#lieutenant templeton peck
desertthorn · 6 months
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That smile they give each other.
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high-on-dirk-benedict · 9 months
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amyamandaallen · 9 months
being normal about catholic orphan Face who apparently doesn't remember the first 5 years of his life
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keep-it-light · 2 years
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I give you........”THE WALL OF DIRK BENEDICT”! (all of the little pictures around the Jack’s Back poster are of Dirk Benedict.) 😊 It has taken me 4 nights to complete my creation and I’m very happy with it.
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rubbersoles19 · 23 days
Modern A-Team Casting??
I've recently dragged my friend, @rightasrainee, into the A-Team hole, and we've been talking about what a modern A-Team that actually cares would look like. So far, we've got a few ideas for the main team... Presenting:
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Anson Mount as Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith.
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Michael B. Jordan as Corporal Bosco "B.A." Baracus.
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Rege-Jean Page as Lieutenant Templeton "Faceman" Peck.
And, lastly...
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Kate McKinnon as Captain H.M. "Howlin' Mad" Murdock.
I certainly like our choices, but I'd love to hear anyone else's fantasy casting!
Additionally, astute observers will notice we're missing a certain roving reporter... anyone have any suggestions?
Also if there are any A-Team Discord groups out there, please let me know!
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avictimofthejazz · 1 year
//Muse: Templeton ‘Faceman’ Peck. Drabbles about memories triggered by scents 
Peppermint He needed to get Murdock more gum. Face stared down at the paste he smeared on his toothbrush, committing the random observation to memory. It was hard for Murdock to get gum at the VA—something about rules or choking hazards or people sticking the candy under the tables and leaving it on the floor. All things he never had to worry about with his best friend. Murdock was far too much of a gentleman to do anything except throw his gum away in the trash when he was done, or swallow it. At least in California, Face could just nip down to the corner grocery and pick up a few packs. In Vietnam, he had to jump through a million different hoops to get his hands on the stuff. Murdock needed it though—still needed it honestly—when he flew. Having something to chew on gave him an outlet for the excess energy buzzing through his system so he could focus on his flying. Deciding not to trust his occasionally shaky memory, Face stuck his toothbrush in his mouth, bit down on it so it would not fall out and splatter paste all over the marble bathroom, and fished his notebook out of his pocket. Get gum for Murdock, he scrawled quicky. Thinking for another second, he pressed the pencil against the sheet of paper and added, make sure I have emergency backup packs. As the team supply officer, it was his job to prepare for all contingencies.  
= = = = = Smoke Slumping down in the front seat of the Vette, Face irritably drummed his fingers along the steering wheel, idly keeping tempo with the song on the radio. Traffic jams were as inevitable in Los Angeles as rain was in Seattle. Hannibal would probably pitch a fit when Face rolled in late to the meeting, but flashing red lights in the distance warned him that law enforcement personal were nearby. His safest bet was to behave himself, act the part of a model citizen, and hope the cops were too distracted with whatever had snagged up the Friday commute to notice him. His eyes fell on his car phone, and then he glanced up again. He could always call the van… BA would probably be near it at any rate, and he could leave a message with the mechanic. But did he really want to deal with the grumbling from his friend too? Caught in the eternal debate, Face sniffed and then glanced toward the front of the snarl when the wind shifted. A stream of smoke started blowing down the row of parked cars. A brush fire… another LA inevitability, especially during a hot, dry summer. No wonder it was mostly red lights instead of red and blue… the fire department had been called out. His stroll along perfectly mundane thoughts took, without any warning, a sudden detour. Vegetation burning… the crackle of fire as it licked along the jungle canopy and ate away at any hiding places the VietCong could find… the warnings on the radio to evacuate an area because they were sending in a Napalm drop… The one time a very green Lieutenant thought no one had picked up his calls, his pleas, to hold off the Napalm until he could get a loaded medical chopper up, and find a safe zone for the rest of the guys following him. Having to pull a sidearm on his best friend and order him to lift off in the chopper, leaving Face and the other guys behind. Face sucked in a breath, hands tightening on the steering wheel as he squeezed his eyes shut. The Napalm Incident, as he and Murdock quietly dubbed it, had not been discussed in years. Not even Hannibal knew—it had happened when Face still served under General Westmoreland, before the Colonel poached him for the specialized team.   He had to shove it away, lock it back in its box before he made the meeting tonight. Letting out his breath slowly, Face pulled in another deep one and counted this time. Exhaling a few seconds longer, he tried to ignore the smoke filling the air, and focus on the sensation of the air in his lungs. Desensitize… think past the smoke… past the fire… focus on the numbers. Inhale… one… two… three… four… five. Exhale… one… two… three… four… five… six… seven. Blessedly, the direction of the wind changed again, and the smoke began blowing away from the highway entirely, out toward the city. At the same time, the cars around him started moving. Opening his eyes, Face took in the situation at a glance. The police up ahead began funneling everyone into a single row, using the lane he already sat in. All he had to do was let a few cars slide in ahead of him. Pulling up the Vette’s roof, extra protection against any eagle-eyed officers, Face sighed tiredly. He would need to get a cup of coffee before he met with the guys. The panic response, even a brief one, drained him. If he showed up looking haggard, questions might get asked, the kind he did not want to answer right now. The Napalm Incident had to remain classified between Murdock and himself. It was a nightmare he would wish on no one else.
Pine Camping had never really been Face’s forte, despite the fact that he was fully trained and very proficient at outdoor survival skills in all kinds of environments. It was part of the Green Beret curriculum. As he often pointed out to Hannibal though, being able to do something and wanting to do something were two different categories. There were many things he could do that he avoided doing as a simple matter of preference. Going on a camping trip for the jollies was not one of his preferred hobbies. BA’s threatening glare, while he explained he needed another adult male chaperone for the community center kids, had been very persuasive though. Despite their differences, Face knew he was the only friend BA could turn too—Hannibal could be a chaotic influence on the kids and BA would never ask Murdock, judging the man too crazy to focus on the important task. That left Face who, prompted by the glare, quickly produced an unimpeachable resume for the woman who ran the center, and glowing testimonies from Father O’Malley and Sister Gwenny. The kids were asleep by now, and most of the adults had gone off to chat. BA went with them.  Face promised he would catch up in a bit. Staying by the lake, his nose twitched as he tried to identify the scents he rarely ran across in LA. The lake had its own smell—slightly stale water on the edges and a whiff of decaying vegetation warred with the scent of fresh water rolling in on the breeze and growing plants feeding off the muck in a kind of natural cannibalism. The whole scent smelled green to him—maybe Murdock was rubbing off, but he could think of no other way to describe it. Pine trees ringed the lake—they had a peppery scent almost. They reminded him of Christmas… one of the Christmas Tree lots near the orphanage was run by a Catholic gentleman. He always gave the priests two trees for free as part of his holiday donation, and they were not the scrappy leftovers. Taking a note from the Bible, he always picked out two of his best ones and dropped them off shortly after Thanksgiving. A faint smile turned Face’s lips upwards. If he tried, he could probably still cut paper doves, stars, candles, angels, and snowflakes with his eyes closed, or arrange the paper chains that they used as garland. The kids would gather in the common room after school and make hundreds of the decorations, the older kids being put in charge of the scissors, and the little ones in charge of the paper supplies. Then the Sisters would bring out the crayons, and allow the children to color their creations. He could still see some of the artistically inclined older girls painstakingly recreating stained glass window patterns on angels, while the littlest ones just grabbed colors, and scrawled with reckless abandon. Christmases at the orphanage had been hard… the older the kids got, the more they knew that. Most of the gifts came in the shape of donated clothes and toys—and too many well-off people thought ‘donation’ meant ‘get rid of the clothes too worn out for their kids to wear’. Sister Gwenny would go through each bag, sorting and organizing… he knew far too many of the pieces ended up being cut down into cleaning cloths because they were too ratty to give to the orphans. Still, there had been bright spots. One of the wonders of human nature was that they could be handed the most miserable of circumstances… and someone in the group would inevitably still have a match in their pockets and remember all the words to a popular song. Hope had a contagious quality. “Hey, Faceman, you gonna sit out here all night?” BA’s gruff voice came from the edge of the trail. Face shifted, surprised but not unduly alarmed as he turned toward his friend’s voice. All he had to do really was look for the glint of gold chains in the moonlight and from BA’s low-pointed flashlight. “You know BA, those chains are terrible for camouflage.” He observed wryly. BA shrugged—at least Face thought he did by the way the chains moved. “Ain’t nothing I gotta hide from out here. Now come on in—Miss Milly’s asking after you.” BA named the elderly spitfire who had organized this trip for the children. Face laughed but stood up. “Oh, if only it had been Miss Silvia…” He referenced Milly’s granddaughter, a gorgeous redhead just a year or two younger then Face. “Don’t even try it, man.” BA warned but with no real anger in his voice. “She’s going out with a police officer—one of the SWAT suckers. It ain’t worth the risk.” Face scrunched up his nose but sighed dramatically as he joined BA on the trail. “Well… if you say so… but with a body like that, a man might want to take the chance.” Shaking his head, BA started hiking back up the trail. “You as crazy as that Fool Murdock, you know that?” Face just laughed quietly, jogging to catch up with BA and his flashlight.
= = = = =
Cigar “Hey Hannibal—” Face turned and abruptly cut himself off when he found himself looking at a stranger, who was returning an equally quizzical stare.  “Sorry—I thought you were someone else.” The stranger shrugged dismissively, the movement almost knocking a large amount of ash off his cigar and onto the floor. As he walked away, Face sighed. He had never liked cigars when he was a kid. Even as a grown man, it took the Colonel years to convince him to try one. He later learned his aversion partially came from the fact that he usually purchased the cheapest ones he could find for his cons, saving the better-quality ones for his boss. Admittedly, his aversion likely also came from knowing Mr. Cotswell, the banker who owned several buildings around the orphanage. The man was always trying to buy the space from the diocese so he could complete his purchases. The bishop never heard him out, so he usually came around to futility bully the priests and sisters. Face’s memory quickly produced an image of the man, a lean man in expensive black suits, over six feet tall. He had a gleaming pocket watch that he would fiddle with, and spectacles too small for his face. He always had a little cigarillo clasped in between skeletal fingers and he would gesture with it… Face never recalled seeing the man smoke it, but it was always burning. Whenever he came to the orphanage for one of his ‘chats’, Father Magill’s office reeked of the smoke for hours afterwards. As a child, Face identified Mr. Cotswell as an enemy—someone trying to take away the only home he had ever known. With the clear, unclouded mind of a child, he decided that he hated the banker and wanted nothing to do with him. Face glanced down at his Armani suit, unable to hide a slightly ironic smile. While seven-year-old Alvin had decided that cigars, nice watches, and expensive suits were the marks of an interloper, Templeton realized they were merely the rewards of monetary success. Still… little Alvin might be horrified to see what he grew up into… hopefully the child would be more forgiving once he learned that his adult self made most of his money taking out slugs like Cotswell, rather than playing their games. “You having a divine revelation, Face?” Hannibal came to a stop at his Lieutenant’s elbow, quizzically staring at the pensive young man. “Or trying to remember if you double-parked the Vette?” “Neither.” Face recovered quickly, pulling his sincerely charming grin back into place. “I’m just trying to figure out the best way to tackle that list you gave me. Do you have any idea how long it'll take me to find some of this stuff?” “That’s why you’re the Supply Officer, and I’m the Colonel.” Hannibal reminded him cheerfully, grinning around his cigar. “I’ll leave it up to your expertise.” Face rolled his eyes and shook his head, “Then my first step is to get you back to the Aquamanic set so I can go to work too. Got the sealant you needed?” “Yeah.” Hannibal held up a small bag. “The guy at the counter better be right about this fixing the leaks—the wardrobe guys are already at a loss.” Face’s grin grew decidedly impish. “Cheer up Colonel. It’s just the price of fame.” “Apparently that price is $2.27 with tax. Come on, Kid.” Being able to turn the Colonel’s line back on him had made Face’s month… still smirking, he fished his car keys out of his pocket and followed his boss back outside.
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'I love it when a plan comes together...' 10 things you never knew about The A-Team
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buxberg · 2 years
Le premier rôle de Cooper était un épisode de la série télévisée culte Sex and the City en 1999.
Le premier film sur grand écran a été le film "Hot American Summer".  Pour le tournage de la comédie, Bradley a raté la cérémonie de remise des diplômes à l'université.
 En 2009, avec la participation de l'acteur, la première du film "The Hangover" a eu lieu.  La comédie a été acclamée par la critique et le public, réalisant 13 fois son budget au box-office.
 Le projet suivant, "All About Steve", où Cooper a joué avec Sandra Bullock, a été accueilli froidement par les critiques de cinéma.  L'artiste, avec un collègue sur scène, a reçu le Golden Raspberry Award pour le pire duo et rôle féminin.  De plus, la photo a reçu 3 autres nominations pour anti premium.
 Le rôle principal du lieutenant Templeton Pretty Peck est allé à Bradley dans le film d'action The A-Team.  Les scènes mémorables incluent le temps passé en prison par Pretty Boy.  Sur l'écran, le prisonnier apparaît satisfait et détendu, vêtu d'un peignoir et d'une serviette sur la tête.
 En 2011, Cooper incarne le personnage central du thriller "Area of ​​Darkness" basé sur le roman d'Alan Glynn.  Eddie Morra prend des pilules "magiques" qui augmentent l'efficacité du cerveau.  Il convient de mentionner que les détails du film, en particulier les noms des personnages, diffèrent considérablement du contenu de la source littéraire.
 En 2012, Bradley a été nominé pour un Oscar, un Golden Globe et un BAFTA pour son rôle dans la tragi-comédie My Boyfriend Is a Crazy.  Les 2 premiers prix sont allés à Jennifer Lawrence.  Un an plus tard, Cooper, qui a joué à l'époque dans le film policier American Hustle, a de nouveau été nominé pour ces prix, mais n'a remporté aucune des statuettes.
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fuzzysparrow · 2 years
Who were Hannibal, Face, B.A. and Murdock?
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'The A-Team' is an American television series that ran from 1983 until 1987. Set in Los Angeles, it follows four former US Army commandos, who are running from the military after being accused of a crime that they did not commit. To make money, the four men help various people with their problems. The team consists of Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith, Lieutenant Templeton "Face" Peck, Sargent Bosco "B.A." Baracus, and Captain Hector M. "Howling Mad" Murdock.
Hannibal, played by George Peppard, is the leader of the A-Team and a master of disguise. He frequently makes plans for the team but they do not always go as he expects. Face, played by Dirk Benedict, is a bit of a con man and very good at getting things the team needs.
Mr. T (Laurence Tureaud) plays B.A., a man known for his Mohawk hairstyle, gold jewelery, and a fear of flying. He handles much of the hand-to-hand fighting and builds various machines the team needs for their missions.
Murdock, played by Dwight Schultz, is the team's pilot. Many people believe he is crazy due to the strange things he says, and when he is not working with the team, he stays at a mental hospital.
Throughout its five-season run, 'The A-Team' had a large, enthusiastic following. Despite the amount of action in the show, it lacked mayhem and murder, which was applauded by many viewers.
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The A-Team
Most of my boys are with me Some are still out seeking glory And some I had to leave behind My brother I'm still sorry
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desertthorn · 7 months
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high-on-dirk-benedict · 2 months
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toodamnloyal · 3 years
“That looks broken.” Templeton ‘Face’ Peck held out both hands so the British Navy officer could see he was empty-handed. “I know a doctor I can take you too if there’s not a surgeon on your ship.” –AVictimoftheJazz/Face (Face has a new Revolutionary War verse that we can use)
Eyeing his painful leg and the sharp angle his foot was bent at, Theodore had to agree with the man. He grit his teeth while sweat started beading on his face and tried to breath normally.
An absent thought swam through the young lieutenant’s mind that his boots were likely ruined, he’d have to cut the leather to get it off. Wouldn’t he look so funny trying to hobble around with only the one boot. Theodore chuckled despite himself and it became rather obvious that his ankle wasn’t the only injury as the pupils of his eyes were mismatched and nausea built up.
Theodore let his head fall back to rest. “Oh? The ship’s still there?” He chuckled, “I really thought it would break up, you know?”
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keep-it-light · 2 years
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A collage for the Dirk Benedict fans out there. 😊 Hope you like it!
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geekbroll · 4 years
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The A-Team 3 - Marvel Comics - May 1984 . . 1 - The A-Team - Flight of The Redbird! - 22 pages Script/Pencils: Alan Kupperberg - Inks: Brian Moore Cover by Marie Severin and Mike Esposito .First Line of Dialogue or TextWell B.A., we followed the rendezvous instructions that Amy Amanda Allen passed on to us from our new mystery employer! Characters: A-Team [Hannibal [Colonel John Smith]; Murdock [Captain H. M. "Howling Mad" Murdock]; Face [Lieutenant Templeton Peck]; B. A. Baracus [Sergeant First Class Bosco Albert; B. A.; Bad Attitude]; Amy Amanda "Triple A" Allen . . . #ateam #theateam #mrt #peacocktv #universaltv #1984 #mistert #babaracus #murock #howlingmadmurdock #face #templetonpeck #hannibal #johnsmith #coloneljohnsmith #badattitude #boscoalbert #georgepeppard #dwightschultz #dirkbenedict #faceman #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #comiccovers #amyamandaallen #triplea #comics #tvcomics #classictv #motu (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAE7dsQBPNB/?igshid=ims6s1eugxxm
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avictimofthejazz · 3 years
Available Muses
Lieutenant Templeton ‘Face Man’ Peck (A-Team TV Series ONLY)
Sargent BA Baracus (A-Team TV Series ONLY)
Doctor (Captain) Maggie ‘Mo’ Sullivan (A-Team TV Series ONLY)
Doctor Kelly Stevens (A-Team TV Series ONLY)
Michael Knight (Knight Rider) 
Murphy Michales (Remington Steele) 
Elaine Grazzo (Booker) 
Officer James “Jim” Street (S.W.A.T 1975)
Officer James ‘Jim” Reed (Adam-12)
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