sirensdxn · 1 year
November DWC Day 3 - Forest/Morality
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✧✧✧ Journey into Eromai Epolomono ✧✧✧
Chapter 2
-Written by Ra’hsen
“Ru’lan let go.”
The feathered raptor did not release. Trapped between those sharpened fangs rested an elaborately carved beam of wood once intended to accent the training room walls. Now it proved to be the perfect chew toy for a rebellious ravasaur. 
“Drop it.” Ra’hsen gestured down toward the floor mirroring the basic training he’d been given before the Syl’voran’s disappearance. Part of him wondered if the two would delight in knowing their precious son had helped decorate with his own artistic sense. He’d have to save it just in case, that is if he could get Ru’lan to release. 
The Reverend settled on his knees and stared into those vast but fierce eyes for a time. A fearless hand firmly gripped the beam mere centimeters from Ru’lan’s teeth. Moist and hot breath escaped the creature's nose and mouth before answering Ra’hsen’s command with a snort. Down the beam fell with a thud. 
This hadn’t been the first time the now fully grown raptor had decided to throw a fit, nor would it likely be the last. Ra’hsen picked up the beam and moved it into a spot Ru’lan would at least have difficulty climbing to. His single sliver eye peered at his pacing housemate, those large talons had worn a path into the once grassy play area.  In adults and children alike destructive tendencies were a sign of stress, as was pacing. He stepped forward and held out a flat hand to signal his intentions. After a brief moment of hesitation Ru’lan stepped forward and rested his chin upon the hand. Ra’hsen smiled and ran his free hand over their nose toward the mane of feathers. His expression darkened for a moment as he felt around and pulled away, loose feathers. 
“Seems as if house life is not for big boys now is it, Ru’lan?” The priest continued to pet the raptor for a time. “How about we schedule you a little vacation, hm? A chance to roam the forest with your buddies?” 
Ru’lan’s excited tail swatted against the ground.
Still, it didn’t answer the cause of the creature’s distress. No child be it man or dinosaur thrived without their parents. Ru’lan may have been adult grown but his actions were no better than a teenager first discovering how to talk back. Not to mention his particular species were known to be family driven and extremely social creatures. While Ra’hsen had plenty of experience raising and training avians, raptor’s distant descendants, they were still entirely different species. With a deep breath he walked into the cabin, Ru’lan followed close behind. 
Ra’hsen had finally gotten used to climbing their stairs without second guessing his next step. At some point everything snapped into place, perhaps after his thirtieth day tending to their rose bushes. A distant gaze fell upon the unlit living space as light only trickled in the windows. Specks of dust danced in the evening sun’s rays and reminded the priest of his need to clean. Time for another winter clean it seemed. 
A smirk formed on his lips. It’d be just like them to arrive days before Winterveil with gifts in hand to apologize for their delay. It’d be what, two years without a holiday? The thought left a pang in his chest as he sat beside the table. Two years without Rowan. Two years without his dear friends. Two years spent staring at a bracelet that flickered once every several moons. Two years going on two centuries of endless waiting and stagnation. His loneliness gradually shifted to silent anger as his palm curled into a fist. 
Elven mortality was a funny thought. For some two years were nothing more than a blink of an eye. An entire mortal life could flutter into existence, bare children, grandchildren, and flicker out as an elf barely began their youth. While others mirrored their shorter lived brethren with lives a few years longer than a human’s. The Reverend just happened to be the lucky, or unlucky one who inherited those longer lives. He’d begun to witness his mate lose his life before him. The pale face he loved already showed signs of aging despite elven blood rushing through Rowan’s veins as well. Perhaps Ra’hsen should have counted his passing as a blessing, but his absence still weighed over him greater than the two who’s house he sat in that very moment. The same two who would witness his own aging with time as youth continued to cling to their features. 
Stuck in the Reverend’s mind the already lonely raptor did not handle being ignored. In some ways Ra’hsen could see where his avian friends learned their ego. Perhaps it was in the very same blood that the two species shared. Still, Ru’lan showed more compassion than the priest’s proud birds. Ru’lan pressed his nose against and peered up with confused vibrant blue eyes. Eyes that reminded Ra’hsen of the ocean and his late fiancé. 
“Apologies,” he whispered as his fist unwrapped and once again ran over the raptor’s head. “I didn’t mean anything to you, dear.” 
Ru’lan’s chin rested on the Reverend’s lap and yawned. Ra’hsen supposed Ru’lan wasn’t the only one missing someone. He stared at the quill and paper across the table out of reach. Maybe the sleepy one had the right idea, it was time for a nap. He could write Bellana in a few hours if not the morning. 
Thank you for inviting me to write @konietzko-sylvoran
Mentions: @talthorn-sylvoran @jorithas
Challenge by: @daily-writing-challenge
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konietzko-sylvoran · 3 years
DWC Day 3 - Inspiring Passion
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A whole year has come and gone, perhaps the fastest year that I can recall to date in my life thus far. Still we treat dating as if it were our first, leaving lasting impressions on one another's hearts that are unforgettable. When he asked me to come with him that night on yet another of his other worldly adventures into the cosmos and beyond, who was I to say no? I was eager to see what night sky he would whisk me away too this time and thus one might imagine my shock when I found myself gazing at a sky not unfamiliar. It was very similar to where we had gone on our first date. Right away I knew this night would be something special, but what night spent away with my beloved Kal was not extraordinary? He was my extravagant one before I knew his name, he still is to this day.
Though the sky above us was familiar, the lay of the land beyond that was entirely new to me. Just like every date I've taken with him, there is always a leap of faith hand in hand before we tread another measure through time. We leapt down the ledge to the lake below as I half expected us to walk on water to the edge of the falls. But he guided me instead to a boulder that stood out of the water somewhere in the middle of the lake. As I've come to appreciate, he began caressing me with sweet words and gentle touches he knew I was a sucker for and melting my heart with his handsome smile. He wished to show me something tonight. Something that he had not shared with any other as it was very difficult for him to share at all. I could not begin to fathom what it might be so I stood there on the boulder watching him most curious and quite eager.
With the magic he commanded as expertly as one breathed air, he summoned forth a case as a beautiful violin was pulled from it. I hadn’t even known that Talthorn could play an instrument of any sort, he was only recently learning how to sing but this took me by surprise. Was he seeking lessons from someone in secret as I had done for him last winter’s veil? So many curious thoughts filled my head but I asked not a one as soon those questions were all silenced. He took his first steps out onto the water, the magic of the potion he’d drunk kept him from sinking into the lake. He turned to face me as he raised that violin to his shoulder and his chin came down to hug it so intimately. His hair was worn long so it cascaded down the full length of his backside and down to his knees catching every glimmer of the moon and the starlight above that reflected in the water around him. Just merely standing there like that he left me breathless with anticipation and in awe of the magnificent sight he was to behold. And yet, he seemed… nervous? But why? I was probably the only one who could even see it in him, but I knew the signs to look for. He was shaking, trying to remain confident and in control but he was truly uneasy about this. It was so very unlike him I did not know rather to stop him or to encourage him to give him comfort to go on. ((Care to Hear What he Played?)) The moment the first few notes were played, my mouth went agape. As soon as I heard that bow against those strings I was captivated. It was beautiful, and it instantly made my breath pause as I dare not take my eyes away from him. Everything around us in that moment seemed suddenly alive with the magic of the scene he was creating, and then… the first notes of the song played. By note three I knew what he was playing and I was left breathless a second time as I gasped unable to find air. He was playing our song. One of many songs we held near and dear, but this one… was -very- dear. We first heard it together at a ball where we had danced the night away entirely lost in one another’s arms there under the Stormsong moonlight. It was later the song I chose to sing to him in my closing at “Konfest” much to his surprise. I sang of my heart's desire with the full range of my voice before all our friends who had come to support Talthorn’s grand idea of a show that had sparked the Hearts of Tenacity as it was today. It was the very song he hummed time and time again in our home. And now, it was the song he was in his own way singing back to me through his own language of love. Just hearing him play it was beautiful. Watching him and how he put his entire heart into the song as he played and his fingers shook along those strings was breathtaking. But when he chose to add his magical flare to the song as a full show of what his heart felt in those moments was something, I had no words for. The water rose from the lake itself and swirled around him as he played, the way his hair flowed behind him as those runes along his body flared to life and the pure emotion in his face. I will never forget it. He said it was something he would only show me and noone else, I saw and I knew why in these moments as the song came to an end. I was witnessing something he had long ago lost and found anew. Something that gave him a way to show his true emotions through art and music and how terrifying it was for him to trust that it was ok to live in the now of this moment and embrace the passion he felt within him. The literal and figurative magic of this moment was something Talthorn had meant to share before an audience of one. And by its end, there was no applause. Only tears as ones heart naturally burst with the joy and warmth you felt after such a moment shared as this. When he came to me it was all I could do not to drop to one knee. Talthorn and I have a dream to share our passion with the world and to be the warm lights that still shine for many. That night, he was my passionate one and I was the light that held him till those hands trembled no more.
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@daily-writing-challenge @talthorn-sylvoran
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serazhen · 3 years
~ When - "You know we often find ourselves working together at these events now and again but I've yet to ever really come to know you or talk much at all. I assume it's because like most of us you're just busy or focused elsewhere but well... here I am asking, when might a good time be for Talthorn and I to get to know you better fellow tart?"
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“Oh. Yeah. I don’t really have an easy time “getting to know people” -- like, pretty sure Ryland and I didn’t even know each other’s names until we’d hung out more than twice. Really just kinda go with the flow and see where conversation goes, usually, if it goes anywhere. The last few times I’ve been at stuff I think you’ve either been working at it, or I’ve been working at it. 
My personal not-Tart work schedule makes it hard for me to schedule anything when people normally hang out, so try and catch me at any of the events this month or next time there’s a chill Tart bar night! I’ll probably be around!” 
( Thanks @konietzko-lumenstone! @themagictrick mentioned )
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mxrigen · 3 years
🍃🌺🌙If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get it back even better 🌙🌺🍃👉👈
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(Have a reverse card)
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othiriel-corvire · 3 years
♥ : What kinds of characters are the most fun for you to write for?💔 : What kinds of characters do you have the most trouble writing for?
♥ : I always enjoy writing academic characters—incessantly nosy, know-it-all types. I like to theorize about lore and come up with my own interpretations/expansions on canon powers and things, and academia is usually a good bet for that. I tend towards mages, partly because I find them so fun to play mechanically but also because I just enjoy the class fantasy.
💔 : I tend to struggle writing brusque characters. I'm afraid to hurt people by being rude IC, so I always default to bemused-but-friendly. It's silly, but I'd like to get better at sticking to my guns and maintaining characterization even when it isn't, like, completely palatable. It made RPing my Forsaken characters a little rough.
((Thank you @konietzko-lumenstone for the ask!))
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noonmutter · 3 years
🌙 and Kon
1: “I don’t trust blue jays.” 2: “I ‘ave never once refused t’try a food at least once, even as a kid.” 3: “I was a li’l bit of a firestarter when I was younger. Only stopped cuz I nearly burned down a neighbor’s barn.” 4: “Sometimes I still think about runnin’ away from it all t’start over again, cuz I’m afraid it’ll all come crashin’ down around me one day if I stay.” 5: “I survived gettin’ kicked in th’ead by our biggest, meanest bull, Kormac. I was five at th’ time.”
1: “I never know whether it’s okay t’comment on ‘ow big a night elf’s ‘ands are, but damn, mate.” 2: “I really like yer dreads an’ I wish I could pull tha’ kinda thin’ off m’self.” 3: “I din’t mean t’ say th’ bit about bein’ in over yer ‘ead aloud, an’ I’m sorry fer tha’. Even if it’s wha’ I think it’s not my place t’say it.” 4: “Yer possessiveness o’ Saeil is th’ main reason I accepted ‘is invitation t’meet up later. It worked out nice, but at first I just wanted t’teach y’not t’be greedy.” 5: “I ‘ave been tempted on sev’ral occasions t’ask y’t’go runnin’ with me cuz I get th’ feelin’ you kin keep up. I only ‘aven’t cuz I’m not sure y’d believe I wasn’t askin’ fer a shag.”
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gloamingdawn · 3 years
Truth be told, I have always wanted to talk to you outside an event and get to know you a bit more. The way you glow when you wear your wings is truly, breathtaking and awe inspiring.
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“That’s nice to hear, thank you. The unfortunate and busy nature of my profession makes it hard for me to make time outside events; I’m a trauma surgeon in Silvermoon and an aspirant for the Valkyra outside of that -- when I’m not mending or training, I’m usually sleeping or trying to get some me-time back.
I’ll try and make the next social we do, those are easier to talk at than the shows.” 
( Thanks @konietzko-lumenstone! ) 
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celesterunewhisper · 2 years
You received a gift from Celeste!
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T A L  &&  K O N
Tea: Dancing Stars Ingredients: -orange peel + dried mint + hazelnut + candied starfruit + dried lemongrass + dried moringa leaf Flavour: herbal tea (no caffeine); a smooth bodied tea with a creamy mint flavour followed seamlessly by notes of candied citrus. Other Gifts: galaxy chocolate sugar cookies.
Merry Winter's Veil, Tal and Kon! I had so much fun thinking about what kind of tea to craft you both. I wanted to fit not only your aesthetic as performers, but also the softness you both share. I needed stars and sweets! So, I created a very smooth feeling tea that tastes almost as if you are drinking a warm creamsicle—it tastes better than it sounds, I promise—with a very literal addition of STARfruit. Budumtsss. You two shine brighter than the stars! It's only fitting your tea reflected this. Continue being amazing, you guys! Cookies included for you to share. -Celeste Runewhisper
(( @talthorn-sylvoran​ @konietzko-lumenstone​ ))
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lunetous · 3 years
“I think he is very handsome of course! I do really love his dreads and the dark color of his skin. Talthorn is a very lucky man to have such a handsome beau.”
“I consider Konitzko on of my closest friends, I would not trade him for the world! It’s lovely to have him around, even if he is wild.”
“He is a taken man, for me to lust after him would just be wrong and unwelcome for him.”
“As I said, he and Talthorn are together. They are not interested in me in such a way. I would never try my way into a relationship.”
💔 Non-existent 💗 Very low 💗💗 A little 💗💗💗 Hopeful 💗💗💗💗 High 💗💗💗💗💗 Maximum
( Thanks @konietzko-lumenstone )
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sirensdxn · 3 years
5, 12, 17, 52, 54
005. Are they in good health?
Physically, very much so. Though one could argue he could stand to do more exercising. Luckily he doesn’t eat much of his pastries so there’s not much to worry about in that regard. 
Mentally, still debatable though he is certainly in a better spot compared to months ago. LIfe’s slipped into a steady and comfortable pattern. He is, at least, content. 
012. What makes your character embarrassed?
Praise, genuine praise. It’s in his nature to be uncomfortable to a point of brushing off most compliments. That isn’t to say that he doesn’t mind an ego boost now and again. He might seek adoration, but often forgets the praise accompanying it.
Discussing his personal life or things coming up from his past. Say a certain magazine cover coming to light. Certain old behaviors would be unbecoming of the priest he is today. Though, perhaps he’s a little jealous he isn’t as carefree as he used to be. 
017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved?
Ra’hsen once, and still argues, that under any circumstance violence is not the correct answer. However, believing and preaching are two different matters. 
Is violence justified? Yes. To establish order, however, will only create an unstable foundation. It’s far better to work through the system to fix whatever problem at the root. But if asked he’d see himself above any system. 
052. What is your character’s worst flaw?
As 17 suggests, hypocrisy. While he may present himself as the priest, Ra’hsen in private is anything but. Even to the point where his duality of person has left him conflicted and lost. So long he has preserved this image of himself it’s trapped him within it. 
054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind?
Somewhat. Ra’hsen desires just enough authority to do what he wants and not be bothered. There’s zero interest in being a government official. The weight of his work at the Clinic and for the Silvermoon Conclave is already stressful. He’d be happy with just running a small enough business, with a few favors from influential folk, to just chill.  Spend time with his partner, bake, and smoke. It’s a simple life but free to do what he wants. 
Thank you @konietzko-lumenstone!
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konietzko-sylvoran · 3 years
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"Now it's my turn, to be the one to make you smiiiiile!"
I sang those words on stage before hundreds of people gathered around the Tournament of Ages and the main stage. What they didn't know was that I was signing those words with all my heart and soul to the one who shared that stage with me. Eromai knew, which is why he was dancing on my shoulder as I was embracing my true wish that had bonded us together forever.
Hazella and her Ephemeral Wagon had its last and final appearance at the Tournament of Ages. As sad as that fact may now be, it was a memory I'll never forget as it sparked so many more that week. That night we spent at her wagon just myself, Talthorn, Ra'hsen and Ranek was truly... ephemeral. By far my most memorable experience with the magical wonder she offers every patron who comes to her wagon. Here I sit reflecting on it now as I write this, even little Eromai is fluttering his wings happily as he dances on his little tree Talthorn and I placed in our room for our cherished moth companions both of which reflect a special bond with ourselves and our deepest wish. The ephemeral moths were special to everyone who came to her booth, not one was the same and not a single dry eye nor frown left thereafter. I still remember the three moths that flew down from her tree that grew over her wagon, well in truth only two had. The third remained hidden in the shadows of the tree branch dancing all on its own as if too shy to come down and be seen in the light of the other two presenting themselves to me. She offered me a choice to choose, asking me which potential new friend I felt the most connection with. They were all beautiful in their own way, but I was drawn to the one who found it in him to dance. Just like Talthorn, it was the free spirit and warmth of that music it heard in its own head that lead it to dance in this moment and drew my attention to it. Hazella smiled and kissed the other moths I hadn't chosen as they fluttered back to the branches of the tree to rest. But the moth I chose finally flew down to the table in a very elegant spiral as it sat beside the pendant I had offered. The amulet that Talthorn had given me that I always wear upon my chest or on my person at all times that holds the very Eromai Epolmono within it. She needed us to offer something of great personal value to us to make this ritual work, I could think of nothing more dear to me that I had in my possession. The moth stared up at me with its big eyes, it was pure white at that time with no color at all. Hazella clicked two runestones together which ignited a spark. A tiny dense seed of pure white light that levitated in the center of the enchanting table. The moth wiggled its antennae and did a spin that left me smiling at it fondly. "Alright friend! When you're ready! Hold your wish so deeply in your heart and mind that it encompasses you and flows with your very breath! When you're ready, touch the moth and speak your wish!" I took a deep breath, and for but a moment I closed my eyes. I reflected back on a moment shared the night before with Talthorn as he had whisked me away from the Tournament grounds to do some stargazing just he and I and shared a private dance with me. I reflected on what I felt in those moments, what I've felt in so many moments with him and the pure magic that he offered my spirit from the moment we first met.
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I knew in my heart of hearts exactly what my deepest wish was, it was a wish I hadn't dare to admit nor speak of to anyone yet. A wish that I'd held since our trip to Zandalar, and every moment spent since then it was only growing louder and louder within me. I reached out and placed my hand along the moth's head looking it right in its big eyes as I bent down and whispered to it too softly for Talthorn or anyone watching to hear, except Hazella.
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"I wish, for Talthorn to be my mate of soul, and to dance with me eternal."
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Hazella smiled softly at the most sacred of wishes was made and the seed burst open into a flaring pillar of pure white light, ignited by the energy and love of my wish. The pillar of pure white light split into two braids, shimmering and spinning within each other till one touched and connected to me and then the moth, while the other funneled upward towards the stars. Both connected their light with the glimmering universe of stars within the amulet. The moth transmuted into a flare of silver shine, its wings lengthening just a bit and its color deepening into a cerulean ocean body that shimmered with all the hues of the sea under starlight. Its wings deep in silver iridescence and the pattern of constellations like those that were seen within the amulet itself imprinted into the moth. Hazella nodded and the flare of released energy died down. The moth slowly spread its wings and turned about before looking to me glowing like the brightest star in the night skies. "And what would you like to name them?" I reached down to offer my hands to the moth, waiting till it stepped into my palms and continued to slowly show off and dance within them as it stared up at me. "Eromai, forever the brightest star in my sky." Hazella favored the moth with a loving smile as the little being spun and danced again and again in Kon's palms till he placed it onto his shoulder, showing off the constellation on its body and in its wings proudly. "Eromai will always be with you as a source of love, light and hope!" To this day, he still is. Just as my true Eromai is as we walk hand in hand and continue to write our names across the stars. Eromai the moth was with us as was Talthorn's Amatae or 'Beauty in Love' as we danced that first night away at the Cast Company's dace. They were both with us at the Wonderlight Ball as well, dancing along the tree limb I wore upon my back as Talthorn and I shared our dance with dear friends and members of the Tarts and Runaway Theater who came to enjoy that night with us. No matter the festival, no matter the occasion, Talthorn and I need no excuse to dance. He is already my mate of soul though I've yet to make it official but perhaps one day that story too will come to light. Till then we continue to tread a measure through time and share our light with friends who seek our warmth. And each time we share our dances there is always a little moth somewhere dancing on my shoulder or in our tree at home emanating that constellation proudly as proof of my wish of heart, spirit and soul echoing my wish back to me and reminding me of the brightness I strive for.
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@daily-writing-challenge Mentions in writing and in photos: @talthorn-sylvoran @sabbactroll @sharpen-jadescythe @ranekvilmas @bread-elf @sirensdxn @succulent-tart @thecastcompany Runaway Theater Troupe, Cam, Hazella Artwork at the top done by @clayscence ♥
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Showmanship Jacket/Trenchcoat design for @konietzko-lumenstone for the @succulent-tart After Dark II!
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mekandawn · 3 years
The Charming Amazing Handsome Dashing and Delectable Konietzko
Caythaes purses their lips, tipping their ears back as they raise their chin. “I- I think I’m -I’m starting to see why Jiro bullies you all the time.”
Most admirable quality: “Well, he’s- he’s very pretty, isn’t he?” Caytahes rubs the back of their neck sheepishly and shrugs. “I’ve- I’ve really only had one conversation with him so far, so um. So far, my- my opinion of him is that- he’s certainly charming, and I’m weak to that.”
Most attractive physical feature: “Mmmn, his- his smile is very melt-worthy, I think. It’s the kind where, he turns it on you, and suddenly you’ve- you’ve got no knees to speak of.”
Most annoying habit: Caythaes hums thoughtfully, flicking their ears back and forth as they chew on their lip. “Part- part of me wants to say that- that he’s very full of himself, but, to be fair, I’ve also seen a hint of insecurity beneath it, so that’s probably not being, ah... very fair to him. The- the charm is annoying. You wouldn’t think so, but. I’m- I’ve been trying to make better choices, and. It makes that very difficult.”
Something they would like to do with them: “Mmmm! I- I really need to find a chance to- to work with him on stage things! I did promise, and I do want to! I’m- I want to dedicate more of my time to- to individuals, than I have in the past, but “work” always seems to... interfere. But, I do love mentoring and teaching, so. I’m hoping that’s something I can get to, soo.”
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bread-elf · 2 years
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Got a coupon gift from @konietzko-lumenstone for a piece from @nehku art! Thank you both so much! ❤❤
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othiriel-corvire · 3 years
the moon: what are you hiding from yourself or from others?
"Hiding? Oh dear. I do my best not to hide things from others, these days. It's only ever landed me in heaps of trouble, like when I hid the extent of my mana use and ended up in the Violet Hold, or when I hid Ophene from the Council of Six. Oh! Or when I hid a mana wyrm in my toybox as a child and it escaped and destroyed my room. Mother was terribly cross with me. Though now that I think about it, I tend to hide a great many more things from myself. I hate to let myself really bask in how happy I am these days, lest the universe sense it and turn my luck for the worse."
((thank you @konietzko-lumenstone for the ask!))
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talthorn-sylvoran · 3 years
Unexpected Tea Time
Day 1: Reunion - Afterlife
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Returning to what was left of Aszuna was always a back and forth experience with the magi. One the one hand! It was so incredible to return and to discover what he could in the area in which he had been familiar with so many years ago! On the other....well there were a few horrible deep down issues that even now Talthorn had not known how to deal with in the supreme and unadulterated guilt he held for not being there for his family when everything had been completely obliterated.
However as the older man was a master at being able to compartmentalize most of this, it was far easier to cope for him. So when he returns to places such as the Nar'thalas Academy more times than not, he would be able to appreciate his trip for what it was. A journey into the past with adventures to be had and mysteries to uncover! Already dressed in what would be considered exploring robes, the magi would descend into the libraries once again with interest in the lost knowledge that had been long buried here. It was not any secret that there were still wandering spirits both aware and unaware of the situation that transpired here. There were some that were nothing more than shrieking sirens and others that just wandered about in a daze and loop of routine. Talthorn did his best not to linger too much with some of them, because in truth they really were just no one you could hold any degree of conversation with.
That day though, he had come across a hallway that had broken down to a point in revealing a section of library he had not explored at all! Naturally Talthorn had blinked about and peeked around to determine if it was a good idea to venture in a bit further. Spotting a crumble mess of shelve and knowledge had him sparkle with excitement and in his infinite wisdom would try to squeeze himself through the space to get through. A few disgruntled noises and flaps about, until finally another blink was used to get through. Dusting off his hands and looking proud as if it was a beautiful first attempt, he walks over in a determined but animated fashion to see what sort of discoveries he could make!
To his surprise there was a ghost in here and shoots up right in front of him. After a strangled surprised sound erupts from his lungs and the barrier answers his call to guard him he looks ready to spring into an attack! When the woman there just stares at him it takes a moment for him to realize...? He knew this elf! She was one of the instructors here! Her image was not contorted or twisted, just....here. She was searching over him, uncertain what to make of him, and Talthorn slowly returns to a normal stance and brushes off his robes. "Ah! Good day to you. Forgive me, I was not expecting company." he grins at her and sees she is perking up a brow with his words.
"You're a little different than the last experience I had on the other side of the Academy. Shriekers they were. Quite rude if I must say! Chased me out when I wanted to borrow a couple of the tomes in flora and fauna research....in given time. Which is very obsolete now....but still fascinating!" He continued to speak to the ghost even if she didn't offer a single motion to show he understood. Wondering if she could speak at all, the magi would decide a different line of conversation.
"Oh! How unbecoming of me. I know you probably don't recognize me. But I was one of your students a very long time ago! Not....a very good one....but still! A student nonetheless. Talthorn Syl'voran!" he strikes a bit of a pose earning him a confused look from the ghost. "It is good to see Lady Swiftwind."
There were a few moments that she just stares, seeming to search over Talthorn for more answers. But that nod showed she was capable of understanding! Choosing not to speak she folds up her hand and floats there as if in thought before she gestures over to the fractured table. The magi blinks at her and tries to figure this out. "Hm? Oh! Did you want me to join you? To catch up or something? That's a lovely idea! Let's go do that." he babbles, seeming to himself as if she had not spoken. He saunters over in the somewhat slanted room and looks at the state of the table. Taking it upon himself to adjust it and turn it a bit so it was properly put up, he manages to find a couple of seats, probably not meant for this table at all but gives them a resemblance of home to their new space.
"Will this do? I hope I have not disturbed anything too greatly." the friendly magi continues, not at all put off that he was having a reunion from a dead teacher. The ghost shakes her head and moves to sit down, giving the impression that she didn't know how to speak at all. It mattered little for someone like that thrived in talking often! Sitting down at the other seat he would inspire more sparkling conversation. "Ah good! Well, I suppose I fill you in on the obvious. This entire area has been completely destroyed. For a great many years!"
The woman gives him a flat look as if to indicate she gathered that part. She waves the semblance of a haunted tea set, and after pouring the pot of non-existent tea expects Talthorn to accept her offering. Attempting to do so, but grasping onto nothing the magi stares at the ghostly tea cup. He conjures up a quick cup so as not to seem rude and holds it up to her and bows his head pretending it was what she gave him. Content with that, Lady Swiftwind gives her attention to the older man. "Ah! It seems maybe you knew that already? Then perhaps you would like to know why." he smirks and sees her face actually smile at him. Oh what an interesting day this was going to be!!
(( This was one of the more favorable interactions with one of the ghosts at the Academy! It really is more of a rare occurrence but Talthorn is always glad to make friends! Even those that are lingering the Afterlife as it were. I am sure he will ask @konietzko-lumenstone in the future if he would mind having tea with her sometime. )) @daily-writing-challenge
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