#its name is manaria
passportcolor · 3 months
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Birb pre wings and after winged
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soupcanspecimen · 5 months
I wish I was better at conveying my thoughts more eloquently but here's my very late journal of my thoughts on ep12.
After some technical difficulties I finally watched ep12 and I've go to say:
That opening scene was so tense, you could literally cut the tension with a knife because of how thick it is.
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Manaria was being a bitch again, I have a section on that so wait for that. The amulet was shown again but it wasn't used, I'm still crossing my fingers though because they keep focusing on that thing way too much! The scales were used in this episode however and DEAR GOD the that Ceremony had me at the edge of my seat clenchining my ass! I was legit going to die when Rae pulled out that twig!
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I went from saying" never let this girl cook again" to laughing with joy when the tree sprouted up! Also can we talk about the tree for a minute? Imagine my fucking shock and hysterical breamdowm as a Lumity fan when I saw that tree for the first time! It was a tree that represented their love! You know what tree also basically does the same thing?
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Ahem anyways.
Rae's confession was so raw and emotional to where you can feel the love flowing out of her words and you can see this is different from her other confessions cause she saying what she's wanted to say since the start and without hiding behind a mask this time. And when Clair admitted her feelings by pulling Rae away to protect her it was super sweet and shows that she's truly grown close to Rae. She even starts calling Rae by her name near the end of the episode instead of calling her "Commoner".
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Clair was also great this episode, and she actually took my advice from my episode 11 rent post and reflected on her time with Rae. Her Freudian slips and gay panic because she's finally starting to fall for Rae were super cute and gave me a lot of "Ayo pause, run that back" moments!
And also
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Speaking of Clair starting to fall for Rae
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God I love these two so much guys! And I would love to bestow this ship with the highest honor I can give. I've recently mace a rule to myself when it comes to ships to not use this quote lightly for it is only reserved for ships that have truly earned my respect. Ahem (*Deep Inhale)
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I never thought that I would ever find a ship that would ever hit the same way as Lumity did! Even if they were cut from the same cloth!
NOW 🌩👄🌩
The Manaria Section:
I still hate Manaria my reasoning has just changed. Like, bruh, there is actually something wrong with you! Was any of what you said real!? Did you actually violate someone or was that story also just part of your plan!? Did you have like a back up or something if either you or Rae failed!? I legit can't read you, you're actually insane! You really are the single worst wingwoman I've ever seen, cause there were a million other ways to go about it, yet you somehow picked the wrong answer. You even ruined the confession, I mean who does that?!? I am for real about to throw hands! To be honest it would make sense if you were lying since you're a technically a politician after all, that's like your guy's whole thing.
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Bitch don't come back.
I think most of my recorded reaction was just me cursing at her and wanting her to die, I need to get better at insults after looking back at the recording
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piromantic · 3 days
so my initial thoughts on 'i'm in love with the villainess'
the negatives:
the anime, for some reason, words a scene vaguely so it sounds like a confirmed lesbian character assaulted someone. it apparently was specified as consensual in the novels. i don't understand why they did that
there are a couple of things (racism, random incest couple) that sucked. i'm not familiar with otome games so i have a suspicion (a hope) that these are just... tropes in the genre. whether or not the author is going to call out the orientalism or just straight up keep being racist, i have no idea. they seem genre aware, but i don't want to give them credit when none is due at this point
i love you masc lesbians but i'm tired of the 'masc lesbian playboy prince that sweeps everyone off their feet and is only there to cause romance trouble and then leave' when is it their turn to be happy huh. huh
the neutrals:
the setting and magic system seem like they have some more depth than first glance, but i've still seen them too many times to be thrilled unless the author does something really interesting
i'm not very familiar with this genre of isekai so the politics were just kind of ??? for me
the positives:
everything else LOL
a lot of people seemed to dislike that the MC comes off as the 'predatory lesbian' stereotype but i really don't think that was the intention. to me it felt like it was playing off the 'girl best friend who jokingly declares her love all the time' trope - that is who the MC plays as, essentially. and for a good portion of the season, she keeps getting rejected because the girl she loves doesn't believe that her feelings are genuine.
the guy love interests backing off pretty quickly? even though it's a game and they have to follow their programmed romantic path flags, after a while they all get what's going on with the MC and they all back off respectfully and just watch from the sidelines
actual, genuine explorations of how homophobia messes with your self esteem and what you believe you deserve
again i'm tired of this trope in general butttt i think the masc lesbian (manaria) coming in from the love interest's past was still the best part for me because the rest of the series is spent with the MC telling everyone that she doesn't care if her love can never be requited, she just wants her love interest to be happy. and then this girl shows up and it's like, well shit. what if she does like girls after all, she just doesn't know it, and she just doesn't like me.
like everybody in the tag is like 'noooo this was too far she could've been less evil with it' but honestly like. no i don't think claire would've realized her true feelings unless she was put in an extremely drastic situation. and no i don't think the MC would've ever put herself out there until a true love rival showed up. and it's sad in its own way that manaria is okay with putting herself in this antagonistic role! like she also doesn't believe that she deserves better! she's such a good foil for the MC idc. grow up
ummmmmm what else
'only calling someone by a rude nickname until you two have a fight and you're just about to part ways but you don't know how to express how much you really care so instead you use their real name for the first time' trope go brrrr
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speakyskelly-1999 · 5 months
so i know i've been doing fuck all for a while
i've had a lot of work to do and i've not been the wellest of people
and like i have other anime i need to talk about first but errr
i just finished watching I'm in Love with the Villainess and errr i don't know whatt o make of it
it was like fine for the first 7 episodes, hell even good
but then it throw me a massive curve ball, tolerated it. watched the the next couple episodes. and err let me tell you thoes curve balls just kept on coming and just kept on getting worse.
now did i enjoy the final episode. well kinda. ignoing the first errr 6 minuets it was fiiiiiiiiine. but holy shit
and like they're not really curve balls in terms of plot exatly. they impact it of course but like it's more how they chose to drive the plot thats bugging me
some spoilers by the way
claire, who's the love interet looses her maid whos been with her for ages. fine plot point. WHY SHE LEAVES. ERMM!!!! lets just say forbidden love in the forgers christmas ad variety
ha ha ha i'm in so much pain
then we get some one who tests rae and claires love (rae loves claire but claire hasn't realised that she loves rae yet basically)
i need ceral break one sec
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okay i have food to get me through this trying time.
it's so yummy
so err yea character who turns up to shake up the relationship
me: okay show whos this person
show: claire's first love
me; okay like a kid next door kinda thing
show; her sisterrrrrrrr
me: say sike rn
show: hahaha yea that's not her sister
me: oh thank god, weird that she calls her that but i guess if its a they were really close as kid but driftedf apart or what ever that's tolerable. as long as their not related i can tolerate-
show: sheeeeeee her cuuuuuuuuuuuz
me: kill me now
so like you might be wondering why i stared watchging
i'd like to nkow the answer myself
i think i reached a level of dispar that destoryed me mind body and soul that i had to know if it got worse
it did
cat break
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aaah that cat doesn't have a care in the world
no work, no school just moew moew
okay is everyone refreshed
good back tot he shit show
now the show does a bait and switch but not really , i think
the concept of claire's cuz (i cannot fucking spell her name and i don't want to) is that in the game (yes this is a reincarnated into a video games one, i had some idea of the quality i was getting into but geez) she's one of the only ally characters to the protagonist (rae) to hepl her get with one of the love interest that she likes. now in the game you can only pick from one of the three princes but rae is going after the villainess (hence the title) so she doesn't know whoch side she'll be on.
now to save everyone some trouble, claire's cuz was deliberatly playing the "bad guy who gets in the way of their relationship to make it deeper" cos claire still haddn't realised her feelings for rae really (it is a bit odd tho cos claire's cuz also just says she was actuaslly trying to get with rae at one point and i wanna die)
god call me errr junko what ever the fuck her surname is cos that despare vortex has be by the fucking neck
okay back to it. the way. THE WAY in which claire's cousin goes about her fucking plan, her fucking deal is the worse. she flerts with claire infront of rae to deliberatly provoke her into a fight. this dosn't work so she just straight up chalengers rae and almost FUCKING KILLS HER. so i was like "ah shown your true colores now, this was the plan, no one will like you anymore and you'll leave."
rae lost the bet so she had to quit being clair's maid beacvuse thoes there the tems and conditions tehy came up with for the fight in essence.
tells rae that she dosn't really care for clair cos she gave up. rae states that like by law they can't be together and also claire dosn't like her back. manaria (i fucking learned her name for this, are you happy now. it's claire's cuz i didn't know if that was👍🏽errr) talks about how she had a love who she didn't wanna say anything and then ended up hurting her. sounds like weirdly placed moral support considering you caused this to happen and knew rae couldn't win against you in the fight but okay i guess
the thing that manaria did (well "did" cos idk if she was just bullshitting to get them to get back together or, as she states later, just wanted to see rae mad cos she thinks that's cute) is not nothing you lie about if she did lie. AND DEFINATLY NOT SOMETHING TO LIKE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND ON HURTING THE PERSON YOU LOVE. because rae just quit her job. manaria did something incredibly horrific. and i'm moving on cos i don't wanna talk about this part anymore
look another emotional support cat
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ain't he just a darling
that's a good cat right there
you can tell i'm coping hard
yea so erm fuck
ultimatly love wins. rae and claire end up together, yay/ manaria goes home, thank fuck. and all the side characters are happy (that deserve happiness). cool is that the end of the show now. can i go home. they semi set up a season two
ooooh they semi set up a season two
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yea idk man like the first 7 episodes get a 7/10 and idk what the fuck the rest of it gets. it broke my scale
don't wantch it, but like if you want to just watch the first 7 episodes and you have a decent enough ending. don't watch the next time.
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venus-says · 5 years
Round of Randoms #1 - Shorties
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The one with the skeleton, the cat boys, and the card game.
Look who's back!
After a much-needed break to cool off from the Aikatsu marathon, here I again to delight the world with my unnecessary opinions. XD
You may be asking yourself, what is this? Well, I was thinking of what to do to come back to the blog, but still on my break mindset and I didn't want to get back to my regular stuff. So I thought about it and decided to get back to my roots and one of the reasons why I created this blog in the first place and went down on my anime list and see what was there that I could watch and bring to here. I've made a huge list of things, divided them into categories, and I'm planning to watch them in between the regular shows I comment here. I was lazy and pretty much only picked stuff that came out this year, but is still a somewhat diverse range of the usual things I talk about here.
Since I wanted something quick and easy to do at first I went with my "shorties" category that is composed of shows with a run time of 15 minutes or less per episode, and "one-shot" OVAs, in other words, things that I could watch on a single day with not much trouble. These are "reviews" of the entire season so they won't be as detailed, but that was never the point of these to begin with, If there's a show on my list that I have a lot to talk about I'll probably do it on a separate post.
Anyway, let's begin.
Starting off is MYSTERIA Friends (or Manaria Friends in the original). This wasn't a show that was on my list actually, but once I saw that it was only 10 episodes of 15 minutes each and that both Yoko and Nana were voicing characters on this show I was "okay, I need to watch this now". I had no previous knowledge of anything related to this show and I was kinda excited to see what it was about, I don't know what I was expecting from it, but in reality, I got really disappointed.
Like, the show technically is gorgeous, I think that because of the shorter airing time they could pay more attention to the drawing and animation and you get stunned by the visuals. The soundtrack is also pretty decent, there's nothing exceptional aside of maybe the insert song Nana's character sings in one the episodes, but the general background music is pretty effective on putting yourself on that world.
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With that being said, this is probably where the positives end. The show has no plot, which in itself it's not a problem, most of this short shows are episodic anyway and that's one of the charms of this type of anime, but in this case it's a problem because it just seems empty, the show seems to be trying to talk about inter-species relationships, but it actually never touches on that what gives this "empty media" vibe. This ties in with another problem that is the fact that this fantastic, magical setting has no purpose of being there other than aesthetics, I feel that the excuse of going "magic medieval" was we gonna show how this human and this half-demon can get along and bring peace and harmony to this world, but they never touch on the topic and it becomes pretty obvious that they only went with that route because the author has a thing for girl dragons.
Which ties in with my biggest problem, the useless ecchi. Honestly, the amount of ecchi they got to put in such a short amount of time is unbelievable, like, right on the second episode Grea is pain because she's molting, but the scene is shot as like she's having sex and the moans are more like pleasure moans rather than moans of someone who's in pain, and is just so uncomfortable, and to add more into this weirdness Anne steals the shed skin of Grea's tail and in the final episode she's smelling that like those pervs smelling on panties and IT'S SO AWKWARD. This threw me off so much, I think I only got through because the show was very short and I know the suffering would be very low, otherwise I would definitely have dropped it right on episode 2.
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Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san
Honda-san was that show that I had always seen people commenting on and was very interested in watching since the beginning, but I never did because I'm lazy, so when I decided to do this I knew I had to put the show on the list and finally watch it, and that's a decision I definitely don't regret making.
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Honestly, this show is so good. It's not that comedy that will let you laughing your pants off, but it doesn't mean that it ain't funny. It's mentioned in the show that the manga that originated from this anime was written by Honda-san himself about his experiences working on a bookstore, I don't know how truthful the stories are, but is this sense of "damn this really happens irl" that makes everything way much funnier and it is a true joy to watch. The anime isn't ambitious, I don't think it's trying to convey a message or make a commentary or anything, but this doesn't come as a detriment for the show, this anime didn't need any of that and they don't try to make it be about something big. It's just a wholesome show about life that is really comforting, especially if you're an adult that already had some experience with retailing.
What else do I have to say? I love the style, I love the soundtrack, I love the weird situation that happens, and the characters are just amazing, aside of Honda-san I love manager Armor she's lots of fun, and Chief Pestmask (who's VA is, look at that, Hikasa Yoko once again) who doesn't appear a lot, but when she comes she sure leaves an impression on you. This show did crush my fantasies of working on a bookstore someday, but I loved every second of it anyway. XD
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Hey, Your Cat Ears Are Showing! Season 2
So when I heard Hora Mimi was getting a second season, I was both excited and apprehensive. This one of the rare short shows that have an episodic narrative but that has an overall plot to the whole thing, and I was quite satisfied with the ending of season 1, it was sweet and heartwarming as the rest of the series was and I really didn't think a second season was needed, thus I really didn't watch it while it was airing. But this was the perfect opportunity for me to finally watch it.
And this season was a very good surprise, it expanded on what the first season had built and it became three times gayer by giving Dong Dong and Jin Zhu partners, Jin Zhu partner being an Ear People but from another species, which made this season even more fun and cute. The final arc of this season where they established that Da Shu and Miao had met each other before the events of season 1 is probably the only thing I don't like about this sequel because on my eyes it looks silly, but I wouldn't call it a negative that renders the show. Hora Mimi remains a very adorable, heartwarming show that everyone definitely should check it out.
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The Girl From the Other Side
Totsukuni no Shoujo was never on my radar for mangas so I wasn't aware of its existence. A few months back I saw someone reblogging gifs from this OVA on my dash and I got really intrigued by it, the aesthetic was kinda similar to Ancient Magus Bridge but it was darker and it had this antique style to it that made me fall in love instantly.
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Since I don't know the manga, I'm not familiar with the characters and their stories, but even though I was in the dark I could grasp the concept without major difficulties because the characters are very expressive, and the music is very well used on passing to was what is going on with those characters. I thought an anime with no dialogue would be boring, but this OVA was very captivating, not just by its visuals but also by the narrative and the music that got me hooked from beginning to end. I feel like this is a very shallow review of the thing, but I don't think I'm smart enough to elaborate more on what to say about this show.
I'm not familiar with the manga and I don't know how things work there, neither I know if such style could hold up for an entire season, but I definitely wanna see more, and I'll definitely look up the manga if I can make my tablet work again someday.
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Zenonzard THE ANIMATION - Episode 0
And to wrap up we have Zenonzard, which was another show that I wasn't aware of until I decided to do this thing and it's only here because the poster looked cool, and it was officially available on youtube with subs and no region locks so I thought, "why not?"
This is probably the weirdest of the bunch since it's a show based on a card game, and I haven't watched one of these in ages, and it's weird, but I was kinda into it? Like, I don't like that most of the girls in this show have ginormous breasts and this thing of a female coming to an apparently normal boy saying "I choose you" seems that it's going to backfire and will create a huge mess in the future, but as the episode was progressing I was getting more and more into it?
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The plot doesn't seem as good, if they even have a plot. It does a crap job at explaining what this game is and how it works, and also the CG used for the monsters is horrendous. But it got me interested, it had some great music playing and I think this is what caught me the most, even though there's one song, that I believe is sung by Nanase who did voices for Aikatsu, that I feel like it was very misplaced. I also like the futuristic aesthetic, I'm a sucker for these things and I was pleased for the most part of it.
I don't know if this will become a thing, but if they actually release an anime and if they publish it on youtube like what they've done with this ONA/Special/Prequel? I may keep watching it. Which comes to as a surprise to me.
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And this was the first Round of Randoms (provisory name) of this blog. I quite enjoyed doing this thing, I think I'm gonna keep doing it to always have something different and new around here. What did you think of it? Have you watched any of these shows? What are your opinions about it? Is there any show you have to recommend? And what's a good name for this new thing I'm trying to do? Thank you so much for sticking with me until the end, and I'll see you guys at another time.
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Artist: captain yue
Sometimes, main franchises receive spinoffs that are light hearted. We have seen this with Hidan no Aria AA and Hina Logi with the cast mostly female with the yuri turned up to eleven.
Mysteria Friends is one of those spin offs from Cygames’s Rage of Bahamut.  Cygames originally planned to make this spinoff in 2015, but they shelved it until 2018. Yes, it’s that same Cygames that created Granblue Fantasy, which is far more popular gachamobile game than Rage of Bahamut. They also make Uma Musume as well, which received its own anime.
Mysteria Friends focuses on the day of life of two princesses who are attending Mysteria Academy. The academy is where all races who are normally at war with each other come to learn about magic in peace without discrimination. Of course, the students who are also princesses include a human named Anne and Grea, a half-dragon girl. Together they spend their days learning magic while getting to know each other more.
As expected, this show is light-hearted and doesn’t have much action or conflict. Besides that, the mock emergency drill at the academy where they unleashed a bunch of monsters is the only time the viewers see any real action or conflict. Still, it’s funny how Anne ends up destroying more of the academy mostly because a monster dared to attack Grea. Yes, Anne is really talented, but she can’t go without creating a big mess. This is evident when she destroys the library not once, but twice. The first time wasn’t her fault. However, the second was despite her having good intentions to save Grea.
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Yes there are plenty of outfits Anne tried on such as this…
and this…
and this!
Of course, Grea looks great in this dress.
Even so, there are a lot of nice moments between Anne and Grea. I will only share a few that I really liked since there are plenty. Besides Anne stealing Grea’s shredded skin and getting excited over it, there is the cosplaying in the third episode. While Anne’s disguise didn’t work, they went into a shop that Miranda, their teacher secretly runs. She makes clothes or rather, cosplay outfits on her free time. I have to admit that Grea really looked good in the dress that Mirana and Anne forced her to try on.
Of course, Anne and Grea had a lot of fun on a beach in a secret spot.
It’s obvious that Anne is willing to use love potion to get closer with Grea.
Of course, there is more where that came from. Grea teaches Anne how to swim in a secret spot on a beach, which is nice. Of course, you can’t forget Anne trying to slip some love potion into the tea that she made. It’s obvious that Anne loves Grea quite a lot, especially with her desire to sleep over at Grea’s room for one night. She eventually gets that wish granted at the end when the academy approved her request to share a room with Grea in the last episode.
Despite the episodes being only 14 minutes long, the production values are very high with the nice scenery, animation and music. To me, the animation and music fits well with the overall fantasy theme of the story. The characters are also enjoyable. While I don’t care too much about Anne’s bodyguard, thankfully, he doesn’t have much significance outside of protecting Anne.
As expected, Lou is the cutest character in the show.
Overall, Manaria Friends is an enjoyable slice of life with plenty of nice moments with Anne and Grea. If you enjoy yuri genre anime with some slice of life and fantasy thrown in, give it a try.
Manaria Friends – Final Review Sometimes, main franchises receive spinoffs that are light hearted. We have seen this with Hidan no Aria AA…
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Daily Life at Magic Boarding School: Looking Back at MYSTERIA Friends
  January marks the arrival of a new year and a new anime season full of exciting new series to sample, but the more things change, the more they stay the same, and so “Cruising the Crunchy-Catalog” soldiers on with the first entry in the Winter 2019 Rewind, a retrospective that looks back at some of the stand-out titles from this period during the previous year.
  This week we're enrolling in a magic academy for a story that blends a high fantasy setting with some low stakes school romance, an unlikely combination that works surprisingly well. Please join us as we explore MYSTERIA Friends.
    What's MYSTERIA Friends?
  Known as Manaria Friends in Japan, MYSTERIA Friends is a 2019 short form TV anime with direction by Hideki Okamoto and animation production by CygamesPictures. Crunchyroll describes the story of the series as follows:
  Mysteria Academy is a prestigious magic school that teaches magic without discrimination to the three factions (men, gods, demons), who usually are engaged in battle with each other. Two of the academy's students are Anne, a princess and honor student, and Grea, a princess born from a dragon and a human. 
  Inspired by the Mysteria Academy expansion for Cygames' Rage of Bahamut social game, MYSTERIA Friends follows Anne and Grea as they study magic at Mysteria Academy. It's a bit like the Harry Potter series, if Harry Potter were less about world-threatening battles with Voldemort and more about a human girl and a half-dragon awkwardly falling in love.
    A Story That Almost Wasn't
  For an anime that almost didn't make it through production, MYSTERIA Friends is an extremely well-polished product. Originally announced in 2015 as Rage of Bahamut: Manaria Friends, the series was initially going to be directed by Takafumi Hoshikawa and animated by Studio Hibari with a premiere set for April of 2016, but this version was canceled unexpectedly in March of 2016 as a result of “various circumstances.”
  In October of 2018, MYSTERIA Friends was resurrected with a new name and a new production crew, ultimately debuting on Japanese TV (and Crunchyroll) in January of 2019. Such a rocky start usually spells disaster for a production, but MYSTERIA Friends made it over these hurdles with its sense of humor and strong visual aesthetic intact.
    The Tale of a Tail
  MYSTERIA Friends has strong production values, and one area where this is especially evident is in its character animation. Grea in particular with her horns, wings, and scaly tail presents some unique challenges for the animators, challenges which they handle with a surprising attention to detail. As the show progresses, Grea's tail becomes an indicator not only of her overall mood, but also a symbol for her sense of self-consciousness about her body.
  Clothing can also be a tricky thing to animate, especially when it becomes damaged in battle, but MYSTERIA Friends goes that extra mile, maintaining continuity even when Anne and Grea's uniforms get torn up during moments of high adventure. The series has some fan-service and some exploitative camera angles, but torn clothing is played less for titillation and more as an indication of how tough learning magic can be.
    High Concept, Low Stakes
  Despite the elaborate setting and the occasional clash with elementals, golems, and other magically-summoned entities, MYSTERIA Friends is a very low-key show. It focuses heavily on the burgeoning relationship between Anne and Grea, and the largest conflicts in the series result when the two of them aren't getting along for any number of petty reasons.
  Don't go into the series expecting epic quests or world-shaking wizard duels, because the baseline activities are only as dramatic as school plays, library shenanigans, and piano duets, and hurt feelings, embarrassed blushes, and longing glances are about as emotionally intense as it gets.
    How to Train Your Dragonborn
  Crunchyroll currently streams MYSTERIA Friends in 205 territories worldwide, and the series is available in the original Japanese language with subtitles in English, Spanish, Latin American Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Italian, German, and Russian. MYSTERIA Friends will also be released on Bluray in the U.S. by Sentai Filmworks on March 10, 2020, and the home video version also includes an English dub.
  Part yuri romance, part fantasy adventure, part everyday school comedy, MYSTERIA Friends is easily digestible light entertainment with a laid-back pace that is punctuated by bursts of slapstick humor. If such a unique mix of influences is likely to cast its spell on you, and if the series is available in your area, then please consider giving MYSTERIA Friends a try.
    Thanks for joining us for the first entry in the Winter 2019 Rewind by “Cruising the Crunchy-Catalog”. Be sure to tune in next time when we explore a story about taking on a housemate of the feline persuasion. Look forward to it!
  Is there a series in Crunchyroll's catalog that you think needs some more love and attention? Please send in your suggestions via e-mail to [email protected] or post a Tweet to @gooberzilla. Your pick could inspire the next installment of “Cruising the Crunchy-Catalog”!
Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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