#lilia's untamed adventures
Lilia's Untamed Adventures
Lilia: *singing* Time to watch Asian men, frolicking around China's yards~ Playing in the grasses, hitting each other with their tiny fake swords~
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Lilia's Untamed Adventures - Episode 1, Pt 4
The Cultivators: *do flips and tricks*
Lilia: Are they Spiderman?
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Lilia's Untamed Adventures - Episode 2, Pt 1
Lilia, reading subtitles: Good work, Lan clan of Goku.
Ailbe: Gusu?
Lilia: Goku!
Ailbe: Okay, he's of Goku now.
Anima: Huh, I didn't realize Goku fathered a whole clan.
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Lilia's Untamed Adventures - Episode 1, Pt 2
Lilia, seeing Wei's scars: Looks like jam. Looks like my Goobers. Wanna scoop some on my bread.
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Lilia's Untamed Adventures - Episode 2, Pt 3
Lilia: Wei, are you Charmin clean?
Ailbe: Charmin did not exist at this time!
Lilia: Charmin existed when Jesus was alive! How do you think he got his hiney clean? Jesus deserves the best!
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Lilia's Untamed Adventures - Episode 2, Pt 2
Wei: *hiding behind a tree*
Lilia: He sees you, bitch! What you hidin' for? You think he's stupid?
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Lilia's Untamed Adventures - Episode 1, Pt 7
Lilia: Apple is my favorite character. And the man with the lips.
Ailbe: Well, they're both on screen, so there you go.
Lilia: Is he?
Ailbe: Yeah, see the Goobers?
Lilia: Ah, yes.
Squish: What?
Lilia: His arm looks like Goobers and he has nice lips. They suckable lips.
Ailbe: Okay then.
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Lilia's Untamed Adventures - Episode 1, Pt 6
Lilia: Get your eyes back into your skull right. Hello? Come back to the world.
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Lilia's Untamed Adventures - Episode 1, Pt 5
Lilia: *freaking out over demon-possessed hand*
Ailbe: You watch Supernatural!
Lilia: Supernatural is hot!
Ailbe: You liked the one guy's lips!
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Lilia's Untamed Adventures - Episode 1, Pt 3
Mo family member: *is possessed*
Lilia: Ew! Ew!
Ailbe: You watch Supernatural. Why you actin' like this?
Lilia: They were American!
Ailbe: ...
Squish: That... Makes it less creepy?
Lilia: Yes. The Chinese sneak into your room. The Ring, the Grudge...
Squish: ...The Grudge is Japanese. The Ring isn't even Asian.
Ailbe: Also. Supernatural is Canadian. But okay.
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Lilia's Untamed Adventures - Episode 1, Pt 1
Wei: *has blood on his chin*
Lilia: Get that Kool-aid off your face.
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