Island and Jurassic Park. Some of my favorite artists are Nickelback, Delilah Bon, Babymetal, MARINA, Lady Gaga and BAND-MAID. Some of my favorite shows are Avatar The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, The Owl House, Chucky, Hannibal, Daredevil and Hawaii Five 0 (2010).
As for my fellow HPHM fans, the following is an introduction to my MCs and the characters in my friends and I’s HPHM AU. Some of the MCs below are not my own but belong to my friends, and I will distinguish them as such. If you would like to make your MC a friend to any of my MCs, feel free to send me an ask !
Salem Jordan: My first and main MC, Salem Jordan is a lesbian, agender metamorphmagus from Galway, Ireland. They moved to Dublin, Ireland at age 9. They were sorted into Hufflepuff, and they’re the half brother of our AU’s Jacob, Jacob Dyer. Salem ends up with Merula Snyde, and becomes a magizoologist at first, before eventually switching to become the new COMC professor after Hagrid’s retirement in 2011. They and Merula settle in Dublin and have three children together. 
- Personality: Salem is an INFP-T, with a 2w1/4w5 enneagram. They’re a virgo sorted into Hufflepuff. Salem is kind, thoughtful, intelligent, creative, open-minded, stubborn, loyal, friendly, supportive, talkative and analytical. Salem is an autistic introvert, which may come as a surprise considering Salem is very talkative and excitable once they feel close to someone. Salem has autism and ADHD and uses they/them/xe pronouns, and they are always happy to make a new friend. Salem is a planner through and through, loving to plan fun activities and days out for their friends. When not in class,  Salem spends most of their time hanging out with friends, listening to music or tending to the animals in the creature reserve. They identify with the punk/alternative/goth scene, usually dressing in very alternative/punk/gothic clothing. Salem especially loves befriending those who are into creatures, alternative/punk fashion or rock/metal/punk/goth music, and also have ADHD and/or autism. They get along best with those who also like talking about their interests and are unashamedly weird. 
- Likes: Salem likes creatures, winter, cold weather, snow, punk music, alternative music, metal music, rock music, goth music, emo music, the color black, cats, reptiles, art, sculptures, sweet things, soda, history, rollercoasters and horror movies. Best classes are COMC, Charms and History of Magic, Closest friends are Rowan, Tonks, Badeea, Chiara and Barnaby.
- Dislikes: Salem dislikes hot weather, bullies, Snape, judgemental people, being judged, most food, steak, seafood, being touched suddenly or without permission, most sitcoms, being late and strobing lights. Worst class is Potions (but they don’t necessarily hate the subject itself, their dislike stems from Snape). They don’t usually get along well with overly loud/obnoxious people, or those who don’t respect personal/physical boundaries. 
- Misc: Salem has Autism, ADHD, Clinical Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder, ARFID, anxiety and later on, PTSD. They are an insanely picky eater (it’s way easier for them to list off what they won’t eat than what they will eat), mainly due to sensory issues from their autism. They’re an atheist, but they don’t really care what religion someone is, as long as it’s not being used to harm others. Salem has a Horse animagus & patronus. Being a metamorphmagus, they always have their hair some bright color- but it’s also always incredibly short. Their hair never goes more than two inches below their chin. They’re a legilimens, but not a super powerful one. They have a number of physical tics, such as rolling their eyes a lot, twirling while walking and pausing randomly while talking. Salem is usually pretty anti-authority and leans towards being very individualistic. 
Thalia Dyer: Thalia Dyer is the main MC of the AU, and the full sister of Jacob Dyer. Thalia is a bisexual half-blood witch and an eighth veela, with her mother being from the famous pureblood Carraro family and the granddaughter of the famed and esteemed Lucia Carraro. Thalia is from Porthcawl, Wales, has three (full) siblings total (older brother Jacob, older sister Cassandra, little sister Rhian), and eventually becomes a famous quidditch player for the Wigtown Wanderers. Thalia ends up with Talbott Winger, settling with him in Edinburgh, Scotland along with their three children. She uses she/they pronouns.
- Personality: Thalia is an ENFP-T, with a 3w2 Enneagram with strong influences from types 7 and 8. She’s a Scorpio sorted into Gryffindor. Thalia is an extrovert with a very strong ‘hero’ personality. She is brave, daring, passionate, courageous and energetic, always feverently standing up for what she believes is right. This can lead to somewhat reckless and impulsive behavior, but Thalia puts others safety and justice above all, pursuing the just, moral path to the ends of the earth. They’re outgoing and very friendly, and love to make new friends. She’s energetic and active, preferring physical activities such as playing quidditch or exploring. She’s a go go go type of person, rarely sitting still or staying in one place. If she’s not doing something, she’ll find something. They’re steadfast and eternally loyal to their friends and their beliefs, and isn’t afraid to fight anyone. She has a cheerful air to her, and is often happy or good at making others laugh. They tend to get along best with other outgoing, energetic people. She loves befriending those also into quidditch, duelling and other exciting things, but they must have a strong moral compass as well. 
- Likes: Thalia likes quidditch, fast paced things, action/horror movies, duelling, flying, birds, rock music, alternative music, the color red, leather or jean jackets, warm weather, cold weather, the season Fall, exciting things, cats, dogs, italian food, greek food, savory foods and rollercoasters. Best classes are DADA, Charms and Flying. Closest friends are Bill, Skye, Murphy, Charlie, Talbott and Tonks. 
- Dislikes: Thalia dislikes bullies, potions class, Snape, immoral people, people who take advantage of others, freezing cold weather, boring things, super spicy foods, foods with a leathery or gooey texture, bland food and injustice. Worst classes are Potions and History of Magic. She does not get along well with selfish or obnoxious people, or those who insert themselves into others business. She can befriend people who are much slower paced and prefer staying indoors and reading/knitting/studying, but doesn’t usually. 
- Misc: Thalia is an eighth veela, meaning she’s insanely attractive. She has Autism, ADHD, Anxiety and Clinical Depression, and develops PTSD after the fifth year vault. They identify as a demigirl in terms of gender, but most often just uses the term nonbinary. They also thoroughly enjoy putting their hair up and experimenting with hairstyles. They’re a considerably powerful legilimens. They become quidditch captain of the Gryffindor team from fifth year to seventh year, and has remained one of the better captains in the 20th century.
Loki Colosa: My friend Rudy’s MC, Loki is a trans, bisexual polyamorous Welsh-Mexican werewolf with no relation to Jacob Dyer. Loki was born in Cardiff, Wales to a Mexican family, and came out as a trans woman shortly before her Hogwarts years. Loki is short with green hair and numerous scars, including on her face. She initially pursues a career as a dragonologist, before forming a punk-rock/metal band with Ismelda Murk and Merula Snyde in 1999. Loki ends up with both Jae Kim and Chiara Lobosca in a polyamorous relationship, and the three settle down in Cardiff, Wales with four children. 
- Personality: Loki is an ENFP-A, with a 7w8 Enneagram. She’s a Pisces sorted into Slytherin. She’s quite a wild card in her personality, and is known to get into full on fist-fights without a second thought. She’s fiercely loyal and very protective, and is actually so fearsome that very few people, if any, will willingly fight her. However, Loki is also incredibly intelligent, extroverted, energetic, confident and street smart. She’s good with animals and is a great friend, eager to protect those she cares about. She likes to play insult or bicker with people, but simultaneously knows to not push someone’s boundaries (ex. she will play insult a friend unless they’re genuinely upset, at which point she will become much gentler). She’s chaotic and friendly and wild, but overall a very good friend and an incredibly strong, determined ally. She gets along great with other outgoing people, and those also into quidditch, dragons, punk music and punk fashion. She most often befriends those with a good sense of humor, a chaotic nature and ability to hold long conversations. 
- Likes: Loki likes punk music, rock music, the color green, alternative music, punk fashion, stars, animals, raining, cooking, listening to birds, bird watching, hair dye, makeup, making fun of Ben Copper, DADA, quidditch, COMC, dragons, dangerous creatures and metal music. Best classes are DADA and COMC. Closest friends are Jae, Chiara, Tonks, Tulip and Bill. 
- Dislikes: Loki dislikes hiking, long car rides, sand, crowds, chickens, ice, history, fishing, air planes, bowling, Ben Copper, history of magic class, boring things, stuck-up people and bigots. Worst classes are History of Magic and Astronomy. She does not get along with people who are in any way bigoted, stuck up, purposefully ignorant or blatantly hypocritical (and she will absolutely deck them in the face, too). 
- Misc: Loki is a werewolf, and was bitten as a child. However, she doesn’t outright fear the moon; she somewhat embraces her werewolf identity, though she is afraid of hurting people unintentionally. She has the mindset of ‘I’m already a werewolf, I ought not to hate myself for something out of my control’. She has four younger half siblings- three muggles, and one a wizard. She plays the drums in her band. 
Samara Graham: Samara is my main slytherin MC and the paternal cousin of Jacob Dyer and Thalia Dyer. Samara was born in Aberdeen, Scotland to a neglectful, workaholic Scottish muggle father and doting, history-obsessed Welsh half-blood mother. When Samara was 7, her little brother Arran was born. Samara is genderfluid and uses they/she/he pronouns. Samara tends to keep to themself, usually helping out the curse squad in terms of research rather than going into the vaults. Samara is incredibly intelligent, being the top Slytherin student in his year, and frequently being one of the top performing students in the school overall. Samara ends up with Rowan (fem) and briefly works as an archivist before becoming the Transfigurations professor after McGonagall becomes headmistress. Samara has three children with Rowan and the two live in Hogsmeade. 
- Personality: Samara is an INTJ-T, with a 5w6 Enneagram. They’re a Taurus sorted into Slytherin. Samara has a very naturally reserved, calm and collected personality. While Samara is shy, he doesn’t really dislike people; she just prefers to be on their own. Samara will happily hold a conversation with someone on any topic that interests them. Samara is also incredibly bookish, with a never-ending thirst for knowledge. Samara is almost always either studying or reading a book. They have a deep-seated interest in figuring out spells, and even ends up inventing a few of their own. While Samara is notably friendly and fair, she can be a tad overcritical- though, this criticism is almost always directed at himself and not others. Samara is always looking for new things to learn and new problems to solve, and rarely ever loses her cool or gets angry. Samara gets along best with those who are also intelligently-minded and like reading, music, nature and/or studying. He also often befriends those who understand his need for isolation sometimes and immediately respect it.
- Likes: Samara likes instrumental music, books, reading, libraries, rainy days, quiet, piano music, playing the piano, playing the violin, violin music, history, historical places, dark/muted colors, winter, gardens, cold weather, nature, storms, keeping busy, studying, academia fashion, solving things, sweaters, loose clothing, brown clothes and wandering. Best classes are History of Magic, Transfigurations and Charms. Closest friends are Rowan, Badeea, Chiara and Ismelda.  
- Dislikes: Samara dislikes loud noises, hot weather, falling, overly sunny days, being bored, not being able to learn, obnoxious people, overly bright colors, blatant rudeness and flying. Worst class is Flying. They don’t usually get along well with loud and super lively people, but they can. He doesn’t get along at all with purposefully ignorant people, workaholics or those who cast others out without reason. 
- Misc: Samara is generally emotionally distant, and can have a hard time expressing or admitting her emotions. They grew up with a neglectful, workaholic father who was never there and left their life permanently when Samara wasn’t even 15, and a mother who was genuinely caring, but often also away at work. Samara spent the first seven years of his life very alone, and so they learned to adapt to solitude. While Samara can definitely be emotional at times, they almost always have a careful, stoic façade up. 
Isla Lyall: Isla (Eye-luh) Lyall is one of Jacob and Thalia Dyer’s maternal cousins. Born to a pureblood, 1/4 veela mother and muggleborn father in Glasgow, Scotland, Isla is the younger of twin girls. Isla uses she/they pronouns and has curly, bright red hair and a personality to match. She’s one of the more involved figured in the vaults, and dreams of becoming a cursebreaker. She ends up with my friend’s MC Oliver Adams, and works as a cursebreaker for years before retiring early to work at Oliver’s bakery instead. She and Oliver end up with four children- triplet girls and a son- and continue to live happily in Dublin. 
- Personality: Isla is an ESFP-A with a 7w6 enneagram. She’s a Gemini sorted into Ravenclaw. Isla has a very creative, driven and playful personality. She’s naturally quite intelligent, sharp, quick witted and resourceful, but she’s also outgoing, talkative and enthusiastic. They’re light on their feet and talented at quidditch, but she also is very talented at painting and sewing. They’re quite inventive too, often painting their own clothing and even making their own outfits at times. She’s adventurous, curious and energetic, and is always doing something. They’re a genuinely fun loving person with a good sense of humor and a slight mischievous streak- though not as much as their twin, Vera. Isla best gets along with those who are also talkative, adventurous, creative and/or good-humored. They tend to befriend those who are just as fun-loving as them, or just as into creating things. 
- Likes: Isla likes stars, space, dogs, quidditch, astronomy, astrology, adventuring, exploring, duelling, gelato, playing quidditch, sweets, sewing, painting, art, diy-ing clothing, sweaters, being outdoors, sunny days, rainy days and baking. Best classes are Astronomy and Charms. Closest friends are Andre, Tulip, Tonks, Badeea and Murphy. 
- Dislikes: Isla dislikes boring things, being bored, overly spicy food, bitter food, loud thunderstorms, obnoxious people, people who brag, judgmental people, people who don’t appreciate art, overly hot days and freezing weather. Worst class is Potions. They do not get along well with people who are slower-paced, don’t appreciate art or judge others. 
- Misc: Isla is an eighth veela like her cousins, and is incredibly attractive as a result. She has ADHD and doesn’t use sexuality labels, but she is definitely not straight. She doesn’t appreciate being told what to do. She’s a seer along with her twin sister, but neither are very powerful. 
Vera Lyall: Vera Lyall is the older twin sister of Isla Lyall, and a maternal cousin of Thalia and Jacob Dyer. She was born to a pureblood, 1/4 veela mother and a muggleborn father in Glasgow, Scotland. She later gains a younger brother, Athan, and a younger sister, Evanthia. Vera mainly uses she/her pronouns, but likes to be occasionally referred to with they/them pronouns. She’s just as involved in the vaults as her twin, and while she initially wanted to become an auror, they ended up becoming a cursebreaker instead. She marries Badeea Ali and the two settle in Glasgow with their three children. 
- Personality: Vera is an ESFP-A like her twin, but with a 3w2 enneagram. She’s a Gemini sorted into Gryffindor. Similar to her twin sister, Vera is considerably intelligent, sharp, quick-witted, outgoing, resourceful, energetic, adventurous and good-humored. She’s also skilled with her hands like Isla, often painting her clothes and making an outfit or two from scratch. She’s just as active, inventive and resourceful as well. However, the main difference is Vera is surprisingly sarcastic- she loves teasing her friends and pulling pranks. She’s the most sarcastic around Oliver, whom she’s best friends with and loves teasing and poking fun at. Vera gives off an air of classiness with her well styled fashion sense, white-blond hair and makeup, but she can also be quite brash and does not at all mind getting her hands (and clothes) dirty. She gets along best with others who are outgoing, active, adventurous and fun-loving. She also, of course, gets along great with those who share a love of mischief and pranks and can handle a bantering friendship with lots of joking and teasing.
- Likes: Vera likes the moon, dogs, quidditch, playing quidditch, being outdoors, exploring, moon clothing and decorations, keeping busy, duelling, sunny days, swimming, painting, sewing, diy-ing clothing, stylish clothes, small dogs, divination, greek food, gelato, pulling pranks and teasing Oliver. Best classes are Flying, Divination, DADA and Astronomy. Closest friends are Tulip, Tonks, Jae and Penny. 
- Dislikes: Vera dislikes boring things, bullies, people who don’t appreciate art, having nothing to do, showy/braggy people, judgmental people, bitter food, freezing weather and overly hot days. Worst classes are Potions and History of Magic. She doesn’t get along well with slower-paced people, people who judge based on appearance and those who take things too seriously. 
- Misc: Vera is an eighth veela, and is insanely attractive as a result. She identifies as a lesbian and has ADHD. She, like her twin, is a seer, but not a very powerful one. She is a big fan of teasing/bantering with friends, but only with certain ones who don’t mind or actually like such things. She has a very strong-headed, demanding side who won’t allow anyone to tell her what to do. She’s overall a person with a big presence. 
Fallon Byrne: Fallon Byrne is a muggleborn witch and the second youngest of seven children born to a French mother and Northern Irish father. She was born in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland on a property with a large yard that even connected to a small stream, and Fallon spent much of her childhood outside, always running around and playing with her siblings, even though most of her older siblings were several years older than her. She’s actually cishet and uses she/her pronouns. Her older siblings are Shane (13 years older and also a wizard), Lorraine (12 years older, but disowned her family),  Élodie (9 years older), Aisling (7 years older), Juliet (4 years older) and Matthieu (2 years younger). She wanted to become an auror, but she actually quit just two years into the job once she realized how corrupt the justice system could be. She went on to work as a cursebreaker, and she married Diego Caplan, having three children with him. 
- Personality: Fallon is an ENTP-A with a 7w8 Enneagram. She’s a Sagittarius sorted into Ravenclaw. Fallon is intelligent, sharp, quick witted, outgoing, talkative, friendly, stubborn, clever, confident, courageous, daring, adventurous, curious and bold. One of the more surprising aspects of her personality is that she’s insanely individualistic. She constantly challenges people and things around her: the rules, authority, traditions. She challenges the rules and norms a lot because she wants to get a better understanding of them and form her own opinion. She always seeks to be knowledgeable on several topics and such, and she absolutely will not let anyone tell her what to do or believe. She hates the idea of blindly following anything or blindly listening to anyone; she’s firmly of the belief that people should form their own opinions rather than listening to the authority telling them what to think. Her strong sense of individuality also ties in with her adventurous side- she likes to explore things, experience them for herself. She was actually friends with Tulip and Merula during their alliance, and that’s how she got into the cursed vaults in the first place. She, along with Tulip, ended up cutting ties with Merula when things went south, because Fallon does have a strong sense of morality- she defies the norms and expectations because she doesn’t believe they’re always right. She gets along best with those who are also highly individualistic, outspoken, outgoing, friendly, rebellious or adventurous. She most often befriends those with a similar love of either adventure or rulebreaking, and is drawn to those who also have ADHD. 
- Likes: Fallon likes flying, being outdoors, skateboarding, roller skating, ice skating, striped shirts, adventuring, learning, DADA, quidditch, Enya, ABBA, upbeat music, dogs, duelling, irish music and french music. Best classes are DADA and Flying. Closest friends are Tulip, Diego, Tonks and Andre. 
- Dislikes: Fallon dislikes overly hot or cold weather, the English (/hj), most classical music, overly spicy foods, bullies, judgmental people, authority figures, blind conformity, super bright clothing, stormy days and ignorant people. Worst classes are Potions and Astronomy. She doesn’t get along well with those who are narrow-minded, purposefully ignorant or judgemental. She also doesn’t usually get along well with those who are overly conforming or blindly follow the rules. 
- Misc: Fallon is half Irish and half French. She’s also religiously and ethnically Jewish, and is very proud in her identity. She is somewhat of a nerd; while she reads a lot to become as knowledgeable as she can, she also hyperfixates on certain topics like music and skating. Whenever she’s not studying, reading or in class, she’s out with friends, skateboarding/rollerskating, or just looking for an adventure. she is not one to sit still, ever. 
Codi Nozawa: Codi Nozawa is a pureblood Japanese-Irish trans witch born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. Her father is William Nozawa, a Japanese man born and raised in Ireland, while her mother is Masaki Keneko, a Japanese witch born and raised in Japan. Codi has twin younger siblings: Keiji and Kenna, born in August 1977. Codi is a big fan of herbology and plants, and ends up becoming a herbologist and marries fellow MC, Amaryllis Ferrara. The two end up with a daughter and a son. 
- Personality: Codi is an INFJ-T with a 5w6 enneagram. She’s a cancer sorted into Gryffindor. Codi is courageous, quiet, bookish, intelligent, observant, dutiful, polite, patient, practical, chivalrous and clever. She’s a bookish sort of person with a strong work ethic, and a strong moral code that pushes her to help others out whenever possible. She tends to keep to herself, but she’s by no means unfriendly; she loves talking about herbology and will go on about it for hours. She’s happy to be alone in a corner and to be surrounded by people all talking about herbs. She gets along best with those who are also introverted, autistic and/or share a love of herbology. 
- Likes: Codi likes books, herbs, herbology, plants, reading, studying, gardening, cool weather, warm weather, rainy days, flowers, savory food, sweets, gyoza, curry rice, her parents cooking, libraries, quiet days, muted colors and sweaters. Best classes are Herbology and Charms. Closest friends are Liz and Badeea.  
- Dislikes: Codi dislikes loud noises, crowded spaces, cramped/small spaces, hot weather, overly sunny days, divination class, super bright colors, neon colors, burnt food and rude people. She doesn’t get along well with overly boisterous people or those who boss people around. 
- Misc: Codi is a trans asexual gray-romantic lesbian. She’s a really good cook and often cooks in her downtime; her favorite dishes are gyoza, curry rice, okonomoyaki, sukiyaki, katsudon, tonkatsu and taiyaki. She’s not related to any of the other MCs in any way. She becomes one of the Gryffindor prefects, and ends up becoming head girl as well. 
Amaryllis Ferrara: Amaryllis is a half-blood south asian witch and an only child to a single father. She was originally made by a friend, who has since transferred ownership to me. She was born in the small town of Lizard in the Cornwall region of England, at its southernmost point. Her father, Chadwick Ferrara, is a half blood wizard who has dedicated himself to Amaryllis and giving her the best life possible. She’s fond of potionmaking and ends up becoming a potioneer and marries fellow MC Codi Nozawa. 
- Personality: Amaryllis is an ISFJ-T with a 9w1 enneagram. She’s a Pisces sorted into Gryffindor. Amaryllis is chivalrous, observant, friendly, helpful, pleasant, enthusiastic, idealistic, brave, cheerful, optimistic, hardworking, calm and open minded. Amaryllis is a generally cheerful and friendly person who likes talking to others and helping people out. They enjoy being around people despite their introverted nature, but she also just as much enjoys being in an empty room with a book in her hands. She often busies herself with a small project and is good with their hands. They get along best with those who are friendly but not boisterous, have a good sense of morality and are happy to both go out and do something and stay in for a movie. 
- Likes: Amaryllis likes potions, reading, divinations, savory foods, nihari, meat dishes, rainy days, swimming, the ocean, quiet days, relaxing, sweaters, the color red, winter, spring and spending time with her father. Best classes are Potions and Divinations. Closest friends are Penny and Ben. 
- Dislikes: Amaryllis dislikes hot weather, Snape, intolerant people, spice-less food, muggy/humid days, humidity, horror movies, her mother, judgmental people, being judged, being bored and having nothing to do. They don’t get along with people who are crass, snippy or judgemental. 
- Misc: Amaryllis is South Asian- specifically Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi. She was largely raised by her Pakistani father and therefore is mostly in tune with that side of her heritage. She’s physically disabled and walks with a cane. She’s a gifted seer. They have the unique patronus of a Demiguise. They identify as a demigirl and a lesbian, and use she/they pronouns. 
Blair Clark: Blair is a trans witch born and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland. She has a younger sister, Maisie, and they’re both the half sisters to Jacob Dyer and therefore Thalia and Salem as well. Blair is fond of writing, and ends up becoming a journalist. She marries Tulip Karasu and the two settle in Edinburgh and have two sons. She was originally created by a friend but now belongs to me.
- Personality: Blair is an ESTJ-T with a 6w7 enneagram. She’s an aquarius sorted into Hufflepuff. Blair is kind, stubborn, loyal, clever, sarcastic, intelligent, enthusiastic, friendly, optimistic, caring, curious, sharp, cheerful and level headed. She has a bit of a sarcastic, teasing side with close friends. She’s generally a pretty honest and reliable person who’s happy to help others out. She’s extroverted but not overly outgoing; she’s happy to both spend one-on-one time with someone or be surrounded by people. She gets along best with those who are also generally friendly and chill-going, and especially gets along well with those who like writing and/or will banter along with her. 
-Likes: Blair likes watching quidditch, writing, charms, muggle music, magical creatures, jokes, teasing friends, flying class, the color yellow, sweaters, cold days, winter, fall, coffee with milk, milkshakes, strawberry deserts, roasting marshmallows, baked goods, rainy days and sitting by the fireplace. Best classes are Charms and COMC. Closest friends are Tulip, Andre and Penny. 
- Dislikes: Blair dislikes Snape, tea, making mistakes, most of her family, Filch, stuck up people, extreme weather, hot weather, muggy/humid days, humidity, super loud music, bright neon colors, strobing lights, gore, loud noises and people touching her without permission. Worst classes are Potions and History of Magic. She doesn’t get along well with people who are super boisterous, constantly draw attention to themselves or belittle others. 
- Misc: Blair is a trans demi-lesbian. She can be quite naive and bottles up her emotions a lot. She has ODC, ADHD, anxiety and clinical depression. Blair cut contact with all of her grandparents (excluding her donor’s side) due to them all being very transphobic. She has a good relationship with her mom, but has a slightly more tense relationship with her father; he struggles a lot but does try, and their relationship improves quite a bit as Blair becomes older. She has a few tics caused by her ADHD. 
Danae Adhikari: Danae Adhikari is a half blood, Indian witch born and raised in England. At the age of 8, she was orphaned after her parents were attacked and killed while sleeping in their house. Danae had been staying with her aunt at the time, and was subsequently raised by her cousin. She is bisexual but generally uninterested in romance, and remains single her whole life. She ends up as an archivist in the Ministry. 
- Personality: Danae is an ISTJ-T, with a 5w6 enneagram. She’s a virgo sorted into Slytherin. Danae is quiet, clever, stoic, intelligent, calm, level-headed, apathetic, reserved, independent, analytical, hard-working and responsible. Danae is autistic and struggles heavily with emotions- mainly, she hardly ever feels anything very strongly, or in-depth. This can make her come off as emotionless and uncaring, but she does genuinely like to help people and make an occasional friend. She is understandably, however, very socially inept and tends to stay by herself, as socializing doesn’t often end well for her. She gets along best with other autistic people most, but also tends to get along with other reserved and very introverted people. 
- Likes: Danae likes long sleeves, cool weather, winter, snow, rainy days, stormy days, forests, quiet, libraries, dim/low-light places, loose clothes, tea, warm drinks, hot chocolate, sitting quietly with other people, reading, wandering, spicy food, dal tadka, samosas, spicy foods, savory food, cooking, neutral tones and coffee. Best classes are Charms and Transfigurations. Closest friend is Badeea. 
- Dislikes: Danae dislikes hot weather, summer, sunny days, bright lights, loud noises, loud people, boisterous/obnoxious people, stale food, overly loud music, being disturbed, socializing, parties, slimy things, bright neon colors, strobe lights, being forced to do anything, being forced to socialize, divination and fighting. Worst classes are Divinations and DADA. She doesn’t get along well wiith super extroverted, loud, energetic or boisterous people. 
- Misc: Danae has autism, depression and PTSD. As stated before, they struggle heavily with emotions and rarely feel much of anything. Because of this, Danae is not very emotionally intelligent, and bad at reading the room and recognizing emotions in others. This can make her come off as rude, uncaring or harsh, but she’s truly not; Danae does care for others and likes to help, she’s just naturally very reserved and tends to avoid socializing, due to her poor social skills. Danae is also naturally independent and used to doing things either by herself, or in a very small group, so she does not do well in crowds or with a lot of people. 
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autisticarachnid · 3 months
13 and 16 for Samara and Isla?<3
13 - so this is interesting, because samara’s wardrobe changes drastically from his early Hogwarts years to 4th-5th year (it was around the end of third year that samara realized they were genderfluid, and some gender dysphoria followed, but that’s a whole other post in itself). so, first to third year samara would often wear long sleeve button ups and skirts, or dresses- often in an academia type style, muted colors and browns. then, 4th year and beyond, samara’s style changed to sweaters, vests, and long pants, still in an academia style but more dark academia, with darker colors as well as browns and muted colors. like so:
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16 - samara is naturally drawn to fellow introverts/nerds. in terms of what they specifically look for, probably a shared interest and a generally quieter personality (samara can absolutely befriend loud/energetic people, she just doesn’t usually get along with them quite well). in terms of a love interest, samara seeks stability and security above all else- they want someone who is gonna stay with them no matter what, someone who will always be there and never leave them behind.
13 - isla mainly wears blue outfits, and outfits with stars. isla wears sweaters and long pants; overalls, shortalls, sometimes cutesy outfits and sometimes practical. but, almost everything isla wears has stars on it.
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16 - in terms of friends, isla seeks either those with fun, outgoing personalities, like that of their twin sister and dad, or those with warm, caring personalities like that of their mom. in terms of a love interest, isla wants someone fun but caring; someone who can keep them entertained while also making sure she’s happy and healthy. (she grew up with two madly in love parents- a fun dad and a caring mom- so her ideal romance stems from that)
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autisticarachnid · 7 months
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i do not talk about these two enough. these two utterly infatuated lovebirds in every sense of the word. these two who both cried at their wedding upon seeing the other. these two who hold each other almost every chance they get, falling asleep on each other in the library and holding hands casually while reading, eating, anything. these two who married at 20, before anyone else did. these two who got together because isla jumped onto a packed quidditch field and kissed oliver in front of the whole school. these two who got engaged at their graduation party, in front of all of their friends, only days after they both turned 18. these two who are still happily married, 30 years later, with four kids and a successful bakery.
anyways, them <333
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autisticarachnid · 11 months
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today is the birthday of none other than the lyall twins !!! happy happy birthday to isla and vera !!
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autisticarachnid · 11 months
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isla lyall evolution
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autisticarachnid · 9 months
I made a “which of my HPHM MCs are you” updated quiz !! please do take it and share your results :))
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autisticarachnid · 1 year
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 for isla?
so for isla’s immediate family, there’s her mother and father, little brother athan, little sister evanthia and of course, her older twin sister vera. her father is the youngest of seven children, but he is only in contact with maybe one of his siblings, who i’ve yet to determine.
as for her mother, vaia, she’s the middle of three girls. vaia has an older sister, theodora, and a younger sister, anna. theodora has four children - jacob, cassandra, thalia and rhian. anna has one child- a son, samzrael.
isla’s maternal grandfather, stefano carraro, is the oldest son of the legendary lucia carraro. his wife, chrysanthi makris, is the older of two children.
stefano’s younger brother, davide, has four children: madeleine, romano, stefania and cédric. their families are yet to be fully determined.
chrysanthi’s younger sister, panoraia, has two daughters: karasia and kanella.
so isla’s family is essentially as follows: older twin sister, little brother, little sister. two aunts. five cousins. one great aunt and one great uncle, and a number of second cousins. and most of these family members are greek/italian, like her mother ^^
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autisticarachnid · 1 year
28 for Isla and 32 for Vera?
Isla: Isla dreamed of becoming a cursebreaker, and she actually did for a while ! However, she retired during the war to be safe, and ended up keeping a permanent job at Oliver’s bakery.
Vera: Vera’s patronus/animagus form is a West Highland White Terrier, but her secondary option is the Scottish Terrier ^^
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