princeluckybug13 · 3 years
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@greendreamer​ @jovialnickelclamparty​
(thank you btw I am doing pretty well :) )
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Henry x Gordon
I’m not gonna say I outright hate this pairing, but it is something I just got real tired of. Yeah, it’s partially because I used to see it literally everywhere, but it’s also cause of the people who argue over it.
It’s definitely calmed down since I’ve been in this fandom, but it was very common to see people just going at it over whether or not Gordon and Henry were technically related. Like holy shit it was a mess. I understand clearing up things to avoid familial relationships, but good grief did they go overboard.
Needless to say my like for the pairing is pretty low. I mean, people probably do still argue over it, but I personally don’t see it and I certainly don’t care.
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
how about C2 and What for Gordon?? hope you’re having a great day xo
I’m doing pretty good thank you :) hope you are good as well!
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Gordon is probably fine...right?
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
how about Skarloey x Millie x Sir Handel?
It started with my late night thoughts (as do a lot of my ideas do lol). It was mostly just a passing thought that wouldn’t go away. Now it’s taken over my brain.
This ship has become my ot3 and one of my top three ships. I love the dynamic they bring (a mildly chaotic but cozy one).
I just love the idea of their happy little family, and Skarloey finally getting over himself (of which Rheneas is very relieved). It fills me with a cozy feeling :3
It saddens me to think how long it took them to get together and how long it took to discover this beauty, even if I have no one to blame but myself.
There isn’t enough fics about them, and I really need to get on that (once this writer’s block stops kicking my ass).
Anything soft and fluffy, and I will gladly read it a thousand times :3
If I had to ship them with others….I’m not sure about Millie, Handel I could see with Freddie (definitely in high school lol), and Skarloey….there are many ships I love that he’s in (D10, Edward, and Duncan being a few).
A happy ending I’d want for them is getting married raising Luke (and their little baby~ >;3), and growing old together~
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
So would you say Skarloey is protective of his partners? Or does he just hate people being careless and irresponsible? :)
This boy is super protective... sorta. He’ll get really angry if you try to hurt his partners, but I don’t think he could ever actually do more than yell or scream. Except maybe with Luke. He’d probably throw down for his son. That being said most people are terrified when he does lose his temper, especially if they don’t know him personally. Millie and Rheneas are the only one who aren’t.
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princeluckybug13 · 3 years
23&83? hope you’re having a great day :)
I’m doing pretty good today :) I hope your day is good as well!
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
Sorta. Both our eyes are brown, tho his are more dark and mine have shifted between dark and more caramel over the years.
83. Can you swim well?
Nah. I literally have no idea how to swim or float. I hate swimming. I always freak out and can’t relax. It just terrifies me.
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
How would Skarloey confess his love for someone? Or if he wouldn’t quite be brave enough to do that, how would he react to someone telling him they had a crush on him?
Skarloey usually goes into denial when he catches feelings. As such he doesn't feel comfortable with telling anyone besides his brother of them.
He also doesn't take confessions to him too awful well either. He usally has the mindset of "Why on earth would anyone love me like that?". This is due to many things in his youth shaping him to question himself (a lot).
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
hey, hope you’re well. how about Gordon x Rebecca for the ship post? :)
I’m actually doing pretty well thank you :) hope you’re just as well
As for the ship, why not and I’d read a fic about it, but it’s definitely not highest on my list for the two :) they make great friends tho!
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
did Skarloey have a bad experience that made him a bit weird with relationships and affection?
Skarloey's first love, Neil, did not end well. He confessed to Neil after encouragement from Rheneas, and Neil said that he felt the same. Their relationship seemed to be going well, if a little onesided at times. Rheneas noticed something was off, but he couldn't figure out why so he said nothing.
It all came to a head when Neil was about to move away to Vicarstown. Skarloey tried to ask about a phone number or address to keep in contact. It was then Neil admitted he had lied to him about sharing his feelings. He hadn't wanted to disappoint Skarloey, so he had been keeping the relationship going entirely for Skarloey's sake.
Skarloey didn't take this news well, and he blew up at him. They broke off on really sour terms. This, combined with his past, left Skarloey too afraid to be vunerable to someone like for a long time.
Neil tried to reconnect many years late by inviting Skarloey, and several other, to a sort of reuinion. But that's a another story.
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
are you a morning or night person? what’s your favourite holiday/vacation you’ve been on? what colour is your hair? :)
A night person by far. I generally don’t sleep till 2-5 am every night and I hate getting up at 9-10 (tho I kinda have to :/)
We used to go to the zoo, but that’s about as vacation-y as it gets. I do throughly enjoy going to the local railroad museum however. My sister and I do have one planned for the future (when it’s safe to do so) to a railroad museum a little farther out (and a lot bigger).
My hair is mix of black and brown from when I last dyed it black. I’ll probably dye it again sometime, maybe a dark red... :3
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
If you’re still doing the OTP asks, could you do Emily and Gordon with 2, 15 & 16? (sorry if three is too many i couldn’t choose lol). loving the new username btw!
(three is just fine :3 and thank you i like it too)
2. Although Emily boasts about Gordon on occassion, Gordon will take any chance he gets to brag and show off Emily to anyone he can. He wants everyone to know just how lucky he is and absolutely perfect Emily is.
15. Gordon always gets butterflies when he sees Emily. He just can't get over how wonderful and perfect she is to him.
16. Emily technically knew about Gordon's feelings beforehand, so she eventually confessed her feelings to him and asked him on a date after a shift one night in the sheds. Gordon is still a little salty that he didn't get to confess first.
(hope that answers it for ya :) these two have really grown on me)
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
do you have any general headcanons for Skarloey X Millie X Sir Handel?
Their first date was a movie night that Handel and Millie tricked Skarloey into going, with the help of a desperate Rheneas. It went horribly, as expected, and Skarloey avoided them for like a week straight. It wasn't until Rheneas confronted his brother directly about it that they all finally talked started dating officially.
(this one's kinda in the air cause I dont know how it works in the UK) One time Millie had to bail Skarloey and Handel out of jail, mostly because Rheneas refused. It was mostly Handel's fault, and Skarloey felt far more ashamed than his partner in crime. Because of this, Handel is no longer allowed to "take Skarloey on a midnight walk" ever again.
The three of them usually sleep in Skarloey's bed, as it's the biggest. They did have to buy a new frame after breaking the first one though. Skarloey usually sleeps in the middle on his back with Handel and Millie spooning on each side of him.
(thats all i got for now :3 hope you enjoy)
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
Have Skarloey, Millie or Handel ever required hospital treatment? what were the other two partners reactions when they found out the other one was in hospital? Or if not, do you have any super fluffy headcanons for them? sorry for the bombardment of questions i’ve just really been craving more ship fuel for them lately lol :) hope you’re well xo
I’m doing great thank you and I love answering questions about the little trio :3
Millie has had hospital treatment once to remove her tonsils, though she has had doctor appointments for her endometriosis (hope you don’t mind). Handel has had a few hospital trips because of his constant ability to get himself and others in mild danger. Skarloey has also only required hospital treatment twice. Once when he was extremely sick and passed out in the middle of his book shop. The other time was in a time of high stress that ended up taking a toll on Skarloey.
Mille, like with most things, takes these moments the most calmly. She does worry of course, she just doesn’t get worked up as much. Handel takes his own injuries in stride, but often feels guilt for his partners’ injuries, even if he isn’t the cause of them. Skarloey deals with it the worst. He often worries himself sick (often literally).
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
What sort of stuff does Millie get annoyed about with Skarloey and Handel? have there been any specific times where she’s gotten super worked up? Did Handel and Skarloey apologise? (lol that’s such a specific question i’m so sorry 😂)
Millie usually gets worked up by Stephen far more than Skarloey and Handel. Though Handel has done his fair share of “whoops I didn’t think this through”. She usually just gets frustrated by Skarloey’s stubbornness with his own feelings (double frustrating when he’s sick and he just wont rest) and Handel’s laid back tendencies towards serious problems.
There has been a moment however where she got mad at the two of them (mostly Handel) for ending up in jail. The ride home with her after she bailed them out was tense and awkward. Many, many apologies were given (especially from a distraught Skarloey) that night. She kept a close on them for a good month after that.
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
hey, i was wondering if you had any angst headcanons for Skarloey X Millie X Sir Handel? I’ve just noticed all of the stuff i have for them is fluff😂.
I’m always a sucker for angst lol
Handel has had a rocky relationship with Duke ever since he got back (Duke had such problems with several people he ended up retiring early to Ulfstead). Skarloey and Millie have tried to encourage him to make up as even Duke’s much younger brother, Bertram, has reconciled with him. But Handel refuses to accept Duke’s “apologies”.
Skarloey’s temper has never really been an issue. When he does blow his top (a rare occurrence) it’s always short, and he’s always immediately remorseful. He’s only blown up on Handel once due to the younger man’s careless behavior almost getting Luke and Millie hurt. Handel had never seen him quite so angry before, and Skarloey ended up hiding for several hours feeling immense guilt (especially since Luke had seen it too). Millie has been very stern with both of them, but it all worked out after awhile. (Maybe I’ll write about soon lol)
That’s all I really got lol and it ain’t much, but I hope you enjoy! :) don’t be afraid to ask for more
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
i just seen a post including Emily x Gordon. Could you do them? Or if you don’t ship them, what about Spencer x Caitlin? xo
How about both?
Gordon, with a lot of coaxing from Emily, has taken her to the pub on several occasions after their dates. He won't admit he does it (literally everyone knows), especially if his brother asks about it.
Spencer, the man of class that he is, will often shower Caitlyn in gifts. She appretiates it but loves it more when he takes ger to their "spot" (a clearing in the woods).
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years
(I definitely didn’t almost forget about this...or lose the original ask...whoops :/ based on an ask @jovialnickelclamparty sorry it took so long)
Skarloey jumped when he heard a knock at the door. He glanced at the clock as he set down his book. It was rather early for anyone to be stopping by. Still he got up to answer.
"Millie? What are you doing here so..." He stopped when he saw her expression. Her eyes were puffy from crying. "Goodness! What happened?"
Millie said nothing but merely broke down sobbing into his chest. Skarloey gently led her inside so they could sit on the couch. He shushed and soothed her as she cried. He held her until her shuddering sobs subsided.
"There, there.  Just let it all out." Skarloey
"I-I...Thank you." Millie whispered hoarsely. She was hesitant. "Handel and I are just…"
"It's alright. I'm here to listen." 
"We had a disagreement." She couldn't tell Skarloey that he was the main thing they had been arguing over lately, but Millie just really needed comfort. "I don't think I should go into details."
"That's alright."He reassured her. "Details aren't important right now.”
Skarloey was concerned. He had been for a while now. Millie and Handel had obviously been having a rather rough time lately. They had been heard arguing over something, though neither would discuss why. Not even Peter Sam, who usually heard everything from his brother, knew nothing. 
Millie leaned into his shoulder, much calmer now, but she was still pensive. When she glanced up at Skarloey’s worried expression, her heart fluttered a little. She leaned back quickly. Skarloey blinked surprised. Millie sighed heavily. “Handel was right. I need to go talk to him.”
Skarloey sat confused as she got up to leave. Millie stopped to smile at him. “Thank you again. I hope to see you again soon.”
“Of course.” He sat in silence as she left. What an odd morning.
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