#konietzko and talthorn
konietzko-sylvoran · 15 days
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Day 1 for May DWC 2024 Mysterious - Appearance
★ Backstage Glimpses at Hearts of Tenacity Fest ★
'It's for the show, I'd do anything for the show.' He thought to himself internally for the thirtieth time tonight. 'Elune please, I beg of you please make my nose stop itching.' Mind over matter Kon... you are tougher than this. You can get through this. "Bare with us a little longer Kon, how are you holding up in there?" A familiar voice said though his eyes were still closed. "I'm managing, but my arms are getting heavy." "Do you need us to get you some broom handles to hold onto?" The question brought a sense of hope. "NO! No we can't his palms haven't finished curing yet." A different yet also familiar voice exclaimed. And like that, his hope was gone in an instant and the weight of his arms grew even heavier. "I will be alright everyone, worry not." Kon said sounding calm and confident even if he was internally dying. Who'd have ever thought that being mostly naked with only a tight thong on his body would make him hotter than hell itself. Or course, he was also covered literally head to toe in high performance platinum silicone rubber specifically designed for creating silicone makeup and fake skin effects. Did the audience truly know how to appreciate the artwork that went into such special FX? Did they know how many hours one had to stand perfectly still while layer after layer was applied. Hours spent sculpting each wound, each scale on his body and each scar. The science behind creating certain spray molds and smooth casting. All the chemicals used and mixed perfectly and time spent letting them cure in their molds to later be applied to his body. All the talcum powder applied and the adhesive applied painstakingly to every inch of his body. Being forced to resist the urge to twitch when it tickled, to scratch when it itched, to move at all and risk an imperfection of something falling off or not sticking when it wasn't dry yet. Light forbid if you have to take a leak during all this, a bathroom break was NOT an option when this heavy of effects were applied. One had to risk dehydration from the moment they woke as they could not risk having a full bladder till the show was over. And even as the last of the prosthetics were finally applied, then come the hours of makeup to get the color and tone just right to make it more believable. So much so the audience would genuinely feel it was real as they quite literally could reach out and touch it. It was all for the visuals and the more real it looked, the more real it became. This was nothing Kon told himself, trying for a moment to just imagine what it would be like to become an Illidari in reality. To embrace the fel magics and your literal inner demon as your body is twisted and torn into something grotesque for the power and ability to fight fire with fire in the most literal of sense. What he was going through now paled in comparison to the real deal. But tell that to the literal STING in cheek DEMANDING to be itched. To the ache in his arms as they felt like 50 pound weights. To the crick in his back for standing still for so long without moving. To the throb in his feet as every muscle scream to move. To the... "TALTHORN!" Konietzko suddenly yelled, head jerking up from the backstage table it had been resting on. A few cotton balls stuck to his skin from the heat he'd generated in his short respite he'd unintentionally taken to get a little shut eye in the dressing room backstage before the big show tonight. His eyes wide with alert and darting around confused as he was ripped from his slumber so suddenly. "Sorry Kal'dalah, I didn't mean to wake you." The magi replied not too far behind him mid wince as he picked up the brush he'd just accidentally dropped from his own hand. "Damn thing got tangled in my hair." he whimpered trying to fix the tiniest of knots in his long well kept silver locks.
Still somewhat confused in his sudden wakefulness, Konietzko staggered out of his chair and went to Talthorn taking his hands a little desperately as he looked him in the eyes being rather dramatic. This was nothing new to his husband of course so he just laughed as he held Kon in return. "Pleeeaaaseee tell me you're going to use your magic to apply my Illidari makeup for Inner Beast's set tomorrow." Kon whined making Talthorn quip a brow. "Of course, do you doubt my talents love?" "NEVER!" Kon exclaimed as he breathed a breath of relief so big it was as if he'd been holding it all this time. "Thank Elune I married a magi." Talthorn laughed as he reached up to remove those cotton balls on his cheek. "You didn't marry me just because of my magic did you?" "Of course not Kal'dalah. Only -mostly- for your magic." Kon teased at him as he leaned in to kiss his husband holding him tight in a warm embrace with a deep smile curved along his lips. "GET A ROOM!" A shout cried followed by many giggles from the nearby doorway. A quick look and both saw a few of their fellow stars standing there watching them. "Why when being watched is soooo much better." Kon purred in his deep voice as he slid a finger down Talthorn's thigh then hooked his leg and raised it up around Kon's own thigh. Talthorn played along, pressing his body against his husband as he hit the onlookers with a look only this silver fox could pull off and that made many jealous of Kon's marriage to him in all honesty. The doorway filled with smug grins, laughter, a few yelps and even the sound of a few feet running away suddenly down the hallway of the backstage area. It filled the elves both with laughter of their own as they looked to one another once more. "Guess we'll just have to save it for the Talicious show." Kon teased as their leftover audience groaned their displeasure. What happened backstage at HoT Fest stayed at HoT Fest... or usually wound up on their stage in some form. Either way, noone ever complained.
@daily-writing-challenge @talthorn-sylvoran
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talthorn-sylvoran · 2 years
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So honored and excited to be a part of the ToA stage! So much love for @anzhin-the-starman for inviting myself and @konietzko-sylvoran to join them tonight! Come witness the lovely Velathra too! (@9 pm MG time)
Look forward to seeing you all out there! Let's make some more magical memories together!
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sirensdxn · 2 years
November DWC Day 3 - Forest/Morality
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✧✧✧ Journey into Eromai Epolomono ✧✧✧
Chapter 2
-Written by Ra’hsen
“Ru’lan let go.”
The feathered raptor did not release. Trapped between those sharpened fangs rested an elaborately carved beam of wood once intended to accent the training room walls. Now it proved to be the perfect chew toy for a rebellious ravasaur. 
“Drop it.” Ra’hsen gestured down toward the floor mirroring the basic training he’d been given before the Syl’voran’s disappearance. Part of him wondered if the two would delight in knowing their precious son had helped decorate with his own artistic sense. He’d have to save it just in case, that is if he could get Ru’lan to release. 
The Reverend settled on his knees and stared into those vast but fierce eyes for a time. A fearless hand firmly gripped the beam mere centimeters from Ru’lan’s teeth. Moist and hot breath escaped the creature's nose and mouth before answering Ra’hsen’s command with a snort. Down the beam fell with a thud. 
This hadn’t been the first time the now fully grown raptor had decided to throw a fit, nor would it likely be the last. Ra’hsen picked up the beam and moved it into a spot Ru’lan would at least have difficulty climbing to. His single sliver eye peered at his pacing housemate, those large talons had worn a path into the once grassy play area.  In adults and children alike destructive tendencies were a sign of stress, as was pacing. He stepped forward and held out a flat hand to signal his intentions. After a brief moment of hesitation Ru’lan stepped forward and rested his chin upon the hand. Ra’hsen smiled and ran his free hand over their nose toward the mane of feathers. His expression darkened for a moment as he felt around and pulled away, loose feathers. 
“Seems as if house life is not for big boys now is it, Ru’lan?” The priest continued to pet the raptor for a time. “How about we schedule you a little vacation, hm? A chance to roam the forest with your buddies?” 
Ru’lan’s excited tail swatted against the ground.
Still, it didn’t answer the cause of the creature’s distress. No child be it man or dinosaur thrived without their parents. Ru’lan may have been adult grown but his actions were no better than a teenager first discovering how to talk back. Not to mention his particular species were known to be family driven and extremely social creatures. While Ra’hsen had plenty of experience raising and training avians, raptor’s distant descendants, they were still entirely different species. With a deep breath he walked into the cabin, Ru’lan followed close behind. 
Ra’hsen had finally gotten used to climbing their stairs without second guessing his next step. At some point everything snapped into place, perhaps after his thirtieth day tending to their rose bushes. A distant gaze fell upon the unlit living space as light only trickled in the windows. Specks of dust danced in the evening sun’s rays and reminded the priest of his need to clean. Time for another winter clean it seemed. 
A smirk formed on his lips. It’d be just like them to arrive days before Winterveil with gifts in hand to apologize for their delay. It’d be what, two years without a holiday? The thought left a pang in his chest as he sat beside the table. Two years without Rowan. Two years without his dear friends. Two years spent staring at a bracelet that flickered once every several moons. Two years going on two centuries of endless waiting and stagnation. His loneliness gradually shifted to silent anger as his palm curled into a fist. 
Elven mortality was a funny thought. For some two years were nothing more than a blink of an eye. An entire mortal life could flutter into existence, bare children, grandchildren, and flicker out as an elf barely began their youth. While others mirrored their shorter lived brethren with lives a few years longer than a human’s. The Reverend just happened to be the lucky, or unlucky one who inherited those longer lives. He’d begun to witness his mate lose his life before him. The pale face he loved already showed signs of aging despite elven blood rushing through Rowan’s veins as well. Perhaps Ra’hsen should have counted his passing as a blessing, but his absence still weighed over him greater than the two who’s house he sat in that very moment. The same two who would witness his own aging with time as youth continued to cling to their features. 
Stuck in the Reverend’s mind the already lonely raptor did not handle being ignored. In some ways Ra’hsen could see where his avian friends learned their ego. Perhaps it was in the very same blood that the two species shared. Still, Ru’lan showed more compassion than the priest’s proud birds. Ru’lan pressed his nose against and peered up with confused vibrant blue eyes. Eyes that reminded Ra’hsen of the ocean and his late fiancé. 
“Apologies,” he whispered as his fist unwrapped and once again ran over the raptor’s head. “I didn’t mean anything to you, dear.” 
Ru’lan’s chin rested on the Reverend’s lap and yawned. Ra’hsen supposed Ru’lan wasn’t the only one missing someone. He stared at the quill and paper across the table out of reach. Maybe the sleepy one had the right idea, it was time for a nap. He could write Bellana in a few hours if not the morning. 
Thank you for inviting me to write @konietzko-sylvoran
Mentions: @talthorn-sylvoran @jorithas
Challenge by: @daily-writing-challenge
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kharrisdawndancer · 3 months
WFC has finished! Did you have any adventures? Favourite stores? What about some late night shenanigans? (Khaeris/Kharris)
Khaeris had a lovely time hanging out with Pollux, Ahuatli, and Fiorenze. She didn't do anything too wild, either. She enjoyed getting her very brightly colored drink at the Getaway Cafe booth, but other than that, she was glad to have a good time. She did enjoy doing her Wheel of Fate quest -- and got to dance with Tal and Kon for that! Dancing is always uplifting to her!
Mentions: @polluxhale @darkspear-dancers @fio-renze @talthorn-sylvoran @konietzko-sylvoran
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strawberdii-art · 1 year
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YCH: Talthorn & Konietzko
For @talthorn-sylvoran & @konietzko-sylvoran
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Here we have three pairs of Enamel Pin Designs completed for @konietzko-sylvoran and @talthorn-sylvoran's Hearts of Tenacity Fest raffle!
One pair of floral pins for @dragonsiblings,
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one pair of adorable critters for @turning-through-the-never,
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and one pair of pins for Cyni Mistfang and her guild!
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{TMI } Does Phe typically prepare or rehearse for a show before she performs live? Has she learned moves from other Tarts, or do other people or events inspire her?
“I always prepare and rehearse! Specially if I’ve got some real dangerous stuff in my performances. Secret is, there’s always a real actual risk of danger when I’m doing anything that’s not simple singing or casual acro-staff! Like any weapon use, my fire, stuff like that.” She shrugs as if this is nothing though.
“I usually do my own stuff, but before HoT Fest I actually went to Kon and Tal to ask them to teach me some stuff. Had a special performance in mind, needed to learn a bit of aerial and hoop stuff. I’ve cracked a whip for fun from Dice too, but that’s his expertise! I ain’t gonna use whips like that in my performances.”
“I like pulling from my life for my performances, y’know? There’s always something to learn about me from my time up on stage if you’re lookin past how badass I am up there.” She winks with a playful smirk.
@konietzko-sylvoran , @talthorn-sylvoran & @dicenne for mentions
ty @safrona-shadowsun ))
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kyphaz · 1 year
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Mirri, Konietzko, Talthorn and Assiar ready for Easter!
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bread-elf · 1 year
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A raffle drawing of a snowball fight featuring the artist Kelaricuddles! Featuring Jiroki, @konietzko-sylvoran @talthorn-sylvoran @sharpen-jadescythe and Helsong! Winter shenanigans are to be had!
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siennablaze219 · 1 year
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Mirri and friends for Noblegarden featuring @talthorn-sylvoran , @konietzko-sylvoran and the beautiful Assair. Art by @kyphaz
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sharpen-jadescythe · 1 year
Sharpen makes an owl cabin for Kon
Sharpen sat on the floor of Jiroki's barn and spread out his large drafting paper on the hardwood floor. Bales of hay were neatly set aside since his chores this morning.
He swept a hand back over his green hair, itched his brow as he thought.
"It needs to look like an owl. But still be a hut. Or, a cabin. Would that be too big a structure, though? To support wings and a beak, you'd have to..." Sharpen slashed out a few loose lines. He stared at what was barely coming together.
"Hrm. This is no good. I need to go onsite and see how it would fit on the plot. Behind their house, right?"
Sharpen rolled up what would soon become his blueprint. He hooked it under his arm strolled out into the daylight.
"I hope Kon and Tal don't mind me lurking around in their backyard!" He donned a big, silly grin.
@konietzko-sylvoran @talthorn-sylvoran
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konietzko-sylvoran · 2 years
November DWC Day 1 - Instinct/Neglect
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✧✧✧ Journey into Eromai Epolomono ✧✧✧ Prologue
- Written By Konietzko and Talthorn
Performer’s high was a real thing, especially in Konietzko’s world. To share it with Talthorn as they got the chance to do one last show together this year, it had been even stronger than usual, lasting even into the days that followed Sax on the Beach. Even as they packed and prepared for their trip to come, he couldn’t help but relive in the memories and the music of their weekend occasionally humming a song or two as they were forever stuck in his head now like so many they’d performed together before. To the world at large, they were known now as the Hearts of Tenacity performing on various stages all over Azeroth, but they were also known for their generous warm hearts they offered to any who came to know them on a more personal level. Still, there were certain things that they kept to themselves. Not because it was a secret but as any married couple could agree, there were just certain aspects of your life that you only chose to share with your forever partners.  For almost a year now, Talthorn and Kon had been making time for special training lessons beyond their daily to dos in life and practices for performances. While their performance lives were rather demanding of their time already, there were aspects of these training sessions that were already starting to show up in their performances together. Many witnessed them at Sax on the Beach as Kon and Tal both showed their astral forms as if hinting at that deeper aspect of their relationship together. Truth was, many had no idea how reserved Kon was to be tapping into this part of himself. His reasons for avoiding his druidic prowess and knowledge was a story all its own that only a few were privy to know as it certainly wasn’t a story so casually told. Yet in this past year he had been returning to his “roots” slowly since the appearance of the tattoo that Talthorn and he both wore now on their opposing wrists. A depiction of that of their own Eromai Epolomono, their galaxy or the common translation of “Heart of Tenacity” was something that neither elf had sought nor any tattoo artist painted on their wrists. It was something that appeared in the peak of discovery for them both of a personal moment in time. The astral plane had been calling to Konietzko as if awakened from its dormant slumber for a time now and Talthorn had dedicated his life to understanding the astral plane and arcane magics going above and beyond what most magi of his time had dared. The consequences of Talthorn’s research had cost him much, but here and now with his husband’s shocking developments that seemed to come about unintentionally, they both had agreed to understand it better, together. Lessons with Talthorn had started out rather tediously, because the truth was that Konietzko had much to learn to even attempt to understand what Talthorn had dedicated his life to researching. So in the beginning, there was much bookwork to be read and digested along with many nights and hours spent listening to Talthorn’s teachings and base knowledge of the realms themselves. Yet as Konietzko progressed his basic understanding of their world and beyond, it was Talthorn who was yet to grasp the physical and emotional part of what had bound them together. And thus was where Konietzko’s understanding of nature magic came to be part of their studies as well as the two elves were bound to understand the limits of how that of the astral and arcane spoke to them both and were quickly developing the longer they were together. While it had lain dormant in Kon, it was mere instinct from a natural attunement to his former life and studies as a druid that made accepting the balance of the astral planes in his own way easy. But trying to understand it enough to teach this physical and emotional connection he had to Talthorn was proving more challenging for him than they’d both hoped. However neglected his practice had been since he stepped away from druidism, his time with Talthorn had speedily reminded him that it was not something one could unlearn nor forget… nor avoid in this case any longer.
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It was because of a gift given by their most dear and trusted friend Ra’hsen that the idea had been proposed by Talthorn for them to take their training to another level. The gift was that of a pair of boots from Hazella’s wagon, ones which could make the wearer step into the astral plane itself without losing themselves. It had been Talthorn’s hope that he could travel there with Kon so the two of them together could research and study what this connection was they shared via the tattoo and the realms that were calling to them. But as this desire to understand could be better understood within the realms themselves, it came at a cost. One that Talthorn was entirely all too aware of in his life. How many countless times he’d left to research new discoveries, only to return back to the world and find that time had passed far greater than he could have imagined. It was what made him so numb to loss and interpersonal relations, and was the very reason he’d vowed not to further his studies in such a manner for fear of losing Kon.
So it was a great surprise when Kon inquired during one of their training sessions that Talthorn knew of a way they could do research together, in a far far shorter time. As dreamy and whimsical as it may be to get lost in the throes of time with one another, it was not practical for either of them! They both had connections to the physical realm of Azeroth as they knew it now. Both of them had relationships in friends and family that they treasured. Talthorn's past research and experiences with Kon's recent solo venture beyond, came up with the result that this venture for the both of them would be only a month, two at the most! This confidence exuded through the magi, that fueled his husband to take those steps toward achieving part of their goal together. Something they couldn’t do here alone, much like Kon's time in the Emerald Dream or Talthorn's glances into the Astral Realm, there were just some planes that were meant to be walked to achieve a stronger understanding and bond with the magic that called to them.  Having agreed that timespan was an acceptable amount to be away, arrangements were properly made as there were aspects of their lives that they couldn’t simply leave behind even for that long. Their son, Ru’lan was the biggest hurdle, along with their moths and the gardens that would need tended to around their home. Their training dojo wasn’t finished yet either, but as their dear friend Ra’hsen had taken to helping them with its construction and they had developed that trust with him already, it only made sense that they ask him to be their caretaker while they were gone. The good doctor knew they were uncertain as to when exactly they’d be back. However, due to the risks and potential unknown that such travel would present to them, they agreed that certain securities would be placed to let Ra’hsen alone know they were okay. An enchanted bracelet was made by Talthorn’s design to be worn that would react too and glow at times to let the reverend know they were alive and well. But because of the planes where they would be traveling they had no way to make it a two way connection, only able to attune it to themselves alone with no means of contact as that sort of magic would need research further before the creation of such was possible. Ru’lan was already quite used to Ra’hsen’s presence especially with how often he stayed with Kon and Tal, and the moths felt a kinship with him too and his own moth so it gave them both comfort to know they’d be well cared for. As Ru’lan was already almost full grown in size, he had alerted the reverend of Bellana and her helping hands should something happen or get out of hand with the ravasaur as the fellow druid of Val’sharah had aided in his care each time the elves had been away for this festival or that performance where they couldn’t risk taking him with them. And that was all the more comfort Kon needed in his head to leave him behind too. Kanyu though, was a whole other story. But the wild wolfhawk had become more and more estranged with Kon as time went on and only came and went as he pleased… he was certain the creature wouldn’t even miss him while he was away as he liked to disappear for great lengths of time as it were. Since there was nothing more booked for them to return too till after the holidays, this was a perfect time to escape on their own. They’d return with plenty of time to enjoy winter's veil with their friends again, no doubt to arrange their infamous white elekk gifting again as they invited those most dear to their home again this year. Plans for Hearts of Tenacity fest would be made after the holidays and announcements would start going out to set a date. Their first anniversary would no doubt be celebrated at the Lunar Festival, and the workings for this year's World’s Faire Carnival were to come as well. It was all set in motion, and perfectly timed. With any luck, they’d return with new abilities, a better understanding of this burning desire that called to them and questions they held for their connection to their eromai epolomono.
@talthorn-sylvoran @mxrigen
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talthorn-sylvoran · 2 years
November DWC Day 2 - Orbit/Illusion
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✧ ✧ ✧ Journey into Eromai Epolomono ✧✧✧ Chapter One
~ Written by Talthorn and Konietzko
Those that were acquainted with the man known as Talthorn Syl'voran, found out very quickly that he was quite the whirlwind of a person! He had an extremely active and inquisitive mind with developed arcane abilities to mystify even those most adept in the craft. And when he was determined about something? You could -feel- it. He was infectious with his enthusiasm and especially his drive in most anything. There were few that ever were drawn into his more focused passions because the language in which he communicated his most complex thoughts and perceptions of the universe was unique to him. It required patience as well as an open mind to absorb his descriptions of the secrets he had unraveled with the help of devoted study and time, to which his twin star in Konietzko had much of. 
With the doors open to take the steps together toward a greater understanding of their abilities, Talthorn wasted no time in making this next chapter happen for the both of them. His countless hours of research and practice sessions in execution could never prepare him for what would be the steps that he allowed himself to take. Since finding more purpose within his life, he no longer looked to the Astral realm as his way to ascend and say goodbye to the physical world forever. He desired to make it an interchangeable part of his existence now. His way of thinking had to shift! Because it encompassed another that meant everything to him but also someone that could walk this path with him. 
Kon's awakening had caused an explosion of life to breathe forth and with every session that he and Talthorn had together it brought enlightenment. The magi was in awe that his beloved was able to feel and conjure these energies in such a natural way, to which Kon did his best to describe the indescribable in the how he was able to do what he could. He had not been able to accept that he had any sort of remarkable talents, because he still believed that his husband had been helping him achieve illusionary results despite his insistence of what he was able to accomplish! How wrong he had been and soon would be reminded of his abilities from times past. And when it was time to go, Talthorn would be brimming with enthusiasm and portals open ready to whisk his beloved to have him believe it for himself! 
The magi had prepared everything for them! Including ensuring they both had a pair of boots which he modified so that they could walk the Astral realm together for a longer period of time. Their starting point one was a familiar area for Talthorn being of titan origin, and he had etched his spells so that the both of them would be able to return to their flow of time properly. This place connected to or 'blessed' by Dreamweaver of Titans from the Pantheon of Order would serve them well in the journey they would have. Only the echo of magic that was once in this place was here, but it could still be sensed by the mortals that had the ability to feel it. Stepping onto this whole different stage, Kon had to put his trust in the magi to get them to where they needed to be first. Explanations of the process and what their plan would be when they got there as they walked the hall would wash over them both with Talthorn's voice, one of which Kon would have heard a couple times by now only having them both smile as they arrived at the starting point together this time. 
For this sort of trip, they were not going to leave physical bodies but have them converted to a form that could walk the realm itself. Such was the brilliance and ability of developed items in this age. "So as we stand..." Talthorn babbles to his beloved as the spell weaves around the both of them as they hold each other's hands. Looking deep into Kon's amber worlds for eyes, the excitement and rare nervousness the magi had remained contained. "...the magic will leave an imprint of us to return to. I also have a time device etched into myself in case we are tempted with other distractions."
Kon listens to every word the other has to share, giving those hands a squeeze and locking into that silvery star gaze. "I understand." he says with a warm confidence. He didn't need to know the exact technicalities of it, only that this would be the place they would return to. How Talthorn ensured that, didn't matter. Not yet anyhow. "When we arrive, we will use our bond to communicate. And I will help guide you as well as I can, to lead in the steps I had before. Always besides each other. Neither of us should be ahead, or behind." Kon was very determined about this fact. 
A firm nod would be cast and as the arcane finished tracing them both with their smiles, he leaned over to share a soft kiss over those warm lips of his husband's to revel in the physical sensation before leaving it for a short time. Their practice words of activation for their magical items uttered, and the Syl'vorans would feel their body be embraced with celestial essence and be transported to their desired realm. All that is left behind, is their glimmering starry statue looking into each other's eyes. 
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Much as one would suspect with arrival to that of a non-physical realm of existence in converted form, to be rather surreal to those that had not experienced it often or at all. Even the very art of moving was different and to Talthorn, was restricted to the very idea of the form he possessed when he left Azeroth! Konietzko realized quickly that even though his husband’s efforts were very kind in making and enhancing these magical boots based on Hazella’s design, that they were actually hindering him from the mobility that he was accustomed to. And while he endured for a time, to help Talthorn understand how to move at all here using these items as a learning device, it was explained shortly after that he would have to remove these restraints if he were to aid them further into this spiritual journey.
Talthorn encouraged his beloved to explain more on the subject of course, and felt no hurt when Kon slipped off these shackles and could indeed maneuver much more freely. Konietzko had a warmth in their bond, telling the other how it confined him to a step or dance. As if he were not permitted to have ones of his own outside the sequence that was known or taught. And while he saw how many could work with this kind of direction, he knew there was more to it. Talthorn was amazed in watching Kon’s ability to walk here, but it was just something as natural as breathing on the physical plane. Time was spent to give the magi more freedom in his step, but he still felt so heavy here. He had not expected to struggle this much.
Finding new ways to help Talthorn, Kon took on a different form. A wisp, something familiar to the both of them. Changing your visage was not uncommon for druids, in both the dream and not. Here on the Astral, it was much the same he found! He described it to his beloved that his form in this place was more of an illusion. That they could become what they envisioned because they were essentially soul and energy here! Returning back to his elven form, he could feel Talthorn understand and those restraints loosening. It would take some time to put this into practice, but the magi was learning so much in what felt like such short hours.
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kaldorei-shadows · 1 year
Hottest Kaldorei Men, 2
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Al: *strolls into the Daily Mail Dalaran studio, with a huge grin on his face*
Sharpen: Yo.
Al: What are you doing here, you big ape? Don't tell me you're on the Top Ten Hottest Kaldorei Men list, too?
Sharpen: Yep, I'm basically out to crush your dreams. Again.
Al: *glints at the other man* So this is some kind of revenge. You're not actually a real nominee for hottest Kaldorei man?
Sharpen: Seems like you invented one of your conspiracy theories to prop up this painful reality you suddenly can't cope with, but ok. You do that.
Al: You shouldn't be that smart, Sharpen.
Sharpen: Oh crap! Look who just walked in!
Al: I know, I see it. This is so worse than Malfurion or even Illidan joining the competition. Oh goddess, this is awful. What a kick to my self esteem, too.
Sharpen: Those two are so gorgeous and talented. They sing, you know.
Al: And they dance. Like angels! How could this be happening to us?
Producer: Kon! Tal! So wonderful of you to grace us with your presence this evening. Glad you could make it...
Al: We're definitely going to lose. Wait. Are they... sparkling? Is that glitter?
Sharpen: I'm just. Just devastated.
@konietzko-sylvoran @talthorn-sylvoran
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cellody · 2 years
CHILDREN & VISION @daily-writing-challenge​ MENTIONS: Elinore Hartwell, @konietzko-sylvoran​, @talthorn-sylvoran​
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“Oh, perfect timing, cherub; here.”
Lance’s aunt Odetha had turned in her chair upon hearing those two tinkering bells over the door signal the arrival of the only other person with a key to the workshop. “Test this for me, would you?” She stood, wiped off any loose dust amongst wooden curls from her apron, and picked up a newly-completed violin beside her desk to hand her nephew.
“Is there a bow for it?” His knapsack was set down so the instrument could be taken and looked over with scrutinous admiration.
She picked that up as well. “Just your standard sort. This is meant for a beginner so I do not believe they will be as picky about certain sounds coming from different fibers as you.” When Lance wrinkled his nose a little at that, she shortly chuckled, “Understandably picky. That is a compliment, honey. You know that.”
He’d already begun to glide through a few sampling scales and measures of pieces he liked to portray on new makes; those with extra vibrato, those with octave-jumping glissandos, those with a bit of plucking, and those with exaggerated crescendos from near-silence to room-filling volume. Everything seemed to check out well enough. By the time he’d settled on contentment with their craft, he held it back out to her and gave a questioning look when he realized she’d been watching with her arms crossed. “What…?”
A tsk of a sigh passed her lips when slowly taking the violin to its hanging post and one beside it that had its varnish dried was taken down in its place. “When will you play for people other than me?”
Not this again. Lance was the one then sighing and moving to his distracting corner of the room where he could help trim and sand a form of Uldum rosewood awaiting its next steps in the making of a guitar.
Noting his silence, she pressed the issue with a playful, “People like that pianist you saw—what was her name, Lianna?”
“Elinore...” Ears warmed. Maybe he had talked about her a bit too much after the beach event, but that was the first time he’d ever watched someone do what Odetha wished he would, so how could he not be enthralled? No singing, no dancing, no special effects, just her and the piano playing whatever her heart desired for a crowd that surprised him with its receptiveness.
His number one fear had been and would always be boring people with classical pieces. What were those trying to show off their bodies in risky date clothes on a dance floor supposed to do with slow pieces of music void of strobe lights or remix effects or… anything? Elinore played the piano beautifully as a solo artist and many seemed to love it; that feat sat in his mind hourly ever since. It may not have roped in the amount of hype and fans that those like dear Konietzko and Talthorn could, but… he didn’t think he'd be able to handle popularity like that to begin with let alone deserve it. It’d never been an achievable vision of his.
Odetha, though, regularly echoed to him that her last bucket list wish was to watch him perform for the people of Azeroth. He hated such a cue for two reasons; one, because he’d struggled to grasp the idea of confidently manning a stage by himself since birth, and two, because the list reminded him of her age and dawning life slowly but surely creeping towards its end. This would mark the first year her hair had completed graying and the first year he’d had to start taking the reality of claiming the Cellody brand as its heir seriously. She never had children of her own nor married so they were the only family one another had left.
“Yes, yes—Elinore. Your talent is not unlike hers or your mothers and I just… I just ache so severely to think that your name may never find its place in history books because you neglected all your life to share your Light-given gift. You were a prodigy long before you even understood what music as a concept was. You deserve recognition beyond just being a luthier.”
“It is not just being a luthier,” he frowned. “I love what we do…”
She’d sat back down a while ago to resume applying their signature to the violin’s back but paused, then, to re-do the bun in her hair. “Maybe you could think of it as advertising, then. Let others know that instruments are not impossible to come by and that anyone can learn.”
Another wrinkle of the nose. Lance imagined ending a performance with an awkward business proposal was even worse than the idea of performing at all.
“Your father fell for your mother’s perfect pitch, you know.”
Lance stopped shaving wood with a pout aimed across the shop. “I know. It sounds so much more romantic in stories, though; any time I picture someone liking me just because of my playing… it feels wrong.”
“If that was how it remained, yes, that could be skeevy. But more often than not it simply introduces two people; then they find other reasons to connect amidst similar interests and remain a couple.” She met his pout with a cheeky smile. “If you would not play for a crowd nor in my or your parents’ honor, would you play for love~?”
That shut him up. He’d been rather quiet to begin with and always was when this subject came about, but she knew she’d struck a good note with that thus resumed her task and left him to stew in meditative offense (since his pet peeve was having her assume he wouldn’t play for familial honor).
...Or was it consideration?
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veelpo · 1 year
OCs Konietzko and Talthorn
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Comm for @Konietzkou and @Talthorn2 on twi
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