#like one of the schools I went to was bogan as hell but it still had a uniform
enbylesbie · 2 years
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I really gotta adopt this method of dealing with misgendering
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
62 of 2022
country stereotypes survey thing.
This survey is biased af and it’s rather based on what someone has heard about all these countries/nationalities/whatever. Still, fun to take just for lolz XD
° B R I T I S H ° You drink a lot of tea. You know what a brolly is. Deal or No Deal has taken over your life. You wanted Ben to win X Factor. You use the word “bugger"or the phrase "bloody hell.” Fish and Chips are yummy. You can eat a Full English Breakfast. You dislike emos almost as much as you dislike chavs.
Its football…not soccer. You believe the correct way to spell ‘Color’ is 'Colour’, and 'Center’ is 'Centre. Total: 5
° A U S T R A L I A N ° You wear flip flops all year. You call flipflops thongs not flip flops. You love a backyard barbie. You know a barbie is not a doll. You love the beach. Sometimes you swear without realizing. You’re a sports fanatic. You are tanned. You’re a bit of a bogan. You have an Australian something Total: 4
° I T A L I A N ° The Sopranos is a great show. Your last name ends in a vowel. Your grandmother makes her own sauces You know how a real meatball tastes. You know Italian songs. You have dark hair and dark eye color. // my eyes are grey, but quite a dark shade tbh You speak some italian. You are under 5'10’'   You know what a italian horn is. Pizza/spaghetti is the best food in the world! You talk with your hands. Total: 7
° S P A N I S H ° You say member instead of Remember. You speak spanish or some. You like tacos. // isn’t this Mexican?? YoU TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr. You are dark skinned. You know what a Puta is. You talk fast occasionally. You have had highlights or have dyed your hair. You know what platanos are. Total: 4
° R U S S I A N ° You say villian as: Vee-lon. You get short tempered. You know of somebody named Natasha. You get cold easily. Rain is fun for you. You get into contests all the time. You can easily make do with the cold weather. Total: 3
° I R I S H ° You think beer is the best. You have a bad temper. Your last name starts with a Mc, Murph, O’, Fitz or ends with a ley, on, un, an, in, ry, ly, y. You have blue or green eyes. You like the color green. You have been to a st. pattys day party. You have a family member from Ireland. You have red hair. You have/had freckles. Your family get togethers always include drinking and singing. Total: 4
° A F R I C A N  A M E R I C A N ° (but how is it a country??) You say nigga/nukka casually You have nappy hair. You like rap. You know how to shoot a gun. You think President George Walker Bush is racist.   You like chicken. You like watermelon. You can dance. You can 'sing’ gospel. Total: 2
° A S I A N ° (how is it a country at all either?) You have slanty/small eyes. // slanted, but it’s a dysmorphic trait, so You like rice a lot. You are good at math. You have played the piano. You have family from asia. You laugh sometimes covering your mouth. Most people think you’re chinese You call hurricanes typhoons. You go to Baulko. // I have no idea what it is Total:45
° G E R M A N ° You like bread. You think German Chocolate is good. You Speak some German You know what Schnitzel is. You went to Pre-school. You’re over 5'2. Total: 5
° C A N A D I A N ° You like/play/played hockey. You love beer. You say “eh”. You know what poutine is. You speak some french. You love Tim Horton’s. At one point you lived in a farm house. You watch/watched degrassi. Total: 5
° A M E R I C A N ° You hate foreigners. You hate non-Christians. You’re lazy. You have had an abortion. But love the penalty. You don’t read. You shop at Wal-Mart. // there’s no Wal-Mart in Europe, as far as I know You think this survey is rather biased.   Total: 1
° B E L G I A N ° you grow some small vegetables in the yard. you like French fries. you think Belgian chocolate rules. you know that the 'official best beer in the world’ is Belgian. you speak both Dutch and French // at varying levels, though, I’m fluent in Dutch you like Belgian waffles. you call a pub or bar a café. you fully realize and acknowledge that your football team sucks. you drive/own a French or German car. you have a lot of comments on your government. // wait, about my what? XD Total: 9
° D U T C H ° you like the color orange. you are a football enthusiast. you often go to 'coffee shops’. // been once and loved it, tbh you know what is meant by 'coffee shops’ you tend to overreact and show your emotions. you have a cheerful nature. you like the sea. you are good at building/handiwork/projects. you tend to favour the megalomania. Total: 4
° N O R W E G I A N ° You like/hate the rain. You love trolls. You know what lutefisk is. You have been whale hunting/seeing. Food made with potatoes and flour rule. Fish is a huge part of your diet. You have blue or green eyes and have blonde or brown hair. You know how to fish and have fished before. Total: 3
° F R E N C H ° You like French toast. You speak a little or are fluent in French. You have eaten a snail. You like fashion. You know how to cook You have been to France. You are either a Catholic, a Muslim, a Protestant or a Jew. You enjoy going to cafes to watch people Total: 6
You are: Belgian. I am indeed.
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missmeikakuna · 4 years
So, Apparently, I Find Fairies Hot Chapter 3
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Rated: T
Fandom: Original Fiction
Relationship type: Male/Male
Description: You know those movies and TV shows in which an effeminate gay character has a crush on the popular jock? Strike that, reverse it.
Daniel is technically popular at school but fades into the crowd. After an injury at footy (Australian football) practice, he is forced to focus on improving his grades, starting with English. Luckily, the new kid in school knows a lot about Shakespeare and is willing to tutor him. Now if only this new guy wasn’t so attractive.
CONTENT WARNING: Homophobic slurs are used. Also, there are some sexual references but nothing too graphic.
Chapter 3: Is it gay to work out with other guys?
Daniel stood in front of the gym, looking at the time on his iPod. He coincidentally turned up the volume of the rap song at the very moment a rapper said, ‘No homo.’ He changed the song even though it was one of his favourites.
He grinned when he saw Eddie jog up to him in a black T-shirt with the word ‘Ghost’ on it and a pair of dark grey track pants. While jogging he was taking a CD out of his purple duffle bag.
He handed it to Daniel. It said ‘Rage Against the Machine’. 
Daniel nodded in understanding. ‘I didn’t know these guys did rap. I assumed they were a punk band or something like that.’
Eddie gasped in a loud voice and put a hand on his heart. ‘Assumed? How dare you!’
Daniel raised an eyebrow. ‘Was that sarcasm?’
Eddie chuckled. ‘Oh my god, you’re like a kid.’ Daniel frowned. ‘Oh, sorry. That came out wrong. I didn’t mean to insult you or anything.’
Eddie gulped, his eyes blooming outwards like a pansy in the spring. Daniel was laughing. Holy hell he was laughing. His voice was as deep as one would expect from him but somehow it didn’t sound harsh or threatening. It was kind of quiet and melodic.
A smile leapt onto Eddie’s face. He watched Daniel laugh with the curiosity of a visitor looking at a zoo animal. Daniel eventually noticed this and felt his cheeks heat up.
He coughed. ‘Let’s go in. Have you been to a gym before?’ Eddie shook his head. He and Daniel walked inside and headed to the desk. Eddie turned his head and saw several rows of treadmills to his right. ‘Okay, so make sure to negotiate. Don’t just take the first offer. Young people can’t afford the full price. Oh, and you have to get them to give you one free session with a personal trainer. That way you can properly learn how to use the equipment. I can teach you a little, but there are some machines I don’t use.’
Eddie nodded, reigning in his temptation to point out how long Daniel just spoke for. At the desk, Daniel told the receptionist that he had invited a friend and therefore he was entitled to two weeks free for his membership plus a water bottle. He held his thumb up at Eddie, who was whisked away to a table in the corner of the gym.
When Eddie returned to the desk, Daniel asked him how it went. ‘14.95 per week plus one session with a personal trainer next week.’
Daniel grabbed his arms and pulled him closer as if he was about to give him a hug, but he stopped and stepped backwards. Eddie froze, surprised, before rolling his eyes.
It took Eddie five minutes of using the cross trainer before he was slumped over the damn thing, panting and whining. However, he kept going when he heard Daniel lightheartedly laugh at him. That damn melodic laugh played in his mind over and over again like a theme song in a sports montage.
Eventually, he was able to work on running on various equipment for half an hour. Whenever he felt like giving up again, he looked at Daniel next to him and watched him smile as he ran faster and faster. Something told him Daniel would quickly choose runner’s high over sex. The slight growth down below added to this hypothesis.
Little did he know that Daniel kept sneaking glimpses of Eddie’s slender arms and legs as he worked out.
After the thirty minutes were over, Daniel told Eddie, ‘I’ve got to go to the bathroom. I’ll meet you in the other weights room.’
Eddie smirked but said nothing, preferring to go the dignified route and chug the water from his bottle. 
In the toilet stall, Daniel held his head in his hands. 
What’s wrong with me? He’s a fucking fairy. What, do I find fairies hot now? I’m not even gay, and if I was, why the hell wouldn’t I be into manly dudes?
He lifted his head and saw an advertisement for Viagra posted on the stall’s door. He sighed, not sure whether to laugh or punch something. Then again, he found the image of older men trying to treat their erectile dysfunction quite useful for curing his current temporary ailment.
He rushed to the weights room, where he saw Eddie using the small hand weights. ‘Move over, strongest man in the world!’ Eddie declared with a grin. ‘I bet he can’t use two three-kilogram weights at once!’
‘Who’s the child now?’
‘Point taken. So, am I ready for those long weight thingamajiggies or am I just supposed to use the dumbbells?’
Daniel walked up to a machine and sat on it, grabbing the handles on each side and pushing them forward and back a few times. He jumped up and made the gesture an old-fashioned gentleman would use when welcoming a woman to his house.
Eddie tried to push the handles forward, grunting like an old man trying to get out of bed. Daniel chuckled and changed the settings to make the machine lighter. Eddie blushed.
After another half hour of using various weight machines, Eddie begged Daniel to stop, and Daniel finally granted him mercy. Daniel stood with his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground, his eyes avoiding the droplets of sweat that fell down Eddie’s arms.
‘So, um, would you like to, maybe, I dunno, do some more studying at my place?’ he asked. ‘We’ve got that essay next week.’
Eddie grinned like someone who knew he would get that question. ‘I will on one condition. I get to use your shower.’ Daniel’s jaw crashed onto the floor. ‘Ew, not like that. I’ve got an outfit I just bought in this bag and I need to get the sweat off my body or else I’m gonna be super uncomfortable wearing it. Plus, I hate public showers.’ Daniel bit his lip. ‘Please? It’s my birthday next week.’
’You want to use my shower for your birthday?’
‘It can be part of the present. You can also, I dunno, get me a keychain or something.’ Eddie bared his teeth and batted his eyelashes, which were still long despite the lack of mascara. Daniel sighed and led him to the bus stop.
They sat down and waited in silence when other people sat near them. Eddie considered talking but saw that Daniel was looking down at his fists on his lap.
When they boarded the bus, Eddie couldn’t keep his mouth shut. ‘How did you make friends when you don’t even like talking near people? Hell, what made you able to talk to me in the first place?’
Those words gave Daniel’s heart an uppercut. ‘You seemed easier to talk to, and I was desperate to get better in English,’ he muttered. ‘That’s all.’
The ride was silent.
As they reached the stop near Daniel’s house, Eddie sighed. ‘Sorry for being so rude.’
‘Don’t worry about it. Oh, by the way, we have to sneak inside.’
‘What? Why?’
‘Mum doesn’t want me going to the gym until she’s sure my leg has healed. I think it’s fine, but she wants me to wait another week or so. Oh, and… sorry for not telling you last time, but it’d be best not to… act gay around this neighbourhood. Especially the family next door with the big fence. They’re cashed up bogans and they have a guard dog.’ Eddie opened his mouth. ‘And no ranting about what I just said. Just… stay safe, okay?’
Eddie groaned but nodded. They took a windy path to Daniel’s home. Each home got progressively larger, more modern and more expensive. As they passed the home next door, the low, thunderous bark of a dog made Eddie jump.
Daniel walked to the side of the house, reached behind the gate to open it and crept inside, Eddie following him from behind. Daniel slid the back door open and tiptoed into the house. He felt his heart stop then beat at the speed of an Olympic runner’s treadmill when he heard his mother’s voice. He and Eddie snuck to the staircase one slow footstep at a time.
They ran up the stairs, laughing. Daniel opened his drawer and pulled out a shirt. ‘Get changed in the bathroom,’ he said. ‘I’m gonna get changed in here. Knock on my door when you’re done.’
‘Wait, you’re not having a shower after doing all that exercise? Are you some kind of wild animal?’
‘I’ve got deodorant.’
‘Not good enough.’
‘Leave me alone, Mum.’
Eddie scowled at him but did as he was told.
Daniel waited ten minutes after changing into jeans and a plain T-shirt but didn’t hear a knock. He opened the door and knocked on the bathroom door.
’You still in there?’
‘Almost done! This eyeliner’s killing me.’
‘You’re putting makeup on? What’d I tell you about acting gay in this neighbourhood?’
‘Wearing makeup doesn’t make me gay!’
‘But you are gay!’
‘Correlation, not causation, sweetie!’
‘I just don’t want you to get hurt! And… don’t call me ‘sweetie’!’
Eddie released a miraculously high growl and opened the door. ‘I’m done. Happy now?’ Daniel gasped through his nose. Eddie was wearing a tight navy top that went off the shoulder and had a picture of Bela Lugosi as Dracula printed on it. His skinny jeans were black and ripped. Around his neck was a plain black choker that made his neck look more muscular than it actually was. His still-wet hair fell down his shoulders. His makeup was heavy, dominated by dark colours that made him look mature. Daniel gawked at him.
Eddie smirked. ‘Very happy, apparently.’
Daniel’s cheeks burned. ‘Shut up. I’m not like you.’
‘Sure, sure.’
The two sat down and studied. Eddie had to tap Daniel’s head over and over again to get him to concentrate.
‘My arms aren’t going to tell you the themes of A Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ he said, causing Daniel’s cheeks to get even redder.
0 notes
nikkifinnie-blog · 6 years
Bogans share their music full of spit, spirit, hilarity and energy.
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BOGAN-Australian/NZ word: An uncouth or unsophisticated person regarded as being of low social status: some bogans yelled at us from their cars/my family are culinary bogans.
Bogans are an energetic punk band from North Wales consisting of Adam Wright on vocals, Joe Reynolds on lead guitar, Jimmy Wright on rhythm guitar, Tom Hamblett on bass and Lewis Jones on drums.  They are an absolutely hilarious bunch whose music is uniquely their own full of spit, spirit, hilarity and energy and reminds me a bit of a mash up of Anti-Flag, NOFX and Rancid with a sprinkle of The Bouncing Souls thrown in.  I was lucky enough to speak to these lads before they took off for a few dates in Finland and of course, hilarity ensued..
Erin: Well hello there! Adam: Sorry, my dog is trying to hump anyone he can at the moment, and is currently getting intimate with Joes arm. I guess that’s probably an interesting way to start off an interview? Erin: Oh please, totally normal!  How are you guys? Bogans: We’re good.  We are happy to have an interview! Erin: I know you guys have some shows coming up. Bogans: Yes, we have quite a few including 2 in Finland. Erin: I saw that on your Facebook page! Bogans: Yeah, we’ve been quite lucky with that.  Actually, funny enough our second gig was in Finland. Erin: Really? Why Finland? Bogans: We stayed in touch with a few friends that had come over years ago and I mentioned that we had a new band that started and they asked us to come over, so we did! Erin: How’s the punk scene over there? Bogans: It’s awesome! Absolutely awesome! They definitely like the drink over there, which to be honest so do we! Erin: That’s my kind of country! Bogans: Last time we were there, we got rather destroyed before we went on stage and it went down as an absolute blast and everybody loved it. I think we’re doing better in Finland than we are in the U.K. to tell you the truth! Erin: That’s so crazy! Bogans: Yeah, it’s weird but we’ve made a lot of friends out there and discovered a lot of amazing drinks like long drink and salmiakki. I would drink that stuff till my face falls off! Erin: What the hell is in that? Bogans: It’s like a salty, licorice vodka.  It sounds absolutely disgusting but I swear if you try it, it will blow your mind! Erin: So when did your dream of starting a band begin? Bogans: Well, with us guys it started off when Lewis here, basically approached me about starting a band.  When he was younger, like one of his college courses, he had to put on a gig and he got in my old band, SmackRats. Do you want to describe how it ended up? Lewis: I had to put a gig on for our final, so exam I suppose, project.  So I asked Adam’s band and I was in a band with Joe as well at the time, basically we got banned from the venue. Erin: Why? Lewis: Adam doesn’t know how to stay grounded for one, so he’s walking over people’s tables, kicking pint glasses off.  The microphone got damaged, it was good though! Adam: I ruined his project. Lewis: I did pass though! Adam: It was a messy one and a lot of drinks got ruined that night. Lewis: Still to this day he’s walking all over bars! Adam: Yep! Well, it’s a challenge-you gotta go for it!  If there’s a bar there and you can get your head behind it and over the top and try to get a few free drinks while you’re playing. It’s a potluck game, sometimes the bar staff laugh, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes you get beer, sometimes you get a facefull of line cleaner. You just have to take the chances. Erin: Nothing wrong with that! So after that you ended up forming the band and playing together? Lewis: No, that was going back 10 years ago.�� We had other bands prior to this band and there was nothing really much going on. Adam: I was getting a bit bored, like normal life was getting to me a little bit.  So I needed a bit of fun time, really to vent out the frustration.  And then I bumped into Lewis here who was up for the band and that’s how we carried on really, you know?  A good way of blowing off steam. Erin: I know you guys are kind of skate punk but then I hear a bit of hardcore influence.  Who are your major influences? Adam: Everyone’s a bit different.  We all have our own taste in punk.  To be honest, I don’t think we sound like ANYONE really! Lewis: We all like Bad Religion and NOFX and Pennywise. Adam: Yeah, I’d say we’re quite influenced by American punk bands and quite a bit of Australian punk bands. Erin: What Australian punk bands?  I’ve spent some time in Melbourne, St. Kilda. Tom: (speaking to Lewis,) That’s where your mum’s from! Adam: Oh yeah!  The Aussie bands reflect a little bit in our music.  The term “Bogan” itself is like an Aussie redneck. We do look up to a lot of the Aussie bands.  It would be nice to get there one day, but to be honest, for us it would be a bit expensive. Erin: It is expensive to get there, but once you’re there the live music scene is INSANE. Lewis: About the live music scene, I was over in Australia and literally every bar there’d be a band playing.  And Helsinki as well.  I think of this other time, this festival we were playing, something small, but people will actively go out and watch a band.  Where like here, in Wrexham, there’s tons of bands, there’s a few venues, and when they play no one goes to watch. Adam: We make the best of what we get and if the crowd is small, that’s the best time to put on more of a show really!  I do have a tendency of rugby tackling people. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always end well! I broke me ribs a few gigs ago. Lewis: Second song in. Adam: Second song in, managed to break me ribs.  I was crawling around on the floor and someone decided to jump on my back and suddenly my ribs go “POP”! I swear I felt each of my ribs pop out. it was agony. Erin: Did you finish the set? Adam: Well, yeah! (We all start laughing.) Just kept myself inebriated and plodded on!  A few whiskeys made it a bit easier! Erin: Whiskey always does!  So, how did you all end up playing the instruments you do? Tom: I just liked bass. Erin: When did you start playing? Tom: About 15 years ago. I started at school. Adam: Yeah, a lot of these guys all went to school together. Lewis: Drums were the only thing I could play!  I just like simple, fast punk beats, so I started with that and then just carried on doing it! Adam: In all fairness though, when we started the band, you (Lewis) did learn to play some guitar to try and write the songs. Lewis: There was a couple of years when I wasn’t really doing anything and I sold me drums and then our friend from college, John, left his guitar at my house.  That was 10 years ago and he still asks for it back!  Taught meself basic chords and then just came up with some ideas.  Then, I was drumming for another band and you know how you can hear riffs in your head? But I could never play them to the other band. Then that band didn’t go anywhere and I sort of started the basis of the first 2 tracks of the Bogans EP and then took it to the practice room and there you go! There’s always ideas coming out of the brain. Adam: This is Jimmy, the newest member of the band, since January. Erin: Wow that is new!  Hi Jimmy! Adam: Jimmy has been awesome!  He sort of jumped in with like, both feet.  And this is our main guitarist and part time dog romancer Joe. Erin: Hello Joe! Joe: My mates brought a guitar over when I was like 15 or 16 and I enjoyed messing around on guitar so I went and bought one the week after that.  That’s how I started. Erin: You just fell in love with guitar and you went from there? Joe: Yeah.  And I just play all the time. Adam: He pretty much just thinks and talks music.  As for me, I have no actual talent!  I have no rhythm or singing ability actually!  But I can run around and rugby tackle people. Erin: And kick over pint glasses! Adam: Yeah!  Being a front man gives me that option!  Rugby tackle people while on stage and get away with it!  Rugby tackle people when you’re not on stage, you get your face bent in! Erin: Do you have any successes you’ve achieved since you guys have been together? Lewis: People like us more in Finland more than home! Erin: Why do you think that is? Lewis: People generally go out to watch a gig!  I think that’s it.  The problem here is, people go to a gig just to watch the headlining band.  Like 3 people will actually turn up and watch the entire gig from openers to headliners.  I kinda like the nonchalant clap people do at the end of a song.  Is it because we suck and people don’t get the music? I’d like to think it’s both. Adam: Personally, I think the British nightlife has been murdered really, because the pub industry is being killed by Wetherspoons which is KILLING live music. Pubs have all gone a  nice safe shade of light beige, Nightclubs are all very, very generic and the price of alcohol going up as well as the smoking ban has really sort of killed off a lot of the British scene. I mean, people are becoming hermits and won’t leave the comforts of home,but when we GET them out and they come to a gig, they have a blast at our show.  I just think it’s a shame in our country.  A few years ago, you’d get a lot more people out before the smoking ban and booze was cheaper.  It’s just bloody expensive!  Even drugs are more expensive!  I think we got to try and bring it back a bit ‘coz if you don’t try, what’s the point? Erin: So then would you say your biggest success is building up a fan base in Finland? Adam: Yeah probably.  I’d say that is definitely one of our biggest successes. Lewis: The EP as well, people seem to like it so I think as far as successes go, we haven’t released a crappy thing! Erin: You’ve gotten a lot of good reviews on the EP so that’s definitely a positive.  For me, having grown up not exactly in Los Angeles, but outside in Huntington Beach which is home for surf and skate punk, so listening to your music is kind of that same thing I grew up listening to, so it’s familiar to me.  I grew up listening to the Adolescents, the Vandals, NOFX even though they were from up north, all those bands.  You guys have fun with it, don’t you? Adam: Definitely.  I mean, you can tell we enjoy what we’re doing.  I think it comes across in the music, that and the general frustration of life.  It’s a catharsis really, you know.  It’s going on stage and playing music as just a way to blow off steam really.  I mean, I really needed it anyway!  I was going mental before I was in the band, with my humdrum repetitive computer based job and I was just fucking miserable really.  It really sorted it out for me and I think that really comes out in the music. Lewis: I just like the idea really, of having all our influences rolled into one and people can relate to it.  I find it difficult to listen to new bands that define themselves by a subgenre.  I can’t really relate to it.  We’re a punk rock band but I think other people might try to put us in a subcategory if you know what I mean? We just want to sound like us. Play the music we like to play. So I find it quite hard to listen to new bands who aim for a particular set style in the way they sound. Yeah we are influenced by what we grew up listening to, but the final product is different. The music is just us expressing ourselves. Although, I sort of like the idea of the next generation saying, “that’s what I grew up listening to bands like THAT”. Hopefully someone might include us in their list of influences one day, but I doubt it. Adam: I think if you dissected our EP musically it might sound like what we were listening to when we were kids, but as a whole I can’t say we sound like any of them. The influence is still there at the EP’s heart though from allsorts of bands we listened to growing up. Erin: Like the Queers, Adolescents, Vandals, where you’re not taking yourself too seriously.  There’s not too much politics or all that bullshit in it, you know what I mean? Adam: There’s a bit of politics in it.  We do introduce politics.  It’s weird.  I think we sound like everybody and nobody at the same time.  It’s all the people we love and none of them at the same time.  It’s weird ‘coz we get mentioned in with U.K. ’82 and I don’t think we sound like the U.K. ’82 bands.  At the same time, maybe we’ve got a bit of skate punk going. Erin: It’s a mishmash of all of it but you’ve developed your own sound and your own way of doing it. Adam: Definitely.  It’s our way of doing it. Lewis: But with each of our own influences. Adam: I think each of us brings our own little bit to the table. Erin: Do you have a funny story of when you were on the road or something crazy that happened at one of your shows that you want to share?  Something that’s just like ridiculous?  It can be as obscene or obnoxious as you want! Adam: Basically we managed to play this gig which is referred to as “Mad Friday,” which is the last Friday before Christmas and everybody is absolutely smashed!  We’re going back and the petrol light goes on.  And we drive past the petrol station, we’re talking out into werewolf country, like full on American Werewolf in London, no lights for miles.  No one on the road because everybody is drunk!  And, the car DIES.  So, I leave these guys in the car and walk in the pitch black to get some diesel, which you never paid me for by the way Lewis! Lewis: And he comes back, puts the diesel in the car and we find I’ve drained the battery watching Simpsons videos in the car! Erin: Oh shit! Adam: So, we got petrol and now can’t start the car. Erin: And no one is out driving so it’s not like you could get a jump start from anyone! Adam: Exactly!  So in the end I’m like, I’ve had enough!  I go down this dark county lane again, walk miles to the nearest town again in the pitch black dark and there I call a taxi because it’s the nearest location I can say is a landmark, sorry the dog’s humping Joe again! So, I call this taxi and it never comes and in the meantime these guys managed to get the engine fixed, so I’m left there, freezing by the bloody cold river, must’ve been 4:00 in the morning.  They came back to get me a couple of hours later.  I’d say yeah, that’s probably one of our disasters along the way! Joe: Or the photos… Erin: Photos?  What photos?!? Joe: We were staying in a hostel in Finland and it was 5 in a single room.  We were all going to sleep and I was naked and I decided to put my legs behind my head and blatantly exposed everything.  That photo is now everywhere! Erin: Well at least you’re flexible! Adam: He’s the only one in the band that doesn’t really drink!  He just does stuff for a laugh! Erin: Those are the ones you always have to watch out for! Adam: At least we have an excuse when we do stupid shit! and don’t forget the video of him eating caramelised onion hummus from his bumcrack. I must’ve sent that video to every promoter I could find. It may have put me off the smell of hummus for life but it may have helped us get a few gigs. Poor promoters didn’t expect that. Erin: Vinyl, tape, CD or digital music? Joe: Vinyl. Adam: I don’t know.  For collection purposes, vinyl is awesome.  But having said that, I’m cheap and generally can only afford CD’s! Lewis: I prefer mini discs!  I think it would be cool to have stuff released on vinyl but then again it just comes down to funds.  I can’t even burn a CD on my laptop anymore because it doesn’t have one!  For me at the minute, it’s digital! Adam: I think digital has given us the freedom to get our music to more people easily and at less cost.  So that has its benefits.  But it’s still not the same as being able to actually hold something.  When you bought a record or CD back in the day, you spent more time with it.  Before you even got home you’d be looking through the book, ready with anticipation.  I think we’re maybe missing a little bit of that nowadays, really. Erin: You can’t get that on Spotify or iTunes. Adam: It sort of carries on with the whole “I want everything now” image that our generation is getting.  Our attention spans are shrinking.  You don’t listen to an album with the same love.  You don’t get to learn to love the track 7 that you didn’t like the first time you heard the album. When you spend money on buying an album you bloody well make sure you listen to it to death. When it’s digital and you’re streaming things, you’re not really listening to the whole thing. It can become background music or you’re just skipping from song to song.  I listen to a lot of music in me car so I don’t always get the option of skipping tracks, so I still have that same passion for albums. Erin: So when can we expect your next EP? Adam: We don’t know about a release date yet but we’ve got a recording date. Lewis: The end of summer I’d imagine. Adam: That being said, we’re still trying to raise the money for the last one!  It’s fucking expensive! So we’re all feeling a bit of that.  Except for Joe.  He feels nothing. Erin: Joe, are you dead inside? Joe: No, I’m good! Adam: He’s very dead inside! Erin: So what other plans you’ve got in the immediate future?  You’ve got some recording time.  I know you’ve got shows coming up in Finland, then also Macclesfield a couple more in the UK? Lewis: We’ve got quite a bit going for us.  Focus Wales, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it? Erin: No, I haven’t!  Is it a festival? Lewis: It’s a 3 day festival (10-12 of May in Wrexham, UK.) and they showcase bands from all over-Canada, Japan, Wrexham, everywhere!  They’ve given us a pretty decent slot which is really cool. Adam: It is a rather big thing, especially for Wrexham. Lewis: Loads of people come in packs. Adam: We live in North Wales and Wales isn’t really known for being a hot spot of music.  Any decent bands normally have to travel to Manchester.  It is a big one, especially for our home music scene. Erin: What’s the best thing you think comes out of playing your music? Joe: I think it’s meeting nice people!  I don’t think we’ve met one dickhead at a gig! Adam: Yeah, we are the dickheads!  It is literally getting out there and meeting new people.  That’s what this band is about; us having a good time.  If we weren’t enjoying it we wouldn’t be doing it!  In a way I need it just to blow off steam.  I work in a library nowadays! I need the contrast. Erin: What’s the band’s favourite song to play live? Jimmy: I’m gonna say “To What End” because people seem to know about it! Adam: I don’t know.  I personally like “Bucking Bronco” because I know Lewis absolutely hates playing it! And he has to sing backing vocals at the same time as playing superfast. Lewis: Any of the faster ones. Joe: I like “Cattle Battle”.  It’s my favourite.  It’s more technical. Jimmy: It’s one of the new ones. Adam: I let you introduce it live just because of how you say it! Say it again. Joe: “Cattle Battle”. (Sounds very prim and proper and we all have a laugh.) Erin: What about venue?  What’s your favourite venue to play? Adam: We played the New Cross Inn (323 New Cross Road in London,) the other week and it was an awesome atmosphere.  The venue is exactly what you want. Although Atomic in Wrexham definitely holds a big place in my heart because it is the perfect kind of dive bar and some of the crowds really get into it. I’m sure there are holes in the roof there from where I had a someone from the crowd on my shoulders and they were just punching holes in the roof. Great times, just avoid the toilets. Erin: I think that’s about it guys!  Do you have any questions for me about anything? Lewis: What was the best gig you went to growing up? Erin: For me, are you familiar with the Los Angeles band Fear?  It was right when they released “Have Another Beer with Fear” in like 1995 and I saw them when I was 14 at a place called Old World in Huntington Beach, California and it was the last gig they played anywhere near Orange County for like 20 years or something crazy because some racist asshole started shit with one of the band members.  But, they played absolutely amazing that night.  I had never seen anything like it.  And it was a big deal to me because I had recently discovered the Los Angeles/San Francisco punk bands like Fear, X, the Screamers, Dead Kennedys and I was so amazed to see one of those bands play live.  That and the fact I snuck out of my mom’s house to meet up with my friends at that show! I’ve since seen them several times and they always put on an amazing show, but as one of my first punk shows, that one really burned into my memory.  Adam: Cool. That is what punk should be about, creating awesome memories and having a great time. People need to do that more. I’m sure the world would be a better place if we all just lived life a little bit more. Erin: Thank you so much for sitting down and chatting with me!  I’m gonna try and see you guys play when I’m over in the UK this summer! Good luck on your Finnish dates! Bogans: Thank you!  Hope to see you soon! http://bogans.uk/ [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/boganspunkrock/ https://www.instagram.com/bogans_punk/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPX9uxsEa9qdiWboqOvQXQg https://bogans.bandcamp.com/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/6fupj4cJhQcvzGBmCcVErH?si=gCsIKd2dRLyXVaR2x6vTRw https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/bogans/1253504674 https://sites.google.com/view/bogansepk/home Read the full article
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crimandproper · 6 years
Crim & Proper
Hi, my name is Georgia, I recently turned 20 years old and this is just a little bit of info about my self and why I thought making this page would be an alright idea.
I was born in a country town, central to the regional area of Victoria in a time of awesome R&B hits that I still stand by religiously today. Basically all my life I have moved from country town to country town, not staying in one place longer than a few years at a time. My dad works in a bank and so works wherever he’s offered a job essentially, so that made for a very muddled childhood for me and my siblings - but, it wasn’t all that bad. Yes, being the new kid more than once a year was a bit confronting, but the places I saw, the people I met, and the opportunities I had simply would have never occurred if I had stayed in one place - looking back now, I am totally grateful for this. This moving in and moving out business was a strong-held system until we moved back to the town in which I was born in 2010. Smack-bang in the middle of my final year of primary school, I was uprooted and moved two hours west. At the time, I was absolutely devastated having just started my teen years and having my first boyfriend - it felt like the end of the world, and for some reason, this move had been ten times harder to accept and adapt to. It took me a while to sift through the crowds of the new school and find a good group of friends, BUT eventually I did and it all got a little easier after that. Side-note: For the rest of this story to make sense, there is one thing you need to know; Basically my whole life I have been a little bit extra when it comes to academics. From the age of 5, I was setting myself homework, reading multiple books a day and constantly pestering teachers for feedback to the point where I was asked to sit down and stay there. I've always enjoyed studying, it gives me a thrill to learn new facts/words/skills etc. I've never struggled with study before, and probably never will - it is something I have drummed into my head from day one, if nothing else. In 2011, I started my high school years, heading off to the same private college the rest of the kids from my new primary school were going. Wowee, were my high school years a roller-coaster. There were so so many ups - awesome opportunities, awesome camps, enjoyable lessons and teachers. But there were equally a lot of downs - mostly when it came to relationships or friends. I think I can put it down to my inquisitive nature as the reason for why I have always had an issue with overanalysing and overreacting to social situations - this is an issue that's only gotten worse as I've gotten older unfortunately, no matter how many times I attempt to make a fresh start. If I had to pick one year to be the best, it would undoubtedly be Year 10 when I went on Italian exchange. Despite my predictable social awkwardness in the great southern land, I managed to feel right at home in the big boot - perhaps speaking in another language made it a little easier to communicate (?? Haha) On the other hand, if I had to pick a year to be the worst, it would definitely have been Year 12. I won't spend much time writing on this one because it's a year I've put in the back of my mind to stay there. But, to make a long story short, it was the year of big decision-making and the sudden realisation that there was no way I would be staying in this town for another year. This brings us to the most recent year passed - 2017. This year was definitely the year of up's, with of course some inevitable downs as well. I got into my dream uni, into my dream course, moved to my dream city, and met my dream guy! With the exception of the expected awkward social let downs and friendship breakdowns, 2017 was the year of 'crushing it' - academically, independence-wise and romantically, hell yeah! I reached a lot of goals, and any that I didn't I made sure to write on the good old obnoxious to do list for 2018! We now arrive in the present time - January 2018 - and I guess you would say that despite the everyday issues that have made themselves a constant in my life, I am on an upwards spiral in the goals department. I am weeks of getting my licence, moving into a new sharehouse in the city and even catching up with a few old friends! Sometimes it feels like the world is falling around me, but it's the little things like the self-set goals that never fail to pull me through to the finish line. Background story about me ✔️ Why I thought it wouldn't be a completely terrible idea to start this blog: So the title of this blog is 'Crim and Proper', and there is a few reasons behind that: Reason 1 - I'm studying criminology and I LOVE it Reason 2 - Often, I often feel like whenever I make a mistake or make a decision that strikes disapproval from those around me, it makes me feel incredibly "judged" or "denounced" - kind of like a criminal facing a jury Reason 3 - Quite often people I meet/surround myself with will either call me a 'bogan' (typical for a country girl who moves into the city) or, the complete opposite, 'stuck up'/'privileged'/'posh'. Hence the word play on the phrase "Prim and proper" And so, the reason I have decided to make this blog is mostly for my own benefit - I would like to use it as a sort of online diary/scrapbook where I can post random thought/ideas/revelations/rants/likes/dislikes etc. But also because, if the interest is there, I would like the opportunity to open myself up to the people around me in a way I can't always fathom in person. I often feel like I may give the wrong impression or come across the wrong way when I mingle in everyday life, and writing, I feel, is a much more effective way for me to put my thoughts out there in a way that is less likely to be misinterpreted. So, if you are interested, please feel free to visit this blog regularly and have a read/look at the inner workings of my big Ol' head. Thankyou and good luck (with the interpretation of my tea-induced rants) Georgia :)
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