#jtta lisa
3rd anni req 16: lucifer, dad, aunt / home visit
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note: finally got back to these! very quickly: lisa (aunt) has met satan and belphie but no one else, and zhao (dad) knows all the brothers already and specifically knows lucifer better at this point - the background things are stuff i intend to write in future. also i wasn't completely sure if the request wanted zhaolu, so i left it ambiguous (this would be pre- any relationship anyway, so take it as you like!)
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“I’m back! Where’s— huh, Lucifer?”
Lucifer lowers his glasses and polishes away the fog. “Welcome home.”
“...hi?” I dump my bag by the door and change into my slippers, then return to the kitchen door. He’s still there. “What’s the occasion?”
After all, last I checked, Lucifer had some pretty strict rules about hopping between worlds - special occasion birthday visits not counted, of course. At this, though, he just smiles mysteriously.
“Nothing in particular.” He takes a sip of his tea, then quirks an eyebrow at me. “Well? Tell me about your day.”
…sure, I decide, because as much as I’m suspicious about his reasons for being here, I’m still happy to see him. I pull up the chair opposite him.
Lucifer hasn’t been up here that many times, especially compared to Mammon or Satan (the latter who visits whenever he’s allowed, and the former who visits even when he isn’t) - but he looks completely at home in our kitchen. Oddly pleased with himself as well, though I have no idea what about.
A little smile stays on his face through one, two, three stories - he asks me to show him the pictures from a school trip to the maritime museum, and to send him the one of me sitting in a model submarine so that he can show the others. In return, he has a video of Mammon trying to teach a roc to swear.
“You can do it,” encourages the blurry Mammon on the screen, holding a little biscuit just out of reach. “C’mon, smart guy!”
The roc tucks its beak into his wing sulkily and doesn’t make a sound. Mammon tries fruitlessly for another little while, then ultimately throws up his hands and walks off.
Whoever’s behind the camera doesn’t move - they point it at the roc and wait silently. Sure enough, after barely a minute, it mumbles, “Son of a bitch.”
“He still hasn’t figured out its trick,” Lucifer says as I laugh. “It learns, but it doesn’t want him to know he taught it.”
“Does it have a name?”
“Would you like to give it one?”
“Ohh, can I?” I lean forward and peer closer at the roc in the video for a moment. “Mmm… Connie. Looks like a Connie.”
“Connie it is,” He says, smile widening.
At that moment, Dad totters unsteadily into the kitchen, lugging a cardboard box. Lucifer rises from his seat, then pauses.
“Careful— careful, mind! You’ll do your back in!”
“I have it,” Dad says through gritted teeth, and finally sets it down with a rather worrying crash. “There. Thank you.”
“You haven’t let me do anything,” Aunt Lisa says, disgruntled. A split second later, as if sensing him somehow, she turns and looks Lucifer directly in the face.
He freezes on the spot. Aunt Lisa scans him, and I can see her mentally taking notes on everything she sees - red eyes (weird, but could be contacts), extremely tall (unusual, but not impossible), and distinctly too well-dressed for having tea in someone’s kitchen.
“Hello,” She says smoothly, and if I didn’t know better I’d think she was completely unperturbed.
Lucifer clears his throat. “Hello.”
Neither of them make any move to introduce themselves. I catch Dad’s eye. He’s wearing the face of someone who completely forgot he had a guest over.
“Um,” He says. “This is Lucifer.”
Aunt Lisa barely blinks. “I see. Hello, Lucifer. Should I call you Mister?”
“No, that won’t be necessary.” He’s starting to look distinctly uncomfortable. I guess Avatar-of-Pride street cred only counts in the company of people who actually know what that means.
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” She says, folding her arms and leaning back against the counter. “From your brother. And your other brother.”
“That does not narrow it down,” He replies stiffly. She snorts.
“Tea?” I ask, then hurry to the sink without waiting for an answer. “I’ll put the kettle on.”
Dad taps the counter nervously as it begins to hiss. Then, probably a little too late, he adds, “Lucifer, this is Lisa…”
“Ms. Cassidy to you,” She tacks on sharply, and Dad and I exchange wide-eyed looks.
Neither Belphie nor Satan got the surname-only treatment. Heck, most of her clients don’t get the surname-only treatment. Then again, Satan and Belphie are quite possibly the worst demons for Aunt Lisa to have gotten her first impressions of Lucifer from, even if they didn’t just outright lie for fun.
I try to remember what I might have told her about him. It’s not like I’ve given her any horror stories, but I guess there are a lot of Lucifer traits that only become likeable once you’ve gotten used to his personality...
The kettle finishes boiling. I clear my throat and occupy myself with making the tea. Maybe I should be doing more to dissolve the tension, but I kind of don’t know how - besides, I didn’t even know Lucifer would be here today. I haven’t had any time to prepare a defence for him - no powerpoint, flashcards, anything...
Dad fiddles anxiously with his watch for a moment, then suggests (though he sounds more like he’s making a plea), “Everyone - sit down?”
Aunt Lisa gives Lucifer one more long look, then shrugs and pulls up a chair. Lucifer waits for her to sit down properly before doing the same.
“So what do you do for a living?” She asks him smoothly.
He opens his mouth and pauses. I realise that I don’t actually know the answer to that question, either - does he count as a government worker? Something teacher-adjacent? Actually, the others aren’t in employment, either. Where do they get their money from?
“I’m…” Lucifer deliberates over his words for a moment. ‘Deputy head of the student council’ probably wouldn’t sound very impressive, but technically 'second-in-command to the prince' isn't a title he officially has, and could arguably belong to Barbatos. “Ahem...”
“He works for Diavolo,” I say helpfully. “The prince.”
“The prince,” Aunt Lisa repeats. The corner of her lip twists slightly. “And what do you do - polish his shoes? Put on a jingly hat and dance?”
It isn't the 1600s anymore! Lucifer’s mouth tightens. Before he can get out a scathing reply, I interject again, “He does admin and stuff.”
“Oh, so you’re the paperwork guy,” She says with some dry amusement, pausing briefly to give me a smile as I set her tea down. “And are you busy? Managing hell, I mean.”
“...we don’t run the whole Devildom from one office.”
“No, I suppose you don’t.”
I opt to stay by the counter as the exchange continues, like a game of extremely terse ping-pong. Dad - watching all of this with a kind of slowly mounting dread - abruptly starts rifling around in the cupboard.
“Biscuits,” He says a little breathlessly, setting a plateful on the table with a loud clack!, effectively breaking the momentum of the match.
Aunt Lisa breaks eye contact with Lucifer for the first time in the last ten minutes to give Dad a fond smile. “Thanks, love.”
Lucifer shoots her a funny look - which I'm pretty sure he doesn't think anyone sees - and schools his expression straight back to neutrality when Aunt Lisa turns back to him. She pushes the plate forward a little.
“Custard cream?” She suggests sweetly.
“...thank you.”
She quirks a brow and settles back, focusing on her mug. Lucifer regards her carefully, then lifts the biscuit to his mouth.
As soon as his mouth is full, Aunt Lisa asks, “How much does the prince pay you?”
Lucifer’s face twitches. Having to hold up the illusion of courtesy is clearly beginning to get to him. He drains the last of his tea, then releases a sigh.
“Whatever it is you want to say to me, say it.” He doesn’t bother answering her question. “Say it. There’s no need to beat around the bush.”
“Alright.” Aunt Lisa fixes him with a cold look. “I don’t like you.”
A long pause. Dad dithers briefly, then sits down as well. Rather than mitigating the tension, though, it only seems to manoeuvre around him, like water around a rock in the middle of a river - no more words are said, but they’re both staring hard enough for the tension to practically become verbal. One after another, while they don't think the other's paying attention, both Aunt Lisa and Lucifer shoot him mildly apologetic looks.
“You’ve only just met him,” I decide to come to Lucifer's defence, seeing as he doesn't seem to intend to do it himself. “You don’t really know him."
“From what I’ve heard, I don’t want to.”
Lucifer’s brow creases. Then realisation dawns, and he turns to me with an unimpressed frown. “Satan and Belphie?”
“Probably Satan and Belphie,” I confirm with a mild grimace, and he gives another, longer sigh.
“Ms. Cassidy,” He starts after a moment, perfectly collected again, “I hope you realise that my younger brothers aren’t going to give you objective assessments of my character.”
She snorts. “Does Zhao think it’s cute when you use big words?”
“Have another biscuit,” Dad mutters before Lucifer can respond, shoving the plate towards her with maybe a little more force than necessary. “...A-Ke, can you let Hyde in?”
“Eh?” I listen for a moment. Sure enough, there’s a scratching from the kitchen door.
Hyde meows loudly as soon as it opens, then slips in before it can shut again. He scans the room with enormous green eyes, notes the foreign person, and immediately makes a beeline in his direction.
“...hello,” Lucifer says in mild surprise as Hyde rubs his cheek against his leg. “Where did you come from?”
He leans down to give him a scratch behind the ears. Aunt Lisa watches all of this with what can only be described as an air of betrayal. I don’t know what she was expecting - Hyde’s the friendliest old man any of us know.
Hyde’s favourite treat also happens to be cheese from our fridge, so I get him a little chunk and wave Lucifer over. He seems relieved to get away from the table (though he'd never admit it, of course). Under my whispered instruction, he crouches down and gingerly proffers the cheese in an open palm.
“You’ve met already,” Aunt Lisa notes, then turns her stare on Dad, who quickly looks in the other direction. “How many times has Lucifer been in your kitchen, Zhao?”
“I haven’t counted…”
“And you didn’t think I’d want to meet the man who kidnapped your daughter?”
“That’s not fair,” I object. “I got summoned. And it was Diavolo, not Lucifer. That’s different.”
Aunt Lisa turns to look at the two of us, still crouched beside Hyde, who’s devoured his cheese and is now sniffing at Lucifer’s sleeves for more. The look on her face is… dangerous. “Do you think that makes it any better?”
I’m just trying to make things less tense. I blink at her nervously, then reply, voice tiny, “No?”
Lucifer glances at me, then sighs and stands up straight again. Hyde lets out a dismayed meow, but immediately forgets about the non-existent cheese he was looking for as I start scratching his chin.
“Ms. Cassidy,” Lucifer says, suddenly sterner now, “I realise that we made several ill-advised choices, but IK was not involved in any of those decisions. I’d appreciate it if you left her out of this discussion.”
“Not involved? They happened to—” Aunt Lisa cuts herself off, then folds her arms. “No. Fine. I've plenty to say, mind - I just promised I wouldn’t go on about it.”
Hyde trills and flops down on his side. I run my hand down his fur as he purrs, keeping one eye on Lucifer as he crosses the room to take his seat again.
“We made the decision before we’d met IK," He says. "Now that I understand - I’d be furious if I’d been in your place, too. I don't blame you.”
“Understand what?” She asks, challenging.
Lucifer doesn’t falter. “Believe it or not - IK is an irreplaceable part of our family.”
I quickly look down at Hyde to disguise a smile. Aunt Lisa doesn’t seem to have a response for that - after a moment, I hear a crunch, and look up just in time to see her give him a begrudging nod, biscuit in mouth.
Neither of them says anything. Lucifer picks up his cup, then sets it down again.
“Mrs Prescott has a new rabbit,” Dad says a little helplessly as the silence stretches on. “Across the road. It’s very cute.”
“That’s nice, Zhao,” says Aunt Lisa.
“What’s its name?” Lucifer asks.
Panic crosses his face. “I… don’t remember.”
Hyde’s purring slows and quietens. He looks backwards at Lucifer, then twists to look at Aunt Lisa. I play idly with one of his paws, then stand up.
“Bake Off’s on tonight,” I say. “Let’s watch it together, shall we?"
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journey-to-the-attic · 7 months
Pet Zoo AU:
Quick question, what was Zhao’s and Aunt Lisa’s intial reaction towards Ik bringing home 7 animals with 2 of them being animals you would never see a normal person have. Like there’s no way they were instantly fine with this many animals since yk animals take a lot of time and effort to care and this is also the brothers as well, what did Ik do to convince them to not call animal control on them?
(Also for some reason i imagine Mammon’s and the geography teacher’s rivalry to be like funny small wars against each other. Mammon steal their peanuts, the teacher make’s a trap and Mammon falling for it (but then get saved by Ik), Mammon get revenge and steal something else than the peanuts, the teacher then make’s a ANOTHER trap and Mammon falling for it again. And the cycle repeats)
P.s. turns out, Diluc’s and Yanfei’s VA actually voiced two main characters from The Amazing Digital Circus respectively. The funny part is they voiced the most mentally unstable characters.
- 🐧 Anon
i feel like the brothers sorta... trickle in, so it's less of a shock to the system - first ik shows up with a crow and zhao's like "hmm. i don't think they do that usually" but he just sorta forgets about it, next thing he knows the crow's brought home a peacock and then a snake and then a rabbit and so on
and now the crow's started bringing home cash from who knows where, is it exchanging goods and services?? has he been unknowingly embroiled in an avian laundering scheme? in the end he just sorta... goes with it. for some reason he gets the feeling the animals know more than he does
now lisa doesn't hear anything about this, so one day she walks in to have some tea with her good friend and sees these seven animals just chilling and is absolutely FLOORED. "zhao this is madness what the fuck is going on here??!!?!" and he's like "...i don't know i'm just glad my daughter's happy :("
lisa's first instinct would definitely be to call up a shelter or something, but ik's so adamant that all the animals are very polite and they're actually super helpful and well-behaved and really really clever actually, she swears the cat knows how to read. lisa doesn't believe her until she witnesses the snake slither across the room to turn the tv on, change the channel to some colourful cartoon, then slither back to his box by the window
mammon and the geography teacher would have a tom-and-jerry type relationship.... one day another teacher breaks the geography teacher's favourite globe and mammon decides to call a truce for long enough to get back at them, then it's BACK to the comedic chasing-in-circles
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journey-to-the-attic · 8 months
*me who knows nothing of JJBA*
I feel like Solomon could be an information broker that apprenticed under Barbatos for a bit and 13 is an assassin for hire :D
Both have ties to both groups. Or maybe 13 specifically is a secret neutral third group...?
:OO assassin works perfectly for thirteen how did i not think of that!!!!
i could see solomon specifically working with the demons more often, partially because he does technically owe barbatos his life (drawing on some backstory stuff from nb) - though barbatos doesn't tend to hold it over his head, solomon takes his integrity very seriously and so refuses to let it go. for these reasons the angels' gang doesn't trust him enough to go to him unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary
thirteen meanwhile, offers services to both in equal proportion. to maintain a sort of impartiality, she has a hard rule that she won't do any hands-on murdering of opposing gang members - but she will offer methods, provide equipment, set things in motion, help dispose of bodies and evidence, etc - basically everything except actually being there and/or doing the deed. the actual killing contracts are only for independent clients
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How are you doing ? hopefully you are taking care of yourself
i'm doing great! i got a very cool book recently and i've been having a lot of fun reading it :]
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-> jtta 3rd anniversary request event - masterlist (ongoing)
#3rd anni event tag / ao3 link
1. lucifer / night dagger scene from om s2 during lucifer's amnesia arc
2. [dragon au] mammon / first encounter dragon mammon finds human ik in the forest
3. [hsr au] dan heng, bailu / vidyadhara family bailu and ik comfort dh in the aftermath of the luofu story
4. [rpg au] solomon / past life solomon remembers who he used to be
5. asmo, beel / photos after ik departs the devildom, asmo and beel discover something she left behind
6. belphie, astaroth / stellar confession belphie contemplates his feelings about the guy he can't stop thinking about
7. mammon / rain + hug mammon tries to help a catatonic ik in the aftermath of the attack in the underground tomb
8. [infernal friends] diavolo, barbatos / bullies little ik is dealing with some unpleasant peers at school
9. [dragon au] lucifer / bonding dragon lucifer begrudgingly cares for the human mammon brought home
10. luke, raphael / chocolate luke acts oddly (and raphael acts even odder) for a day
11. [nightbringer] belphie, lucifer / deep sleep scene from nb lesson 12 - except ik can still communicate from within the coma
12. [infernal friends] asmo, simeon, luke / trick-or-treat simeon takes luke on a trip to the human world and runs into a familiar face
13. satan, lucifer / sick some time after the exchange year, lucifer brings a poorly ik back home to the house of lamentation to recover
14. mammon, belphie / nap ik needs some sleep
15. levi / games ik and levi cause some mischief in among us
16. lucifer, dad, aunt / home visits lucifer shows up in the human world and finally meets aunt lisa
17. [dragon au] twins, newspaper club / rescuers ik and the twins save some unfortunate travellers from the royal huntsmen
18. [dad in the devildom] lucifer / lost child early in the exchange year, lucifer inadvertently rescues two-year-old ik and becomes her biggest hero
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journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
Infernal Friends AU:
So, fun fact, i found your blog from a Infernal Friends AU post, the one with Asmo and Ik and it had stole my heart and led me to read JTTA. Now i just had a thought, what does Aunt Lisa think about the many demons that is taking care of Ik? Like she was in her place when she heard a huge sound from Ik and Zhao’s place. Worried, she went to their place to check on them, only to see a white haired demon and Ik behind him. What happens next is your choice. (Also just imagine baby Ik introducing Hyde and Satan to each other, my teeth would ROT FROM THE FLUFF)
Btw i hope you dont mind me being 🐧 Anon
aunt lisa has a key to the yi house, so she walks in, sees this massive dude in a weird halloween costume, understandably assumes that its an intruder, and immediately attempts to beat him to death with the nearest implement (umbrella)
it takes like an hour for them to convince lisa that there isn't something shady going on, but once they've done it, she totally digs it! can't be a mortician without at least having some respect for the gothic and demonic, and lisa is nothing if not a fan of the dark and macabre
(also i imagine hyde is absolutely terrified of satan at first, so just imagine little ik cradling a bristling, hissing cat as a giant horned demon mopes sadly in the corner)
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journey-to-the-attic · 8 months
Can i be honest with something? Yk how i got into Jtta was from your blog first right? The infernal friends post with Asmo…
Yeah when i first read the fic, i thought Ik was 11-12 years old. Look i scrolled through your blog a bit more before deciding to read the fic and from your first chapter, my mind was already made up that Ik has to be 11-12 bc she was so small compared to the brothers (which is to be expected). Even when it was revealed that she is actually 14-15 years old, my mind cant stop thinking that Ik is 11-12 years old and not 14-15 years old. Like, she just so fricking small
But yeah that’s it :)
(A thought just came up, what if Ik get’s her first period in devildom since teens gets their periods around 11-12 years old. Wonder how that mess will turn out)
- 🐧 Anon
you aren't the first that's happened to!! i think part of it is also that all the demons initially ik perceive as way younger too, bc to them anything below like two centuries is basically still a baby
also hmm hadn't thought of that... i feel like aunt lisa's already hyper-prepped her so ik herself is totally fine, but EVERYONE else (including wiz and alecto because demons don't get periods) is PANICKING
ik just hides at diavolo's castle and hangs out with helene while everyone else is going mutually ballistic
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journey-to-the-attic · 8 months
Hello hello, sorry if its a dumb question but, is Solphisto canon to JTTA in the same way that Belpheroth is/will be?
(Also anon who dubbed them yuri is so right, I can't see them differently now)
don't worry, it's not a dumb question at all!! the lines can be kind of blurred between what happens in the actual fic and all the stuff we talk about here...
so, statuses of all our significant couples:
wizlecto: together and married in all ways except legally in every universe forever. i WILL one day write something that gives you more details on their story (probably in the newspaper club chapter of that jtta after-story minific)
belpheroth: canon to jtta in that i do have concrete plans to develop their relationship in that direction; also do end up courting each other in the aus where they're acquainted (established relationship in the infernal friends au)
zhaolu: canon to ddvd, also canon to aus where zhao has a significant presence (e.g. infernal friends, rpg). probably WILL end up happening in the classic jtta at this point - tentative plans to start off their development in the mini-fic, might end up doing something extended later
solphisto: established in that i sort of operate on them being a thing when it comes to asks, canon to aus where both characters are involved (mostly just rpg au rn) - in terms of within jtta itself, still debating whether or not to get the ball rolling in-fic (like with belpheroth) or to wait til the post-story (as with zhaolu)
aunt lisa and thirteen: still just a concept at this point but i do want to think more about them
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hope you don't mind me pretty much spamming your ask box lately 😭 /lh
but yeah like i said jtta is consuming my mind and it's all i've been thinking abt these days /pos
i remember when i was re-reading it a few days ago, i saw httyd get mentioned and i got so happy (i LOVE httyd 😭)
what does IK think of the movies if she has seen them??!?! 👀
also i hc satan would love toothless, since he acts like a cat sometimes and satan loves cats-
ty that's all i have for today *disappears into thin air*
no worries it's not spam at all!! i always love getting asks ^^
and heck yeah ik would love the movies!! anything with cool dragons has always been a shoe-in for her, so you'd have been likely to find her watching them whenever she got bored at home when she was younger
ik has a toothless plushie from aunt lisa and every time he visits her house satan always finds and sits there holding it the entire time. he only refrains from just taking it home with him because he knows ik would get upset (she gets him his own at some point and he nearly cries)
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hello!! it’s me again!! happy (lateish) birthday to the bestest girl ever, miss ik!!!! so of course ive come here to ask ik centric questions
since jtta has not ended yet, you totally dont have to answer this but what would ik’s reaction be when returning home after the whole year? would she actually manage to get on buzzfeed unsolved after mysteriously disappearing in the middle of class? how did everyone react to that….
young adult/adult ik time! now as an adult, how does ik feel about having pacts with the seven most powerful demons in the devildom? big accomplishment, kid
also, what does older ik feel about her future?? does she want to go to college, or does she have any future jobs she wants to work?
lets ignore the seasons past season 1 of obey me for a second …. now in the human world, i would assume the brothers and the other students would come to visit ik. how do you think they would do in the human world and how do you think others (humans, ik’s friends, family etc…) would react to them?
sorry for such a long ask ! i love to learn more about ik shes great :) you’re doing such an amazing job writing jtta and im absolutely still obsessed after what?? 2 years now?? time is crazy… im about to graduate from highschool and i remember starting to read this fic when I was a year or two older than ik… wow…
i hope you’ve been having great weeks lately! if not, it’ll definitely get better! keep your head up!
(apologies if this ask gets sent more than once.. my tumblr has been glitching like crazy lately)
hhh thank you!!! it's crazy to me that jtta has that staying power, i'm so glad you've enjoyed it!!
as for your questions about ik - i'll answer the ones that i'm not planning to go into more depth on later ^^
ik's feelings on returning home i'll leave for later - but in terms of her disappearance, it's been kept quiet to prevent panic, and later diavolo'd pull some strings to keep it that way. though the classmates who were there in the class she disappeared in will continue to insist it happened, it's kind of treated as a weird mass hallucination
ik actually won't be going back to her old school, because the logistics (and also everything she's missed) would make it a mess, but some of her old classmates will notice her suddenly appearing around town again - with a weird assortment of really tall dudes - and while some attempt to ask her about what the HELL happened, she's always super evasive about it... though there's probably at least one classmate who's gone super detective about it
adult ik has to stop herself from adding 'made pacts with 7 uber powerful demons at the tender age of 14-15 and if you don't hire me they'll all be mad at you' to her CV. she entertains herself by imagining what her host of brothers would do if she summoned them on this rude guy at the co-op
in terms of her future... ik's just kind of winging it, but i can imagine her going to uni to study something to do with animals - maybe she'd be a herpetologist, maybe an ornithologist... or maybe just biology in general. diavolo likes to joke that she's an honorary teacher of creature studies at the rad (prof elderflower is so proud)
i'll leave the specifics of her friends visiting her for a future post-jtta bonus, but i reckon most of ik's friends just assume she has a really weird extended family. there's probably also at least a few people around town who have crushes on one of the guys. meanwhile, luke can get away with putting on normal clothes and just hanging out with ik whenever (lucky guy!)
zhao (ik's dad) and aunt lisa's reactions to ik's new found family will be explored later! but for now i will say that zhao definitely appreciates them (still terrified of them though), while aunt lisa likes half of them and would hit the rest of them with a broomstick if given the chance
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