andacademy · 14 days
Introduction to Motion Graphics Design: Tools and Techniques for Beginners
In the dynamic realm of visual storytelling, motion graphics design stands as a powerful medium for captivating audiences and conveying messages with creativity and impact. From animated logos and title sequences to explainer videos and advertisements, motion graphics infuse life and movement into static visuals, bringing them to life in mesmerizing ways. If you're a beginner looking to explore the exciting world of motion graphics design, this article serves as your gateway, introducing you to essential tools and techniques to kickstart your journey.
Understanding Motion Graphics Design:
Motion graphics design is the art of combining graphic design, animation, and visual effects to create dynamic and engaging motion sequences. Unlike traditional animation, which typically involves character movement, motion graphics focus on animating text, shapes, and images to communicate ideas and evoke emotions. Motion graphics are widely used in various mediums, including film, television, advertising, and digital media, to enhance storytelling and capture audience attention.
Essential Tools for Motion Graphics Design:
Adobe After Effects: Adobe After Effects is the industry-standard software for motion graphics design. It offers a comprehensive set of tools for creating animations, compositing footage, and adding visual effects. With features like keyframe animation, masking, and motion tracking, After Effects empowers designers to bring their creative visions to life with precision and control.
Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop: Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop are indispensable tools for creating and preparing assets for motion graphics projects. Illustrator is ideal for creating vector-based graphics and logos, while Photoshop excels at editing and enhancing raster images. Seamless integration with After Effects allows designers to import assets directly into their motion graphics compositions.
Cinema 4D: Cinema 4D is a powerful 3D modeling and animation software widely used in motion graphics design. While optional for beginners, mastering Cinema 4D opens up opportunities to create intricate 3D animations and visual effects, adding depth and realism to motion graphics projects.
Plugins and Scripts: Various plugins and scripts can extend the functionality of motion graphics software and streamline workflow processes. Popular plugins like Trapcode Suite, Element 3D, and Plexus offer advanced features for creating complex animations, particle effects, and 3D motion graphics.
Key Techniques for Motion Graphics Design:
Typography Animation: Typography animation involves animating text to convey messages in dynamic and visually engaging ways. Techniques such as kinetic typography, text reveals, and typographic transitions add interest and emphasis to motion graphics projects.
Motion Graphics Principles: Understanding fundamental motion graphics principles such as timing, easing, and anticipation is essential for creating smooth and impactful animations. By mastering these principles, designers can create animations that feel natural and fluid, enhancing the overall user experience.
Composition and Layout: Effective composition and layout are critical for guiding the viewer's eye and creating visual hierarchy in motion graphics projects. Principles such as rule of thirds, balance, and contrast help designers arrange elements in a visually pleasing and cohesive manner.
Color and Visual Style: Color plays a crucial role in conveying mood, tone, and brand identity in motion graphics design. Choosing an appropriate color palette and visual style enhances the overall impact of the animation and reinforces the intended message.
Aspiring motion graphics designers, equipped with essential tools and techniques, embark on a creative journey filled with endless possibilities and opportunities for experimentation and innovation. You can begin by mastering the fundamentals of graphics design and honing their skills through practice and exploration, and then slowly transition to more complex principles of motion graphics. Enrolling for graphic design courses can be a great start to experiment fearlessly, and let your imagination take flight in the dynamic world of motion graphics design.
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ashahen · 9 months
Learning design and technology (LDT) is a field that uses learning sciences and design thinking to create effective learning experiences using technology. LDT is a dynamic and evolving field that is constantly influenced by the changes in the evolution and science of learning, the innovations in pedagogy and technology, and the social and cultural contexts of learners. There are many current and emerging trends in LDT that are shaping the future of education and learning. Some of these trends are personalized and adaptive learning, gamified and immersive learning, mobile and ubiquitous learning, social and collaborative learning, and open and online learning. If you are curious about LDT, you can read this article that gives you a comprehensive overview of LDT and its applications. You will also find some tips and resources on how to develop your LDT skills and pursue a career in this field.
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perpicturescom · 4 years
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Idag börjar den nya kursen: illustration - distans. 12-13 Sept träffas vi på Leksands folkhögskola. #learningdesigner #illustration #leksandsfolkhögskola #digitalplatform #distans #art #utbildning #onestepcloser #folkhögskola #kreativkunskap #illustration.lfhsk #advancedlevel https://www.instagram.com/p/CE2TLVhFjrt/?igshid=9v5n7pzgnpt4
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reachsomeguy · 4 years
Day one of Inktober
Being someone who never had any close contact with fishes excluding a couple of few I swam with, the fish seller is the closest person I can remember to associated with the topic "Fish". The topical fish seller, the one who don't really mind to shout aloud "Meeneyyyyy pooooooy" ( my memories are in Malayalam of course) with the bike horn in background is unavoidable part of any society's mornings.
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elearningserv · 4 years
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Did you aware that your FLASH based courses may not work after 2020? 
Flash has been serving for long. But now the days are shifting and the phase of flash is coming to an end. By the end of 2020, Adobe will eventually stop support to Flash and all major browsers may not run FLASH content.
Make your training content future proof by converting them into html5. As there are many authoring tools available in the industry for effective HTML5 elearning courses.
Points to note: - Check whether your elearning courses are developed in FLASH - Check whether your source files are available or not - Outsource your conversion to ensure a smoother process - Make sure you upgrade all your browsers of learners after conversion
As it's nearing to the end of 2020, this is the right time to convert your Flash courses to HTML5 before it's too late.
Flash to HTML5 Conversion 
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vccastle · 4 years
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Lets play with shapes. 
Colors, shapes, patterns, contrast are all part of the design principles. And the best and most fun way to learn is by doing, experimenting, discovering.
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elearningdesigntips · 4 years
End of Flash by 2020 - Flash to HTML5 Conversion eLearning
Did you aware that your FLASH based courses may not work after 2020?
Flash has been serving for long. But now the days are shifting and the phase of #flash is coming to an end. By the end of #2020, Adobe will eventually stop support to Flash and all major browsers may not run FLASH content.
Make your #training content future proof by converting them into #html5. As there are many authoring tools available in the industry for effective HTML5 #elearning courses.
Points to note:
- Check whether your elearning courses are developed in FLASH
- Check whether your source files are available or not
- Outsource your conversion to ensure a smoother process
- Make sure you upgrade all your #browsers of learners after conversion
As it's nearing to the end of 2020, this is the right time to convert your Flash courses to #HTML5 before it's too late.
#flashtohtml5 #responsive #elearningmodules #contentdevelopment #contentconversion #learningdesign #learningtechnology
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history-adventures · 4 years
Introducing our official launch trailer! History Adventures, World of Characters, Book 3, (1750-1900), presents a fresh approach to history education, designed for today’s digital generation. This interactive, multimodal learning experience combines the latest in mobile entertainment with the power of narrative design—bringing the pages of history to life. History Adventures foregrounds the power of story, narrativizing the experiences of people who lived in past centuries—in different epochs and locations around the globe. Students will witness the very real moments these very real people lived through, as if they were there. And via the empathy inspired by quality storytelling, students will feel the life or death stakes of decisions made in the moment. The January 2020 release of History Adventures covers the Period from 1750-1900 through the lens of 5 amazing people living through complex flash-points in time. Book 3 Features: Agent 355, (a slave... and an American Revolutionary War spy); Jiemba, (an indigenous Australian at Botany Bay when the British convict ships arrived); Fei Hong, (a Chinese family man, surviving the Opium Wars), Khari, (a native rebel resisting Belgian oppression during the (so-called) Congo Free State), and Thomas Brown, (a muckraking reporter, working to expose the malpractice of the Chicago Meatpacking Industry). History Adventures, World of Characters, Book 3 (1750-1900), will go live on iTunes, January of 2020, available for download around the world! Created by Spencer Striker, PhD History Adventures: the Stories of People in Time, Connected by Eternity.. #history #digitallearning #historyeducation #digitaldesign #learningdesign #illustration #americanrevolution #congofreestate #peopleshistory #bighistory #mobilelearning #multimodality #interactivelearning #powerofstory #narrativedesign #historicalfiction #characterdesign #washingtonsspies #opiumwars #revolution #rebellion #Imperialism #exploration #clashofcivilizations #muckrakers #botanybay #gunboatdiplomacy #indigenous #chicagomeatpackers #historyadventures (at Northwestern University in Qatar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B58ANmNJAws/?igshid=93c80c4cu2gh
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yoshikoterada · 5 years
お雛さまがまつ駅に、ピンクリボン号が到着!🎀 のんびり柔らかな週末の駅です🎎 ちょっとイタズラな海風がふく朝🌊 潮がひいた渚がキラキラ輝いて、“貝まつり”の準備が始まりました🐚 Mon oreille est un coquillage Qui aime le bruit de la mer. 私の耳は貝のから 海の響をなつかしむ (ジャン・コクトー「カンヌ」) そんな季節は、すぐそこです💖 #ひな祭りにはお内裏さまの刀を抜いてチャンバラしてた湘南ガール #ひな祭り #ピンクリボン運動 #湘南モノレール #人材育成#学びのキセキ #ラーニングデザイン #サーファー #サーフィン #サーファーガール #海街Diary #湘南 #湘南ガール #鎌倉 #インストラクショナルデザイナー #instructionaldesigner #learningdesign #learningmiracle #surfing #surfer #surfergirl #shonan #shonangirl #umimachidiary #dollfestival #shonanmonorail https://www.instagram.com/p/BuNjLe1FVDc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1csgli3w9nylk
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andacademy · 1 month
The Psychology of Colour in Branding: Making the Right Impression
In the world of branding and marketing, colour plays a powerful role in shaping consumer perceptions, eliciting emotions, and influencing purchasing decisions. From the iconic red of Coca-Cola to the vibrant yellow of McDonald's, successful brands understand the psychology of colour and leverage it to create strong and memorable brand identities. In this article, we'll delve into the psychology of colour in branding, exploring how different colours evoke specific emotions and associations, and how brands can use this knowledge to make the right impression on their target audience.
Understanding the Psychology and Colour Theory
Colour theory and psychology is the study of how different colours affect human emotions, behaviours, and perceptions. Each colour has its own unique psychological associations and cultural meanings, which can vary widely depending on factors such as individual experiences, cultural background, and personal preferences. For example, red is often associated with passion, excitement, and energy, while blue is associated with trust, reliability, and stability. By understanding the psychological effects of different colours, brands can strategically choose colours that align with their brand values, personality, and target audience.
Creating Emotional Connections
Colour has the power to evoke strong emotional responses and create memorable experiences for consumers. When used effectively, colour can help brands establish emotional connections with their audience, fostering feelings of trust, loyalty, and affinity. For example, luxury brands often use rich, sophisticated colours like gold and black to convey elegance and exclusivity, while eco-friendly brands may use natural, earthy tones like green and brown to evoke feelings of sustainability and environmental consciousness. By choosing colours that resonate with their target audience, brands can create emotional connections that drive brand loyalty and advocacy.
Building Brand Identity and Recognition
Colour plays a crucial role in shaping brand identity and recognition, helping consumers distinguish one brand from another in a crowded marketplace. Consistent use of colour across all brand touchpoints – from logo design and packaging to marketing materials and website design – reinforces brand recognition and strengthens brand equity. For example, the distinctive red and white colour scheme of Coca-Cola is instantly recognizable worldwide, making it one of the most iconic and enduring brands in history. By establishing a strong and consistent visual identity, brands can increase brand recall and create lasting impressions in the minds of consumers.
Cultural and Contextual Considerations:
It's important for brands to consider cultural and contextual factors when choosing colours for their branding. While certain colours may have universal associations, others may have different meanings or connotations in different cultures. For example, the colour white is often associated with purity and innocence in Western cultures, but it may symbolize mourning or death in some Eastern cultures. Similarly, the colour red may be associated with luck and prosperity in China, but it may signal danger or warning in other contexts. By conducting research and understanding the cultural nuances of colour symbolism, brands can avoid cultural missteps and ensure that their branding resonates with diverse audiences.
The psychology of colour in branding is a powerful tool that can help brands make the right impression on their target audience. By understanding the emotional and psychological associations of different colours, brands can strategically choose colours that convey the desired brand personality, evoke the desired emotions, and resonate with their target audience. Whether it's creating emotional connections, building brand identity and recognition, or considering cultural and contextual factors, colour plays a central role in shaping consumer perceptions and influencing purchasing decisions. As brands continue to compete for attention in an increasingly saturated market, harnessing the power of colour in branding can be a key differentiator that sets them apart and drives success in the marketplace.
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ashahen · 11 months
Instructional Designer Salary: What You Need to Know in 2023
If you are interested in instructional design as a career, you might want to read my article on instructional designer salary in 2023. It has a lot of information and data on how much instructional designers make and how to increase your income potential.
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christophercosier · 2 years
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jobaaj · 3 years
The most commonly used Price Action indicator is candlesticks. These candles form patterns that can be used for developing Price Action Trading strategies.
 Price Action trader's intent is to read the price movements and accordingly identify price action signals using chart patterns and find out key levels in the chart.
 These price action based signals are combined by the traders and collectively referred to as Price Action Trading strategies. All their trades revolve around these strategies. The most prominent strategies are Support & Resistance Level Trading Strategy; Pin Bar Trading strategy; Inside bars; candlestick patterns such as Harami, Hammer, Shooting star, etc
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perpicturescom · 4 years
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Idag börjar kursen: illustration - distans. 12-13 Sept träffas vi på Leksands folkhögskola. #learningdesigner #illustration #leksandsfolkhögskola #digitalplatform #distans #art #utbildning #onestepcloser #folkhögskola #kreativkunskap https://www.instagram.com/p/CE06o-Slu2W/?igshid=1wqixi89kmnn0
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reachsomeguy · 4 years
Not so friendly T-Rex
T-rexes were not in my attention somehow till a day before, here is one that happened to be the T-rex of my generic perception, he isn’t happy. 
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elearningserv · 4 years
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Do you use Articulate Storyline? Learn how to send SCORM values to LMS with #JavaScript and checkout the steps to find out more.
Articulate Storyline Sending Score to LMS using JavaScript
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