#like the tags were filled with elriel has sunk when no ship has sunk esp Elriel
wingsandembers · 3 years
Okay this might ruffle feathers but it does genuinely baffle me - and again ship whoever you want but this is just me:
I love gywn, I love this girl to bits. Right now, I like her a lot more than Elain. But I don’t ship gywn with Azriel and I do elain, coz why would I want Gywn, especially after all she been through, be reduced as a late comer to a love quadrangle/pentagon/hexagon at this point and be just azriel’s third or who knows even fourth choice by the end?
yeah Az is her new ribbon now, but to me it’s a crush, girl hasn’t been out for two years, first kind male she sees aside from Cassian, even Nesta wanted to sleep with Azriel coz that male’s attractiveness makes up for all his issues. But IMO, once she finds out about Mor, about Elain and all the drama involved in all that, Gywn deserves more than just to get caught up with all of that BS.
Pre acosf, Azriel has been shipped with so many characters and they have been shot down post acosf, except with Elain. While we seen glimpse and pieces of their relationship since ACOMAF, it wasn’t until the Azriel excerpt we got canon confirmation that there’s sexual attraction (at the very least) between Azriel and Elain, that they’re not platonic as so many insisted.
nothing is endgame canon until it is, so any ship has not sunk or has risen just coz it’s popular fanon or your side of the ship wars think it is.
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