#jojos bizarre advanture fic
booty-lati · 3 years
i’m wondering if you can do a one shot on caesar’s fem! s/o who’s a professional ballet dancer! he’s so proud of her for accomplishing her dreams! but he is a bit worried for her since she overworks herself. and she unfortunately works herself to much and severely injures herself during a performance and suddenly thinks she won’t be able to dance anymore. i just thought this’d be a bit fluff/angst!
love your writing!! <33
I'm glad to hear that you enjoy my writing! Sorry I took so long to make your request jsndnd 😭
Caesar Zeppeli x Fem! (S/o)
Get Well Soon, My Sweet Love!
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"(S/o)! Answer me!"
She finds herself in a deep, slumbering darkness. Her Italian boyfriend at her side as his hands clasped and intertwined with hers in tears. Joseph puts his hand on his shoulder.
"Oh god, d'ya she'll be okay?"
"I-I don't know, the nurse hasn't said anything yet." Caesar responded, his voice dripping with worry and concern as he never turned his face away from his (s/o). 'Sigh, why does she keep overworking herself?' He placed his head on hers, squeezing his eyes shut.
Knock-knock. The nurse comes into the room holding a clipboard. Just when she opened her mouth to say something, Joseph cut her off as he sprinted towards her.
"Sir, I'm going to have to escort you outside if you cannot control the loudness of your voice. Please calm down and stop shaking my shoulders." She says to Joseph sternly as she turns to look at Caesar. "Ms. (l/n) will be okay, but it'll take a bit longer for her to be back on her feet due to her current condition. In addition to her state of head trauma she'll be staying here for most likely a month and a half." Caesar's eyes began to glisten again and he felt like he was going to break down any second, but he kept it all in by masking himself with a serious look on his face.
"How long can I stay with her?" He mumbles, finally breaking the heavy silence.
"Our visiting hours are from 9:30am to 10:30pm, but I'll be stopping by from time to time to give her daily needs and treatment. Otherwise you have about half an hour before I need to change her IV bag." The nurse reminds him while dragging the Joestar that was still babbling outside the room. Caesar sharply inhales as he massages his temples.
"Sigh, amore..I know that you enjoy dancing, but you continue to overwork yourself even after many, many times I've told you that it's okay to take a break. Please, if there's something that's been bothering you I'm always at your side and ready to listen to how you've been feeling.." He speaks out as his voice trembles, his adam's apple swallowing his worry and sorrow. "I love you so-so much, I love the way that you dance, I love that you're devoted to your passion, but you're so careless about yourself that you constantly come home exhausted. It pains for me to see you like this, it hurts my heart.." He squeezes her hand tightly in his as he kisses her cheek, gently caressing it with other hand. Suddenly, the doorknob clicks and the door opens; the nurse has returned.
"Time's up, you'll be able to see her again tomorrow Mr. Zeppeli." She says while holding the door for him. Caesar gives one final kiss on his lover's lips as he cracks a small smile when he felt his (s/o)'s hand twitch.
"I'll be back bella." He softly whispers in her ear as he made his way to leave the room. From that day forward, Caesar continued to visit her every single day.
~WoO- hOo, time skip 😳~
At first, her sight was pitch black.
But then she slowly fluttered her eyes open.
Where are those soft mumbles coming from--oh, it's just Joseph yelling--wait, WHAT?
"Will you shut up you elephant!? You'll hurt her ears-"
"Mmm.. what's with all the ruckus?" (S/o) said as she yawned.
"(S/O!)" Caesar roughly pushes away from Joseph as he lovingly hugs her, leaving Joseph pouting with his butt on the floor from the earlier impact.
"How long was I asleep?" She asks Caesar while cocking her head to the side.
"About a month cara. You'll be able to get out of the hospital today but the doctor said that you'll be needing crutches so you can walk properly until your legs completely heal." Caesar's response earned a sad look on her face.
"Sigh, I don't think I'll ever be able to dance anymore.. I probably won't ever be as good as I used to be. I need to work harder-" She was cut off by a peck on the lips from her boyfriend.
"(S/o), don't you ever say that you're not good enough of a dancer, because I know that you're my most precious ballerina of all. I understand that you need to practice, but you don't have to pressure yourself until the point where you're about to faint. It's okay to have a break now and then dolcezza." Caesar says to her, inches away from her face.
"Caesar.." (S/o)'s cheeks were dusted with a rosy pink, her eyes widening as she saw his mouth curl in to a cat-like grin. "What are you-ah!" Her neck and face were peppered with kisses, causing laughter emitting from the two of them. It also made Joseph gag.
"Promise me you won't overwork yourself?" Caesar's face contorts into a serious look. (S/o) smiles at him in return.
"Okay, I wont~" Caesar softens as he plants another kiss on her, squeaking in the process.
"Ti amo amore."
"Ti amo anch'io bello."
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