#keefe sencen has adhd
ilovebylersblog · 1 year
sokeefe truly is adhd x autism
but who is adhd and who’s autism?????
which is which
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iggydancebreak · 3 months
do elves ever have any disorders or is that just humans? like no autism, no epilepsy or anything like that? (or maybe i missed something…)
but i also think keefe has undiagnosed adhd
@keefe--sencen care to elaborate
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maplemantis · 9 months
Keefe Sencen
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Info below the cut!
Full Name: Keefe Sencen
Age: 14 (he skipped a grade, right? IDK lol)
Gender: Genderfluid, he/she/they (cismasc as of first book, but like Sophie, has a gender crisis at some point)
Abilities: Empath, Teleportation, Inflicting (Teleportation & Inflicting are 'locked' until that scene in Legacy where Gisela gives him a new ability)
#??? of Project Swansong. His DNA was mixed with that of an alicorn's, giving her the extra abilities of Teleportation and Inflicting.
ADHD & RSD (undiagnosed)
Does not wear Sencen Crest.
Would probably cry at Undertale.
Potentially goes scavenging for human clothes(?) They're friends with Dex because of this.
Not a natural blond.
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cogaytes · 1 year
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I posted 270 times in 2022
That's 270 more posts than 2021!
25 posts created (9%)
245 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 155 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#mine - 11 posts
#kotlc - 7 posts
#tiergan alenefar - 5 posts
#kotlc discourse - 5 posts
#prentice endal - 4 posts
#tiertice - 4 posts
#prev - 4 posts
#keepblr - 3 posts
#ask game - 3 posts
#keefe sencen - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#<- source: maybe failed a dual enrollment class last semester because of adhd i was diagnosed with after the class had started
My Top Posts in 2022:
bitches be thinking constantly about tiertice (it's me i'm bitches)
32 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
don’t think about tiergan wearing prentice’s monocle pendant like military families wear their loved ones’ ID tags. don’t think about him pulling the chain out from under his shirt and running his fingers over it absent-mindedly, barely noticing the way his body heat has kept it warm like a lover’s embrace. don’t think about his partner pressing it into his hand with a sad smile before the guards yanked him away and dragged him into the light path to exile. don’t think about him hoping against hope that one day he will be able to give it back. don’t think about it nestling against his chest, over his heart, until that day comes.
38 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
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helpful reference for any artists who like to draw fintan!!!
43 notes - Posted December 26, 2022
this is a reminder that sophie, dex, and keefe have all kissed more people canonically than fintan. despite all the fintan gets bitches headcanons.
87 notes - Posted December 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i feel like oralie figured out granite's identity about five seconds into the entire exile debacle just because empathy go brr.
"hey that rock guy is super gay for prentice. weird, i haven't felt anything like that since...fUCKING TIERGAN IS THAT YOU-"
205 notes - Posted December 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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stellarune · 4 years
ok so i dont want to post anything to ao3 before im entirely done, but heres the beginning of my superhero au
tw : abuse (physical & psychological)
Tam was finally starting to relax and was getting ready to sleep when his phone vibrated on his bedside table. The lit up screen of his phone, diffusing a red light in the dark room, indicated a supervillain attack in town. Since he was a superhero, he couldn't exactly ignore it, so he got up with a grunt and checked what it was about. Apparently, the alert came from the automatic alarm of one of the biggest jewelries in town. Robbery. Pretty common. He should be back home in less than an hour if the guys were the usual type.
The real question was why he received the alert since it was supposed to be his day off. The answer was evident when he looked outside of his window to see multiple trails of smoke in two different areas of the city. Perks of living on the 46th floor of a skyscraper he supposed. He was able every Major Threat around, unless it was a mind control thing.
 Since the other heroes were apparently busy and he hadn't been pegged to party, he put his costume on and got ready for the fight.
Ondine wasn't exactly well known in the hero world and to be honest, he wasn't well-liked by those who knew about him either. Something about being new and having typic supervillain-like powers Sophie had told him. She had also told him that the people's opinion would change with time, but two years later that still remained to be seen. He still hurried to the scene, wanting to know exactly who was the jerk who stopped him from finally falling asleep.
Turns out the jerk in question was also a clown. Seriously, who went to rob a jewelry store in a neon, color clashing, eye straining costume and expected to be taken seriously ? maybe he didn't and was just there for shits and giggles. If he hadn't been a hero and was therefore supposed to be a model, Ondine would have killed him for stealing his day. This buffoon didn't even look like he was wearing a real mask. He could honestly swear he had seen the same exact one at Walmart the day before. At least taking him out would be easy. Maybe he wouldn't even need his powers.
He pulled out his rapier and prepared to strike. It was a simple move, supposed to knock out, not kill. It was a move that had worked each and every time he had tried it on low grade villains like this guy. So you could say Ondine was surprised when it was immediately blocked by this guy -- Hazart, they had called him. He didn't know if the misspell was supposed to mean something or if this guy was just that bad, but at least he could use a sword.
Ondine, who was used to defeating most of his opponents with his rapier instead of his powers was incapable of getting one solid blow in. Hazart was really good, at least his equal, if not better with his weird, glowy, appeared out of nowhere longsword. Which meant Ondine was going to have to bring out the big guns as soon as there was an opportunity to do so. 
The opportunity in question took shape in a particularly violent strike which left them both on the floor a few feet from each other. Ondine immediately started taking possession of the shadows lurking in the corners of the shop. This guy might have been good, but Ondine was nearly unbeatable in the night. Unfortunately for him Hazart seemed to see the opportunity as well. Maybe. Honestly he had no idea why this guy had started gesticulating in the air at nothing. He had no no idea why he was signing perfectly good ASL with a hand -- about how hot he thought Ondine was apparently-- and making weird gestures with the other. He decided to ask him.
“What the fuck are you doing with your hands ?” he signed back. Hazart froze for a moment before replying. Probably wasn't expecting an answer. He smirked.
“Wouldn't you like to know.” And before Ondine could react, a gun appeared out of thin air. A 8 feet long, glowy, kind of transparent gun. For a moment, he still didn’t understand what was happening. Then he saw Hazart taunting him with his right hand and still gesticulating with the other. “I’m drawing,” he signed, a wide grin on his face.
Then ondine has the gun pointed on him and has to get over the shock to summon his shadows next to him. Hazart might have been good, better than most of the people he had fought, but he was still no match for him in the night, and all the dark it offered. Shadows surrounded Hazart immediately, blinding him.
Ondine had thought that not being able to see would stop Hazart from “drawing”-- as he called it-- but it didn't. 
He just kept drawing like he had when he could see, and soon he had conjured a bunch of shurikens he started throwing at him. Dammit, he was making it hard to concentrate. And he needed to, because even though Ondine was in great control of his powers, there was always a risk of striking too hard if he didn't pay attention. Shadows were dangerous. 
Eventually though, he found an opportunity and immobilized Hazart. He put a sharp shadow under his shin, the blindfold back on, hoping it would at least slow him down a bit if he managed to escape and waited.
He could have tied Hazart’s hands behind his back right then, but he wanted to see Hazarts reaction first. So he stayed where he was, immobilizing the guy’s legs and head, but letting his arms free. after all, he could just knock him out if he tried anything. So he waited. Waited for the “freak”, or “why don't you want to join my villain group” he always got once people discovered that he wasn't in fact a hydrokinetic like his name and costume suggested. It never came.  
“Dude, these powers are so cool !” Hazart said from under the shadow blindfold that was covering pretty much his entire face now. Ondine was taken aback for a bit, not expecting the comment nor the voice. “What the fuck are the water name and costume for ?” 
Nope. This guy was shutting up right this minute. He scoffed and put a shadow over Hazart’s mouth and tied his hands behind his back. Only then did he remove the blindfold. He probably shouldn't have done that if he hadn't wanted Hazart to escape. His bad. He turned his back on him for a second to clean the place up a bit, but when he turned back, Hazart was standing on the other side of the window, ready to bolt.
“I'll see you around, Blue Tokoyami.” He made finger guns to ondine and ran.
Now Tam could understand why he had chosen Hazart for his name. This guy was a complete idiot. 
He was pretty sure he could have caught him pretty easily, but honestly he was kinda too lazy to do so. And he had gotten the diamonds back so everything was right in his book. He 
sighed and left the scene.
He hoped he would be able to finally get a little sleep once he returned to his apartment.
Keefe was already hurting everywhere from the fight he had had with Ondine. “It will be easy, even you will be able to do it”, they’d said. “No one will be there, they will all be busy with us,” they’d said. Well they had been wrong. It hadn't been easy, he had not succeeded and he hadn't been alone.
He sighed and entered the hallway. With a bit of luck he wouldn't run into any--
“My my, what do we have here.” Keefe turned and looked at Gethen, getting ready for what was likely to come. “I heard you couldn't even defeat a single hero ?” He tutted, getting closer and grabbing Keefe’s chin in his hand. “Boy, you need to toughen the fuck up.” Then his knee was in Keefe’s stomach and he saw butterflies.
He didn't really fight back, he never did, just letting the storm pass. There was no point anyway. He knew Gethen was better at close combat, and the protections in the Manor stopped him from using his powers.
So he laid on  the ground, making himself into a tight ball and took it. He had to anyway. Gethen was right, he should have been able to beat that hero with no problem. He had been training for it his entire life, yet he had been beaten. So he waited for it to end. And once Gethen was done, he simply walked to his room and slept. The kicks and punches would bruise, but at least he was pretty sure he had managed to protect his face.
He was definitely hurting in the morning. He took a shower and cleaned his cuts before preparing for another day.
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ao3feed-kotlc · 2 years
No Mistakes(No Pressure)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/OxsPTcq
by anD_nOw_tHe_wEaThEr (CryMeARiver3465)
"Under the surface The ship doesn't swerve as it heard how big the iceberg is Under the surface I think about my purpose, can I somehow preserve this?
"Line up the dominoes A light wind blows You try to stop it tumbling But on and on it goes!" (Surface Pressure, from Encanto)
Most people preface their story by saying how good their lives were before such and such a thing happened.
Keefe Sencen literally had never been able to do that. Everything had not been okay for a very long time. A very, very, very long time.
AKA: my take on the "Elwin Adopts Keefe" thing, and a frick ton of angst.
Or, alternatively, Keefe Sencen gets Dadwin hugs, and realizes that the way he's lived most of his life is very much not okay.
Words: 6410, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Keeper of the Lost Cities Series - Shannon Messenger
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, F/M
Characters: Elwin (Keeper of the Lost Cities), Keefe Sencen, Cassius Sencen, Sophie Foster
Relationships: Elwin & Keefe Sencen, Cassius Sencen & Keefe Sencen, Sophie Foster/Keefe Sencen
Additional Tags: Angst, angst angst angst, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Flashbacks, Bad Parent Cassius Sencen, Cassius Sencen's A+ Parenting, hugs!, Keefe Sencen Needs a Hug, keefe sencen GETS! HIS! HUG, Good Dad Elwin, Best dad Elwin, Parent Elwin (Keeper of the Lost Cities), Elwin adopts Keefe, Child Abuse, Keefe Sencen has ADHD but we don't talk about it, tribunals(?), Domestic Fluff, Panic Attacks, oh man, Panic attacks., elwin likes sci fi, Keefe has mental health issues, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sophie Foster is a good girlfriend, established Sokeefe
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/OxsPTcq
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girlofmanyfandoms · 4 years
Dadwin Headcanons
Trust me, I’m trying not to turn this into another series that I’ll neglect
Also, PLEASE tell me if you’d rather the Awesome Saucers fic or Tinker Backstory!!!
Elwin knows how to sew and personally made Mrs. Stinkbottom
and of course, he teaches Keefe to sew
Keefe draws Elwin as a gift for Father’s Day
One day, Keefe was really upset because Cassius was being himself
So Elwin decided it would be best to distract him so he doesn’t do something reckless
And because of that, Elwin trained Keefe in basic emergency medicine
This has saved Keefe more than he’d like to admit
Elwin gave Keefe his family’s pin, which Keefe wears in place of the Sencen pin
Elwin often gives Keefe a doctor’s note so he doesn’t get caught ditching
Keefe accidentally calls him Dad over the Imparter while asking for advice on Sophie
He hangs up in panic
And avoids Elwin as much as he can
Elwin has Livvy track him down
Elwin knows what’s up so he talks to Keefe easily
Keefe easily calls him Dad after that
When Cassius asks why and acts insulted
Keefe just says, “He’s more of a father to me than you’ve ever been.”
Livvy sorta adopts him too
And she totally steals Quinlin’s light leaping crystals to take Keefe out of the house
Keefe spends time with Wylie to better understand Elwin’s abilities
Elwin has Keefe wear his Flasher glasses
They are WAY too big on his face
Keefe is seriously thinking about dropping out of Foxfire
Elwin stops him by saying that he won’t get to spend as much time with him if he does
Elwin decides to take him to Atlantis for a break
They decide to hang out in the back of Fitz’s bakery
(nO, autocorrect, I did not mean Fritz’s bakery)
Fitz is chill with it, and gives them free mallowmelt as a study snack
Elwin can see that Keefe gets stir crazy easily
So he calls Livvy and tells her to bring a certain something from the Forbidden Cities
Livvy arrives with none other than the classic: The Almighty Fidget Spinner
Keefe cannot stop using it
He even holds it while he draws, child, hOw
When Sophie sees it she flips
But this is about Dadwin
Livvy and Elwin formally diagnose Keefe with ADHD
Someone stop me before I write three pages of Dadwin-
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confusedamphibian · 3 years
Actually keefe Sencen has anxiety, ocd, adhd and is genderfluid and queer because I have anxiety, ocd, adhd and am genderfluid and queer and I say so
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