#like. you just know that reiju would want any kids she has to grow up far away from the vinsmokes
auxiliarydetective · 5 months
Guess what everyone, I'm back! Time to talk about post-canon Cora and her kids again. Whether that be her biological kids or the ones she's babysitting.
Last time I talked about the context (aka where she'd be raising those kids), how the Straw Hats would turn her pregnancy into a game show, and Zoro and Sanji's different reactions to the possibility of being a father. This time, I'll be touching on how the Sanji/Cora/Zoro family would actually work because there's a whole lot of factors feeding into that, and Cora being a babysitter. Prepare for more fluff!
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First of all, I mentioned at the end of the last part that there's no way that Cora would have just one kid. There's two reasons for that: First of all, if I remember correctly, multiples have a higher chance of their kids being multiples themselves, and one of her boyfriends just so happens to be a multiple. Second of all, I just see Cora as someone who would have a lot of kids. She loves kids and she would love being a mother. If none of her pregnancies go horribly wrong (which they don't - she's in good hands), she's definitely having a lot of kids. Maybe four? I dunno. Depends on how many of her pregnancies turn out to be multiples. But I could see her having three or maybe four pregnancies.
Anyways, did I call Zoro and Sanji her boyfriends just now? I should've called them her husbands, because they are getting married. I honestly don't know who would propose first but I could totally see both Zoro and Sanji proposing at the same time and then bickering about it. She has two hands for two rings, so why not use them? Cora obviously keeps her family name, but Sanji becomes Roronoa Sanji. He claims it's for practical reasons, but he's actually so soft about getting to show off his relationship like that, and he's the worst offender when it comes to slipping "my (shitty) husband" or "my (lovely) wife" into almost every conversation.
So, finally, we get to talk about the kids and the family structure. The whole deal of the Akaito Clan is that you only get to carry the Akaito name if you're a tailor, so only Cora's kids that actually become tailors carry the Akaito name. So, if Cora and Sanji have a daughter named Sora and she becomes a tailor, she'll be called Akaito Sora. If she doesn't, she'll stay Roronoa Sora. Another important thing about the Akaito Clan is that they have the sewing needle pierced through their left ear - and this continues with Cora's kids! BUT because jewelry is generally so important to Cora as a person and is a huge symbolic thing for her relationship with Zoro and Sanji, this also carries over to their kids. So, the swordfighters of the family get a dangly earring on the left side and the ones who use Sanji's kick-based fighting style get an anklet on the right. Any other body part is free reign and the whole family uses that pretty liberally. Let me tell you, the Akaito-Roronoas love their jewelry. Also, this absolutely applies to any of the kids she babysits.
Speaking of kids she babysits, Reina/Pandora Island is basically just Straw Hat daycare/summer camp. I'm very convinced that most of the Straw Hats would not settle down, and they probably either can't or just don't want to take their kids with them. So, they leave them with the only crewmate that actually has settled down - and that's Cora! Also, she probably talks them into doing just that because she cares a lot for the safety of those kids (especially since they'll inevitably become just as reckless as their parents) and she loves taking care of kids. And just like that, the Akaito-Roronoas and the other Straw Hat kids basically grow up as one family on the island of their auntie Cora and become just as close as the Straw Hats are amongst each other.
And while they're there, they get to learn how to cook, how to swordfight with various swords like a rapier, a katana, a freaking longsword (thanks @supermarine-silvally for the idea, I'll touch on it later) etc, how to fight using only their legs, how to sew, crochet, knit... There's so much they can do! Plus, the island is full of fun plants and animals, and I'm willing to bet one of the Straw Hats or their associates (possibly a certain archaeologist) may have opened up a sort of school too. Straw Hat associates get to come to the island too, of course, and the babysitting service is open to them too. Bringing orphans or abandoned kids that you just happened upon on your travels to the island is also allowed. That place is a child's paradise as long as Cora and the Straw Hats have the say there.
They're giving out last names like candy too. "Oh you wanna learn how to sew? You're an Akaito now." "Hey, you're really interested in history? Oh boy do I have a name for you. You prefer medicine? Well guess what I got!" "You like swordfighting? Would you like to share a name with the World's Greatest Swordsman?" "Don't have a last name? Don't like your last name? How would you like to have the name of the King of the Pirates?" Sometimes they invent last names too, sort of like how the Marines give out epithets but they're good traits and are a sign of respect and love.
Currently drawing a blank on anything more to touch on (if you have any questions or thoughts please let me know!) and I don't have any set ideas for any kids right now, so... time to talk about something that @supermarine-silvally and I talked about, and that's the topic of what happens to Mihawk after Zoro beats him:
I say he moves in on Reina/Pandora Island! Well... sort of. He does live there, apparently, but he's more of an island cryptid. Sometimes he's just chilling on the island, sometimes he's giving swordfighting lessons, sometimes he tends to one of the gardens, and sometimes he just straight up disappears for a while because his social battery needs to recharge. The kids love him. They go "Look! That's my grandpa Mihawk!" He's also one of the island's main defense mechanisms. Should anyone dare try to attack the island, Mihawk just appears on his little coffin canoe and slices their entire fleet in half. It's not like Zoro couldn't do that, but he's busy travelling around. Sanji could also absolutely destroy those ships and they wouldn't even see him coming or leaving, but he's busy with his restaurant. Cora could do it, but she prefers taking care of the kids and it's a lot easier for Mihawk to do. Also, he needs enrichment every once in a while because even if he is retired, I can't imagine him as someone who could just quit being a swordsman. He also gets the added bonus of tailor-made clothes from Cora herself because we all know he's a fancy one.
That's it! Hope you enjoyed.
Also, pssst, there's a Cora drawing incoming...
Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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skygemspeaks · 8 months
do you guys want to hear about my sanji's siblings love him au?
who am i kidding, of course you do
ichiji, niji, and yonji run on facts and logic. they're programmed to have loyalty to their family, and sanji is part of that family, even if he can't do everything they can do.
and the way they see it, it just makes more sense for their loyalty to lie with the brother they shared a womb with for nine months over the father that insists on abusing all of them.
it's not sanji's fault that he's weak and has emotions. that's an objective fact. he was born the way he was. it could just as easily have been any of the rest of them that were different.
so sure, they'll follow judge's orders, because they have to, because it's what they were born to do, but they're not gonna take any of the shitty things people do or say about their brother, least of all their father
sora adores her children. because judge hurt them terribly by taking away their free will, but that's none of their fault, and they're trying in the only way they know how. she's patient with them, trying to teach them about morality and the importance of doing the right thing
at their age, they don't really understand it, but they do notice that people are more likely to do what they want with little fuss if they treat them the way their mom says they should
but then their mom dies, and maybe the loss of his wife is what pushes judge over the edge but he lashes out at sanji, because somehow in his mind sanji is the reason for sora's death. if it weren't for the poison she had taken, which had turned sanji into the weakling that he was, sora would still be alive
ichiji and the other two are furious. they hate this empire that their father has built for himself - and that little fact, that they can hate it at all - goes unnoticed by all of the kids
but they do hate it, and with their mother gone there's no reason for them to stay. so they take sanji, and they take reiju, and the five kids escape from the Germa kingdom and never look back
they work whatever odd jobs they can. and then one day they come across zeff - after he had been rescued from the island he was stranded on for months
and this zeff still has both legs and he didn't suffer as much because he didn't have a child to give up all his food for, but he still decides to give up pirating. he lost his entire crew in that storm, and he has no desire to sail the seas without them
so he had set out to fulfill his dream of building a floating restaurant for himself. he's living on an island in the east blue, and he comes across these five children. one of them, sanji, latches onto him as soon as he finds out that he's a chef. slowly, over the months, their relationship develops and grows stronger.
zeff isn't an idiot, he knows there's something wrong with these kids, but he doesn't pay it much mind. he treats them like any other children, with all the kicking and scolding that entails
normally ichiji and the others wouldn't put up with this kind of treatment from anyone, but they see the way sanji and reiju latch onto zeff, the way the two of them follow him like lost puppies and positively preen at any positive attention he gives them, and they decide they'll put up with it.
it's not like the crappy geezer's kicks actually hurt the three of them
so zeff takes reiju and the boys in, even if it means that food will be a little tight until their restaurant gets off the ground.
the 5 of them grow up on the baratie, protecting their home and surrounded by the gruffly affectionate cooks that are drawn to their father's way of life. it's so different from the environment that they had been born into that they don't know what to think. sanji and reiju take to their new life like fish to water, but it takes a little longer for the boys
yonji respects sanji like he respects his other older brothers. he watches sanji, sees the way he loves and hurts and grows. the intensity of the things sanji feels is completely foreign to yonji, but it stirs an unknown feeling in yonji's heart. he doesn't know what it is, but it makes him short-tempered with his brother
by now zeff has been around his kids for a while, and he's more or less figured out what's up. yonji learns from zeff that what he's feeling is jealousy. that he wants something sanji has that he doesn't
which should be impossible.
yonji doesn't feel things.
zeff shrugs and doesn't argue. he just leaves his kid to figure things out on his own.
after that, it happens slowly, so very slowly, but over time, ichiji, niji, and yonji start feeling more and more emotions. their emotions are still pretty dull in comparison to the frightening intensity of what sanji, reiju, and other people feel, but they cherish this new aspect of themselves.
and it turns out that sanji hadn't been the only one affected by their mother's desperate attempt to save her babies. the others had as well. it had just taken a little more work to draw their humanity out of them
by the time don krieg makes the ill-fated decision to attack the baratie, they still don't have the depth of emotion that other humans do. and maybe they never will. but they have enough to know that they will destroy anyone who even thinks of threatening their father's treasure
and they have enough to shed tears when their brother - a piece of their hearts - sets off with the future king of the pirates
it hurts, to have him leave them. and that hurt is something they wouldn't have had to feel if they had remained the way they were as children
but even that hurt is precious to them
because it's a product of how far they've come, and how much they've gained
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
Omg your Sora/Banchina post is so good 😭 i loved read this, and like, Sanji's brothers (and sis) would be really protective of Sora and their brother, so when Sanuso start to date would be kinda a chaos
When Sanuso starts dating, it is the most chaotic thing in the world.
You see, the brothers are always being a bit mean to Sanji because he is a crybaby but it's just in the regular, normal, sane way siblings act. But if there is any possibility of Sanji being in danger/away from them, they get really protective.
They don't have any issues with Banchina and, in fact, they love her so much it's insane. They enjoy her company and help and they're always asking when she's coming over too because "Mommy looks happier when she is around, so we want her to come back!". Until one day they don't have to keep asking because she is constantly there. And they love her. They are... Intense and clingy with Sora, yes, and won't dare to leave her side either. And if they realize there is something romantic going on, they won't hesitate to be even more protective. But in general they accept Banchina right away because, again, she looks happier than when she is alone with her thoughts (<- Sora tries to hide it, but they did run away from Germa, after all. She is worried Judge might find them. Always thinking what would have happened to her little angels if she hadn't saved them. Always, always taking care of them).
But!!!!!! It's a different story with Usopp.
You know, when they meet, they are kids. And Sanji is a sweetie pie. And naive. And maybe Usopp gets a bit carried away with his lies and maybe Sanji believes all of them. But they're cute little lies and they always make Sanji happy, so it's fine. Basically, more storytelling than anything. And it's not that the siblings don't like him! In fact, Usopp's aiming/shooting skills are already pretty good and they're impressed by that. Always asking him if he can do tricks with them.
Buuuut. Usopp is younger and anxious and God the brothers love to tease him about Sanji and they try to make him stutter when he is lying/storytelling to make fun of him in front of Sanji. It's just silly and it's all kids games. Nothing cruel. But!!!!! But there is also the realization that "they like each other. Usopp likes Sanji". And at first, it's just a silly thing so they make fun of them, but as they grow up together, their crushes on each other also do and it's like,,, It's something they learn to live with. They get used to it.
They've been in love forever and they are 17/15 and haven't confessed yet and it is just their normal behavior. Everyone can see they're in love. And when the "they are actually in love and it's not only a crush thing" sinks in, the brothers do get a bit protective. Because Sanji knows how to defend himself thanks to them but, again, Zeff's influence is crucial for Sanji's character so I think here he'd be just a little tiny bit softer than usual? Not really. Same personality. But the sibs just feel like they need to take care of him. Not gonna explain this word for word but-- There is obviously the "we're so done with you pining over longnose, PLEASE just confess so we don't have to hear you anymore" conversation with Sanji and "if you hurt him we will kill you. We could do it. Eyes closed. No hesitation. Don't you even dare make him cry once-" with Usopp. They regret it immediately, tho, because when Sanji and Usopp start dating they become ever more annoying and clingy and it's,, Impossible.
They all share a room. Not really. Reiju has her own room and the brothers sleep on a different one. Bunkbeds and everything. And even if they didn't sleep there together, the house is small and the walls are thin and they can't have any privacy in there. And they're always eating together because of course they all love Sanji's cooking, but he is always so cheesy with Usopp they prefer to kick them out of there and eat leftovers. This starts when they're 17/15, right? So it's two... Whole years... Dealing with them... Until they go with Luffy.....
Oh!!!!!! And Reiju. She is the sweetest and gets along with Usopp SO well. She and Sora are always talking with him about Sanji and they're so so so supportive. Reiju is the one to always defend these two from the other 3 idiots.
But it's alright because the brothers always find ways of teasing their new brother-in-law ("I'm not married to Sanji, though-" / "With the way he looks at you, you might want to start preparing for the wedding already"). So at least they have fun. But sometimes they look at Usopp in a weird, defensive way and he gets,,,, Scared.
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
I love the warlord!Sanji acesan shovel talk sm <3 also this is really sad but what would have happnd if sanji's execution had succeeded and he really did die? i nkow the warlords prbly wouldve still declared war on the wg and the straw hats would wreak havoc as wle, but do you have any thoughts? how does each parent grieve, how do the crew react upon finding sanji's secret only after his death? can sanji ever be brought back- maybe reiju pulls through again somehow with germa tech that somehow revives sanji- or is he gone forever? these thoughts are haunting me
First, his execution if succeeded, would have been taped and possibly broadcasted after the fact, ensuring the fact his death is in fact truthful. The only person up on the platform who looks pleased is Akainu the fucker. Kizaru, usually so unbothered, and Sengoku watched this kid grow up in Warlord meetings but justice comes first and Sanji is a pirate. When Sanji is asked if his parents would be proud Sanji just smiles and in a way similar to Ace and says his parents would be proud, but not the ones the Government wants. After all, he was raised by five Warlords. He's smiling at Akainu, smiling in the face of death and stabbed by the spear/trident things they use in the executions.
The next the newscoo brings reports of Doflamingo and Boa Hancock declaring war on the World Government, the day after Mihawk, a few days later Crocodile and those he rounded up from Baroque Works. Jinbei doesn't but the crew sees how stricken he is. It is immensely heartbreaking to hear Jinbei cry about Sanji, his son, which rocks the crew. They plan a funeral and send out the calls to inform everyone when and where.
Everyone turns up, Law and his crew, Vivi and Karoo, Ace and the White Beard fleet, Perona, and the four warlords who declared war against the government. Law and Vivi are immediately ready for a fight but Jinbei stops them, reminding them they're all here for the same reason. They don't entirely let their guard down and when Zoro asks Perona how she knew Sanji she looks at him like he's dumb.
"We grew up in the warlord meetings together, dummy. He was my baby brother basically." Perona huffs and Mihawk sends a glare at them both.
"Does Moria know you're here?" Crocodile asks her.
"He let me go to Mihawk's for weeks on end to see Sanji, I don't see how his funeral would be different." Perona says solemnly and Crocodile nods. After the "service" if you could call it that everyone parts ways. The crew deals with the fact Sanji was raised differently. Zoro and Nami are angry at the secret, Franky and Robin understand the necessity of such a secret. Brook tries to comfort Jinbei but no parent should have to bury their child. Luffy is angry that Sanji is dead, furious, he doesn't care who Sanji's parents are, doesn't matter. Usopp and Chopper are crying, they've always been pretty free with their emotions so more secrets are just more tears for them.
As for the warlords grieving? Crocodile has always been a workaholic so he's definitely rebuilding his empire while waging war. Boa retakes Amazon Lily and builds a shrine to Sanji that's private, for her and Sanji's fathers. She sits by it every time she gets home and just sobs and lets her anger fester until she goes out again. Doflamingo lets his fury guide him, he's never really had to mourn before. He doesn't understand it and so he just kills whoever is in his way to get to whoever sanctioned the killing of his child. Similarly Mihawk has never really had to mourn before, but he understands the process in theory. He probably calls Shanks up at one point to ask when he stopped crying about Roger and Shanks admits he still cries about it, not as often, maybe a couple of times a year but in the beginning it was a lot and often.
Below is if Sanji is saved, miraculously.
IF SANJI is brought back by Reiju, or in my beautiful world of all the siblings defying Judge because the brothers are learning emotions, 0124 bring Sanji back I can't imagine them bringing Sanji to the Sunny is a safe option. Nor is Amazon Lily or Kuriagana and Doffy doesn't even have a ship which leads to four genetically modified siblings dropping off the least modified sibling in front of Daz, Croc, and a few others as they rush to explain they saved Sanji and revived him and they can't see their brother's crew because of the pact Judge has with Luffy. Sanji is also probably a mess because he died and now he's not dead and is having several issues with that and being away from crew.
Croc's first thought is to get his dumbass kid re-acclimated to being alive first and reuniting him with his crew second. The first does involve some of the best doctors Croc knows running tests on his kid to make sure he's alright because he knows Sanji has been revived before when he was a kid in Germa, also they used Germa tech to do it which makes it worse. But once Sanji is relatively calmed down and used to being alive again Crocodile calls the parents and lets them know A. Sanji is alive thanks to Germa tech and his siblings and B. Is taking him to his crew.
His crew is ecstatic to see him and there's happy tears all over but also he's alive. Reiju explains everything and Sanji is tucked away in a pile of Strawhat Pirates.
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doctorgerth · 5 years
I'm ususally a pretty quiet and shy 19 year old girl when meeting people but i am outgoing with people I know very well. Im naturally friendly and willing to listen to people's problems and rants. I get very easily amused and laugh just as easily. I'm very oblivious when anyone has any interest in me. And most of the time cannot pick up on hints and have to be told bluntly what things mean. I am also a daydreamer, often found in my own head and get distracted easily. I am very affectionate, and I love hugs and kisses! Yet i get very easily flustered when someone shows me any affection back, especially in public. I can be stubborn at times. I prefer to listen to reason and I am a very cautious individual, preferring to think about things before I do anything. I am fairly short, at 5'4 and sprinkles of freckles on my nose/cheeks and shoulders. And I dont mind either gender nor do I mind age! Though I do prefer older males
Thank you thank you thank you, @doflomingos-glasses! You have been so kind to me since I’ve started, and I am beyond excited to give this matchup to you. Hope you enjoy x
Your match is...
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This is a bit different, considering your personalities aren’t quite the same. However, you are the perfect choice for Zoro! His stoic personality and your friendliness balance each other out pretty well. Though he’s not usually capable of friendliness or a willingness to listen to others’ problems, he really admires those traits of yours. People tell him all the time how nice you are, and he just smiles...it makes him so proud to have you as his! 
Zoro can definitely be blunt for you. He grows impatient rather quickly after dropping hints and you not getting them; but it’s not like his hints were that readable in the first place?? He prefers action over words anyway, since he is not quite the best with them, so he will prove his affection for you by randomly hugging/kissing you or simply just blurting out “HEY, I LIKE YOU!”. Zoro is a blushing mess when he does this, but hey, at least you should definitely understand his feelings now!
He has the potential to be logical like you, but having Luffy as his captain, he tends to jump into trouble without thinking twice about it. You often scold him for this, reminding him that he needs to be cautious every now and then, but honestly those words fall on deaf ears. You’re both pretty stubborn, causing you two to bump heads often. He apologizes to you with a cuddle session, knowing you crave physical touch, and honestly, he craves it just as much. He would never admit it out loud, but holding you in his arms up in the crow’s nest or in the privacy of his quarters is definitely his happy place. Zoro is not one for PDA either, so he is completely content with caressing you behind closed doors. There’s something about the warmth of your skin against his fingers that relaxes him.
Zoro is a private man; not very emotional. Though, strangely enough, he is very in tune with yours. He knows exactly when you are upset, happy, angry, or whatever without you hardly showing any emotion. (This makes him a great dad as well, being very in tune with what his kid needs. Zoro is surprisingly amazing with kids?). Through you, he is learning how to be a better listener. It took quite a while to get him to open up to you (he believes emotions are highly boring to talk about), but you were and are always so willing to listen to his problems. He knows this can get exhausting, so he’s learning so he can listen to your problems as well. He knows how it feels to bottle things up, and he never wants you to go through that. 
Since emotions aren’t really his thing, Zoro is unlikely to offer cutesy words or overly romantic gestures. He often makes his love for you known through acts of service. He wants you to be proud and appreciate his skills in getting things done, but he also yearns for freedom to do his own thing. Zoro is pretty independent, and he truly appreciates how you are not constantly clung to his side. You two can be off doing your own thing and know you two are still crazy for each other. 
Zoro is also quite the teaser. Instead of verbally making fun of your height difference, he’ll do things like casually leaning his arm atop your head or putting things you need on higher shelves so you really have to reach (or ask him to get it for you!) in order to get it. He could never make fun of your freckles though, as they are the cutest thing about you to him. <3
Other potential suitors:
Nami - she is a sucker for freckles on a beautiful woman. Nami also loves how rational you are, thinking things through before committing, because she is surrounded by idiots who do the exact opposite! She’s a very blunt person, so you will definitely know when she has feelings for you. She’s not afraid to shout it to the world!
Reiju - since she comes from such a cold, emotionless family, your friendliness and willingness to listen to others really warms her heart. She was instantly drawn to how easily she could open up to you. You are truly a light casting in her dark world, and she absolutely loves you for it. Reiju loves to kiss and hold you all over, even wanting to rub it in her brothers’ faces, but she understands how easily PDA flusters you (she finds it absolutely endearing). You inspire her to be a more loving, forgiving, and kinder person every day.
Rosinante - Rosi lives for your sweet laughter. It truly amuses him how even the simplest things can make you giggle! The sound of your laughter is a sweet joy that makes his world seem instantly brighter. He’s been through some stuff, so having you to make him smile/listen to his problems really helps him make it through the day. He doesn’t know how he managed to live without you before! 
Hope you enjoyed, darling! x
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