#junkrat x peste
sl3epudotcom · 2 years
JUNKRAT: Soooo... y'have all those chemicals right? Ya can make bombs with 'em?
PESTE: Sure I can! But instead of 'em going "KA-BOOM!" they go "KA-Tsssss!"
JUNKRAT: Well... That's boring! I prefer mah good ol' pals here made with gunpowder!
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chilliebean5 · 6 years
Fictober Day 9: “You shouldn’t have come here.”
Rating: Teen and up
Fandom: Overwatch
Characters: Roadhog and Junkrat
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, gambling and blood, implied drug use, minor violence
Words: 1363
It has been a quiet, ordinary day, and Mako is so incredibly thankful for it.
Just another day of running his bar, serving drinks, listening to patrons with problems. During the quieter times, he sat at the bar, doing sudoku, working his way through the boxes and boxes of the old puzzle books someone found and brought back after finding them in a long-abandoned opal mine.
And most of all, it has been a full day without the pest of a man who brings trouble to his doorstep.
“So this is where you like to hang out?”
Mako closes his eyes. He spoke too soon.
“I like it! Can’t believe I haven’t been here before. I usually like to go to Big Claw when I want to wind down, but I don’t like his brew.” Junkrat collapses onto a seat and taps his hands on the bar. “So tell me, you got VB?”
Roadhog shakes his head.
“Fosters? I’ll even take that piss-water.”
“C’mon, you gotta have something from before the apocalypse. Don’t tell me you’re exclusively homebrew like everyone else!”
Mako just looks at Junkrat, at his grinning, eager face, before giving in, turning, opening the fridge and grabbing out his only non-homebrew and placing it on the bar.
“Coopers?” Junkrat says, completely sceptical as he analyses the label before twisting off the cap and giving it a sniff. “It’ll do, I guess.”
“Fifty credits.”
“Fifty?! Couldn’t’ve said that before I opened it?”
Mako just stares at Junkrat, hoping he gets the hint that he is indeed completely serious. Right now, though, he is so glad he needs to wear his mask because he’s grinning from ear to ear as he normally charges thirty credits for the beer.
“Fine,” Junkrat groans, reaching into his pocket, flicking a credit chip at Mako. He catches it, sees it’s a fifty credit chip and places it in the till as Junkrat takes a cautious sip. “Never had Coopers before. I like it!”
“Haven’t had Coopers, yet had Four-X.”
“Been up and down the East Coast, but beer wasn’t really my thing before all this,” he says waving his arm and gesturing to the bar. “Wasn’t much of a drinker at all, actually.”
Mako grunts; he has been around Junkrat enough to know that he is indeed quite the heavier drinker. But most of everyone is these days, when sixty percent of the businesses surviving in this post-apocalyptic world are bars. Booze, scrapyard fights and gambling are what make up most of Junkertown’s economy.
With a heavy sigh, Mako grabs his rag and wipes down the bar. His attention flits between Junkrat and the broadcast of the scrapyard fight, undefeated champion Wrecking Ball is demolishing another contender. There were high hopes for the new guy, so much so that the odds of him winning were 2:1.
“Wrecking Ball wins another!” Junkrat exclaims, pumping his fist into the air. “Anyone who bet against him is a bloody moron, wouldn’t you say, Roadhog?”
Mako hums, content that the bar is clean enough, that no one will come in here for another hour at least, given there is one more match after this. He grabs his sudoku book, sitting at the bar.
“Whaddya doin’?” Junkrat asks, and Mako recoils from Junkrat’s closeness. He watches Junkrat’s face morph somewhere between glee and confusion. “What the hell even is this?”
“Su-what? Looks boring.”
Mako rolls his eyes. “Keeps my brain sharp.”
“Okay,” Junkrat laughs, “you do your number Su-whatchamacallit, I’ll stick to explosives. Say!” Junkrat yells obnoxiously, “Why don’t we have another night on the town! We got away with small stuff, how’s about we push our luck further?”
“No,” Mako says as a finality. He looks down at his puzzle, attempts to solve it. “It’s lucky we didn’t get caught stealing and blowing up the shack. I’m not about to push that luck.”
“You’re no fun.”
“You shouldn’t have come here.”
“Then where would I go?”
“Big Claw likes you.”
“Big Claw is a dimwit,” Junkrat groans. “He asked to see one of my concussion mines, bloody holds it up to his face, shakes it, then presses the damn trigger. He’s lucky the thing wasn’t armed otherwise he’d be six-feet-under.”
“It is a miracle the human race has survived this long,” Mako muses.
“I know, right?” Junkrat sighs, falling into the seat next to Mako, knocking shoulders. “I swear, you and I are the only two smart ones here—”
“Oi! There you are!”
Mako looks up, sees three people standing in the door to his bar, armed with chains, a crowbar and a cricket bat. They’re angry, drunk, possibly high, too, and have their sights set on Junkrat.
“Evening fellas,” Junkrat says as he stands up, and Mako can hear the quiver of fear in his voice. “I ah… Whatever’s happened, it wasn’t me, I swear. I’ve been here for the last half an hour, right, Roadhog?”
“It’s true,” Mako grunts. He might be annoyed by Junkrat, but he doesn’t want to see the guy hurt. Blood is so hard to scrub away.
“Oh? So it wasn’t you who got into the sheep pen, let them loose, spray painted that damn smiley face tag of yours along with ‘Junkrat was here’?”
“Oh…” Junkrat says, and Mako can only shake his head. He takes it back, these guys can take him. “Well… that coulda been anyone,” he chuckles, before turning his head towards Mako while keeping his eyes on the group. “I’m being framed, I swear!”
“Max?” The one with the chain prompts.
Cricket bat steps forward. “Saw him with my own two eyes an hour ago. In the pen, letting them loose, tagging, leaving.”
“That’s your only evidence? Your lackey's word?” Junkrat scoffs. “You don’t have proof it was me!”
“Don’t need proof,” Max replies. “You did it and we’re getting our revenge.”
Mako gives them his full attention now because what Junkrat is saying is surprisingly true. They don’t have hard evidence, and it could have been anyone. Not likely, but could have been. His stomach drops, though when he spots The Baron, younger brother to the Queen holding the crowbar. Now it doesn’t matter if Junkrat did it or not, he’s stuffed.
And Mako realises he probably is too. Guilty by association.
Mako watches the trio advance, and at the last second as the cricket bat is lifted over the guy’s head and ready to strike Junkrat, he grabs Junkrat by the shoulder, pulls him away, and the bat strikes the bar, splintering the bat and cracking the bar.
Well. No one damages Mako Rutledge’s property and gets away with it. He stands, takes a step forward and looms over the trio, and The Baron is the first to cave, running off. The other two who aren’t as smart stick around, chains and the remains of the cricket bat are raised, and in one smooth movement Mako grabs the bat, snatches it from the man’s hand and turns it on him. Chains, who doesn’t look like he has two brain cells to rub together, flings them at Mako and he catches them, swallows down the groan from them cracking against his knuckles, and pulls the man in close, enough to headbutt him. He goes crashing to the ground, unconscious, and cricket bat runs for it. Mako drops the weapons, flexes his fingers and is thankful his hand isn't broken.
“That was friggin amazing!” Junkrat beams, looking from chains to Mako, grinning. “Got my own bodyguard!”
“I’m not your bodyguard,” Mako grunts, turning his attention to the bar. The crack thankfully appears shallow, something that a quick sand and revarnish should fix. The bar was in dire need of a refurbish anyway, so he guesses he can thank those morons for kicking his ass into gear.
Mako sighs, looking up and seeing The Baron and the Queensguard at his door. This isn’t good. He doesn’t have much to think about after that, he and Junkrat are manhandled, escorted right out of Junkertown, shoved to the ground and the doors closed on them.
Not good at all.
“Well, that’s a fine how-do-you-do…”
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sl3epudotcom · 1 year
stinky boyfriend
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