#laundry frog specifically is my favorite little freak
amphibianaday · 7 months
Hello I would like to request your favourite little freak(amphibian) for day 1432
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day 1432
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crazyforhorror · 4 years
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Chapter four: Are you kidding me?
— Paul pov—
I sat perplexed on the floor of the laundry room trying to figure out what was wrong with the washing machine. My favorite white pants were covered in blood and i cant get the stains out to save my life! Poor human females, i dont know how they do it honestly. It has been hours of me trying to get it done after successfully luring people her to feed off of. This is how i ended up here....... my swearing must have been loud because Laddie came into the laundry room with a look i could describe only as a teacher who was about to lay a ruler to your hand for talking too much and far too loud in class. “ dad you do realize there is this thing called bleach, right?? You just add that when you do your laundry with stain remover spray and you are good to go! I swear that is is super easy, here let me show you.” He says while putting in the needed liquids and starting the wash. The only problem with that was he was standing on my legs to reach the opening and the dials of the big machine that i was at war with. He was standing on my BARE legs in his COMBAT BOOTS. Now that my legs were all muddy and gross and were going to have shoe prints in bright red....... life with kids i guess though, right? David passed with a chuckle and said, “wow Paul your kid is smarter than you are. That’s sad bro.” I flipped him the bird and continued to listen to Laddie babble, this time about a new show he and Marko had discovered on the TV set tonigh. A ten year old is smarter than me. Are you kidding me??as the munchkin leaves the room I let a growl bubble up in my chest at the thought that David had told me the wrong stuff to remove blood, he told me freaking ketchup and mustard were the stuff you needed to use and when i had done that, i lost a pair of pants to the garbage man. Now i at least had Laddie to help me out but how did he know?
—Star Pov—
I still looked for Laddie even though he had been gone so long. What caused him to run away? were Michael and I hard on him? Did he think we were trying to change him too much? We were walking to the opening of the old cave, having yet to check here for him. Maybe he had gone here, Michael once said to me. I mean this did used to be his home for quite some time. What we saw when we entered the cave shocked us to the core. A cold feeling settled its home in my gut, something was wrong about it. It did NOT look like it was left abandoned by the guys, it looked a bit daare I say, empty.
“Kids found the cave and raided it huh?” Michael asked me with a tone of both disgust and awe.
“No, No one in all my time with the lost boys, we never ONCE had someone raid the cave let alone actually come in. Unless the guys brought them here for their.....dinner. But STILL we NEVER had that problem. This is fishy; something else has happened here. I intend to find out.” My voice wavered a few times, a wobbly tone that told how disturbed to my core I was. This did not feel right at all, almost like something more sinister is deceiving us all. Not something I look forward to learning about honestly. Did Laddie come back to the cave  and get stuff that reminded him of the boys before he ran away? I started looking around for any possible leads to what went down in here. The old boom box paul loved, missing. Dwayne’s skate board collection? Missing. David’s books that were neatly piled up behind his little alcove? Gone! Marko’s pigeons and their cage? Poof! They too were gone.Laddie’s favorit toys and teddy bear and blanket that if he were to lose he would never be the same was all long gone. Even the old Jim Morrison Poster that once draped the wall of the back part of the cave was gone.... Wait if this was all missing, “ It looks like someone took very specific things and in a hurry too, its messy, looks rushed and oddly enough all the missing stuff was things the guys loved more than anything. Something isn’t right here Michael, I think we need to get the Frog brothers again so don’t you dare touch anything. There is definatly something more than we can see scratching the surface of this.” His eyes widened as I let the words shake out of my mouth, I was for sure pale, looked sick and you could feel the mood of the room become fridged with horror, confusion. This was something we needed advice on.
-- Michael Pov--
It was still early morning as Star and I made way to Edgar and Alan’s comic book shop. They looked rather incredulous to our arrival and asking for help. “But they are gone? Has a new coven come in and replaced them that quick?”
Star shook her head, her frizzy curls bouncing around her face. “ No their stuff was missing but only the things that were important to them, and before you say it was Laddie before he ran away, there was too much stuff gone. Paul’s boom box and tapes, David’s books, Marko’s pigeons and their cage, Dwayne’s skateboards AND all of Laddie’s toys and his favorite bear and blanket are all gone. It looked like it was done in a hurry and something just dosen’t add up here. Something sinister is hiding in this situation. and yes we checked the ENTIRE cave, they are not in thier sleeping quarters or any of the old rooms that were still accessable. Nada.” Sam pops out from a shelf area with a comic book limp by his side. “But they all died. Are you positive that the surfers didn’t go and take things they didn’t go and take things they liked before the kid got got his stuff and he ad gotten it later?” I only nodded with a look of grim worry shattering my face. We had to find out what what was going on so we decided to take the kids there to let them look around. The shop got closed up and we all made our way back to the cave at the edge of Hudson’s bluff.
Im sorry this took so long to get this up. My anxiety and depression are pretty rough right now and I don’t have my own computer so updates are a little crazy. I hope you enjoyed this! im going to get caught up on this and then I will also go through the family tree I have made. 
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