#ive also drawn the next big drawing but ill hold onto that for now thank you very much :3
ickmick · 1 month
hey guys whaddya know i drew the silly some more (as mentioned at the end of this long thread as i relisten to the series)
post worms/start of s2 design lets go 🎉
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decided its in a small half ponytail now bc i can (buns are hard to draw yall...) but there's a fee more sketches under the cut so :3
shameless link to my jonmartin drawing
i also posted these drawings to twitter yesterday
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me? putting an obvious eye detail because i cant help it? nnnooo.... (yes)
also excuse my photo taking skills im still working out the settings on my camera and what cropping is best so erm...
itll probably forever be my curse that i can crunch out traditional drawings but then not be able to photograph them, meanwhile i cant manage to finish up digital stuff that doesnt need photos to be taken 😭 /hj
anyways! he looks so very tired and its extremely fun to draw LOL hes a deranged little wet cat fr <3
i uhhh actually dont have much to say this time around so thats... thats all hshsjsjs bye
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snowbellewells · 5 years
CSRomCom18: While You Were Sleeping // Part Eight
Sheesh, I am so sorry it has taken this long to get the last installment of this fic to you guys!  I hope if you’re still reading, you’ll enjoy the happy conclusion (and the nods to the original movie, which I adore, along with those to Captain Swan and their relationship).  Thanks so much for reading this little movie AU.  I’d love to hear what you think!
Part Eight
by: @snowbellewells  (Also on AO3 with the same username and on ff.net as TutorGirlml)
Looking back on the next few days from the settled perspective of years later, Killian Jones was still never quite able to pinpoint when exactly things snowballed so quickly out of control. Doubtless, once his mother and grandmother learned Liam was awake and eager to reacquaint himself with the fiancé they had already fallen in love with and welcomed into the family fold, their enthusiasm swept things along at rather inevitable speed. Where he expected Emma to balk at being swept up in his family’s wake, or for Liam’s missing chunks of memory to return and remind him that he barely knew this woman everyone claimed he loved, neither did any such thing. If occasionally he caught Emma’s eye across a room full of fabric samples and bridal magazines, and wished to tell her that she could still call the whole thing off over the babble of his family debating chicken or fish at the reception dinner, he also bit back the protest at the look within her dazzling green ones. Yes, she appeared a bit overwhelmed, but it was more a pleading sort of fear if he read it correctly. She seemed to be begging him to continue keeping their secret, to help her spare these people they both loved pain, and not to toss her out in the world alone once more.
He could kick himself now. Had he realized sooner what he truly felt and how strong it was, he would have told her he was the Jones brother falling in love with every little quirk she possessed - from the way she snorted with laughter to the way she raptly listened to his gran’s stories no matter how long they stretched, or the way she could debate comic book minutiae with Nick to a true nerdish degree that clearly thrilled his younger sibling. This farce he’d drawn she and Liam into - no matter how well-meant his original intentions - was strangling them now, and it hadn’t  even been necessary. He hated to contemplate the anguished fallout for everyone if Liam did someday regain the rest of his memories - or the feelings Killian had always believed his elder brother still harbored for his first love.
Bloody prat that he was, he’d made a right muddle of things in his attempts to do right by all concerned. He accepted the fact that he had brought heartbreak on himself, but that he might have trapped Emma and Liam into a marriage that might never grow into love as he had first thought it could? That was unbearable. And the idea that Emma would bear the weight of anger and recrimination if the charade fell apart was also nearly more that he could stand. Yet, still Killian held back - no longer sure how to proceed and almost certain it was much too late to come clean. The damage had already been done.
Somehow, in a string of events quite beyond her comprehension, Emma knew that she was in this whole wedding farce well over her head, and with no way to swim back to the surface. All that time ago, when she’d jumped onto the rails and saved Liam Jones’ life, she had believed herself in love with him… or, at least the idea of him as he had appeared from afar. In all actuality, now that she had gotten to know him a bit beyond casual hellos and goodbyes in passing, he was every bit the pleasant and engaging gentleman she had supposed he would be, if a bit predictable and excessively proper at times.
For someone who really hadn’t even known her name or anything about her, he had been the model fiancé since waking up and being told she was his intended bride. The trouble was with Emma’s own disloyal heart - and of course, her uneasy conscience. She couldn’t escape the harsh truth that deep down she was deceiving Liam, that someday it would all come out, and he and his whole family would hate her for the hurt and unhappiness she could have prevented simply by being honest with them.
It wasn’t only that either. The other niggling reality which wouldn’t let her alone was that she knew now she didn’t truly love Liam Jones. Oh, he was still every bit as handsome as she had ever thought him; just as desirable and accomplished and successful - a true catch in every way but one. He wasn’t it for her. She couldn’t have known it when this whole fiasco began, but the Jones man she had longed for from afar was not the one who made her heart pound and her cheeks heat. He wasn’t the one who had shared his secret hopes and fears with her or come to know and understand her as she rarely allowed anyone to do. That was all Killian - and she had made it well nigh impossible for the younger Jones to love her in return.
Now, here she was in a side hall off the hospital chapel, wearing a ridiculously lacy confection of a white dress, about to marry the wrong man and quite possibly wreck both their lives because she couldn’t bear to stop being a part of something - a family - that she had never been allowed to experience before. Blowing out a short breath, Emma shook her clammy hands and tried to steel herself for the ceremony ahead. It suddenly seemed as if she couldn’t go forward or back, she was merely frozen where she stood with no right way out.
At that moment, David Jones, Liam and Killian’s father, appeared in the doorway that led through to the front of the small chapel, offering her a warm, comforting smile as he came to stand before her. He was happily standing to give her away (and gain her as one of his own at the same time), and he reached out to grip her upper arms bracingly as he faced her in the narrow hall, a calmly affectionate look on his face - just the sort of look Emma had always imagined a father of her own wearing when she had made him proud. ‘If he only knew the truth, he’d be anything but…’  her inner voice whispered unkindly, and Emma felt confession bubbling up her throat, just barely managing to clench her teeth and bite back the words that would make that accepting warmth on the older man’s face go cold. This was exactly how she had gotten into this mess. These people had given her the chance to know what a real family felt like, and she couldn’t give it up - no matter what kind of a liar it made her.
“Ready for the big moment?” David asked gently, his motions soothing as he first enveloped her in a hug, then straightened and offered her his arm to lead her down the aisle.
Emma merely nodded wordlessly, her mouth unbearably dry all of a sudden, and she found that her hand was trembling as she looped it through David’s crooked elbow. She could only hope he would chalk it up to normal wedding jitters rather than her emotions going haywire or her guilty conscience.
As if she didn’t already feel badly enough for all her repeated falsehoods, just as they reached the double doors that lead into the chapel down its center aisle, the Jones family patriarch leaned in to murmur softly, but with heartfelt sincerity, “I’m glad to have you joining our family.”
Drawing in a tight breath, Emma smiled, actually wanting little more than to be one of them as well. However, she also swayed on her feet slightly, wishing it weren’t with these sorts of strings and deceptions attached. Somehow it seemed she barely blinked and they had slipped through the entryway arm-in-arm and they were halfway down the aisle, an off-duty reception nurse Nick had enthusiastically enlisted playing the Wedding March on the organ in the corner to accompany their steps.
This was her wedding! And yet, Emma felt herself breaking out in a cold sweat, wishing there were some way she could pause, even for a moment, to bring things back under control. As they neared the altar at the end of the aisle, the spot for once witnessing a happy occasion instead of pleading, broken family of the critically ill and injured, Emma’s gaze landed on Liam, standing tall despite still having an IV pole next to him, fluids still feeding into his right arm. He, or someone in his overzealous family, had attempted to tame and slick back his normally riotous curls, and he offered her a hesitant but hopeful, genuine smile as she came to stand beside him, offering her his large and steady hand.
She placed her fingers in his grasp, hoping he would also forgive the trembling he must feel just as his father had. Biting her lower lip, Emma offered a tentative smile in return. The prospect of marrying this steady, caring man - one whom she had blatantly admired for some time - shouldn’t be filling her with hesitation and dread, and seeing his willingness to stand up with her, even not knowing how they had come to be together, nearly made her resolve to carry this whole thing through.
And then her eyes caught Killian’s over his brother’s shoulder where he stood as best man. The enthralling blue she’d grown used to glimpsing, gazing into her soul, was muted and pained, even as he too offered her a crooked smile. Clearly, he was doing his best to step out of the way, to help her keep her secret and to support his brother’s happiness, and so he said nothing. Yet Emma had come to know him well enough now to understand he had all the same doubts she was holding in, and unless she was only reading what she wished to see, a measure of the same pain and regret she wasn’t going to be able to ignore.
Standing there one moment longer, Emma let her eyes trace over Killian’s features once more before moving to Liam, David, and the faces of the rest of the Jones clan seated to her left. If she was about to ruin everything, she wanted to be sure to fix in her mind everyone she would be giving up, the family she could have had. Then she drew in a breath, squared her shoulders and faced her groom to finally admit the truth.
“Wait, please…” she interrupted, halting the music and drawing the rapt attention of everyone in the room. “There’s something I need to tell you...all of you.” She forced herself to meet Liam’s eyes steadily - he deserved that much from her - but gestured to the rest of his family around her.
Liam, for his his part, nodded kindly, indicating she should go ahead and that he was listening. Emma swallowed hard, trying to tell herself he wasn’t about to hate her. “I’m not who you think I am. I mean, I am Emma Swan, and I did save your life after you were mugged, but ...we were never engaged. One of the nurses misunderstood the situation when you were brought in. I only wanted to know that you’d be alright - but then everyone believed I was your fiancé before I could correct them. And then I met you - all of you - “ she glanced at Ruth, Margaret, Nick, and David. “You welcomed me into your home, made me a part of your family, and I - I just fell in love. I didn’t want to let you go.”
She ended with her eyes on David, a father figure like she’d never known before, and he had a near-comical look of stunned confusion on his face. “With me?” he repeated densely, trying to catch up and absorb all she had just told them.
A rather undignified snort escaped her - half laugh, half sob - as her eyes fell to her feet. Shaking her head, Emma raised her face once more to answer him. “Well, your entire family…. A-and your son.”
David Jones nodded, still not quite grasping her meaning, or the real problem. “Well, yes, obviously. Isn’t that why we’re here?”
With a teary smile, Emma had to shake her head ‘no’ once more. Gesturing around Liam’s solid form toward Killian, she clarified, “Not that son...that one.”
She heard gasps from their assorted audience, even as Killian took a step forward, eyes sparkling mischievously and one corner of his mouth tilting upwards with more confidence. “Killian, what did you do?” she heard his mother admonish, scandalized. Emma’s eyes met Killian’s despite the chaos quickly growing around them, and it was all either of them could do not to burst out laughing.
Even as the others began to stand and press forward, all asking questions and talking at once, Emma forced herself to turn back to face the older Jones brother, truly sorry if she had hurt him and needing him to understand that she had never intended any of this. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, under the hubbub rising in the room.
To her relief, Liam merely nodded in quiet understanding and stepped to the side, allowing Killian to move just a bit closer. The elder brother went to his gran, who looked to be swaying on her feet a bit stunned, and was clinging to Nick’s arm tightly. Emma bit her lip, relieved and desperately anxious to speak to Killian, hoping against hope that maybe all was not lost, only to have his mother accost him just before he could reach her.
Their eye contact broken, Emma’s heart fluttered anxiously in her chest, all her fear and self-doubt welling up once more. The room seemed to be closing in as questions flew and the ludicrous nature of what she’d done settled upon her. She needed to get out of there before she did anymore damage. Honestly, her decisions so far had caused Killian’s whole family enough stress and difficulty; hanging around hoping that they would let her back in after this was more than Emma felt she deserved.
In the midst of the clamor, there was suddenly a loud thump as the doors at the end of the aisle swung open again and hit the wall with the force. The sound of quick, determined footsteps charged down the aisle toward them. The small crowd of guests and family hurriedly parted to reveal a tiny spitfire of a brunette, hands on her slim hips and eyes crackling ferociously. Her petite frame was heightened by sky-high gold heels and a short, pleated skirt, but Emma sensed immediately that despite her deceptively fragile appearance, the woman was not one to be trifled with.
“Liam Jones!” the brunette demanded sharply, her voice causing the man in question to pull himself up straight as if snapping to attention. From the moment she had appeared, this woman had arrested Liam’s gaze completely, but now he was breathlessly focused on her awaiting her next words like air to breathe. “What is going on here?!?” she continued, her tone harsh with indignation, but a tremulous quaver almost lost beneath that made Emma wonder if this newcomer’s true prevailing emotion were not hurt more than anger. “You - you proposed to me!”
Liam’s mouth fell open for a moment, aghast, and even as he was floundering for words, he stepped forward to reach her saying, “Belle, let me explain…”  The room’s other occupants erupted in movement and exclamations once more.
Emma saw a break in the people nearest her and a clear path to the door. The woman, whom she now knew to be the elder Jones’ aforementioned first love, was her deciding sign. She had done more than enough to disrupt their lives, and the best thing she could do for the Jones family now was to get out of the way. Before Killian or anyone else could reach her to question her or try to convince her otherwise, Emma slipped out of the chapel, swiping uselessly at the tears that were already streaming down her face.
One week later…
Emma Swan was once more at her post in the Riverside terminal, listlessly checking tokens in a monotonous routine that she didn’t dare upset. The excitement that had broken her usual days had nearly undone her, and she would be better off simply doing her job, going home to Tink, some hot cocoa and Law & Order reruns, and leaving well enough alone.
Yet, despite her best intentions, Emma couldn’t help wondering how all of the Jones clan were doing. Had their gran recovered from the shock? Did David, Margaret and Nick hate her for her false pretense? And even more important, what had happened with Liam and Belle? Had the other woman understood what occurred? In truth, did Liam even understand himself how the convoluted sequence of events had led to her being his mistaken fiancé? Above all of these concerns however, the worry that truly pressed on her mind, pained her heart, and wouldn’t even allow her a peaceful night’s sleep was her concern for Killian. Did his family know he had kept her secret? Did they blame him for it? Did he, now that he’d had time to think? Initially, Emma had clung to the faint hope that Killian might still want to see her, might come to her apartment and find her again. She had thought there was something between them on the verge of acknowledgement when she didn’t go through with the wedding. But, as two days became three, then four, then five, she had resigned herself to the fact that she must have been wrong.
Reaching out to take the next commuter pass, Emma didn’t even look up to see the waiting passenger’s face. “Go on through,” she directed, beckoning  with a wave of the hand.
“Actually, Love,” a warm and familiarly accented voice addressed her clearly, “I’d prefer to remain with you, if you don’t mind.”
Emma’s eyes shot up in stunned realization to meet the brilliant blues of Killian Jones, sparkling playfully as he gazed back at her, wide grin stretching across his face with glee.
Seeing that he now had her full attention, Killian cocked his head to the side, playfully waggling his dark brows at her as he asked, “Well, Swan, did you miss me?”
Even as a loud bubble of laughter escaped her, a haze of unshed tears swam before her vision as she nodded vigorously, completely at a loss for words. It was as though she had dreamed him there before her and she couldn’t make herself believe he was real.
When Emma still didn’t give an audible reply, a chorus of voices began to chime in, causing her to realize they weren’t alone.
“Come now, Killian, don’t tease the poor girl,” Ruth’s gentle voice chided to his left.
“Yeah, let’s do this already!” came Nick’s impatiently excited addition. “Show Emma what you brought.”
“Aye, brother.”  Emma spared a glance just over Killian’s right shoulder to where Liam stood, the brunette from their near-wedding cuddled to his side and now smiling at her genially. “After all, if you’re afraid to go after what you want, you deserve what you get!” His words were obviously meant in jest, though she could see Killian straightening his shoulders as if galvanized into action, but Liam only gave her a small, forgiving smile and winked, letting her know things were well between the two of them.
She saw now that Killian’s entire family was with him, flanking him in support. And not one of them looked anything less than pleased. None seemed to be harboring her a bit of ill will, and a fear than had been weighing on her almost constantly slipped off her shoulders at the sight. Margaret Jones even had tears of sincere joy twinkling in her eyes right along with Emma as she nodded to  acknowledge the younger woman’s glance with a friendly smile.
“You - you’re all...here…” Emma stumbled to get out, flabbergasted with surprise and gratitude, and simply happy to see them all again.
“Of course we are, Swan,” Killian murmured, leaning in closer to the window that separated them, words meant for her alone. “However, I would like to come in there with you now. I’ve a question for you that requires at least a bit of privacy.”
Her wits finally restored enough to play with him a little in return, Emma smirked before shaking her head in mock regret. ‘It’s not allowed, sorry. You don’t have enough tokens.”
Killian gave a short nod, grin recognizing what she was doing and happily calling her bluff. Reaching into his pocket, he removed his hand, fisted around something Emma couldn’t yet see, and slipped it into the same slot where he had placed his token before. Letting his mischievous eyes glimmer at her in a way that couldn’t fail to take her in, Killian ran his tongue along his full lower lip, knowing Emma’s eyes were following the motion, and asked, “What about this? Will it do?”
To her astonishment, Emma looked down after hearing a tinkling metallic sound to find that Killian had dropped, not another few tokens as she had assumed, but an engagement ring, unmistakable in its beauty and meaning.
“Now will you let me in?” he asked more seriously, as she meet his eyes while blinking back tears, already nodding ‘yes’ vehemently and depressing the button which would allow him through into the small kiosk with her.
As soon as she was within his reach, Killian swept her up into his arms, and Emma wrapped hers around his neck, kissing him back and laughing for sheer joy as he rained kisses across her cheeks. “Can’t believe I nearly let you get away,” he whispered against her skin.
Emma offered him the most brilliant smile she could manage. “I’m so glad you didn’t,” was all she could really say in response.
Liam asked her once when it was that she had fallen in love with Killian instead, and she’d answered him simply and honestly. Shrugging her shoulders, she replied, “That’s easy. It was while you were sleeping.”
Tagging: @searchingwardrobes @hollyethecurious @laschatzi @whimsicallyenchantedrose @kmomof4 @jennjenn615 @revanmeetra87 @teamhook @branlovestowrite @therooksshiningknight @aloha-4-ever @linda8084 @vvbooklady1256 @bmbbcs4evr @the-captains-ayebrows @winterbaby89 @spartanguard @nikkiemms @cinnamonduckling @capswantrue @flslp87 @ultraluckycatnd @gingerchangeling @blackwidownat2814
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multiplefandomfics · 5 years
Grimes sisters chapter 15
and as promised ther is the next one. enjoy!
Pairings: Shane x Fabienne; Daryl x Alex
Words: 2329
Warnings: drama, fighting, death, fleeing, almost death
Fabienne POV
I woke up bathed in sweat and every muscle ached. And my head felt like it was gonna explode. Then I started to cough profusely which woke Shane up. “Hey sweetheart, you okay?” he looked at me worriedly and tried to find out what was wrong in the dark. When he touched my forehead he scrunched up his eyebrows “You’re burning up.” he leaned down and lit the candle on the floor. That gave him the opportunity to see the sweat beads on my face and it set him in motion “I’m gonna get Hershel. Sit tight.” I could hear Alex coughing in her cell, where she was sleeping with Daryl, as well. My eyes drifted shut again. I felt so exhausted. A cool hand on my forehead woke me again and when I opened my eyes slowly I looked into Hershel’s trustworthy ones.”She’s got a fever. Probably some kind of the flu.” I could hear him but I didn’t register much of what he said. At some point I heard Shane curse and then Hershel’s voice “I can’t give them these antibiotics. They’re no good here. They need a lot of fluids and rest.” next I felt some cold, wet washcloths on my forehead which made me jerk a little. “What’s going on with Alex? She okay?” I asked because I was sure I had heard her cough as well. To my annoyance no one was answering me but I was too exhausted to ask again. Then I fell back into some cough fit holding my had in front of my mouth. When I took it away I noticed that it was bloody shocked and tired I let myself fall back into the cushions. Shane had prepared some tea for me and was feeding it to me sip by sip. Unfortunately I felt worse every hour.
Daryl POV
Alex had been tossing and turning all night long and then she started coughing. I was really worried. Fabienne seemed to have the same illness. It didn’t matter what we did they only got worse. The problem was we didn’t have the right antibiotics so tea had to do for now. I couldn’t lose anyone else especially not her. Even something as normal as a cold could kill someone nowadays and that scared the shit out of me. A world full of flesh eating walkers and people got knocked out by a cold. Unbelievable!
“How is she?” Rick stood in the door to our cell. “Not good.” I didn’t even take my eyes off her. Suddenly I remembered that Hershel had recently told us about a medical college only about 50 miles from the prison that probably no one had raided so far because no one had thought about the meds there. Immediately after that thought had hit me I ran downstairs to talk to Shane. He was as worried about the girls as I was. “Hey Shane. Remember Hershel told us ‘bout that college not too far from here. Maybe we can get something useful there.” Shane thought about it for a second before agreeing that that was our only shot. Hershel took a map and marked the spot where the university was. “Than let’s pack up what we need and let’s go.” Shane was already running towards his cell while talking. Rick walked over to me “You wanna go out there all by yourself?” but before he could add anything else I interrupted him “You need to look after the others and get Judith, Carl and the others out of here before they catch it too.” I could see in is eyes that he wasn’t happy with that plan but he agreed in the end.
Short time later and Shane and I are driving toward the university. Nervously I bit on my lower lip thinking about Alex and Fabienne. I just hoped it wasn’t gonna get worse until we got back. The streets were almost empty except for the occasional walker here and there and after about two hours we had finally made it. To our dismay it was full of walkers so we had to carefully find our way around. At the back of the building I spotted a back entrance and whistled so Shane could catch up. The building was big so there were quite a few biters in the halls we had to fight through until we reached a supply room. Hershel had given us a some kind of a shopping list but we always had to read twice because we had no medical experience so it took us quite some time to find everything in that closet. In the end we found most of it including pain meds and antibiotics. While I was searching for the right drugs Shane had found some IV bags, tubes and syringes. “Let’s go to another room. Maybe we’ll find more.” he suggested and we went on. After we had raided all the rooms on that floor we had successfully found almost everything from the list. The only problem was that getting in had been much easier than getting out unnoticed was gonna be. We had attracted a big herd of the undead that had gathered on the corridors and outside. One thing was for sure, we couldn’t kill them all by ourselves. Together we holed up in some room but there wasn’t much time to waste. We needed to bring the meds back to Alex and Fabi as fast as possible.
Shane POV
Daryl presented me with the idea that he wanted to draw them in the other direction so I could slip out with the bags. He himself wanted to flee through a window from another room. “Your foot is still healing so I’m faster,” he declared and was probably right. My foot was definitely getting better but it still wasn’t fully healed. Daryl just slipped through the door and while he walked through the halls I heard him yell out. I could hear the walkers passing by my door and when I was sure that they were all gone and Daryl’s voice had gone silent I opened the door and went through. Daryl had done a really good job I got out with only killing one of the strays. I threw everything into the back of the car and drove around the building. When I arrived there I already saw Daryl climb out of the window so I hurried to help him out but at the last second a biter grabbed his leg so I had to draw my gun and shoot that son of a bitch. When we had finally arrived inside the car we could breath through a second before the walkers outside, that had been drawn to us because of the gun shot, came too close. “You good?” I asked Daryl and he nodded so I hit the accelerator. The fear that the girls wouldn’t have made it was enormous so I got as fast as I could.
Rick POV
Hershel took good care of my sisters but the fever got still higher and they spat blood while coughing. The fear in my heart was unbearable anymore but I had to stay strong for everyone. Daryl and Shane had already been gone for 6 hours and we were hoping to have them back every minute. Worriedly I looked over to Hershel “How long do they have?” “if the fever keeps rising two hours maybe a bit more.” he assessed. Nervously I drove my hands through my hair and prayed it wasn’t gonna take that long anymore. Suddenly the door jumped open and the heroes came storming in. They immediately laid down the items they had found and Hershel went to work. Shane and Daryl went to look for their girlfriends. “Give me a hand here son would ya?” Hershel spoke to me and pushed an IV bag into my hands. I sat down next to Alex and held onto the bag.
During the past hours Carol had also fallen ill and Hershel gave her the drugs as well. Then we had to wait. The fever was gonna go down as Hershel informed us. Daryl crouched down next to me and looked to Alex. “Thank you.” I whispered to him he only took wordlessly the bag out of my hands and took a seat on the small bed. I thanked him again and went looking after Fabienne. There Shane is also holding an IV bag and is dabbing at her sweaty forehead. Then I ventured further to see if Hershel needed some more help.
The next morning came around quickly. Daryl and Shane hadn’t closed and eye that night, keeping watch over my sisters. The fear that they could have taken ill as well was definitely there and I too had tried to stay away from Carl and Judith. The ones with the weakest immune-system. Fortunately no one else showed any symptoms then. When I stopped by Fabienne’s cell Hershel was just monitoring her lungs “She already sounds much better but it’ll still take a while until she’s fully back on track.” he talked to Shane and then noticed that I was also standing in the cell. Slowly Fabienne opened her eyes sleepily “Hand in there Darling you’re gonna be just fine.” Shane kissed her knuckles though she was still too exhausted to say anything. I watched the scene closely and I had never seen my old partner that worried but relieved at the same time.
Alex was healing as well. She also had her eyes open now and again and could even drink some sips of tea on her own.
It had been well over a week since my sisters and Carol had fallen ill to some harsh form of a cold but they were almost completely fine again. Walking long distances wouldn’t have been possible then but that would come in time.
Our sick trio was just sitting outside in the yard drinking tea and talking. “Hey you three?” I greeted and sat down next to them. It’s more than beautiful to see them all laugh together and not being afraid every minute of the day that someone could die. We could feel lucky that not more of us had caught it.
Suddenly we heard aloud blast and felt the earth quake. What in hell was that? “You go I inside and stay there!” I ordered my sisters. What I saw outside at the gate was more than bad. It was the governor we hadn’t seen in months with a small troop of people and a damn tank. Shit! I ran down over the yard. “What do you want from us?” I yelled toward him. “We want your prison seems nice enough. And that goes without saying that we also want you gone! If you offer resistance we will take you down one by one!” he just demanded. “I’m sure we can find some other way. There is space enough in here we will never have to see each other.” I tried to reason with him. But he only had this terribly slimy smile on his face that I would have loved to wipe off of him. “We, live with you? Never in hell! We want it all and you gone or dead! You have 10 seconds to decide.” he waited a bit and when nothing came he yelled “Fire!” and another cannon ball flew threw our perfect home. I saw that there was no point in arguing so I ran back toward the other who gave me cover. Daryl had already handed out our guns and I could hear the tank rolling over our fence coming closer. I knew we couldn’t win here. Not against a tank but we were damn well trying. The governor had come after me by foot and when he was close I ripped him down to the floor rolling around and hitting his face over and over. But he also stroke some blows to my face and body but I wasn’t gonna stop. Until I felt the barrel of a gun pressed to my head and heard a voice “It’s over Rick.” it was Merle. He was even fighting his own brother. I closed my eyes and waited for the shot but when I heard it ringing it wasn’t me that got hit. Merle had fallen down next to me with a shot wound right between he eyes. When I looked up I saw Daryl still aiming. He had shot his own brother to save me and I couldn’t describe how much that meant to me. I knew it must have been hard for him. I gave the governor one last hard blow to the head which knocked him out and got up. He was still breathing and when Michonne came to give me a hand she noticed and stabbed him herself. “Come on Rick. We gotta go!” she animated me. The prison had already been shot to pieces as we ran toward it to get the others. Then I saw Daryl running in front of the tank. The hell was he doing there? Suddenly the tank exploded. He had thrown a hand grenade into the barrel. The noise had attracted a lot of the biter which could now easily access the prison grounds so we had to get out of there. We ran inside but no one was there anymore. I looked around hectically until Carl rounded the corner with Judith in his arms. “Come on dad we gotta go!” he screamed. But where were my sisters and the others? “They’re gonna be fine Rick. Let’s go!” Michonne yelled again. Daryl was gone as well but him and Shane had probably taken care of the rest. With tears in my eyes we fled the only place we had called home in seemingly forever….
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