#just mig and the boys!
iobartach · 6 months
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
actually decided im letting the irrational rage Win btw. “brrhrr spider-man 2099’s a fucking beast on demon time LOL can’t wait to FINALLY see an evil spider-man being the villain of across the spider-verse--”
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bluesidez · 14 days
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[The Ideal Gaze]
lab tester: @ichigosluvrr 🩻
pairing: DadBod!Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Reader
summary: Miguel is feeling a bit out of your league, so you remind him that he’s just in your lane. 
content warning: established relationship (they’re married with kids!), domestic fluff, mild hurt/comfort due to Miguel being an idiot that does not understand The Female Gaze, some miscommunication between reader and Miguel, 18+ so MDNI, a little raunchier than I intended tbh but hopefully I presented DB!Mig well, body worship, heated tension, reader is like obsessed with Miguel’s new Dad Bod, deepthroat 😗, missionary position, unprotected p in v sex (WRAP IT UP 🫵🏾), the word Ma as a term of endearment from Miguel to reader two times
word count: 5.3k, halfway proofread
a/n: Fulfilling this first because this was technically my first request! I added a few more elements (thank you Miguel server!), so I hope you don’t mind. There were no specific requests other than fluff and smut, so I went with the flow. I hope you enjoy! (Also, I found the original artist's post here!! Go give them some love!)
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Your blood is pumping as you round the corner, only a few more steps until you reach the driveway. 
The jog today was pretty refreshing. There were no calls from work asking about things that could wait until 8 AM, no toddler fussing about waking up, and no child whining about getting homework done. It was just you, your FitBit, your steamy audiobook, and the lingering thoughts of meeting your husband’s eyes this morning. Lately, it’s been like a little game to rile him up. 
You’ve been married for a few years and a family of four for seven years with a sweet little girl, a second grader with the attitude of an old lady, and a precious little boy, a preschooler with keen intuition. With your lives being consumed with work and taking care of the kids, you feel like your relationship has been put on the back burner. Long gone were the days in which you two made love at the drop of a hat, fucking on anything that could hold you. Now, you were lucky enough to get a little dry humping.
It was getting depressing, and more annoyingly, frustrating, so you started to put your riled-up energy elsewhere. You were up at the crack of dawn making everyone’s lunches and going on occasional jogs, you were using your PTO for brunches with the girls and spa days, you had regular pilates classes, the real pilates, and most importantly, you were finding small pockets of time for yourself. 
From buying yourself small gifts to filling your Kindle with romance books to pleasuring yourself on the nights Miguel worked overtime. You were sure to keep yourself busy. All of that, and you still couldn’t get the thought of Miguel entangled with you out of your head. 
You heaved out as you stopped at the end of the driveway, taking a few breaths to calm your state. The book you were listening to was on a particularly enthralling scene and you wondered if it was something that Miguel would be interested in trying. 
You looked down at yourself and decided to unzip the top of your athletic jacket, letting the tightness of your bra and the fabric push your cleavage up. One smooth swipe of your clothes and you were walking to the front door. 
It was 6:40 AM, so there was plenty of time to have a little quiet moment with your husband. 
You walked into the kitchen and saw him standing in all of his glory. A newspaper in his left hand, because some things didn’t need to be digitized, a “Best Papá Ever” mug in his right hand, black glasses on his face, and your favorite thing, a naked plush torso on display. 
In the first years of parenthood, his metabolism was through the roof. Despite him joining you for every snack, meal, and midnight dessert, he never lost that tiny little waist or those washboard abs. It wasn’t until your youngest was born and babbling that his appearance started to change. His arms became a mix of muscle and cellulite, his thighs were softer than ever, his chest was full and plump, and his waist widened gifting you with his soft belly and a happy trail that continued to his belly button. 
The early time didn’t stop the coil of neediness in your stomach from forming. 
“Good morning, hubby,” you say with a lilt to your voice. You walked closer to him, an extra bounce in your step, and leaned on the island. 
Sure enough, Miguel was peeking at your chest from over his glasses, mug hovering over his lips. 
You only smiled coyly, waiting for his response. 
“Good morning. How was your jog?” he puts the newspaper and mug down, folding his arms under his chest. 
You stared at his bulging arms, pressed-up pecs, and his tummy that moved with him and almost whined. 
“It was really good. Super nice and refreshing. Maybe a little warm,” you crossed your legs, impatient. “How’s your morning so far?”
“It’s better,” he says, making the short distance to crowd your space. He leans over you, hands going to the island. “My wife is here now.”
You smile at his words, hands itching to touch him but not wanting to ruin the stride. Instead, you look up at him and pan his lips. 
“I’m feeling better, too,” you whisper, waiting. 
Miguel leans forward to press his lips onto yours, the smell of coffee hitting your senses. You feel little fireworks go off as he starts to open your mouth. Everything felt just right in this moment. 
When his hand slid across your back, you almost jumped up to wrap your legs around him. You tilted your head and wrapped your arms around his neck. You could feel yourself slipping against the counter, but Miguel was right there to steady you. 
For what felt like hours to you after so long of a heated connection, the two of you made out on the kitchen island. Only some birds chirping, the occasional car passing by, and the hum of the washing machine could be heard next to the sound of you both breathing into each other’s lips
“Come with me to the shower?” you say, eyes heavy and pleading. 
You could feel Miguel tense up, back rigid as he moved back. 
“I better stay. Raul might wake up soon and he was having a hard time sleeping last night.”
Your heart dropped at the rejection. You were hoping that this would be the one, the moment that you’ve been anticipating for months. Some form of sexual connection. 
“Ok. I’ll be out soon,” you turn and go to the master bathroom, tugging the zipper down hastily. You felt a bit dejected and embarrassed, but you’re trying to let it go. Your mommy side knows that your youngest woke up in distress last night so it makes perfect sense that Miguel wants to be alert for his cries, but your wife side wants her husband back and can’t help but feel like he didn’t want you. 
With this brisk shower, you hoped this self-doubt and neediness washed away with it. 
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You tapped your fingers against the desk, staring off at your computer. Work today was slow, which you didn’t mind because that meant you could frequent your watchlist, but your mind kept wandering off while watching some random K-drama. 
Last night, you woke up to what sounded like Miguel getting off in the bathroom. 
He got off work super late that day, so you took the initiative to get the kids to bed and go to bed early. 
What you didn’t expect was to wake up to the sound of his grunts coming through the bathroom door. 
At first, you were a little hurt that he didn’t wake you up to help him out, but then you were so overcome by the sound of him whimpering and moaning that you couldn’t help but pleasure yourself. 
He sounded so desperate and wanton, cursing every once in a while. You bit your lip as you imagined him right next to you, voice right in your ear. You wanted his weight on you. You wanted to feel his skin against yours. 
You lay in the empty bed rubbing yourself until you came, his noises stopping a while before you finished. You were hoping he would come out and see you so you prolong your orgasm to no avail, sleep coming to claim you before he did. 
When you tried to ask him about it in the morning, he kept avoiding your eyes, saying something about his stomach giving him the blues. 
You let it go then, but that didn’t stop you from thinking about it all day. 
In a spur-of-the-moment decision, you decide to text him a flirty message, running to the bathroom to take a picture to match. You waited a little bit, hoping that he could take at least a peek. 
“You look gorgeous, honey.”
Just gorgeous? Not hot? Not good enough to make him want more?
You scrunched your mouth to the side, asking if he could send a picture back.
“Baby, you know I can’t. I’m at work right now.” 
You huffed at that. You knew he was just in his lab by himself. There was plenty of time and solitude to take a picture. He used to send random pictures of himself all of the time. 
For the rest of the day, you were irritated, feeling slighted at the hands of your husband.
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You took a break from trying to seduce your husband, tired of the pushback. You put your all into taking care of the kids and maintaining the house when you could.
“And how many sticks does that leave Cassie with?” you asked Gabriella. You both were at the dining table with her math homework sprawled everywhere while dinner was in the oven. 
“27!” she shouted, voice becoming more confident over the course of the math sheet. 
“Correct! You’re knocking ‘em out, girl!”
“Buen trabajo, mija,” Miguel said with vigor as he came by to kiss the top of her head. “You’re doing so well.” (Good job, mija.)
“Does this mean I can get a cookie?” she asked, quick to melt her father’s heart.
“Not before dinner, Gabriella, you know this,” Miguel bounced Raul in his arms, a little fussy and sniffly. 
“Please, papá!” she looked up at him with big brown eyes and a pout.  
Miguel sighed, unable to say no to her 9 times out of 10. 
He looked at you frantically, watching you snickering behind your hands, “You have to ask Mamá.”
Whenever he really wanted to say no, he used you as a trump card.
Gabriella’s shoulders drop as she turns to you, already knowing the drill.
“The answer is no. You can wait until after dinner,” you say, squeezing her cheek.
“You always say no,” Gabriella whines dramatically, slumping in her seat with her arms crossed, pout just like her dad’s.
“And you can always go to bed with no cookies,” you chide as you get up to go check on dinner. “Now go put your homework up and wash your hands, dinner is almost ready.”
She puts her papers back in her folder with the theatrics of a Broadway actor, sighing dramatically with each step she took to her room.
Miguel laughed at her actions watching her leave, “She’s just like her Mami when she gets like that. Fussy.”
You pause to put your hand on your hip, “No, she’s just like her Father when she can’t get her way. Whiny.” You open the oven and pull the lasagna out to the stove to cool a bit. 
“Well, I can’t say no to her just like I can’t say no to you,” he says, placing Raul at the table with a hand running over his soft hair. “You both have the same puppy-dog eyes.”
“You like leaving the hard parenting to me.”
“That is not true. I just tussled with a four-year-old to get him to take his cold medicine and made a promise of not one, but two bedtime stories,” he says, coming up behind you as you reached to get the dishes. He got them down for you instead, hand on your hips and stomach pressed against your back.
You bite your tongue in order not to will your negligent, horny brain from awakening. You didn’t have time for those thoughts, little feet were near, and every advance you gave him ended in failure. 
“Is he doing ok?” you say, referring to Raul he sat at the table with his head down, a teddy bear hugged against him as he pitifully moved his toy car back and forth. It was definitely a big shift from his usual talkative demeanor.
“We might have to go to the doctor again. His allergies are really acting up.”
You leave Miguel’s side to go squat down by Raul, “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”
You rubbed his back, trying to see if he felt warmer than usual and sure enough, he was burning up.
“My throat hurts, Mama,” he said, little voice just about gone. 
“Oh, I know, my sweet baby,” you say with a soft voice. “Do you want me to make you some alphabet soup?”
Raul’s face twists up, lip a little wobbly, “But I want some cheese noodles.”
“Hey, it’s ok!. You can have some lasagna. I just want your throat to feel better. Hot things will make it feel better.”
“The cheese noodles are hot, too.”
You smiled, “That’s right, the cheese noodles are hot, but I mean a hot liquid.”
He stayed quiet for a moment, hands squeezing his teddy bear as he thought, “Can I have hot chocolate?”
“Of course you can. Can I give you a kiss?”
He nods his head slowly and you lean over to kiss his head. You needed to get him under the covers soon. Before you could pull away, he wrapped his arms around your neck, snuggling up to be held. You couldn’t resist holding your baby, especially when you couldn’t take his pain away. 
You get up to see Miguel helping Gabriella plate the slices of lasagna on each plate and setting up the side salad. Your heart filled with joy watching them giggle over the stretchy cheese. It was moments like this that reminded you that you were taking the right steps, that this was the perfect little life.  
As they set up the table with the plates and drinks, you kept Raul in your arms, ready to help him with tonight's dinner. 
“Thank you for the food, Mommy,” Gabriella said with a toothy smile. 
“You’re welcome, baby,” you say, cutting Raul’s food up even smaller, not wanting him to struggle any more than he had to tonight. 
The table was quiet, save for Gabriella and Miguel smacking their food occasionally and Raul’s wheezy breaths. 
By the time dinner was over, Gabriella was buzzing in her seat for cookies, and Raul was close to falling asleep in your arms. 
You couldn’t ask for anything better. 
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With Raul sound asleep, Gabriella tucked in bed, and Miguel watching cable, you had a moment to yourself to think. 
Did today’s small touches mean anything?
You stood in the bathroom moisturizing your skin after a hot bath. You said you were going to stop trying to fish for your husband’s attention, but if you were honest, today’s brief moment of connection did it for you. You couldn’t stop your thoughts once you were alone.
You decide to wear just a pair of panties and one of his old t-shirts to bed: a look that wasn’t trying too hard to get his attention, but you’re sure he’s going to notice it. 
You sat on the bed and decided to read until he came into the room. You hope you were giving a sexy girlfriend vibe. Your skin was all smooth, you smelled good, and you knew you looked good. 
When Miguel walks in, he pauses at the door to stare at you. 
“Why are you looking at me like that? Come to bed,” you say. 
Hook, line, and sinker. 
Miguel shuffled over, eyeing you from head to toe. He looked delicious in his tank top, fabric stretched in the best possible ways.
He crawled on the bed next to you, “My band t-shirt?”
“Yeah! It’s comfy.”
He rubbed his hand up your naked thigh and your nerves started to sing. Any further up, and you might just wet your panties from his touch alone. You missed it so much. 
He leaned over to kiss the juncture your neck and shoulder, your neck, your cheek, and then he stopped. 
He just…stopped.
“Well, I gotta go in earlier tomorrow, so I’m going to sleep early. Is it ok if I turn this light off?
You felt your throat dry up, “Yeah, ok.”
He got under the sheets and switched his lamp off, leaving you in the dark with the faint light of your Kindle illuminating the room.
“Goodnight, honey,” he said with a yawn. 
You turned your Kindle off and just sat in silence, his snores breaking the illusion of the dark consuming you. 
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You’re starting to think the worst. 
You kept up a number of tactics subtle to glaringly obvious to appeal to your husband from changing up your perfume to what you would say was an amazing strip tease. Absolutely nothing is working. 
He kept listing off excuses from the kids to his job to his parents to his brother, anything to avoid an intimate session with you. He even chose a night out with his boys over a night in bed with you which was jarring because he always made you feel good before going out to have a good time. 
Did he not find you attractive anymore? You knew childbirth brought a lot of change, but you were still the same woman he met and fell in love with. 
Did he not love you anymore? He often praised you for being a good mom and his pet names never stopped, but after that, his declaration of love for you had been very surface-level.
Is he cheating on you?
You really didn’t want to entertain that thought, but your heart couldn’t take any more pain than it already had. 
So, one day when you say you’re taking the kids to the park, you drop them off at your mom’s place instead, hoping that if there was something going on, no little hearts would be broken once you unleash a beast in the house. 
You pull back in the driveway to see that he’s still here, just as you suspected. You make your way quietly through the house, inching closer to you all’s bedroom. 
Your heart almost stops when you hear the sound of Miguel’s voice, high and breathy in a way that should only reach your ears. You don’t think when you swing the door open, adrenaline pumping high.  
Miguel yells, scared to death but alone. 
“What are you doing?” you ask, voice frustrated.
“What am I doing? What are you doing?”
You look at the state he’s in, shirt up, waistband under his dick, and a mystery fabric in his hand. 
“Were you getting off?” you say, hands dropping to your side. “Do you…do you not love me anymore?”
“Do you. Not. Love me anymore. You avoid me every time I’ve tried to initiate something with you. We haven’t made love in so long. You keep making excuses to not be alone with me. You don’t even want to do normal things with me like send pictures or makeout until we’re out of breath. I’ve heard you in the bathroom during the night and now you’re here doing the same thing, without me, your wife.” Your eyes start to water after it all, feeling utter defeat. 
“Cariño, this is a misunderstanding,” he pleads, voice distraught. “I do love you. I’ve never stopped loving you.”
“Then why are you doing this to me?”
“Because,” he pauses, fixing his clothes to have some decency. “I…haven’t felt the greatest about my body.”
Your tears dry up as soon as the statement resonates, “What? What do you mean?”
Miguel sighs.
“Lately, it’s getting harder and harder for my old clothes to fit me anymore, I’m way too busy to hit the gym and more than anything, I think you deserve a man who’s a little less,” he gestures to himself, “let go.”
“Says who?”
He looks at you as if you’ve grown two heads, “Uh, everybody?”
“Well, who is everybody because I’d like to strangle them for letting you think that my husband isn’t good enough for me.” You walk deeper into the bedroom crowding Miguel’s space. “You’ll always be perfect for me. The vows I promised to you will not be broken over something so normal as weight gain.”
He looked like he could cry. 
“Why did you hide you were feeling this way, baby?” you hold his head in your hands scratching at his scalp. 
“It felt stupid and silly. You’ve been doing so well socially and physically, I wanted to see if I could fix it on my own before bringing you down with my problems.”
“Miguel O’Hara,” you say, gripping his jaw firmly. ��I’m your wife. I might not be able to solve everything, but at the very least, you need to talk to me. Tell me how you’re feeling, express yourself with words. Don’t hide.”
He wrapped his arms around you, sniffling, “I know. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”
You pressed a long kiss into his scalp, rubbing his back. 
“Oh my gosh,” you chuckled. “You were feeling so much internally, meanwhile I was practically screaming at you to fuck me. I thought you weren’t attracted to me anymore.” 
So much for communication. 
Miguel just burried his face in your chest while he groaned, “That’s the thing! You were driving me crazy with your tight little workout clothes and your lingerie. You looked so good, but I couldn’t get out of my own head. I’ve been…”
“You’ve been what?”
“I,” he got red in the face. “I’ve been using your underwear.”
You look down to Miguel’s crumbled up hand and it was in fact your underwear from the night you wore his band t-shirt, drenched in his essence.
Your stomach turned with excitement.
“So this is what you were doing in the bathroom in the middle of the night, hm? Using my panties? Giving them more action and attention than me?”
Miguel nodded, eyes hazy.
“Did it feel good?”
Another nod.
“I bet it did. I would wake up and hear you trying so hard to cum.”
You don’t know how, but his face got even warmer.
“You left your poor wife all alone, thinking about you on top of her until she came too.”
“I did?”
“You didn’t know?” you ask, playfully. “I was up all night imagining you walking out to see me. I wanted these arms to come and hold me.”
You squeeze at his arms on your sides. 
“I wanted your weight on me. I wanted your chest against mine.I needed you so bad.”
You move to sit in his lap, knees on the side of him.
“You do such a great job of being a father. This beautiful change in your body is only proof of your hard work and dedication. It’s proof of love for your family.”
Miguel only melted in your hands, face a cloud of emotion.
“I love you, Miguel. I adore you. I yearn for you. I want you.”
With every declaration, came a kiss to his lips.
“Can I show you how much I love you?”
With that, you took his shirt off and made your way down his chest. You lingered around his chest, holding his pecs as you kissed them all over. You couldn’t stop your moans as your tongue felt across the hairy planes of his chest, sucking and pulling on his nipples. Miguel shudders as you pay special attention to them, sensitive after not being with you for so long.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this,” you breathe into his skin. You slide onto the floor and just press your face into his stomach.
“You like it that much?”
“Love it. You look so yummy walking around. You could be just standing there and I get so,” you cut yourself off, trying not to overwhelm him with just how much you were feeling. “You’re hot, baby.”
You kiss down his happy trail to reach his pants, his stomach twitching. You tugged a bit too hard on his pants, causing him to laugh. 
“What’s so funny?” you say with a pout. 
“I haven’t seen you like this since we won that couple’s retreat.”
“Not my fault. You were all sexy up there, beating the other husbands with your big brain. It was doing something to me.”
You finished pulling and you could almost cry with joy when Miguel’s cock springs next to your head. The sound you make when you see it also has Miguel wound tight. 
Completely taken over by your neediness and desperation, you pull one of his thick legs over your shoulder, kissing and sucking on the skin while your fingertips dance around the entirety of his length. 
The display of strength shocks Miguel who drips and whines at your actions. 
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby. Do you want that?”
“Yes,” he whispers. 
You cup him while you take his head in your mouth. It felt like pure bliss to have that familiar taste in your mouth. With the way you were humming, Miguel can tell that you were about to put him to sleep. 
You took no time letting your tongue stretch to take more of him in. Your cheeks hollow as you go further, one hand kneading at the thigh you were holding and the other switching from fondling him to wrapping around the base of his length. 
“God,” Miguel’s voice filled the room, the loudest it had been for the past few months. “I don’t think I’ll last that long.”
You let go of him and lick down the sides, “That’s because you’re too busy fucking other things instead of me.”
“’M sorry,” he whined as you went back down on him. “I-I was still thinking of you and, ngh, wanting you.”
“Mm hm,” your voice sent shocks down his spine as you didn’t let go. He moved his hips steadily, dick sliding in and out of your mouth and pudge occasionally pressing against your face. 
The faster he went, the noisier the sounds got. He moved his hands to your head, thighs eerily close to tightening around your face. You couldn’t have it any better. 
You dug your nails into his hips, throat contracting in order to take him in. Even with your jaw slacked, it’s been so long since you took him like this that you gagged more often than not. With every sound of your throat struggling, Miguel shouted your name, hands gripping tighter on your hair.
You could tell he was close by the way his thigh was tensing on your shoulder, so when he said the four words, you took him to the hilt, face completely pressed against him. 
“Shit!” he felt like passing out as he released into your throat. You swallowed as much as you could, but you couldn’t take it all, saliva and cum esxaping down your chin to his balls. 
He grunts when he pulls you off, chest moving sporadically. 
You lick your lips and let out a satisfied sigh, “Finally.”
Miguel could only chuckle as he laid back on the bed. You crawled on top of him, sitting on his thighs with a smile. You rub your hands on the skin of stomach, slowly getting to his chest, “I’m like, really wet right now if you want some more painties to use.”
He growled as he pulled you closer.
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
“Nope,” you say, popping the P. “I really want you to do it in front of me. Maybe send me a video for the nights you work overtime.”
He had the nerve to look embarrassed as he wrapped his arms around your back, “I might be able to arrange that.” He kissed your lips to distract you from speaking on it further.
After Miguel returned the favor with his head between your legs, the both of you were enjoying a quiet moment together before having to go pick up the kids.
“I can’t believe you thought I was cheating on you,” Miguel said as you were drawing circles on his chest.
“Miguel,” you say, lifting your head. “I pulled all the stops. I did things that I knew you loved: the t-shirts, going commando, the flirty pictures. I even brought whipped cream to the bedroom and you told me ‘I can’t eat that, it’ll blow up my stomach,’ when you were literally in the kitchen taking shots of it the night before.”
“Ok. So I see how you might have gotten to that ludicrous conclusion, but did you not notice how much I’ve been staring at you?”
You clicked your teeth, “Yeah, but what does that mean when you don’t act on it?”
Miguel twisted his lip, “Will you feel better if I told you that your work pictures turned me on too?”
You pinched him resulting in a yelp, “I’ll feel better right now if you give me a shower round.”
He pulled you in his arms as he got out of the bed, “Let’s go before your mom calls.”
You giggle and swing your feet on the way.
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After your afternoon of praising his body, Miguel emerged as his previous confident self. This meant more days with him walking around shirtless, more quickies in the morning, makeouts that ended in pleasure, him smacking your ass, you smacking his ass back, and sex. Lots and lots of sex.
Right now, Raul was down for a nap and Gabriella was enjoying her tablet time. 
You, however, were clawing at Miguel’s back like a cat as he pounded you into the mattress. 
“Fuck!” you shouted, eyelids fluttering as Miguel’s cock dragged across your walls. “It feels so good.”
“Quiet, mi vida,” he whispered. “The kids are in their rooms.”
You were quick to cover your mouth, moans muffled. It really didn’t matter because the creaks of the bed were just as loud as you. One change in position and the headboard denting the walls could be added to it. 
It was all too much. 
First, he woke you up with kisses down your body and a promise to lighten your load around the house. Then, he got the kids up and prepared breakfast with the help of Raul. Later while you were out running errands, he sent you a coupon for a spa that just opened up down the street and warm message. 
Now, he has you losing your mind with his hips slapping against yours, whispering praises in your ear.
“Hm? Talk to me.”
“I-I can’t-” your voice keeps getting louder unintentionally. He was so calm while he was reaching so deep inside. Your mind was hazy, wanting nothing more than him to keep going.
“You’re doing so good, Ma. You’re so good to me and the kids. You’re such a beautiful wife. Such a pretty Mama. Just wanna make you feel good.”
You felt yourself clench around him at his words, tears falling across your temples. He kissed your tears tenderly, strokes getting deeper. 
“M-Miguel,” you say with your heart full. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby. So, so deeply,”
That was all it took for you to suck him in and scream into his shoulder, nails digging into his shoulder blades. His release was soon after, painting your walls with his lips pressed against your ear.
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“Papá! You have to be more careful,” Gabriella fussed with her hands on her hips while Miguel was in the kitchen trying to make the family a snack. “You got hurt at work!”
Miguel paused and reached behind his back, fingers roaming over the healing scratches on his shoulder from his last session with you. 
You covered your teeth with your lips as Miguel turned to look at you with his eyebrows raised. 
“It’s ok, mija. Papá is tough!”
“But you gotta put something on it,” Gabriella said with a huff.
“Thank you for your concern, nena. I’ll get Mamá to take care of it, ok?” he ruffled her hair as he handed her a plate of bunny-shaped apple slices. “Now go sit with your brother and watch some TV.”
Miguel huffed as he walked up to the side of you with his arms crossed.
“What? You should put your shirt on!”
“That’s not what you said when you-”
“Hush and go get the aloe.”
Miguel snickered as he gave your lips a peck, “Yeah, yeah.”
Life was wonderfully sweet.
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With that, my first request is done! As always, like, reblog, and COMMENT. Let me know how you guys feel! 🩵
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pxtched · 4 months
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Miguel should’ve known it wouldn’t be a regular study night with you. He should’ve known it would’ve been something more than a study night like you said it was.
Books, pencils, clothing on the floor. You’re in your pink lingerie set in between his thighs. He’s naked on your bed, legs are spread wide open as you give him a handjob, edging him for what seems like forever.
He’s a whiny, sobbing mess. His glasses nearly falling off on his face as his face is flushed. You look at him, seeing him biting his bottom lip to muffle his whimpers and moans as tears fell down his face from his beautiful eyes.
You quicken your pace suddenly and he chokes up a loud moan, he throws his head back and closes his eyes as he moans out “I’m-I’m coming! ¡Oh-oh Dios! ¡joder! ¡Ya voy!” his hips thrusts up. Smirking at this sight and deciding he can hold on for a little bit more.
You stop your pace immediately, removing your hand from his overly sensitive dick and chuckle seeing his dick twitch. After a couple seconds after another ruined orgasm he looks back at you and whines more “why…” with a little pout you can’t help but feel bad for him.
You chuckle at him, “be patient, just wait until I tell you to come. you can do that right migs?” You coo at him with a small grin on your face. He pouts but nods. “Goood boy” you praised him and he let out a whimper, his dick twitched at it too.
You want back with your relentless pace but on his sensitive tip instead. His eyes shot open as his head immediately threw back, He was holding back whimpers and tried to hold on but the more you went. the more he couldn’t do it. He moaned out loudly, his hands grabbing the bedsheets tightly, his thighs tensing up, mouth open and his eyes rolling back as his hips starts thrusting up into your fist as he moaned out breathlessly “¡Joder-joder-joder!”
Before you can stop he came all over your hand and his lower abdomen, he groaned after his release and let out a whimper when you slap his dick for not coming when you said he could.
“You couldn’t even wait.” You scolded him as you get up from your bed he watches you with a pout on his face “lo siento…”
Tags! @ultravioletrayz , @safixiovi , @syler-griffin , @jadeloverxd , @rxckstarss (i figured you’ll like this!)
(nerd!miguel credit @nymphomatique )
Reblogs help a lot! Thank you and goodbye!
master-list _ guidelines/rules _ abt me !
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ultravioletrayz · 5 months
This idea has been rotting in my head, and I have to let you know!
Giving Miguel a handjob in his office but even when he cums you still continue, his cum pooling over your hand and his dick, making Miguel a moaning mess, eyes rolling back saying “no more, can’t—too much!” basically overstimulating miguel with a handjob :3
Poor Miggy :(
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Pairing: miguel o’hara x f!reader
Warnings: 18+, subby!miguel, handjob, overstimulation (m. receiving), praise kink
Summary: overstimulating miguel!!
A/N: sorry this is so short, I kinda focused in on the point of action. I might make a longer fic in future and incorporate something similar tho
Word Count: 530 (unedited)
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“Mmph- fuck! Cariño, por favor. No puedo.” Miguel whimpers, his voice muffled by the hand you have lazily held over his pretty lips. His hips jolt and buck in his desk chair, signalling that he’s approaching yet another orgasm.
Your hand is coated with thick, creamy ropes of his cum, his chair stained with his release causing his thighs to twitch at the feeling of his seed dripping onto the floor of his office. The office he had begged you to follow him into so that you could help him release some stress. It was supposed to be just a quickie, a handjob from his pretty girl, a few passionate kisses, and then the two of you returning to work. But two orgasms in, Miguel knew that he wasn’t escaping your grasp.
“Shh, Miguel,” You coo, licking at the side of Miguel’s throat, forcing another string of adorable little whines out of him. “You’re being such a good boy f’me, just one more, yeah? One more time, baby.”
Miguel shakes his head, his sharp red eyes rolling back as a few tears roll down his flushed cheeks due to just how overwhelmed he is, how sensitive his stupidly fat cock is now that your skilful hands have ripped four orgasms from his tense body and your words of praise travel straight to his balls.
“Mami, I can’t- hah! I can’t come anymore!” Miguel whimpers, eyes locked on the way your glistening hand strokes his aching cock, the veins on either side bulging as the wet, gushy sounds of you pumping his creamy dick fill his otherwise silent office.
“Yes you can, honey. You’re doing so well, it’d be a shame to stop now.” You whisper, nibbling on Miguel’s ear just to take advantage of his vulnerability in this heated moment.
Miguel yelps and whimpers as his back arches against the headrest of the chair, the sweat on his tall, tan, muscular body catching the light and making his skin shimmer in a way that has you weak in the knees, opting to jerk him off at an even faster pace that has him crying and digging his claws into the seat underneath him.
His hips spasm as he whimpers against your hand, drool being smeared all over your palm as his sharp red eyes look up into your own, his gaze tired yet loving as your pretty hands send him to his peak once again.
Miguel screams your name as his throbbing cock spurts thick, sticky ropes of cum into the air, the excess trickling down his shaft and saturating his heavy, trembling balls. He closes his eyes and pants, giving your hand a few quick pecks before you pull it away.
“Mi alma,” He whispers, letting his head fall back against your chest as you stand behind him with a box of tissues (because it was going to take the whole box to clean up the absolute mess of cum covering his quivering body).
“I’m here, Migs, I’m here,” You whisper, kissing the top of his head as you bring a tissue to the tip of his cock, earning a whiny moan from Miguel.
Well, he certainly didn’t feel stressed anymore.
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On an unrelated note, happy new year!! 💜
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spiderlyla · 9 months
Miguel and reader gf about to go to bed but shes wearing baby blue boy shorts as underwear and he just cant stop staring at the print of her pussy so when they’re about to gts he randomly takes off the covers and stuffs his face in between her legs.
“Mhm dont even needa take em off amor just love this pussy”
female (afab) reader × miguel o'hara.
cw: cussing, NSFW (minors dni), biting, mention of fangs, miguel being pussy crazed.
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miguel wasn't sure where you got those from.
you always wore one of two things when you went to bed, just the regular white pair you have dozens of or those skimpy lace ones that he-oh-so-loved to rip off of you.
but this was something new.
you wore baby blue shorts, too short and a size too small, curving around your figure, your poor thighs choked by them. you bend over to grab some candles from your bedside table and miguel couldn't help but watch how the fabric hugged your ass perfectly and jiggled when you moved. you seemed oblivious to what you were doing to him, acting all naturally, like you weren't edging him everytime you brushed past him or everytime you bend over to grab something.
they were a little sheer, so when you sat down, he could visibly see a wet print right between your thighs. the urge to bury his face between your legs only grew as he uncomfortably shifted on the chair opposite your bed. you laid on your stomach, lighting up those two candles you grabbed before you went back to laying on your back.
"mm, mig, won't you come to bed, honey?" the way you said his name hypnotised him, like a siren's call. "I'm reading, amor." he truly wasn't. the book was long discarded on the little table beside him, its been sitting there ever since he laid eyes in you in those shorts.
you spread your legs a little while checking your phone, oh, you have to be doing this on purpose now. " 'nough reading, please. come to bed." that little 'please' was enough to convince him. he got up and walked over towards you. as soon as he did you dropped your phone on the counter and spread your arms towards him. he chuckled and laid down, and immediately, you rested your head on his chest, with a hand around his tummy and a thigh on top of his leg.
you pulled the cover over the two of you and got cozy. hee could feel the wetness between your legs stain his own sweatpants, and each time you moved, your knee brushed against his hardened cock. this was unbearable. truly and utterly unbearable.
he tried to take his mind off of all those filthy thoughts he was having but with the way your breath fanned on his neck, and those little sleepy hums of yours he truly couldn't take it. as soon as you started feeling comfortable enough to slip into sleep, miguel moved.
"mig? what are you doing?" he kicked off the sheets and moved on top of you, quickly making himself comfortable between your legs. he left a kiss on the exposed skin of your inner thigh, fangs grazing against the plush skin. you let out a small moan, trying to move away. he wasn't in the mood for teasing, his calloused hands kept your legs in place as he continued to push himself in between your thighs. "where did you find these?" he mumbled, noticing how the print got bigger everytime he bumped his nose into your clit. you squirmed in place, "in—in my drawer—they're old but really comfortable—ah, mig.." his tounge licked a strip over the cloth, not bothering to take it off. "y-you can take it off—"
"no." he moved your legs over his shoulders, all while marking your thigh with bites. "no need. not right now." to relief himself a little, he grinded into the mattress, just the scent of you driving him wild. your hands had found his silky tufts of black hair and with every tug he felt himself getting dizzy. the tip of his nose kept brushing against your clothed, puffy clit. "we should sleep like this.." the vibrations of his baritone voice ran up your core, and you let out a moan that could be perfectly described as pornographic. "..love being between your legs, amor." His lips brushed against the wet spot—that has since quickly turned into a pool, soaking your shorts.
"so wet for me, didn't do anything yet." his fingers found the waistband underneath your oversized shirt, and he slowly peeled the shorts off, leaving you completely and utterly exposed. your slick dampening your wine coloured sheets.
miguel looked up at you, his irsis swirling with something you recognised all too well, pure and utter desire. he leaned in silently, his mouth mere inches from you.
"all for me.." his tounge ran across your cunt, you could see his eyes blow wide as soon as he tasted you. he glanced up at you with a grin, saying only one sentence before he went back to the matter between your legs.
"wear these fucking shorts all the time."
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Spiderman 2099 Masterlist
(My AO3, for those of you that prefer to read there)
- Rigor Mortis - college roommate!Miguel O'Hara x reader
Series Masterlist
summary: Relationships end. People die. You move on, and Miguel does too.
warnings: angst, slow burn, smut, friends with benefits, mentions of depression, child death (not explicit), grief. 18+
- Show me where it hurts - Miguel O'Hara x spiderwoman!reader
part 1, part 2
summary: Miguel's acting weird, and you make it your mission to find out exactly what's going on.
warnings: part 1 is just fluff and angst, eventual smut for part 2: breeding kink, cum play, animalistic behaviour (not quite ABO), mutual masturbation, dirty talk, praise and degradation 18+
- Touch - Miguel O'Hara x f!reader
part 1, part 2
Miguel misbehaves. You teach him a lesson.
warnings: pwp!! light f-dom, angry (ish??) sex, grinding, slight m-sub, (m) begging.  18+
- DBF!Miguel x f reader - fucking mig in a coat closet xoxo. (18+)
- Crush - Boss!Miguel O'Hara x lab tech!reader
- Wandering Hands - Hot tub + Husband!Miguel O'Hara x f!reader (18+)
- College Roommate!Miguel Headcanons - Miguel O'Hara x f!reader (18+) (heads up this is basically a full fic, 6k words)
- Jealous!Miguel O'Hara Headcanons - Miguel O'Hara x f!reader (18+)
- Good Boy - sub!Miguel O'Hara x fdom!reader (18+)
- Miguel O'Hara Breeding kink HCs - Miguel O'Hara x f!reader (18+)
- What Miguel looks for in a partner HCs - Miguel O'Hara x gn!reader
- Fucking Two Miguels Drabble - mmf Miguel x Miguel x reader (18+)
- Band AU drabble - bass guitarist!Miguel x reader
back to Masterlist Navigation.
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politemenacephd · 4 months
Monster!Mig Vol 4. (+18)
Werewolf!Miguel O'Hara X GN!Reader
Content: Established relationship, Monster/human relationship, Fear kink, Hormone smelling, Oral (reader recieving), Rough PinV Sex, Size Difference, Belly bulging, Claiming Bites, Knotting, Creampie.
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Notes: i got the flu real bad so we're feeling feral today boys i swear i will be back w more stuff soon Word count: 4162
‘There, nice and tight, right?’
You gently jangled the chains that you’d just tightened around Miguel’s chest, ensuring that they were immovable. They clanked a little against his rounded pecs, and while they could be moved about an inch or so they remained taut and firm.
Miguel kept his eyes on you as you checked them.  ‘I’m—sorry we have to do this again’ he murmured.
‘Nah, don’t worry about it’ you said, giving him a cheeky smile to ease his worries. ‘I knew what I was getting myself into.’
‘I- I mean I did my best to warn you, but—’
‘Mhm. Mhm. You did your best, and my god, I just did not listen’ you sarcastically sighed. He let out a little snort of a chuckle in response.
‘I just want you to be safe’ he murmured. ‘I couldn’t- stand, anything happening to you.’
‘Oh my god, stop being so stoic, pup. Just relax’ you teased.
‘You call me pup again I will bite you’ Miguel grunted back, ‘and I don’t mean because of the change. I will happily do it regardless.’
‘Oo, please do. But, later. For now—voila!’
You stepped back and admired your set up. This was your so called ‘panic’ room, a totally bare attic space with enormous, shackled chains bolted into the hard brick wall. It had one window overlooking the night sky, allowing cool light to filter in and highlight the dust in the air, but beyond that there was nothing else.
It was horribly drab, however, that was for a reason, for the floor was covered in years’ worth of claw marks, and the bricks showed signs of being gnawed by giant, hardy teeth.
You looked back down to Miguel on the floor and noted the slight tint of yellow showing on his warm red-brown eyes. His pupils were already dilating.
Your dear Miguel, your beloved, would soon turn into a ravenous beast for the night.
‘I’m gonna miss you’ you said softly, your sentimental heart unable to keep up your cheerful, teasing façade.
Miguel gave a slight smile and scoffed. ‘It’s one night. One night to keep you alive. You’ll manage.’
‘Mm, I dunno. Maybe death would be better.’
‘You’re so dramatic’ he said bluntly.
‘I’m dramatic? Me?’ you said as you dramatically pressed your hand to your chest. ‘You’re the one who can’t see a full moon without murdering everyone in sight. THAT’S dramatic!’
Miguel scoffed a second time and let his head hit the brick wall. He was playing the exasperated partner, but you could see his eyes lingering on you in the dimming light.
‘Yeah. I’ll miss you too’ he said, his voice softening as he looked you up and down.
You smiled as your hands fell to your sides. You looked oddly coy. ‘Mhm. That’s what I thought.’
You carefully bent down to his level as the urge to kiss him became too strong. He strained against his chains to meet you with drooping eyes. You made it to your knees, even allowing your lips to brush, when you smelled something that gave you instant pause.
‘Is, that—’
It was. It was that familiar musk, the smell of fur and earth and beasts. You glanced at Miguel’s eyes and found them even more dilated than before.
The two of you glanced in unison towards the one rickety window in the corner. You could see that the sun was slowly setting as the sky turned from red to navy blue, the emptiness glimmering with the first few speckled stars.
The little blocks of light cast onto the dirty floor were turning from a soft yellow to a hazy white. Moonlight.
You sighed. ‘Okay. Okay, um—it’s time for me to go.’
You managed to sneak one gently kiss to his cheek, leaving a lingering little print of your scent before you reluctantly withdrew. Miguel’s sad puppy dog eyes followed you all the way to the door.
‘Good luck’ you whispered, pausing on the precipice of the doorway. ‘I’ll stay up. Make sure nothing gets out of hand.’
‘I’ll be thinking of you’ Miguel murmured back. You smiled before locking the door at your back.
For the rest of the night you stayed up in your room. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep so you decided to cuddle up in your loosest pyjama’s and watch videos until the early dawn.
You wanted to be able to sit beside him, but Miguel was staunchly against such a thing. He couldn’t risk the temptation of having you nearby, and you knew he didn’t like you seeing him in this form.
You knew you wouldn’t care but you didn’t want to push it. You agreed to stay separate.
As the clock struck midnight you glanced over to where the curtains on your bedroom window were lightly waving. You could see the full moon beyond them, bright and bold and uncovered by even a single cloud.
An ominous sight to someone like you.
Your eyes instinctively glanced up to the ceiling. You knew he would have changed by now. You wondered as you always did; was it painful, the change? He said it wasn’t, but you knew he could just be covering to save you the worry.
You wondered what he must think about in that state, if he even thought at all. You wondered if he did miss you. If he thought of you.
God, you really did miss him. You missed his warmth, his biceps around your waist as you spooned, his warm breath on your neck. You missed resting on his chest. You missed kissing him. You missed- well, everything.
You missed his body. You missed his soft praise and barely concealed possessiveness as he held you down. You missed his calloused hands and sharp claws gripping you tight.
You felt a soft pulse in your lower sex and shook your head. No, you shouldn’t get worked up tonight. You needed to be on guard.
But… you did miss him, so, much…
You jumped in bed at the sudden noise.
Luckily, you were used to this. When the moon hit he always tried to escape, and it’s that which kept you awake all night. The sound of that poor beast struggling against his chains, snapping and howling. It’d been painful the first few months you’d had to hear it, then it’d gotten annoying, but now it was just normal. It was like adjusting to your partner snoring at night.
You yawned and leaned back into the pillows.
The banging continued as you’d expected. You heard chains rattling, boards being torn and ripped. You dozed through it all in a half-asleep daze, barely paying attention to the video you put on.
It was at about 2am, when the clock struck, that you heard something more alarming.
You heard metal clanking hard on the floor, and jolted upright in bed. Wait, you’d never heard that before. His chains didn’t reach the floor?
But that was definitely what you could hear. You could hear metal on wood, scraping its way from one end of the attic to the other. Your head slowly tilted as you followed the sound.
‘Shit’ you hissed.
It couldn’t be. It couldn’t. Not tonight. Not now.
Another loud bang rang out, and this time you physically jumped in shock. It sounded like wood splintering, and it was coming from the side of the attic that you knew the locked door was on. The side opposite to where Miguel was meant to be.
A low, warbling howl filled the silence. Your heart sank.
You heard the door upstairs slowly, painfully, creaking open.
Oh no. No, no, no.
You jumped from your bed and instinctively went to hide beneath it, but somehow your luck took an even worse turn. As you jumped your feet landed directly on a loose board. It creaked, loudly, and the footsteps stopped.
‘Shit’ you hissed again. He knew you were in here.
For a couple of seconds, all was still. All was silent. In the dark you couldn’t tell what was the house settling and what was a predator on the prowl.
A low, threatening growl filled the air, and you bolted.
In a moment of panic you dove out of the bedroom and down the stairs, just barely missing the enormous muscled figure of Miguel as he dove at your head.
You had only one hope. Miguel had left his taser downstairs in the living room. It was just a precaution, one you’d never used before hence why it was in such a random spot, but you needed it now.
You stumbled into the living room with Miguel hot on your heels. You made it halfway across the room to where the taser was sitting on the edge of a table. You reached, your hands grasping, but right at that crucial moment you tripped.
Your toes went under the rug on the centre of the floor and you fell hard on your face, knocking the taser to the floor in the process.
‘FUCK—Ah, ah…’
You spun around onto your back as the floor creaked.
Miguel crawled towards you on all fours. In the dark you could only barely see his face, with the light of the moon and the red of his eyes highlighting the contours of his body. The curves of muscle breaking through his torn shirt, the ruffle of dark fur on his back and arms, the shimmering coat over his talons, all of it highlighting how deadly he was.
He still looked like him, like your Miguel. That slicked back dark hair and rough brown skin, those almond eyes and that chiselled square face, with his enormous chest and shoulders sat atop that smooth curved waist.
But you could see the monster breaking through. The fur bursting out in patches on his arms and chest, the claws erupting from his fingernails, the tufty ears erupting from his head, and most of all the teeth. His usually soft expression was drawn back into one of animalistic malice, and you could see the most enormous fangs in his maw.
He bared those same teeth and snarled.
‘Mig, Miggy—Miguel, hey, it’s me’ you panted.
He drew his lips back even further.
‘Miguel’ you repeated desperately. ‘Miguel—’
He took a few steps closer, forcing you to scurry on your back. You couldn’t run. You would never make it to the door, nor the window nor the corridor.
In a panic, you could think of only one thing to distract him. It might have seemed mad to anyone else, and yet to you, there was a lingering shard of a memory teetering on the edge of your terrified mind. The memory of Miguel mentioning the importance of scents, and how the smell of you always drove him mad.
You grabbed your pyjama pants and shifted them down.
It was just an inch at first, as you were laying awkwardly on the floor and they kept catching on the wood, but as you slid them you noticed him slowing his predatory approach.
You saw his eyes darting. He sniffed, smelling the air.
‘That’s it’ you whimpered. ‘That’s it, it’s me. You know that, don’t you?’
You lay down on your back as Miguel crawled over you. The scent of your kiss must have stuck in his nose, as he seemed to remember through the haze even a small part of you, but more than that the smell of your bare body was enticing.
He bent his head and sniffed from your neck down to your belly and finally to your thighs. He growled there, and in a panic you yanked your pants further. You pulled them right down to your ankles.
‘Ah—there, there, shh—’
He gave a grunt of what you assumed was satisfaction as you kicked them aside. He moved in, and you lay back in submission. He pressed his face right against your bare pussy.
‘F-Fuck—’ You bit your lip to stifle any noises. This was a dangerous ploy, especially as you’d made yourself so vulnerable, but you wanted to trust him. You had no other choice.
You closed your eyes and prayed.
It was then, in the dark and the cold, unseeing and tense, that you were jolted by the most abrupt spasm of pleasure.
Something long, wet and warm was lapping at your bare pussy, eagerly and curiously winding between your lips and up to your clit. Your legs spasmed at the sensation.
You opened your eyes and looked down, only to find that he was licking at your bare sex. He was clawing at the wood as he curiously tasted you.
‘A-Ah…. Miguel, that—mm—’
The soft little fluttering pulses in your clit that you’d tried to ignore before had left you extremely sensitive, and his rough tongue was making it hard to see. You were trying to stay on guard, wary that he might still lose himself again, but fuck did it feel heavenly.
He’d always been a fan of pleasuring with his tongue, but this was something else entirely. His increased size allowed his tongue to cover your entirely labia when flat, covering every single little spot of nerves he could get at. You whimpered on the floor.
He kept licking. Kept tasting, kept curiously flicking the tip on your clit, kept getting so close that his tongue delved right into your cunt. All the while his claws were dangerously close to slicing your ankle, and worse, his teeth kept grazing the sensitive skin of your folds.
You knew you were going to cum from this, but you didn’t want to startle him with any loud noises.
To your horror, as the pleasure rose, you had to try and bite you down.
You forced yourself to cum in silence. Your hips bucked a little, your legs involuntarily spasming as he kept licking through every ripple of pleasure, but luckily it didn’t seem to bother him. You rode out that sweet, guilty pleasure as you screamed in your mind, before slowly relaxing as your muscles de-tensed.
Thankfully Miguel drew himself back just a little while after your silent orgasm, his mouth dripping with slick and spit. He drew himself up to your head and snapped at your cheek, baying you to lay still. You did as told.
‘A-Ah… you really are still Miguel, huh?’ you said with a shaky laugh. He grunted.
You realized then, as the adrenaline and the pleasure wore off, that he was naked. You hadn’t really taken it fully in before now, but the change must have torn his clothes to shreds.
He was naked, and his enormous veiny cock was pulsing between your legs as he hunched over your body on the floor.
You baulked a little in shock. Fuck, had the change made him bigger?
You didn’t have time to ponder that as he began to push himself between your legs, his claws settling beside your shoulders. He was getting into a missionary mating press.
‘A-Ah… ah, fuck, Miguel’ you panted. He wanted to try and fuck you? Like this?
His eyes on you were still burning with that beastly haze, but you swore you saw something in them that looked like him. Something soft, something affectionate, beyond the curdled animalistic lust.
You felt his cock nudging at your tight hole, smearing the spit and slick he’d left behind as he coaxed you to take him. You could feel his bulbous member twitching.
Your eyes shifted, and you realized that the taser had fallen on the floor within arm’s reach. You could feasibly bring him down now, if you wanted. If you had to. You could grab it quick and render him limp.
But… Your eyes involuntarily drifted back. You were so sore, your pussy throbbing as your blood pulsed through it, your thighs sodden and shaky. The thought of the release, the relief, of your beautiful Miguel fucking you raw with that fat rod, it filled you with fear and unescapable excitement.
You bit your lip as he growled again. Fuck. Your hormones had certainly won him over, so, at least your plan worked, right? At least with this, you were safe. At least like this, he couldn’t go anywhere else.
‘O-Okay, you… That’s it. Stay here with me’ you stammered breathlessly. ‘Stay with me, Mig. That’s it.’
You lay still, and you let him take you.
It should have felt familiar. You’d taken him so many times before, but this? This was different. You felt the size difference immediately.
His cock was obscenely fat, and it was splitting you open as he stretched you wide. He hit a point about a third of the way down his shaft where he could get no further, and with a dissatisfied snarl he started to rut harder. He was pushing you to your limits, and as he edged deeper you felt the sudden influx of burning in your core.  
‘F-Fuck—’ You squirmed a little, trying to adjust to the size, but a sharp snap at your cheek forced you back to stillness.
‘O-Okay, okay, just—careful, please—’
You weren’t sure how much of him remained lucid, but something definitely seemed to make him slow down as you winced. He started to pause between pumps, letting you shift and settle, and even nudged your cheek to see if you were okay.
He never stopped, though. He continued to pump his shaft into your cunt, easing it open inch by inch to take him, and when he finally bottomed out it was because you physically couldn’t take any more.
 He managed to get most of it inside you, but he couldn’t fit it all. You were embarrassed to see a good two inches of thick, throbbing cock surrounded by dark hair still sitting uncovered, accompanied by the sight of your belly bulging where he’d settled.
You felt it nudging at your cervix. You felt it throb, you watched it throb, and grit your teeth. You were shaking, but fuck, it was good.
Miguel snarled again, his teeth bared against your cheek. You could feel him breathing a little harder as he shifted his pelvis. You knew he was feeling you, tasting you, pausing to savour the sensation of your insides squeezing him tight, and you liked it.
‘It’s okay’ you stammered. You felt his drool hit your cheek. ‘I-I’m okay. You- You can have me.’
Miguel throbbed again, a pulsing sensation so hard that you felt it in your guts.
You blinked in shock. Was that, a word?
Miguel bared his teeth a second time as he took one, hard thrust inside you, one that threw your entire body and sent both sharp pain and toe-curling pleasure through to your soul. You groaned in shock.
‘A-Ah, f-fuck—’ you whimpered.
He repeated that single, guttural word, and you knew he meant it. You nodded.
‘Y-Yes. Yes. Yours. All yours.’
He growled deep in the back of his throat, a motion which made his Adams apple jolt.
‘Breed’ he snarled. You shuddered as he dug his claws into the wood beside your head.
‘Breedable. Mine.’
You grit your teeth in anticipation. You could feel him gradually beginning to slip his cock in and out. Without another word, that enormous beast started to rut back and forth.
He was rough from the start, even when he was exhibiting some form of control. You had to dig your nails into his biceps for support as he threw your body with every thrust. Luckily, he didn’t seem to mind. He was happy to bend you, pushing you into a deeper mating press.
You could see his talons by your head. You could feel his hot breath, could smell the stench of fur and metal and musk. He was panting with each pump.
As you trembled and moaned, taking each deep thrust of his cock, some of that animal rage in his eyes seemed to dissipate. Did he look, hot? Was he, moaning back?
He was definitely grunting with each thrust he took. You could feel the veins on his cock pulsing against your gummy walls, begging for release.
As his grunts got louder he started to pump harder. It was all you could hear. His grunting, his panting, the sound of skin clapping skin, the whine of the wood being raked by his claws and the wet squelch of his cock moving back and forth.
He was getting close. You realized, in a brief moment of lucidity as you were fucked brainless, that he was going to try and cum inside you. All you could think was one thing: How would he even fit that in you?
It was while you tried to comprehend this question that one of his little werewolf habits reared its ugly head; the need to bite. The claiming bite.
You squeaked audibly as he abruptly bit down on your neck and shoulder, pinning you hard to the floor. You could feel the burn of his teeth as they sank beneath the skin, the pure power in his jaw. If he moved too hard, he could absolutely cause a lot of damage.
‘M-Miguel’ you whimpered. ‘Miguel—’
With your body clamped and frozen he started to buck harder, driving his cock into you with a frantic and animalistic force. You clung to him as tightly as you could.
‘Miguel—’ you cried, ‘P-please, ah—’
He thrust, and he growled, and every hair on his body stood on end. With a seething grunt he orgasmed inside you.
As you’d expected there was just no space inside you left to fill. You had to experience the full sensation of his unloading with so little room between his cock and your sensitive walls; the pulsing, the twitching, the thick spurts of cum that oozed out only to immediately start dripping down your ass to the floor. It sounded so obscenely wet.
‘Ah…. There, good- good boy, good boy’ you panted. ‘Miguel, fuck—’
Then you realized, one other little thing Miguel had mentioned to you in confidence; he was going to knot.
You gripped his arms tighter to support. ‘F-Fuck, fuck—’
Sure enough he knotted on the last spurt, plugging you tight as you squirmed. He hissed on your cheek as he did so. It was a primal display of possessive need, a sign of ownership as his cock swelled and pushed you to your limits. You could feel the thickness of his cum inside you, now unable to escape. You panted.
‘F-Fuck…. Ah, o-okay big guy, there you go. You- You okay now?’
His growling lowered to just a gentle whine, and slowly he drew his teeth back from your cheek. He simply held you there beneath him, impaled on his shaft, panting and beading with sweat from the entire ordeal.
Eventually you felt the knot releasing. It was like feeling a stranglehold on your neck finally unclench. The relief was intense, and you immediately began trying to ease yourself off.
But you barely made it an inch before being pinned by Miguel’s clawed hand. His fur brushed your cheek as he grabbed your chest, holding you still to the floor. You rushed to soothe him. ‘A-Ah—okay, okay. Shh, you’re okay big guy.’
He bared his teeth in that same territorial display. You met his gaze. You locked on to each other, naked and joined at the hip, throbbing around each other in a pool of primal sweat and cum and slick.
‘It’s okay. It’s okay’ you repeated. ‘I’m yours. I’m yours. See? Your- your little, prize.’
You gently shifted your hips to draw his attention there, and predictably his eyes did a little roll as your pussy clenched his shaft. He pulsed back, his veins pumping with hot blood.
To your continued surprise, he started thrusting again. His erection hadn’t lost any stamina, and if he was feeling overstimulated, he certainly wasn’t showing it. You, though, were showing it quite overtly.
A raspy moan escaped your lips as he winded you with the force of his insertions. His previous load was now being squished out with each thrust, but he didn’t care. He was making way for more.
‘A-Ah—f-fuck, Miguel, you—you really, need, more? MM—’
His hand pressed a little harder against your chest as he started to pick up speed. He was smacking you down against the wooden floor, his pelvis turning your hip bones numb. He tilted his head and growled.
‘Oh fuck—fuck that’s so—good—’
Your eyes rolled as that sweet dumbification kicked in. His cock easily fucked away all of your inhibitions, drowning your fear in heavenly pleasure as he rutted you raw.
If this is what it took to keep him distracted all night, then this is just what you’d have to do.
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bellinghamenthusiast · 5 months
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📚: in which you have a little fun with the schools nerd.
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miguel didn’t expect his day to end like this. he came into the library in study for his big test, but you had other plans. you had come from one of your games, you saw him and grinned.
you wrapped your arms around his neck and whispered in his ear; “migs! whatcha doing?”
miguel jumped from the contact on his neck and mumbled; “j-just studying for an exam..”
you sat in his lap and he whimpered. his cock had already hardened from the simple touch on his neck. you palmed at it for a bit before sighing dramatically.
“such a big dick.. too bad you don’t know how to use it..” you cooed as miguel placed his shaking hands on your hips. 
“go on, baby, strip me slowly.” you whispered into his ear. miguel immediately obliged, his trembling fingers slowly tugging on your shorts, revealing your soaked boxers. 
miguel unknowingly licked his lips and slid off your boxers, revealing your soaked pussy. he quickly switched your positions, pushing you onto the table and laying you on your back.
“can i..?” he whispered breathlessly as he lifted your legs onto your shoulder. you gave an affirming nod and he instantly shoved his face in your pussy, no warning. you let out a loud moan as miguel licked your folds desperately.
of course, since he didn’t get any girls or guys, he was pretty bad at this. but it’s the thought that counts, right?
miguel ate you out like a starving man, he was nose deep in you, licking and moaning like a whore. his fingers slowly rubbed your clit, causing you to whimper loudly. you rocked your hips against his face, his pace was painfully slow. miguel got the memo and had an idea. he took two thick fingers and rammed it into you, causing you to cry out in pleasure. he fingered and ate you out at the same time, causing your legs to shake and your orgasm to creep closer. 
miguel took the curtesy to aggressively thrust his fingers in and out of you while his mouth worked on your clit, sucking and biting on it softly as he felt his cock leak.
you whined when all sensations suddenly stopped. you tried to look up but got cut off by miguel slamming into you with no warning. you moaned as miguel whimpered at the sudden tightness of your hole. you pulled miguel into a sloppy kiss, moaning into each others mouths as miguel rutted into you desperately.
“good boy, s-such a good boy..” you said between kisses as miguel kept thrusting aggressively. 
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©bellinghamenthusiast 2024. do not steal or plagiarize my work!
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cottonconnielvr · 11 months
Miguel Ohara who has a City girl girlfriend! who LOVES going out with her bestfriends but she be testing him with the outfits she be wearing I’m talkin bout titties popping, ass out, outfits and like one night she goes too far, and like he fucks her..
Yeah. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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PAIRINGS ✩ — miguel o’hara x black!hyperfem!reader
WARNINGS ✩ — drunk!reader, tummy bulge,edging, smut stuffff, didn’t proofread so excuse mistakes xx
THE sound of the City Girls blared from Miguel’s phone. His thumb pressed down on the phone, pausing your story. Your 24 inch black straight hair laid down your back. Your boobs were on the verge of falling out of your dress, your cuban link chain glistened under the light of the flash. He lifted his thumb up, allowing the video to continue playing. He watched as your friends shows your body all off to the camera, your ass cheeks hanging out and all. He can see the tattoo of his last name on the underside of your ass cheek, followed by the scar of where he first ever bit you.
He asked for you to not go out tonight, not in the mood to be defending the city at night and worried about his girlfriend who couldn’t stay away from a good time.
He clicked and clicked through videos, you chugging a drink down with your bestfriend, some random guy doing the worm to Poundtown, tons of angles of you singing R&B songs.
The next video was what set him off – you needed to come home now. You were drunk and giggling, bent over a stool as your best-friend took a jell-o shot off of your ass. A few college boys were recording as well, horny as hell.
Miguel was already fed up with you, your outfit being way too revealing.
You could wear whatever you wanted of course but, showing others what’s his..? Nah. Not gonna slide. He finds it amusing, he’s paralyzed you so many times with his dick, you’d think you’d be able to respect his wishes. But you just had to disobey him.
He spammed your phone with multiple calls that went to voicemail, many replies to your story, and many imessages.
Meanwhile, you just pulled up to another club with a bigger group than you arrived with. At this point you were fucked up, shaking your ass anytime you bent over. You were feeling a bit horny tho, missing your strong man so much.
“Ughhhh I miss my mannn” You dramatically throw your head back.
“Um speaking of your man he’s been blowing your phone up for like 30 mins” You best friend laughs as she nodded her head to the muffled music playing from outside the club.
“Oh oh oh! Where is my phone” You frantically looked around you, turning the flash on your phone to see the dark…. wait the flash on your phone?You looked up at your right hand, giggling at the coincidence. You were holding your phone the hold entire time.
“Man am I wasted!?” You asked out loud, walking into the club cheering with a random burst of energy. You immediately walked to the bar, Latch by Disclosure playing loudly. Your phone vibrated once again as you sat at the bar.
11:35 PM
Bring your ass home.
Right now Y/N i’m not playing.
11:43 PM
Answer your phone.
I told you not to go out.
12:31 PM
Okay Y/N.
READ 12:56 AM
Oh fuck.
He was on his way like right now. You scrambled to check his location, it took a couple seconds to reload. Just then it refreshed, his contact picture right on top of your best-friends location.
“Let’s go” A deep voice rumbled into your ear.
“Mig-” Your whines were cut off when your arm was snatched up by Miguel. “Wait” You followed behind as he dragged you out of the club.
“Ba-by wait..” You tried to come up with an excuse. You thought Miguel had a mission for the night and you meant to hide him from your story.
“Get in the car and shut up Y/N” Miguel opened the passenger door. You shut your mouth, knowing that if you just listen, you’re punishment wouldn’t be as harsh.
Miguel walked to the other side of the car, opening his door but his movements halted when you whispered out something inaudible.
“What?” Miguel looked over at you with anger. “I left my .. purse with B/N (bestfriend name)… and it’s like designer… can you get it?” You looked over at him with teary eyes. Miguel just started at you for a moment, you’re gonna kill him.
He sucks in a deep breath before getting out of the car, closing the door to go get your purse.
He soon came back to you sleeping in the passenger seat, shaking his head.
Thirty minutes later, you’re getting carried bridal style. Miguel carried your heels,purse, and the house key in one hand. His other hand firmly holding your weight.
He swung the penthouse door closed with his foot, taking you to the bedroom. “Mig?” Your pouty whiney voice called out. “Go ahead and rest mama, you’ll be up allll night tomorrow”
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“Mhmmph” You muffled out into Miguel’s shoulder as he pounded his lower half into you. “F-fuck! Fucking gripping me” Miguel hissed as you clenched against him. “Harder” You pant out, body getting squished into the mattress.
“Harder baby? Yeah?” He smiled down at you, such a fucking whore.
This was originally supposed to be punishment for last nights actions but, knowing Miguel he can’t resist you.
“Yeah” You smile back at him before your eyes rolled back as he delivered a punch to your cervix. “Ahh..shitt” Miguel moaned out as he could feel himself so deep in you. He looks down to the bulge that appears everytime he thrusts inside you. “Feel me ma? I’m right here s-shit” Miguel presses his hand on the bulge.
“I’m cummingg” You tapped his arm, clenching around his hard length. “Not yet pretty” He slid out of you. “You were bad remember” He sickly smiled down at you.
“Nooo” You whine out in frustration, “M’sorryyy I told you this!”
“Prove it to me that you deserve it then” Miguel say up against the headboard, dragging you on top of him. Your hand stroked up and down his cock before you slid down onto him.
“Fuck” You whimpered in unison. You placed your hands on his shoulders, breathing heavily. “C-can’t move”
“Yes you can pretty girl. You can take it cariño” He placed a kiss on your chin before slowly moving you up and down. You followed his guidance, throwing your head back in pleasure. “Just like that mama,” He lets go of your waist and slapped your ass before growling out, “Good girl”
“Make us cum and maybe i’ll forgive you”
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cherryredstars · 5 months
so I seen you 1k prompt ! And my eye gyat (😭 I need help ) something’s And I see you have a boss reader and I was just thinking . What about a boss FM reader who’s is dominant like 😏 think about it! and Miguel is like a civilian that is married to reader because of his love not because Of this look, his built body, no it how he laugh his, his eyes, the way he caring, and his ass personality 🤭..
so what about a sub/dom Miguel , like your game , and your assistant fic 😌☝️ can you mix these two pls !!
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1k Prompts and Company Matters Extra
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Handjobs, Blowjobs, Unintended Edging/Orgasm Denial, Bondage, Praise
Summary: Appreciate your employees! 
A/N: Subby Migs!!! Welcome back, dear!!!
Word Count: 1.7K (Unedited)
Part 1. Part 1.5, Part 2
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You needed a break. 
The paper work wasn’t helping your budding headache, and you were in desperate need of some coffee. As if he knew of your distress, Miguel knocks on your door. He slips in, a coffee cup in his hand. It makes your shoulders relax in relief, watching him as he smiles at you and places the coffee on your desk. 
“My savior,” You mutter while taking the coffee and sipping it. Just how you like it. 
He shrugs, looking at the ground as he chuckles with his hands stuffed in his pockets. “It’s nothing. Just thought you’d need a little pick me up.”
You hum around the edge of your cup, eyes scanning Miguel. He’s wearing a grey button up that stretches over his wide torso, a loose charcoal black tie to match his slacks. You cross your legs as you pull the cup away, licking at your bottom lip. With your keen eyes, you can see how Miguel’s eyes track the movement, eyes slightly darkening before he blinks it away. He stutters a bit as he goes to excuse himself, turning around and giving you a perfect view of his ass. The way he looks right now has to be considered extremely unprofessional.
“Miguel,” You call out, standing up from your desk. Miguel turns around quickly, looking eager to meet your demands. “Come take a seat.”
You have no chairs in your office besides your own. Made it that way to make snobby businessmen uncomfortable when they come to your office to pester you. You can see Miguel’s obvious confusion on where he’s supposed to sit. His lips part in realization when you pull your large leather chair back slightly, and he walks over silently. He walks past you, watching you the whole time as he moves to sit. His eyes don’t leave you even as your hand pushes at the center of his chest, making him fall into the chair.
“How about you? Where will you sit?” He whispers out, nervous at being so close to you. He can still feel your hand at his chest. 
You smile down at him, an almost predatory one. How sweet, still wanting to take care of you. “Right here.”
Miguel’s breath catches in his throat when you throw your leg over his thighs, caging him in. You’re hovering over his lap, and you’re thankful that you decided to wear your flared slacks instead of your pencil skirt. Your arm is thrown lazily over Miguel’s shoulder, your other hand toying with his loose tie. 
Miguel swallows loudly as he stares at you, “What are you doing?”
“Y’know, I appreciate you so much, Miguel.” You ignore, eyes watching the way his tie unravels with a light tug. “You’re so sweet to me. Such a good boy for me.”
Miguel lets out a shuddering breath, squirming under you as he grips the chair’s arms tightly. His knuckles are blinding white. “I-it’s my job.”
You let out an airy giggle that makes his brain fuzzy. His eyes are lidded and hazy as he watches your finger trail down his chest, slowly starting to undo a few buttons. Your hands burn against his exposed chest, and you can feel his rapid heart beat against your fingers. You smirk, leaning in and mouthing at his jawline. It makes Miguel gasp out, hands twitching to grab onto you. Your hands continue to rub at his chest as your mouth comes to his ear. 
You give the lobe a small nip, breath hot against the shell of it, “Let me show you how much I appreciate you.”
You can feel Miguel’s thighs twitch under you, pushing away from him. He almost whines as you get up, but it dies when you slowly part his legs and sink to the ground. You try to not laugh when he whimpers out an ‘oh shit’ as he watches you. Your hands rub at his clothed thighs, moving up until they’re at his belt. They slowly start to undo it, pulling the black leather out of his belt loops as you look up at him. 
“Would you like that?” You ask, basically cooing at him. He nods quickly muttering out a breathy ‘yes’. Good boy. 
You reward him by undoing his zipper, pride coursing through your veins when he instantly lifts his hips so you can pull them down. As you slip  them down to his thighs, your eyes zero in on the large bulge in his briefs. He whines when he finds you staring at it so intensely, his cheeks burning. Your hand ghosts over it, and he can feel your nails scraping against him gently. He curses softly when he bucks his hips into your hand, breathing in deeply. 
Your hand slips into his underwear, and he groans when your warm hand wraps around him. You pull him out gently, pumping him in an agonizingly slow pace. He cries out when your thumb brushes over his slit and you snap your face up to him. You coo at him, letting him go and standing up again. He whimpers at you as you let go of him, an apology is at the tip of his tongue. However, he quiets when you take the tie from around his neck. 
“Be a good boy and open your mouth for me.” You say sweetly, and he blinks up at you as he slowly relaxes his jaw. 
You hum, rewarding him with a slow caress to his cheek. He melts into the touch, but his eyes instantly widen as you shove the tie in between his parted lips and start tying it around his head. He speaks around it, his talk muffled. 
You bring a finger to your lips, shushing him gently. “Gotta be quiet, baby. Never know when someone might come up here.”
He nods in understanding, watching as you pry his hands away from the arm rests. You grab his belt, starting to tie his wrists together. “And this… is just for fun.”
Once the belt is secured, you sink back down to your knees again. He slumps in the chair, manspreading so you can sit comfortably between his legs. Your hand slowly begins to pump him again, and you can hear him sigh against his tie. You give him slow pumps, occasionally massaging under his mushroom head. It makes him whine and buck, eyes fluttering from the pleasure as he watches you play with him. You continue to praise him as you work him, muttering about how pretty he looks. 
Once you begin to tire of playing with him, you suck his tip into your mouth. It makes him moan out, tugging at his restraints. His hands itch to tangle in your hair as you bob your head around him. You take more and more of him into your mouth, pausing when he hits the back of your throat. You hollow your cheeks and try to take more of him in, and he moans loudly while bucking his hips. It makes you gag around him, and you push on his abdomen warningly. He whines apologies through the tie. They die down as his head rolls back, a dragged groan filling the room as you shake your head slightly. His eyes roll to the back of his head, nails leaving crescents into his palms as you move your head up and down with vigor. 
You can feel him twitch in your mouth, and you smirk from around him. Miguel’s whole body tenses in preparation of the orgasm that’s about to wash over him, babbling nonsense around his gag. You move faster, closing your eyes and letting him hit the back of your throat repeatedly. Miguel’s hand clenches and unclenches, hips lifting off of the chair as h-
Knock, knock.
Both you and Miguel freeze. The knocking continues once again, and the both of you look at each other. Miguel has a wide eyed and pleading look in his eyes. Is he begging you to stop or continue? You slowly pull off of Miguel as the person on the other side of the door calls your name, your thumb wiping away the spit from the side of your mouth. Miguel lets out a muffled whine, a pained look in his eyes as his poor cock aches with his built up release. You quickly throw your hand over his mouth to muffle him further, glaring at him as you hold a finger to your mouth. 
Both of you stay silent, until the person on the other side curses, mumbling something about forgetting a file at their desk. The sound of footsteps retreating meet your ears, and the two of you relax as it becomes quiet again. Miguel’s chest is heaving, brows furrowed. He whines again when you pull your hand away from his mouth. His orgasm has completely died down, and he bucks his hips up in hopes to lure you back in. 
Hope jumps in his chest when your hands reach down, but it quickly dies as you begin to undo his belt. His eyes are desperate as he mumbles ‘please’ around the tie and shakes his head. You coo at him, massaging his wrists before tucking him back into his pants and underwear before zipping him up. You button up his shirt again, removing the tie around his mouth last. 
“I know, I know. But break time is over. You gotta get back to your desk before that person comes back.” You shush as he begins to beg you to finish what you started. You caress his cheek lovingly, taking the wet tie and stuffing it into his pant pocket. He whines again, but nods his head in understanding as you ease him up from the chair. You give his cheek a small peck, before he’s rounding your desk and walking towards the door. 
You sit back in your chair, sighing as you pick up a pen and grab a piece of paper. Miguel readjusts his clothing as he opens the door, making sure he looks appropriate. 
He turns quickly, gulping and half-hoping you call him back. But instead, you’re leaning against your desk with your coffee cup in your hand. “Be a doll and warm up my coffee.”
Miguel takes a deep breath, his grip on the doorknob tightening. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
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spider-man-2o99 · 2 years
miguel is dramatically gorgeous, ok? there is an effortless elegance to his movements, but specifically in the way that the people who r dying tragically in renaissance paintings are elegant. he’s the kind of gorgeous that michaelangelo would sculpt because his resting face is one of beautiful suffering. were he not spider-man he would be found shirtless on the cover of millions of paperback romance novels. alas no gift from the Lord is given without a steep price so  he is also subject to extreme unending Horrors and is the biggest Mean Bitch on earth
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bluesidez · 2 months
GymRat!Miguel Part 6
content warning: fluff!, mentions of alcohol, uses of Spanish (if wrong, PLEASE correct me), boy-mom tendencies coming from Conchata, judging coming once again from Conchata (she means well, I promise. it just takes her a while to get there), mentions/pics of food, some PDA, it gets a little suggestive so MINORS BEWARE, Tyler + Nancy + Kron are all white for those who don’t know, Miggy still looks like ATSV Mig though, this is probably the LAST time that sorority party is mentioned, some body insecurity, Kron is a moron + freak, some violence at the end
word count: 8.5k, kinda proofread (no comment 😒 just buckle up)
Prev | Next ✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮ Masterlist
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GymRat!Miguel who hopes his package makes it to you in time for New Year's. He hates that he can't just come and see you. He wanted to be with you as the clock struck 12, he always wanted to have a New Year's kiss with someone, but it felt a little silly to drop everything a drive to you. January was soon, which meant that the new semester started soon. He wasn't one to count down the days until school started, but if it meant he could be physically near you again, he would mark off the days in bright red on every calendar in the house.
GymRat!Miguel who records himself counting down with his rambunctious family in his grandma's backyard. His baby cousins are jumping up and down, throwing Pop-Its on the ground just giggling away. His aunts and uncles are yelling loudly. His mom and dad are huddled up together, his dad kissing his mom's cheeks as she laughs. George is a little drunk so he's feeling a bit more brave than usual. Gabriel and Dana are sitting in a corner, lighting sparklers to pass out to his relatives.
GymRat!Miguel who sends the video to you as soon as he can. You were probably busy with your own family so he didn't expect you to reply right away. He watched the fireworks that his uncle set off. A little dangerous with the trees being so close, but amazing nonetheless. His mom and dad gave him a group hug, then started dancing and singing loudly to Selena. He didn't even look to his Gabriel who he knew was kissing Dana's face off. He really missed you.
GymRat!Miguel who confessed everything to his Abuela as soon as she opened her mouth to say "¿Qué pasa, mi nietecito?"
He sat at the end of the table next to her, sniffling away as he rambled about everything that had happened the past semester. The late nights, the early mornings, his roommate that didn't dry off in the shower sometimes, his failed party, his missed alarms, group projects, and most importantly you.
He told her how much he missed you and how silly he felt. She rubbed his hands and reminded him that love has no bounds. She jokes about all the times she stayed with his abuelo after the stupid things he's done.
Who proposes without a ring?
GymRat!Miguel who laughs at his Abuela's stories of her younger love life. They trade stories back and forth, his stories mostly of you because you're his first true girlfriend. His Abuela listens with glee, happy to see her Miguelito so joyful. She warns him not to be like his abuelo in terms of common sense, but to be like him when it comes to how much love he has to give.
GymRat!Miguel who is eager to show her a picture of you. She is the second family member to see you outside of Gabriel, as she is one of the family members that he is closest to.
She was the one he cried to when the truth of his parent's past life unfolded. She was the one he went to when his mom berated him for the smallest things. She was the one he went to when he felt that he was competing to be seen, but he didn't want Gabriel to notice his pain. She was his everything.
He opens his growing folder full of pictures of you and scrolls to one of you during one of your library dates. You're looking up at him with the cutest smile on your face. Your glasses are falling a little bit and there's a half eaten granola bar in your hand. You were studying for an art history exam and complaining about the influx of European artists over every other continent. He had told an art joke he found on the back of a laffy taffy.
"What did the art thief say to the museum curator?" he said, getting his camera ready.
"What?" you ask, highlighting a passage.
"Give me all your Monet," he said, a snicker following.
You turn to him quickly with a giggle, "That's so silly."
"It made you laugh, though," he said, snapping a picture.
You were really sweet that day. Looked sweet, smelled sweet, and even your kisses tasted like strawberries.
His Abuela took the phone in her hands, pulling her glasses down to look at you.
A smile grows on her face as she sighs, "¡Muy hermosa!"
Miguel's heart soars. He is glad that she sees what he sees.
Of course, she wants to see you. She compliments you profusely, praising Miguel for finding such a beautiful girl. Miguel promises to bring you by one day, happy to be the bridge that connects to women who bring him such joy.
GymRat!Miguel whose bubble bursts when his mom comes up from behind, asking what he and his Abuela are talking about. He quickly brings his phone back to his chest and looks up at his mom.
“Uh, we were just talking about school,” Miguel answers.
“What are you hiding, mijo?” Conchata asks, raising her eyebrows as she tilts her head. There was a warning tone in her voice, daring him to lie.
“You’re always fussing at him! It’s New Year's, Conchata, let him relax,” his Abuela sighed.
“Ma! He is hiding something,” she says, voice getting sharper. “He’s been strange ever since he got home. What is it? Háblame.”
Miguel just let the air go from his lungs.
“We were talking about my girlfriend. I was just showing Abuela some pictures,” Miguel said, tone quiet as ever.
“That’s it? Well, can I see them?”
Miguel hesitated, not knowing how his mom would react. She could be a bit of what people described as a “boy-mom.” Despite all of the years of her nitpicking and nagging him, she still had her moments where she thought others were too good for him.
Miguel hesitantly showed her the same picture. She quickly yanked the phone and looked intensely, pinching the screen in and out.
Then she started scrolling. It would have been fine, but there were still some of the scanned Christmas photos of you that he didn’t move to his locked folder yet.
“Hey!” he said, jumping up to grab his phone. He quickly uses his height to his advantage and gets it back in his hands while his mom tried her best to keep scrolling. He looks at the photo she stopped on, one more swipe and she would see what was only meant for him. “Seriously, Ma?”
“I just wanted to see,” she said, straightening her blouse. “She’s- nice.”
Her tone was nonchalant, sarcastic.
“Nice? That’s it?” Miguel ask with his mouth turned up.
“Sí. What does she study?”
“Hm,” she says. “I guess you’ll be the breadwinner. If it goes that far.”
“Ma, please don’t start this,” Miguel says, feeling a headache coming on. “I already told you that this was a new relationship. One that has lasted this long for me. And there are plenty of jobs you can get with an art major!”
Conchata made a face as to say ‘really?’ with her arms folded.
Miguel looked to his Abuela with an exasperated look in his eyes.
“They are hard to get, but the world cannot move without art or love,” his Abuela says, taking Miguel’s hand in both of hers.
“Love?!” Conchata just about shouts.
Miguel just groans.
GymRat!Miguel who stomps over and yanks up Gabriel by his shirt, disconnecting him from Dana, and dragging him inside.
“Gabri. A dinner party? Really?!” Miguel huffs out, irritation high in his voice.
“Where’s ‘Hi. Hello! How are you?’ No ‘Happy New Year’s Eve, Gabriel. My darling baby brother who I love!’ Just using your sheer strength against me. Removing me from the safe arms of my girlfriend. Just rude,” Gabriel turns his nose up and folds his arms.
“You running your mouth is all the answer I need,” Miguel says as he flicks Gabriel on the head. He yelps out a cartoonish ‘yeowch!’ “Why did mom just tell me about a dinner set up to meet my girlfriend?”
“Um! Well, you see, things happen when you’re enjoying a lovely ski resort!”
Miguel just geared his hand up for another flick.
“And!” Gabriel says, leaning back with his hands up. “Sometimes little brothers have to cover up for their big brothers when they almost punch the shit out of their half brothers!”
“So you tell them to throw a dinner?”
“No! That’s not even how I roll. All I said was that you were probably talking to her. Blame Nancy. And Tyler. And ma! Once Nancy suggested it, ma was ready to tag along. She’s been trying to stick her nose into your life for years.”
Miguel’s shoulders just slumped.
He pulled Gabriel in for a hug, “Sorry Gabri. I should have just asked you. She was just being really weird about the whole thing.”
“It’s ok, nobody knows your heart like me. But, do you really think it’ll be that bad?”
Miguel pondered that question.
“Hopefully not. I won’t let it get awful. She doesn’t deserve that,” Miguel says.
“Let’s look at the bright side. Tyler likes her. Dad likes her. Nancy’s opinion doesn’t really matter, but she likes anything Tyler likes. Kron is an idiot. And I definitely like her.”
Miguel clicks his teeth.
“Oh don’t make that face, Miguel. You know you love me!” he says and puckers at Miguel’s face.
“Ew, get away from me. You were just slobbering all over Dana,” Miguel says as he pushes Gabriel away and turns to go to his designated room.
“You’re so mean!”
GymRat!Miguel who answers within seconds when you call as he sits on the bed.
“Happy New Year!” you sing out, dragging the ‘year’ in a cute melody.
“Happy New Year, baby,” he says, smiling at your cuteness.
“I got your package!” you say, fighting with the phone to stay straight. You finally get it steady and start backing up. “It’s so comfy! The chest part is a little snug, though. Nothing too crazy.”
You stand in the middle of the camera. Miguel had delivered a bunch of his old sweaters to you after you mentioned wanting to snuggle during one of your FaceTimes.
He did everything to make sure they smelled like him. He used a specific detergent. He sprayed them in his cologne. He even wore them each for a set amount of time.
The one you were wearing was merchandise from when Gabriel decided he wanted to play basketball. You turned around and Miguel was met with ‘O’Hara’ printed across the back and your cute little shorts.
“Do you like it?” Miguel asked, internally freaking out. You’re wearing his clothes and his name.
“I love it!” you say, grabbing the phone and climbing onto your bed. “They smell like you too. I feel nice and warm.”
You brought the neck of the shirt up over your nose, eyes smiling at the screen. You were going to be the death of him. He’s become jealous over cotton and wool.
“Can I see it one more time?” Miguel asked, eyes heavy as he sat back against the headboard.
You popped up from your cocoon of his sweater and bit your lip, “Is this riling you up, Miguel?”
“More than you know. How could it not? My girl is wearing my clothes,” Miguel replied earnestly.
He heard you let out a soft noise, embarrassed as you stretched the phone out.
“Yeah, I’m really loving this,” Miguel said, voice lower.
You brought the phone back to your heated face, still not used to that type of response from Miguel.
“Don’t hide from me, cariño,” Miguel said, watching as you fanned your face. “Let me see you.”
“Cariño?!” you say, heart beating even more.
“Are you not my sweetie? My baby? My girl?” he asked, looking at you playfully.
You just rolled to the side and let out a huff.
“You’re teasing me,” you say, voice just above a whisper.
“Not teasing. Just admiring,” he says, eyes twinkling.
You bite the nail of your thumb, “I have an old selfie stick. I can go get that if you want to see more.”
“Please!” Miguel all but shouts.
You giggle as you run to get it out the of box. Miguel’s anticipating the show as he listens to you throwing things across the room.
When you get your phone high in the sky to pan over your body, it takes everything within Miguel to not start howling. Your legs were glowing, thighs full and ready for him to grip and bite. Your shorts were squeezing your hips. Most importantly, his sweater was stretching across your chest.
“God, I wish I was there,” Miguel groaned, rearranging his pants. His excitement was making his clothes feel uncomfortable.
“Me too,” you say, panning the camera back to your face. “I want my muscle bear.”
“Yeah?” Miguel asked, smiling at the screen. He loved it when you called him that.
“Mm hm,” you reply, picking at a loose thread. “I told my mom about us. She was getting worried and said I was walking around the house like a ghost. She’s excited to meet you.”
Miguel sat up straight, heart dropping. That was a stark difference from his mom.
“That’s great! When does she want to meet? I need to get her a gift. Is she still looking for that travel bag set? Or do you think she would prefer a meal?”
“I can ask my Abuela to help me make something. Does she have a favorite restaurant? Should I wear a suit? Business casual, maybe.”
“I need to get her some flowers too. Does she have a favorite flower? Oh my gosh. Is she allergic?”
“Miguel!” you speak up, laughing at his state. “Calm down. It won’t happen until like, next month. You have enough time to prepare.”
“Baby, don’t laugh! This is important. I have to make a good impression,” Miguel pouts.
“And you will! I’ve already told her so much about you.”
He actively gulps, “Even the party?”
“Ok, that didn’t go over too well. She ran her mouth to my dad about that. But! She doesn’t blame you,” you say, calming tone.
“She hates me. Your dad hates me. How am I going to win them over?” he says, dramatically bopping his head against the wall.
“Miguel,” you sigh. He just groans out shaking his head from side to side. “Baby, look at me.”
The cursed baby card had Miguel at attention.
“You’re sweet. You’re handsome. You’re intelligent. And you’re charming. I promise you, there’s nothing to be afraid of,” you say, reassuring him.
Miguel nods slowly.
“You think I’m handsome?” smile creeping back.
“Oh my god. Is that all you got from that?”
“No! But you called me handsome, so I have to lock that away.”
“You also have himbo tendencies,” you respond.
“All the better to fawn over you with, cariño.”
GymRat!Miguel who curses when the pictures of you in his sweater come in shortly after you in the call. One of them is you on your stomach with the ‘O’Hara’ on full display with your underwear and ass peaking out.
He sets it as one of his wallpapers in record speed.
“How do you expect me to NOT be a himbo?”
Tumblr media
“Oh my god. 😭”
GymRat!Miguel who does his same pick up and spin you around number when he sees you a couple of weeks later. You were glowing and giggly.
GymRat!Miguel who casually greets the people in the dorm lobby as he carries you to your dorm room. You didn’t even fight him, as he was always adamant with PDA. You just put your head in his neck and didn’t look up until you were at your door.
You saw the red face of one of the girls living on your hall as Miguel kissed your neck. You quickly averted your gaze, squirming so he could hurry up and open the door. Miguel just assumed you were hungry for more and took even longer to open the door.
“Mig-” you say, cut off as he groans into your skin. “The door, please.”
Your legs wrap around him tighter as he turns to where you were just looking.
“Sorry about that! Got a little excited,” he says to the girl with a wink. She turns even darker and it looks as if steam is about to escape her head as she scurries down the hallway.
“What? She could have said something instead of just watching us.”
“Just please. Open the door, you goof.”
“Yes ma’am!”
GymRat!Miguel who is ecstatic that Jess won’t be there until tomorrow afternoon. He lays you out on your bed and hovers over you.
“I missed you so fucking much,” he says and drops his body on yours. You let out an ‘oof’ relishing in his dead weight.
“I missed you too, Miggy,” you say, patting his head. “Enough to be on my bed with outside clothes on.”
Miguel looks at you, sheepish. “I’ll help you wash them. And pay for it.”
“Yeah you will. But for now,” you pull him close and bring his lips to yours. “Let’s enjoy this.”
He loses track of time and kisses you until your stomach growls for dinner.
GymRat!Miguel who goes all out for Valentine’s Day. He opted to buy you one of the Valentine’s Day packages that the school offers, figuring that it wouldn’t hurt.
He sets up a small breakfast for you and Jess for Galentine’s as a gift for having his back. He had MJ deliver it to you, as he still had class that morning.
He sent you a photo later after his workout, one of your paper kisses on his cheek as he stood in the mirror with a towel wrapped around his waist.
You almost screamed in the middle of your studio class.
To end the day, the two of you did a couple challenge in Target. Once back in his car, you both gave each other gifts.
You almost cry when his “something that reminds me of you” gift is in fact not something from Target. It’s a cute bunny necklace inside of a handmade box.
“Miguel! This is so beautiful,” you say, in awe at everything.
He puts the necklace on for you, “A bunny for my baby.”
You devour him with kisses in the Target parking lot.
GymRat!Miguel who’s sweating bullets when your mom comes to visit later that month. He woke up with his stomach rocking. He couldn’t even look Peter in the eye as he stepped out of the bathroom, apologizing profusely.
“Dude, you might not make it out of here if you don’t calm down,” Peter says while lighting a candle he definitely wasn’t supposed to have in the dorms.
“I know, I know. It’s like my body can sense the bad vibes from my brain,” Miguel says, gathering everything for today’s lunch. “I haven’t even eaten anything today.”
“Cheer up, O’Hara,” Peter says as he pats his back. “At least you’re not meeting her parents’ eyes while you’re humping their daughter in their guest bathroom!”
“Jesus, Parker.”
GymRat!Miguel who laughs when he sees Gabriel’s texts. He’s sitting in the parking lot of the meeting location an hour and a half early.
“Ik your ass has the bubble guts”
“Remember to breathe”
“And that the dinner with our mom might be waaaay worse”
“Miles worse”
“Thanks for the words Gabri”
“Real touching”
“So you’re saying I should become a motivational speaker?”
“Got it”
“Not quite!”
GymRat!Miguel who runs open the restaurant door when sees you from the waiting area. He’s so freaking nervous.
“Hello!” he says, holding the door for you both. Your mom gives him a quick thank you as you all step inside.
“I remember you saying he was tall, but I didn’t know he was this tall!” your mom says to you as she holds Miguel’s arms.
You introduce them, “Mom, this is my boyfriend, Miguel O’Hara. Miguel, this is my mom.”
Miguel almost sputters as you casually call him your boyfriend.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am,” Miguel says, handing her a gift bag and you both a bouquet of flowers. “I have heard so much about you.”
“Likewise,” your mother says, shocked at the gifts. “And what a gentleman. You didn’t have to get me these!”
“Please,” Miguel says. “I needed to get something for the woman who brought such a gift to this world for me.”
If Miguel still wasn’t so nervous, he’d chuckle at the twin surprised looks you and your mom were sporting.
GymRat!Miguel who hits it off with your mom quite well. He’s a bit shaky at first, stuttering over simple phrases when the conversations were first starting. You put a hand on his thigh, rubbing your thumb to bring him reassurance. From then on, he just let go.
He’s able to chat about everything she brings up. Even the obscure TV show that she loves to watch. You’re highly impressed with how good he’s doing.
He even apologizes smoothly when the sorority party is brought up. Your mom reaches across the table to hold his hand and tells him that she is proud of him for owning up to his mistakes and taking a stand.
She heads to your car first, giving you two some private time.
“You think that went ok?” Miguel asked, finally relaxing his shoulders.
“I think that it went swimmingly. I also think that I want to kiss you.”
Miguel turns to you, blush high on his cheeks and neck as you walk your fingers up his thigh. You give him a peck on the cheek and say you have to drive your mom back to her car.
Miguel walks you out and waves you all goodbye as you leave the parking lot.
“He is such a handsome young man! Charming, too,” your mom finally says.
“I know!” he was never going to shut up about that once you told him. “What else do you think about him?”
“I think he’s great for you. He’s very smart. Respectful. He’s clearly infatuated with you. He couldn’t stop looking at you.”
You avoid your mom’s gaze as she teases you.
“He was lovely, truly. He has my approval. Now, it’s your father he has to really impress,” she says with a chuckle.
You rolled your eyes, not even ready for that storm.
“As long as he doesn’t break your heart, he has nothing to worry about from me. Your father? One bad day and you might not see Miguel ever again.”
You just tapped your finger on the wheel and pursed your lips, mind lingering near the future.
GymRat!Miguel who talks to you about coming to his house after the semester is over. The midterms were soon but so was spring break. He had to let you know sooner rather than later that his family was going all out with trying to meet you.
“A dinner?” you say incredulously as you look up from your sandwich. “Like at a restaurant or at home?”
“Like a full blown dinner party at my bio dad’s house.”
“That’s,” you say taking a pause as the words settle. “A lot.”
Miguel felt like shit.
“I know. Look, I can tell them to cancel the whole thing. They can see you whenever,” Miguel says, sliding his foot next to yours under the table.
“No. If attending this is how I can make a good impression, then I’m more than willing to attend. I just need to prepare. Starting right now.”
Miguel smiled, “And I’ll be there with you for every step of the way.”
Miguel sat with you and helped you break down every relative that he knew was coming.
You knew him already
Easy to please
Annoying (according to Miguel)
Likes you a little too much (also according to Miguel)
Wants to steal you from him
“Miguel, I don’t think he’d do that. He has a girlfriend,” you say, still writing down notes.
“Baby, I know my brother. He might have a girlfriend but that doesn’t stop him from being Denis the Menace,” Miguel huffs out.
His biological dad
A little aloof, but means well
Gifts money like it’s nothing
Might still be a little in love his mom
Will give you a bear hug, unaware of how large he is
“Kind of like you, babe,” you comment.
“But I’m doing way more than hugging you, babe.”
“And he’s in love with your mom?”
“It’s a long story.”
Tyler’s wife
Definitely married Tyler for the money but eventually found love with him
Owns a Pomeranian named Lala
A bottle blonde turned housewife
Wanted to actually be on a housewife show until she secretly went to Bravo-con and saw how stuck up all of the housewives were
“I feel like that was pretty obvious, but alright.”
“She’s still not the brightest, but she’s nice.”
A dickhead
Miguel’s half brother
Tyler and Nancy’s only child after Nancy never wanted to go through the pain of childbirth again. And she didn’t want anymore changes to her body.
A year older than Miguel
A dickhead
“Should I have to stay clear of him?”
“No because if he tries something with you, I will handle him myself.”
The dad Miguel grew up with his entire life
Where Miguel gets his hopeless romantic tendencies from
Really likes soccer, wanted one of his sons to be a soccer player but got two nerds instead
Met his mom before she knew she was pregnant with him and charmed his way into her life. He didn’t know that Miguel wasn’t his until he was born and Tyler barged his way into the room when he was originally visiting someone else. He saw Conchata’s name on a baby sign and came in crying.
He still stayed with his mom because he loved her but he made Tyler sweat for ever leaving his mom like he once did: lost
“Your dad punched him?” you ask, stopping your writing.
“Yeah. My mom says it wasn’t pretty. Tyler learned a valuable lesson that day because Nancy came in and slapped him once she figured out what went down. He’s never denied Nancy or my mom a material thing since.”
Hard on Miguel but dotes on him a lot now
The reason for a lot of Miguel’s self doubt
Wanted Miguel to be a doctor but has settled with science
Blasts music on Sunday mornings while she cleans, therefore waking the entire house
Will actually give you trouble (hence the conversation from two months ago)
“Did she give Dana any trouble?” you recall Gabriel’s girlfriend. “Is there anything that I need to not do specifically?”
Miguel tilts his eyes up, “Now that you mention it, I feel like she welcomed Dana with open arms. That might be more of a little brother privilege than anything else, though.”
You bit your lip, “That’s not good then. I don’t want her to think awful of me or our relationship.”
“She won’t. She just needs time to process.”
“That makes it sound like I’m stealing you from her.”
Already eager to meet you
Miguel’s world
Taught Miguel how to do certain meals and crafts as he was almost always at her house
Thinks you’re gorgeous
“She said that I’m gorgeous?” you ask, shocked.
“And talented,” Miguel hums. “And brave. Lots of compliments.”
GymRat!Miguel who stays pent up all of spring break. He was supposed to be enjoying his days off but instead he’s replaying your whiny voice messages and watching videos of you in his clothes. He doesn’t know how much more he could take.
He looked down at his state. Tissues, lube, ragged sheets, your polaroids, his phone. You were driving him crazy.
GymRat!Miguel who almost sprints around campus when his last final is finished. He’s free! For a couple of months at least. To celebrate, he and Peter are having a small get-together in their dorm room with lots of pizza, wings, jello shots, cake, and games.
GymRat!Miguel who cries like a baby at Gabriel’s high school graduation. His baby, who he raised and cared for, practically birthed, is growing up!
George makes sure to get a wobbly video of Gabriel dancing across the stage and Miguel with snot dripping down his face as he hollers.
“What to do with these two?” George sighed as he wrapped his arm around Conchata.
GymRat!Miguel who tussles with Gabriel later that week after he finds out that he sent that video to you. Their dad has to come break up their play fight.
GymRat!Miguel who isn’t surprised that Tyler managed to pay for all of your transportation and stay ahead of the dreaded Stone-O’Hara dinner.
Miguel picks you up from the fancy hotel and thinks that his dad went overboard.
You're waiting in the lobby when he sees you, stunning as ever.
“Wow,” Miguel says, stunned to stillness as he takes you in, unbeknown of his presence. Your dress is flattering you in every way. His goes from your legs, to your heels, to the necklace he got you for Valentine’s Day adorning your chest.
“Baby, you look amazing,” he says, finally coming up to you.
You look up at him with those deer eyes again.
“You think so? It’s not too much, is it?”
“Not at all,” he says grabbing your purse and helping you to your feet. “So beautiful, cariño.”
You duck a bit, bashful from his gaze. Miguel leans your head back up, stealing a kiss from your lips.
“If we weren’t expected, I’d take you back up to the room,” Miguel whispers.
You ball your hands on his chest and look around nervously.
“I might have to take you up on that offer tonight,” you whisper back, heart rattling.
It was Miguel’s turn to feel shy. He walked close behind you as you both made your way to his car, mind racing of the things you both could get up to.
GymRat!Miguel who thinks your reaction is adorable when you see just how huge the Stone property is. You can’t believe that one man owns all of this land. Miguel tells you that this is, unfortunately, just the beginning.
GymRat!Miguel who almost knocks Gabriel down. He’s gawking at you like an idiot when he opens the door to Stone Manor.
“Woah,” Gabriel says, mouth gaping like a fish.
“Hello to you too, Gabriel. It’s nice to meet you in person,” you say with a cute curtsy.
Gabriel continues to flounder, mouth opening and closing like that cat meme.
“Will you at least let her in, you idiot?” Miguel barks.
“Sorry! So sorry,” Gabriel says and opens the door further. “That’s really embarrassing. You’re supposed to see my charm and fall madly in love with me.”
Miguel is about to seriously hurt him when Dana comes around the corner and does the job for him.
“Who’s falling in love with who?” she says, elbowing Gabriel in the stomach.
“Nobody and no one!” Gabriel keels over in pain.
“Thank you, Dana. You could probably hit him again for me,” Miguel says. “I want you to meet my girlfriend.”
“It’s a pleasure! The boys have told me a lot about you. I hope that you enjoy tonight’s dinner,” Dana says, reaching her hand out to you.
“Gabriel has said a lot about you as well. He didn’t say how cute you are though!”
Dana blushes instantly and holds her hand over her mouth as she giggles.
“Of course he couldn’t. He was too busy trying to win you over. I might have to beat them both to the punch though,” Dana replies.
Miguel and Gabriel just make the same irritated noise.
GymRat!Miguel who hold your hand as the four of you walk into the dining room. You’re gripping his hand tight as you take everything in.
It was so grand. Like a hotel. The ceiling fixture was huge and intricate. The color scheme was muted with pops of bright white.
It was…a lot.
“There she is! The lady of the hour,” you see a man even taller than Miguel say. He has brightly gray hair that’s styled intricately so. He’s grinning bright as he comes towards you with his arms wide.
He indeed goes for something like a bear hug, just like Miguel said. Except, Miguel is there to steady you when Tyler collides with you a bit too hard.
“I’m so sorry, I’m just so excited to meet you! I’ve heard so much through the grapevine and I remember your emails like they were yesterday! Please, Please! Have a seat.”
“Not before she greets everyone, Ty-Ty!” you hear a shrill voice from behind him. “Sorry about him. He’s like a golden retriever. My name is Mrs. Stone but you can call me Nancy!”
You shake her hand and exchange pleasantries. She snaps her hand behind her with a beckoning motion.
“This is our son, Kron!”
You look up to see a man with platinum blonde hair and a scowl aimed towards his mom that could rival Miguel’s.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” you say, holding your hand out.
Kron eyes your body in a way that makes a horrible feeling go down your spine. His eyes plant themselves a bit too long on your chest before he decides to return the greeting.
“The pleasure is all mine,” he says, with a voice that assume was supposed to be smooth. Yuck.
Miguel quickly wraps his hands around your shoulders, “Let’s go meet my other parents.” He turns his mouth up at Kron as he moves you past him. If Tyler or Nancy weren’t there he’d buck at him.
“Mom, Dad, Abuela, this is my girlfriend,” Miguel says with a hand on the small of your back.
“Tan bonitia!” his Abuela cries and walks fast to take your hand into hers. “Eres tan bonita! Miguel! Where did you find such a doll?”
You giggle at her words, bashful at the attention.
“Thank you so much, ma’am. You are extremely beautiful yourself.”
“Oh, a sweet one too! Call me Abuela, yes? ¡Eres un ángel!” she says cradling your face to get a good look at you.
“Gracias, Abuela,” you say, a little softer. Miguel thinks he’s falling in love if he hasn’t already admitted it.
“Come, come! Meet my daughter and son-in-law!”
“This is George!”
“Lovely to meet you, Mr. O’Hara,” you say, looking into his eyes with a smile.
“A pleasure to meet you! My son has been in high spirits these past couple of months. And truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for what you did for him. He’s so stubborn, like his pa. He wouldn’t have budged!”
You chuckle at his comments about that O’Hara stubbornness, “It was no effort on my part, Mr. O’Hara. I wasn’t going to let something like that slide.”
You briefly turn to Miguel, trying to find a safety net under all this attention. You were happy to see that he was staring right back at you.
George then stepped to the side and brought Conchata forward, “Speaking of effort, I’d love for you to meet my wife.”
Here was the big one. The one you felt in your heart and soul was the woman of the night to please, the final boss.
“Mrs. O’Hara, what an honor it is to meet you. Miguel has told me countless stories about you. I’m happy to finally meet you face to face, and not just through words,” you say, holding your hand the highest it has been all night.
You could hear a pin drop with how quiet it was.
You panicked, thinking maybe you said something wrong. You’re about to pull your hand back until she finally reaches out and shakes your hand.
“Yes. You are the one that my son took forever to introduce me to. I’m happy that you made it here tonight. I do hope that you enjoy it,” she says. Her voice was calculating and a little cold.
You didn’t know how to take that so you just smiled and hoped that this was how she acted when she first met new people.
You heard the clinking of a fork against a glass.
“Gather around everyone,” Nancy said. “Dinner is about to be served!”
You all go to your seats. You smile at Miguel as he pulls your seat out and helps you sit at the table. He sits next to you and rubs your thigh, just as you did to him months ago.
Gabriel and Dana are sitting in front of you and Miguel. George and Conchata are to Dana's left as Tyler and Nancy are to your left. Kron has somehow placed himself near the head of the table near the parents, while Abuela is seated at the opposite end near the O'Hara brothers.
Nancy calls your name with glee, "I hope you came hungry because tonight we're doing a six-course meal."
You raise your eyebrows. You didn't know that this was the route they were going to take and from Miguel's face, he didn't know either.
There is an array of what you assume to be butlers and servers to come out, each holding a dish. There's even a chef who comes out with a smug look on his face.
"The theme for tonight is 'Everlasting Love.'"
You watch as Gabriel gives Dana a quick side eye and they communicate a silent conversation within just a few seconds. If you were to guess, it would be something along the lines of "is this serious?" and "as a heart attack."
"The first course is roasted artichoke hearts with a feta dressing drizzle. It represents the budding of a fresh relationship. I do hope you enjoy," he says walking away as the waiters lifted the cloches from the plates.
Below were the tiniest little artichoke hearts you've seen in your life.
As you were grabbing your utensils to begin eating, you could see Gabriel fighting for his life not to let out a laugh, shoulders twitching. Miguel just sighed as he put an entire heart in his mouth.
"So," you hear Tyler start up a conversation. "I hear that you are an art major. I would love to see some of your work. We do need a new painting for the entrance hall."
You wait until you swallow before you answer back, "I would love to create a piece for you! I'm sure you would want to see my work first, but whatever you want, I'm sure I can provide it."
"That's exciting! I'm so tired of seeing that boring white horse everyday. Right, Ty-Ty?" Nancy whines a bit as she leans close to Tyler.
"My wife is right. I'm sure your work will liven up the place!"
"I took that picture of the horse," Kron looked at his parents with a frown on his face.
"Oh, I wouldn't want you all to take that down. I'm sure it's very valuable," you say, trying your best not to upset anyone.
"Nonsense! We can always put the horse somewhere else," Tyler says, patting his son on the shoulder. "There's no need to frown son."
"You don't even know what her art looks like. It could be awful for all we know," Kron mumbles.
Miguel's about to open his mouth but you quickly respond, "I would be happy to show it to you. If you don't mind, I can pull up my website right now."
So, you did. There are gasps, oos, ahs, and oh mys as your phone makes its way around the table. Kron's face cracks especially when he sees your work. He gets a little red in the face as he squeezes a compliment out.
By the time the next two courses come out, (an oddly pink soup based on the pool of memories that we store in our hearts and a market salad with cranberries and almonds to represent the start of young love) you've managed to impress the Stones, George, and Abuela plenty more times, shut Kron up four more times, and get an eerie stare from Conchata several times.
She hadn't really said a word since you shook her hand.
You all were enjoying a small palate cleanser of sparkling grapefruit juice to represent the sparks of love at first sight when she finally decides to speak up.
"Where did you get that dress?"
She had your full attention, "Oh! My mom lent it to me. She said it would be perfect for a special occasion."
"Your mom?" Conchata looked concerned. "She didn't think it was a bit inappropriate for dinner?"
You look down at your dress. Your cleavage was on display. You knew it was too much.
"I-I guess it is a bit too exposing," you say, conscience over every rise and fall of your chest she could probably see from her side of the table. You didn't bring a shawl with you either. You couldn't hide it.
"I mean, look at Dana. A long, non-revealing gown," she pans to Dana with a warm smile.
You did look to Dana who looked up, bug-eyed and confused. She looked back and forth across the table, a little incredulous.
"Ma, Dana's entire back is exposed," Gabriel said matter-of-factly as Dana turned her body a bit to show the criss-cross detailing of the string pulling the dress together.
"Sure, but, we can't see it here at this table."
"Conchata, dear, what is this about?" Nancy reaches her hand across the table, concerned.
"This isn't about anything! I'm just making conversation like everyone else here," she responds.
She's about to open her mouth again when her mom bites out a sharp "Conchata!" from the end of the table.
Luckily, the tension is broken by the chef bringing out the fourth course: a rare filet mignon to represent how our hearts bleed as they yearn for love.
How fitting.
You chewed your food in silence, controlling every movement that you could because now you felt that the entire table was ogling your chest.
It wasn't until the second palate cleanser, a red sorbet, came out that you saw that Kron's eyes never left you or your body. You felt sick.
You excused yourself and briskly walked to the bathroom.
You closed the door and took a deep breath. You looked over your appearance again. Was it really too much?
You washed your hands and took a few deep breaths. You were here to meet Miguel's family and make a good impression. Even, if his mom seemed to hate you, you were still gaining the hearts of everyone else. You're doing this for Miguel. Keep it together.
After a short pep talk, you straighten out your dress and your back, wanting to walk back into the room with your head held high.
What you don't expect is to be met with Kron as soon as you open the door.
"I'm sorry, did you need to use the restroom?" you ask, thinking that you were in there too long.
"No, but I was hoping to speak with you," he says, staring you down. "I apologize for my reaction earlier. Your art really is nice."
"Thank you," you say, trying to discreetly step from the door. He really did give you the ick. "I'm sorry that your parents are trying to take your art down. That was never my intention."
"No harm, no foul," he said. "What is confusing is how a pretty little thing like you ended up in Miguel's bed and not mine?"
"Excuse me?" you asked, a dirty look planted on your face.
"I'm not speaking another language, baby. You should dump him and get with the winning team. You'd make a great trophy wife."
"Look, Kron. Chronic. Megatron. Whatever," you say, trying to get away from him as he leaned closer. "I'd really appreciate it if you left me alone. I'm just trying to get back to dinner."
"The one person who you want to notice you is not impressed," he says with a snicker on his lips. "My parents seem to already enjoy you. You could drop this whole gig and be with me. Seriously."
GymRat!Miguel who storms over to where you went with a quickness. You were gone way too long and Kron was nowhere to be found.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Miguel asked with a bass in his voice.
"Great. Now the bear has been poked," Kron says to you. "We're not doing anything, Miguel. Calm down."
"You are doing something because why are you that close to my girlfriend?"
"Is she your girlfriend? Because I'm real close to getting a taste of that-"
Miguel grabs Kron up by his collar so quickly, you almost miss his movement, "You wanna finish that sentence?"
"Hey. Hey!" you whisper-shout, trying not to get the attention of everyone else. "Can we please just make it through this dinner? You two can do whatever you want afterwards. Please."
Miguel lets Kron go who sports a smirk across his face as he heads back towards the dining room.
"Thanks, dollface," he says, shooting you a wink.
Miguel only tightens his fist as he watches him walk away, "I should have hit him."
"Later, baby, please."
GymRat!Miguel who is significantly calmed down by the time you both make it back to the table. You let him breathe you in for a minute or two and it was like the bad energy was drained out of him.
The last two courses were a dessert and a specialty tea. The chef offered them both up at the same time, claiming that they complement each other like two parties in a couple.
You sipped your tea gingerly, happy to have made it to what you hope is the end of a long night.
The dessert in front of you looks delicious. It's in such a cute cherry shape, and it takes everything within you not to take your phone out to snap a picture.
You're about to dig in until you hear Conchata clear her throat.
"Are you sure you don't want to save that until tomorrow? I wouldn't want you to be bloated or anything," she asks hurriedly.
So that's what this is about. All the remarks, the stares, the comments. They weren't about your character, your words, or even how you treat Miguel. It was all because of your appearance.
She thought you weren't good enough for her son because of your appearance.
You put the fork down, defeated. Conchata won the night.
Your throat burned as you bit back tears of shame and embarrassment.
"Mom, are you serious right now?" Miguel spoke up, voice cold as ever.
"Miguel don't talk to me like that! I'm your mother."
"A mom that's kinda being a bitch right now," Kron mutters under his breath.
You would agree, but it wasn't your place to make that comment.
Miguel lets that be known as he gets up and socks Kron right across the face.
The entire table is up in a flash, trying to get Miguel off of him.
Tyler is finally able to pull Miguel up after a few minutes. He's heaving, face the angriest you've ever seen it.
He yanks his body from Tyler's and opens his mouth, "This sorry excuse of a party to gang up on my girlfriend is over. I'm sick of it."
"Ma, you really said some horrible things tonight. I've tried for years to remain respectful towards you, but tonight you've really pushed it, and hurt someone that I love."
Love? Your eyes went wide and your heartbeat started to ring even louder in your ears.
"Kron, I've been sick of your bullshit for god know's how long. Biting off of me and my accomplishments is one thing, but cornering and harassing my girlfriend that I chose to bring around you is another. If you ever try that shit again, our poor dad isn't going to be able to get me off of you. You will never be me. Get over it."
"And finally, it seems that only a select few of you can stand up to the consuming fire that is Conchata O'Hara. I love my girlfriend for who she is first and foremost. She was the light that came into my life. You think I'm going to let something as minuscule as her body stop me from loving her? You should be ashamed, ma."
Miguel moves quickly as he shoves two plates in one of the butler's hands and tells him to pack it to go. He then turns to his grandma at the end of the table who didn’t even budge when Miguel snapped.
"Lo siento, Abuela," he whispers to her, truly upset that he let this get this far.
His grandma just gave him a long kiss on the cheek and whispered something in his ear.
"C'mon. We're leaving," Miguel holds your hand as he gets ready to guide you towards the entrance.
You bow to everyone, "I'm sorry about all of this." You're pulled by Miguel who wants to get out of the suffocating manor quick.
What a horrible first impression.
GymRat!Miguel who is silent on the car ride back to your hotel room. He's partially still calming down and partially listening for you to say anything. Your head hasn't turned from the window. He just places his hand in yours, hoping that he can get the message across that he was here for you.
GymRat!Miguel who doesn't see you crack until you're up in the hotel room, the lights are dimmed, and your heels are off. He's quick to wrap his arms around you as you sob. Your cries becoming louder and louder. His heart breaks at every shaky breath that you take.
"I know, I know. I got you, baby," he says, rocking with you, in hopes that you could just breathe.
GymRat!Miguel who helps you unzip your dress, offering to wash your body. You tell him no and that you need that little quiet time to yourself to think. He understands.
He still paces the room while you're in the shower, thinking about the things he should have done to prevent this.
GymRat!Miguel who feeds you bites of the leftover dessert, still wanting you to enjoy something from tonight. You hum in between bites, sniffling a bit along the way. Even in this state, you were most precious to him.
GymRat!Miguel who kisses away your tears as you let out your insecurities. He reassures you that you're perfect. Body, mind, and soul.
"I love you," he says looking at you deeply. "Honestly, I feel like I've loved you since our group project. I loved you since our smoothie date. I've loved you since carrying your art supplies. I've loved you since listening to you rant about animatronic rats. Since you opened your dorm door pissed off at me. Since our coffee dates. Since our library dates. Since I first saw you with your matching outfits."
You still couldn't believe it.
"You love me?" you say, still trying to comprehend.
"Te amo, mi amor. Deeply and truly."
GymRat!Miguel who keeps you in his arms the entire night, kissing you to oblivion. You're both staring at each other. A faint moonlight peaking through the curtains.
"I love you too, Miguel," you say, words drifting into the night.
It's all Miguel needs to kiss you to sleep.
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dividers by: @y-onb + @benkeibear 🩵
a/n: If you would like to become my designated Spanish checker or a buddy to help me learn/write my Spanish, please let me know 😭. (There was already someone but I forgot your @ !!!)
As always like, reblog, and COMMENT! Let me know how you feel. 🩵
(I am thinking of putting these on my AO3 because they are officially long enough to be fic chapters lol. The question is...how much should I change the format?🤔)
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taglist: @ghost-lantern @miguelhugger2099 @slushycoookie @emelie-s-h @lake-lili @obsessed-with-miguels-ass @scaleniusrm @superiorspiderass @lexluvswriting @flordelalunas @froggygal @vmpz8sauceee @famouscattale @nixinluv02 @jada-of-arcadia @spideykid22 @what-the-jams @julia4today @tojishugetiddies @samjinxx @sleeklyalisha @the-pan-liquid @prongs-lover @kikaaauu @urlocallocachica @wanderlustingcastaway @peachey-pie @ch3rry-bl1ss @girl-of-multi-fandoms @love-kha1 @manlikemilesmyguy @sillysillygoofygoose @monticellohoe @kodzuminx @lauraolar14 @bruhhvv @m4dyy @farrowroyale @ce3stvu @ohara-whore @muneca-lemon-steppa @alexa4040 @amelialysm @snails-doodles22
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nymphomatique · 9 months
It's been awhile since I've wandered into somebody's ask box, so forgive me if I'm a lil rusty, honey. But I like this pathetic Miguel AU and I just might have some ideas for you to ponder:
Miguel is big, but he's just grown into his height so he's the sort of bumbling puppy man that has too short of shorts because his legs just keep growing. He's adjusting all the time because otherwise the poor baby gets chafed.
His shirts show a lil peek of belly button, because he can't keep buying new ones...
I need me some footballers (maybe led by Peter?) to confront the unintentionally slutty baby boy.
Cue reader finding Migs crying as he's shoved into lockers. He's wrecked, tears streaming down his face, cheeks flushed a deep red from humiliation. And you-- you're livid. Because that face is fucking yours.
"Oh look, it's the slut come to save her boytoy!"
"If I'm a slut, you're the manwhore I caught behind the bleachers last year with Gwen fucking Stacy. Remember crawling back to me? Yeah, well at least Miguel can be trained up. You're just a horn dog that needs to be put down, Parker."
the “that face is fucking yours.” i’m actually going crazy.
def not a coincidence after that they’re removed from the school, totally had nothing to do with readers mom being on the board of education for your school district!
i can already imagine reader cleaning up miguel’s wounds, telling him to stop whining like a baby even if it burns.
and the words of affirmation and praise she’d give him after???
“they make fun of you for your clothes, huh? how big you’re gettin’?” you’re kissing across his abdomen lightly and leaving trails of lipstick over him. you took him out for dinner to try and make him feel better. “well i like how big you are. so manly and sexy, even sexier you’re a big strong man who lets me boss you around.”
and you’re just kissing and touching and fucking softly, maybe you even let miguel take the lead this once, cause you owe it to your boytoy, don’t you?
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exhaslo · 8 months
Miguel Bday Drabble
So apparently it's Miguel's Birthday??? I literally hunted the internet to find out, but fuck it. Here is just a pure horny drabble for him 😏
The present before you was going to be as good as it got. It wasn't the best, but to be fair you only found out about Miguel's birthday today. Actually, you weren't even supposed to know. It was a slip of the tongue by Peter at the Spider Society. Either way, you were going to take advantage of it. Miguel was your crush!
You skipped into his office, hearing nothing but ferious tapping. He was working hard again. Hopefully, this present will cheer him up somehow.
"Excuse me, Miguel? Are you busy?" You called out to him.
Miguel let out a heavy sigh upon hearing your voice. Now was not a good time for you to show up. He was running on coffee from 3 days of no sleep and sexual frustration. All Miguel wanted was to finish this last anomaly report and go home. At least it was just you, but that was not going to help him with horniess.
"(Y/n), I'm a little busy," He said lowly. You pouted,
"I brought you a birthday present."
Miguel's ears perked up. Was it really his birthday already? That explained the missed phone calls from his brother and others. Great. Jumping down from his platform, Miguel made his way towards you. You, with that skin tight suit on. You with that gleam in your eyes. You with that sweet scent that turned him on more.
"Thanks, I completely forgot." Miguel muttered as his hands stroked yours while grabbing the gift, "You didn't have to get me anything."
"But I wanted to! If you ever need anything...just ask..." You glanced away from his intense stare. God he was so hot.
"Anything?" Now the horny was talking.
Miguel grabbed your hand, placing it near his mouth. He watched your eager gaze with anticipation. He bit down on your fingers, watching your cheeks flush. That sweet smell you gave off getting stronger. Anything. You were just as horny as he was.
"I may ask for something unreasonable," Miguel licked the palm of your hand, his other placing the gift down to grab your waist, "Are you still willing?"
"Y-You're the birthday boy."
"Dios mio. (My god)"
In the next moment, Miguel had you laying against his desk up on his platform. You were a moaning mess as he pumped two fingers into your soaked pussy. Miguel was leaning marks all over your body with your torn up suit beneth you. You couldnt think about much, except how good his finger felt inside you. With a sudden curl, you arched ypur back, crying out your first orgasm.
Miguel only responded in a chuckle. He took his fingers out and licked them clean. His pupils were dilated as he focused on his cock entering your throbbing pussy. You spread your legs out for him, giving him pernission to ravish you. To make you his. How nice and obiedent you were.
"So tight, nh" Miguel groaned as he held your waist, pushing his cock inside your folds.
"M-Mig-" You whimpered, feeling his tip alone stretching you out.
You body was struggling to adjust as Miguel kept shoving his cock inside you. He was so big. Every time you clentch down you felt more of him enter. Drool rolled down the side of your mouth, knowing that he was going to wreck you. His little drabbles in Spanish were making you wetter too. Gasping, you felt Miguel hit you so deep that it made you see stars.
"Finally, all the way in. Look at how well you take my cock. A perfect fit." Miguel smirked, "Made just for me. I'm going to fuck you so good that you'd wish it was my birthday everyday."
"M-Miguel...I-It can....be" You admitted, enjoying his long, thick cock inside you.
That alone made something in Miguel snap. He gripped your hips tightly, thrusting his dick inside you deeper. You moaned loudly before gasping as he started to slap his hips roughly into you. His tip slamming into your cervix with each thrust. You threw your head back as Miguel went feral against your pussy. His cock was pounding you so good that allyou good was moan his name.
"You want my dick everyday, huh? You want to be my personal slut. God, what a good fucking girl you are. Your pussy just keeps sucking me in for more. I'll fill your womb full of my cum, is that what you want?" Miguel was starting to get pussy drunk. He needed this.
"Y-YES!" You cried out, cumming hard.
Miguel grunted as you tighten around him. A white ring forming against hiscock from your juices. Of course, you wanted his cum. Miguel slapped him balls deep before givinf you your first fill. He watched as yoir body trembled.
"Dont relax yet. I still have a full hours left of my birthday." Miguel started to thrust into your abused hole once more, "I'm going to make sure you know who you belong to now."
"Y-Yes, Miguel!"
Needless to say, Miguel kept you at the Spider Society until late at night.
😍 Happy Birthday to our favorite Spider-Man! Kinktober update will be tmw! Happy Friday the 13th!
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runa-falls · 29 days
*raise hand violently* PLEASE CAN I ASK ABOUT sub!miguel headcanons?!?!?!?!?!
What makes him whine, how pretty does his whimpers sound like?!?!?!
How gorgeous does he look when his eyes get all shiny and wet with tears because you won't let him come yet.
sub!miguel headcanons
basic summary: miguel is the whiniest, most pushy malewife and you are his protector, comforter, and safe space :3
a/n: OK BETTER LATE THAN NEVER RIGHT? (im so sorry lmfaooo) also does it count as headcanons if i have random scenes in between them?? wtvr *shoves fic in ur arms and sprints away*
content: suggestive + fluffy
bed habits (I'M TALKING AB SLEEPING YOU DIRTY BASTARD!) -- miguel is a sleepy, cuddly boy
he never has trouble falling asleep when you're around (except for when he - adorably - forces himself to stay awake so he can spend time with you)
this man is 6'7" but he still tries to curl up on your lap when you're lounging on the couch just so you can play with his hair as he dozes off
miguel owns a king sized bed, big enough to fit five people comfortably, yet he's adamant to take up all your space
it gets hot (i mean, he's hot -- literally, like his internal temp is higher than the average human) but even when you try to shove him away, he only pulls you closer to him
if you do, somehow, get away from him, he wakes up immediately with a sleepy groan, blindly reaching across the mattress for you:
you try to dodge his hands, laying precariously at the edge of the bed, hoping he would give up and go back to sleep. unfortunately, it only makes him whine like a spoiled child, "baby, closer. need you...come here" god -- he has such a cute sleepy voice...
but you don't let it sway you. you're already laying on top of the comforter, desperately trying to cool off and get back to sleep.
"it's too hot, miguel"
"but...i can't sleep without you" you can hear the pout in his voice
"just hold a pillow and pretend its me"
he sighs -- actually sighs like the dramatic man he is, "but it's not the same!"
you don't respond, refusing to continue this 3 am argument that you'll never win, and pretend to fall back asleep. maybe he will practice self-soothing or something and sleep by himself? maybe he'll be an adult about this?
silence settles in the air for a few minutes and you're nearly lulled back to unconsciousness. and then you hear the sheets rustle as he sits up next to you, suddenly fully awake and stubbornly staring down at you.
"mig, no amount of 'pleases' will convince me to sleep against your volcanic body"
"...how about just until I fall asleep?"
"but when I move away you'll wake up again."
you hear a quiet 'hmph' before you're promptly tugged back against his body. his face presses against your hair as he situates himself to engulf you in his warmth. "exactly, so don't leave me."
it's a common misconception that sub!mig likes to be the little spoon but actually he likes to cling onto you like you're a living teddy bear -- face nuzzled against your neck, legs intertwined with yours, and one large hand on your tit
you often wake up in a tangled mess, your neck stiff from the contorted positions he maneuvers your body into during the night
but you don't mind it anymore, especially on those rare morning swhen you wake up before him and you get to see those worry lines on his forehead soften as he sleeps soundly next to you
miguel is a soft and eager man:
it's his life mission to provide for you, to hear soft words of praise whisper from your lips
as soon as you're alone in a room, he drops the tough guy act and immediately searches for your warmth
miguel sticks to you like velcro when he isn't fighting crime in the city
and when he isn't with you, he's absolutely thinking about you
(of course he makes sure that you're thinking about him too with all the texts he sends you throughout the day -- adorned with cheesy emojis...)
this dude is so needy and desperate for your love, praise and approval that he's the one asking "would you still love me if i were a spider-mutant worm and i looked at you like this: 🐛 to say 'i love you'?"
would he call you 'mami'? debatable.
but he loves it when you call him honey, sweetheart, baby, bubby/bubs, hubby (he wants to marry you so bad), and puppy (WHEN HE'S KINKY BC HE'S A HORNY SOB)
you swear he whimpers a little when you tell him what a good man he is -- when you confess that he's your hero, even when he's not swinging around the city and lifting up buildings with his bare hands
his warm brown eyes search your face, a desperate quest for truth in every gentle word you speak. he's never been spoken to so softly in his life -- this tenderness, it's new...too good to be true
as time passes and your love deepens, he begins to realize that it's all true, that everthing about you is genuine, that he is loveable after all
miguel worships you:
he is definitely a worshipper when you let him be
on slower, more sensual nights, he makes sure to paint your body in kisses, from your ankles to your forehead it's almost tortuous
(maybe even bites if it's been a while since he's seen you)
he likes to kneel for you, make himself smaller so he can look up at you and appreciate everything you've provided for him
he's really whiny and pathetic though...
he wants to be told what to do, when to do it, and how. it helps him let go of this thoughts, anything that's weighing on him
it could be his heightened senses or just his desperation, but he needs to touch you all the time -- even just the light feeling of his hand against your thigh gives him a euphoric feeling.
so you deny him because you know how much he loves the delayed gratification and humiliation when you tease him for it.
"baby, you're acting so needy right now~" you decided to withdraw from the heated interaction to keep him at the edge. his eyes are dark, blazing with heat, as you speak to him with a syrupy sweet voice.
he pouts from the spot where he's kneeling for you, already achingly hard from the thorough petting session you just gave him.
"i'm not trying to be...just really need it." he's whining with a mixture of shame, frustration, and exasperation in his voice.
"It?" you tilt your head, a small smile gracing your lips.
"..." he doesn't elaborate. you can see a hint of pinkness creep up his neck as his eyes avoid yours.
he can get so shy sometimes. it's endearing. it makes you want to destroy him then put him back together again.
"honey, i can't give you what you need unless you tell me." you know what he wants, but you want to hear him say it.
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